thehammerhorse · 9 months
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This took 10 hours somehow? For a meme.
Flat colours and og meme underneath
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souporwholock · 3 months
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thatsgonnaleaveamark · 2 months
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@whumpgifathon - day 9 ↳ explosion
Mortel - 1x02
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hopexhappiness · 1 year
Tumblr doesn’t know how to react to real LGBTQ+ representation!
Years of queerbaiting, half assed tastes of what they desire from their favorite media and delusional hope have not prepared the ecosystem for progress in representation!
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headfullof-ideas · 6 months
I have discovered a trick for writing Ant and Madeline, the way they act with one another, and their friendship in general. And that is to treat them like they are just Hiccup and Ruffnut from HTTYD reincarnated in another life/world.
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princessplaidheart · 6 months
While watching season 12 of Supernatural, my husband and I got to "The One You've Been Waiting For," shortly before the boys storm in to rescue the girl and kill Hitler. Then this happens...
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...and my husband gets this wide-eyed, gleeful look. Then, of course, Sam convinces Dean to set the grenade launcher aside for the moment, leading my husband to look at me.
"PLEASE tell me he eventually gets to use that!"
I tried to hold in a laugh but failed and said, "Mayyyybe..." 🤣
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tvckerwash · 8 months
nobody understands wash/south friendship. anyone not in the know thinks they hate each other, but they don't. sure, they think the other is the single most annoying person in the known universe, but when push comes to shove, they're an okay team so long as they both understand that things are going to become extremely chaotic, they will be screaming at each other non stop, and as the guy who's really, really good at getting out of bad situations where death is almost certain alive, wash (generally) takes point.
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soullessjack · 2 months
Jack is the kind of sunlight ray that may harm/kill you if you dare to harm it or its close ones. No pure cuteness. Just hotness, warmth and destruction. 😊☀️🔥
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hitmeupaep · 1 year
i don’t know what i would do if we learn that there actually was a destiel kiss in 15x18 that was cut
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over-dvse · 4 months
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i’m probably gonna post again today .. haha but Yasss!!! first time drawing charlie and it felt like i just drew x chara ( i wonder why)
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esmoonlady · 1 year
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Haven't seen anyone post this yet
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notshounenprot · 2 years
i think The Documentarian from the white vault and Gertrude Robinson from tma should kiss
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playtwewy · 2 years
girls will see an evil pathetic blonde british vampire man sired in the 1880s and make them their meow meow
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spooky-angel-eddie · 4 months
Eddie does an intro post..finally!!
Hello, my name is Eddie but i also go by Angel! I use He/They/It pronouns, i am gay and a demiboy
I am autistic, and that will be evident in my post because damn does it give me brain rot...
Although i am not sure how much i will actually post, when i do, it will probably be a variety of different things since i am multifandom and a multishipper!
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So, here are a few of the fandoms/things i am interested in that you might see on my blog..in no particular order:
The Rock-Afire Explosion & CEC
Five Nights At Freddy's
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Furry Fandom
There are definitely more fandoms i am in but i doubt i will post about them very often
I will be posting OC content as well!
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Content Warnings:
It is important i mention that i am over 18, and some of my posts might be suggestive sometimes, so i am asking that people keep that in mind when looking at my blog!
There is a possibility that some of my posts may have some gore/horror content so be aware of that as well!
Stay safe and look after yourself
I would prefer if people did not send me private messages
I have a lot of headcanons and ships, and they will probably be featured in my posts. They are just my personal headcanons and ships, and it is cool if you agree with them! And if not, that is alright too! Please just try to avoid any negativity in my notes!
Similarly to that, i understand that some people dislike some fandoms, and of course that is alright too! But again, please do not bring that negativity, unprompted, to my blog!
More importantly now, i need to make everyone aware that although i accept everyone on my blog and it is a safe space..
This is my DNI list:
DNI paedophiles
DNI zoophiles
DNI problematic shippers
DNI racists, xenophobes, homophobes, transphobes and etc.
DNI AI "artists"
If i interact with a post of someone who is/supports any of these things, please know it was purely accidental as i just do not check every single person's blog before liking a post, thank you!
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What are the odds?, Chapter 1
Tags/Warnings: Major Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Amnesia, Confusion, Explosions, Burns, Injury, Injury Recovery, Family Feels, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: A strange coincidence leads to a mix up that our heroes may never recover from…. Assuming anyone realizes the mistake.
Or: in which Cordell dies and Sam gets mistaken as a Texas Ranger
Written for @whumptober Day 9: Mistaken Identity
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
The Walker family didn’t know what to think when they saw the explosion on the news. They knew he’d been there. That morning he’d warned them he had a big job that day and he might be out late. “Things could get messy. Just keep an eye out, alright?”
