#super dimension convention
genkilifemag · 2 years
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Genki Life Magazine 48 - Summer 2022
Anime Riverside Summer Swimsuit Special Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chū (Skeleton Knight) Senpai ga Uzai Kōhai no Hanashi (Annoying Senpai)
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avrotf · 2 years
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Super Dimension Convention 2022
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vulcan-moon · 21 days
Bro...inhibitor ring Amy...ur mind bro....
Seriously though, while I'm of the personal opinion that her bracelets are weights like they are in the GBA games, I ALSO am a diehard fan of chaos-user!Amy.  In fact, ice been saying for years now that she IS a chaos user—she just gives her more supernatural combative abilities cutesy or simplified names as opposed to Shadow's more technical naming conventions. 
Storming Heart is a derivative form of Chaos Spear, which in the games looks slower and more concussive like a bomb might be.  Rose Typhoon is just a Chaos Blast supplemented by the shockwaves she generates using her hammer. 
I wouldn't be surprised if the more technical terms for her Invisibility and Precognitive abilities—referring to her tarot readings, accurate intuition, etc.—were something along the lines of "Chaos Shroud" and "Chaos Divination" respectively.  Then there's her pocket dimension where she keeps things like her hammer and cards, so that could just be accessing her own personal "Chaos Space".  Hells, she even has a uniquely strong capacity to sense the energy of other people and things, which is what makes her such a great tracker in canon, and if the energy she's sensing is actually just the chaos energy all living things naturally possess in varying strengths and signatures, then maybe she also employs a sort of "Chaos Dowsing" technique. 
Idk if you can tell, but I'm a big Amy fan lol.  I usually just love all-arounder characters like her—seeing how she's faster than Tails and Knuckles but not Sonic, stronger than Sonic and Tails but not Knuckles, and smarter than Sonic and Knuckles but not Tails.  Also, a sweet, peppy magical girl who's greatest traits are her passion and kindness?  Sign me tf up. 
Would be funny for her to ask Shadow to teach her Chaos abilities now that she knows to take off the inhibitors and for him to be all ???? "What are you talking about? You use them all the time??" lol. My shadamy shipper heart would also just love to see them grow closer over this, but that's neither here nor there
i love amyyyy i love her so much. her abilities are so wild and all over the place and the moment you think deeper abt them youre like,,,, how tf does she do what she does actually why tf does she have a pocket dimension. and you're so right abt the naming thing!!
to me it just makes sense her being a chaos energy user. all the other hedgehogs can do it, she's got abilities that are very similar to theirs, it makes sense that she channels chaos energy too. if sega weren't cowards, she'd have a super form by now 😔
also hilariously enough im in the middle of drawing a short lil follow up comic to my last one w that premise :3c sneak peek
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liquid-clear · 15 days
Stanley Pines. My favorite antihero. I love him so much.
We have all seen the concept that being in a relationship with a villain is better than a hero. The hero will sacrifice you to save the world versus the villain who will sacrifice the world to save you.
Sanley Pines decides to do that for his Estranged Brother. He decides to risk the entire dimension so that he could get his brother back. His brother who
Stanley assumed hated him.
Had already not spoken to Stanley for 10 years.
upon speaking to him for the first time in 10 years, tries to send Stanley away permanently.
Stanley will always blame himself for losing in the first place. Even tho both times it was an accident.
And to do so Stanley who
has been considered by everybody, including himself, to be "the dumb twin"
was written off by his high school as a FUTURE FAILURE,
was disowned by his family for his mistake,
spends 30 years learning quantum mechanics, welding, circuitry, and numerous other academic/trade fields to bring his brother home. All things that were originally done by Tech Genius Fiddleford McGucket or GT kid Stanford who still had help from a literal actual God/demon. And STANLEY IS SUCCESSFUL.
Stanley SUCCESSFULY fakes his own death to make sure that nobody questions the disappearance of his brother in order to buy himself enough time to get his brother back. He did this so effectively that his own family bought it.
To be incredibly clear, Stanley does become a traditional hero when he sacrifices himself to save the world. But also, Stanley didn't do it to save the world. He did it to save his family, spesificaly his brother, niece and nephew. And he does it by perfectly impersonating the brother that He hasn't known in 40 years. He impersonates him so well that he TRICKS THE LITERAL ACTUAL DEITY THAT HIS BROTHER HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH. Because as dumb and aloof and unbothered as Stanley Pines tries to appear, he is genuinely one of the smartest and most caring characters in gravity falls. It's just not the book smarts and conventional love that everybody typically looks for. (Stanley censoring himself in front of the kids while also letting them break the law is hilarious and I love him)
This is not to say that Mr mystery did nothing wrong. There are a lot of things that he did wrong and a lot of things that he could have handled better but. That being said he is still my favorite because he is so human and still tries so hard. I don't know, man, there is something super endearing about the amount of effort he puts into his family. He's an incredibly well written character. And listen I understand that 30 years is a long time and if I was Stanford I would be mad but also, but if my supposed screw-up sibling managed to understand and rebuild a portal But I needed help from a literal actual god/demon to create I would be impressed as hell. And Ford only said thank you because he felt obligated to. (Which again is the hero mindset of all sacrifice you to save the world because Ford is sacrificing his relationship with Stanley again to save the world)(and Stanley just wants his brother back so even though Ford doesn't mean the apology Stan still takes it because at least it was said)
I know this comes off anti Ford, which is not how it's intended, I love Ford so much and I'll do a post for him later. (If I remember) I just feel like Stanley is slept on so much for being such a wonderful character. And gahhhhh this show is so good and I love these old men.
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modernsuperhero · 6 months
Who are these fun characters and why are they taking over my dash? /pos /please tell me abt your blorbos
i'm assuming you mean these little guys:
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These guys are my newest silliest dudes from the webcomic School Bus Graveyard! It's free to read on webtoons here and is currently in talks to get a TV adaptation soon so now is 1000% the time to be getting into it!! It's basically a supernatural mystery about six high school freshmen from Georgia who go on a field trip and end up sucked into a demon dimension every time it hits midnight! It's super cool - the pacing is very good imo, a good balance of the Main Plot (oh no we need to survive the Demon Dimension again, also Why Are We In A Demon Dimension) with character development and backstory stuff!
