#sunny d2
titanicfreija · 21 days
"What did I do?! Why are you mad?!"
"You are reckless!"
".... I'm an undead warrior graced with magic from a conscious star-faring machine-moon-thing that might be older than time, I don't really have a reckless to be?"
"You are graced this magic via a small machine that can be destroyed. You risk her when you risk yourself."
"It's harder to break me than you think. There was a reason the traitors used a nullifier instead of a normal projectile on Targe."
"I am certain you would not withstand my hammer, and it would only take some effort to catch you in the moments of resurrection."
"I don't think you could hit me with your hammer no matter how fast you are..."
"This is about that Gladiator."
"Yes. You anger and insult me with this attitude, Guardian. You did not and do not respect the threat posed by my warrior and you put my friend at risk with this disregard!"
"We've had this talk, I take the immortality for granted--"
"You took your Ghost for granted!"
"A little, like that, but she's really really good at handling it when I die. I trust her to take care of that part, and she's always been really good at it. That Knight scared us early on, we're real careful."
"I really am."
"You are too accustomed to this lack of fear, and you lose respect for danger! You are hardly the first Guardian to fall prey to such thinking. Sunny will hardly be the first Ghost to find an unrealistic sense of security in a strong Guardian. None of you are so powerful that you cannot be brought down. No Ghost is so clever that it can hide indefinitely, especially in the face of what I've learned about your drive to resurrect your Guardians. You, Guardian, are certainly strong, you are certainly tough, and I am not calling your ability into question. Sunny, your wit is almost as agile as you are. But I am warning you both now that all your strengths and skills will not always be enough. If this behavior continues, there will come a day when you are cut off and completely surrounded by an army you failed to destroy. And there will be no mercy."
".... Sorry..."
"... I accept this apology. I will forgive the mistake when I decide you have learned from it. I'll return the sword at that time."
"Oh, c--"
"You sacrificed it. You are fortunate he did not want to keep it as a trophy. Instead, he liked the other gift and gave this to me to return to the Vanguard. You are lucky I recognized your description, or else you would not be getting it back at all. A near-beheading normally costs much more than a sword."
"I know. Shit hurt. Caught me right along the helmet edge, we saw the gash."
"I recommend you do not speak so flippantly about a fight you lost."
"It was that or kill he--him and I didn't want to. Sorry, I default to her when I don't know, especially since I learned many of you guys file down the tusks."
"But I was having fun and I didn't want to quit. I knew he was yours, so I didn't want to kill him, but he was a lot of fun to fight, he was really fast and strong and stuff, and I really do like sword fighting, so the gladiators are always great fun on the field, and he was really good."
"I agree that it was stupid, though. And I was being an arrogant ass for sure, I did think I could win even without trying to kill him for real. So I'm sorry for that. But we aren't on equal ground, it's not fair to anyone but other Guardians. And I trust Sunny to live for a while without me, she did it for nearly a millennium. It feels kinda shitty to go around killing people who only have one life when I know a loss for me is about as devastating as losing a gun I like. You can't get better if you die for good."
".... High praise to you is a mortifying insult amongst my people. He would not have spoken of it had he not won. He expected a trap, and thus did he stop, or else you would have been killed and collected and your Ghost captured, as that has been my standing order since the "incident" on Mars."
"... Didn't know that..."
"You are reckless, Guardian. This behavior is unacceptable. If you will not rein yourself in or if you cannot allow better reason and your Ghost to guide you to better decisions, I will find a way to teach you myself. Do not test me."
" ...Yes, ma'am."
"You will not disregard threats to my friend in his manner. And you will not treat my soldiers as toys."
"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry."
"You will learn or I will find a way to teach you. Most things I can currently think of would cause grevious harm to one or both of you. I recommend staying on your best behavior until I find alternatives."
"You don't have to threaten us."
"Clearly, I do. You are still failing to respect the threat, Sunny."
".... I respected it at the time..."
"You will both learn."
"....Yes, ma'am..."
