#super duper excited for this event!
honeytonedhottie · 1 month
trying to make a script?⋆.ೃ࿔*:・✍🏽
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if ur curious about scripting, or are just looking for a way to have some fun manifesting something or saturating then u should totally try scripting. remember, its not the method that manifests, its the thoughts that do…💬🎀
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scripting is a manifestation technique in which u write about whatever u wanna manifest (as if u already have it ofc) people like to script if they like to plan/write things down and all in all its a super fun manifestation technique that i like to do every now and then.
people use scripting for all sorts of things. sometimes, we'll use scripting to script about something that we're trying to manifest as though we already have it. sometimes we script about our dream life and all the little details, or we'll script for a specific scenario to unfold in a certain way, the possibilities are ENDLESS.
depending on what im manifesting, my scripting style will differ. but usually i like to do different styles of scripting, to kind of mix things up and have fun because its not the method that manifests, its ur THOUGHTS this is just a fun way to saturate ur mind.
♡ diary technique
so basically i'll write a diary entry like i got what i manifested. for example if im manifesting my favorite cake, my script would look like this (dear diary, today i woke up and in the fridge was my favorite cake ever!! im so excited, i already cut myself a slice and it smells so so good)…💬🎀
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♡ specific scenarios
so if theres something im looking forward to or something that i want to happen, i'll write a script just like how someone would do for an actress. in the script i'll script out what someone says and does etc. for example if im manifesting someone to confess their undying love for me, my script would just be what i want them to say while confessing, and how i react, and i'd just play that scene over and over again in my mind…💬🎀
♡ interview/all about me
this scripting method is like ur being interviewed about a specific event that ur manifesting. lets say ur manifesting a promotion at ur job, ur script would look like (insert name), how did it feel to get _ promotion? (insert name) congratulations on ur promotion.
and if ur doing like an "all about me" page in ur journal, and ur trying to manifest waist length hair, ur script would look like this (hair length : waist length)
i rly hoped i explained everything in a way that makes sense but scripting is something thats just super duper fun and a rly fun way to saturate and manifest…💬🎀
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wildlife4life · 8 months
Fuck-It Friday
Tagged by the super duper amazing @jesuisici33 @devirnis (dropped a super cute fic) @hippolotamus @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @aroeddiediaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @tizniz @daffi-990 and @diazsdimples (who dropped a whole ass fic, check it out!) Thank you all so much and I'm very intrigued and excited for all your fics!
More NFL Buck, what else? Here is a bit from when Buck and Eddie first met, featuring Tommy Vega, a buddie shipper. (All things NFL Buck can be found here)
Later, when Eddie was pulling a pen out of his front left breast pocket to sign for his allocated meal from the stadium, a folded neon orange notecard fell out.  Tommy noticed it first and snatched the card up before Eddie could even register what had happen. “Thought you said nothing happened Diaz?” She unfolded the bright paper, “So you got that boys digits? And address?” “He-I- “, Buck was a sneaky son of a bitch and apparently had some very nimble fingers. Eddie blew out an exasperated breath, “He asked me to meet him after the game. Early dinner I guess, but I didn’t agree to anything, and he must have slipped that in my pocket when- “ “When he was feeling you up?” The paramedic captain snorted out a small laugh, then sobered, “You should go.” Eddie shook his head, “No, I can’t. I need to relieve the sitter, and Buckley is just your typical leather head. Probably wants to experiment or something and I’m not- “, He stopped there because ever since Evan graced Eddie with his sunshine bright smile, he’s been questioning a major (very repressed) part of himself. Within the two weeks that have passed, Eddie has managed to barley admit to himself in the quiet recesses of his mind, that he might not be straight.  Meeting up with the very person that tilted his entire world in less than hour, meant confronting that internal struggle head on. Tommy entire demeanor mollified, and a look of sympathetic understanding softened her features, “I’ve been working these games for a long while Eddie. Been around a lot of players, including Evan Buckley. From what I’ve heard, he got around when he first got here, girls only though.  Almost got kicked off the team and lost his scholarship, was given a second chance and he almost blew that too.” “He’s still here, so what changed?” Eddie asked.
What indeed changed? That will not be revealed until the fic is published. I love marrying cannon events with this au, like with Buck's history. Repressed Eddie is fun to make squirm too lol. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @disasterbuckdiaz @bekkachaos @eddiescowboy @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @glorious-spoon @buddierights @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley
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asktheoger · 20 days
Kenji and Tomo stood outside their house, the latter tapping his foot against the ground in an anxious rhythm.
“Alright, we’re done,” Miu’s voice called from the door. “Aya, are you ready to show them?”
“Yup yup!” The Ogerpon chimed, eagerly sliding the door open.
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“You both look amazing,” Tomo added, fondly looking from Aya to Miu. “Ah, well that’s a relief,” Miu sighed, tossing back his hair. “Let me know if you spot something out of place that me or Aya didn’t pick up on.”
“Looks good to me! You did a perfect job!” Kenji reported, picking up Aya and spinning her around, prompting a burst of giggles from the young girl.
“Aya,” Tomo started. “How about you go on ahead a little bit?”
“All by myself?” She asked, eyes widening. “Really?”
“Yes- but please, be careful- And don’t go past the rock wall!”
“You’re growing up to be so brave and fast,” Miu added, gently planting a kiss on her forehead. “I bet you can’t get past the stream by the time we start.”
“Oh yes I can!! I’m super duper fast- just watch me!!” Aya exclaimed, running off at full speed.
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“Alright,” Tomo murmured, letting out a sigh when Aya was far enough away. The markings on the Munkidori’s face lit up as he closed his eyes in concentration.
“These are all the important events and going-ons I picked up from the traveling villagers,” he explained, projecting the information into the minds of his husbands. “It should cover almost the entire year…remember, if anyone asks, we’re from Mossui village, from the other side of the island. Kenji, did you bring the Poké?”
“Yup- should be enough to last us for the night,” the Okidogi replied, patting to the left of his obi. “And if it’s not…well, you know the drill.”
“Alright,” Tomo let out another sigh. “I think that’s all... We should catch up with Aya before she goes too far.”
- - -
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It was a long, long trek, down from the mountains and into the lower forests of Kitakami. Despite leaving early in the morning and only stopping for lunch and the occasional break, the sun was setting by the time the quartet found a main road.
Aya, finding her second wind, ran down the path, heart pounding with excitement and eyes shining with anticipation for the upcoming celebration. She had waited all year for this, traveled the whole day to get here- she was so, so close.
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And then, finally- she was there.
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Aya, Kenji, Tomo, and Miu have arrived at the festival!
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abarbaricyalp · 13 days
For the intimacy prompts: "a hand written note", Sam/Bucky
Wowee is this so super duper late! Very sorry. But unfortunately, this prompt reminded me of a fic I started all the way back in 2022 for Valentine's Day and I just could not let it go this time. AO3 Link
In 1950, several years after the war had ended and just as the excitement and tragedy surrounding the short-lived career of Captain America was dying down, a collection of war time letters from the Captain’s second-in-command, James “Bucky” Barnes was published.
In 2026, the only edition with new letters was published
Selected Texts from: The Barnes Letters : Revised and Expanded 11th Edition, 2026
[Letter to Sam Wilson (36 years old, former Air Force Pararescue, current VA therapist, new best friend of Steve Rogers) left in an apartment while Wilson was running the trash out, 2015]
Don’t get so irritated with this cat and mouse game that you give up and just opt for pouncing over me and eating me. I dunno, maybe I shoulda gone with the early bird and the worm metaphor, but whatever. Maybe I’ll slow down for you in the next place. Spend a little bit of time at some farmer’s market or something. Use an alias that you might know about, depending on how much you read.
Take it easier, birdy.
The first Barnes letter of the 21st century paints a stark contrast to the paragon found in the original text of The Barnes Letters. This book does not attempt to psychoanalyze Barnes or the events of his life, as the original did not. The 11th edition of The Barnes Letters merely wishes to build upon the corpus of the original and to bring a conclusion to the questions brought up in subsequent editions.
The text of these letters have been transcribed exactly as found, but the spirit of them would be dampened slightly if it were not brought up that the letters were found on everything from sticky notes to napkins to sheets of lined paper to sketchpad pages with doodles on the other side or around the words–clean, crumbled, torn, creased. These letters, perhaps moreso than the original, were cherished and protected and clearly read several times over.
