vanilleneo · 1 year
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Whenever she feels like getting into a bit of trouble these days, Neo knows who to go to. It was a surprising friendship, the sort that had been forged on a lie, but she had grown to actually enjoy Sun's company. Perhaps because he indulged her mischief, because she didn't have to completely hide herself when she was around him.
She's going to be disappointed when he finds out who she truly is.
For now? She'll enjoy his company while she has it, lightly bonking him on the head with Hush from behind to gain his attention, grinning all the while.
@sunguns || ♥
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trickshottruths · 2 years
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“And you would what, then? Take a gal someplace boring like a bar or a movie?”
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@sunguns liked this post for a starter!
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The Vytal Festival was supposed to be a place where she could show off what a good fighter she was. Her team had selected her for the solo fight, figuring that she'd be able to carry them to victory, carry Beacon to victory. But instead, she'd hurt her opponent, when she'd just been trying to defend herself.
…….hadn't she? Or had she really just…..broken Mercury's legs without any provocation? That's what all of the broadcasts showed, after all. Yang thought he'd lunged at her, that he'd attacked her, but who was she to question the video evidence?
And no one else was going to believe her, not after seeing that footage; not her teammates, not her uncle, not even her sister.
So she ran. She grabbed a few things from her room, and while everyone else was distracted with the rest of what was going on, Yang disappeared.
It would have helped if she'd had any idea where she was going, but truth be told, she hadn't had much of a plan when she left. She considered going back to Patch, to her dad, but if someone wanted to find her, that would be the first place she looked. And she couldn't bear the thought of putting her dad in danger, not after what she'd done.
It was going to be hard, figuring everything out on her own, but she had to. If she had stayed, it would have endangered everyone she loved, and she refused to make their lives harder because of her.
But now she had to figure out how to survive on her own. She was going to have to change her look; with the broadcasts of her, she was too recognizable. Which meant that she was going to have to cut her hair, for starters, a thought that genuinely made her want to cry.
Yang knew she didn't have much of a choice, if she wanted to stay under the radar. So she stole a knife from a distracted merchant, determined to just…..get it over with.
At the first cut, the first locks of golden hair fell to the ground, and Yang let out a soft sob. Her hair was one of her few vanities, and she'd kept it long in homage of her mother, even though she hadn't known her. Her father had once remarked how much Yang's hair reminded her of Raven's, and she had been so proud of that, so proud of her long hair that she'd barely ever let anyone touch it let alone cut it.
And here she was, chopping it all off.
It felt silly to be so sentimental about her hair, but it was one of her only connections to her family right now. Cutting it off felt like she was cutting them out of her life……and the fact that she'd run away only made that thought that much worse.
But she had to, if she wanted to survive. Swallowing another sob, Yang squared her shoulders and chopped off the rest of her long hair, committing herself to this life, to protect the people she card about from her, and to hide herself away from the shame she felt for what she'd done.
It would be months before anyone found her.
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
🍁 Was it rough, going sober?
press(ed leaf) conference ** accepting
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"eugh, clincally," qrow's over the worst, doesn't mind talking about it, though clearly it doesn't bring up good memories, "every step 'a th' way."
"it was like every single bad decision i made over the last 25 years turned in'ta'a pack'a ravagers that ripped right back outta my body, except all within a week.
"...it started on th' flight in t'Atlas. headache, dry mouth, stomach churnin' an' not cause'a air sickness," that panic attack on the cliff earlier hadn't helped either, "not takin' that celebratory swig an' everythin' that came after... was th' hardest thing i've done in a long time. but cheers to, what? i'd been more hinder than huntsman ever since that train left Mistral. i didn't deserve it. an' after th' next skipped urge and th' next... i didn't feel like they deserved me that way either. i had to be sharper to have any chance at facin' what was comin'... i had to be... a better me. i left a lot'a things behind that day. that's hard, too.