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undead-potatoes · 1 year
Not to be basic on main, but I truly love me a "short and fat, tall and thin" combo. There's just something about "opposite" shapes that really gets me, love it when two halves of a whole are so fundamentally different from each other
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tinytveit · 10 months
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unlucky-phantom · 8 days
Page -unknown- of phantoms journal
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I know its hard to read so I'll wite out the written text bellow:
"I let slip that I was going on patrol. Obviously, Cayde had to stick his non-existent nose in and give me puppy eyes until I agreed to let him join me."
"For a man with no nose, he sure like sticking it in my business"
"He looks so at home on his sparrow. Hard to believe that he's been cooped up in the tower. of course he turned it into a race. of course he won"
"The babies"
"We're parked up now, making camp. Hopefully this outing is relatively quiet"
"Midnight, my little star"
"Maybe this mission with cayde wont be as painful as i imagined"
A little, idk, test of sorts. it was fun to take the sketchy style and put it in something. Phantom and Cayde have an...interesting relationship. she tolerates him outwardly and will take her soft spot for him to the grave. i might continue it, different missions, maybe follow the plot of d2? we'll see
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slutforsnow · 8 months
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Chapter 9
TW/CW: Possessive/obsessive Coryo murderous thoughts
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When the train that weaved its way through the districts arrived at D2, Sunni practically leaped off the train and hugged her friends who were waiting at the station for her. The friend group was quite large, comprising of maybe 6 people.
"Cori, Sej, come here, you guys gotta meet my friends!!" She called, waving to the boys as they gathered their own + Sunni's luggage off the train.
Getting a closer look at Sunni's friend group, Coriolanus realized that she had a very mixed group of friends; black, white, desi, indian, boys, girls, androgynous, plus sized, and skinny friends. He didn't think negatively of that fact, though; he thought it was nice to see her have a large and very close group of friends. Most girls back at the Academy just just stick 1 to 3 people, and there'd be one poc at the most.
"Guys, this is Coriolanus Snow and Sejanus!" She introduced stepping to the side, allowing everyone to shake hands. "Cori, Sej, these are my friends Nero Amadeus; he/him, Maxima Benedictus; he/she/they, Nataila Catullus; any and neos, Viktor Dellis; he/it, Vivian Diamandis; she/her, and the twins Dele, & Demitri Chaconas!"
A chorus of hellos and heys and followed Sunnis friends as the boys shook hands and introduced themselves to Sunni's friends.
"So, Sunshine, how's the Capitol?" Maxima asked as the residents of District 2 led the Plinths + Coryo to the hotel where the Academy students would be staying.
"Uh, shiny," Sunni answered. "And there's more douchebags."
"Ha, fuckin' told you Vik!" Demitri interrupted, reaching over to smack Viktor in the back of the head. He simply ducked, snickering as they instead hit Sunni.
"Sorry, Sun, Vik ducked!"
Nataila laughed to herself as Vivian and Dele shared a look that read "they're so childish".
As the group chatted excitedly about plans for the week and caught up, learning about the Capitol as well, Coryo was glaring daggers at one of the males; Nero Amadeus.
Nero had his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he listened to the chatter, smiling as Sunni. He was happy to see her so excited and to be reunited with her friends but Coryo didn't know why and I was determined to get a straight answer out of the brunette or beat it out of him.
Cracking his knuckles and tossed his suitcase, which was actually Sejanus' that he was borrowing (read as stole), onto his bed once the group reached the hotel; all the Academy children were were on the top two floors and Sunni's group had the highest one.
"I don't trust that Amaedus guy," He huffed out to Sejanus.
"What? Nero? Why?" Sej asked, setting his backup suitcase on his bed.
"I dunno- I just get a bad feeling from him," He replied, tearing his hoodie off as he spoke.
"He seems pretty chill—besides, we just met the guy. It might just be your paranoia since this is your first time in 2," Sejanus offered, taking off his sweater and setting it on his bed.
"No, I don't think it's the paranoia. I'd know if it's the paranoia."
"Jealousy?" Coryo almost laughed. Him? Jealous? Over what? A girl that's not his yet?
"Jealousy, Sej? Really? Im not dating her, so why would i be jealous?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"Friends can be jealous. Hell, I thought Sunni would've replaced me after me, dad, and ma moved to the Capitol, buy she still cares just as much after a decade," Sejanus answered, opening the curtains to check our the view.
"That's different, you're family," the blonde snapped, falling back onto his bed. The was comfy; it felt like it was made entirely out of feathers, and it felt way better than his bed at home.