The Wakanda Letters
[Collection of letters left for Bucky Barnes, by Sam Wilson, in the Wakandan Palace’s medical facility, 2016-2018]
Hey, Tin-Can,
You’ve gotta wake up soon ‘cause you still owe me a car.
I’m tired of being a fugitive for your broody ass. You better have a whole slate of apologies lined up for when I see you next ‘else I’m gonna put you right back under. I haven’t showered with seriously hot water in ages. (Barring the one I just got in the palace. Wait until you wake up and see the water pressure here. It’s gonna blow your poor little 40s mind.)
You know, Steve really wants us to get along. Gotta say, I do see the appeal. You’re so quiet and a great listener. I always know where to find you.
He just read that over my shoulder and called me a jerk for you. I figure you’d use stronger language, but hey.
Oh, hey, I heard there was some crazy fight here a few weeks ago. Did you see anything you wanna gossip about?
Alright, alright, I’ll stop. Heading out somewhere new tomorrow morning. Always some new fight, new monster, new injustice, right?
Well, good dreams or whatever.
B, you’ve gotta try a drink at this bar. (Bringing the napkin in won’t get a discount, I asked) It’s called…get this, get this, get this, it’s called a Bucky Bear Brawl. Bucky Bear. Gonna lose my mind. -S
If I bleed all over this paper, you won’t use it to create an even better super soldier serum, right? (Cause, let’s be honest, my DNA is a catch for mad scientists. Looks, brains, body, personality. I’ve got it all.)
I don’t get why you didn’t give up the chase after DC. We coulda done all of this shit, avoided all of this shit, if you’d just come back then. You knew I was there. You kept me in the corner of your eye or your rearview or your scope, I assume, so why not just stop running?
I’m so tired of this. I want to go home. I want to see my friends and my family and sleep in a real bed. And you gave all that shit up for…what? They still found a way to ruin your life. Steve’s life. My life.
How did I end up giving up everything for you and the star spangled man, huh? Seventeen infuriating hours in a car with you and suddenly that makes you worth something to me?
I always try to do what’s right, help people who need it. At great personal cost, lost people important to me. I’ve never done this much for one person, though. And I don’t even know you. I have your files. I’ve read history books. Hell, I even know the fruits and fish you like. But I gave up my family and my reputation for this. I have a bullet in my shoulder for this.
Who are you to drive me to that, huh? You’re not even awake. You’re not out here with us while we do this for you. This is bullshit.
PS, I lied the other day. I don’t prefer you being quiet. I want you to argue with me. I want you to hear what I’m saying. I want you to come back. Fuck, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. I want you so far gone that I never think about you again or I want you to come back. But you keep just existing right in my periphery. A shadow I can’t shake. A stray that’s followed me all the way to my door stoop. Fuck.
I’ve thrown away seven other sheets trying to find something to say, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter what I write down now. You’ll be able to hear it straight from my pretty mouth soon enough.
Sorry we won’t be around to see you through all of it. Princess’s orders. Besides, there’s a new bad guy out there fucking something up. And, surprise surprise, Ross hasn’t sent anyone after them, so duh-da da da-dah, here we come, to the rescue.
I’ll see you soon, though, alright.
Not that, like, you care about when I’ll see you. Ah, shit, I’m gonna throw this one away too.
And Sam had kept his promise, showing up a week afterwards with a sharp quip on his lips but a tellingly earnest patience as Bucky had walked him and Steve around the spaces that had become his life. He’d even left a note on Bucky’s bed wishing him good dreams again.
So it only made sense that Bucky slipped a note into his go-bag.
You musta been real bored without me around to fuck shit up if you had this much time to write all these letters. Did keep me busy for a while though. Maybe next time you could be more verbose and flowery, give me something to really sink a literary analysis into.
I’m gonna keep this one short, though, ‘cause you’re nosey and pay attention to everything I do. I ain’t gonna throw you around no more, so you can unclench. Heard you argue with S1 and S2 about whether or not I was ready to go out again.
I’m not.
I know it’s selfish when all of you are still fighting the fight, but I’m so tired. And I’m unstable on my feet. I need some time to get the ground under me again. But if you tell Steve I agree with him, I’ll burn your letters without looking at them.
You could stay, y’know. You don’t have to keep fighting. I could use the company. Talking is supposed to help rebuild neurons or something, right? Maybe I’m just making that up.
Anyway, hope you find this at an inopportune time.
-Tin Can
[Left on Barnes’s pillow in Wakanda, 2018]
Sorry the world doesn’t wait for what we want. Sorry the world’s ending. Maybe you can show me all your goats again when all of this is said and done. Maybe it’ll be a little quieter for once.
Read the rest on AO3
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hyuckbeam · 2 years
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try again
things don’t seem to be going the way you’ve been wanting them to go the entire week. to make things even worse than they already are, your boyfriend (or rather ex-boyfriend) dumped you in front of the entire campus. you can’t seem to lift yourself up and try again — well, that is until he comes into your life.
pairing | college barista!jeno x college student!reader
genre | fluff, angst, college au
warnings + notes | afab!reader, a bit of cursing, ex-bf being a red flag, mentions of alcohol, roomie!ningning, that’s p much it!
wc | 5.1k words
a/n | im super duper excited to finally release this chapter of the tttc series!! personally, i just like the overall flow of this one and i hope u do too!! let me know what u think abt it :> as always, rbs, likes, and feedback are appreciated!
song recs | all 4 nothing - lauv, the loneliest time - carly rae jepsen, tfw (that feeling when) - enhypen
tttc m.list, main m.list
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the first time you met him was seriously by coincidence.
your stomach had you hurling for the past few days, not to mention how sore you were from phys-ed class yesterday. you still remember asking your coach to let you off the hook for the day, but they denied your request – oh well, they were never a great teacher anyways, you think to yourself. your own boyfriend hadn't even checked up on you once to ask if you were doing alright. it’s not like you were going to burden him or anything… you just wanted a little bit of reassurance to get you through the week. was that so much to ask for?
as if all odds were finally in your favor, a light buzz from your phone snaps you out of your thoughts. you pick it up to see your boyfriend’s caller id. maybe this was it. maybe the gods finally heard your pleas to make life just a teensy bit bearable for you.
“hey, i think we should meet up for a moment. do you have time?” is the first thing he’s told you all week and for some reason, instead of the comfort you were anticipating, all you felt was sheer annoyance. not even a simple how are you? the lack of emotion he’s displayed just breaks your heart even more than it already is.
you still manage to reply, mimicking his dry tone instinctively. “yeah, where?” it's faint, but you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t a little hope in you. maybe he wants to meet in person to give you a hug, maybe a kiss? you desperately want that to be true.
“at the campus open grounds, you know, the one near that coffee shop?” he suggests through the call and you once your head despite him not even being able to see you. “okay, i’ll see you then.”
you couldn’t even believe he just asked if you knew where the open grounds were located. doesn’t he remember that’s the place he asked you out? perhaps it was an important event only to you. the thought manages to send a dry chuckle out your throat — it already didn’t seem like your little meetup with him was going to be of any help to your mood.
not much time had passed by the time you arrived at the chosen spot, setting your sights on a nearby bench to rest your feet as you waited.
a lot of people crowded the grounds today. it wasn’t usually this jam-packed, but you suppose the bright and sunny weather encouraged people to roam around outside. after all, the sky hadn’t been this pretty shade of vibrant blue in a while. you’re thankful the weather is good — at least something seems to be turning out well today.
your boyfriend arrives, albeit later than expected, even though he was the one who asked you to come out in the first place. you had been scorched by the sun’s rays for over ten minutes now, wanting nothing more than to just head back indoors.