The characters are badass but in a way I feel is very realistic? Like, not just "oh i'm the protagonist suddenly i know how to judo flip armies the moment i'm in danger" but more like "i'm going to train for months in self defense classes to build up some basic muscles" kinda way. The characters themselves are also pretty well fleshed out - they're not just the typical archetypes. Like, the "weak bullied nerd kid" isn't JUST a weak bullied nerd kid, he has well developed motivations and backstory and simultaneously realistic and satisfying character growth.
There are implied potential/future romances but it is so NOT the core point of the story, so whether or not that's your thing you can either ignore it or get excited about it in equal measure. The characters also aren't just edgy and gritty "we must deal with this alone... augh misery woe is us..." they actively do what they can to use all the resources available to them (including trying to get help from their parents, which is an ick for me in other media when the kid protagonists just refuse to ask for help? or assume they can't without trying? anyway).
I would say to be careful about any warnings at the beginning of specific chapters, because some can get quite violent.
The six main characters, without giving to many spoilers, are as follows under the cut (cuz this got long):
The protagonist Ashlyn, an asocial ballerina with her loving ex-military parents, who has a condition that gives her incredibly sensitive/enhanced hearing (she ends up using this to help detect the monsters after them, since they're otherwise silent to the other protagonists!)
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Aiden, a creepily-smiley ex-homeschooled rich kid who has no concept of social convention or personal space. Has forcibly chosen Ashlyn to be his friend during his first year in school against her will and ends up accidentally setting off the chain of events leading to the Plot. (I love him. He definitely has Every Mental Illness <3)
Ben, Aiden's incredibly physically intimidating cousin, who is mute and so, so sweet and gentle and follows Aiden like his shadow, in part to take care of him when Aiden's antics get him injured and in part because Ben's muteness makes it incredibly difficult for people to understand him. Aiden, however, can understand his nonverbal communications with ease
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Taylor, a friendly girl's girl who tries (often in vain) to befriend Ashlyn. Is also a talented mechanic who ends up putting googly eyes on her weapon once they end up in the Demon Dimension. She's the most Emotionally Aware Person Here but also she's like, 15, so, the bar is on the floor
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Tyler, Taylor's twin brother, a somewhat aggressive and rude baseball jock who mostly Minds His Own Damn Business aside from his clinginess to Taylor. In fact they wear matching outfits in almost every episode of the comic it's so funny and cute. Is often found fighting bullies to defend their victims so i forgive him for all his own asshole crimes he's just a dude. he's one of my little guys
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Logan, who is canonically compared to a puppy. Shy, intelligent, and incredibly empathetic! My partner's favorite character who has one of the best character arcs so far imo. Likes photography, astrology, and gardening. I think they should give him more guns, as a treat. He can never have enough
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anyways thank you for the ask! overall i highly recommend - it's still ongoing, we're currently in the middle of season two!! the mystery is unfolding, there's funny and sweet moments along with the intense ones, and i am INVESTED. :DDDDDD
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Mike Luckovich
* * * *
Defying the odds, Trump steals spotlight from JD Vance (and not in a good way)
August 1, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
Trump's interview at the National Association of Black Journalists convention was an unmitigated disaster of campaign-altering dimensions. The only person in the US happy with Trump's miserable performance was JD Vance—who will enjoy a few minutes out of the spotlight.
It is easy to mock Trump for his calamitous interview—and we should. Taking Trump down a few notches by making clear that he is a cringe-worthy, awkward, bloviating narcissist is a good development. But he is also filled with rage, prejudice, and hate, as his answers make clear. Both aspects of Trump's 32-minute interview deserve to be highlighted—because both demonstrate that he is unfit for office (or even for polite company).
Aaron Rupar has compiled a ten-minute “super-cut” of the interview that is worth watching in its entirety. See YouTube, Trump self-immolates at National Association Black Journalists convention: a supercut.
Rachel Scott of ABC began the interview by asking Trump a tough question about Trump's prior statements about minorities, which sent Trump into a black hole of rage. Scott asked,
You have pushed false claims about people like President Barack Obama, saying he was not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four congresswomen, women of color who were American citizens, to go back to where they came from. You have used words like ‘animal’ to describe Black district attorneys. You've attacked Black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are quote, ‘stupid and racist.’ You've had dinner with a white supremacist at Mar-a-Lago. So my question, sir, now that you are asking Black supporters to vote for you, why should Black voters trust you after you have used language like that?
Trump never recovered from that question, immediately pivoting to attacking Rachel Scott as “rude,” “nasty,” and “horrible,” saying that she worked for “fake news ABC.”
Among the many horrible things Trump said during the interview was to question Kamala Harris’s identification as a Black woman and an Indian woman. Mother Jones covered Trump's challenge to Kamala Harris’s identity with this headline: White Man Tells Black Journalists His Black Opponent Is Not Black. Trump said,
She was always of Indian heritage. She was only promoting Indian heritage, I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?
After offending Black Americans, Indian Americans, and all multi-racial Americans, Trump doubled-down on his insensitive comments by posting on Truth Social the following statement:
Crazy Kamala is saying she's Indian, not Black. This is a big deal. Stone cold phony. She uses everybody, including her racial identity!
Racial identity is a sensitive and personal issue. Trump not only failed to show any sensitivity or understanding, but he also tried to shame Kamala Harris for her identity as a daughter of a Black father and an Indian mother. Based on social media posts and statements by Trump surrogates, it is clear the campaign believes that focusing on Kamala Harris’s racial identity is a winning strategy. Only a white billionaire living in a bubble of sycophants would believe that strategy will increase his chances of election.
Trump also said he would pardon January 6 insurrectionists convicted of beating police officers and that he would give immunity to police officers charged with killing citizens.
None of the above captures Trump's boorish, insulting, aggressive behavior toward the three Black female journalists who attempted to interview him. You should watch the video to see that behavior. At one point, Trump reached over to take the bottle of water belonging to Rachel Scott, appearing to screw the lid tightly—apparently to make it difficult for Scott to open the bottle (?). Whatever the reason, it was a weird, aggressive way to act out Trump's anger toward Scott.
