#superconscious psychology
giankumar-blog1 · 1 day
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The superconscious aspect of the mind is beyond the conscious and subconscious, arousing the soul's consciousness in the present moment within any individual human mind. This precognitive section of the mind is that silent area of the brain where no past or future thoughts prevail. It spontaneously acquires immediate ability, due to which creativity emerges without the presence of the intellectual mind, instinctive and intuitively, through innovative intelligence.
Since it expresses beyond the conscious cognitive awareness, it is considered spiritual. The soul is where one discovers true creativity, that eureka, say when a scientist exclaims – bingo, I've got it. It is that divine section of the mind beyond cognition. Creativity in science, medicine, arts, music, and mathematics emerges from those unpredictable eureka moments leading to humanity's most outstanding achievements. These creative insights are the domain of the superconscious mind, which differs from analytical conscious thoughts and is the fundamental cause of all we know about the universe. Spirituality considers the same to be divine intelligence from which we discover the stars to the subatomic particles, followed by the intellectual ability of the conscious and the subconscious thoughts to take over and expand further from such divine innovativeness.
If you notice, it is futile to discipline, suppress, or control the mind. It bounces back to its original framework. We have no option but to go beyond cognition and enter into the zone of the superconscious field to awaken and kindle the universal spirit. To enter this superconscious state, we must first understand the mind inside out. It gives us that understanding to get a grip on our true self, which is beyond cognition, and consequently, be able to know the difference between the physical, the thinking, and the spiritual self.
Spiritual knowledge takes us beyond the physical body and brain to what Quantum Physics claims today; physical reality is an optical illusion (Maya). All that fundamentally exists is only waves of constant metaphysical energy flowing in unity and continuity, manifesting and expanding in different transient particles. It also elaborates that there is no physical reality unless there is an observer, implying after energy becomes aware through observation, there is consciousness to perceive and conceive.
Let us go deeper into these waves of energy from the spiritual aspect: a) body—the physical self, b) mind—the thinking self, c) soul—the witnessing/observing self, d) spirit—the beingness or the spontaneous flow of aware energy (spirit). The cognitive mind is nothing but thought. But who is aware and conscious of those thoughts flowing in the mind? The witness-er (soul). For anything to appear in your mind as ideas, someone needs to make the mind aware of making it conscious to feel, think, experience, and infer in the manner the mind desires. Meaning spiritual intelligence (awareness) is the universal self, and the observing self is that individual soul. Further, the cognitive mind is the thinking self, an operating system functioning mechanically on autopilot like a computer in sub or lower consciousness, unless checked and guided by the aware-conscious energy.
I rephrase that universal energy makes the mind/soul spontaneously aware. Without an alert individual observer (soul), the mind before that is neither aware nor conscious nor feels, thinks, or experiences anything. It implies we are that subjective self in a state of 'I-lessness' as a witness/observation, and the nature of our actual reality is in its beingness or awareness. The individual objective self/soul, a part of the mind, takes the observer's role in penetrating the inner state of consciousness, providing an 'I-ness', the identity of a gender in body and mind for both to perceive, conceive, feel and act in its physical body and brain.
Spiritually, you must be constantly alert, attentive and aware from moment to moment. You go deep into that superconscious section of the mind, which is untouched by the conscious or the subconscious thoughts, away from memory and intellect. It is that third eye or the sixth sense in total silence, which only watches and witnesses to make your cognitive mind aware and conscious. The superconscious/soul connects to the infinite cosmic expanse to transmit and receive aware energy. It justifies what our ancient sages declared, 'That Art Thou—Shivohum'. It means the true self (soul) in its original, pure, and primordial state is identifiable and at par with the ultimate non-dual spirit or the absolute aware energy in its totality as one.
As a witness, the mind is free from all the entanglements it identifies and attaches to. However, as a witness-er, you become the objective, a notch less than the subjective universal self. The subjective witness is neither the seeker, knower, believer, doer, enjoyer, or experiencer. As the soul, your mind witnesses all that body and mind engage, experience, and effectuate in absoluteness. We refer to such a sublime state as being super consciously spiritual.
Therefore, spontaneous awareness or the spirit exists outside the purview of the cognitive mind and is beyond the limitations of gender, space and time. It is present everywhere - non-local, inside (soul), and outside (cosmos) of the brain. For this reason, the spirit, being pure and aware, is considered absolute, independent, and eternally distinct from the conscious mind. It only watches and witnesses from within the superconscious section of the mind where no thinking prevails, allowing the brain to become aware and mindful of what it performs merely to check and guide the cognitive mind.
If you wish to be free from the mess and misery the human mind has created for the material self, providing technology, money, power, and fame, the price we pay today for all the advances and comforts we enjoy. We must balance worldly life with spiritual means in higher consciousness. The level of consciousness, higher or lower, depends entirely upon the degree to which each mind reflects the quality of self-awareness from the extent of experiencing with the conscious (aware self), subconscious (thinking self), and superconscious (the witnessing or spiritual self), which the mind goes through during its psychological and physiological experiences in life.
The subconscious state of mind is that reservoir in the form of memory, forming 'what' you are as the 'remember-er'. Since the mind primarily functions from the subconscious section in an auto mode from the memory and intellect, it becomes emotionally bound to the ego with a name, gender, and identification—continuously demanding and attaching what the mind unconsciously and mechanically desires for its me and mine. The conscious section represents the field, or the individual quantum of aware energy, and the superconscious area expresses the force or the unique quality of aware energy, presenting itself in an energetic force-field relationship as the true witness-er and observer of what you are within the human brain.
The intensity is designated by its suffix  -ness (awareness/consciousness). Both the conscious and superconscious sections determine your self-consciousness/self-awareness level, whether it flows towards the divine or the devil. Therefore, consciousness presents itself in three different attributes—the first two play the role of consciously or subconsciously conducting the functions of the mind, symbolizing what you are. Besides that, we have the third operating independently as the witness (spirit) originating from the superconscious sphere, representing the actual who you are in absolute awareness, that, too, in a realm of no mind, no thought, impersonal, and impartially signifying 'That Art Thou'.
Therefore, the superconscious mind represents the subject-object relationship in any human mind between the spirit (awareness) and the individual soul (pure consciousness). The observer influences what the mind observes, deriving its understanding from the cosmic cloud of aware energy. Approximately 95 per cent of the mind's functioning is in auto-mode at the subconscious level, about 4 per cent by the conscious, and the remaining 1 per cent by the superconscious: a disorderly mix, the primary reason for chaos and concerns in our imbalanced material world. I repeat that the spirit is that aware energy that turns on the ignition, making the mind active and alive from its frozen state. The mind becomes aware and responds, either proactively in choiceless thoughts super consciously to any stimulus or reactively thinking emotionally, consciously or subconsciously in desires.
Super-consciousness is the fountainhead of the actual 'who you are'. It is that beingness in the profile of your third eye, between the eyebrows. That spiritual centre draws instantaneous cosmic energy to manifest in the mind as awareness. It is responsible for your instincts, intuition, and intelligence and goes beyond the conscious and the subconscious. It is that creative eureka, the sixth sense, which is beyond the cognitive mind's capacity. I repeat, the being is that body and mind comprised of 'what you are', which appears and disappears in the cycle of birth and death, and the beingness is that awakened awareness of the eternal divine of 'who you are'.   
The alertness divulged during the superconscious stage is the verity of any present moment. It is that pure and straightforward witnessing where no thinker, thinking of any thoughts, is required. It is that still and silent mind alertly observing and seeing any situation, as it is, where the mind focuses on the subject of its observation without any constraints from space and time. It is that wholesome meditative state where no psychic efforts are required. It is purely existential and full of aliveness. It is proactive, spontaneous, and immediate without allowing thoughts to interfere and analyze. This state of mind is what we refer to as the superconscious realm of who you are.
The mind is thoughtless when it independently and impartially watches and witnesses inwardly or outwardly, which is responsible for making the mind proactively aware and conscious. This sort of spontaneous observation emerges from the superconscious section, which our sages referred to as that divine residing within: 'That Art Thou'. We refer to this flow of supreme energy as the 'spirit' in the subject of Spiritualism. It is that distinct, non-dual and absolute state of the mind that does not think or participate but purely assists the soul in witnessing. It neither discriminates nor chooses nor determines what the mind selfishly wishes for. It simply introspects the cognitive mind and, if utilized regularly, is enough to keep the mind in its rightful place. The mind is the software for the brain's flow of electromagnetic chemical energies. Similarly, the soul containing the spirit is also a part of the mind; it is seated within to watch and witness its thoughts communicating internally and externally and directly connects to the heart.