“sorry i uh… took a while. i’ll make this short.” he states awkwardly, a bit too much considering you were dating. “i’m breaking up with you. i just fell out of love, you know that feeling, right?” your relationship was never the best, this was inevitably going to happen someday, but hearing it out loud was what did it for you.
out loud… wait. you look around to find practically everyone around you whispering to themselves, watching the scene between you and your boyfriend unfold — eating it up like it's the plot of a famous drama.
the shame, the anger, the embarrassment, you just wanted to get away from it all. the hope you gained earlier was all an illusion. your days weren’t going to get any better as the week just became like the stuff that comes out of nightmares. you utterly felt sick to the bottom of your stomach. not only did you get dumped, you got dumped in front of so many people.
without saying another word to your boyfriend — or should you say ex-boyfriend — you grab your things and take a run towards the nearest alleyway that just happened to be the one at the back of the coffee shop.
you crouch down to the floor, curling up into yourself as best as you could before finally letting emotions overtake you, just enough to calm you down. surely no one would find you here if you let out a tear or two, right?
wrong. whoever put that idea to your brain was a big dumbass (whoever being you) because a boy emerges through the shop’s backdoor and into the alleyway, presumably taking out the trash since he’s holding a familiar-looking black plastic bag. however, he quickly stops in his tracks, noticing your presence when there was usually no one else there. the alley was pretty dark after all – it gave most people the creeps but here you were, willingly occupying a small portion of the horrid area while bawling your eyes out. “um… i don’t usually do this, but do you want a cup of hot chocolate?” the guy offers, rubbing his nape sheepishly after noticing your tear-stained cheeks.
you can’t help but silently thank him for not bringing up your appearance in the conversation. you probably looked like a disheveled tomato by now, prompting you to wipe your tears with your arm to at least make yourself look presentable. “actually… yeah, that would be nice.”
you got a better look at him now that you were seated in the cafe, the warm lighting easing your nerves little by little. as expected of him, there’s a welcoming aura that surrounds his figure, a calm smile that’s sure to brighten up anyone’s day (including yours), a tiny little mole below his eye, and the shiniest hair that made you want to touch it — that probably wasn’t the most appropriate thought you’ve had all day.
what you didn’t expect was that he’d actually give that cup of hot chocolate free of charge. you didn’t even know who he was (and probably vice versa). still, it made you gain back a little bit of hope that was lost. with a soft smile now spread across your lips, you begin to ponder that maybe today could still turn out to be better for you.
the rest of your day goes better than anticipated, and you’re beginning to think that barista you met at the coffee shop is some sort of miracle worker or a lucky charm. even if he wasn’t, you sure do feel lucky you ran into him – though the situation wasn’t exactly the most ideal in hindsight. still, the thought manages to keep your spirits high all the way until you reach back to your dorm.
“ning yizhuo!” your sudden call turns two heads in the room, one being the said person, and the other being her cousin, renjun. the latter often came by and you were quite used to his presence and practically saw him as a brother.
“oh no, not the government name!” a sarcastic tone laces your roommate’s voice. truthfully, she had already heard about your breakup and was expecting you to be bawling your eyes right about now… except… you weren’t. in fact, you had a beaming smile displayed for everyone to see. weird – renjun had probably thought the exact same thing as they gave each other identical looks.
this goes completely unnoticed by you, dropping your bags before making yourself comfortable by the couch. “seriously, you guys won’t believe what happened earlier.”
“... you got dumped?” renjun voices out slowly, almost as if he’s testing the waters still.
“no! i mean yes, but that’s not what i was going to talk about.”
“why aren’t we talking about that? your ex was a douche- i can finally talk shit about him!” ningning cheers.
renjun clears his throat, “more importantly though, are you really fine?”
his words linger in your head for a bit. were you really okay? genuinely speaking, you didn’t feel much – probably because you expected your relationship to fall out eventually. both of you wanted different things and came to realize that. there was an underlying feeling of gratitude that your ex finally cut through the cracks of your bond, but you could definitely do without all the public shame though. that might continue to haunt you, but what’s done, was done.
“mhm, i’m really fine. i’ll get over him sooner or later.” you answer softly. both renjun and ningning could tell you were certain, silently agreeing within themselves to drop the topic completely. “but gosh, i probably wouldn’t have been able to make it through the day if it weren’t for that barista guy in the coffee shop.
you see renjun’s ears visibly perk up at the mention of a barista there, like he already knew who you were referring to. “do you mean the guy who works there? y’know, the one who kind of looks like a fluffy white dog and has a mole under his eye?” god, was he spot on with the description too.
“that’s him!” you gasp out, still in slight shock. you suppose renjun frequents the shop – especially since that’s where he and his girlfriend go to study. “huang renjun, are you psychic?”
that seems to bring out a snort in him, “you just knew that now?” he remarks rather playfully, “actually, his name is jeno. we’ve been friends for a pretty long while now.”
ah, so his name is jeno. you wouldn’t tell anyone, but you mayhaps ingrained that piece of information straight to your heart.
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the second time you met him, you just wanted to see him one more time after.
ever since you learned about his name from renjun, he seemed to pop up in almost every conversation you engaged with. was he always this popular or were you just really ignorant to the people around you? it’s crazy how much you’ve been thinking about him ever since.
“put a finger down if you’ve gotten butterflies from a stranger!” frankly, you’re startled at the command, forgetting that you were in the middle of a ‘never have i ever’ game with your group of friends. jeno just so happened to be there too since your friend groups actually aligned well within each other. with him personally being around, you couldn’t seem to focus on anything except him. it’s the nudge ningning aims at your shoulder that gets you placing a finger down, remembering you’re still part of the game. you suppose your brief interaction with jeno does count as part of this…
this small action had the entire group cooing. it was a bit overwhelming, not knowing what to do when so many eyes were set on you. wanting to brush it off, you simply give a shy smile to the crowd, persuading them to not go any further and just continue on with the game. luckily, that’s exactly what they do and you’re met with sweet relief – finally letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in the first place.
still, your gaze shifts back at jeno. had he realized you were the person that bawled their eyes out in the back alleyway of the coffee shop? had he realized you were the one he offered a free cup of hot chocolate to? had he realized you were staring at him like he held the entire universe in his hands?
but most importantly, had you realized he was looking back at you the same way? no? maybe that’s for the best.
the air was getting too stuffy in the room for your liking, you had to excuse yourself out for some fresh air. it was already pretty dark out and you weren’t sure when your friends would finally call it a night. frankly, the breeze was much colder now (and you kind of regret not bringing a jacket out), but at the same time it was calming and quiet – a sharp contrast to the lively atmosphere held inside.
that serene silence was cut off by the faint sound of footsteps coming from the main door, jeno’s figure coming into view. what was he doing out here?
“hey… inside got too much, huh?” guess you and him share that opinion as you nod in agreement.
“a little?” your nose scrunches up at the thought. “i don’t usually mind it but it does get me swamped sometimes.”
a small hum is what comes out as a reply, the both of you opting for the comfortable silence the night bears. a few ruffling sounds are heard coming from jeno and before you could ask him what was making the noise, you felt warmth embrace you from behind. it was a jacket. not just any jacket, his jacket.
“sorry, did i startle you? it’s just, you looked cold.” truth be told, you were far from cold after his gesture. isn’t this something someone would do when they’re in a relationship? why was jeno doing this… with you?
it was then you unconsciously already had your mind made up. you weren’t going to acknowledge it yet, but you were completely over your ex.
there was absolutely no chance of you getting sleep that night, especially after the events beforehand. though you enjoyed every moment you spent with jeno, you kinda preferred having a full night’s worth of sleep right about now. it’s a good thing ningning was able to grace you with a cup of coffee as soon as you woke up — you don’t think you would have gotten out of bed otherwise.
“seriously, what’s up with you two!” ningning squints her eyes with suspicion glazed over them, trying to get some sort of answer regarding your situation with jeno.
“it’s not what you think it is.”
“then what is it?”
huh. she had a point there. just what is your relationship with lee jeno? it was a little foggy to yourself as well. the both of you never had much conversations, but when you did, they managed to send cupid arrows straight to your heart without fail. this was so much unlike your past relationship. when was the last time you ever felt this way?
“it’s just small conversations, that’s all it is.” you finally reply, words acting more like a reminder to yourself rather than an actual response to ningning’s query.
“is that really true?” your roommate frowns with a sigh, “you know, i noticed the way he looks at you. it’s different from others.”
“you’re probably mistaking his kindness for something else, ning. i doubt this’ll even lead to anything.” your statement is brief, but ningning manages to catch the light thread of hope in your words, understanding you wished it would lead to more. that’s all she needed to know. she knew better than to push you just to ease her own mind from the heapload of questions she has stored away.