Most importantly, the event reminded us of the daily chaos and ugly confrontations that typified life during the Trump administration. The Harris campaign issued a statement that made that point:
Statement on Donald Trump Showing Exactly Who He Is at NABJ
The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people. Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency-while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us. Today's tirade is simply a taste of the chaos and division that has been a hallmark of Trump's MAGA rallies this entire campaign. It's also exactly what the American people will see from across the debate stage as Vice President Harris offers a vision of opportunity and freedom for all Americans. All Donald Trump needs to do is stop playing games and actually show up to the debate on September 10.
Trump and Vance are both stumbling as Kamala Harris projects confidence and inspires enthusiasm. That does not guarantee that we will win, but it certainly places Democrats in a strong position for the last 97 days of the campaign.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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benny-the-spaceman · 4 months
one of these days im going to release my tlm drafting headcanons from my notes app purgatory and that day is Today.
...under the cut
• Fairly good at drawing. Somehow able to draw straight lines without a ruler perfectly fine every single time but otherwise nothing super noteworthy (he does brag about this constantly however)
• Drafts in white and yellow posca pen??? will use white colored pencil for finer detail however, specifically one of those mechanical colored pencils
• Drafts on black paper because he thinks it makes his designs cooler (it doesn't)
• Dimensions in imperial and would be annoyed if you dare even *insinuate* he use metric. no justification here
• Doodles around his drafts, specifically likes to doodle bats and himself because he, once again, thanks it makes his drafts cooler (the bats kinda do)
• Refuses to leave notes on his designs. you either know what to do or you don't
• Does however write his drawing title obnoxiously large
• Used autocad for like a day, hated it, switched to solidworks and never went back
• Buys autodesk licenses for the rest of the masterbuilders. unwillingly, mind you, wyldstyle just knows his credit card information and abuses it
• Good at drawing exclusively spaceships. big shock i know
• The king of eyeballing a line or an angle and then labelling it however the fuck he wants. proper measurements take time he could spend drafting or making more spaceships, he'll save measuring and straightedges for drafts he deems important enough
• Uses blueprinting paper. there's no practical purpose for this, he just digs it
• Drafts with whatever writing utensil is on hand
• He gets inspired quite often so he usually keeps a drafting notepad on him just in case
• Leaves a *lot* of notes. Most of them are completely unnecessary and are a funny contrast to his haphazard dimensioning
• Pretty dang good at autocad! Usually reserves it for projects that require a lot more collaboration however
• Usually drafts in metric, can dimension in imperial but prefers not to
• 100% sets autocad to the light background like a monster
• Do not give him any 3d modelling software, he might blow up the computer
• Either really good or really bad at drawings (obvs leaning towards bad. we remember the break in plans)
• Dimensions in imperial. I cant justify this one he just does. god bless america or something idk
• Owns a couple drafting pencils but rarely uses them, most of the time he drafts in marker or pen much to the chagrin of anyone who needs to read his drafts (or delight if you're unikitty)
• Started learning how to use autocad after taco tuesday and he's actually pretty good at it! he does use an architectural dimstyle for everything though which is particularly annoying when he's quite often not drafting buildings now
• Has labelled and colored layers 👍 enough said
• Uses disgustingly thick lineweights. horrible.
• Rarely if ever 3d models so he's not good at it, he mostly works on things that 2d conveys better anyways
• Although he's not the best drafter of the master builders, his construction background makes him the best at reading drafts, give him a unikitty draft and he can decipher it like it's nothing
• Probably the best at drafting of the master builders, he's got the age advantage and lots of practice from making ships
• Drafts in pencil, quill, or charcoal depending
• Who needs straightedges or angle stencils when youre basically a pirate cyborg, expect robot like precision
• Doesn't use standard measuring conventions, instead opts to use the dumbest things possible. The Sea cow's units of measurement were seagulls. It isnt that he cant do normal units of measurement, he just prefers his made up ones
• Makes his drafting paper by himself
• Pretty good with 2d and 3d modelling surprisingly. He doesn't like either, however, he much prefers drafting on paper
• Leaves an average amount of notes on his drafts but has the most disgustingly fancy cursive and writes in his piratey english. Often a nightmare to read if you aren't used to his writing
• Will sometimes do blueprint swaps with Benny wherein they critique each other's work. not sure when they started doing it, but it's become a weekly activity for them
• Worst drafter of the main masterbuilder crew. Most people think it's because she's a cat but no she just doesnt take drafting seriously in the slightest
• Drafts like she's making an arts and crafts project. She has put several bottles of glitter on singular drafts and she will do it again
• Dimensions in rainbows, no knows what this means other than emmet
• Gives the longest, most complicated titles possible
• No such thing as straight lines
• Is entirely capable of drafting properly, just refuses to
• Leaves notes that are entirely unrelated to the draft. she wont tell you how youre supposed to connect two objects but she *will* tell you about the sandwich she ate while making the draft
• Doesnt use autocad, looks too boring
• Didnt use any 3d modelling softwares until she realized you can change the appearance of materials. that was a game changer. still much prefers drafting on paper though
• Likes drafting with emmet sometimes since he seems to be the only person who understands her drawings. to this day no one understands how he does it
• Going blind has, surprisingly, not made him much worse at drafting, just changed his process a bit
• Drafts in pencil
• Probably the person who least frequently drafts of the main masterbuilders. On account of just not needing to and also on account of being dead
• Dimensions in the old anglo-saxon units of measurement
• Doesn't title his drafts and doesnt see a point in doing so
• Leaves the most vague, utterly confusing notes on his drawings. theyre still related to the drawings unlike unikitty's notes, but theyre very odd
• Doesn't use autocad or 3d modelling softwares, partially because he wouldnt really be able to on account of being blind but also partially because he doesn't really know what they are
• There isnt really much to say about his drafting skills he's about as normal of a drafter as a masterbuilder can be
• An engineering teacher's dream student. She may not have the amount of experience metalbeard has but she's still very skilled
• Doesn't like drafting on paper and won't if she doesn't have to
• When she does draft on paper she uses a drafting mechanical pencils. she also 100% collects them
• dimensions in metric to exactly 3 decimal places
• leaves very few if any notes (always very concise ones if included)
• has a case of staedtler stencils that she bought 4 years ago and never uses
• picked up a habit of doodling on drafts from batman but will never admit she got the habit from him
• Autocad PRO. Also really damn good at solidworks and fusion. Give this girl a computer and she'll give you a motorcycle assembly within the hour
• Specializes in automotives
• Spends time with Emmet on the weekends teaching him how to use digital drafting softwares (this process was incredibly frusturating at first but gets easier with time)
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hello po! Can I request Bodyguard! Noir with a famous cosplayer s/o? The s/o is doing a fan signing and theres this one fan whos acting pretty creepy and starts flirting with em. The thing is, their relationship with Noir is private and the media hasn't found out.