You can only awaken the spirit or that inner divine by reviving your superconscious section, developing and enhancing it, and being mindfully alert. When the mind is alert, it becomes aware and, if attentive, becomes conscious. After that, the intellect takes over, making the mind function in autopilot mode in lower consciousness. It is called the subconscious grandstand, where your presence of awareness is no longer required. The mind is primarily a storehouse of all your emotions and desires, reacting from the memory and intellect from past understanding and experiences in lower or subconsciousness.
You already know the first two levels—the conscious and the subconscious. The emphasis here is more upon the superconscious state, the ignored state of mind, which you critically require to usher in a holistic balance in your life. The superconscious has the power of a supercomputer. Being the source of all creativity, it provides limitless, unique impulses of intelligence, instinct, and intuitive energy. It provides flashes of insights or those eureka moments which all scientists, composers, writers, and artists unthinkingly and spontaneously attain when they go beyond the capacity of their cognitive, intellectual minds. Superconscious energy gives the mind an extra boost to discover futuristic discoveries and innovations; people get ideas far beyond their intellect.
Therefore, the superconscious mind is nothing but pure creativity instinctively emerging when your mind is alert, attentive, determined and focused on any object. This state of mind is above the other two levels; it occurs when the mind functions in total meditative silence without your thoughts knowing about it. Say, if you go to sleep with a problem, this section of the mind, even then, works on its own and invariably has the answer ready for you the following day.
Therefore, watching and witnessing the inner thinking self, submerged in the emotional desires of this and that - is the highest reflective activity of the superconscious section of the mind. When you are alert, you are fully awake; the superconscious area awakens when you observe or introspect. It is an effortless state of meditative awareness where thoughts are silent during those moments. At this moment, the cosmic energy from the outside spontaneously manifests into your mind. Quiet and effortless meditation is what we call constant 'witnessing' of all around with a still mind, acting both as a transmitter and receiver.
Let us again recapitulate. During the first stage of superconsciousness, there are flashes of absolute non-dual perception with immediate awareness. In this state, the mind is most creative. Your mind unquestionably and unconditionally pro-acts and does not react at this stage. It is neither thinking nor emotionally desiring anything. We refer to this section as the potential divine within. The second stage commences with extended awareness, filtered by the mind's attentive thinking in the duality of what the sensory organs perceive and feel of this and that, here and there. This comprehensive awareness makes the mind consciously perceive via thoughts of what it observes in dichotomy. The third stage occurs when the mind subconsciously thinks, chooses, and determines how it wishes to react to its past awareness from its memory and intellect. In this case, the mind is in auto mode and performs all its activities without support from the other two sections.
The spiritual state of every human mind demands more meditative awareness in the present moment, existential and spontaneous from one moment to the next. In this state, the mind is alert and attentive in every moment for any duration—pure and still—an I-less state of beingness in totality. Sigmund Freud was the first to discover the conscious, subconscious, and unknown unconscious sections of the mind. Later, another area arose by Carl Gustav Jung, called 'the collective unconscious mind'. However, long before these discoveries, the Hindus had declared the third unknown section to be that divine, the third eye of the superconscious mind.
For more information please visit www.giankumar.com
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crosstheveil · 7 months
Here we touch upon the fundamental error of our modern psychology: it fails to understand anything because it searches below, in our evolutionary past. True, half the Secret may be there, but we still need the force above to open the door below. We were never meant to look behind, but ahead and above in the superconscious light, because it is our future, and only the future can explain and heal the past.
We appear to progress from below upward, from past to future, from night to conscious light, but this is just our small momentary understanding that obscures the whole, for otherwise we would see that it is not the past that impels us, but the future that draws us and the light above that gradually pervades our darkness – for how could darkness ever have created all that light?
If we had been born out of darkness, we would end up only in darkness. “This is the eternal Tree with its roots above and its branches downward,” says the Katha Upanishad. (VI.I) We feel we are making great efforts to progress toward more understanding and greater knowledge; we have a sense of tension toward the future. But this is still our limited perspective.
If we had a different perspective, we might see the superconscious Future trying to enter our present. And we would realize that our sense of effort is just the resistance put up by our denseness and darkness. The future does not move only from below upward, otherwise there would be no hope for the earth, as it would end up exploding in the sky from a supreme psychic tension, or falling back into darkness.
The future moves also from above downward; it penetrates deeper and deeper into our mental fog, into our vital confusion, into the subconscious and unconscious night, until it illuminates everything, reveals everything, heals everything – and ultimately fulfills everything.
Yet the deeper it goes, the greater the resistance – for this is the Iron Age, the time of the great Revolt and Peril – but also the time of Hope. At the supreme point where this Future touches the rock-bottom past, where this Light bursts into night’s nethermost level, God willing, we will find the secret of Death and of immortal Life. But if we look below and only below, we will find mud and only mud.
— Satprem
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myhypnosis4u · 10 months
Understanding the different levels of the mind - conscious, unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious
Have you ever wondered about the different layers of your mind and how they influence your thoughts, actions, and beliefs? The human mind is a complex and fascinating entity, comprising various levels of consciousness that shape our perceptions and behaviors. In this blog post, we will delve into the depths of the subconscious mind, unconscious mind, conscious mind, and superconscious mind to gain a comprehensive understanding of their functions and impact on our lives.
The Subconscious Mind: Unraveling the Power Within
The subconscious mind is like the hidden powerhouse within us, silently shaping our thoughts, emotions, and habits. It operates beneath the surface of our awareness, influencing our behavior without us consciously realizing it. This part of the mind stores all our past experiences, memories, beliefs, and emotions, whether positive or negative. It acts as a reservoir of information that impacts our decision-making process and overall mindset.
The Role of the Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in shaping our self-image and perceptions of the world around us. It is responsible for automatic responses and intuitive reactions to various stimuli. For instance, it governs our instinctive fears, phobias, and deeply ingrained habits. Moreover, the subconscious mind is highly receptive to suggestions and affirmations, making it a powerful tool for personal development and self-improvement.
Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind
Understanding the influence of the subconscious mind allows us to harness its power for personal growth and transformation. Techniques such as visualization, positive affirmations, and hypnotherapy directly target the subconscious, reprogramming negative thought patterns and instilling empowering beliefs. By accessing this deeper level of awareness, individuals can overcome limiting beliefs and unlock their true potential.
The Unconscious Mind: Exploring the Depths of the Psyche
While the terms "subconscious" and "unconscious" are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct aspects of the human mind. The unconscious mind delves even deeper into the realms of our psyche, housing repressed memories, unresolved traumas, and innate drives that exert a profound influence on our thoughts and behaviors.
Freudian Perspective on the Unconscious
Sigmund Freud, the renowned psychoanalyst, introduced the concept of the unconscious mind as a repository of hidden desires, primal instincts, and unresolved conflicts. According to Freudian theory, the unconscious governs our deepest urges and impulses, often manifesting in dreams or slips of the tongue. By bringing these buried emotions and motivations to light, individuals can gain insight into their psychological make-up and achieve emotional healing.
The Influence of the Unconscious on Behavior
The unconscious mind exerts a subtle yet pervasive influence on our everyday choices and interactions. It can shape our preferences, relationships, and responses to external stimuli in ways that elude conscious awareness. Furthermore, unresolved issues stored in the unconscious may lead to emotional distress, anxiety, or unexplained patterns of self-sabotage. By unraveling these hidden aspects of the psyche, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner healing.
The Conscious Mind: Embracing Awareness and Rational Thinking
In contrast to the mysterious depths of the subconscious and unconscious minds, the conscious mind represents our immediate awareness and logical reasoning. It is the part of our mental faculty that engages in critical thinking, decision-making, and deliberate actions based on present circumstances.
Functions of the Conscious Mind
The conscious mind processes incoming information from our senses, allowing us to perceive and interpret the world around us. It enables us to analyze, plan, and make conscious choices in alignment with our goals and values. Moreover, the conscious mind fosters self-awareness and introspection, empowering individuals to reflect on their experiences and learn from them.