“just know, whatever happens, i’ll always support you, okay?” she smiles brightly like the gentle rays of sunshine that slip through your dorm’s sill curtains. “okay.”
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the third time you met him, you wished for nothing more but to remain in his company.
it’s just midday and you already feel like falling asleep. naturally, your feet bring you to the campus coffee shop, not registering the fact that jeno’s probably working his shift. in this moment, you were too sleep deprived to care.
“hi, can i get one chocolate chip frappucino-” you finally look up to see jeno’s familiar face right in front of you, recallings of the night before plaguing your thoughts and sending a surge of adrenaline in your body. suddenly, you were wide awake and could probably last the whole day with or without the coffee you were about to purchase.
“y/n, it’s nice to see you.” he greets softly, eyes scanning your features to find dark bags staining your usually lively eyes. “i think i’ll add another shot of espresso to your drink… you might need it.” he mutters out, more so to himself.
you can’t help but smile, finding his slight worry for your well-being to be endearing. “i’ll add that espresso shot then.” you chuckle, catching him off guard as he didn’t expect you to hear him.
“i’ll make sure to prepare your drink well.” he finally replies, punching in your order as you move to find a seat to occupy while you wait.
it doesn’t take long for jeno to approach your table, a drink with a swirly straw in hand. to your surprise, instead of simply dropping off the drink, he takes the seat in front of yours before setting it down. “i’m actually on my break right now but i wanted to talk to you. i hardly see you on campus after all. aside from when you visit here, that is.” it’s almost laughable at how predictable your response is to anything he does, feeling your stomach gain the now familiar fluttery sensation you always experience. when it comes to him, it seems to never get old, but none of that was the main point.
he wanted to talk to you. he went out of his way for you. he could be spending his break time elsewhere, but he’s here with you. perhaps you were overanalyzing his actions, yet you can’t stop the heat that creeps up your cheeks.
“sure, take a seat- i mean, you already did but-”
he chuckles, a slip of a smile coming into view. “your drink by the way.” he motions at the sweet drink you ordered. “i added more chocolate chips for you too.”
“spoiling me now, are we?”
“you caught me!”
talking to him just felt so natural. there was never a dull moment, and when silence would fill up the air, it was never thick and heavy, but light and freeing. you quietly sip your drink to these thoughts, occasionally wondering if this would be what it felt like if you two started dating- you’re thinking too ahead for someone who hasn’t even come to terms with their own feelings. you should just enjoy your time with him.
since then, you and jeno have grown closer to the point where you frequently talk on the phone at night. neither of your paths often crossed during the day, so these calls definitely made up for that – at least for you. through them, you’ve come to learn that jeno usually plays video games until the crack of dawn, sometimes even streaming his screen for you to watch. tonight, you decided to prepare ramen for yourself so you had something to eat while watching him.
“what flavor are you making today?” his voice is a lot huskier than it usually is during the night.
though this isn’t something new to you, there’s still that cozy feeling that almost feels domestic, and sometimes, you can’t help but squeal to yourself and kick your feet in the air. ningning even asked if you were alright because she thought you had gone crazy after hearing you from her own room.
“i think this one is cheese flavored? i’m not really sure since ning buys our groceries.”
“you should prepare me some when i come over next time. i wanna try some too.”
did he want to come over? your mind immediately fills with the idea of jeno visiting your dorm (or humble abode as ningning likes to call it). he’s seen glimpses of it as your background when you’d facetime each other, but what would he think about seeing it in person? there’s that famous saying that your home reflects your personality, after all. you don’t realize it, but you go dead silent, completely encapsulated by your imagination.
“hello? you’re still there, right?” he calls out for you, it’s much softer this time as if he’s checking up on you in case something happened.
“yeah, yeah i’m here. come over next time, then.”
he does, in fact, come over as soon as he got the chance to. honestly, he resembled an eager golden retriever exploring a new area the entire time you showed him around your dorm, having only seen it through a screen. on some occasions, he would point out a random trinket you had on display, saying it looked like you. he said the same about your potted succulent and you’re not sure how you feel about that one, but nonetheless, he seemed to be enjoying himself and that’s all that mattered. you were practically worried over nothing the other night.
“didn’t you say you were going to prepare me a little treat too?” jeno questions, finally finished with going around the dorm room.
“hm? oh, right the ramen-” you recall, immediately taking a few steps to the kitchen to prepare what you had promised him. “make yourself comfortable, i won’t take long!” it really doesn’t take much to make instant ramen, after all.
once it finishes boiling, you carefully transfer it to one of those gold-colored, aluminum pots to keep the ramen warm – making sure to add a few toppings to the dish to make it a bit more filling.
you make your way to the living room, seeing jeno on his phone by the couch. there’s that domestic feeling worming its way up on you again that has you wondering how it’d be like if jeno was your boyfriend. would he come visit over often? would you be able to visit his dorm sometime? the thought continues to remain on your mind for the entirety of jeno’s stay.
you really wanted this moment to become just as frequent as your nightly calls with him.
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the most recent time you met up with him, you finally acted on what you’ve been holding in all this time.
ningning had invited you out to a party, luring you in by slipping that a certain someone was also going to be there. all jokes aside, you knew she also just wanted you to have fun, it’s been a while since you’ve gone out to a party anyways.
the event wasn’t anything fancy, your average college party hosted by one of the frats. you wore a black mini dress, one you bought but never got the chance to use until now. it fit you perfectly in all the right areas, but it took a lot of convincing from ningning’s part for you to actually buy it. you surely had to thank her now or else you wouldn’t have anything to wear for tonight.
“you’re finally wearing it!” it seems you weren’t the only one excited to see yourself wearing the dress as your roommate’s eyes sparkle at your outfit. “here, here. i’m letting you borrow these too since they match.” she hands over a pair of black earrings made with sequins and glass beads. it looked perfect for the look.
“thanks, it isn’t too much, right?”
“not at all! plus, it’s a party. who cares what others think- what’s important is that you look good!”
this makes you let out a small laugh, she was right. she always is. “okay then, let’s go?”
“lets!” ningning takes her purse from the coffee table before linking her free arm around yours. “we should get going if we don’t want to be late.”
it’s a good thing you both left when you did since the two of you arrived just on time. the party had already started a few minutes ago with some people already wasted (they probably drank before everything even started…). it doesn’t take long for you and ningning to manage through the sea of people, finally spotting a couple of familiar faces by the corner of the room.
“hey, you two made it!” renjun beams alongside his girlfriend, a plastic red cup in hand containing who knows what. “oh y/n, jeno’s by the kitchen. he was asking where you were before you arrived.”
“oh? thanks jun, i’ll go see what’s up.” you offer him a small smile before leaving ningning’s side and trying to find where the kitchen was located. after a bit of roaming around, you eventually find the boy you’re looking for.
cheeks flushed, dazed eyes, and a lopsided expression. jeno was probably no where clear from sober by the looks of it. guess you weren’t going to drink today, especially when your friend isn’t in the right state of mind.
“jeno? renjun said you were looking for me.” you call out to him softly in hopes he could hear you through the music that’s blasting on the speaker system.
by the sound of your voice, his head quickly turns in your direction. “y/n! i’ve bween looking por you everywhere!” he immediately wraps his arms around your figure, burying his head in the crook of your neck. your cheeks have flushed now too, not from alcohol, but because of the way he’s hugging you.
you never imagined jeno to be big on skinship while under the influence – well, you’ve never dealt with a tipsy jeno in general until now, so this was truly going to be one hell of an experience.
“have you, really?” you question him, patting his hair. “i’m here now though. did you need me for something?”
you feel him nod against your shoulder, “i wanted to kiss you but you were nooowhere to be found, and then renjun gave me a drink, and then haechan started laughing, and then i started laughing-”
he was beginning to ramble off and probably won’t remember any of the things he’s telling you right now. would that also include how he just confessed he wanted to kiss you? you know jeno’s just drunk, but there’s a part of you that hopes he wouldn’t forget that. you urge him to stand up straight for a moment before letting him lean onto you for support. the best you could do was probably have him sit outside for some fresh air (and maybe a cup of water).
the two of you are now seated silently next to one another with jeno’s head resting on your shoulder, and it’s reminiscent of the first time you actually had a proper conversation with him. the night was just like this, and yet, so many things have happened already since then.