HELLO PO :DD OH SURE !!! i hope you like this >:))
respectfully, back off. – bodyguard!spider noir x cosplayer!gn!reader
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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peter loved everything about your dimension, earth-1218–it was so full of color and was so vivacious; especially during events that you frequented, such as the very one you brought him to, a cosplay convention where you were going to do a fan signing. peter wasn't very familiar with this whole 'cosplaying' gig you had going on–he didn't understand what all the hype was about, but if it made you happy, he'd support you a 110%.
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he was taken aback by all the colorful and lively people and merchandise there was everywhere, the lights were his favorite part because they were all of different colors. he got a little giddy inside but was also super confuses when a bunch of people in both costumes, casual attire, and uniforms all stared at him and took their phones out. some asked for pictures with him, and you encouraged him to do it, but he was disoriented after the first few picture takings that you had to sit him down behind your booth for the fan signing.
though when he came back out, he was greeted to the sight of this... creepy person smiling a little too eagerly at the sight of you. you laughed at their 'jokes', but peter could tell that you were extremely uncomfortable. he came out from the back of the booth and confronted the person, towering over them and glaring down at them. "this guy bothering you, dearest?" he asked you with a low voice, and as you tried telling peter no so the situation could de-escalate, the creepy person smiled up at peter. "woah... no way, awesome spider noir cosplay, man!" they exclaimed as they pointed out all the little details he had on his costume.
the creepy guy's attention shifted from peter to you, however, as he tried grabbing both of your hands–begging you to go out and get some dinner with them. they told you they bought all your merch, liked and shared all your posts–the least they deserve is your affection in return, right...? of course not, you aren't indebted to their feelings–you didn't even know their name! as you backed away from them, they got frustrated with you and tried lunging at you to get you to come with them–but peter beat them to it and clutched their hands with his own and clenched them. hard.
"ow! what the hell? now... i-i don't care if you look awesome or sound like... like nick cage, you gotta let g- ah!" they exclaimed in pain as peter ball his fist up, with the creepy person's hand in his own. a series of pops and crunches were heard coming from the person's hand, and peter let go after they were wailing in pain. "i don't know who your 'nick cage' is, but i'm not that guy–i'm not just somebody to them." he said as he gently wrapped his arm around your shoulders, surprising you and your fans.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @thee-fantastic-mrfox @arachnoia @ophanimgold
peter looked at them all as some of your fans were snapping photos and filming this very moment, with them all asking themselves: who the he was this guy and what was his relationship with you? you got all embarrassed and a little frightened because you knew some of your fans were a bit... extreme like that stalker guy, whose hand peter crushed earlier. as you tried explaining yourself and apologizing for peter's actions, security was soon coming and were going to see the wailing stalker with their swollen, broken hand.
you took peter by the hand and ran off with him, hurriedly announcing your fan signing was now over, much to your fans' dismay. they tried chasing you down, and so did security after they hurried over to the stalker and asked what happened, who hurt them. as you and peter ran down the halls and stairs of the convention, peter was more than satisfied at having made his statement clear earlier: nobody was allowed to mess with you... not when he's with you.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for accidentally starting an apocalyptic-like event to get back at my friends?
I’m aware the title sounds bad, but you don’t know my half of the story yet. I (M, Old man coded) used to be in an adventuring group with my friends, who I will call G (M, Ageless), S (M, Ageless), M (M, Ageless) and E (F, Ageless). We traveled all across the world, even into different dimensions! One day, we sent out on a quest to kill a dragon allegedly tormenting another dimension (the inhabitants seemed very neutral on their whole predicament). We eventually defeated the dragon but not by…conventional means. E invented a device that would allow us, among other things, to delete the dragon from existence. Seems weird but we rolled with it. But then, days later, I find out that all of my friends were planning to lie to the general public, saying that we bravely slayed the dragon in a combined effort with our super cool combat abilities! I was angry. I rightfully complained to them but they kicked me out of the group and erased my entire existence from their story in response! I was furious! They ended up becoming extremely famous off of their lies, three of them even going on to found towns all across the world. They were regarded as “heroes” and “living legends”. I, of course, became extremely resentful of them and writhed in my anger, so much so that I began to devise a plan. I would created a creature with the device E had made and sic it on a crowd of people at a convention in G’s town. I took some precautions, of course. The device allowed me to have full control over the creature and, in case of something going totally, horribly wrong, I crafted an elixir to immediately stop it. Everything was going according to plan. I scammed my way into getting all the ingredients I needed, built an evil lair underneath the main stage of the convention, and practice my grand speech to that bastard! That was until a band of idiot, naive fools (M, M, F, F, X, Young people coded) snuck into my evil lab and stole the elixir and replaced it with a fake bottle!! Apparently they were mad about me scamming their friend or whatever. Anyways, I sicced another creature on them and made my way up to the main stage, where G was having a QnA panel. I made my grand speech, brought my creation to life and continued on with my plan. G was standing there like a coward, barely doing anything as people fled in horror. After a while, I decided I had humiliated him enough and ordered my creature to retreat. But the creature refused and started mutating right before my eyes. I told it to retreat again, thinking it didn’t hear me, before going for my emergency elixir. But, as mentioned before, one of the idiots swapped it with a fake bottle and I didn’t notice because I wasn’t expecting them to do something so greedy and stupid. I threw the bottle at the creature  and, surprise surprise, it did nothing! One of the other idiots still had the real thing on their hand but, at that point, the creature had too much time to react and managed to protect itself from the elixir’s effects. It began to mutate into this giant, three headed monster and started sucking people inside of itself with multiple tractor beams. I had no idea it could even do that, mind you!