None of them had expected “messy” to mean “massive explosion that took out most of the people on both sides of the confrontation”.
Seeing it on the news had been terrifying. Waiting on the call to tell them if Cordell was among the dead was agonizing.
Liam could hardly believe it when James called and told them he was alive. “He’s not in the clear yet though,” he warned. “He has a lot of severe burns, broken bones, the works. The doctors aren’t sure he’ll pull through or what it’ll mean for him if he does. Just- temper your expectations, alright?”
Despite the grim report, Liam couldn’t help but feel optimistic. As long as Cordell came home, they could deal with whatever he could throw at them. It made the long hours of silence in the waiting room just a little more bearable to think that way.
Earlier that day…..
Just one more case , Sam promised himself. One more case, then your own. Find a girl, a dog, white picket fence, two and a half kids, the works. Just like you promised.
Sam had never lied to himself when he said Dean was the one that made hunting worth it. All the blood and guts and death were damn near unbearable without his brother by his side. But he still felt a duty to help people and it was hard to break the habit of gearing up when he saw a strange death in the paper.
He was sure this was a djinn case. He’d scoped out a few other places in the area but didn’t find any sign of a nest there. This old warehouse was the last place on his list within a 25 mile radius. If he didn’t find a nest here, he’d have to expand his search.
When he heard voices, he thought he’d struck gold. When he saw the guns, he knew he was in trouble.
No one saw him. He could just sneak away and-
He didn’t have time to react before everything happened. One moment he was sneaking for the door, the next he was stuck under a pile of rubble from the concrete ceiling. Fire was all around him, not that he was aware of it as one of the pieces hit his head.
He also wasn’t aware that on the other side of the lot, a man that could’ve been his twin was dead and buried even further under the rubble than he was.
When Sam Winchester was found and Cordell Walker was left behind, no one on the scene was aware of it.
“Family of Cordell Walker?”
“Yes- Here.” Liam was the first one up and he heard the rest of his family gather anxiously behind him. “Is he okay?”
“He’s stable,” the doctor saud. “We believe he’ll make a full physical recovery. He sustained some very severe burns and multiple broken bones but it’s nothing we can’t handle. Our concern is his mental state. He suffered a very severe head injury during the explosion. He is awake now and we’ll be running some tests to gauge the full extent of the damage but as far as we can tell he’s dealing with amnesia and limited cognitive function.”
Liam swallowed hard. “Amnesia? How- How bad?”
“Like I said, it’s going to take some time until we know for sure how bad it is. So far the only thing he’s told us is that he wants to see his brother. You can see him now if you want, but we will be limiting his visitors until we’ve gotten the full scope of his condition.”
Liam nodded. “Yeah. No, we understand. I- I’ll see him now.” He had to know Cordell was okay, or at the very least alive.
“Of course. Come with me.”
The doctor led him down a series of hallways into the ICU. When they reached his brother’s room, the doctor let him go in first.
Seeing Cordell like this was difficult, though it wasn’t as bad as he’d feared. He was bandaged all over and had a cast on one arm and one leg. Considering how close to death he’d come, Liam couldn’t help but be grateful even if Cordell wasn’t that comfortable.
“Hey, Cordi….”
His brother’s head snapped around to look at him and his brow furrowed. “...Who are you?”
Liam’s heart sank but he tried to keep his smile. “I’m Liam. Your brother. You were asking to see me, remember?”
Cordell nodded. “Right. Right. My brother. I’m sorry, I just- I don’t-”
“You don’t remember. I know. It’s okay.” Liam came over to the bed and sat on the edge. “There’s a lot of things you don’t remember. But that’s okay. Me, Mom and Dad, the kids, Geri, we’re all going to help you remember and get back on your feet, okay?”
Cordell nodded but he still seemed confused. “Yeah. Yeah, okay. I- Thank you. It’s-” he broke off in a dry chuckle “- It’s just weird. Hard. Scary. Not being able to remember anything. I mean… Even my name doesn’t feel right. I mean… Cordell Beauregard Walker? Do our parents hate me or something?”
Liam chuckled. “It’s a family name, for the record. And it’s good to know your sense of humor is still intact, even if we all have to suffer from it.”
Cordell rolled his eyes. “Whatever, jerk.”
Liam laughed. Cordell looked at him like he was expecting something else but moved on anyway. “So…. Mom and Dad and kids…. You should probably fill me in on them before they come in and get upset I don’t know them.”
That was probably a good idea. “I’ll try my best. Maybe I should make you a set of index cards….”
“Yeah, yeah….”
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EYE Magazine, Hearst Corporation, Vol.1, N.8, October 1968
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