“hey, about what i said earlier…” oh, he sobers up rather quickly. “y’know, about the wanting to kiss you and all that.”
you turn to face him with a bittersweet expression, the nearby streetlamp placing a soft glow over your features and jeno wonders where that solemn look on your face is coming from. “hm? no it’s alright. i’m sure we all say things we don’t mean when we get drunk. it’s normal.”
“well no, because, i did mean it.”
“that’s okay- huh?”
“i like you, y/n.” although its dark, you know he’s staring at you, waiting for you to respond.
“i… i do too, but we just met like a month ago.” you hadn’t even come to terms with your own feelings yet. “wouldn’t we be, i don’t know, going a little too fast? maybe both of us aren’t currently in the right mind.”
“that just proves my point even more. in a mere month of us getting to knowing each other, i’ve come to learn so much about you, grown so fond of you, and… i just want to be with you. trust me, i had a lot of time to think, but if you need more time. i’ll wait for you.”
now you were conflicted. did you really need more time to understand your own emotions?it’s not like you hid your affection for the boy, instead, it was quite the contrary. people started looking for you through jeno and others asked you about jeno’s whereabouts. its as if you two were now two peas in a pod, and everyone knew. were you going to break something you cherished just because you felt like your emotions hadn’t been sorted, when in reality, have been perfectly laid out right in front of you all along?
“no. no need.” your eyes crease as you smile at him, “i know what i want, and it’s you. it’s always been you.”
he doesn’t need any more validation than this, snaking his arm around your waist before pulling you close, lips barely touching. “can i kiss you?”
“please.” you surely don’t need to tell jeno twice, wasting no time as he quickly locks your lips with his own in such a way that you’d think he’s been pining over you longer than you had originally thought. you hadn’t drank a drop the entire night, but you felt so giddy just kissing him.
jeno pulls away first, and you already feel breathless from such a short kiss. slowly, he brings a hand up to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing small, comforting circles onto your skin. “should we head back now?” honestly, you didn’t want to just yet, still unable to hide your smile from the lingering touch of his lips. still, you knew better than to stay out for too long.
“yeah, the others are probably wondering where we went.” and with that, he pulls himself off the ground, extending a hand out to help you get on your feet.
“let’s go back in… slowly, okay?” you giggle out, still wanting to cherish the moment with him.
“how could i say no to you?”
eventually, you do make it back into the party, quickly spotting your group of friends.
the sight of you both sporting puffy lips and rosy tinted cheeks, not to mention your lipstick smudged on the corner of jeno’s lips had everyone raising a brow. neither of you had noticed that because it was so dark out… um, oopsies?
ningning manages to connect all the dots together, a loud gasp erupting from her that startles the rest of the group. “OMG DON’T TELL ME! no wait actually please do confirm- PLEASE TELL ME YOU’RE TOGETHER?”
you and jeno look at each other with a knowing look, feeling his hand reach out for yours before you happily reply, “yeah, we are.”
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taglist | @haeravlgs, @matchahyuck, @vantxx95, @ahnneyong, @lixxbr0wnie, @legbouk, @rocarecs, @winwonies, @gfrdistance
— lmk through an ask if you’d like to be added!
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emmyrosee · 2 years
49. slowly kissing down the body (kissing prompt list)
96. remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.
63. sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
anon <3
TW!!!! suggestive content, nothing explicit but implications are present!!
“Sit still, for the love of all that is holy.”
“I’m trying.”
Atsumu never is the one trying to get to sleep. It’s always you, and he who comes in and ruins the peace and quiet, but tonight, for whatever reason, you are the exact opposite, and you’ve been stirring and turning and shoving him and grabbing him to cuddle and doing anything but sleeping, and he feels his patience wavering- it seldom ever does, but tonight you’re on thin ice before he rolls on top of you to force you to stay still.
It could’ve been the way he made the bed today. Or, the way your pajamas rub against the sheets. Or, the way the moonbeams slipped through the curtains. Whatever it is, he needs you to figure it out so he can fix it, and go the hell to sleep.
But it seems like that’s far from an option for both of you.
“I will, personally, spit in your breakfast tomorrow if you don’t cuddle me and calm down,” he groans, tossing an arm over your torso, pulling you close and ignoring the way you push him away. “What has gotten into you?”
“I can’t relax,” you whimper, throwing your fists against the mattress in frustration. “I’m worried about waking up and being tired.”
There’s a silence that falls between you both, and without another sound, he raises on his elbow with a cocked brow, trying not to laugh as you glare at him. “Don’t even say it.”
“Fine,” he snorts. Then, he slips his arm back around you in an attempt to give you some more comfort. “There’s no reason for you to be worried about being tired; you know that if we need to take a little nap tomorrow, we can. But we actually have to sleep for that to be a possibility.”
You say nothing, and this has him pouting even more. Now, not only are you not tired, but you’re upset, and he doesn’t want either to be your fates.
“You’re annoying,” you grumble, turning on your side. He sighs softly before gently moving to rest his hand on your hip. He jostles you gently before spooning behind you. His lips gently kiss over the shell of your ear, suckling at the sensitive point behind it.
“Don’t be like that,” he says softly. “I didn’t mean to make you upset… I just want my baby to sleep ‘s all. Wish I could help you.”
“Well, you can’t, so let me sulk alone.”
A cheeky grin splash over his cheeks, the hand on your hip smoothing over the bone softly, “I can think of a way to make you tired.” He feels you stiffen up, and his grin only intensifies as you slowly roll on your back to look at him.
“Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow,” you warn, and he chuckles as he leans down to catch your lips in a kiss, panting softly when you eagerly respond to the affection.
“Don’t worry about it,” he mumbles against your lips, biting the bottom as he trails his kisses down your jawline to your neck, down to your collarbone before fingers toy with the hem of your night shirt.
“Let me tire you out.”
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asksatoru · 5 months
"I alone am the honoured one."
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(Hello, hello! Inspired by the many asks blogs I've found in Tumblr, this is an ask/RP blog for Gojo Satoru! I am Nini and I'm 20 years old and wanted to get back into roleplaying after 4 years! I am rusty so please bare with me.
☆ Talking OOC would consist of me using () or [], any would work! Talking in character, I usually use quotation marks with just normal regular font as my descriptions ^^
☆ My Gojo would be around the start of Season 1, a few months after the events of JJK 0
☆ I am perfectly okay with NSFW asks as long as it's not anon and I could see your age in your blog! If these are ignored, your ask will be deleted!
☆ Any blogs can interact with me! OC, canon characters, or just normal blogs! Please do come talk to Satoru, he gets lonely :(
☆ Just please don't be mean or be an asshole! Those asks will be deleted and blocked :D
☆ Last of all, let's all have fun! I made this sideblog in the first place to fulfill my RPing cravings and get better at my writing! So if I do tend to get a bit OOC, please do ignore. I am trying my best!
I will be adding more stuff to this once everything gets started! I am super duper excited so let's all have fun guys!)
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maochira · 1 year
Hallo Mao o⁠(⁠(⁠*⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠)⁠o
Can I get Kenyu x demon!reader and Niko x angel!reader
And then like a scenario on how they surprise reader who really likes flower language HEHEHEHEHE
Anyway, I super duper love ur event!!! It kinda reminds me of my obsession with gacha life where I loved watching the cliche demons fall in love with angels, it made me so excited because it's like enemies to lovers or like forbidden love ldkgxgkxjgxjt (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Hope you have a good day/night and week ahead (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Hehe thank you <33 I love this event very much I'll definitely bring it back (or something similar) at some point in the future!
Regular requests are open, event requests are closed
Tags: gn!demon!reader x Yukimiya Kenyu / gn!angel!reader x Ikki Niko
Kenyu Yukimiya
First meeting
Yukimiya didn't know he was subconsciously manifesting a demon companion this entire time. This evening, he returns to his home only to find you cluelessly walking around the kitchen, trying to find something to eat. "Who... Who are you?" You jump in surprise when Yukimiya speaks and turn around to face him. He picked up a knife from a nearby counter. "Uhm... I'm (Y/N)...?" - "And what are you doing here?" You blink a few times, a little confused at Yukimiya's question. "Didn't you call for me?"