Fortunately, none of the people inside the monster were seriously hurt and the whole ordeal was dealt with. The only lasting effects of the monster’s attack were some major property damage and the death of one of my friends and one of the idiots’ pet. The truth had a 50/50 chance of being revealed to the public and I was forgiven for my crimes and invited to live amongst the townsfolk in G’s town.
Do I regret my actions? Everyday, yes. Would I have done them if I knew what it would lead to? Absolutely not. I’m trying my best to better myself now and open up to a few of the aforementioned idiots, but I can’t stop myself from feeling exceptional amounts of guilt for everything. So, AITA?
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Carlos-in-Glasses Goes to Paris
For prosperity I’ve written up my experience of the First Responders Reunion Convention – which is my first convention experience. And what an overwhelmingly good and stressful time it was. Under the cut is my attempt to capture my memories and the essence of it, rather than a transcription of panels and meeting rooms, as others have already done the good work (or will be). I hope you find this interesting and useful if you do read, and if you have any specific questions (including about travelling alone/logistics/issues I had) I’ll do my best to provide a coherent answer.
I am very tired and this is slightly manic but here we go:
Friday: If you are among those who waited in line for three hours to register for the convention, even if I did not see or interact with you….I feel we are spiritually bonded forever by the experience. Blimey, crikey, and bloody hell. It was not clear at all how long the wait would be, but I was not expecting that! However, there was an undeniable thrill in the air. I was in pain all over, yet happy. By the late evening, dinner was half a tube of Pringles and a glass of red wine.
Saturday: Breakfast was four croissants. I actually recommend this because they really did carry me through until lunch. Not long after arriving, we were milling about in the lobby waiting for the opening ceremony to begin - when Ronen walked past up on the mezzanine/ balcony thing, waving to us, all fabulous and just….there in the flesh?!!!...and revealing his hair. We’d speculated that he’d dyed it pink or the bisexual pride flag colours, or “wouldn’t it be funny if it’s just brown?!” And it was brown! And it WAS Funny.
The opening ceremony was a trip lol. Holy shit. They played a music video compilation of the actors from each show (I never want to hear How to Save a Life by The Fray ever again. Jk jk don’t come for meee). There was an undulation of incredibly loud screaming whenever particular actors popped up on screen, so it was like being on a rollercoaster that wasn’t moving. Adrenaline was high by the time all the actors walked out on stage and say hello. It’s hard to explain exactly how bonkers it is to be in the same physical space as Ronen, Rafa, Sierra and Natacha and see their non-TV dimensions… TANGENT TIME:
….Speaking of dimensions! I tried to pay close attention to the height difference between Ronen and Rafa, but it’s also an optical illusion in real life? FYI, I’m 5 ft 7 – Ronen didn’t seem massively taller than me, Rafa did seem massively taller than me; next to each other it was like there was nothing in it. But in my photos they’re both much taller than me and Ronen looks slightly the biggest I think 🤔 So I have no clue what’s going on. In fact, I’m more confused than ever.
After the opening ceremony (which I fled from because fuuuck) I was waiting around due to rocking up early for my meeting room by accident. The schedule was a confusing design and I was far from the only person who was doing a sort of 'hit-and-hope' when it came to figuring out where to be and when, especially as things almost immediately overran, so other activities got moved around/ postponed. ANYWAY – Ronen walked right past with a member of staff who was instructing him. I overheard him tell her “It’s okay…I’m a pro at this.” He really did wander around like he owned the place. At one point he strolled through the lobby with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.
My first activity was the meeting room with Ronen and Rafa (ie. a group of a set number of people in a room with actors for half an hour). By chance it turned out that I was sitting almost right next to them, with a gap left for the door between us. So, super close. And obviously they were both mesmerising. This was the meeting room where Rafa said “To catch the murderer, Carlos has to behave like one”, and explained that Carlos would have to murder parts of himself. His emphasis was on how Carlos’ innocence has been taken from him because his father’s life was stolen. For what it’s worth, I interpreted this as Rafa viewing the whole thing very much from an dramatic actor’s standpoint, and how he needs to get into the mindset of Carlos’ particular grief metaphorically, rather than meaning anything literal. He speaks quite intensely and thoughtfully and his choice of words is often bold. For anyone concerned about it, just remember he was asked a question and responded off the cuff the best he could in the moment, with limited time. He doesn’t write the show and I guess he’s making assumptions based on how season 4 left off, like the rest of us, unless he’s had very specific conversations with Tim (which, maybe! But he wouldn’t be able to give anything away. We don’t know anything). Then, when Ronen brought up TK dying (because Ronen always dies in the films/TV he does – using an axe to the chest as an example) it was pointed out that Tarlos is endgame, so he can’t die. Cue Rafa being like “Carlos could die with him! They die together!” I was like goodness me lads it’s early in the morning for this. I needed a brandy afterwards.
Next up was my Tarlos Duo Photoshoot. As noted above, everything had fallen behind schedule, and things were starting to get switched around. Honestly, it was confusing, daunting and stressful (please note: Am VERY easily confused, daunted, and stressed). But thanks to the power of following others and asking questions, I ended up where I needed to be. When it was my turn, Rafa immediately and warmly put his arm around me to pose but Ronen was talking to a staff member, so Rafa and I were just… touching each other for a good few seconds before Ro joined us! I took the opportunity to thank Rafa for doing this for us, but I can’t remember how he responded. Then the photo was taken. I told them they’re both amazing, they said “aw thanks” at the same time, and again I fled the scene. As there are so many people, the shoot you have is super speedy. I advise really trying to keep your cool even though it’s a highly flustering situation. You don’t want it to become a total blur or something you regret, because it really is lovely to be next to them and quickly say a few words and get a keepsake afterwards.