"Yeah, I suppose, but we should trust them. After all, they've been around Sunni longer than either of us, and for the past 10 years, I've only seen her on visits."
Coryo scoffed and rolled his eyes, mumbling whatever. He was going to find out if Nero had a thing for Sunni and if he needed to dispose of him to make sure he didn't get a chance.
But he'd also have to make sure that no one else would find out about how Nero "went missing". He needed Sunni to completely trust him, no matter the cost.
An awkward silence filled the room, only to be disrupted by loud music entering the room. Coryo sat up, glaring at where the music was supposedly coming from; he didn't need a headache before the festival.
"The hell is that?" Sej inquired, coming out of the bathroom, zipping up his fly. Coryo shrugged, and the two left their room, to see what the noise was. Seeing a door was cracked open, they gently pushed the door open and Coryo feel his blood boil.
Nero and Sunni were dancing to some upbeat and chaotic aong, singing along with it as the others were laughing and talking about an itinerary that Sunni made at some point. When did she make an itinerary, Coryo had no idea, but he didn't care right now. All he cared about was separating his girl from some loser nobody.
"So do you guys plan on making everyone else deaf?" Sejanus shouted over the music, grabbing the others' attention.
"Sorry, Sej, this is what we do all the time!" Sunni shouted back, letting go of Nero so he could turn up his hearing aids once the music was off.
"Why?" He yelled back, walking into the room, followed by Coryo, who was glaring daggers at Nero.
"Why not? It's an homage to how we met; loud music," Sunni replied, laughing as Dele turned the music down.
"Yep: we were all at a skate park, testing our skates and boards and we started bonding over some loud music people were playing," Demitri added as Viktor kicked their ass in another round of COD.
"Dude, how do you get so good at Call of Duty?"
"Eh, having divorced parents who always argue make it easy to find time to game," He replied with a shrug.
"So divorced parents equals being a god at Call of Duty?" Nataila teased, grinning.
"I mean, in my case, yeah."
"So then what does having a dead parent equal?" Maxima inquired.
"Art skills," Sunni answered, hopping her happy little butt onto the counter.
Coryo made his way to her as the others gasped and told Sunni she was quote unquote "wrong for that" while trying not to laugh despite Sunni giving them permission to, when Sunni was laughing and laid his head on her shoulder.
She beamed at this sudden "affection," and gently scratched the top of his head.
"Hi, Cori," She whispered to him as the others, including Sejanus, started talking about things they could do for the first day of the festival.
"Hey, Sunshine," He murmured, his breath hot against her neck.
"You okay?" She asked, gently lifting his head to meet his semi-relaxed gaze.
"Just feel better around you," He lied to her. Well, he wasn't really lying, but he couldn't say he was claiming what's his. He couldn't scare her off. He wouldn't scare her off.
"Okay," She replied, smiling and letting him go back to nuzzling her. Fortunately for Coriolanus, Sunni didn't notice the hateful and murderous glare he was sending towards Nero, who was chatting absent-mindly with Maxima.
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Late into the afternoon, once all the Academy students were settled, the group had set off to explore District 2 and everything that had been set up.
Games, of course, for the little kids who had rich families or the Academy kids who had younger siblings or students who wanted to relax and feel like a child again, but also dancing, music, and all sorts of different delicacies. It was so wonderful, filling, and fun that they all felt calm. Even with the occasional dead dad or divorced parents jokes, which Coryo learned were coping methods that Sunni and Viktor used to cope with the loss, everyone felt happy.
But Coryo wasn't happy. People were calling to Sunni, getting hugs and having her full attention. Sejanus, at one point, had to restrain Coryo from committing any more crimes again because a guy hugged Sunni for 2 minutes too long.
Sure, Sunni reassured him and said he was "just a friend," but Coryo had countered with "friend's don't have their hands way too low where they shouldn't be." Which eventually led to Sunni nodding but telling him he didn't need to jealous because they guy was 15 and just really tall. At that point, Coryo let it go and gave in but has held her close to him, not wanting anyone to pull her away from him. As the group walked to another restaurant to check out the place, Sejanus shot Coryo a text wearing a shit eating grin.