"anyway, i hid it pretty well until everyone tucked safe and sound into th' academy. wasn't too hard t'blend in when we were all tired. all overwhelmed. just excited enough t'keep it together. ...i never made it t'th' dorms. dunno what happened... only that i woke up in th' infirmary instead. hours? days? i had no idea at the time. it was like Callows' poison all over again but worse. probably should'a stayed longer, but i busted out of that bed as soon as i stopped seein' things that weren't there. me an' medical machines don't mix.
"still don't know who i owe for covering for me, but no one seemed surprised i'd gone missing for a spell. it didn't stop there, but between sheer willpower an' aura, i could handle myself. funny thing is, feelin' better was rough, too. it all hit harder: th' pain, th' fatigue, th' chills ...but also th' colors, th' voices, th' feelings, th' drives. like dawn blindin' your eyes 'cause y'pulled th' curtains open too fast. ...enough t'make a man's head spin, even sober. i'm still gettin' used to it."
...it's still rough to admit how much he was missing out on, on top of it all.
"i'm sure it was rough on everyone around me, too, but... that's nothin' new."
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littleblackqrow · 1 year
@sunguns (🪶)
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"What's a little hemlock or digitalis between friends?" Qrow asked sardonically and picked up his coffee cup. "But seriously, I dont care. I'll eat just about anything you kids bring back. I should warn you that my spice tolerance has been described as pathetic, and you will have to suffer the consequences if dairy is involved."
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caeloservare · 2 years
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"Breaking your neck should be more concerning than blowing your cover, but I honestly don't know why I expected that from either of you."
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unfcrtunatescn · 1 year
Good Morning with @sunguns
Mercury had slept over, after he’d finally let go of his anxieties and slept with Sun. It had definitely been different, from his usual quick and dirty kind of encounters. The kind that didn’t involve sleeping over and being wrapped up in blankets and the other’s arms. The assassin had half redressed to sleep, putting on his under shirt and briefs to lay down. 
He hoped he hadn’t been kicking Sun in his sleep. He usually slept pretty still. He was barely awake, but he didn’t really want to get out of bed. He should get up, and get fully dressed. Maybe wake Sun up and they could go get breakfast. That’s what dating people were supposed to do. 
After a few moments he rolled over and pressed his face into the crock of Sun’s neck. He didn’t want to get out of bed yet. Getting out of bed meant they might have to have a conversation about all the scars sun and felt. Because his hands had been everywhere and the memory of that made Mercury’s face a bit red. 
Damn, that had been good.
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hxntresses · 1 year
@sunguns asked:
🥣 for Weiss maybe?
It was pretty ironic that the 'ice queen' had caught a cold, but here was - bundled up in her bed covers and feeling generally awful. She was missing out on class because of this! What if her grades started slipping? Not to mention how bored she was.
She barely registers a sound within the room, and she groans weakly as she turns to face the centre, believing it to be one or more of her teammates returning to the dorm. "Ruby? If you've brought me yet another glass of milk, I--" She freezes upon opening her eyes and seeing not the figure of one of her teammates, but that of Sun Wukong.
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She quickly sits up, eyes wide and an embarrassed blush upon her cheeks. "Sun?!" She tries her best to sound incredulous, but her voice cracking made it sound more of a pathetic squeak than anything. "W-What are you doing here? How did you get in?" She questions, holding her covers tight around herself, flustered to have been caught in such a compromising state.
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red-the-rose · 1 year
@sunguns started following you!
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“No, I’m not lying! The Ever After is real and that’s where we went! It had the Herbalist, the Curious Cat, it even had the Rusted Knight! Honestly, I think I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more if I fell at a different time. It was like a dream.”
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solardragun · 2 years
Now what's this about some mouse being lgbt rep, what now...
it was in passing / some sort of joke that Little was nonbinary rep because they use they / them pronouns . like yeah it's a joke but at the end of the day it's still kinda ???? bc it reinforces the idea / joke that nonbinary people are robots and aliens and animals , and it shoves us back into the " nonbinary are non humans bc heehee hoohoo not having a gender means you're not human " or whatever .
maybe i'm a bit sensitive towards this sort of thing bc a lot of my identity is treated as a stereotype or joke fjsjdjsjd but it was just something that bothered me
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tricoloredillusion · 2 years
@sunguns​ liked for a starter!
