Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader
Word Count: 1,683
Warning: Swearing, Making out
Summary: When Tom falls ill, his estranged son comes back into the reader's life bringing more than she bargained for.
Buy me a coffee
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Leaning against your shut apartment door, you closed your eyes letting out a deep breath. It had been a long day at the diner, with many rude customers. Tossing your bag onto the floor, you made your way to the couch, laying across it. Pulling your phone out, you began looking through your notifications. There was a voicemail from Tom Curry.
As you listened to it, you picked up your purse before you made your way back out of your apartment. Starting your beat up pickup truck, you began driving to Tom’s house. It was 11:30pm. Tom was friends with your parents when they were still alive, which resulted in you and Arthur becoming best friends. He had been acting strange as of late, but you knew not to pressure him knowing he would tell you in his own time. 
The message that Tom had left you, made your heart beat more rapid. You spent most of the drive worrying about what could be wrong. When Arthur's mother died, it took a huge toll on him and his father. Your relationship was simply platonic, although many people thought you were together due to your closeness.
Flinging open the car door, you had barely put it in park before you jumped out of the truck.
“Tom?” You called frantically. “Tom?”
Your frantic feelings coming through when you knocked on the door. It was rapid and firm. 
“Tom!” You called again. “It’s Y/N! Open up!”
Still no answer. Fear began coursing through your veins. Letting out a sigh, you kicked the door open, debris flying. 
“Tom?” You called cautiously entering his house. An odd feeling overwhelming you.
Slowing entering the house further, you glanced around the house. Stepping through the threshold for the kitchen you saw him lying on the floor motionless.
“Tom!” You shrieked, quickly kneeling beside him. Pulling out your phone you were about to call 911, before you remembered it would be at least ten minutes before they got to you. Grabbing one of his arms you hoisted him up, getting him into the truck. Exceeding the normal speed limit, it was a few minutes before you arrived at the hospital. Hosting him up again, you trudged through the emergency room. 
“Someone please help!” You called. 
A group of nurses quickly surrounding you, taking Tom and placing him on a hospital bed.
Watching them take Tom into a room, you quickly made your way back to your truck parking it somewhere safe. Making your way back towards the ER, you pulled your phone out calling Arthur. 
It was only a matter of minutes before Arthur, Clark and Bruce, showed up at the ER.
“How’s he doing?” Arthur questioned handing you a cup of coffee.
Taking a sip of the coffee, you shrugged. “I don’t know. They haven’t come out with any updates yet.”
Glancing at the clock it read 1:30am.
“It only takes your father getting hurt for you to come by and see him.” You spat raising an eyebrow. 
Huffing you shook your head. “Save it. I’m not the one that you need to explain that to.”
Frowning he glanced at his shoes. “I...I…”
“I don’t care about your excuses, Arthur.” You snapped glaring at him. “Tom deserved better.” 
“He had you.” He reasoned. “You were there to take care of him.”
“That’s your justification for running away and leaving him?” Your voice filled with anger. Challenging him, you took steps forward stopping until you were mere inches apart. “What a pathetic excuse you have, Arthur.” 
A firm hand grabbed your elbow, pulling you away from Arthur. “Simmer down here children.” A deep voice sounded.
“Don’t touch me.” You spat, heat coursing through your veins, rising in your cheeks. Your heart beating rapidly. The lights around the waiting room, bursting causing small embers to fall as the burst. The electric lines outdoors near the room doing the same.
Grounding yourself, your chest began rising and falling at a rapid pace. Glancing at the men before you, they were staring at you with widened eyes. Grabbing your purse, you swiftly making your way down the hall. As you made your way through the halls, it dawned on you that you were still in your waitress uniform.
“Y/N!” Arthur called behind you. 
Shaking your head, you didn’t care to stop. 
A few months had gone by since you had last seen Arthur. It killed you everyday since then that you weren’t able to reconnect with your best friend, seeing as how close you were to rekindling the relationship. It had almost been like old times, him bringing you coffee, being your rock during a drastic time.
It was one of your rare days off, you were cleaning around your apartment. A firm knock echoed through your apartment, causing fear to wash over you. You weren’t expecting anyone to come over. 
Opening the door, you were face to face with one of the men from the night at the ER. 
