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lailoken · 4 years ago
“:Pharmacopoeia: [Pt. 1]
Basil. (Ocimum basilicum). Infusions of Basil are employed in. Voudou magics as a Fertility charm for men, the potion sprinkl'd on the conjugal bed, the phallus liberally anointed. The Herb is traditionally favour'd by the Matron of Abundant Love, Erzulie. Cold infusions made by kneading and pulverization of the Leaves in Water serve as an external invigorator of the Serpent's Inner Fire.
Blackberry. (Rubus fruticosa). Arabian sorcerers esteem'd strong infusions of Blackberry leaves as a basis for love-potions. The ratio of 40 grams of fresh leaves, or 25 of the dried, to a litre of boiling water, is sufficient in strength to deliver the essence of the Thorn'd Herb, although its action, both in terms of pharmacological and sorcerous vigour, is comparatively weak. Thus it is best employed in admixture with such resonant Herbs as Damiana, Muripuama, and petals of Sunflower. The fruits also possess great power: they may be tinctur'd in high-proof spirit with enough Aqua Vitae to cover, and the resulting Amethystine waters used as a foundation for the addition of other Herbs.
Caraway. (Carum carvi). Caraway potions were a common love magic in medieval Europe, having the especial Virtue of addressing fickleness in lovers. The seeds have likewise featured prominently in Love-Potions to ensure Fidelity. Employ a decoction using 35 grams of seeds in 400 millilitres of boiling water. Using seeds which are still green and ripening is preferr'd, as the Upward Solar Fire has not peak'd; such are of great glory.
Chicory. (Cichoryum intybus). Known in medieval folklore as an Herb of Love, the roots and fresh flowers of Chicory were used as an ingredient of potions of Attraction. The Roasted Root is commonly available, though in this form the Radix often loses some of its Virtue for the Philtre through destruction by Fire. The Plant is easily grown and, once established, will repopulate the garden-beds with glad vigour. Of the fresh root, make a decoction of 15 grams in 500 ml. of boiling water; of the roasted root, employ similar proportions, or slightly more, depending on the degree to which the root has been baked, and its age. Of the fresh flower, harbouring a sublime secret, make an infusion with 30 grams of the blossom to 550 ml. of boiling water. Cold water infusions may also be employ'd.
Chocolate. (Theobroma cacao). The generic nomenclature of Our Tree, Theobroma, decrypted, renders the meaning "Food of the Gods". The ancient Aztecs employed the ground, roasted seeds in combination with Cinnamon, Chile Peppers, Piper species, blossoms of Quararibea funebris, Vanilla, and the solanaceous Cup of Gold (Solandra spp.) in their cacahuatl, an aphrodisiac Philtre that was drunk sweet or salty. This philtre has also been employ'd as a vehicle for the sacramental ingestion of Psilocybin Mushrooms. Other species of Theobroma were used in central and south America as admixtures to various phytognostic preparations, such as snuffs and masticatory tobacco mixtures. Pharmacologically, Cacao contains caffeine and theobromine, both stimulants of the Central Nervous System. Cacao in the form of Cocoa readily imparts its blessings to rectified spirits, and is especially exalted in a menstruum of Rum.
Cinnamon. (Cinnamomum zeylanicum). Cinnamon's chief action upon the body, when consum'd, is to produce heat, that is, increase circulation, sweating, and raise body temperature. It is an invaluable adjunct to the Love-Philtre for flavouring, and has a tendency to mildly potentiate the effects of other Herbs, probably due to increas'd circulation. For flavouring, it blends well with Herbs of a bitter or resinous nature, such as Damiana, softening their bite on the tongue and, sparingly blended, uplifts their more palatable components. As a general rule, use one whole stick of Cinnamon to every litre of Philtre, increasing as desired. Rectified spirit brings out the goodness of Our Bark in tincture without rendering it overweening. Most commercial Cinnamon is in fact Cassia or Bastard Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), and is not only inferior in Virtue for the Philtre, but somewhat unkind to the body. Demand True Cinnamon from the Apothecary, there can be no substitute for its sublime gifts. By all means avoid consumption of Essential Oil of Cinnamon.
Clary Sage. (Salvia sclarea). Licentious Queen of the Sages, Clary is also known as Muscatel Sage, and its unique scent corresponds in the most beguiling of ways to the Divine Musk of Feminine Arousal. The mere inhalation of the fresh, sticky blossom has been known to evoke Erotic Gnosis of the Green, and may be used in this way as a catalyst for Imaginal Arte. Known for centuries as a stupefacient and aphrodisiac, Clary is a potent adjunct to any Nectareum Succubus. It is identified by the chymist as containing chlorogenic acid, a principle known to arouse the flames of passion. Its virtues are best extract'd in alcohol, in tincture or cordial. For cordial, several fresh-harvested inflorescences may be added during primary maceration or the final "cooling" phase, to a sealed Hermeticus containing 1 litre of the ripening philtre. Alternatively, 30 ml. of strong tincture may be added per 500 ml. of Philtre. Have a care with this Lady, however, as excess may degrade a draught of Venus to the rank of Neptunian stupor. Few Herb-merchants deal in Clary, save for its Essential Oil, as some of the Virtue of the Herb degrades over time after drying. The wildlands of its native habitat in France have been greatly reduc'd, thus are we obliged, by Love and Virtue, to grow this Beauty in our physick-garden, reserving for Her a sunny plot with intermittent dryness and wet. Culture from seed is variable and sometimes prob- lematic, but most nurseries will obtain hardy starts which, when lovingly trans- plant'd, will delight and reward with their arousing potencies.
