#super robot wars og gaiden
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kurhl · 1 year ago
Robôs, correria, raios e explosões, na versão OG.
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tastycitrus · 5 years ago
OGs watching Divine Wars
Touya: Why does this entire anime look terrible?
Ryusei: Man, I've been asking that since it came out.
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a-shrieking-cloud-of-bats · 3 years ago
honestly just waiting for more SRW games to be translated
it’s sort’ve a weird franchise because one of the only english games released and easily accessible is both up to 100 hours long, has a terrible difficulty scale (it’s basically painfully easy up to expert, maybe, and then super expert is weird as hell and not really a consistent experience, and then super expert+ is basically You Need To Know Everything), and it’s a franchise that is sort’ve hit or miss so it’s very difficult for me to just come out and reccomend super robot wars 30
what I will Reccomend is that several of the otherwise japanese only games have been translated and you can Obtain Them Through The Standard Methods (also there’s an internet archive page)
I think it’s W, A, J uhhh Alpha gaiden, OGs, (playstation version) that have been translated
also 3 was translated but that game will twist your fucking balls
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remzarci · 5 years ago
Alright Lemme just...Write my “Credentials” regarding where I am in the grand Scheme of Super Robot Wars
To date I have played basically ALL of the GBA games
Advance to J (Including both OG Games)
My mainline knowledge? Gaiden (Aka Masou Kishin) And EX...
Now...I’ve only payed a BIT of Masou Kishin. Only getting to the point where you can get the Cybuster...Buuuuuut I was having a hell of a time actually getting through the mission (as well as the previous mission...possibly due to not upgrading my mechs and pilots)
Now I actually read ahead on Wikipedia and I noticed
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So this honestly tells me that this was a cashgrab through and through...
So...I’m not expecting much going in...Not Masaki Andoh, Or...anything actually linking it to SRW at all...
And with that...I’m gonna try and muster up the effort to actually watch Cybuster/Psybuster.
See you soon
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scope-dogg · 6 years ago
I want to play super robot wars. Where do I start?
Well, each one has its own story, so there isn’t really a “right place to start” from that point of view. There is, however, a limited selection available to play in English, as you’re limited to the last couple of games that have gotten English language releases in Asia and the small handful of fan translations out there. That is, at least, if it’s a game featuring a wide array of anime titles you want to play. The OGs series featuring Banpresto originals mecha only have all been available in the west. If it’s anime titles you want on the other hand, it’s just a matter of picking the one you think has the best roster, versus how much you’re willing to put up with in regards to primitive graphics and sound work, or whether you own a PS4 or Vita or think it’s worth it to get one.
Your options are:
Super Robot Wars J (GBA - pixelly graphics, kind of shitty sound with no voice acting, but has a pretty strong story.)
Featuring: Mazinkaiser, Gundam Seed, Brain Powerd, G Gundam, SPT Layzner, Tekkaman Blade, Martian Successor Nadesico, Hades Project Zeorymer, Combattler V, Voltes V, Dancouga, Full Metal Panic
Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden (PS1 - fairly decent graphics, though units have very super-deformed sprites and some of the animation feels a little stiff. Music is okay, game has a good array of voice work. The story is actually a follow up to the as-yet untranslated SRW Alpha, and while it’s not too hard to pick up the gist of what’s going on some confusion is to be expected.)
Featuring: Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Mazinkaiser, Getter Robo, Getter Robo G and Shin Getter Robo (manga,) Macross, Macross Plus, Char’s Counterattack, Stardust Memory, Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Victory Gundam, Turn A Gundam, Gundam X, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, Combat Mecha Xabungle, Voltes V, Combattler V, Brave Raideen, Dancouga, Galaxy Cyclone Braiger, Daitarn 3
Super Robot Wars A Portable (PSP - probably the nicest graphics of the fanslation games, with great sound and voice acting. I’m still playing through the story but it seems quite good.)
Featuring: Martian Successor Nadesico, Gundam 0079, Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Char’s Counterattack, Stardust Memory, the 8th MS Team, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, G Gundam, Metal Armor Dragonar, Daitarn 3, Zambot 3, Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Grendizer, Getter Robo, Getter Robo G and Shin Getter Robo, Combattler V, Voltes V, Brave Leader Daimos.
