#or meteor spells
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princessplaidheart · 11 months ago
While watching season 12 of Supernatural, my husband and I got to "The One You've Been Waiting For," shortly before the boys storm in to rescue the girl and kill Hitler. Then this happens...
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...and my husband gets this wide-eyed, gleeful look. Then, of course, Sam convinces Dean to set the grenade launcher aside for the moment, leading my husband to look at me.
"PLEASE tell me he eventually gets to use that!"
I tried to hold in a laugh but failed and said, "Mayyyybe..." 🤣
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cutepresea · 3 months ago
The Princession Orchestra stream was earlier and there was quite a bit of info given (and with it, the official site got an overhaul)
First off, it will start airing in April on Sunday mornings
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A new trailer was shown, which reveals the antagonist group and plays the opening theme
Nabiyu's voice actor was revealed to be Hiro Shimono
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The enemy group, Band Snatch (name based on "bandersnatch") was shown
(I am making up spellings for now, if they show official ones later, I will correct them)
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Callisto (CV: Chiaki Kobayashi)
Guita (CV: Shouya Chiba)
Bas (CV: Junya Enoki)
Drun (CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi)
Guita, Bas, and Drun's names are taken from guitar, bass, and drum. I guess Callisto's name could be taken from the guitar? Edit: Okay yeah, his name is more likely taken from "vocalist" (ボーカリスト)
The opening theme is titled "Zettai Utahime Sengen!" and is performed by Orcheria (a group made up of the three Princesses). The lyrics and composition are by Noriyasu Agematsu and it is arranged by Daisuke Kikuta. It says distribution starts January 17 at midnight
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And finally toys:
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Jewel Bells for the three Princesses, Princess costumes, Millefi Charm Shot, Nabiyu pouch, and plushes of the characters
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dotted-clouds · 10 months ago
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years ago
YANDERE! HERO: I’m here to save you, your highness!
YANDERE! HERO: And potentially get married!
YANDERE! HERO: And have your ki—
YANDERE! DEMON LORD(Who’s also your husband): How many times must I banish you, hero? They’re not interested!
READER: No, darling. Let me handle him this time.
READER: *sighs cause they’ve been dealing with yan! hero’s antics since childhood*
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 4 months ago
sorry I just had the realization that Rex lapis would have taken the gnosis with him as he sank into the sea, and I’m just imagining the fatui going “ah shit” as they fish around for it lol
thinking further on it, the qixing probably won’t let them, or anyone, into the area, gotta have Childe pull some shit
honestly though that might accidentally make childe the only harbinger fit for the job. like imagine going from literally the scapegoat fool to 'oh yeah i got the gnosis' 'you what' 'yeah you know. it sank. into the water. which i can control. was pretty easy to find and snatch during the investigations lmao'
signora and the tsaritsa would share the most awkward 'now what' side eye ever because they can't just tell him 'you werent actually supposed to do that' to his face hahah
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fluffyposting · 1 year ago
Going feral over the fact that as a little kid Riku promised to protect Sora and he makes good on that promise in KH3 and continues to look for him in Quadratum.
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brinehater · 5 months ago
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Meteoron Mint is free on the world. GOOD LUCK!
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queerloquial · 3 months ago
playing fields of mistria blind/almost completely unspoiled and am fascinated that it seems like "dragons and magic aren't real" is the general consensus of the townsfolk when 1. a core part of the game is restoring power to a statue that houses, afaict, a dragon's spirit who teaches you magic, and 2. juniper cannot be any less subtle
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dykeyleth · 7 months ago
meteor swarm makes every other 9th level spell in dnd look like a 3rd level fireball. this is what vecna destroyed vasselheim with. twice.
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tawodi777 · 11 months ago
April 2024
SW7 Spellcasting Calendar.
April 2024
​Day of Empowerment ​ - 4.06.24
New Moon - 4.08.24​
Angel Summit - 4.13.24
Earth Day -  4.22.24
Lyrid meteors  - 4.(22 & 23).24
Full Moon - 4.23.24
​Night of the Witches -  4.30.24
All Spellcasting Events
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myreia · 25 days ago
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toadtusks · 1 month ago
Laura Bailey the woman you are
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greetings-inferiors · 1 year ago
Idea for a spell:
VERY HIGH level, I don’t know what the highest spell level is, the highest I’ve seen is level 5, but idk.
Probably an evocation spell?
It entails creating a sphere, about the size of an apple, maybe a tenth of a kilogram, and shooting it towards the moon at close to (maybe 99%) of the speed of light. The level’s so high because this requires so much energy lmao. This would be about 1 megaton of tnt, which seems a bit low, so maybe I’d up the mass or speed.
Magic energy moving this fast creates a “corridor” around it, so when it hits the moon, creating a massive explosion, the debris will fall to earth through the corridor.
The cast time is technically near instant, but it will take a while for the debris to land, and the corridor of magic energy would fade fast so requires concentration to stay up, thus it technically counts more as a ritual spell, requiring concentration for the length of the debris falling. The time will vary depending on how close the moon is at the time the spell is cast. If the moon is directly overhead, for example, it would take a second or two for the sphere to hit the moon, but the debris would take about 139 minutes to land (assuming the debris starts at the escape velocity of the moon and has a constant 9.81 acceleration because fuck you magic corridor. A nuke going off might make the debris start of quicker but idk man this is a very strange scenario to model). If the moon is farther away it will be longer.
So as it takes a lot of time to “cast”, it’s not exactly a “just throw it out” type spell, but it is called desolation for a reason, as it rains debris in a wide area for a while, basically laying waste to the area you cast it in. And that’s the thing, it is around the area you cast it in, so you’d have to escape in the 2(+) hours, otherwise you’d be caught in the rain. It’s a good spell for a sneak attack, sure there’ll be a sonic boom at the start, but after that anyone who hasn’t evacuated the area gets blitzed.
Is it possible that there’s a spell that just does this but conjured the debris right above instead of having to go to the moon and back to get them? Maybe. But it’s inspired by final fantasy 7’s meteor & supernova, so it might not really fit in the more dnd idea I had. Literally just think the idea of a wizard shooting a beam into the sky (it’d look like a beam) and the moon exploding and the wizard saying “run.” Before teleporting away is fucking sick. Imagine having to grapple with the fact that if you want to survive you have to leave but you’ll have to leave this place behind. There’s no saving it. You could try, but with debris crashing down in a mile radius at 84 thousand metres per second, it’s going to be very difficult to, idk, put up a shield.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year ago
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ryuseitai · 8 months ago
i like this card a lot i mean tbh they could release literally any chiaki card and id go crazy But i like it a lot but its not checking anything off my chiaki checklist
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lovekia · 9 months ago
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Weekly Competition Theme: Favorite Makeup
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