Coriander. (Coriandrum sativum). Dioscorides recommended Coriander seeds steeped in Wine to increase the semen, and this was also a popular medieval Philtre. In her Modern Herbal, Maude Grieve assures us that "If used too freely, the seeds become narcotic." For nostrums of aphrodisiac capacity, gather the seeds during the final quarter of the lunar cycle, as traditionally they are thought to be inundated with their greatest powers of Venery at this time. The leaves possess similar Virtues, though to a lesser degree.
Fennel. (Foeniculum vulgare). A Philtre compounded of Vervain and Fennel makes a most effective Lust Enchantment. Employ the leaves in infusion; 30 grams to 500 ml. boiling water, steep'd 20 minutes. Fennel also readily imparts its virtues to spirits, and tinctures made from Roots, Leaves, and or Blossoms, are also a profitable adjunct, added freely.
Ginseng. (Panax schinseng). In ancient Chinese pharmacology, a preparation known as Spring Wine was used as an aphrodisiac Philtre, containing, among other specifics, Deerhorn shavings and antler resin, Ginseng, powdered ass, and human remains, infused together in wine for a year. The Root alone may be added to a bottle of spirit and steeped for several months, this precious elixir may be taken in small quantities of 5 ml. on a daily basis, or in slightly larger ones 15-40 ml. for use as a stimulating love-philtre. As Ginseng horticulture is extremely difficult, the Brother or Sister of Arte is advised to purchase Ginseng from a reputable Chinese herbalist. Quality of the Root varies widely on the market, and it is well-worth developing a rapport with the local Rhizotomist. The action of Ginseng on the corpus is extremely warming and stimulating, and, for the purposes of the Love-Philtre, more sympathetic to men. Tinctures and standardized extracts may be employed in Our Brew.
American Ginseng. (Panax quinquefolius). This sister of the Asian Root differs slightly in action but is well worth seeking in wild woodlands for its properties. Segments of fresh root, may be brewed into a decoction with or without other aphrodisiac adjuncts. If using fresh roots, individuals of at least three years in age, or having roots 2 cm. in diameter, should be used. There is much profit in using dried Roots as well: steeping them in spirits for tincture is preferr'd to brewing. The wildcrafted material taken from Nature, as opposed to cultivated American Ginseng, is more potent, and its higher price reflects this, although such wild material may well be the result of poaching or overharvesting, as this offense against Nature is common with Our Root.
Kava Kava. (Piper methysticum). The Warm delights of Kava readily manifest in a Philtre of the Sensualist, as it gives rise to pleasure of touch, conviviality, and general euphoria. Traditional use of the Herb in Oceania is as a Euphoriant Philtre and involves the mastication of the Root pulp and lower stems, often by a virgin youth, then adding the pulp to water or coconut milk for the desired consistency. For a Philtre for two persons, grind 30 grams of the dried Root to powder and add 50 millilitres heavy cream, 75 millilitres of cold water, 125 millilitres of coconut milk, and 1000 mg. of Lecithin. Whisk gently, then strain through a fine mesh sieve. Add 35 ml. of rum and whisk again, strain, and serve.
Lettuce. (Lactuca sativa). Lettuces were, from antiquity to medieval times, thought to harbour great powers of arousing erotic desire; ancient Egyptians associat'd the Herb with the virile god Min, He of the Ever-Erect Phallus. The Virtues of the Herb found a natural niche in Love-Philtres and charms of Attraction. Lactucarium, or lettuce-opium, was at one time employ'd as a mild narcotic in the absence of Juice of Poppy. It is with sadness that we witness the degrading of the Lettuce's aphrodisiac powers with its domestication. By nature it is actually a bitter plant, and its bitter principles contribute to its efficacy as a provocateur of Passion. For a Love-Philtre, let the Green Sorcerer shun those sweet, succulent leaves peddl'd as food and hunt the Wild Lettuce in its domain, taking care to harvest the entire plant just prior to bolting. Alternatively, wild- gathered seeds may be planted in the garden, so long as their rustic proclivities are encouraged. The Virtues are concentrated in the plant's crown, the junction of Root and Leaf, and can be extracted into spirit, as well as infusion.
Lovage. (Levisticum officinale). In sorceries of Love and Lust, the fresh Root has been employed as a major ingredient in Philtres of Arousal. Infusions of the leaves, stem, and crown may be made in varying strengths, or the juice of the Root and leaves expressed by pounding. A friendly Companion in the Garden, Lovage is hardy and easily grown, long suffering, and generous of fragrance. As with Lettuce, it is best to gather the Herb before it flowers.
Marjoram. (Origanum marjorana). Hallow'd of the goddesses of Lust as widely as Myrtle and Pomegranate, the Genius of Marjoram is one of the happiest and most promiscuous sprites found in Nature. Both the leaves and blossoms of this fragrant Ally are an indispensable (but easily used to excess) addition to Love and Lust Philtres. For tincturing in alcohol, use a 1:l menstruum to marc ratio; for a simple infusion, employ 13 g. of fresh Herb to 500 ml. of boiling water.
Mistletoe. (Viscum album). A classic medieval Philtre of Vervain and Mistletoe leaves was regarded to inflame Lust. For a tincture, several drops of which are suitable for adding to a Philtre, cover 1 volume of dried leaves with 4 volumes of rectified spirit. Let the Vessel of Tincturing enjoy the solitude of one moon, then filter and save the menstruum. Avoid the Berries; they have a venomous propensity and are better employ'd in leechcraft to combat pernicious tumours and cancers.