“Y/N?” His deep voice questioned. “I’m a friend of Arthur’s. My name’s Bruce.” 
Allowing him in, you began brewing coffee for the both of you.
“What can I help you with Bruce?” You asked, leaning against the counter not meeting his gaze. 
“It’s about Arthur.” He began hope filling his voice.
Letting out a huff you shook your head. “I don’t know what you think I can help with.” You stated crossing your arms, sending a glare towards the man. “I’m not his keeper. Nor am I his friend.”
After, Bruce left you with some food for thought, you began chewing on it. Arthur was one of your best friends, could you really just walk away from him? 
Bruce had offered you a spot in the Justice League seeing what you had done in the ER waiting room. Graciously you declined, not wanting to be involved with things you couldn’t handle.
The news of Tom’s death was felt around the world. Holding a wake for him, you were filled with an anxious feeling. Anxiously waiting to see if Arthur came or not. Hours began to pass, as your hope began to felter. Letting out a sigh, everyone had come and gone leaving you with the duty of cleaning up the space and the trash.
“Am I too late?” Arthur’s voice rang through the hall. 
Tears began pooling in your eyes as relief washed over you. Turning around, you were surprised to see everyone in the Justice League standing beside him. 
“No.” You muttered, swiftly walking towards him. “Never too late.” You threw your arms around him, pulling him as close as possible towards you. The warmth of his hug, comforted you. 
“I’m sorry.” He muttered into your shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you both needed me. I’m sorry-”
Pulling away from him, you rested your hands on his biceps. “None of that.” You spoke in a firm tone. “You’re here now and that’s all that matters.” You smiled, gazing at each other.
Arthur introduced you to the rest of the team. They were very understanding and welcoming towards you. 
“Let’s go to the bar.” Arthur spoke. 
Frowning, your gaze fell to the floor. “I...I don’t know.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer Y/N. Come on.”
The night coming to a close, you were a little more tispy than you were used to. Clark had insisted he escort you home.
“Why’d you walk me home, Clark?” You asked curtly.
“I..I don’t know.” He frowned slightly, not expecting your question.
You hummed in response. “You’ve never talked to me yet somehow you are always around me.” Raising an eyebrow at him, you turned toward him slightly.
Letting up on him, the rest of the walk was in an awkward silence. 
Arriving at your building, you were facing each other. Rocking back and forth slightly, you gazed at the ground in front of you. 
“Do you want to come up?” 
“If you’re okay with that.” 
Giggling slightly, you nodded leading him upstairs. 
Changing into something more comfortable, you gazed at Clark in the middle of your living room still in a tux. Since meeting, you both had been prancing around your feelings between you for quite some-time. You failed to realize you were leaning against your doorframe, gawking at Clark.
“Like what you see?” He smirked, questioning in a teasing tone. 
You hummed in response, biting your bottom lip. Clark was in front of you in a split second. One of his hands resting comfortably on your hip while the other brought his thumb up to your lip, pulling it from your teeth. Gazing into your eyes, he slowly leaned forward nuzzling his nose against yours. His soft lips touching yours in hesitation. Bringing your hands up to his hair, they locked themselves behind his head holding him to you. His tongue darted out tracing the crevices of your lip before you allowed him into your mouth. Both of your tongues prodding and licking against each other. Taking in a sharp breath, he began leading you to your bed. Your knees hitting the edge of the bed before you pulled Clark onto your bed with you. Making himself comfortable above you. His soft lips trailing along the column of your throat earning a gasp from you when he began sucking and biting in his wake. 
“Guys!” Victor boomed walking into your apartment. 
“We know you’re here!” Barry spoke. 
“Figured we could do some team building!” Arthur added.
Letting out a sigh, Clark placed a chaste kiss to your lips before standing up, pulling you with him.
Stepping into the living room, the three men dropped their gazes to you.
“We weren’t interrupting something were we?” Arthur spoke in a gruff voice. 
Clearing your throat, you spoke. “No, not at all.” You shook your head.
“Umm.” Barry started. “Are you sure? Cause Clark has some lipstick on his face and collar-”
Victor elbowed him roughly, causing him to cough.
“What’re you guys doing here?” You asked, swiftly changing the subject. 
“Movie Night!” The three of them replied in unison.