General headcanons
-it took Yukimiya a bit to get used to you, but after two weeks suddenly out of nowhere you became the best friends to ever exist
-but Yukimiya also quickly learned how easy you are to irritate. He always tries his best to keep you in a calm state and tries to make you feel comfortable all the time
-as much as he's curious about your horns, wings and tail, he's too afraid to ask if he can touch them. He's afraid that would make you feel uncomfortable so he doesn't even ask (you'd probably allow him to touch a little, though)
How you fell in love with each other
Although is took Yukimiya a while to get used to you, once he gained complete trust in you, he started falling for you. He always felt a little embarrassed about the fact that he fell for a demon he accidentally manifested, so he didn't confess to you. It took a few months until you started crushing on Yukimiya, but you told him very quickly after realizing what your feelings are. And that's when you started dating!
Bonus drabble (after you started dating)
For a while now, Yukimiya has thought about giving you a special present. He really wants to show you how much he appreciates you staying with him, and he also wants to express his love to you in a special way. Today, he comes home a little later than usually - which already got you worried - because he spent over an hour at the local flower shop, trying to figure out which flowers to buy for you. "Where have you been, it's so la-" You immediately stop talking when you see the flower bouquet in your boyfriend's hands. "For me?-" - "For you."
Ikki Niko
First meeting
Niko recently started watching an anime about angels and demons, which he finished just now in the middle of the night. He's sad about the anime being over, and at the same time he wishes he'd have an angel friend like the main character. That's why he tries the same summoning ritual like in the first episode, hoping it's going to work in real life as well. And it does! A part of him didn't expect it to actually work, so he jumps in surprise when he sees you for the first time.
General headcanons
-as an angel, you should be the clingier one. But no, it's Niko. And of course you don't mind that at all. You could talk to him for hours and hours and never get tired of it
-at first, Niko was only talking to you about anime. But after a bit he started getting more comfortable so now he talks to you about anything that's on his mind. You're the person he trusts the most
-Niko really loves how fluffy the feathers of your wings are. Even though it's normal, he gets terrified whenever one falls out and one time he even tried to glue it back on your wing
How you fell in love with each other
Niko started crushing on your very early, probably a few days into living with you. But he was always embarrassed about it, so he didn't want to tell you. But he was always blushing and when you asked about that, he had to twll you the truth. But luckily, you already felt the same way.
Bonus drabble (after you started dating)
Niko always appreciated the way you listen to him ramble about anime he likes. But he realized he didn't even know what kind of interests you have. When he finally asked you about it, he was very surprised to find out it's flower language. He secretly did a lot of research on flowers so one day, he surprised you with a special flower bouquet consisting of all sorts of different flowers because he just couldn't decide on only a few. Thanks to your angel powers, you keep them alive in their vase.
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @zyuuuu @yerinsshi @luvcalico @truegoist @vanitasbrainrot @deerangle3 @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @kaiserkisser @userwithlotsoftime @yellowelectroslime @chaosinanutshell @slowlyholypeanut @0rah-s @arxliana @isagikisser @starchivves
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hywenhei · 6 months
time for day 3 of the WoW whump event!!! i'm so happy that my whump motivation isn't leaving me anytime soon and i'm super duper excited for the prompts today :)))) (parting words regret has quickly become my new favourite trope)
Day 3: Crying/Parting Words Regret/"Why...?"
Whumpee is in a romantic relationship with Caretaker and they have an argument about Caretaker's protectiveness over Whumpee. Whumpee was so mad at Caretaker that they stormed out, but not before saying hurtful words to Caretaker (eg. "I don't need you anymore!/Just leave me alone!"). Well, now that Whumpee has been kidnapped by Whumper, they don't have to worry about that anymore, right?
Same prompt as before, but this time it's Caretaker who gets kidnapped - now it's Whumpee's turn to protect Caretaker.
Leader doesn't allow Youngest to go on a high-stakes mission, which of course leads to a fight between them. At the height of their anger, Leader snaps "You're just not good enough!" at Youngest, who then turns and flees the room with the telltale glisten of tears on their face. As Youngest is wandering the streets alone, they get captured by Whumper and his goons - who intend on using them as bait to capture Leader and the rest of the team.
Angry tears. It's so good and not talked about enough. Maybe it's Caretaker who bursts into tears during a particularly fierce argument; maybe it's Whumpee who starts crying out of frustration when they can't get out of their bonds - either way, 10/10 trope, should be used more :)
and that's a wrap for day 3! rlly enjoyed doing this + i was listening to the mamma mia soundtrack while writing this so... maybe it influenced my drabbles somehow :o can't wait for tomorrow's prompts!
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simpforfandom231 · 9 months
Basketball star PT 1
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Pairing: Rachel Zegler x Fem!reader
summary: R is a Belgian Cat basketball player and is not super duper famous but has a name to her national folks. Rachel Zegler tells she has a crush on the basketball player and it's getting just cute. A/N: nobody asked but hey, I'm from Belgium and I play basketball so I kinda liked the idea.
Y/N L/N, a dazzling Belgian basketball maestro, was savoring a rare weekend respite from her strenuous schedule. With no games on the horizon, she found herself lounging at home, perusing Instagram while only half-engaged in the glitz and glamour of the Met Gala unfolding on her TV. Little did she know that this unassuming evening was about to catapult her into the limelight in a most unexpected way.
As Y/N casually scrolled through her Instagram feed, her ears perked up at the sudden mention of her own name on the television. Confused, she shifted her attention to the screen just in time to catch the tail end of an interview. The spotlight was on the acclaimed 22-year-old actress, Rachel Zegler, and the interviewer had just posed the question everyone was curious about: her celebrity crush.
"Y/N L/N," Rachel responded, her cheeks coloring with a shy smile, and Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief. Never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned her name being spoken in such a glamorous setting.
The interviewer, appearing a bit perplexed, admitted he wasn't familiar with the name. Unfazed, Rachel dove into an enchanting portrayal of Y/N—a stunning basketball virtuoso playing for the Belgian Cats. Y/N blushed at the unexpected compliment, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.
Rachel continued, sharing a delightful anecdote about how she stumbled upon a Belgian Cats game, mistakenly thinking it was the WNBA. She recounted the moment she first laid eyes on Y/N, describing her as a beast on the court—focused, determined, and utterly captivating. Y/N's shock was palpable, her disbelief etched on her face as she tried to process the surreal turn of events.
In the midst of Rachel's storytelling, she couldn't help but interject with playful comments and endearing remarks. "I mean, seriously, have you seen her play?" Rachel gushed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "It was like watching a superhero in action. I was half-expecting her to leap tall buildings between those slam dunks!"
Y/N, still in disbelief, managed a shy smile, her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and delight. The interviewer chuckled at Rachel's animated commentary, appreciating the genuine admiration and charm in her words.
Seizing the momentum, the interviewer, with a sly grin, posed the million-dollar question, "So, Rachel, any thoughts on going on a date with Y/N L/N?"
The unexpected query hung in the air, and Y/N, now fully invested in this rollercoaster of emotions, eagerly awaited Rachel's response. Rachel, usually poised and confident, suddenly found herself blushing and stammering for the first time during the interview.
"Um, well," Rachel began, her eyes darting away momentarily as a shy grin tugged at the corners of her lips. "I would absolutely love to go on a date with Y/N, but, you know, there's this tiny detail of living in Belgium. I might need a teleporter or something," she joked, her playful tone masking a genuine longing.
Y/N, now caught between disbelief and a glimmer of hope, couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. The interview continued, but her mind was already racing with fantasies of what the future might hold—perhaps a date that transcended borders, turning this whimsical Met Gala moment into the beginning of a charming love story.