Muira Puama. (Liriosma ovata). This potent Tree belongs to the Olive family, known as Oleaceae, from which so many beneficial and virtuous Herbs proceed, so we may take refuge in its noble lineage. In South America it has an ancient reputation as a rouser of the affinities of Priapos, not only contributing erectile engorgement in both sexes but also a mild euphoria. Though a strong decoction of the bark, brew'd long, is of merit, it is far better to tincture the wood in some spirit of alcohol, and employ this in Philtre manufacture, or, in combinațion with other virtuous Herbs, particularly Rose Hips. A standard tincture may be made by macerating the bark in just enough distill'd spirit to cover, for the duration of two moons. One may, with diligent seeking, find tinctures or standardized extracts of Muira Puama on the Apothecary's shelf.
Mullein. (Verbascum spp.). Mullein is a suitable addition to brews of Love and Lust. The leaves may be thus employed, but the flowers, when available, are doubly good. An infusion of blossoms may be made with 22 g. of the flowers, steep'd in 500 ml. of boiling water; use the same proportions with leaves.
Orchid (Orchis spp.). Occasionally Orchis mascula or Early Purple Orchid in some regions carried associations with Death, but far more often it was an Herb of Lust and Attraction, much like its other Orchid-kin. Pounded or ground, the thriving portion of the Root was a common ingredient of Love and Lust Philtres. Long regarded as a multiplier of semen, Orchid brews, serv'd up in the great Salep Houses of Europe, once rivaling the popularity of coffee. The blossoms may also be employed for these purposes. For prepared Salep root, make a decoction of 10 grams of the root to 750 ml. water; bring to boil, simmer in a covered vessel for 15 minutes. For flowers, infusions are best. Depending on the species, use 7-23 flowers, steeped in a 400 ml. of boiling water.
Periwinkle (Vinca minor). A common medieval love-powder was comprised of equal parts dried Leaves of Cinquefoil, Vervain, and Periwinkle; and the Herb was also frequently used in Lust-Philtres. 5 grams of this powder are added to 750 ml. of wine, then left to steep for 12 hours, then strained before serving. Extracts of Vinca and isolated chymical constituents are currently enjoying a revival, and some of these preparations are attributed with aphrodisiac qualities. However, due to the guileful and often deadly nature of many plants in the Dogbane Family (of which Our Herb is an esteem'd member) caution is advis'd.
Rose (Rosa spp.). Like Cinnamon, Rose may benefit the Love-Philtre by addition as a sympathetic and potentiating flavouring agent. Associated with Love and Lust from time immemorial, the buds and blossoms are in every way suitable and sympathetic to Our Arte. Its Virtue is especially suited to cordials, numerous fresh petals added during the cooling phase. Only the most fragrant blossoms should be added, with care taken to gather from pure plants that have not been infested with deleterious chymical pesticides. The magician is directed to hardy varieties that do well without them, such as rambling roses and climbers that have retain'd much of their ability to fight off pests. One may also use Rose Water, the hydrosol which is the aqueous product of rose-oil distillation, taking care not to heat. True hydrosols, labeled as such, are best, but one may also use food-grade Rose Water if such is the only option. Additionally, Rose Otto (steam distill'd Essential Oil of Rose) may be added in the quantity of 3-11 drops per 500 ml. of cordial or Philtre, to great benefit.
Saffron (Crocus sativus). The stigmas of this Holy Crocus are an excellent Cordial and proven Exhilarant; the Herb has been shown to have estrogenic effects in women. As an amorous Philtre, steep 6-10 stigmas infused in a 125 ml. of boiling water. Saffron can also manifest as a poison, damaging the Central Nervous System and kidneys. 10-15 grams of stigmas is consider'd a fatal dose.
Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum). In Medieval Europe, the tiny white flowers of the scented variety were used in Love and Lust Philtres. A generous handful of these fresh blooms should be added to 400 ml. of cold water, steeped patiently for six hours then strained, to make a cool infusion. The flowers are especially useful in combination with Lettuce and Chicory.
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus). A piquant Philtre of Lust was brew'd by the ancient Maya from an extract of the petals, and Sunflower was used as a love and lust charm in England and the American Colonies until relatively recently. Like Clary, the flower petals contain chlorogenic acid. The virtues of the Solar Herb are best extracted in mild spirits such as white wine or mead, in the amount of 40 grams of the fresh petals to 750 ml. of spirit, but if one has access to large fields of the flowers, infusions may be made freely to one's heart's content, in such strengths as befits the work and the capacity of the Cucurbite.
Terror of the Earth (Tribulus terrestris). This enthorn'd member of the Caltrop family, belligerent in appearance, and also called Puncture Vine, is becoming increasingly known to Natural Magicians as a provocateur of hormonal tides, as well as a kindly Ally of the Heart. As a Philtre for the Delights of Venus, the fruit, roots and leaves are mixed together in a pot with enough water to cover and boiled for seven minutes. Strained and cooled, the mixture is drunk twice a day. Like Periwinkle, prepared extracts of Tribulus are now appearing in varied forms on the Apothecary's Shelf, employed especially for promoting sustain'd erection in men with increased sensation, as its action is androsterogenic.
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). Besides its supreme value as a flavouring, Vanilla possess magical and pharmacological tendencies toward Venerie. While ready- made extracts are easily available from Herb Merchants, they often dishonour the Genius of the plant by adulteration with vanillin. Behold, a Bean without guile: one may glorify her sovereignty in tincture form to the betterment of all Works. Some beans are now available organically-grown. Its virtues are especial- ly extalted in the form of a Plant Syrup.
