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Dulu Benci, Sekarang Cinta
Oke, dari sini aku paham cara memperkenalkan anak2ku dengan Kimia. Supaya ga trauma Kimia kayak Ibunya.
Kalau Math so far impressionnya masih baik karena diperkenalkan dengan cara project berdagang. Siapa siih yg gasuka dapet duit, ya kan? Kemaren tabina hepi banget dapet duit 60rebu, hasil dari jualan gelang dan cincin manik2 yg dia buat.
Dari project manik2 aja dia udah belajar: mengenal pattern, ngitung manik2, belajar teori warna utk membuat perpaduan warna manik2 yg menarik, mengasah motorik halus mencapit manik2 yg ukurannya keciil, lebih kecil dari upil dgn kedua tangannya. Bahkan dia belajar cara pakai tang utk menjepit stopper, kodokan, dan kokot udang buat sambungan gelangnya. Saat market day berlangsung, dia belajar ngitung kembalian pake uang real. Belajar ngitung profit, omset, dan modal --> Beuh udah lengkap banget ga nih, belajar pertambahan, pengurangan, perkalian, pembagian.
Belum lagi anak2 belajar softskill. Teknik2 marketing: bikin brand, mikirin packaging, presentasiin produk, cara meyakinkan calon pembeli, sampe ngerayu pembeli utk membeli lebih banyak dengan cara bundling harga. Wkwkwk. Masya Allah Tabarakallah. Belajar memang harus seseru ituu!
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Governo alerta que Portugal vai precisar de mais de 30 mil professores até 2030
O ministro da Educação, João Costa, alertou que Portugal vai precisar de mais de 30 000 professores até 2030, frisando que a docência é uma "profissão com futuro".
"Nós vamos precisar até 2030 de mais de 30 000 novos professores e, desde o primeiro momento em que eu e o senhor secretário de Estado assumimos esta pasta, não tivemos qualquer hesitação em dizer e isso está no programa do Governo, que temos um problema para resolver, um problema de falta de professores", assumiu o governante no VIII Encontro Internacional sobre Inovação Pedagógica SUPERTABI 2023, na Maia, distrito do Porto.
O problema de falta de professores não é apenas português, mas sim global que tem várias correlações e explicações, sendo alvo de debate em vários fóruns internacionais, referiu.
"Há questões de carreira, há questões motivacionais, há questões da existência de mais empregos nalgumas áreas em que o ensino era maioritariamente a saída profissional. Portanto, isto também está a ser discutido neste palco internacional", explicou.
O detentor da pasta da Educação ressalvou a importância de transmitir aos jovens a mensagem de que a docência é "uma profissão com futuro".
E, por isso, o Governo está a desenvolver medidas para reduzir a precariedade, as distâncias e os tempos até a estabilização na carreira e a introduzir novos níveis remuneratórios para os jovens olharem para a docência como "uma carreira em que vale a pena apostar", ressalvou.
Mas, acrescentou, como em todas as profissões e setores há razões de protesto e insatisfação.
João Costa disse que, neste momento, a procura pela docência aumentou desde que o Governo começou a explicitar "muito claramente" que o país precisa de professores.
"Há uma procura muito maior nos cursos de formação de professores, nos cursos de educação básica, nas escolas superiores de educação e nos mestrados em ensino temos mais candidatos do que houve na última década", salientou.
Motivo pelo qual, o Ministério da Educação está agora a trabalhar com o Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior para reforçar a capacidade formativa das universidades, concluiu.
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seunggrii said: just followed your twitter btw :3
yay yay i hope you don't find my nonsensical tweets annoying haha
supertabi said: same
sobs i just can't stop tweeting about perfect men that is big bang
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supertabi replied to your post: cray-0nforbb replied to your post:...