Those you can all play for free with an emulator. J is probably the easiest and is a good training wheels SRW game, Alpha Gaiden has the widest array of rep, and A Portable looks the nicest. Of course, if you have a PS4 or Vita and are prepared to shell out for an imported asian english language release copy, then you also have:
Super Robot Wars V (PS4 / Vita - HD graphics and sound with great animation and voice acting)
Featuring: Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Char’s Counterattack, Gundam Unicorn, Gundam Hathaway’s Flash, Gundam Crossbone, Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer, Gundam Seed Destiny, Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness, Cross Ange, Brave Express Might Gaine, Daitarn 3, Zambot 3, Full Metal Panic, Getter Robo Armageddon, Shin Mazinger Z, Mazinger Zero, Neon Genesis Evangelion (rebuilds) Space Battleship Yamato 2199
Super Robot Wars X (PS4 / Vita - same applies)
Featuring: Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Char’s Counterattack, Gundam F91, Gundam Crossbone, Gundam Reconguista in G, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, Brave Express Might Gaine, Daitarn 3, Aura Battler Dunbine, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, Gurren Lagann, Mashin Hero Wataru, Shin Mazinger Z, Mazinger Zero, Cross Ange, Buddy Complex, Nadia: the Secret of Blue Water
And then of course, if you’re prepared to wait a little while there’s the upcoming:
Super Robot Wars T (PS4 / Nintendo Switch - same applies, out March 20 2019)
Featuring: Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Char’s Counterattack, Gundam Crossbone, G Gundam, the King of Braves Gaogaigar, Brave Express Might Gaine, Tryder G7, Aura Battler Dunbine, Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness, Getter Robo Armageddon, Mazinger Z Infinity, Gun X Sword, Armored Trooper VOTOMs, Gunbuster, Expelled from Paradise, Magic Knight Rayearth, Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX (ie; Captain Harlock) Cowboy Bebop
For what it’s worth, I started with J and really enjoyed it, though I think A Portable is on track to becoming my favourite. One more piece of advice I’d give is that it’s probably a good idea to pick a game that has your favourites, but if it also has one or more series that you plan to watch in the future and don’t want to be spoiled on before you watch it, exercise caution.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years ago
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Fan translation group Aeon Genesis has released a new translation for the Super Robot Wars series. This time, it is for Super Robot Wars EX, which originally released on Super Famicom.
The game features Masaki Ando, Lune Zoldak, and Shu Shirakawa as the main protagonists, with each character having their own route to play through. It’s a gaiden game that takes place after 3rd Super Robot Wars and is set in the subterranean world of La Gias, home of the Elemental Lords.
If you’re familiar with the Super Robot OG series, the plot of EX has been brought into that subseries via 2nd Super Robot Wars OG, which used Masaki and Lune’s routes for the first arc of the game. Meanwhile, Shu’s route has been elaborated upon in Super Robot Wars OG: Dark Prison.
Check out some screenshots below:
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You can find a link to the fan translation here.
Super Robot Wars EX was originally released for Super Famicom.
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bonerhitler · 8 years ago
I love Super Robot Wars
So! I feel like the past few posts I've made have been disappointingly negative. I don't like writing negative things, it's too easy. Anyone can write a few pages about how bad everything is! So lets get the good thoughts back on track by writing some dumb words about something I love. Giant robots. Specifically, Super Robot Wars.
For the unfamiliar Super Robot Wars is a franchise largely consisting of turn based strategy games wherein your units consist of giant robots. In the main series these robots are largely from various series such as Gundam, Mazinger Z and Getter Robo, in fact they are the three main pillars of the franchise. Whereas in the Original Generation games your units entirely consist of new, original creations but the gameplay is otherwise the same. Units are also typically segregated into two categories. “Super Robots” which are generally big, tanky and more implausible robots such as Mazinger Z or Gurren Lagann, usually powered by their pilot's willpower with a penchant for unrealistic weaponry and a heavier focus on flashy skills. And “Real Robots” which tends to encompass series like Gundam and Martian Successor Nadesco, they're usually smaller, faster with a focus on dodging things and using ammunition instead of energy with far less of a focus on the pilot's willpower and a heavier emphasis on the machine's capabilities.