Limitations of Conscious Awareness
While the conscious mind is essential for navigating daily life and making rational decisions, it has inherent limitations. Its capacity for processing information is relatively narrow compared to the vast reservoir of knowledge stored in the subconscious and unconscious minds. Additionally, the conscious mind may be prone to cognitive biases and selective attention, leading to distorted perceptions of reality.
The Superconscious Mind: Tapping into Higher States of Consciousness
Beyond the realms of everyday awareness lies the superconscious mind, a transcendent realm of heightened consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. This elevated state of being transcends individual identity and connects us to universal truths and collective wisdom.
Accessing Transcendental States of Consciousness
The superconscious mind is associated with states of deep meditation, spiritual awakening, and mystical experiences. It encompasses moments of profound insight, creativity, and intuitive knowing that surpass ordinary cognition. By transcending ego-bound limitations, individuals can tap into the superconscious realm to gain clarity, inspiration, and a sense of interconnectedness with all existence.
Integration of Subconscious, Unconscious, Conscious, and Superconscious Minds
In an integrated approach to mental well-being, it is crucial to harmonize the various layers of consciousness within ourselves. By acknowledging the intricate interplay between the subconscious, unconscious, conscious, and superconscious minds, individuals can embark on a holistic journey of self-discovery and inner transformation.
Conclusion: Nurturing Holistic Awareness and Self-Integration
In conclusion, exploring the depths of the subconscious mind, unconscious mind, conscious mind, and superconscious mind unveils the multidimensional nature of human consciousness. Each layer contributes to our overall mental landscape, shaping our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors in profound ways.
By embracing a holistic approach to mental well-being that honors all facets of consciousness, individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward self-integration and spiritual evolution. Whether through practices such as mindfulness meditation, psychotherapy, or spiritual contemplation, nurturing an awareness of these interconnected layers empowers us to unlock our true potential and live authentically.
Understanding the nuanced interplay between these layers of consciousness provides a roadmap for personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening. As we delve into the depths of our psyche and expand our awareness beyond conventional boundaries, we pave the way for profound self-discovery and inner liberation.
So let's embark on this enlightening journey together – exploring the depths of our minds and embracing the wondrous tapestry of consciousness that shapes our very existence.
Freud, Sigmund. "The Interpretation of Dreams." Basic Books, 2010.
Jung, Carl Gustav. "The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious." Princeton University Press, 1968.
Murphy, Joseph. "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind." Bantam Books, 1981.
Tartakovsky, Margarita. "Exploring the Unconscious Mind." Psych Central.
Chopra Center Staff. "Accessing Your Superconscious Mind." Chopra Center.
Taylor, Steve. "The Power of Superconscious Thoughts." Psychology Today.
Rivas-Dietz, Orlando J. "Unconscious Mind: A Brief History." Psychology Today.
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harrelltut · 1 year
JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] BUSINESS WITNESS ENQI [WE] NUDIMMUD's Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] 9 Ether Subterranean [BES] Pacific SUN Ocean Queen CALAFIA.gov [CA.gov] Island STATE MONARCHY… of Us SOVEREIGN ALUHUM [USA] SKY [U.S.] ANUNNAQI [USA] Officials of ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether [AGE] 2023-2223 quantumharrelltech.ca.gov STATE STRATEGIC SKY COMMAND CENTER 4 MESOAMÉRICA’s Divinely Chosen [D.C.] 144,000 ancient6-18gmilitary.tech Pyramid Priesthood of quantumgullahgeechee.tech CLOUD WEAPONS… since I.B.1698 MICHAEL [IBM] harrelltut.com's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether gullahgeecheemilitary.tech Domain Communication [D.C.] Portal Address [PA] of 1968att-internetair.tech’s Interconnection Agreements @ The_Octagon_(Egypt) of kingtutdna.com’s Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] MOON.gov Employment [ME] Intranet [MI = MICHAEL] Agency [MA] of 1968-michaelharrelljr.com’s Highly Classified... Underground SOVEREIGN [U.S.] Aeronautical [USA] Deutsch UFO SKY [U.S.] MILITARY.gov of Ægiptian [ME] TUTANKHAMÚN’s Most Darkest [Occulted] 9 Ether Celestial igigiskymilitary.tech ENGINEER-ARCHITECTS [CREATORS] of SIRIUS BLACKANUNNAQI.tech Computing [B.C.] PATENT WEALTH @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 AT&T & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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On a mission to improve myself. It's been 5 days and I'm already bored of it lol. But let's run it down bc I have a planner -- several bc B got sick of me going "I made planning errors, I need a new one" (they are being repurchased for other things one can use a dated calendar for -- one is acting as a diary of sorts, when I note something I've done improving, I write it on that day. The other will get turned into a meal/exercise planner. If there's a third, I'll turn it into a household chore book. Slap some different paper glued to the covers to tell them apart and bam.)
Ok, so I like magic. No I'm not looking for opinions on magic -- some people find mass soothing, I'm more of a loner, it suits. So I'm structured around that.
There is a master list of things to change, which require inspired action as well as saying the words. It is LONG, so I'm only going to get into now.
Working on healing my relationship with sex, and going boy sober for a bit until I do.
Getting back in shape. Now I know the mere topic brings out all the people who think they get to tell me how to feel about my body (y'all fatphobia and shaming people for wanting to lose weight are the exact same thing.) Because of this I'll explain, though I do not owe one -- my body has been the same shape and size virtually my whole life since puberty and this does not feel like it belongs to me. And it's no one's business but mine. I'm doing a few minutes of exercise every hour or two and trying to eat natural foods. Also mean to take a walk every night and work on adopting what I'm told is a European approach to portion -- the first tastes are the best, then you're not savoring, just finishing. Those two aren't there yet. Also will join a gym at some point but way not there yet.
Shadow work twice a week. Right now I'm just using my triggers and trying to integrate them. Can't tell if I'm making progress.
Trauma work twice a week. The first session went very well, the combination approach I designed working exactly as expect, though I want to add in vagus nerve work to help regulate the body as I'm releasing trauma.
Confidence. I'm starting with general confidence. Hypnosis and NLP techniques, though also incorporating some do it scared techniques once a week where I basically set myself up for a low stake rejection or loss to basically adapt to it as not a big deal.
Forgiveness, for myself first. I write letters to myself at least every week showing compassion and understanding.
Stirring reality. Admittedly action on this is rather impossible. Basically it's just making everything more changeable and it's my job to grab those chances. There's a job I might get which would hopefully count.
Now, I'm planning for the future tasks, such as stockpiling books on interpersonal communication, resiliency, education (parts of mine are lacking), planning weekly outing to do SOMETHING outside my comfort zone. Also looking for other activities, like sticking to a schedule, meditation of counting to 100 until I can do the whole way mind blank, forcing myself to just sit and watch a movie without a secondary thing, picking up new skills (languages, though I need to settle on one and want a digital piano really bad to try, also more dance, pottery, that kind of thing).
It is thoroughly exhausting. However, I have faith that at the end of 12 months -- my next birthday -- I will be a significantly improved human.
I'm also working on business stuff -- at how to start a coaching business the way I want rather than conventional wisdom. Yet more modalities I can draw on over time, like archetypes and superconscious shifts.
And I'd love a day off, but most work is weekly, so can't miss lol.
So yeah... not super exciting, unless you all want to hear the neat psychological machinery I'm building for various issues (and it is neat.)
If you do, drop me a message! We'll chat about it. Also if you happen to be a branding or marketing expert or great at social media and want to work for shares in a start up lol.
Sorry to disappoint but there's probably not going to be exciting content for awhile, just my political opinions. (Though I am get boudoir shots by the absolute best on 9/8... God knows what I'll wear or what vibe but hey it's a good chance to take a leap!)
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manolisarchontakis · 8 months
Explore the Three “Floors” of your Mind
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The basic element of the person who has his life in his hands is that he has his mind in his hands. If you have power over your mind you have almost everything. Whether we analyze the mind as simply a brain or as something metaphysical or spiritual, there is one thing that we can’t deny; it is the most complex machine in the universe. In this chapter we will be focusing on the intangible, the psychological and the spiritual aspect of the mind and not the material one.