안 녕하 제요? Before I permanently start calling you unnie, how old are you?? HAHAHA and hi, I’m Drew. :)
행복한!! (lol, were u really asking that?)
hehe, you should read my respond above yours jsut now.. =3
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Tumblr Crushes:
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Hey there! Since I want to get you know you more... I tagged you. Kekekeke. :3 /post/39284383751/tagged-by-bigbanglust
1. Hi! What’s your name? (Just in case we haven’t talked before aha, if we have, hiiiiii let me love you) If I already know your name, where are you from?
Giorgia, from Italy!
2. How old are you? :3
Almost 17.
3. Since when were you into KPOP?
Already more than 2 years. :3
4. What brought you into the KPOP fandom?
A friend of mine!
5. What’s your favorite KPOP song of all time? Why?
..too hard. I won't choose ahahah
6. Do you like reading books? If so, what are your favorites?
I LOVE it. I love Wuthering Heights.
7. Are you into watching TV series? What series do you watch?
DR HOUSE 8. Who do you ship in Bigbang/2NE1?
TODAE. *-*
9. If you could meet your bias, what would you seriously tell them?
..that he has to work really hard.
10. What do you usually do when you’re down?
Stay at computer :3
11. Any New Year’s resolutions?
Nope lol
thank you for taggin' me
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tagged by supertabi
Hi! What’s your name? (Just in case we haven’t talked before aha, if we have, hiiiiii let me love you) If I already know your name, where are you from?
I'm Cherr from Indonesia ^^'
How old are you? 15
Since when were you into KPOP? A year and 2 months ago
What brought you into the KPOP fandom? Well, my first fandom is triple S so i guess SS501 is what brought me here :p
What’s your favorite KPOP song of all time? Why? Love Song. I don't know it's just so deep and meaningful and soft but catchy.
Do you like reading books? If so, what are your favorites? YES OF COURSE. HARRY POTTER IS MY FAVORITE OMG
Are you into watching TV series? What series do you watch? YES. MY FAVORITE IS SHERLOCK AND GAME OF THRONES WDJFNEKJFBRJBFG
Who do you ship in Bigbang/2NE1? GTOP and i don't really like yuri so yea.... lol but i like daragon ^^
If you could meet your bias, what would you seriously tell them? "I love you, please be happy :D"
What do you usually do when you’re down? talking to my panda doll since i nearly have no one to talk to lol
Any New Year’s resolutions? BUYING ALIVE TOUR DVD, AND GO TO SEOUL
Sorry I'm too lazy to make another question T_T
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Buat yang lagi nyari tempat tinggal
Barusan ngobrol sama temen yg sedang galau mau pindah rumah. Beliau nyari kondisi lingkungan yg kondusif utk anak2nya. Mulai dari one gate system, ada security 24 jam, tetangga2nya educated, dilengkapi CCTV, dll. Pokoknya semuanya bisa dikontrol. Yah begitu lah ya, impian semua orang. Tiba2 ingin menulis ini karena saya pernah melihat sendiri ada pasangan yang sampai bertikai karena persoalan tempat tinggal~
Ga ada yg salah sih pengen punya lingkungan hidup yg baik. Bahkan di dalam islam sebelum nyari tempat tinggal kita kudu lihat tetangganya dulu. Apakah kondusif atau engga sama keimanan kita. Dan kalau bisa memilih, pilih lah lingkungan yg dekat dengan mesjid. Yang jadi masalah ituu, kita pengen punya tempat tinggal ideal tapi kantong ga ideal. Wkwkwk. Yu know what i mean. Kan rata2 tempat tinggal "aman, nyaman" itu pricey ya. Ketika ada benturan antara harapan dan realita. Gimana dong?