Sejanus: Not jealous, hm? You haven't let go of Sunni since we found out about the loud music lmfao
Coryo rolled his eyes, seeing the text. Of course, he wasn't going to let go of Sunni. People could've turned against her after she was transferred to the Capitol, for God's sake! He had to protect his girl, even from her own friends if he had to.
Then Sejanus sent Coryo another text, but it was a photo of Coryo with his arms around Sunni's waist and holding her small hands in his and he had his head on top of hers.
He smiled a little at the picture and saved it to his phone before putting his phone in his pocket.
He'd make that his lockscreen later.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion
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omero-megane · 1 year
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Sunny belongs to @tatatale / @asksunflower
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siblingshowdown · 1 year
Sibling Showdown Round 3 Bracket D2
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thesafecafe · 1 year
Soft Days: Mommy May D2
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CW + Disclaimer: MDNI, 18+, soft! dom Lee Know, Mommy! Minho, fem! reader, soft sex, praise, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), choking (not really, just a warning), fluff for the most part, smut under the cut, enjoy!
Disclaimer:  I do not believe the members of Stray Kids would act in this way in real life, nor is this a representation or guide of their real life personalities. This is a fictional depiction for entertainment purposes.
Words: 610
The weekends were your favorite part of the week. It meant you got to spend time with your boyfriend, Minho. You’d wrap yourselves up in each other’s presence in the only time when you both weren’t busy between work and classes. The warm afternoons that you’d spend in his arms were your favorite. You could expect some of the most relaxing moments you’d get all week when you were with him. You would watch movies, order in, maybe play card games, all while decompressing and talking about anything you could think about. But your favorite days were days like today.
Days like today, when music you recommended would spill from the speakers in his apartment, loud enough to be heard in each room, but not enough to cause a noise complaint from the neighbors. Days like this, when the sunny afternoons left you feeling tired and worn out, and Minho would pick up on your mood. Days like this when he knew exactly what you needed to make you forget about your day, taking up your thoughts and senses as he made love to you in whatever room you wanted. Days where he knew you needed to be taken care of too. Like today.
“Just lay back and look pretty.” Those were his only instructions. And so far, you were the prettiest you could be to Minho. Laying under him, moaning so sweetly as he gave you his all. “That’s it baby, let yourself go. Let mommy make you feel good.” He leaned down to kiss your neck, a soft sigh of his own reaching your ears as he felt your walls flutter and spasm around his length. He latched onto your neck, leaving a dark trail of bites and markings along your throat. His hands gripped onto your thighs, squeezing them every so often. His hips rolled against yours, allowing you to feel all of him, as deeply as you could.
“Look how well you fit around me. So perfect, my gorgeous fucking girl.” Minho increased his speed, not by much, but just enough to bring you over the edge once more. Your eyes rolled back, and you called his name as your walls contracted around him. “Minho please-” You were cut off by the feeling of Minho’s hand sliding around your neck. Not squeezing, just there. A warning. "Mommy, mommy please, I'm sorry." You whimpered as he kept going, the pleasant sting of overstimulation starting to come over you. “That’s much better sweetheart. But it seems we’ll have to give you two more now, instead of one. We can’t have you so stressed you’re forgetting mommy’s name, now can we?” He purposely drove his hips harder when he spoke the sweet words, grinning when you cried out at his antics.
“Shh, you know mommy will always take care of you.” Pulling one hand away from your thighs, he caressed your face for a moment. You loved when he looked at you this way, a mixture of adoration and lust, all for you. You were his everything and it reflected in the way he looked at you like the most precious thing in the world. You could feel the knot in your stomach building once again, and Minho knew you were close. But you were holding back, waiting for his permission. Always so selfless. He leaned down, whispering to you gently. "Cum for me baby, you don't have to wait for me."
Yes, soft days like this were your favorite. When he'd gently ruin you over and over again, pleasuring you until you would forget your worries. When you would come undone in the arms of your doting lover.