Woodruff, Sweet (Galium odorata). The Master of the Woods, as it is known to the Curren, is small in stature, growing in verdant whorls deep in the shade. Long valued for its powers of Peace, Triumph, and Protection in Battle, Our Fragrant Herb gives rise to a Tonick of good physick and great value, in every way uplifting to the spirits. The Stems, Leaves, and Flowers of this member of the Madder Family, when dried, grow more fragrant with age, and with wisdom may be tinctur'd, well-pack'd, with sufficient Spirits of Wine. The resulting coumarin-rich medicine is then used in small amounts to fortify other Nectareum Succubi when additional potency is requir'd.
Yohimbe (Corynanthe yohimbe). The bark of this West African Tree has long been used in ecstatic rites of sexual magics, marriage and nubility rituals. Of late its powers have been increasingly exploit'd by allopathic medicine for combating impotence. More than sexual arousal and erection, Yohimbe also contributes a component of ecstatic euphoria unparalleled in other Herbs. Use of the bark must be attend'd with caution, however, as it neutralizes the Monoamine oxidase enzyme which, by the artifice of Nature, destroy certain amines which would otherwise be hostile to the body. Thus a strict taboo on certain foods should be observed for twelve hours prior to and following use of the Philtre. These include cheeses, wines and beer, canned fish, chocolate, pineapple, bananas, as well as amine-bearing principles common to visionary plants such as mescaline and dimethyltryptamine. Alcoholic beveragesare ill-advised. A simple Philtre of Lust can be made by boiling one handful of Yohimbe bark in one litre of water for 30 minutes, straining, and adding 1000 mg. Ascorbic Acid. This should be allow'd to cool and drunk by the cupful until desired ecstasis is achiev'd. Standardized extracts of Yohimbe are also of Great Value.”
4: ‘Of The Nectareum Succubus’
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and Its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A Schulke
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novanaelites-blog · 7 years ago
Great A Quality Edible Refined Sunflower Oil for bulk supply
Great A Quality Edible Refined Sunflower Oil for bulk supply
Great A Quality Edible Refined Sunflower Oil for bulk supply
100% pure refined sunflower oil for sale in UkraineRefined Sunflower Oil Wholesaler & Wholesale Dealers in India Refined Sunflower Oil Wholesaler & Wholesale Dealers in India REFINED sunflower oil at BEST price for sale worldwide 100% Refined Sunflower Oil , Vegetable Oil and Cooking Oil for Sale Sunflower Oils – Walmart Buy…
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ultimateketomealplan · 3 years ago
Edible Palm Oil, Sunflower, Soybean Oil to Become Cheaper by Up to Rs 15/litre; Know More
Edible Palm Oil, Sunflower, Soybean Oil to Become Cheaper by Up to Rs 15/litre; Know More
Prices of branded palm oil, sunflower and soybean oil have been reduced by up to Rs 15 per litre as international prices have softened. Palm oil has seen a fall of Rs 7-8 per litre in prices, and sunflower oil rates have dropped by Rs 10-15 per litre. Soybean oil prices have fallen Rs 5 per litre, according to a media report. “The drop in prices has prompted distributors to stock up as demand is…
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techminsolutions · 3 years ago
Govt cuts custom duties on edible oils to check prices in festive season
Govt cuts custom duties on edible oils to check prices in festive season
To control rising edible oil prices during the festival season, the base custom duties on palm, soyabean and sunflower oils have been reduced further, bearing a revenue loss of Rs 1,100 crore, the government said on Saturday. The move, industry said, could bring down retail prices by Rs 4-5 per litre. The custom duties have been reduced on both crude and refined variants of these three cooking…
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pkstudiosindia · 4 years ago
Festive demand, rising prices of milk products help dairy farmers see recovery after Covid lows – The Indian Express
Featured Post in Water Filter India dot com - Water Filter India
Written by Harish Damodaran | New Delhi | September 17, 2020 1:30:43 am
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The value rise is being attributed to demand slowly returning, as Covid-19 circumstances are exhibiting a deceleration worldwide and most international locations have relaxed lockdown restrictions. (File)
International skimmed milk powder (SMP) prices have hit a seven-month excessive. That’s excellent news for Indian dairy producers, with the ‘flush season’ (when animals, notably buffaloes, calve and produce extra milk) taking off and home demand additionally enhancing forward of the principle competition interval in October-November.
On Tuesday, prices of SMP at Global Dairy Trade (GDT), the fortnightly public sale platform of New Zealand’s Fonterra Cooperative, averaged $2,889 per tonne. This was a eight.5 per cent leap over the earlier public sale price of $2,663 on September 1 and the best since $2,907 on February four.
The value rise is being attributed to demand slowly returning, as Covid-19 circumstances are exhibiting a deceleration worldwide and most international locations have relaxed lockdown restrictions. There can also be discuss of massive-scale imports by China, which has, of late, been stocking up different farm commodities too, together with soyabean, corn, wheat, barley and sunflower oil.
“This is encouraging, but we need to see a couple of more auction results. Only then can a clear trend of recovery be established” stated Rahul Kumar, CEO of Lactalis India, which owns Prabhat Dairy in Mumbai and Chennai-based Tirumala Milk Products Pvt Ltd.
SMP prices on the GDT auctions had crossed $three,000 per tonne in December-January, ranges that have been final seen in August 2014. The newest international value of $2,889 interprets into round Rs 213 per kg, which is above the Rs 180-190/kg charges for SMP now being realised by Indian dairies.
Domestic SMP prices have already recovered from their lows of Rs 140-150 per kg barely two months in the past. So have ex-dairy prices of butter (from Rs 200-225 to Rs 260-270) and ghee (from Rs 280-290 to Rs 340-350/kg).
