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shirasuphoto · 9 months ago
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No.463 Nikko 8 views
a new super express is running in Nikko
Tobu railway super express "SPACIA X" in Nikko city and more.
*"SPACIA X" is a new super express operated by Tobu railway.It's popularity, so all received seat completely booked when I took it.
Archive;series 8 views No.460~
アーカイブ:八景シリーズ No.460~
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yoooko-o · 1 year ago
15/03/2024 part1
今日は天赦日(*1)+一粒万倍日(*2)+寅の日(*3)のトリプル開運日👼🌾🐯 なので、今日はこんなトリプル開運日に出かけました🚄
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*1👼Tensha-bi (day of heavenly forgiveness). Tensha-bi is rare, there are only 7 days in 2024. Tensha-bi is the day that the god will forgive all sins. It says It’s the most auspicious day for any activities such as starting new things in general, marriage, house-moving and travel.
*2🌾Ichi-ryuu-man-bai bi(a day of multiplied returns). The meaning of ichi-ryuu-man-bai day is that you can get hundreds of times harvest from a grain of seed. So it’s believed many benefits are received from very little. It’s a good day to start a business, have your new car delivered, buy or start using a new wallet, buy a lottery ticket and so on. But don’t do bad things or get into debt since you may have to pay the original price hundreds of times over!
*3🐯Tiger's day(day of the Tiger) Tiger's day is said to be a day to bring luck with money. Also, since it is said to be "the day when everything that goes out always comes back", it is said that in addition to money, you can return safely from your trip.
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jyuta15kuchi · 1 year ago
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2021/新幹線 NikonZ5 NIKKOR Z24-70mm f/4s iso500 28mm f/4 ss1/640
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myself-85 · 1 year ago
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morbid-dreamzz · 2 years ago
Tag game thingy; "shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten ppl"
Idk what a repeat playlist is since I use yt music and only listen to files I have downloaded on my phone, so I'll just use the song randomizer option (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
1- Retrospective 53 Minutes (album by ZUN) - Hiroshige No36 Neo SuperExpress
2- Frenzy love - LiLAC
3- Iguamalolxd - won listenT_T
4- Anika - In the name of passion
5- Rammstein - Stripped
6- Night Tempo - Mint
7- Dan Forden - The tomb (MK4 OST)
8- In flames - Colony
9- MKDA OST - Quan Chi's fortress
10- Neo fresco - Sublimation
Thanks to @citrus-sprouts for tagging me! And uuuh I guess I'll tag @rockman-x @hatenayousei @merryfortune (pls don't feel obligated lol) and whoever wants to do this, I'm too shy to tag 10 users at once 🏃
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unonoff · 1 year ago
#film #filmphotography #filmcamera
#フィルムカメラ #photography
#leica #leicaphotography #ライカ
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noritama0301 · 2 years ago
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bonguri · 6 years ago
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20190530 Tokyo Saitama 7 by Bong Grit 初代東海道新幹線の行き先表示板はこんな感じだったのね。 @The Railway Museum, Omiya ward, Saitama city, Saitama pref. (埼玉県さいたま市大宮区 鉄道博物館) https://ift.tt/2JcveRc
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jadagul · 9 months ago
Yeah, exactly.
A cape is someone who goes out and does supers plots. Once you are doing weird vigilante shenanigans or themed crimes, you're a cape.
Now thematically, most capes have superpowers and most superpowered characters are capes. (Though this is partly for narrative focus reasons: you don't tell a lot of story about non-cape parahumans.)
But even if you have no superpowers, if you put on a costume and either rob people or foil robberies, you're a cape. If you're participating in the cape scene, then you're a cape.
One thing Worm does is it tries to explain why capes == parahumans. There aren't any non-parahuman capes in Worm. (And this is backed up by giving an explanation for how classic "mundane" characters are parahumans, generally with some variant of Thinker or Tinker powers or both.) And one of our early interludes is talking about Rogues, who are parahumans who aren't capes. But we see that breaks down really fast—in the original Canary interlude, where she's getting supervillain treatment despite not playing in the cape scene, and later on where it seems pretty common for Rogues to get roped into Endbringer fights. (And into cape shenanigans more generally.)