Hamba sudah melewatinya. Setelah pindah dari kota ke kabupaten, dari perumahan yg dijagain security, hijrah ke perumahan yg bentukan bangunan seikhlasnya. Ga ada security. Ga ada pintu gerbang, Blong aja. Punya tetangga yg hobby bakar sampah. Sebelah rumah ngoleksi motor racing dgn suara knalpot yang menguji kesabaran, belom lagi kalo suara knalpot itu saut2an dgn speaker mesjid yg stereonya udah pecah saking volumenya dipaksain maksimal. wkwkwk. Trus sampah cuma diangkut 1 minggu sekali itupun kalo TPS aman. Kalau TPS penuh, bisa2 cuma diangkut sebulan 2x. Belum lagi tiap kemarau suka mati air. Pokoknya everything is uncontrol-able. Kebayang kan ya.
Tapi surprisingly hidup di lingkungan yg heterogen, dengan banyak ketidakidealan ini membuat cara berpikir saya berubah. Seolah-olah Allah tuh pengen mentraining saya untuk terbiasa berhadapan dgn hal2 yang di luar ekspektasi.
Setelah 2 thn tinggal di sini, ternyata saya baik-baik aja dengan semua ini. Pengen pindah rumah? Boleh lah kalo dibayarin wkwkwk. Tapi saya jg heran kok saya betah2 aja di sini. Udah berada di titik melihat hal2 yg ga enak itu (bakar sampah, asep knalpot dll) bukan masalah besar bagi saya. Justru saya jadi belajar bersahabat dengan ketidaksempurnaan. Belajar berkompromi dgn perbedaan. Ujung2nya belajar ridha qada dan qadarNya Allah.
Walaupun sampe di titik ini masih harus banyak belajar berlapang dada, tapi makin sadar kalau anak2 kita ga bisa terus2an tinggal di lingkungan yg steril. Ketika anak2 pulang bawa oleh2 berupa kosakata "kasar", ya kita ga boleh bosen "nyeseuh". Cuci lagi, cuci lagi. Cuci kekotoran itu dgn yg bersih2. Kuatin lagi value keluarganya. Masya Allah, ajaran ust Aad bahwa anak2 harus bisa dibenturkan dgn realita kehidupan ini sangat membekas di pikiran saya. Lucunya, orangtua pengen anak tangguh, tapi ga tega melihat anak menderita. Kita pengen anak2 kita imannya kuat, tapi ga ridha kalau Allah uji keimanan anak2 lewat lingkungan. Padahal kekuatan iman itu muncul kalau udah diuji kan. Allah sendiri yang bilang di AL Quran kalau Allah akan uji setiap hamba yg mengaku dirinya beriman.
Tinggal pakuat-kuat pengaruh aja nih. Siapa yg lebih mempengaruhi anak, ortunya atau lingkungannya? Siapa yg akan jadi tempat bertanya, dan perpulang anak? Teman2nya atau rumah? Dan itu ga bisa instant, perlu investasi semenjak mereka keciil. Anak yg bonding dan trustnya kuat sama ortunya pasti akan selalu bertanya pendapat ortuny ketika melihat hal2 yg bertentangan dengan fitrah di circle pergaulannya, bukan alih2 ikut terjerumus atau menjadi follower semata. Ah, siapapun yg sedang cari tempat tinggal, semoga Allah beri yg terbaik ya. Semangaat! ;)
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Ministro da Educação pediu parecer sobre uso de telemóvel nas escolas por ser "tema complexo"
O ministro da Educação explicou esta quarta-feira ter pedido um parecer ao Conselho das Escolas sobre o uso de telemóveis dentro dos estabelecimentos de ensino por se tratar de um "tema complexo" e para não decidir de "forma intempestiva".
"Acho que é um tema complexo e porque é complexo nós precisamos do saber de quem sabe, em particular dos professores e das direções [das escolas] que estão no terreno e, por isso, é que pedi este parecer ao Conselho das Escolas para não decidir por achismo ou de alguma forma intempestiva", afirmou João Costa no VIII Encontro Internacional sobre Inovação Pedagógica SUPERTABI 2023, na Maia, distrito do Porto.
Assumindo não ter uma "posição definida" sobre o assunto, o governante vincou, contudo, não ser "adepto da proibição, mas mais adepto da promoção de hábitos saudáveis".