“The market has somewhat picked up after Janmashtami (August 12) and also with hotels, restaurants and tea shops gradually resuming operations. This uptick should continue at least till Dussehra (October 25) and Diwali (November 14). And with global SMP prices going up, there would be opportunities for exports from India as well,” Ganesan Palaniappan, a number one Chennai-based dairy commodities dealer famous.
All this could help dairy farmers, who had seen procurement prices of cow milk (with three.5 per cent fats and eight.5 per cent solids-not-fats content material) slide from Rs 31-32 per litre in March (simply earlier than lockdown) to Rs 18-20 until a month in the past. Those prices have since improved to Rs 24-25 per litre.
The present demand recovery, each home and international, comes at an opportune time for farmers. Good monsoon rains have considerably boosted fodder availability. Calvings additionally usually begin from late August, resulting in milk manufacturing rising and peaking in the course of the winter, whereas remaining excessive proper until March-April. If milk procurement prices are higher than what they have been until not too long ago, it could be a twin blessing for farmers.
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charlesdunbar-blog · 7 years ago
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FOOD: What's The Newest Trend On The Plant Based Scene?The hottest British crop - plus a recipe for you to use it in
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It was the end of a blustery September.
I was standing under an overcast sky in foot-high mud being shown bitter crops. Fields of green, in all its wonderful various shades, rolled out before me. I was in Dorset.
My city eyes were slowly adjusting to being able to look far into the distance.
Guy Watson, owner and founder of, arguably, the UK's most successful organic farm, Riverford organics, stands knife in one hand, veg in ‘tuther.
As with any person who has a deep love for the work they do, he is fascinating to listen to. Although as a chef I can listen to discussions of all plant-based foods until the tofu comes home.
We had explored fields of artichoke, radicchio, dandelion leaves, and cime di rapa.
The finale was the cardoon field, a setting from Jurassic Park if ever I saw one. The cardoon has a very bitter stalk with a stunning flower similar to a thistle. This is a favorite of Guy's, as it can be grown so easily and in abundance in the UK.
Could cardoon be the new kale?
Cardoon certainly has an impressive nutritional profile. It contains cynarin, also found in globe artichoke.
This creates the bitter taste in both vegetables. But this compound is also said to lower blood cholesterol, aid digestion, stimulate the immune system, reduce risks of cancer, and improve liver and gallbladder function.
Cardoon contains a high amount of folic acid, potassium, iron, B vitamins, and numerous phytonutrients. Sounds impressive, and makes it a possible contender for the new kale but... the bitter tastes makes it challenging for UK palettes.
Bitter food is fairly uncommon in the UK.
To reduce the bitterness in cardoon you must blanch it for a fair while. This makes it more time-consuming than our highspeed selves would like.
In my experience, teaching people how to cook healthy vegan food from scratch a lack of time is the most cited barrier - and one of the great qualities of kale is that it is quick to cook.
And so sadly cardoon is not the new kale but radicchio just might be (despite the lack of alliteration).
Radicchio is less bitter than cardoon with an equally impressive nutritional profile. And it is also a whole lot prettier!
Radicchio is now being grown in the UK by a handful of producers including Riverford.
An easy and stunning salad can be made with roughly sliced radicchio, a good balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and a sprinkle of sea salt. I opted to make an Italian classic - radicchio risotto with red wine and borlotti beans.
In this dish, red wine reduces to a sweet, rich flavour, perfectly counterbalancing the slightly bitter radicchio.
Red wine may seem like an odd addition to a British eye that has only ever experienced the pale gold of a white wine risotto.
The milky mauve colour might be unnerving but rest assured this is an Italian classic and a very tasty one at that.
This meal, for 4 people, cost £5.33, showing that good food does not have to come at a great price. I swapped the typical white risotto rice for buckwheat and millet as they have a much higher nutritional content.
A bonus of using these grains is that you cannot overcook them as you can risotto rice. So it will chill and freeze well which is great news if there are any leftovers!
1T stock powder plus 1 litre of water
1T sunflower oil
2 small, or 1 large, onion, finely chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, finely sliced
1T nutritional yeast
100g/1/2 cup millet grain
100g/1/2 cup buckwheat
125ml/1/2 cup red wine
1 can borlotti beans, drained and rinsed well
1 large radicchio roughly chopped
1/2t salt
15g pine nuts, toasted in a dry pan and roughly smashed in a pestle and mortar
Add the stock powder and hot water to a pan, keep on a low to medium heat with a ladle in the pan.
Using a large frying pan heat the oil on a low to medium heat, add the onion, fry for 10-15 minutes until the onion is starting to soften.
Add the garlic, fry for another 5 minutes.
If the pan gets dry during this time add a splash of water rather than more oil.
Add the nutritional yeast, millet, buckwheat and red wine. Once the red wine is almost completely reduced add a spoonful of the stock.
Once that is almost gone add another and so on.
The grains should take around 20-30 minutes to soften completely. Now add the beans, radicchio and salt. Mix in and leave to warm through for 5 minutes.
Serve with a scattering of the pine nuts.
You can find out more about Riverford and its veg boxes including bitter veg
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years ago
Could chip fat help dirty shipping clean up its act?
Picture copyright Getty Pictures
Picture caption Chip fats and different vegetable oils could be changed into gasoline for cargo ships
The worldwide transport business is as huge a contributor to greenhouse fuel emissions as aviation. And the heavy gasoline oil that powers its large vessels is exceptionally soiled – full of soot, black carbon and sulphur. So is it doing sufficient to scrub up its act?
Transport is going through an enormous drawback.