Justice Wing, with the stories I was talking about in the other post, has much more of a line there. Both the heroes and the villains are invested in maintaining space for non-cape parahumans (and there are a few who recur throughout various parts of the series).
And it also has an in-universe explanation for why non-parahumans can keep up in the cape game: "discipline" superexpression allows characters to achieve "mundane" superhuman feats through training. (E.g. there's a character who is explicitly non-parahuman, but does not miss any shot they take with a thrown or fired weapon. Their explanation for this is "I don't get why you would shoot somewhere other than the target??") And the ability to do this is (basically) unique to humanity for [metaplot technobabble] reasons, which explains why Earth has the unique relationship to super-advanced extraterrestrial civilizations you see in a lot of comic book stuff.
But yeah, if you're a failed standup comedian whose big break is ruined by the Flash, and you sue him or something, you're a norm. But if your response is to try to get revenge on the Flash with a bunch of dumb clown-themed gadgets—you're a cape now.
Now there's arguably space for: there are crimes that aren't cape crimes. If you rob a bank in a normal way, like three dudes run in with guns and balaclavas and empty out the cash registers, you're a bank robber. (Though you might get stopped by a cape and then you're at least involved in cape shit.) But if you rob a bank while wearing themed costumes and carry the money off in giant bags with dollar bill signs printed on them, you're a cape. And if you pull off a convoluted Oceans Eleven heist, then in cape media that also makes you a cape.
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This page from Astro City: The Dark Age is an example of Kurt Busiek noticing the same thing I was noticing yesterday about the difficulty of keeping Everyman characters actual everymen if they're also going to get actually involved in the plot, and making that tension part of the thematic spine; they might start as the children of hapless, nameless civilians gunned down in the by the villain of some other guy's four-color adventure, but turning into the kinds of guys who can actually do something in retaliation turns you into, well, capes. Unless you maintain sufficient anonymity through the whole thing that nobody manages to make you as someone in need of a cape identity, unless you manage to ultimately detatch yourself from the runaround and fuck off to retire in Baja.
@jadagul related to what you were saying with the other post.
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takenabe26 · 7 years ago
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E4系 / 大宮駅 / 11. 11 2017
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tosshi-san · 7 years ago
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#駅弁部 #高崎駅 #だるま弁当 #両国国技館 #焼鳥 #相撲土産 #行き先 #関係ありません #BENTO #EKIBEN #superexpress #shinkansen (Tokyo, Japan)
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te2ro-s-0319 · 5 years ago
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#jr西日本 #shinkansen🚄 #movie #kokura #nozomi #train #superexpress #japan (Jr西日本小倉駅新幹線ホーム) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDvNo4XJz50/?igshid=f1ijst0njjx1
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noritama0301 · 2 years ago
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yoshihiro2896 · 7 years ago
終点まで出発です。 #japan #kagoshima #superexpress #bullettrain #station #鹿児島 #鹿児島中央駅 #jr九州 #jr西日本 #九州新幹線 #山陽新幹線 (Kagoshima-Chūō Station)
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bonguri · 6 years ago
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20190530 Tokyo Saitama 10 by Bong Grit 0系新幹線といえばこの紙コップと冷水機。子供の頃の憧れ。 @The Railway Museum, Omiya ward, Saitama city, Saitama pref. (埼玉県さいたま市大宮区 鉄道博物館) https://ift.tt/2XAkaGT
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goma-gomao · 3 years ago
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新幹線の車窓から iPhone Xs 富士川と沼津市原付近 新幹線から遠くのものを撮る時、シャッタースピードが速いと、車窓から撮ってるように見えないので気をつけよう(笑) #mtfuji #fujiyama #shinkansentrain #shinkansensuperexpress #superexpress #富士山 #富士川 #zekkei #zekkeipicture #japan_daytime_view #iphonexs #スマホ写真 #キレイ #楽しいスマホ写真 #スマホ撮影 #フォトコン入選の達人オンライン (富士川河川敷) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUy8DqwPdBG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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