You have three minds: the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious. However, they appear as one and inseparable entity. But each one takes its own direction, dimension and course. If we could resemble the mind with a three-storey house, the conscious one would be the ground floor, the subconscious one would be the basement and the superconscious one would be the first floor. Nevertheless, these three floors are essentially one house which is not separable only because there are stairs. Each floor simply serves different purposes in life. Ideally you must use all three floors at the maximum level.
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Paramahansa Yogananda - On Casting Out Devils
Casting out devils is not an antiquated superstition. The art of casting out devils and healing the spiritually sick of evil obsessions has been largely forgotten due to the lack in all religions of God-tuned apostles who know the subtle workings of the good and evil forces in the world. On many occasions Jesus drove evil spirits from the afflicted, as in this present verse, and as once he commanded the entities to take leave of a tormented man and enter into the bodies of pigs, who then perished in the sea.
And also in the case of the woman of Canaan and her daughter, who was “grievously vexed with a devil,” and whom Jesus healed through the mother’s great faith in him.
Each time, he distinctly called forth the evil spirit and the victim was then made whole. Jesus, with his perfect integrity and divine knowledge, would not have referred to such cases as possession by evil spirits if they had instead been psychological, as in hysteria or lunacy.
By long successful practice of meditation, a devotee can transfer his will and attention beyond the portals of the conscious and the subconscious minds into the superconscious. When he can go deeper and project his concentration consciously from superconsciousness felt within his body into the light of Christ Intelligence hidden beyond the state of wakefulness, dreams, subconsciousness, and superconsciousness, he can then behold the vast astral universe of luminous vibratory planets and vibratory spheres peopled with millions of disincarnate souls.
The inhabitants of the astral world are garbed in forms made of energy and light, and are confined to higher or lower astral spheres according to their karma. There are, however, a few astral beings known as “tramp souls.” They are earthbound because of strong material urges and attachments. They roam in the ether, desirous of reentering a physical form to satisfy their need for sense enjoyments. Such beings are usually harmless, invisible “ghosts,” and have no power to affect the ordinary person. However, tramp souls do occasionally take possession of someone’s body and mind, but only such vulnerable persons who are mentally unstable or have weakened their mind by keeping it often blank or unthinking. Owing to their mental emptiness, and karmic attraction, they unwittingly invite the advent of vagrant spirits within their bodies.
If one leaves his car unlocked with the key in the ignition, any uncouth character may get in and drive off. Tramp souls, having lost their own physical-body vehicle to which they were inordinately attached, are on the watch for such unattended conveyances.
Here Paramahansa Yogananda discusses
Casting Out Devils Difference Between Psychological Obsession and Possession by Disembodied Spirits Demystifying the Truth About Disembodied Evil Spirits Characteristics of Souls in the After-Death Realm Explanation of the Phenomenon of Possession by “Tramp Souls” How Jesus Exorcised an Unclean Spirit Through Will Power and Cosmic Energy Spiritual Forces of Good and Evil That Vie for Influence Over Man’s Consciousness Satan’s Evil Intelligence at Work in Creation How Satanic Tendencies Become Obsessions in the Human Mind Freeing the Consciousness From the Influence of Satan’s Devils
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celestialwiki · 3 years
Retrograde Planets
(Source: Tracy Mark’s “The Art of Chart Interpretation”)
Retrograde planets are functions of the personality which operate in an inward, indirect, subconscious, and delayed manner. They generally indicate energies which we were not encouraged to express outwardly when we were young, and which, as a result, we must develop for ourselves, in our own way and in our own time. Most people have two or three retrograde planets; zero, one or four retrogrades is unusual but not extraordinary. People who have no retrogrades develop most of the important life skills at an early age and rarely need to explore their own psychological process until one of their planets turns retrograde by progression. People with four or more retrograde planets usually feel alienated from society and struggle more than most people to find their “niche” in the world. Turning inward when very young, they experience a need to define for themselves their own unique value system, philosophy or aim in life. Complex, reflective and individualistic, these people usually have to set their own standards and forge their own paths, even if doing so means eccentricity or isolation. Regression, inhibition and withdrawal may characterize retrograde planets, but they also have considerable constructive potential in regard to self-understanding, self-directed activity and openness to unconscious and superconscious energies. Students familiar with secondary progressions should note whether retrograde planets in the natal chart have turned direct by progression, or direct planets have turned retrograde, because such changes will have a significant impact upon the personality.
Keywords for each of the retrograde planets are as follows:
contemplative, inner-directed mind
self-analytical and self-critical
awareness of psychological subtleties
absentminded, not attuned to external details
literary interests or abilities
learns through absorption
self-conscious speech or communication
enjoys own company, not inclined toward small talk or casual interactions
difficulty translating perceptions into words and making contact
feels misunderstood or disconnected from others
develops own unique social and aesthetic values
undemonstrative, difficulty communicating affection
self-loving, narcissistic
fearful of intimacy and love
seeking the perfect love, unrealistic ideals
continually developing own value system
ill at ease socially, reclusive, unwilling to play social games
aesthetic sensitivity and talent
tends to form unconventional relationships
inhibited action, lack of outer initiative
noncompetitive, competing only with self
explorer of the psyche, internally directed
solitary or unconventional action
repressed or explosive anger, passive-aggressive
self-destructive, continually battling self
tends to invite aggression
doubts own capabilities, fears risk-taking
alternately self-driving and lethargic
sexual inhibitions or compulsions
highly philosophical and meditative
psychologically attuned and insightful
outwardly withholding but inwardly expansive
attuned to inner meanings and purpose, self-guiding
nonmaterialistic, seeks inner wealth
develops own attitudes and belief systems
alternately overly optimistic or pessimistic
socially reclusive, prefers ones own company
rejects conventional and parental belief systems
inner stamina and endurance
resistance to personal change, rigidity
overly self-controlled and self-denying
demanding of self, repeatedly tests and “beats” oneself
self-doubting and self-critical, feels inferior
inclined to negativity or depression
unambitious, doubts own capacity for success, fearful
prefers to work alone, solitary
considerable self-motivation and perseverance
difficulty coping with authority, weak father figure
alternately overly defended or undefended
outwardly conventional but inwardly unconventional
experiences alienation from society
psychologically minded, progressive thinking
inwardly rebellious, tends to rebel against self
highly developed intuition, original and inventive
capable of following inner direction
needs internal freedom to follow own path
nervous tension, high level of internal excitation
makes unexpected changes for the sake of change
vivid imagination, creative inclinations
difficulty translating inspiration into action
lives in a dream world, escapist tendencies
self-deceiving, easily lost in inner chaos
capable of devoting self to an ideal
psychically and physically oversensitive
self-sacrificing or martyr-like temperament
needs quiet and meditative retreats
suppressed desire and anger, explosive tendencies
alienated, antisocial, misfit tendencies
self-destructive, turns energy inward
easily loses contact with one's own depths
courageous explorer of the psyche
deep psychological insight and perceptiveness
withdrawn, private, reclusive
compulsive or obsessional temperament
capable of powerful, transforming emotional slates
endurance, considerable resourcefulness under stress
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noweyesee · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you knew anything about sending telepathic messages?
Hello, there!
I spent some time thinking how deep I should go with my answer, so I decided to make an explanatory post on what I know.
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Psychologically ●●●
The phenomenon of telepathy kind of exists, it happens through body language, pheromones, close contact and social/cultural cues.
In these cases, it can happen with people you’re close with as well as people who share a number of similar experiences as you (for example the tumblr hive mind that sometimes comes forth)
Spiritually ●●●
This is when things get a little more interessant — though sending signals, passing on intention and such is in the branch of manifestation and intuition, I feel that the type of telepathy you’re talking about is one more detailed than that.
Curiously, the very recent Psychology branch, Parapsychology goes over and even categorizes different types of telepathy, those being:
Latent - being the transferring of information, where the receiver takes a while to get what was sent.
Intuitive - When one transfers information that fits in time, or what is presently at their mind to another person.
Emotive - In this one the sensations are what is transfered, normally through altered states of mind.
Superconscious - This one involves collective wisdom of all humans, and is done by tapping into that resource.
So as you can see, there are many descriptions of telepathy, and I can presume that there are even more I don’t know about. Though for sure the only way to get better at any of them is training.
Hope this answers your question!