Os Agrupamentos de Escolas de Almeirim vão proibir o uso de telemóveis nas escolas do 1.º ciclo no próximo ano letivo, de acordo com uma recomendação do Conselho Municipal de Educação cujos diretores votaram favoravelmente.
Já em 2017, a Escola EB 2/3 António Alves Amorim, de Santa Maria da Feira, no distrito do Porto, proibiu o uso de telemóveis em todo o recinto, levando a que os alunos socializem mais entre si e evitem situações de 'bullying' na internet.
João Costa considerou que o telemóvel é também um recurso didático, preocupando-o, no entanto, o aumento de "algumas questões de segurança e de `cyberbullying´".
"Aquilo que me preocupa, dizendo assim, é quando estou em escolas e vejo às vezes nos intervalos que os alunos não falam uns com os outros, estão todos com os olhos postos no ecrã", frisou.
E acrescentou: "Preocupam-me algumas questões de segurança e de 'cyberbullying' que tem aumentado".
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tagged by supertabi
pretty much bored so this comes at the right time, alright!
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them
1. Hi! What’s your name? (Just in case we haven’t talked before aha, if we have, hiiiiii let me love you) If I already know your name, where are you from?
I'm RACHEL, I'm from sunny island Singapore.
2. How old are you? :3
Fifteen. (well.. you can count that i'm fifteen already lol since my birthday is on Jan 2 )
3. Since when were you into KPOP?
28th May 2012. I remember that day like it was yesterday.
4. What brought you into the KPOP fandom?
I remember me and my close friend were on a school excursion overseas, and it was cold, so when we sat in the coach in our blankets that night, my friend took out her light blue iPod and showed me a song she thought was nice. She wasn't a kpop fan, she just chanced upon the song. I remember listening to the song on repeat for hours that night, and through that I became a fan of that group who sang the song, as well as a kpop fan. That song was Haru Haru.
5. What’s your favorite KPOP song of all time? Why?
I don't have a favourite, because I think kpop is constantly reinventing itself and coming up with new ideas and new creations and new surprises. Thus so far I don't have an "all-time" favourite. Each song displays a new and important flavor in my knowledge of kpop, and picking one song above the rest would defeat the purpose. I do have songs that I really like and connect with though, and majority are BIGBANG songs ( le favs. A Good Man, Heaven, Cafe, Fantastic Baby.)
6. Do you like reading books? If so, what are your favorites?
Yes. Yes yes I love books, especially paperback/hardcover, and would never touch an e-book in my life. I AM A FAN OF THE HUNGER GAMES. I read mostly Young Adult Fiction from my neighbourhood's library, every book is beautiful in its own way.
7. Are you into watching TV series? What series do you watch?
I watch any crap I see on TV.
8. Who do you ship in Bigbang/2NE1?
Here comes the exciting part.
(major topbom/gtop shipper, *fangirls like shit*)
9. If you could meet your bias, what would you seriously tell them?
"You changed my life. I mean it. Now let's pack our bags and get on that helicopter I chartered"
10. What do you usually do when you’re down?
I watch TV. Call up my friends. It helps loaaaaads. Then I eat something I like. :)
11. Any New Year’s resolutions?
I won't do something stupid and kill myself next year. And the next. And the next.
My turn, baby.
topheart's questions:
1. What is your name, sweetheart? And how old are you?
2. Describe in full detail the shirt you are wearing now.
3. What are the BIGBANG merchandise you own?
4. Name something crazy your OTP did.
5. How do you call your bias in your head?
6. Favourite girl groups.
7. What are the 4 words you would say to Papa YG if you saw him.
8. A kpop group you dislike and why (don't be shy, everybody has millions.).
9. That BIGBANG song that NEVER fails to make you cry.
10. Upload your favourite gif of your bias.
Tag me once you're done, this was so fun while it lasted.