Typically speaking the gameplay is straight forward on the surface. You're given a large field to move your units around in and each unit can move a number of spaces and can take one action per turn. Your turn ends when all  units have moved, or if you wish to end it prematurely you can while the AI typically has the same restrictions you do. Each unit has a small list of attacks they can do, restricted by range, energy cost and “will”. “Will” being a stat that goes up and down based on each pilot's individual personality, but most characters will gain will by attacking and defending their allies, but lose it by being hit or watching friends die. Each pilot has their own skills they learn as they level up as well. Generally those range from simple skills to increase your aim or reduce damage, to crazier high-cost skills that double your attack damage or refill your health completely.
After each map is complete you're given a wide array of options from swapping pilots mechs around, to upgrading mechs and pilot skills or even changing the equipment of your unit, if at all applicable. The series tends to be decent about letting you use your absolute favorite units even if the units you like aren't the objective best. Balance is, however, a minor issue. So units like the Evangelions tend to have some very unbalanced skills and stats due to their defensive AT field with Evangelion Unit 01 in particular gaining access to several different forms over the course of the franchise. But due to the fact that you can upgrade units to your preference, field whoever you want and equip the ones you want the natural imbalances are hardly an issue.
Then there's the approach to the story the games take. They usually tie the stories together based on a common theme or idea and mesh them together using characters, events or plot items from one story as  replacement for similar ones in another. The main arc of each story the game focuses on follows through as expected, however, but the background details tend to shift slightly to better fit the strange amalgamated world the game takes place in. At least, usually. One really cool thing the SRW franchise does is fill its games with secrets and alternate paths, protagonists who die are often able to be saved or recovered. Even villains can occasionally be turned hero if the player figures out the right options and requirements. There are occasionally even entire game-exclusive redesigns and upgrades to pre-existing series mechs like Zeorymer hidden fairly deep in the game.
As for why I, personally, like this series so much? Well largely because it's just fun to play around with cool robots from my favorite anime and blow up a bunch of lame generic evil minions before fighting a boss to the awesome themesong from that show. It's also always rewarding when you manage to figure out a great strategy to finish a tough stage with no losses and gain a bunch of cool bonuses, or discover a neat hidden unit somewhere. There's also always the chance of discovering a new series you've never  heard of with a cool mech design or something. I didn't know what Tekkaman Blade was before playing SRW:J but I know now, and I love those designs, or Blue Comet SPT Layzner. I absolutely love that the series will just bust out less popular, even occasionally obscure, series and it's always a treat to see something you're completely unfamiliar with among the old favorites.
There are downsides, however. As far as I can tell only six SRW games are in English. Super Robot Wars: Original Generation, and it's sequel Original Generation 2 for the GBA were released in America. Super Robot Wars: V and Original Generations: Moon Dwellers for the PS4 were given English subtitles for their SEA releases. And at least two games, SRW: J, for the GBA, and Alpha Gaiden, for the Playstation, have fan translations. One of the biggest reasons the series can't make it over seas is licensing, a lot of the series are owned by multiple different anime studios so they can't legally bring it over. The OG games, however, were met with lackluster results on the GBA so they haven't bothered translating any since. At least now we will likely get more translated subtitles with the SEA releases, as they seem to be doing with all of their Gundam games as well.
So, in the end all I have to say is if you like robots and haven't given these games a try it, go for it. They're super fun and my only regret is that I'm not fluent enough in Japanese to fully understand the stories of the games that aren't translated. Watching Mazinger Z wreck dudes will never grow old for me, especially when it's paired up to the amazing openings from Shin Mazinger Z.
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possessedscholar · 8 years ago
Game of Origin: Super Robot Wars J
Theme of Gu-Landon Goetz/Zui Gaiden
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tastycitrus · 5 years ago
Akimi: You know, I've been wondering—why is 2nd OGs called 2nd OGs if it's considered Episode 3 of the OG series?
The Steel Dragons:
Ryusei: Well, you see, OG1 and OG2 were compiled into the same game as OGs, meaning they're the first Super Robot Wars Original Generations, so 2nd OGs is called 2nd OGs because it's the 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generations.
Akimi: But that just raises more questions. Why are OG1 and OG2 counted as the first SRW OGs when they're two different games? And what about Gaiden—
The Steel Dragons: COUNTING IS HARD, OKAY?!
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