In little greater than a 12 months from now it should conform to new worldwide laws on poisonous sulphur dioxide emissions.
However there’s little consensus on how this ought to be accomplished, with many corporations dragging their ft because of this.
Sulphur dioxide belched out by ships when the gasoline is burned is dangerous to folks and might trigger environmentally damaging acid rain.
On high of that, the sector contributes about three% to world greenhouse fuel emissions – that is greater than 900 million tonnes of carbon dioxide spewed into the environment.
Might chip fats assist mitigate these failings?
In September, a biofuels program known as GoodShipping introduced that it had provided a small container ship with 22,000 litres of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) – former cooking oil that has been changed into a diesel.
When burned, it produces a lot much less carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and particulates.
Picture copyright GoodShip
Picture caption GoodShipping cargo house owners pose in entrance of a ship powered by vegetable oil
Powering ships with biofuel has been accomplished earlier than, however the problem is getting the business to change to cleaner options in an enormous method.
“We anticipate to be including extra, and bigger, corporations to our record of consumers very quickly,” a spokeswoman for GoodShipping tells the BBC.
A report by Lloyd’s Register printed final December argued that biofuels have been in all probability one of the simplest ways to assist transport decrease emissions by 2030. However, the authors famous, “biofuels have two key, and matched, challenges – sustainability and availability.”
Getting biofuels from meals crops on an enormous scale might push up meals costs. It could be cleverer to make the gasoline from algae as an alternative, the report recommended. However algal biofuel has been discredited by some as being environmentally and commercially unsustainable.
The world’s largest ships aren’t about to change over to working their engines on oil from plant matter or animal waste till there is a confirmed safety of provide at an inexpensive price.
However the Worldwide Maritime Group (IMO) says the sulphur dioxide content material of transport emissions needs to be lower drastically from three.5% to zero.5% by 2020.
Picture copyright Getty Pictures
Picture caption Rapeseed is usually used to make biofuel, together with soy beans, wheat and sunflowers
So how is the deadline to be met? This has develop into an enormous speaking level within the gigantic transport business that we depend on for virtually all the items we personal.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Local weather Change (IPCC) just lately warned that the world was working out of time to curb the doubtless disastrous results of worldwide warming, but transport air pollution has really been getting worse lately as demand for items rises.
“The regulation is ready in stone, because it have been,” a spokeswoman for the IMO says, as is the deadline.
However the IMO is versatile by way of how transport companies attempt to lower their sulphur dioxide emissions: “We do not have a most popular choice.”
Moreover biofuels, transport corporations might change to low-sulphur oil, liquefied pure fuel (LNG) or stick to the sulphurous gasoline however set up exhaust fuel cleansing techniques often called “scrubbers” to extract the sulphur dioxide.
The difficulty is, there is not a lot time left to resolve what method to go for and plenty of companies appear to be leaving it to the final minute.
Picture copyright Getty Pictures
Picture caption Sulphur dioxide and water make acid rain, which is dangerous to bushes and buildings alike
“There was a head-in-the-sand method for fairly some time on this,” says Jack Jordan at market analysis agency S&P World Platts. The deadline was fastened two years in the past, he says, “so you possibly can’t say they have not had satisfactory time to consider it”.
Switching to a low-sulphur gasoline oil has its challenges as a result of refineries will produce a spread of various merchandise, which can not combine nicely collectively aboard ships. Plus, these new gasoline merchandise are at present costlier than the high-sulphur variations.
So many corporations are opting to make use of scrubbers. A string of such bulletins has surfaced in latest months, with some smaller companies, corresponding to Greece-based Star Bulk Carriers, deciding to equip its complete fleet with the gadgets.
However Simon Bergulf of Danish transport large Maersk – a self-confessed “enormous sulphur nerd” – explains that becoming scrubbers is troublesome, costly work. It might price round $2m-$3m (£1.5m-£2.3m) per ship.
“It is like putting in one thing the dimensions of a 40ft (12m) container into a comparatively small space,” explains Mr Bergulf. “Every ship is a unique challenge; even sister ships are totally different.”
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The corporate is putting in scrubbers on just some of its ships.
And there are critics of scrubbers, too, as a result of “open loop” varieties flip the captured sulphur dioxide right into a dilute sulphuric acid that’s washed out into the ocean.
“The sulphur is not being faraway from the atmosphere, it is simply being redistributed,” says Alan Gelder at consultancy Wooden Mackenzie.
The IMO says it has strict guidelines about the place ships ought to discharge scrubber run-off, and Maersk says it’s ensuring it will likely be “completely compliant” with these guidelines.
Additional down the road, ships could transfer away from burning fuels of any variety.
Rolls-Royce introduced in August that it had developed a brand new battery system for powering ships. Its providing is a lithium-ion system – a a lot larger model of the battery in your smartphone – that’s liquid-cooled.
A 70m-long (230ft) vessel working on battery energy was launched in China final 12 months – paradoxically, to hold coal – so it’s in no way an untested know-how in transport, even whether it is unlikely to develop into widespread within the subsequent few years.
Step one in the direction of cleaner transport is getting over the 2020 hurdle – however there’s much more work to be accomplished after that to make this behemoth of industries much less damaging to the planet.
Comply with Expertise of Enterprise editor Matthew Wall on Twitter and Fb
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sunrightsunfloweroil · 4 years ago
Health Benefits Of Oil
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Check out for Sunright, the cheap Sunflower Oil 15 litres price in Chennai which is a non-volatile oil extracted from the seeds of sunflower. It is a triglyceride and mainly consists of hexadecenoic acid, octadecanoic acid, monounsaturated fatty acid, and polyunsaturated fatty acid. When it involves its nutritional value and benefits to health it is a tremendous natural ingredient. This text will highlight the health benefits of vegetable oil and reasons why you ought to add it to your diet.