Tag(s): @minhyuuk , @brownsugarbaybee​, @hee0soo​, @legbouk​, @mommyhwa​, @singularity777
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hardly-an-escape · 2 years
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In the February Sun
Square: D2 - Mistaken for a Couple Rating: T Word Count: 2671 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Dreamling Bingo fill, Valentine’s Day, mistaken for a couple, Dream is soft and a little bit needy, Dream is allowed to be kind of obsessed with Hob as a treat, first kiss, getting together, tooth rotting fluff, this took forever partly because Dream’s POV is (unsurprisingly) ding dang hard to write, the feelings are requited they’re just idiots, they’re sort of starring in their own weird romance novel Summary: Dream visits the Waking World, not realizing that it's Valentine's Day. After multiple people assume he and Hob are a couple, an emotional reckoning is required. Read on AO3 | fill for @dreamlingbingo
Of late he finds his own gaze lingering on Hob’s shoulders. His hands. Dream’s thoughts have turned, in his few idle hours, to the timbre of Hob’s voice and the smile lines around his eyes. He has allowed himself. To imagine Hob’s fingers, interlaced with his own. How that smile might feel, were it to be employed against his skin. How Hob’s skin might feel. He should, perhaps, feel embarrassed by these flights of fancy. Instead he is only exhilarated.
Dream steps into the Waking World on what he thinks is a random sunny Tuesday and is immediately bumped into by a starry-eyed young man clutching an enormous bouquet of flowers.
“Oh gosh, sorry! I was so not looking where I was going,” he laughs. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Ah. Valentine’s Day. Dream looks around, notes the shiny hearts in the shop windows and the unusual number of roses and boxes of chocolate being carried around. He dips into the dreams of the people around him: candlelit dinners and first kisses. Well-worn lovers and the thrill of new romance. Sex and wine and sweetness and love.
The emotion is. Tantalizing. Heady. Almost overwhelming.
Dream walks slowly along the river toward the New Inn, savoring the sunshine and the wisps of romantic daydreams. He had intended to drop in on Hob this afternoon, as he does more frequently these days. Had intended to savor a few hours’ worth of his company and his warm, welcoming smile. But now he is unsure.
Hob feels… complicated. He’s known for some time that Hob finds him attractive. But of late he finds his own gaze lingering on Hob’s shoulders. His hands. Dream’s thoughts have turned, in his few idle hours, to the timbre of Hob’s voice and the smile lines around his eyes. He has allowed himself. To imagine Hob’s fingers, interlaced with his own. How that smile might feel, were it to be employed against his skin. How Hob’s skin might feel. He should, perhaps, feel embarrassed by these flights of fancy.
Instead he is only exhilarated.
Dream can recognize these symptoms in himself, and they worry and thrill him in equal measure. He has been able to hold himself in check, but in the Waking World, on this day of all days, the tendrils of desire and daydreams are winding around the walls of his willpower and bringing it down, brick by brick. His eyes catch on a couple kissing over a sidewalk café table and he feels something inside him catch as well.
Perhaps. It was a mistake to come here. On this day, of all days.
But too late. His steps have brought him to the courtyard of the New Inn. And there is Hob, emerging from the side door marked ‘private,’ which Dream knows from experience leads up to his cozy little flat. And Hob has seen him, is waving and smiling in a way that crinkles the lines around his eyes. Dream’s heart flips over in his chest.
Oh dear.
“Hello, my friend!” Hob is saying. “This is an unexpected surprise. I just finished up my morning classes. I was about to go get a bite to eat, if you want to come with me.”
“If you have no prior engagements,” says Dream.
“Not at all!”
They walk together in the February sun. They talk, of everything and of nothing. This, Dream has learned, is what friends do: they chat about books and television, share little stories from their days. Hob tells him about his students’ shenanigans during a particularly amusing lecture on the Black Death, and Dream tells him about some of Matthew’s recent misadventures.
“I would not have thought ravens could get drunk. That’s hysterical.”
Hob’s laughter is a balm, a ray of sunshine, a jolt of caffeine.
They are nearing the café Hob has been steering them toward when a young woman walking in the opposite direction greets him by name.
“Professor Gadling, hi!”
“Hello, Britt, how’s it going?”
“Oh! Well, I actually had a quick question about the homework – sorry, you’re probably on a date, I was going to send an email but would you mind…”
“Of course not, go ahead.”
Britt’s question about Margery Kempe is lost as Dream’s mind circles around that phrase like a cat stalking an unfortunate mouse. You’re probably on a date. Is that – could that be what people see? He and Hob, walking side by side. Talking and smiling. Not touching. But together.