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giankumar-blog1 · 21 days
Witnessing the Mind: A Path to Self-Discovery and Clarity
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Introspection is looking inward to examine our thoughts, feelings, and motivations. It is a conscious effort to observe and analyze the workings of our mind. This practice dates back to the most ancient Indic philosophic traditions and has been a cornerstone of many spiritual and psychological disciplines.
Watching your mind is a precious practice for self-awareness, emotional regulation, clarity, and personal growth. It develops into a truthful relationship of knowing, understanding and experiencing your body and mind. The advantages of gaining a deeper insight into our being are vast despite many challenges. Dedicating time to introspection and integrating it into our daily lives, we can initiate the journey of self-exploration, ultimately leading to a more fulfilled and harmonious life. The introspection methods involve meditation, self-monitoring, journaling, reflecting on feelings, mindfulness practices, etc.
The human mind is a complex entity filled with memories, emotions, and thoughts, constantly in flux. Despite its pivotal role in shaping our experiences and behaviours, the mind remains largely uncharted territory for many. Your mind identifies and attaches to your thoughts, causing you to lack control over them. Nonetheless, a section of the mind is untouched by conditioning, where it can experience choiceless awareness in pure consciousness, which we call the soul. For this reason, the subject of spirituality highly emphasizes the regular exercise of introspecting the mind via the soul, which involves examining our inner activity closely.
The soul is superior to the other two fundamental components we call the body and mind. Spiritually, I, as aware energy, am the witness of both. Our minds revolve around emotional desires, so we don't need to seek independence from external influences; instead, we can discover that freedom from within. Understanding material things is easy, but comprehending and controlling the selfish mind, an illusion that shapes our surroundings and actions is far more complex. The above indicates that our being in body and mind is derived more from our being-ness through the metaphysical soul since you claim both body and mind to be yours.
Knowing the mind is a spiritual and inner journey of self-discovery, not a quest for external or material knowledge. It takes us inward to understand who and what we are. The mind, conscious or subconscious, functions in duality in the relativity of hot/ cold, happiness/sadness, plus/minus, divine/devil, for it chooses one of the two for its desirous need. However, in the spiritual realm, the superconscious, we operate spontaneously in choiceless non-dual thoughts; we can observe and witness our thoughts. It is that section in which the witness as aware energy resides, making the mind conscious and alive to all it perceives.
The mind is perpetual, reckless and haphazard multitasking, functioning by exercising its power of choice amidst dualities. Like pleasure and pain or happiness and sadness are dualities, illusory imaginations in which our soul gets trapped. Because if one aspect is present at any given time, the other, like a shadow, is bound to follow. They are all mental creations where the cognitive behaviour and attitude connect to what we desire, bringing joy or grief, often leaving us with little control over their tendencies. Although the mind is an instrument for us to use, it turns the tables, making us dance to its emotional state of mind. This dynamic often results in the mind overpowering our spirit, rendering us mere puppets to its whims. 
No matter how hard we try to steer our thoughts and emotions, the mind remains stubbornly resistant, refusing to budge. Consequently, we remain deeply identified with and attached to the mind's fleeting fantasies, giving rise to a false persona we commonly call ego-consciousness. This ego obscures our true nature and binds us to a distorted sense of self, leading to a life driven by superficial desires and transient satisfactions.
Breaking free from this cycle requires a sincere shift in understanding and relationship with the mind. Instead of being dominated by it, we need to reclaim our role as the master of the mind. It involves cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness, allowing us to constantly watch our thoughts and emotions without getting entangled. By doing so, we gradually diminish the power of the ego and reconnect with our true essence.
Essentially, the mind should serve as a tool to navigate life, not as a dictator controlling our every move. Through diligent self-inquiry and introspection, we can disentangle ourselves from the mind's relentless grip. This journey towards self-mastery is not easy, but it is essential for achieving true freedom and self-realization. By recognizing the mind's tendencies and learning to transcend its limitations, we can live more authentically and align with our higher purpose.
Keep a watch on your thoughts; do not judge and decide subconsciously. Witness the many shows your mind presents to you. By observing without attachment, watch your mind and its actions. Do not let these activities control you. Do not get carried away by your thoughts. Your mind will transform from a problem to a free entertainer once you view it as an observer. It is only by becoming a witness to your thoughts you will understand the distinction between your mind and yourself. Witness your thoughts honestly; you will learn what is useful and what is not. Without disturbing or distracting the mind from its thoughts, just watch. It shall usher in a state of peacefulness, taking you beyond your memories of emotional thoughts into the present, the essence of witnessing, we call Sakshi Yoga, the unity of all three sections of the mind.
This insightful process will calm your mind, taking you towards higher meditation. You have greater freedom of choice when you learn to observe and witness your thoughts and can exert control over them. A simple example while observing: if you notice negative thoughts flowing in your mind, such thoughts will continue to flow from the past to the future and take control of yourself. But, while witnessing them, if you are in the present and push them away, you can deal positively with such unfavourable situations in a better manner and take control over them. In witnessing, your observation must be fully and unquestioningly non-attached, awakening the non-dual aware energy in the soul. The inward act of exploring your mind and its thoughts will make you transcend spiritually into the present moment, which the average mind cannot. 
'I am not what I think' is spiritualism's most fundamental and essential statement. The mind interferes between the material and the spiritual self through emotional desires. Because of ignorance, most of us are highly materialistic without having an idea of what spiritualism is all about. Our deepest inner desire always wishes fulfilment from a wholesome life. To achieve this state, we must break this barrier between the mind's endless desires and the true self to righteously progress materially, fulfilling our desires while remaining spiritually observant, transcending into higher consciousness to be spiritual, caring, and concerned for all around us. Namaste.
For more information please visit www.giankumar.com
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harrelltut · 1 year
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cwmoonglum · 4 years
Excession & Annihilation
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The titular event/object of Iain M Banks Excession is what the author terms an 'Outside Context Problem,' something that Banks characterises as a normally once in a civilisational lifespan occurrence. His go to example via his experience playing Sid Meier's Civilization game series is that of steamships intruding into territories where the dominant civilisation relies on wind power. Both our own histories and those of the myriad doomed aristocracies that I created in Meier's games attest to the fact that such Outside Context Problems often presage societal collapse. Whether this results in colonisation or in renewal, integration of the OCP is a civilisationally generative force that renders preceding political/social structures unsustainable. The power of the Tokugawa Shogunate is invariably weakened by the intrusion of Commodore Perry; Satsuma and Chōshū samurai can assert themselves as part of a world system and appeal to Western powers for aid in reshaping Japan.
'Excession' itself means 'a going out or forth,' and it's easy to read transitional moments in this manner. Equally, we can render it a pun as an expression of ratcheting up civilisational tiers; rather than succeeding feudally the transition exceeds the containing system. Yoshinobu Tokugawa's abdication is a radical disjuncture that precedes not another Age of Warring States where daimyo fillet one another to become the next Shogun, but a moment where the exceeding power of Western technoscience results in a total shift towards new political and social forms.
Such moments are the bread and butter of science fiction. Whether this is in 'first contact' stories where the inhabitants of Earth are invaded/subjected to quasi-religious revelation or the Sense of Wonder school's obsession with confronting the vicissitudes of Deep Time. Banks' Excession is in the end a transitory event/object; a consciousness that transits between universes and cannot be perceived even by the hyperintelligent machines that run the advanced civilisation of the Culture. Definitionally, this cannot be integrated without a shift in what the Culture is for (ostensibly, self perpetuation).
The technowarriors of Alex Garland's adaptation of Annihilation face a similar problem to the Culture's Minds, but react in ways several civilisational stages below. On Earth, in the present day, an alien event/object has crashlanded. Like the Zone of the Strugatsky's/Tarkovsky or M. John Harrison's Kefahuchi Tract, the Shimmer is an area completely resistant the contemporary technoscience. It exceeds our understanding despite years of research and multiple intrusions by (importantly) military forces. Garland presents the Shimmer event/object as a source of mystery, both occluding its meaning and occluded from the civilisation by the military-industrial Tokugawa analogues, 'the Southern Reach' who only see in it their own death. The protagonist, a biologist named Lena, has lost her husband to the Shimmer and resolves to enter it herself. In this, she is a typical science hero who is joined by a cadre of others (an EMT, a psychologist, a physicist, a geologist). Notably, this is the first nonmilitary group to enter the Shimmer; yet Lena is exmilitary, the psychologist is a government employee and all enter armed and armoured in the livery of patriarchal technoscience.