My next activity was autographs and selfies with Natacha and Sierra. A super lovely thing. I gave them cards I'd written (as I also did for Rafa and Ronen the next day). Sierra was an absolute highlight for me. Just the warmest, kindest person. A total joy. She opened her card in front of me and I was like nooooo don't. It truly felt like she’d come to the convention for the opportunity to meet us, rather than the other way around. She told me she liked my outfit and said I look beautiful in pink. Similar to what I said to Rafa, I thanked her and told her I can’t imagine what it’s like for them to do this, expecting her to quickly say “oh you’re welcome” or something. But she started having a mini-philosophical conversation with me about the nature of fame and fandom! Then she said “it is overwhelming in the best way” because she gets to see the human heart behind all the messages etc (I’m paraphrasing). I said “it’s all about love” and she said “yes! It’s all about love, absolutely.” She was a true delight. And Natacha is a blast. She also complimented my pink outfit and I was like ???? Thanks????!!! Gahhh. The selfies came out way more flattering than the photoshoot. The lighting. Oof.
The last Saturday thing for me was the panel with Ronen and Rafa. It was quite brief but there were some real gems. Rafa saying he only has eyes for Tarlos. Ronen saying “Safe in their apartment holding on to each other. I think Carlos is TK’s honeymoon.” I melted. I let our an audible aww.
Sunday: The first thing was a Lone Star quiz in the panel room with Natacha and Sierra. They were so fun and such good sports. Then it was the Lone Star panel, where Natacha, Sierra, Ronen and Rafa were all on stage together answering fan questions. It was really nice to see them all interact, banter and laugh together. Sierra made a point of saying they’re all close in real life and hang out in their free time. There was a great vibe between them and such a good atmosphere in the room. I loved it when Rafa told Ronen that he was out of rhythm when it came to learning the pilot episode line dance; Ronen argued that he smashed it and there's video evidence. Rafa's response was "Sweetie, no."
I then had the autograph and selfie sessions with Rafa and Ronen, but because the Lone Star panel overran, suddenly Ronen had his photoshoot session instead, so I had a clash between going to that or staying downstairs for Rafa. I was trying to figure out what to do until the queen that is @actuallysara got some clarity from a staff member and we went up to Ronen, but by that point the upper level by the studio was crowded and chaotic. Be advised to prepare for disarray if you’ve never been to a convention before. It might be that you experience no scheduling issues or confusion, but just be prepared for the advent anyway. As it happened, I was through quickly for my photo with Ronen – again thanks to Sara locating the door! Ronen, hungover, was wearing his sunglasses, so I wore mine. He did a dumb pose without saying anything; I grinned at the camera and then thanked him and ran off again to get back downstairs where Rafa was still signing autographs. I got to tell him he plays my favourite character of all time and we took a selfie I really love ahhhh. Then Rafa had to leave for his photoshoot – which was my next thing – so I ran back upstairs and was one of the first in line! So I was like “heeey nice to see you again so soon…!” He remembered my name – I guess because he’d only just written it down 😅 I thanked him for the 10th time – just couldn’t stop thanking everyone like I’d caught a disease where the symptom is permanent gratitude. THEN I ran downstairs to do the autograph and selfie with Ronen, who was running late – so that got postponed to the afternoon after we’d already waited a long while. When it did happen it was great - I can't remember what I said to him but I assume it was polite and made sense – although a chaotic queuing system again ensued. A whole long line of us were crushed together in the heat. I had an Aperpol spritz after and when I tell you I’d never needed a drink like that more…
That was it for my paid activities! Unknown to me at the time, my final glimpse of Ronen, Rafa, Sierra and Natacha was when I was sitting on the floor eating Ritz Crackers while they were wandering past on their way to/from whatever they were doing next. It felt so normal to see them around at that point. We gathered for the closing ceremony, thinking we’d see all the actors on stage once more for a goodbye, but the ceremony had to happen without any of the actors because of running late. So, I cherish my ‘seeing them in the hallway’ memories.
Overall feelings and would I do it again? If you’ve never been to a convention before but want to, do go into it with open eyes: There’s potentially a lot of waiting around and standing in line for a long time in a hot space (sometimes the line is more like a shapeless crowd and you don’t know where it begins and ends). Some of the activities are quite rushed. They fall behind schedule easily and you have to be agile about where to go next and what to do. The Dream It team worked super hard and could do with employing more staff in stewarding roles, ideally wearing something that identifies them as such (the staff blended in with the visitors of the convention). But I don’t know the economics of their staffing situation so maybe they can’t grow the team. Anyway, having more signs up also would have been useful. When you do get your moment with Ronen, Rafa, Sierra, Natacha though – or whoever you have come to see – it really is beautiful and meaningful.
Right now, I’m flipflopping – but mainly I think once is enough for me, unless they come to a convention the UK. There’s a couple of aspects I’d like to ‘do over,’ but perhaps not enough to try to recreate the magic a second time, given the expense of it?? That might change over the coming months – we’ll see! I went to this convention with the goal of meeting Ronen and Rafa (with Natacha and a Sierra being a glorious bonus as I booked it long before they were announced as guests) to tell them in person thank you and I love you – and I achieved that. I do think it was worth my money, but it is very expensive and tiring. I was lucky to be in a good position to pay for it this year, which might not be the case going forward. You really need to be able to afford to do it, and genuinely want to do it, knowing you’re paying money for something that is going to have some hard and challenging aspects as well as the amazing and joyful. Personally, I love that I went once. I didn’t love the Super Endurance Test of 2023 that was standing in line for three hours on Friday after travelling hahaaaaaa god. I loved the selfies and autograph sessions. I didn’t love the photoshoot outcomes but I loved that I’ve had Rafa’s large hand on my shoulder because I'm slutty so. I love that I looked into both his and Ronen’s eyes and told them how great they are. I love that I uploaded my selfie with Rafa to my instastory and he viewed it, so there’s just a line of my friends’ names, then actuallyrafa, then a line of my friends’ names 🤣
I also want to note that in real life, compared to footage of them in interviews/insta lives/wherever, I think you get even more of a sense of just how different they are to their characters. It made me respect them all even more than I already did, which I didn’t think was possible. They are SO talented.