Hob clarifies the reading for the next class and with a cheery “Happy Valentine’s Day, professor!” the girl continues on her way.
Dream and Hob walk for another minute before Dream finds the words to ask.
“You did not disabuse her of her notion?”
“Which notion?”
“That you and I are. On a date.”
“Oh, that,” Hob waves a dismissive hand. “Nah, there’s no point. The undergraduate rumor mill is unstoppable – better to just ignore it. If I’d denied it, it just would have convinced her that we were secretly married or something. Pack of libidinous hyenas, the lot of them.”
“I see.”
“Sorry, was that okay?” asks Hob, suddenly worried. “If it bothers you, that they might think that, I can set the record straight, or try to at least…”
“It matters not,” Dream says.
It matters a great deal, he wants to say. That people could believe it. It matters, that he wants it to be believable, wants it to be true. In a way he has not wanted for a long time.
[Read the rest on AO3...]
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green = complete, orange = WIP
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Begins March 15 at noon EST. There will be 8 polls per day. Matchups under the cut.
Troy Barnes & Abed Nadir (Community) VS Booster Gold & Ted Kord (DC Comics) WINNER: Troy & Abed!
Ingo & Emmet (Pokemon) VS Newton Geiszler & Hermann Gottlieb (Pacific Rim) WINNER: Ingo & Emmet!
Kagamine Rin & Len (Vocaloid) VS Sherlock Holmes & John Watson (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) WINNER: Holmes & Watson!
Sans & Papyrus (Undertale) VS Sun Wukong & Six-eared Macaque (LEGO Monkie Kid) WINNER: Sans & Papyrus!
Breekon & Hope (Magnus Archives) VS Ace Trappola & Deuce Spade (Twisted Wonderland) WINNER: Breekon & Hope!
Dipper & Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) VS Achilles & Patroclus (Greek mythology) WINNER: Dipper & Mabel!
Mario & Luigi (Super Mario Bros) VS Ash Ketchum & Pikachu (Pokemon) WINNER: Mario & Luigi!
Jessie & James (Pokemon) VS Timon & Pumbaa (The Lion King) WINNER: Jessie & James!
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern (Hamlet) VS Benson Mekler & Dave (Kipo) WINNER: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern!
Pippin Took & Merry Brandybuck (Lord of the Rings) VS Benton Fraser & Ray Kowalski (Due South) WINNER: Merry & Pippin!
Frodo Baggins & Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings) VS Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon) WINNER: Frodo & Sam!
Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens) VS Finn & Jake (Adventure Time) WINNER: Finn & Jake!
Statler & Waldorf (The Muppet Show) VS Strong Bad & The Cheat (Homestar Runner) WINNER: Statler & Waldorf!
Bert & Ernie (Sesame Street) VS Vex'ahlia & Vax'ildan (Critical Role) WINNER: Bert & Ernie!
Sonic & Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Jadzia Dax (Star Trek) WINNER: Sonic & Tails!
Phineas & Ferb VS Carl Carlson & Lenny Leonard (The Simpsons) WINNER: Phineas & Ferb!
Sam & Max VS Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter (NBC Hannibal) WINNER: Sam & Max!
Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) VS Eddie Brock & Venom (Marvel Comics) WINNER: Spongebob & Patrick!
Wallace & Gromit VS The 10th Doctor & Donna Noble (Doctor Who) WINNER: Wallace & Gromit!
Geordi LaForge & Data (Star Trek) VS Frog & Toad WINNER: Frog & Toad!
Spock & Jim Kirk (Star Trek) VS Wug Test (Linguistics) WINNER: Spock & Kirk!
Bill S. Preston & Theodore Logan (Bill and Ted) VS Fireboy & Watergirl WINNER: Bill & Ted!
Nadja of Antipaxos & Laszlo Cravensworth (What We Do in the Shadows) VS Heinz Doofenshmirtz & Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb) WINNER: Doofenshmirtz & Perry!
Nastya Rasputina & The Aurora (The Mechanisms) VS Harry DuBois & Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) WINNER: Harry & Kim!
Pinky & The Brain (Animaniacs) VS Scooby & Shaggy (Scooby-Doo) WINNER: Scooby & Shaggy!