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The film follows the logic of a horror video game; the supposed science heroes stagger from one set piece to the next picking up notes left by previous incursions into the Shimmer. They kill a mutated alligator, they watch a recording of Lena's husband slicing open his teammate to reveal a digestive tract that moves like a snake. Being inside the Shimmer is acting upon the very biology of those within it. Lena and the technowarriors accompanying her react largely with horror; the Shimmer represents a boundary violating queerness on multiple levels. The Shimmer is growing. Momentarily occluded from civilisation by explanation of a oil spill, the Southern Reach has internalised its own lie and can only view the Shimmer as an unintelligent polluting event.
Yet, the boundaries it violates are more than geographical or even biological. The Shimmer reawakens the scientists fear of an active Nature outside the control of patriarchal technoscience and modern consumption. Consider that this Outside Context Problem crashlanded in a national park, where Nature is safely contained. The growth of the Shimmer represents a civilisational danger because it will eventually encompass cities, people. Rather than the obedient Nature understood/constrained by technoscience, this mutant strain both acts with and upon the bodies and minds of those dispatched to study it. In fact, like the superconsciousness of Banks' novel it is in actuality an event/subject, violating the normative scientific dispassionate observer by looking back. This provides a neat mirroring of the central thread of Lena's psychology, where she is riven by guilt because of her violation of the boundaries of her heterosexual marriage. Her husband, she thinks, accepted an apparent suicide mission because he observed that she had cheated on him.
It transpires (or is indeed obvious from the title) that Lena's mission is not a mission of integration or understanding of the OCP, but a fascistic attempt to reseal Pandora's box. The technowarriors are dispatched to foreclose on the liberatory mutation offered by the Shimmer (for isn't all evolution driven by mutation?) and reassert the primacy of patriarchy, heterosexuality and military technoscience. Only the physicist on the team accedes to a dialogue with the Shimmer, accepting its action upon her DNA and mutating into a swirl of leaves that is carried away on the wind. For Lena, a filial warrior, the Shimmer's repurposing of human DNA to grow trees in human shapes or give a human voice to a mutant bear is grotesque because it ruptures a technological hierarchy and suggests forms of being-with Nature rather than being-over, using it. Nature, in the Shimmer, is a libidinal force that requires strict control lest it cause hurt like her own libido. Yet, it is notable that the protagonists of Garland's film can only conceive of this new generative model as essentially inferior. It is queerness understood as mimicry and grotesque pastiche.
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Nowhere is this understanding clearer than in the climax of the film, where Lena finds the source of the Shimmer. Walking past the high camp decoration of a beach littered with sparkling glass trees, she enters into a lighthouse where an alien object crashed. She finds a video of her husband's suicide, concluding her suspicion that the returnee who looks like him is a Shimmer-generated clone. More importantly, she finds a genital-like hole (replete with pubic hair-like extrusions of plant matter) and descends therein to an alien womb, which generates a mirrored, non-humangendered creature. This creature mimics Lena's movements directly, and is accompanied by musical noises similar to the work of queer artist Arca (indeed the design of the creature recalls the work of her collaborator Jesse Kanda). Lena interprets the touch of this queer alien subject as aggression, even as it lies alongside her and engages in dance-like communication. Pushing her to the floor to rise again in sync, the alien feels more like a child than an invader. If this subject is acting upon Lena biologically, it can only be understood as a laudible attempt at xenocommunication. This xenogenerative biological sharing (think here of the Oankali in Octavia Butler's Lilith's Brood) is too queer, can only be understood as penetrative invasion of the patriarchal human subject. For Lena to accept it would be to reenact her infidelity on a civilisational scale. So, she kills it.
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Disturbingly, once she returns she claims to the Southern Reach that the alien made no attempt to communicate. She tells a lie to reestablish the boundaries of civilisation, and is rewarded by a parallel chance to reestablish her heterosexual couple form with the clone of her husband. That the film closes with their eyes glimmering in an alien fashion doesn't trouble the patriarchal technoscience of their civilisation; they have integrated the queerness of the Shimmer into heterosexuality and human boundaries.
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The OCP is defeated and subsumed by the forces of reaction in a way that is only possible in fiction, foreclosing on the new ways of being with Nature that are vital to reforming and revolutionising civilisation in the same way that queerness opens vital paths to reforming our social and cultural relations. Per Donna Haraway, we are living through 'ongoing multi-species stories and practices of becoming-with in times that remain at stake, in precarious times, in which the world is not finished and the sky has not fallen—yet.' Annihilation presupposes that the only way out is to reassert the primacy of the human, and demand that history = man + tool. Being-with is determined to be perverse, frightening and dangerous; in this the film isn't wrong. But such perversity and terror inevitably overflows any container humanity can build. Nature is on the march, and only the perverse and the queer will survive Her terror. We need to exceed current forms; the alternative is Annihilation.
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d-a-anderson · 4 years
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Art Source: Eugenia Firs - Alexandria
A hybrid wasn’t the same thing as a human with a mechanical augmentation. It was common to have alternate limbs, either to counter a disability or to extend a pre-existing ability. Prosthetics, after all, had been around for millenia. What made a hybrid different was that it wasn’t just their body that was modified, but their consciousness. Hybridism was a punishment reserved for convicts.
The Accord of Consciousness specifically forbade humans mindsharing with dominant, artificial egos. It was agreed and signed onto by all post-nation-state entities after disastrous experiments that led to derangement, hallucination, and brain-death, after which it was enforced by all major players.
Of course, the fine line between a hybrid and an assisted, natural ego was difficult to determine. After all, didn’t most citizens mindshare with a programmed intelligence of some sort? The authors of the Accord maintained that the “wholeness” of human consciousness was reflected in the relationship of the body-brain system to the augmentation, and thus modifying the biological portion beyond a certain point would yield a different kind of organism.
In truth, it was an issue of rights and privileges. If an organism is hooked up to an apparatus that keeps it in constant conversation—and that conversation is one in which the human portion can’t get a word in edgewise—can that organism make decisions wholly on its own volition? And if it can’t, is that organism still human? The contract between assisted humans and their adjunct egos was voluntary and could be opted out of at any time. There was no such voluntary condition in hybridism. Hybrids could be hooked up to a network against their will with no right afforded them to protest it. They might be aware of their choices, but they couldn’t control them. They might have an experience, but it would be truncated, like seeing through a dim peephole. Perhaps, by force of sheer will, they could dredge up one impulse while suppressing another. It depended on the degree to which they were modified—and so there were many gradations of the procedure, often doled out according to the degree of punishment.
This gave detractors of the Accord leverage in the debate: after all, if hybrids have an experience of suffering at all, aren’t they still sentient and worthy of compassion? If the point of penitence is to cause suffering for a human ego, doesn’t the ego have to remain human to make recompense?
Those in favor of the Accord argued that it was a distinction without a difference. The procedure was permanent, so recompense was unremittable for a hybrid. As such, hybridism among those who signed onto the the Accord was reserved for individuals who would otherwise get a death penalty, and they were deployed to do menial tasks like guarding citadels, mining in dangerous conditions, and scouting treacherous terrains. These were human willpowers held in mechanical limbos, leftovers or even recombinations of many, woven by something alien to them and inserted against their will into a new body by a powerful third party, puppeteered by superconsciousnesses that commanded them beyond certain thresholds of otherwise natural will.
The condition was similar to an addict’s, but without the chemical dependency. Instead, the impulse was programmatic, instinctive, and predictable. If a hybrid was owned by an enterprise, it might be forced to do things that its human portion might not agree with—of course. But that always left the possibility that the hybrid could be manipulated by a yet more invasive force, like a being cursed with an induced alien hand syndrome from multiple puppeteers. So there was always an air of suspiciousness about them that added to the punitive stigma: after all, if I’m induced to serve a mental master other than myself, isn’t it possible that I could be induced a second or third time? How would an observer know my real allegiance?