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supertabi replied to your post:hi guys. i decided to change my url from zicosuxx...
tabi stan fo lyfffffffffff
yes omg that man is perfect sobs
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Tagged by virginbae
Rule 2 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3 - Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4 - Let them know you’ve tagged them
1. What kpop merchandise do you want right now?
GD's One of a Kind Album, B1A4's In the Wind Album, a few posters, I want SHINee's and Exo's season greeting calender... and a bunch of other stuff.
2. What age were you when you found kpop?
Well I found K-Pop when I was 13, but I got really into it when I was 14.
3. If you could go to any concert, who would you go watch?
Did you mean one? Because I'm naming a lot lol; BigBang, Lee Hi, MBLAQ, BTOB, Miss A, B.A.P, EXO, SHINee, Super Junior, Infinite, 2NE1, U-Kiss, Block B, Teen Top, Kara, Beast, CNBlue, FTIsland, B1A4, Girl's Day, 2PM, 2AM, SNSD, Wonder Girls, Boyfriend, Tablo, Epik High, Cody Simpson, Lana Del Rey.
4. What was the last song you listened to?
Crayon - GD
5. What country do you want to go to?
SOUTH KOREA, Japan, and Australia.
6. What is music to you?
Wow I suck at explaining stuff like this ugh. Well, music makes me rly happy... some songs want to make me get up and dance, some make me want to just relax and it can change my mood. I just love music, kay?
7. What do you do when you’re bored? ( OTL I’m going blank )
Tumblr, Listen to music, look for something on YouTube, or watch K-Dramas :p
8. If you were famous would you talk about kpop? (hell I so would)
YESSSSSS, I would fangirl about it on like Twitter or whatever I would use and interviews !
9. What color is your hair?
It's like brown but there are some darker parts lol
10. Do you change your hair as much as GD?
Haha no
11. Write a letter to your ultimate bias. (this isn’t a question.. oppps)
Dear G-Dragon,
Please love me. We can get married in 3 years.
I love you.
What song got you into K-Pop?
How often does you bias list change?
If you could marry one of your bias, who would it be?
What are you favorite songs right now?
Favorite boy groups?
Favorite girl groups?
Favorite solo artist?
How many K-Dramas have you watched?
What's your favorite K-Drama?
How much gayer have you become since you discovered K-Pop? (LOL)
What is your New Year's Resolution?
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cray-0nforbb replied to your post: bigbangtopisbingu replied to your post: Talk to...
Ahhhhhhh that is what my senior told me. I’m enjoying it so far I’m just getting use to everything that’s why it sucks. Hahahaha. So I guess you’re my sunbaemin? Is it? Sorry if I’m wrong ^^
hmmm... i guess to most people that i know around here... i'm just a month latter than my top hyung.. ^^
yes, life after school is much harder... i'm so dead right now.. =/
supertabi replied to your post: Talk to me!
안녕, 언니! :)
동생!!!!!! ^^
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Mumpung masih kecil, ajak ngobrol!
Belum lama ini saya dapat curhatan dari ibu senior yg anak sulungnya udah masuk kuliah, anak bontotnya usia SMA. Ibu ini curhat karena merasa bingung, anak2nya udah pada susah diajak ngobrol :')
Yang sulung kuliah merantau, tiap pulang ke rumah sibuk sama hp. Begitupun anak bontotnya, sekolah full day, pulang2 udah ga mau diajak ngobrol. Alesannya udah capek sekolah, di rumah cuma pengen santai2 aja main hp. Sedangkan ibu ini ngerasa anak2 makin gede kok makin merasa kesepian ya, padahal kan kangeen banget sama anak2 yg udah jarang di rumah. Duh kebayang ya :')
Waktu main ke keluarga Sali, kami bahas obrolan menarik tentang generasi Fatherless. Betapa anak2 yg kecilnya ga deket sama ortu (terutama ayah), pas gedenya, tiap ketemu ayah, bingung mau ngobrol apa? Saking clue-less nya. Bingung mau bahas apa. Saking ga nyambungnya. Sedih ya :')
Dan hari ini, saya dapet insight dari buddy2-nya Supertabi. Tentang betapa berharganya waktu "ngobrol bareng" saat anak2 masih kecil. Sesederhana nontonin hujan yg turun saat berteduh di pelataran indomar*t. Semuanya bisa disambungin ke Asma Wasifat Allah. Kalau menghafal Asmaul Husna yg 99 itu sulit, kita coba dr yg lebih sederhana, yaitu 20 sifat wajib Allah.