Nico Di Angelo & Will Solace (Percy Jackson) VS Timmy & Tommy (Animal Crossing) WINNER: Timmy & Tommy!
Calvin & Hobbes VS Bunsen & Beaker (The Muppet Show) WINNER: Calvin & Hobbes!
Kris & Susie (Deltarune) VS Mercutio & Benvolio (Romeo and Juliet) WINNER: Kris & Susie!
Wirt & Greg (Over the Garden Wall) VS R2-D2 & C-3PO (Star Wars) WINNER: R2-D2 & C-3PO!
Mac McDonald & Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) VS Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde WINNER: Mac & Charlie!
Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) VS John Doe & Arthur Lester (Malevolent) WINNER: Phoenix & Maya!
Legolas Greenleaf & Gimli (Lord of the Rings) VS Jedediah Smith & Gaius Octavius (Night at the Museum) WINNER: Legolas & Gimli!
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julietasgf · 7 months
do you think district 2 had any other languages besides English or whatever Panem's national language was? in some fics, writers headcanon that sejanus and his family can speak spanish or some variant of it since a good chunk of d2 seems to be located in what's the southwestern usa. it would be cool to have sejanus and other district citizens be multilingual, but idk if the capitol would allow multiple languages in panem for fear of rebels being able to plot a rebellion in a language most capitol citizens can't understand. the capitol seems like the type of gov to suppress other languages and have only one national language being taught and spoken.
I do think, and I LOVE when authors include D2 speaking spanish, not only because it's cool but because it also adds a lot to the story of what the hell happened to D2 between the 10th games and the 74th games for their mindset change so much.
from what we see in tbosas, the districts have a very much different culture fom the capitol, and different culture from each other because of how isolated they seemed from each other. we can see it in the big details (the xenophobia the plinths faced, for example, and the fact that coriolanus didn't know why sejanus was sprinkling bread over dead bodies) and we can see in small details (in thg, peeta talks about the different breads; and if you take the tbosas movie in account, I think the costume designs are GREAT to see the differences between each district and see a bit of their cultures in their clothing). we know a lot of panem comes from what survived from old usa (even some songs survived, like keep it on the sunny side), and I can totally see that before the rebellion, the districts were so isolated that the capitol didn't care enough about their culture to even know that they spoke another language (I can perfectly see D2, D5 and D10 speaking spanish, specifically).
but now comes the rebellion. and of course that the rebels would use that to their advantage.
after the rebellion, I think the gov started to suppress the districts' cultures to make them weaker and get them easier to control, specially the districts closer to the capitol geographically (D1, D2, D5, D9; I think they did it to the others too, but it took more time bc they weren't priority). language is culture. one of the first things colonizers do when oppressing native populations is to force them to adapt to their language and speak it. getting rid of the multilingual aspect of these districts not only serves as safety (rebels can no longer trick them like that), but serves as a way to oppress and control, to get these districts stripped from their indentity. I think it was a long work that took a long time, and a lot of propaganda, and for sure a lot of snow's work, but it seemed effective. I can see some older people from these districts still knowing to speak spanish, or tagalog, or french, but they're almost dead languages at that point with how violently the capitol suppressed the idea of them being multilingual.
tldr (because I speak too much, sorry): in tbosas, for sure people from the districts are still multilingual, and I can see alliances forming in the early games because of this (allies from D2 discussing their strategies in spanish, until the gamemakers make it explicitly forbidden, for example). in thg, I think coriolanus unfortunately was able to get rid of this almost completely :(
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titanicfreija · 5 months
"I saw your Guardian in the Iron Banner."
Caiatl's voice surprised the Ghost and Guardian, and Freija leapt to her feet with a start. "How do you know?" asked Sunny, hovering into Caiatl's line of sight.
She seemed amused at their reaction, rocking to her heels and lowering her tusks. "I asked the name of particular Tributaries that I found impressive, and hers was one. That armor set is quite small."
Freija looked down at herself and smiled sheepishly. "The legs help me run faster."
"And they send bolts of electricity amongst your foes when you strike them," Caiatl agreed, speech unusually fast for herself. Freija smiled when she recognized the enthusiasm. "I do enjoy Valus Forge's sports. We have simulated them, but the live fire cannot be matched."