BUT most importantly: The reason why this was so brilliant was @actuallysara, without whom I wouldn’t have thought I could travel alone to Paris and do this at all. Sara, meeting you and giving you a big hug was also the dream. You are so helpful and knowledgeable and kind ,and once again your flags were a fantastic idea and I’m so happy I got to sign them. I hope I get to see you again very soon. Thank you from the depths of my soul. @meditating-honey-badger (and your fabulous companion…!) it was a true delight to hang out, and chill out, and have such funny and deep conversations. You are an absolute light and I loved meeting you. I hope so much to see you again too. Like Sara, it could never be too soon. And @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut. What can I say. What can I possibly say. I want to make drinking on rooftop bars while talking about writing our thing. I’ve never done that with anyone else. We really went through this side by side and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I already miss you and I thank you too. You are, in fact, the warmest doughnut in town. All of you, forever ❤️. You made it what it was.
(Digitally applied giant aviator sunglasses and some editing so the Tarlos duo photoshoot doesn't count as a face reveal. Thank you also to the lovely people who made bracelets and handed them out.)
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hirocimacruiser · 10 months
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Combat power with ultimate lightness and strength
On the street and on winding roads, you'll experience an exciting feeling of acceleration and excellent braking performance. A revolution in weight reduction brought about by super forging and high precision. I want you to experience the difference in dimension in all of them. Experience the joy of running. Regamaster. The ultimate response-enhancing parts that continue to accelerate to new dimensions.
World's lightest at 6.8kg - 1.4 times more tensile strength and 1.9 times more elongation than conventional forged materials. (17×8.0JJ +45)
(Material: From JIS standard H4140 tensile strength test)
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bugeyedfreaks · 9 months
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12 for HIM please
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
He’s fun! He’s evil! He’s fabulous! Who can’t like Him? It’s cool that, as a villain of Townsville, he’s the most serious kind that you can get, and it’s neat that the girls have a villain that’s dedicated to basically just screwing with their brains instead of pulling heists for material possessions like the rest usually do… but I do appreciate when he’s less, like… ~dark and edgy~ evil and more just messing around with the girls’ minds in ultra kooky, goofy ways for his own amusement (like making them take the SATs or conducting choo-choo trains or threatening to drop their teacher into a vat of boiling sharks, all while smiling… you can tell that my fave episode with Him is Him Diddle Riddle, haha).
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I really like how mysterious and foreboding he is, specifically in the earliest episodes. The show used to air late at night, so sometimes when I rewatch episodes like Octi Evil and Tough Love (and it’s not a Him episode but I feel this BIG TIME with Abracadaver) I can remember being in the family room with all the lights off, sitting in front of the TV, watching them for the first time, and the whole nighttime ambiance made the episodes (and Him in particular) just all the more creepy and evil in my kid mind. He’s got a special unsettling feeling to him that feels lost later on in the last two seasons that aired (they also got rid of his obscure pink house/lair/hell realm that I always held a fondness for… the Dadaesque dimension they designed later kind of sucks and isn’t nearly as creepy).
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
He brought back the Rowdyruff Boys… why? Couldn’t he think of anything original? People think he’s so evil for resurrecting them (and in a way… true, because they’re not great characters) but I think he was just lazy. 🥱 He should have opened a mirror nightmare portal to unleash the Powerpunk Girls instead!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
His hellish theme music!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
There have been loooooooooots of super cool fanart and cosplays of Him! It’s always fun to see how people interpret him in different styles, and when I see a Him at a convention it’s always magical. 🔥✨
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Hmm… well, I have my headcanon that he and Sedusa and Mojo are all best frenemies that like to go have self care days and chill out at the mall with each other, if that counts? 😆
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Unveiling oxidation-induced super-elasticity in metallic glass nanotubes
Oxidation can degrade the properties and functionality of metals. However, a research team co-led by scientists from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) recently discovered that severely oxidized metallic glass nanotubes can attain an ultrahigh recoverable elastic strain, outperforming most conventional super-elastic metals. They also discovered the physical mechanisms underpinning this super-elasticity. Their discovery implies that oxidation in low-dimension metallic glass can result in unique properties for applications in sensors, medical devices and other nanodevices. The findings were published in Nature Materials under the title "Oxidation-induced superelasticity in metallic glass nanotubes." In recent years, the functional and mechanical properties of low-dimensional metals, including nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanosheets, have garnered attention for their potential applications in small-scale devices, such as sensors, nano-robots and metamaterials. However, most metals are electrochemically active and susceptible to oxidation in ambient environments, which often degrades their properties and functionalities.
Read more.
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spicy-universe · 9 months
Gecko-Man character profile
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Aka: Miguel O'Hara
Earth: 777
Regular guy who was bitten by a radioactive spider while asleep one night. He woke up one morning with the ability to climb walls, hyper awareness, and the proportional strength of a small animal, and connected the dots from there. He's never lost anyone close to him. He never knew his parents, has no relatives, and hates cops. Fights low level street villains. Hates being compared to Gex. Once got into a fistfight with William Shatner at a sci-fi convention. Really good at wall crawling and has developed a super jump ability.
Allies: none in home dimension, but becomes close with Spiderman EC74, Spider Cube, and Takuya Yamashiro.
Arch Nemesis: Asbestos Man
Theme Music: I Wanna Lose Control by Death Ray
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ryangero · 10 months
Panel Presentation: Moon Knight
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Moon Knight centers around Steven Grant, an unassuming employee at a museum gift shop, whose life is disrupted by episodes of memory loss and recollections of an alternate existence. Uncovering the presence of dissociative identity disorder within himself, Steven realizes that he coexists in the same body with the mercenary Marc Spector. As adversaries of Steven/Marc close in on them, the duo must grapple with their intricate identities while being entangled in a perilous enigma involving the formidable gods of Egypt. Like the narrative of Justice League analyzed by Kevin D Williams, Steven Grant experiences violence and struggle that impacts his own mental health.