Pak Arif Parenthanks bercerita, anaknya, Hawwin yg sekarang kls 4 SD sama sekali ga susah disuruh shalat. Tiap denger azan langsung bergegas. Bahkan kalo bapaknya telat shubuh, Hawwin yg bangunin. Masyaa Allah kok bisa gini? Ternyata sejak anak umur 2 thn tiap hari ga pernah luput dari dialog iman.
Pak Arif kasih contoh cerita menarik. Kebetulan di depan halaman rumah ada bunga pukul 8. Seperti namanya, bunga unik ini cuma mekar di jam 8 pagi. Suatu hari anaknya pernah tantrum ingin suatu benda yg belum bisa diberi ortunya. Pak Arif bilang,"nak, coba lihat bunga pukul 8 itu. Walaupun kamu nangis guling2 karena ingin bunga itu mekar di jam 12 malem, ga akan bisa. Karena Allah udah menentukan waktu mekarnya. Seingin apapun kita terhadap sesuatu, tapi kalau menurut Allah waktunya belum tepat, ya Allah belum kasih". Dan setelah itu anaknya berenti nangis.
*Bunga pukul delapan putih, Turnera ulmifolia
Masya Allah, emang bener namanya ga salah. Arif = Bijaksana. Nama keluarganya aja ParenThanks, agar terlahir anak2 yg penuh rasa syukur. Dan masih banyaak contoh2 dialog iman yg bisa kita contek2 inspirasinya.
Apa parameter Dialog Iman ini berhasil? Sampai anak bener2 cinta sama Allah. Cirinya? Ridho dengan perintah syariat. Ga merasa berat menjalankan ibadah, terutama shalat sehari 5x. Dan ini modal yg penting banget utk persiapan masa Baligh.
Jujur insight hari ini nabok banget sih, karena kami masih ada PR di dialog iman. Tabina ga sat-set kalau denger adzan berkumandang, cenderung santai, bahkan suka menunda2. Kadang nyuruhnya sampe drama, mulai pake suara lemah lembut ga mempan, kudu naik pitam dulu baru deh mau wudhu. Padahal anaknya udah 8 tahun. Bentar lagi mau 10 tahun. Duh mana anak sekarang Balighnya cepet banget T_T
Udah pernah konsultasi jg ke kakak Guru, kami dikasih PR utk memperbanyak dialog iman di rumah. Tuh kan, jadi inget PRnya ga tiap hari banget dikerjain :'\ Oke play with daddy harus difokuskan ke sini. Panggilan kepada Abba~
Ini nih serunya jadi warga CBE Whitebee. Kalau udah ketemu keluarga2 yg satu frekuensi, langsung dapet banyaak banget inspirasi yg bisa direnungi. Dapet ilmu gratis yg mahal. Ayok putus generasi fatherless. Yok Bisa Yok! Belajar dari Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Ya'Qub, Nabi Zakariya, dan Luqman Al Haqim - yg dialog antara BAPAK sama anaknya diabadikan dalam Al Quran. Dialog iman memang lebih efektif dari Ayah. Kata2nya irit, tapi menghujam ke dalam dada.