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mybekastuff · 7 years
I Am Not Losing You Again
I Am Not Losing You Again
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It had been 6 months since Clark died. For the first few weeks I had stayed with Martha to help her around the house and to be a friend. The engagement ring on my finger was a constant reminder of the love I had lost, but also gave me so many good memories of the time I had with my Superman. After a while Martha had told me to go home, that I needed to go back to my life and to my work. I hated leaving her, but I knew she was right. I needed to go back home, focus on work.
The moment I opened the door to my apartment, my bags fallen to the floor, it all became too real. I was never going to see him again. Never going to hold him or see him fly off the balcony to save the world again. I walked to the bathroom where the flowers Clark had brought me a few days after he saved me from the war criminals were still in the vase I had found for them. They had begun to wilt and die, but I picked them up and held them to my nose. They still had the faint smell of perfume and I cried, remembering that day he came into the bathroom with those flowers. Smile on his face, loving kiss on his lips. He was everything I had ever wanted; the greatest man I’d ever known.
I knew that I couldn’t keep hoping to see him land on my balcony, sweeping into my room, but it was so hard to let go. I didn’t want to let his memory fade away, I feel that if I did, all that would be left is Superman, and I cannot let Clark Kent be lost in his alter egos persona. I knew that Batman, whoever he was, must have grieved, in the end they did help each other. I went to my room and found one of Clark’s jackets lying on the bed. I picked it up and caught the scent of him, warm and safe. I laid down on the bed and pulled the jacket close to my chest, drifting off to sleep.
 It had been a year now and life had gone on. Reports of the Batman and other meta-humans had been rushing in. “Batman leaves drug lords stung up in front of police station.” “Speedster saves hostages in bank.” We all knew that there was something, we could feel it in our blood. We knew that the world would once again be under attack. I was on my way to work when I saw him. On the corner, hidden behind a building, but his eyes were fixed on me and mine on his. I ran, I ran right for him even if I looked like a mad woman. I reached the corner and he was gone. I looked all around, peering through the crowd trying to find his face, but to no avail. Just an illusion. I felt a heavy weight fall upon me and I had the lean against the building behind me to steady myself, breathing hard. I regained myself and finished my walk to work. The day was long and I was barely able to focus the entirety of it. As I was walking home, I felt as if I was being watched. I picked up the pace and got home a few minutes later, but I was stopped in my tracks by seeing the door ajar. I slowly walked closer to the door, feeling as though I shouldn’t be afraid of what lied on the other side. I pushed the door open the rest of the way and inched into my apartment.
“Y/N” His voice had released a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. I turned around and saw him standing by the door. He looked tired, as if he’d not slept in weeks. Dark bags under his eyes, sad look on his bearded face. He seemed weaker than she remembered him but I guess that’s what happened when you’d been dead for a year.
“Clark? How – I don’t understand how you’re here. You were dead I watched you die! I-” I was cut off by the sob that left my throat when he began to walk toward me and wrap me in his arms.
“I know, I don’t understand it myself, but I’m here. When I had found my way out of the ground I went to the house. My mother screamed when she saw me. She didn’t believe it; thought I was some kind of hallucination. But then I held her as she cried and she knew I was there, it solidified that same fact for me as well. I hardly believe when I woke up. I haven’t found all my strength yet but I knew I needed to come to you, Y/N. I couldn’t bare you believing that I was gone forever. I needed to see you so that I could know I was alive.”
“Clark, I just can’t believe it. I’ve missed you so much.” I clung to him, afraid I might fall if I let go. My mind was whirling, I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on but I knew that he was here and that was all that mattered. I looked up at his shocking blue eyes, remembering how it felt when I thought I would never see them again. His eyes were wet with tears. “Clark, there is something that I need to tell you.”
“Yes, what. Y/N I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”
“Clark,” I said, lifting up my left hand so that he could see the engagement ring his mother had given me in his room after the funeral. “Yes, I will marry you.”
He smiled, tears spilling over onto his cheeks. “I’m so sorry that I didn’t ask you sooner. You are my world, Y/N. I knew that I would die when I went to kill Doomsday, I didn’t want to leave you and I am so sorry that I did.”
“Don’t I know you only wanted to save me, to save everyone. Now that you’re back, though, I am not losing you again.” With that we kissed and I knew that whatever was going to come, we would survive it.
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