So detractors of the Accord of Consciousness often hacked hybrids in an effort to “liberate” them. Freedom fighters insisted by the Rights of Compassion and Sentience, clauses within the Accord itself, that hybrids should either be destroyed or made wholly human again, if not banned outright. Since the procedure was supposed to be irreversible, they usually pursued the former strategy, viewing it as euthanasia. Whether their latter attempts at disentangling the human psychologies implanted in their mechanized carapaces were successful or not was up for debate with no clear winner on either side. But it was clear that once the process of hybridism was invented, it was possible to have gradations of humanity, gradations of free will, and thus degrees of rights. Those who lauded the Accord proposed that those who deserved hybridism had already given up their rights and privileges by committing atrocities against other free, humanborn agents. But the mandate of who judged this ultimately fell to the powerful, regardless of whether their decisions were justified.
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kfireforall · 5 years
The higher one rises, the farther one is pulled down.
"Evolution does not move higher and higher, into an ever more heavenly heaven,
but deeper and deeper. Each evolutionary cycle closes a little lower, a little nearer to the Center where the supreme High and Low, heaven and earth, will finally meet. The pioneer must therefore clear up the intermediary mental, vital, and material levels so that the two poles can actually meet. When the joining takes place, not only mentally and vitally but also materially, then the Spirit will emerge in Matter within a complete supramental being and a supramental body. The difficulties of accustoming the body to the supramental Agni may, ultimately, have a reason and a purpose.
All obstacles, whatever their nature, always ultimately prove themselves to be helpful auxiliaries of a Truth whose meaning and purpose we do not yet know. To our outer, superficial vision, the transformation seems to be exclusively a physical problem, because we always put the cart before the horse, but all difficulties are actually inner and psychological; the visible and dramatic difficulties of the body's growing accustomed to the boiling Agni may be, as we shall see, less a practical or material problem than one involving the whole terrestrial consciousness.
If a pigmy were abruptly subjected to the simple mental light of an educated man, it would probably cause in the poor fellow subterranean revolutions that would traumatize him forever and drive him insane. There is still too much jungle underneath. This present world is still full of jungles: such is the problem in a nutshell. Our mental colonization is a very thin crust over a barely dried Stone Age.
Night after night, in his sleep or with his eyes wide open, the seeker uncovers very strange worlds. One after another, he unearths all the birthplaces of human perversion, human wars, human concentration camps, where everything we live here is being prepared; he catches in their dens all the sordid forces that move the petty and cruel men.
The more Light he possesses, the more darkness he uncovers. Night after night he tracks down the surreptitious rot that undermines Life; for how can anything change as long as that gangrene is there?
Now the dark half of the truth has become illuminated. Every stumbling or error kindles a flame of pain and seems to produce a breach of light below; every weakness summons up a corresponding force, as if the energy of the fall were the very energy of the ascent; every imperfection is a step toward a greater fulfillment. There are no sins, no errors, but only countless mishaps that compel us to attend to the full extent of our kingdom and to embrace everything in order to heal and fulfill everything. Through a tiny crack in our armor, a love and compassion for the world have entered in, which none of the radiant purities can ever understand; purity is impregnable, self-contained, sealed off like a fortress; some fissure is needed for the Truth to come in!
There is a truth of Love behind evil. The nearer one draws to the infernal circles, the more one uncovers the great need in the depths of Evil and begins to understand that nothing can be healed without a corresponding intensity: a flame is kindled within, more and more powerful and warm beneath the suffocating pressure – there is just Her, nothing but Her – as if Love alone could confront the Night and persuade it of its luminous half.
As if all that Shadow had been necessary so that Love might be born. In truth, the heart of every shadow, of every evil harbors the inverse mystery. And as each of us bears or harbors a special difficulty, at once the contradiction and the sign of our destiny, it may be that, similarly, the immense "faults" of the earth – her sins and sufferings and the thousand gaping wounds of a pauper – are the very sign of her destiny, and that someday she will incarnate perfect Love and Joy because she will have suffered all and understood all.
As we progress, the superconscious line recedes upward and the subconscious line downward. Everything widens, everything is illuminated, but everything also closes in and converges around a sharp point of darkness, increasingly acute, crucial and pressing, as if we had turned for years and years – for lifetimes – around the same Problem without ever having truly touched it. Then, suddenly, it is right there, at the bottom of the hole, wriggling beneath the Light – all the evil of the world within one point.
The time of the Secret is drawing near. For the law of descent is not a law of oppression, sin, or fall, any more than it is a law of repentance or heavenward escape, but truly a Golden Law, an unfathomable Premeditation that draws us simultaneously upward and downward into the depths of the subconscient and inconscient, to that central point,that knot of life and death, shadow and light, where the Secret awaits us. The nearer we draw to the Summit, the more we touch the Depths."
—Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness by Satprem
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tomasorban · 5 years
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Date of Rulership: 22nd September-23rd October; Polarity: Positive, male; Quality: Cardinal; Ruling planet: Venus; Element: Air; Body part: Back, kidneys, and ovaries; Colour: All shades of blue; Gemstone: Sapphire, jade; Metal: Copper or bronze.
Libra is probably the first sign in which we see a comprehensive exploration of the concept of duality and a conciliation of opposing forces like order and chaos, activity and passivity, truth and falsehood, equality and inequality, and so forth. The sign is primarily concerned with this conflicting relationship and interaction between opposites because it inherently understands that opposing forces in the universe facilitate the fruition of equilibrium. Sadly, this is one theme that more often than not eludes all other archetypes standing along the wheel of heaven. With Libra, we begin to acquire a much deeper understanding of the cosmos as an inhabited space of conscious and superconscious extensions and examine questions such as whether or not two things or people can co-habit the same space and partake in symbiosis. If so, can the two be synchronized in such a way as to foster the allusion that the two are actually one? Can two people or things of variant compositions and teleological hardware be made to step, skip, or even march to the same rhythm? According to Libra, such affiliations can be successfully developed and maintained otherwise the world would lapse into a lapsarian state of war and disarray. The psychological and social friction caused by the everlasting battle between thoughts of yes and no and the actions of give and take mediate compromised experiences from which more than a single person learns and grows. Hence, what we find with the Libran formative force is that it is always juggling with two or more conflicting viewpoints and attempting to harmonize them in such a way as to leave the minds from whence they originated mutually satisfied. When this process of unanimity works it has the power to transmute base matter to gold. Alternatively failure to make peace between them results in negative consequences like alienation, disenchantment, and self-destruction.  
“As ye make your bed, so shall ye sleep in it,” says Libra in a stern voice. “Many of the preceding inhabitants of the zodiac–Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo–see me as being rather cold, distant and impersonal. I can come across that way, especially when my superego Osiris springs into action. Would you like to know what Osiris tells me every night as I’m drifting off to sleep? He says that everything that exists on the physical, mental, or spiritual planes is subject to the cosmic law of cause and effect. For every action there is a reaction, and for everything that is pushed there will be something pulled away. He also says that irrespective of class, gender, distinction, social rank or privilege, every individual in possession of a soul is born into this world with a dowry. If he or she utilizes this dowry to the best of his or her ability whilst remaining faithfully orientated towards justice and truth, life usually materializes as sympathetic and kind. If, though, egotistic gratification becomes the reason for one to commit social misconduct and misbehaviour, the universe will react by drawing the noose around his or her personal freedom and squeeze the life out of him or her, bit by bit.
On the whole, I think listening to these short lectures on moral and social codes has made me a much better entity. Furthermore, I’m much more apt and skilful at weeding out liars, swindlers, bullies and cowards than I used to be, and can easily detect any irruptions of emotion, cunning justifications and intellectual arguments generated to obstruct pathways to the truth. Don’t you dare think that I’m not a merciful power; there’s plenty of compassion and empathy in me. I can understand how someone’s personal circumstances might compel them to commit a crime against another or humanity as a whole, but that in no way diminishes my belief that violation of another’s rights or social transgression should be punished accordingly.
In any case, I’m a social animal and need to be around people, especially those that share similar interests and are composed of the same moral clay as myself. I feel that people should be treated respectfully at all times; courteous interactions and social etiquette are a must! I cope well with most things, vent occasionally, and can be exceptionally understanding and tolerant of others’ vices. I’m happy to say that unlike many of my co-stars on the zodiacal band, I do fight fairly and respectfully. I also see nothing wrong with looking after oneself. Much can be discerned about one’s personality and character from grooming and personal hygiene. Like attracts like; if I want to attract the beautiful to myself, I too must make an effort to look beautiful. I care what likeminded others think of me; more often than not, looking good steadfast earns their approval so I’m all for it!”