The Vytal Festival was all the students talked about these days, but could Neo really blame them? Even she has enjoyed the few chances she has had for combat.
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But she was not Neo, she was Spumone Salentino- a student from Haven that was here to represent part of the Academy from Mistral, and as of now, the woman has proven to be quite skilled in battle, but at the same time, almost cruel.
Wearing her Haven uniform, the woman walked through the alleys of Amity Colosseum, hoping to find some kind of bending machine for a snack, because boy, will she need it for the next combat.
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courtclover · 2 years
“The aquarium and the beach are both cheaper and cooler.”
“Thank you, Sun. I’ve been saying for this while, but no, I get mocked for being an old man. It’s always ‘oh Clover is an idiot, oh Clover is wrong.” 
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“Look. The younger generation agrees. It’s the perfect place to take someone. Anyone. You sit on the sand or stand in front of the tank and you can have an honest conversation with someone because you feel calm and safe. You see these beautiful creatures or horizon and you make memories. You can create such...” 
He goes on for some time.  
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The hulking masked man puts a hand on Roman's shoulder, and says only one thing. "Bend over." 🐺
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Okay. We'll admit Roman may have been very focused on his work if the Lieutenant managed to walk up behind him and startle him. Which he did, because the second the words leave the Lieutenant's lips, Roman's whole frame jerks back slamming into the wolf's body with a noise that may have been a yelp.
Given Roman's height, it's not often he has to look up to meet someone's gaze, and in this position, it's worse somehow. For a few mortifying seconds, Roman understands why rabbits stop and stare at what might be their doom.
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"Like this?"
But Roman recovers fast enough, sweeping the plans aside and lowering his body, finishing the pose with a sultry look over his shoulder at the white fang member.
"Or maybe you like a bit more?"
Now he's just being him and using his flare of dramatics to somehow put his ass up higher and hook a leg around the Lieutenant's to pull him closer.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@sunguns liked this post for a starter!
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Despite everything that had happened, Neptune was still pretty cheerful. Sun was back, which meant that they were a full team again, and they were in Vacuo, which meant that there was very little by way of water in their surroundings. It was a lot easier for him to seem cool when he knew that he wasn't suddenly going to run into a lake or a river or anything like that.
Plus, having his best friend back automatically improved his mood exponentially. He didn't have to worry about what might be happening with Sun; he could just glance in the direction of his friend to see what was happening.
Physically, at least. He still wanted to talk to him about everything that had happened while he was gone; Sun was usually pretty cheerful, but he'd been pretty quiet when they'd met up again. Neptune figured that probably had something to do with what he'd seen on the train platform, but he figured there was more to it than just that. He may have been trying to flirt with Blake's friend, but he'd also been paying attention.
"Hey, you doin' okay over there, Sunshine?" he asked, offering the other a bright grin of his own, hoping that it might help if he needed it.
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flightofaqrow · 2 years
@sunguns​ sent: 
"I'm gonna call you a ghost, 'cause you hover with the best of 'em and you keep trying to disappear."
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qrow sighs and looks at the ground, distracted from spying around the corner to turn and face the voice behind him. where does this kid keep coming from?
his voice growls, “an’ you keep showin’ up when i’m tryn’a work. disappearing’s part’a th’ gig, you get that?”
maybe he didn’t. he was still a student, after all. one of those nearly hopeless tournament round ones, too. still a lot to learn.
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littleblackqrow · 2 years
What do we think of Taiqrow up in here?
((Taiqrow is good shit.
Dudes have been together but not really together for twenty years. Qrow helped raise Tai's kids, and Tai gave Qrow a whole ass spare bedroom to claim as his own. I am here for this ship in all forms. Bros, bros with bronefits, Poly STQ, guys being dudes raising two kids, ect. Its good hurt/comfort, its good fluff, its good angst. Inject that shit right into my veins
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