Baik ayah atau ibu, keduanya harus berperan dalam dialog iman. Tapi ibu2 itu kan terkenal bawel ya. Kata-katanya segalon. Padahal intinya cuma dikit. Anak udah keburu kabur duluan :))
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Belajar Mencintai Kekacauan
Ide-ide yang datang kepada kita harus kita perlakukan dengan hormat. Jangan sampai ide-ide ini disia-siakan di tangan kita. Di tangan si penggagas ide itu sendiri.
Menghargai ide yang datang adalah dengan cara mencintai proses. Proses itu rumit, proses itu kacau. Dan ini yang bikin kehidupan kek roller coaster, bukan? :D
Dari proses, kita belajar utk bersahabat dengan rasa kecewa jika tidak berjalan sesuai rencana. Dari proses, kita belajar menaklukan diri sendiri = ternyata hanya dengan konsistensi dan persistensi, ide2 yg awalnya abstrak bisa jadi nyata.
Karya adalah SEMUA yang terjadi di hari itu. Itulah proses, bukan sebuah benda.
Indahnya berkeluarga, kita selalu bisa mendiskusikan ide2 yang datang dengan pasangan dan anak2. Tantangannya adalah, membuat semua anggota keluarga merasa nyaman menyampaikan pendapatnya-walaupun tahu ga semua pendapat bisa dijalani. Dan beruntungnya saya diberikan pasangan si paling let's go. Yang selalu me-let's go-kan ide2 random saya sekalipun :))
Ini lah alasan saya ingin berkeluarga dulu: pengan punya keluarga Mastermind, yaitu sahabat berdiskusi ternyaman. Wadah dimana semua anggota keluarga berhak berpendapat, dan mengalirkan rasa tanpa takut di-judge. Tapi pada kenyataannya, tidak semudah itu mencapai titik ini.
Untuk bisa mencapai titik "Mastermind", kita perlu banyak latihan. Ga bisa ujug2 kompak. Cara melatihnya adalah dengan membiasakan membuat project bersama.
"Mau bikin project apa lagi ya?" ini yg sering jadi obrolan saya dan suami.
Segalanya berawal dari NGOBROL. Melibatkan anak2 sejak dini dengan project2 yg kita garap bisa melatih mereka menyampaikan pendapat, embrace ketidaknyamanan dalam menjalani proses, belajar kecewa dan belajar sedih jika pendapatnya ga dipakai, belajar menerima hasil musyawarah dengan lapang dada, belajar memahami value keluarga yg kami tanamkan pada setiap project.
Value apa yg ingin ditanamkan supertabi? Value ketauhidan, berani mencoba hal baru, berani mencintai proses. Tauhid menjadi penting karena akan menjadi batasan. Semua boleh kecuali yg dilarang syariat.
Tugas orangtua adalah menularkan semangat dan aura optimis. Bahagia itu menular, bukan?
TIPS. Untuk awalan memulai project dgn anak:
Ajak ngobrol: Apa yg paling disukai anak? karena outputnya harus bikin anak ketagihan.
Bikin project dgn durasi yg pendek. Coba maksimal 3 hari.
Akhiri dengan ngobrol. 3 hal yg perlu dibahas: 1. Apa yg paling seru saat ngerjain project ini? 2. Apresiasi (ucapan terimakasih), 3. Mau sukses apa lagi setelah ini? Apapun hasilnya, anggap saja anak sukses. Rayakan!
Buat ibu2 yg suka overthinking dengan hasil akhir (RUMAH BERANTAKAN). Sesi beres2 HARUS DIBAHAS pada saat diskusi berlangsung. Anak2 harus berperan ikut beres2. Berhentilah ngerjain project sebelum tenaga habis total, supaya masih punya tenaga buat beres2 :))
UNTUK SIPALING PERFEKSIONIS (me, me, me!) : Mulai aja dulu. Mengeksekusi ide ga harus sempurna. Bisa jadi, kita yg memulai dan anak2 kita yg menyempurnakannya di masa yg akan datang. Ini bukan tentang kompetisi, tapi kolaborasi.
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