Libra is a sign that is intimately linked to cerebral processes which have governed the evolution of human consciousness and the historic induction of a civilized life based on social parameters, moral codes and conventions. Thus it would be more than appropriate to declare that Libra is a faithful advocate for the acknowledgment of interpersonal relationships between two committed people regardless of race or gender. There is something of the sacred and divine in the love that exists between two committed individuals, and in Libra’s eyes these partnerships should be acknowledged, endorsed and held in the highest honour by all citizens unified under the umbrella of culture. The inclination towards convention is not to say that Libra is narrow-minded, bigoted, or totalitarian in any way, shape, or form–far from it! Libra respects and recognizes all unions of matrimony regardless of the dynamic and nature of the partnership whilst at the same time expressing preference for monogamistic lifestyles. It is not opposed to polygamy, but does not wish to revel in it itself. Libra is a firm believer in the adage that “everyone is born equal” and does not believe in gender-specific roles, colours, or any other qualities quantified and standardized by Western culture in that way.
With respect to its personal life, the Libran psyche can go on forgiving the mistakes and wrongdoings of significant others until it begins to feel a sense of hopelessness. When this threshold is reached, Libra can become cold-hearted, detached and mercilessly unyielding. It should also be mentioned that Librans can be quite charming and seductive and often enjoy flirting more than the sexual encounter itself. They are brilliant schemers and diplomats and will never act on impulse. For a Libran, deliberation is more appealing than immediacy and long-term goals and effects are far more important than fleeting and momentary pleasures. Libra is a cardinal energy and cannot stay inert for too long without becoming restless. Nevertheless it needs intermittent breaks between prolonged periods of activity to diffuse tension and excess stress otherwise its mental health can become afflicted.
There are two symbols associated with the zodiacal sign of Libra. The first, a set of scales, is the only inert object to exemplify a zodiacal sign in the Western zodiac as well as the perfect exoteric expression of Libra’s rudimentary quality–balance. All ancient civilizations, from the Indians and Persians to the Hellenes and Babylonians stood united in attributing to the seventh sign concepts which enabled the universal derivation of order from primordial chaos. The Romans attributed special significance to this sign because the foundation stone of Rome and thus of Italian self-determination was laid on October 4th, a date which falls under the mediation of the Libran house. In ancient Egypt, Libra was inexplicably connected to the concept of maat, a word used to denote the providential state of order, truth, balance and justice and personified as an Egyptian goddess with an ostrich feather strapped to her headdress. In ancient Egyptian society it was widely held that maat had been inaugurated by the gods at the moment of creation and was supposed to be upheld by the pharaoh, the living incarnation of Horus, through temple construction and the enactment of ritual. A surviving body of ancient Egyptian literature coined Instructive or Wisdom Literature illuminates just how vital justice, ethical standards and social etiquette were to the lives of the ancient Egyptians but especially to their eschatological practices and beliefs. Maat played a pivotal role in day-to-day undertakings but it played an even bigger role in the psychostasia, the judgement that was thought to occur following the death of an individual and determined whether or not he or she would continue to exist in an alternate dimension known as the Amenti. According to instructional texts connected to the moral code, any expression of disorder, envy, deceit, rebellion against established authority, laziness, injustice, and ingratitude were crimes against maat and set the individual soul upon the road which led to punishment, an eternal state of non-existence.
The second symbol is an astrological shorthand for the zodiacal sign utilized by astrologers in the creation of astrological charts and looks like a yoke. Interestingly, the ancient Greeks called Libra “Zygos” which essentially means “yoke”. An even more striking parallel exists between this pictogram and the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph used to denote akhet, the horizon or place of the rising and setting sun. In ancient Egypt the just mentioned word was originally used as an ideogram for “horizon” and “mountain of light” until the Ptolemaic Period when Hellenistic culture introduced Chaldean astrology to Egypt and connected the latter with the seventh house of the zodiac. From that moment onwards the word akhet was also a synonym for Libra and was appropriate given that the appearance of the full moon in this sign signals a return of the solar orb to the vernal equinox that might be interpreted as a tipping of the scales in the opposite direction and a reinstatement of universal balance.
In retrospect, both astrological sign and shorthand recall positive elementary and cardinal traits belonging to Libra–tenderness, tranquillity, fondness, orderliness, and sophistication. Dispassion, impartiality, relaxation, and sporadic inertia are also indigenous to its psychic make-up, a notion consistent with a lull in agricultural movement during the transient period of its government. The sign thrives when polar opposites coexist in a state of harmony but any psychological or physiological affliction can throw the scales off balance and result in protean temperaments and wild mood swings. The propensity of this sign to discern both sides of an argument and equate, measure, and quantify all possible trajectories before rationalizing a final judgement marks it as the personal abode of diplomats, judges, governments, and law-makers.
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generalwolfbread · 6 years
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“The higher one rises, the farther one is pulled down. Evolution does not move higher and higher, into an ever more heavenly heaven, but deeper and deeper. Each evolutionary cycle closes a little lower, a little nearer to the Center where the supreme High and Low, heaven and earth, will finally meet. The pioneer must therefore clear up the intermediary mental, vital, and material levels so that the two poles can actually meet. When the joining takes place, not only mentally and vitally but also materially, then the Spirit will emerge in Matter within a complete supramental being and a supramental body. The difficulties of accustoming the body to the supramental Agni may, ultimately, have a reason and a purpose.
All obstacles, whatever their nature, always ultimately prove themselves to be helpful auxiliaries of a Truth whose meaning and purpose we do not yet know. To our outer, superficial vision, the transformation seems to be exclusively a physical problem, because we always put the cart before the horse, but all difficulties are actually inner and psychological; the visible and dramatic difficulties of the body’s growing accustomed to the boiling Agni may be, as we shall see, less a practical or material problem than one involving the whole terrestrial consciousness.
Night after night, in his sleep or with his eyes wide open, the seeker uncovers very strange worlds. One after another, he unearths all the birthplaces of human perversion, human wars, human concentration camps, where everything we live here is being prepared; he catches in their dens all the sordid forces that move the petty and cruel men.
The more Light he possesses, the more darkness he uncovers. Night after night he tracks down the surreptitious rot that undermines Life; for how can anything change as long as that gangrene is there?
Now the dark half of the truth has become illuminated. Every stumbling or error kindles a flame of pain and seems to produce a breach of light below; every weakness summons up a corresponding force, as if the energy of the fall were the very energy of the ascent; every imperfection is a step toward a greater fulfillment.
There are no sins, no errors, but only countless mishaps that compel us to attend to the full extent of our kingdom and to embrace everything in order to heal and fulfill everything. Through a tiny crack in our armor, a love and compassion for the world have entered in, which none of the radiant purities can ever understand; purity is impregnable, self-contained, sealed off like a fortress; some fissure is needed for the Truth to come in!
There is a truth of Love behind evil. The nearer one draws to the infernal circles, the more one uncovers the great need in the depths of Evil and begins to understand that nothing can be healed without a corresponding intensity: a flame is kindled within, more and more powerful and warm beneath the suffocating pressure – there is just Her, nothing but Her – as if Love alone could confront the Night and persuade it of its luminous half.
As if all that Shadow had been necessary so that Love might be born. In truth, the heart of every shadow, of every evil harbors the inverse mystery. And as each of us bears or harbors a special difficulty, at once the contradiction and the sign of our destiny, it may be that, similarly, the immense “faults” of the earth – her sins and sufferings and the thousand gaping wounds of a pauper – are the very sign of her destiny, and that someday she will incarnate perfect Love and Joy because she will have suffered all and understood all.
As we progress, the superconscious line recedes upward and the subconscious line downward. Everything widens, everything is illuminated, but everything also closes in and converges around a sharp point of darkness, increasingly acute, crucial and pressing, as if we had turned for years and years – for lifetimes – around the same Problem without ever having truly touched it. Then, suddenly, it is right there, at the bottom of the hole, wriggling beneath the Light – all the evil of the world within one point.
The time of the Secret is drawing near. For the law of descent is not a law of oppression, sin, or fall, any more than it is a law of repentance or heavenward escape, but truly a Golden Law, an unfathomable Premeditation that draws us simultaneously upward and downward into the depths of the subconscient and inconscient, to that central point,that knot of life and death, shadow and light, where the Secret awaits us. The nearer we draw to the Summit, the more we touch the Depths.”
- Satprem
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