How do structural mythology, cultural studies, and cultural history reflect the series’ world and world-building around superheroes?Moon Knight intricately navigates the multifaceted landscape of superhero storytelling by incorporating a rich tapestry of structural mythology and cultural exploration. The portrayal of Marc Spector's dissociative identity disorder adds a layer of psychological complexity to the character, challenging traditional superhero archetypes. The series deftly delves into Egyptian mythology, weaving a narrative around gods like Khonshu and Ammit, thereby expanding the cultural dimensions of the Marvel Universe. The inclusion of characters like Layla El-Faouly contributes to a more nuanced representation, avoiding clichéd racial tropes and broadening the spectrum of identities. By hiring Egyptian director Mohamed Diab, the show not only authentically embraces its cultural backdrop but also fosters diversity behind the camera. Moon Knight emerges as a sophisticated and culturally resonant contribution to the evolving landscape of superhero narratives.
2. In what ways are the superheroes and their abilities informed by their racial, gender, sexual, and cultural identities?
Superheroes and their abilities are deeply influenced by their cultural and identity backgrounds, offering a nuanced exploration of diverse perspectives. Moon Knight, for instance, introduces layers of cultural complexity by delving into Egyptian mythology and presenting characters with multifaceted identities. The show's portrayal of mental health issues further adds depth to the narrative, contributing to a broader conversation about the intersectionality of identity within the superhero genre. While normally superhero’s abilities are formed or enhanced by solely the supernatural, Moonknight’s abilities take aspects from his dissociative identity disorder and form distinct characters.
3. In what ways do costumes and concealing identities further separate the superheroes from normal society? How necessary is it for the superheroes to hide their true identities to successfully achieve their goals?
In "Moon Knight," costumes and concealed identities play a vital role in delineating the titular hero from normal society. The character of Marc Spector/Moon Knight grapples with dissociative identity disorder, which adds layers of complexity to his personas. The various costumes represent distinct facets of his psyche, blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural. This intricate dance between identities not only mirrors the broader theme of duality prevalent in superhero narratives but also underscores the character's internal struggles. In the second episode, Steven is asked to manifest his suit in order to fight a creature, but the character talking to him knows Marc - an alternate identity completely different from steven. Steven forms an all-white three-piece suit, not understanding what she means. This departure from the conventional superhero costume aligns with the series' thematic focus on internal conflicts and emotions externalized through these superhuman personas. Steven's unique vision of a "super suit" reflects his unfamiliarity with traditional superhero tropes, offering a distinct perspective on the concept.
4. How do the economic, political, and social events that occurred during the series’ creation and broadcast cultivate and inform the superheroes’ decisions and actions?
In the backdrop of "Moon Knight," the socio-political landscape of the last decade likely influenced the series, fostering a more progressive tone in superhero narratives. Especially with the rise in popularity with superhero franchises, there seems to be an increased amount of representation in superheroes. Many modern adaptations of comic superheroes take liberty and alter the story and characters in order to be more inclusive and appeal to the modern audience. Moon Knight seems to foster healthy conversations about mental illness and doesn’t treat it like a foreign and unnatural thing. The main identity of Steven is also not the stereotypical macho superhero, and he has to grow into this new unfamiliar character. Decisions and reactions to things mirror his timidness (at least initially), offering a new and refreshing perspective on superhero personas.
5. How do the superheroes question themselves, each other, and their obligations and duties to the people around them?
Steven’s internal conflicts, mirrored in the manifestation of different personas like Mr. Knight, illustrate the complexity of questioning oneself and grappling with duty. Steven's struggles go beyond conventional superhero tropes, incorporating personal identity, psychological battles, and a unique interpretation of what being a hero means. In the first episode, Steven is manifested by an ancient Egyptian god, but struggles to grapple with the alternate identity that becomes present. A domming voice commands him to do things, even when Steven as a person does not. His body becomes a sort of puppet to this entity and gradually has to submit to his demands. He is even transparent to his coworker about a fight he had with a creature overnight at the museum, trying to explain how insane of an experience it was. This diverts from traditional superhero inceptions, where they must keep their powers and identities secret. The show's exploration of Steven's internal conflicts and obligations contributes to the broader trend in superhero storytelling, emphasizing the psychological and moral dimensions that enrich the character and resonate with audiences on a deeper level.
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riftclaw · 1 year
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Answering w a screenshot seems to be the way we’re doing these so here’s my answer for the @sonic-oc-showdown​ ask:
V is a riftclaw, which is a fictional species I made up-- a weird kinda shapeshifting dinosaur people that evolved in the spaces outside reality and use their claws to dig their way in and out of universes. Since he is one he gets the default riftclaw powers, which is being able to shapeshift (although his mass must always remain the same), being able to dimension jump w just a claw, having an extra spatial sense that picks up on dimensional energy that’s used to navigate in the lightless void, and for his clan in particular, the ability to sleep while still shapeshifted (for most riftclaws, losing consciousness means shifting back to Full Lizard).
Bonus fun fact: riftclaws can turn their shed skins into shapeshifting clothing, so most of V’s leather-looking gear is in fact made of his skin. Bc being able to readjust it on the fly makes it a lot easier for him to blend in with a crowd.
His individual powers are a basic boost to physical strength (he’s above-average in the power class, along with 1000s of mobians) and a super-powered healing ability that was given to him as a mutation. The healing ability can repair pretty much anything, even lethal damage-- but he also doesn’t know it exists, so he just thinks he’s supernaturally lucky.
Between these abilities though V is someone who avoids hand-to-hand fighting at all costs, and goes for stealth and quick disabling if he’s forced into it. He’s good at knife throwing (although his blades have to be weighted a certain way to compensate for his physical strength), uses tranq darts whenever he can get away with it, and uses conventional firearms to keep people from closing the distance. Sometimes he hits people with his motorcycle, which is totally a bludgeoning weapon.
His proper role at GUN is more espionage focused, since his ability to get in somewhere wearing a totally different face, steal things away without leaving much evidence, and just vanish into a crowd is too valuable for them to not take advantage of.
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