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crazyringo · 3 months
HSR Penacony 2.3 Thoughts
2.3 was great! I enjoyed every bit of it, though I'm a little sad that our adventure in Penacony is now over (or, is it?). I shall miss the planet of festivities, especially the cute little Origami Birds
Needless to say, this Stelfly/Stellaron Hunters fan is satisfied~! Omg. You guys don't know how excited I got when I saw Silver Wolf on screen (even if she did appear as a hologram), and I got even super duper excited when I saw that Silver Wolf was the one who hired Sparkle in the first place! Our little Wolfie is such a cute Tsundere 💕
Speaking of Silver Wolf, I was honestly caught off guard that she even got in contact with Sparkle, who's a Masked Fool. During the Aetherium Wars event, Silver Wolf sounded like she didn't even trust the faction whatsoever. That nothing good ever happens for trusting a Fool. And I'm only saying that cause I believe Silver Wolf's definition of entertainment will not be the same as a Masked Fools', at least that's the vibe I got when she talked about them, but I guess after chatting with Sparkle through a video game was enough to convince her that Sparkle can be trusted enough to ensure Firefly's safety (again, my opinion)
It was so heartwarming to find out how close the Stellaron Hunters are as a team. I laughed out loud when I got the Save the Cat! Achievement when I put them on a team together. At this point in the game, I'm entirely convinced that Elio is indeed the black cat
And while I am happy for what we got for 2.3, I also can't help but feel a little uneasy about it all. Not only was this update shorter than 2.0-2.2, but for me it also felt like everything went too smoothly, you know? The impression I got for the 2.3 trailer felt like everything was going to be stakes, after high stakes since we're literally at the end. And the theory I've seen about that we're still (yes, still) stuck in the dreamscape made me feel even more uneasy about everything. And while we did say our goodbyes and all, I was somewhat bothered that we didn't even get to say goodbye to Robin and Firefly. You'd think we would after everything we went through together in Penacony
Like, okay, I guess you could say that we did say goodbye to the two of them during the Bird Clash event, but you would think that maybe they could've had us say a proper goodbye with voice lines and stuff in the main story. Especially with Firefly, cause it's definitely going to be a while before we see her again. And, unfortunately, it obviously won't be in her real form since she depends on the SAM suit in reality. I guess it's too much to ask Hoyoverse to do a Stelfly tender hug goodbye. Just saying. Don't know about y'all, but Firefly needs a hug. Robin too, especially after everything she's been through
Anyways~ Back on on track. I guess that the other thing that bothered me a little was the meeting between Mr. Oti and the IPC. Now, let me be clear, I AM NOT a business woman and I don't really understand anything concerning proper business etiquette. Even so, I will try my best to get this thought written out as best as I can
Mr. Oti, Jade and Topaz sit down, they exchange pleasantries and relatively discuss the future of Penacony. Jade, of course, mentions about Aventurine's mistreatment during his stay in Penacony (I knew it, I knew she was going to do that) to get a word in edge wise. Oti was pretty much dismissive about it, especially since he didn't deal with Aventurine personally and mentions that Sunday was just a fool for what he has done. How dare. And then he began to tell them about his future plan for Penacony. Jade, surprisingly, goes quiet (her small smile was even gone) and suddenly decided to have an intermission so she and Topaz step out
Here's where the "fun" starts ("fun", as in, I am still trying to figure out what the heck Jade and Robin talked about! And this bothered me even more during the Bird Clash Event)
Some theories think that Robin sacrificed her memories concerning Sunday. Which, okay, it makes sense considering that Robin does consider Sunday to be her precious older brother and memories involving him would be considered precious enough for Jade to claim in a contract. And since we already saw firsthand how Jade's contracts work... That would suck for our chicken wing siblings. - while this could indeed be possible, I really hope that did not happen
Another take I saw is that Robin purposely distanced herself from everyone in exchange for Sunday's freedom, which would explain why she decides to leave Penacony and just travel for a while. On one part, I don't blame the poor girl cause she really needs to take a step back and just focus on herself for a little while. On the other... I also hope that is not the case cause this is just sad 😭 
Now, my opinion starts: I believe that when Jade and Topaz had stepped out from the meeting to discuss a plan B for their approach that it was all just a simple exchange for information. While Topaz went to find Himeko, Jade decided to find and say hello to Robin. It's pretty clear that the two of them have already met/talked. When Jade asks for Robin's opinion of Mr. Oti, Robin responds that Oti is a respected business man, but she doesn't really know him as a person. She only knows what she knows thanks to Sunday. Moreover, I believe that the main reason why Robin referred to Sunday as the previous Oak Family head during this scene is because she's in public. Remember: Sunday is now arrested, Sunday's name is pretty much taboo within the Family. I would not be surprised if she's not even allowed to mention her brother's name
I'd like to believe that Robin, who's an insider of the Family, willingly gave away crucial inside information that an outsider like Jade wasn't supposed to know. Death is now a possibility in the dreamscape, which would be bad for Penacony in terms of business if people were to find out about it. And, honestly, this part made me chuckle. It's only fitting considering the Family absolutely had no problem throwing Sunday under the bus, so it's only right that Robin, his sister, would also have no problem throwing the Family under the bus too by, literally, giving them the bird (hehe)
This info was the bit that Jade needed and was looking for to have the meeting be in her/the IPC's favor. Not long after, Robin tells her to not forget what they had talked about and Jade promises that she'll keep her end of the deal. To me, this part was pretty much a "I'll scratch your back, and you'll scratch mine" type of deal. And we pretty much know how the meeting concluded after that, and old man Oti did not look happy about it since he had no choice but to yield and go with Jade's proposal. He also wasn't happy when Robin gave away the Feldspar, his own extravagant ship, to the Nameless without his say so on the matter. A pretty bold move on her part
But yeah, I'd like to believe that that was essentially their contract. Exchanging crucial info in exchange for Sunday's freedom. And if not freedom, then to maybe have Jade help out Sunday with some kind of plea deal to lighten his sentence
At this point, I don't know what to think anymore. I know that this is probably wishful thinking on my part for assuming that their deal would be that simple, but a girl can dream, right? I mean, if you think about it, I don't think Jade would've known about death being a possibility in the dreamscape otherwise if not through Robin. Aventurine doesn't count cause he pretty much stepped out story wise after being "killed" by Acheron, so he wouldn't know what happened in the Grand Theater
If not that, then my other thought was that Robin pulled A Little Mermaid. She sacrificed her singing voice, ironic considering Sunday had taken it away without her knowledge. Only difference this time is that it was her choice to do so. And it would explain why she decided to step down from the spotlight and go traveling by herself. This is only a possibility at best, but we also have to consider that she may have been lying to the trailblazer so that they wouldn't worry
And that's about it, really. Honestly, ever since I first saw Sunday and Robin on screen for the first time, they really reminded me of Lelouch and Euphemia/Nunnally from Code Geass
Lelouch for Sunday - trying to ensure a better world for everyone, namely his sister, and would pretty much stop at nothing to achieve his goal. And at this point in the story, he's definitely giving me Aventurine 2.0 vibes (as in, he's in prison and now has an opportunity to get out of his current predicament)
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Admittedly, it would be interesting to see him as an IPC grunt than a Stellaron Hunter. Maybe he'll destroy the IPC from the inside through his own means, or perhaps Diamond can offer him something to fill the void as a potential member of the Ten Stonehearts. That'd be cool. And if he does join the IPC, the next time Sunday visits Penacony, the Family will literally be at his mercy for throwing him under the bus! Chicken wing boy shall have his revenge!
As a Stellaron Hunter, I don't think he'd handle taking orders from a cat well (no matter how hilarious it would seem). Not to mention, having his fate orchastrated by someone else doesn't seem like his style. Again, if Hoyoverse goes through with it, fine. I'll accept it for what it is. In the meantime, something tells me that he will take Jade's deal and work for her/the IPC, and only because Jade mentioned someone precious: Robin. If Jade hadn't mentioned her, Sunday probably would've tuned her out completely and would rather take his chances in trial
For Robin - She really reminds me of Euphemia more so than Nunnally tbh. I merely mentioned Nunnally due to the old injury that Robin has on her neck (point is they were injured). That, and of course they're both little sisters. Euphemia too, but I'm mostly referring to her via appearance and mannerisms. Robin's a super nice/innocent character with pure intentions and cares about the people around her. And because of that she reminded me of Euphemia whenever she appeared on screen
I'm sorry, but I had to mention/ramble about that. Those of you that have seen Code Geass might agree with me with those similarities
Anyways~ that's pretty much it for my ramble. With how happy-go-lucky 2.3 was, I was a tad disappointed that we didn't get any Robinhill crumbs... Since Boothill was at the bar with hologram Aventurine, I was half expecting Robin to do her singing performance and maybe Boothill would've been like, "Holy forkoroni. I just died and went to heaven..." Or something among those lines for when he laid eyes on Robin's angelic beauty. No? Just me? Okay lol
But yeah, I feel like Penacony is not quite finished yet. And I'm only saying that cause I stumbled upon this while I was doing the sticker thing on our handbook...