Freija giggled and Caiatl chortled. "You are fearless," she told Freija.
"I..." Sunny interrupted when she dropped a foot and a half. "Yeah," she sighed.
Caiatl humphed pleasantly. "The deadliest among you were quite impressive, but I find this game favors those who play the objective. The deadliest among you seemed only interested in being the deadliest."
Freija moaned and rolled her head in exasperation. "Yeah. They're still doing something, gives people like me something to pick up. But they'll leave the crests when I'm not there to pick them up, or worse, they'll make so many that even if they do pick them up, there's some left behind. That's partially my fault for dying, though."
Caiatl humphed again and crossed her arms. "I appreciate your capacity for clear thought in combat. It is amusing to see you give in to your instincts and stay to fight long after you should have retreated," she said.
Freija giggled nervously and ran a hand over her hair. "Yeah, my disengage is shit. I'm working on it. As long as my engage isn't too... Uh. Engaged, I do okay." She smiled wanly.
Sunny, who had subconsciously drifted to Freija's side, wheeled her petals. "It's good to see you, Empress," she sang. "I'm glad you like the Banner. It was the first place Freija got to fight her fellow Guardians, so it's kept a warm place in our hearts, and we come back when Saladin does. We're glad you let him keep it."
"It was an excellent opportunity to witness Guardian battle techniques," Caiatl said with a jovial shift in her stance. "It has also been... Fun. I have certainly enjoyed targeting the Guardians with drop pods. Valus Forge has promoted this, in fact. He says that many could do with lessons of the kind."
Freija giggled again. "I was only in the way once," she objected playfully. "This time. Today."
Caiatl rumbled a laugh and gave the Guardian a nod, then turned back to Sunny. "I would appreciate your company at your convenience."
She almost hid the exhaustion but Sunny and Freija caught it anyway.
"My pleasure! Freija has a date coming up, I'll ping you?"
(I have no idea where I'm gonna take that)
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bandcampsnoop · 5 months
On January 1st we posted about Audio Antihero's release from Nosferatu D2. While that band is no more, the Parker brothers are still making music as My Best Unbeaten Brother (Croydon, England).
At the time I mentioned how Nosferatu D2 reminded me of a cross between The Wedding Present and The Fall. My Best Unbeaten Brother immediately made me think of these comps, but this new band's music tends to be a bit more melodic.
"Slayer On a Sunny Day" is one of 15 tracks on the compilation "20 Years of Joy Vol. 2". This compilation celebrates the 20th anniversary of the blog/radio station Joyzine. While there isn't a traditional physical release, there is a card with a download card available. I've listened to this compilation and really enjoyed a lot - most notably My Best Unbeaten Brother and Sergeant Buzfuz.
Audio Antihero will be releasing "Pessimistic Pizza" in digital format at the end of June. Hopefully Jamie will find a way to make a physical release.
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conscbgb · 6 months
Nct 127 The Unity Tour Tokyo D2
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omori-sv-au · 2 years
D2 with Sunny?
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poor guy
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Hello 2023!
2022 was a tough year. Many people seem to feel the same. For me it was working harder than I think I’ve ever worked in my life, but the flip side was seeing the direct effects of all that hard work changing little lives in an amazing way. d2 went off to uni for the first time and d1 completed her second year at uni and moved to London to work for a year, and both of them are absolutely loving their live currently. d3 grew out of her “I hate you” years. H and I have muddled on. Our relationship is secure but we struggle to find moments together where both of us having time, social energy and motivation align. Friends and family members health took unpleasant and unplanned turns, and I’ve been reminded to appreciate our moments together and not focus on what isn’t perfect.
I hope 2023 is calmer. More restful. I will be ending therapy after 11 years of seeing my therapist. It’s time, but also change is hard. I don’t need her anymore in the way I used to but I love her and I will miss the care, nurturing, challenge and space for myself that she gave me. I would like to get back to running more regularly this year - something that I didn’t have space for in 2022. I hope for more spa days, and sunny holidays too. I don’t know if it’s very self centred to have a word for the year that’s something like “me-time” but that’s what I feel like I need this year. Perhaps “rest” is a better way to put it. I will aim for more rest.
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