1. Improves Heart Health
High cholesterol content in your body implies that one is more likely to develop atherosclerosis, high pressure, and increased chances of heart failure or stroke. vegetable oil could be a good selection for keeping a healthy heart. It is rich in oleic-acid (unsaturated carboxylic acid – MUFA) and has favorable outcomes on blood lipids and factor VIIc (coagulant activity). Moreover, sunflower oil price list in Chennai shows best affordable pricing for Sunright and it contains vitamin E, which prevents dangerous free radicals from oxidizing the body's cholesterol.
 2. Improves Skin Health
Sunflower seed oil has a remarkable impact on skin. In a very study it has been demonstrated that it prevents horny layer integrity, does not cause erythema, and improves hydration. Not just for adults, it is also of great importance for neonates yet.
 Vitamin E in oil protects against hazardous effects of UV radiation. It offers photoprotection and effectively works on wrinkles, blemishes & patchy skin.
 3. Prevents Arthritis
Sunflower seed oil has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory capacity. Its major lipid is polyunsaturated fatty acid, which possibly decreases inflammation within the skin by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-α). it has been linked to a discount in severity of arthritis when used within recommended limits.
 4. Prevents Asthma
Vitamin E reduces and prevents oxygen damage to the tissue and is beneficial for the treatment of pain, inflammation, and aversions. Several studies suggest that vitamin E reduces bronchoconstriction related to asthma
 5. Prevents Cancer
Sunflower seed oil is additionally rich in A and carotenoids. The antioxidant content helps to fight the free radicals that cause degeneration of cells and inhibits the expansion of cancerous cells. Moreover, the selenium present in sunflower seeds repairs cellular damage. So, the incorporation of vegetable oil within the diet can play a serious role in reducing carcinoma, and uterine cancer also.
6. Improves system
Sunflower oil provides adequate polyunsaturated fatty acid for maintenance of the immune reaction. polyunsaturated fatty acid is required for normal immune reaction, and essential carboxylic acid (EFA) deficiency impairs B and T cell-mediated responses.
 7. Improves Hair Health
Higher amounts of tocopherol are available in sunflower-seed oil. The study shows that the intake of natural antioxidants may help against collagen cross-linking & thus hair health. It can treat problems of baldness & hair loss.
 8. Improves Digestion
Sunright is the best and economical pure sunflower oil price in Chennai that contains high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). PUFA are found to extend digestibility thus, health digestion.
 9. Helps Aid Weight Loss
Adiponectin is largely involved within the carboxylic acid breakdown. Accordingly, to a study, oil increases adiponectin levels in post-menopause women thus, reducing weight.
 10. Reduces Depression & Anxiety
It contains magnesium which has been found to figure in mood disorders like depression & anxiety. Magnesium ions regulate calcium flow in neuronal calcium channels that helps to manage neuronal aqua fortis oxide production. Thus, it treats the associated symptoms.
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shirleyrx30-blog · 6 years ago
The Untapped Gold Mine Of Cold Pressed Oil Company That Virtually No One Knows About
although not a treatment, there are a number of psoriasis victims who've been geared up to obtain discount via the indicators making use of neem. using extraordinary castor oil would likewise be valuable to your hair. The oil therapy is preventative In addition to healing. Making use of somewhat amount of sesame seed oil can scale back the appear of wrinkles and tremendous strains. It really is preferable utilized for detoxifying the body by means of the pores and skin. Vit A is trusted for enhancing cellular turnover along with eradicating broken skin. Aloe vera is a superb aid for pores and skin restoration. It may be very superior at elevating produce, which minimizes expenditures towards the manufacturer permitting them promote it for A cost-effective price tag. As well as, it offers a dairy-price-free option for vegans and Other people appearing to decrease Loads of animal gadgets of their food regimen plan. One other factor to think about is how properly grapeseed oil's Rewards hold up prior to deciding to really get hold of that, Moreover if you happen to cook dinner with this specific. If you're still excited about utilizing black seed oil for wellness purposes, be sure to talk together with your healthcare provider to start with to weigh the advantages and drawbacks and go over whether It really is appropriate for you. The urgent on the vegetation ship a mixture of consuming water and oil which could be subsequently divided. chilly-urgent signifies which our seeds normally usually are not heated just before, all through or subsequent the pressing method, making certain a much more flavourful and nutritious product.
Discerning the caliber of the sunflower oil brand title is perhaps sophisticated, although. Customary mayo is Ordinarily product of soybean oil, along with An array of additives and preservatives. Whichever brand you determine on, flaxseed oil actually ought to be saved within an opaque bottle (normally black) to cut back oxidation. It's feasible to help maintain coconut oil clean for roughly 20 years. Virgin castor oil, very like virgin olive oil, is taken into account the maximum top quality oil. Chilly pressed castor oil is created in a certain course of action that is equally prolonged and in depth. It pressed olive oil is among the costliest kinds of olive oil, but has among the many greatest fruitiest flavors with a considerable amount of fatty acids and antioxidants. It pressed coconut oil is Most likely the most affordable purchases you can make for any elegance care products.