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Does this mean anything? Idk. It's just something I noticed a few days ago. If I remember correctly, the lady that tended to us at the front desk said that this handbook will only be relevant to us while we're in Penacony. If so, then I guess there's a bit more in store for us. If not, that's fine too.
But if that theory about that we're still stuck in the dreamscape is true... Oh boy. I can somewhat see it, if only because the Trailblazer is sensitive to Memoria. Something that Black Swan, Acheron, and even Firefly (I think) has mentioned throughout the story. Maybe everybody else woke up, but the Trailblazer is still in deep slumber. Just something to ponder (if only a little)
We'll see what happens on the next update. I might be wrong on some things, but I wanted to put my thoughts out there. Feel free to let me know what you guys think. I hope that everyone who wanted Firefly are happy Firefly havers. I know I am~! Currently trying to see if I can get her to E2 before her banner is over. Wish me luck! :3
Good luck on your pulls everyone~! And thank you for reading!
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mrs-gucci · 1 year
mrs. g's sextember (sexy september)
hello lovely friends! welcome to my sextember event post :)
sextember itself will begin on friday, september 8th and will end on saturday, september 23rd (event duration: 2 weeks).
the requesting period for sextember will be open from friday, august 25th to friday, september 1st.
despite the requesting period being open before the beginning of sextember, all the pieces themselves will be released within the two week event period.
please let me know by either commenting on this post or leaving an ask in my inbox if you'd like to be tagged in the sextember event pieces. I won't be doing any character-specific taglists, it'll just be a general event taglist.
below the cut, I'm gonna be outlining all the characters and content that are acceptable for this event. this will serve as the "request FAQ" for sextember in particular, so if you're planning on requesting, please read the stuff below the cut or else you risk your request being deleted.
I’m so, super duper excited to write all your wonderful ideas and I can’t wait to read them all come friday!!
tagging a few friends for attention :) @babbushka @safarigirlsp @mrs-zimmerman @clydesfavoritegirl @mythrielofsolitude @rynwritesstuff
guidelines for sextember requests
the sextember "golden rule" - your request MUST include something autumn-themed (no halloween stuff). read more below on the types of things I'll accept as autumn-themed.
pairings: I only write female reader characters and heterosexual (M/F) relationships.
characters: Clyde Logan, Flip Zimmerman, Charlie Barber, Jacques Le Gris, Commander Mills, Adam Sackler (depends on request).
content: as the event title suggests, all pieces will contain smut in some capacity but there will be a variety of "intensity" in said smut and will have something for almost everyone.
the range of smut content could include...
heavy making out (making out w/ some touching), dry humping/grinding, handjobs & vaginal fingering, oral sex, p in v, kinky content.
my no-no's are...
rape (consensual noncon is okay). under 18. kinks involving extreme violence or brutalization. cheating (main characters cheating on one another). dd/lg. age play. pet play. pegging. strap-ons. male lingerie. anal play/sex. scat play. feeding kink. religious services, ceremonies, celebrations of any kind.
autumn-themed content: could involve an autumn setting (ie. a pumpkin patch, hayride, pumpkin carving, etc), an autumn item of some kind (ie apple cider, pumpkins, comfy sweaters, etc), and/or movie viewing (ie a spooky movie viewing). really, just something that’s autumnal in nature, I’m not super picky. just as long as it’s not something halloween, it’ll fit the event lol.
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yukikorogashi · 2 months
“I'm hosting a dinner party this Friday. You should come.” It's an invitation, though the tone by which he extends it makes it sound much more like an incontestable demand—like Itsuki better cancel any plans she might otherwise have. And, further to that, Vincent adds what is just as equally a condition to said demand: “Bring those . . . onigiri you make. I'd like to see how the guests feel about them.” // (´∀`)♡
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THAT TONE MIGHT HAVE caused another to pause from surprise (With a side of uncertainty crawling up their chest, if they dared think too hard about all of this...). But ooooh, not this silly, bright-eyed child! For after just a couple of blinks, Itsuki's face would alight-- if not SPARKLE-- with almost startling EXCITEMENT. The moment she realised that @sansgout was actually inviting her to a DINNER PARTY. MASTERCHEF VINCENT BRO HIMSELF, if you need an important reminder then on just who this man was!
One of those SUPER DUPER FANCY DINNER PARTIES, no doubt! Those ones that would have a CLASSY JAZZ BAND in front of red velvet curtains, where EVERYTHING and EVERYONE GLITTERED, and where all the food would be served on those wittle silver trays... Well, okay, she doesn't yet know if it is indeed that sort of party, but just let her enjoy herself in the realms of her own imagination while she still could-- Oh Goddess, she's already BOUNCING GIDDILY on the balls of her feet in front of the other! Would you dare put a halt to that then?
Either way, it was clear then that she was utterly DELIGHTED that she would get to attend such an event, bro! And fortunately, Itsuki does indeed not have any plans this Friday. Nothing set in stone, at least.
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"Sure thing, bro! How many folks are gonna be there? How many..." She would pause, a trembling grin now on her lips as she remembered a certain word she had heard that she could now put to good use, "... folks will be attendin' this here... SWAAAA-RAY? ... and ohhhh, OOOOOH! How many of em' should ah make???"
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omegajasontoddweek · 6 months
i love OJTW (i’m already on my third installment for this year! super excited) and i thought “hey, this is actually a great idea! this person wanted more omega jason todd in the world and then went and made a way for that to happen”
so! i wanted to take your idea and creat a “omega character week” for another fandom. would you be cool with that? i’d mention you/this as inspiration
thanks for running OJTW! i super duper love it <3
have a nice day :)
Thank you! I'm glad you've been having so much fun for so many years!
OJTW initially grew out of this discussion on Whumpbby's blog, which may have been inspired by Whumps reblogging Omega Dick Grayson Week prompts a couple of days before hand, so it's definitely not a concept I came up with myself. You're more than welcome to create an Omega [character] Week event, and don't feel like you have to say it's inspired by OJTW, though it's lovely for you to say so.
Good luck! I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have.
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tannnnblogs · 6 months
super duper love all of your new vegas art and especially your courier six and boone (I especially love how you draw his sad puppy dog eyes when he's in deep crippling pain haha)
Is there any particular canon interaction/event you're particularly excited to reach in the comic? I love the style of it and wish you luck down the road 🫡🫡
For a man with a few words I really love to get creative with his eyes. And him having shades say a lot about him. Boone hides a lot of things about himself, and the only deadly and also vulnerable part of him are, yes, his eyes.
As for interactions and canon events, I don't want to reveal much about what will happen, but I am really excited for Benny and a lot of post Benny arc!! :)
Thank you so much!
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Hello friends,
TDLR at the bottom
I'm not sure if I should even be making this post but things aren't the best for me now and I'd rather deal with it in one go than sending a whole bunch on DMs.
My home life has become very difficult, and I've been dealing with a lot that I haven't been talking about because I don't want to dump on anyone or spread negativity. My mental health has been severely affected by events that have taken place over the last eighteen months and I'm struggling with a lot of intrusive and irrational thoughts.
I know have spoken with many people about upcoming writing projects for various fandom, however, after months of feelings like a total failure as a writer, these feelings have spilled over. I sat down today to do more on a project I was really excited about and was overwhelmed with the feeling that I was wasting my time and that the only reason people would read was it was because they felt obligated to which is a thought I was already struggling to keep a bay.
Writing has been my escape for more than a year, however, I have allowed the extreme self-criticism and perfectionism that I use so well academically to creep into my writing, the result of this is that I feel overwhelmed by the slightest problem and my confidence is so terrible that I think that any encouragement is people humouring me.
This is no one's fault, none of this isn't because of engagement or lack thereof or anything anyone has said to me, life is just really really rough now and I'm super duper overwhelmed. I have no desire to bring my mess into anyone's life, I already feel like a burden on others and talking about it is just going to make me feel worse.
Having said all of that, I will still be reading everyone's work, you'll still see me in your notes and I'll be in your DMs getting excited about your new projects. One of my greatest skills is my ability to compartmentalise my negative emotions so I can be happy for others.
TLDR I wanted to let everyone know that I've got the morbs real real bad and the fics I had planned are not getting written.
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