These 5 Simple Cold Pressed Oil Making Tricks Will Pump Up Your Sales Almost Instantly
Chilly pressed coconut oil is barely among the best means you'll be able to Usually search right after your magnificence requirements. It pressed coconut oil is One of many extra smart purchases you might make for only a magnificence care merchandise. You will be able to combine avocado oil with rose as a method to cope with difficulties like menstrual cramps and getting help from panic. utilizing oil is commonly Peculiar to some people right now, however historic situations have proven that oils are highly effective for women and men. the potential of peanut oil turning rancid are fairly superior and due to this fact It's really most well-liked being kept in chilly location. It's a must to depend on The straightforward fact you need some kilograms of seeds to accumulate 1 litre of oil. Along with staying a great possibility for cooking, chilly pressed mustard oil is great for therapeutic massage makes use of too. Acai berries are demonstrated to own a particularly constructive impact on the human immune course of. It actually is crucial, alternatively, to select a reliable brand after it pertains to flavored oils and butters, as They may be enhanced chemically. Moreover, you'll discover antioxidants in the shape of polyphenols. Sesame seeds and oils are actually valuable issues which will be employed for quite a few leads to. Gents and ladies who will need to reduce the overall seem of wrinkles just contain several dabs day-to-day. check my site One of the simplest ways to take care of the pores and skin is all the time to eat healthful meals and also to attempt to keep the stability of pure oils Your entire physique makes. A small reminder, earlier than you determine to take a look at a myriad of hair remedy or take a look at any ingredient with your scalp, it's higher to appropriate an appointment together with your health practitioner to go looking out assistance. within the event you do the therapy on the skin, it is best to undoubtedly relaxation on the back or modify the pillowcase each day. Cold pressed oil which incorporates not. It pressed oil is manufactured having a really low warmth approach. It pressed oil is oil produced via a mix of grinding and really low heat. chilly urgent is a standard and all-organic technique to supply oil. Your weight loss program program is every particular person little bit as essential. When you're serious about shedding physique Unwanted fats and maintaining it off, then Protein should actually Enjoy a bigger portion along with your on a regular basis eating regimen program. Nearly all of the fat of the common meal plans have been saturated and monounsaturated. Saturated animal fat and vegetable sources have A number of crucial wellness Added advantages considering that they embrace issues like only wonderful fats.
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leycaria-blog · 6 years ago
A Collaborative Typhoon
Ich bin ein Berliner. Nein! No, Ley, no. That was last week’s joke. You can’t just cobble together a quick article from whatever you had lying around; people notice when something that’s meant to be luxurious has been scrabbled into being in a blind panic. Wait. What was the treat on The Apprentice this week? Danke Gott, mir geht es gut. Usually, the winning team on The Apprentice gets a treat where they go and have a meal or do some activity lead by some expert. This week, they hired an ice rink, gave them some inflatable rubber rings and told them it was ‘human curling’. There wasn’t anyone there to run it or umpire the game, so it was just seven loons with an inflatable doughnut in an abandoned ice rink. High quality treat, milord. I’m thinking of opening a similar enterprise myself actually, called human golf. The price would be £100 an hour, and you get to curl up in a field while I hit you repeatedly with a 5 iron. ‘But that’s horrifically overpriced!’ You may be screaming, and you’d be right. However glorious my tee shot, no one wants to pay one hundred pounds to be abused for an hour, just as nobody in their right mind is going to pay five pounds for a BLOODY DOUGHNUT.
I thought myself to be relatively sheltered and middle class until I saw this week’s episode, where the candidates pranced around London flaunting five pound doughnuts like that’s a thing. Doughnuts cost a pound for five. They come in ring, jam and custard varieties, and if you’re lucky there’ll be a Homer Simpson style one with the icing and technicolour rabbit droppings that costs a pound. You can’t justify charging five pounds for what is essentially the same mixture as a Sainsbury’s custard blob with a Jammy Dodger stuck on top. I did the maths for this, and excluding energy costs but including oil for the friar, I could make a batch of doughnuts now for 24.62 pence a doughnut, and that’s with shop bought ingredients which would be much cheaper wholesale. Add thirty five pence for a Custard Cream, spout some tripe about British flavours and sell it for five quid, I’m looking at an eight hundred and thirty three per cent return. That’s no making a profit, that’s taking advantage of people stupid enough to buy from you.
The contestants had to make and market doughnuts this week, if you hadn’t already guessed from the rant about rising doughnut prices above. Some days I worry I’ll never get a little doughnut of my own, let alone a great big doughnut out in the country. Regardless, however offensive the task itself seemed to be, you can always rely on it to be eclipsed by the sheer stupidity of the people attempting to complete it. Camilla decided it was a good idea to garnish her British themed doughnuts with some Earl Grey tea straight from the tea bag. Delicious, the brown grit you get at the bottom of the cup when the bag splits. The other team elected to top some of their doughnuts with enough chili sauce to set a clergyman on fire, whether they had just drunk two litres of sunflower oil or not. Both wound up with a fairly pathetic looking end product, certainly neither were worth the five pounds they tried to sell them for. Team Collaborative did better and produced something vaguely presentable, but Typhoon’s offering looked vaguely as though a typhoon had ripped through a builder’s yard, scattering the place with broken biscuits, ripped tea bags and neon paint. It was a mess, I’m greatly impressed that they won.
Having said this, it seemed at a couple of times almost as though the candidates themselves wanted to distance themselves from the program. At one point one of the girls, I believe it was Sarah Ann, started cooing ‘they’re so golden!’ at the man showing her how to cook doughnuts like they do in the professional kitchen on Masterchef. Later, Frank had paddy about how his team’s doughnuts were under proved, like a Great British Bake Off contestant who didn’t expect to around for much longer. I don’t personally think that Frank did anything too bad, he was fired for the unfortunate reason that he didn’t do anything too well either. Game show contestants have got off with far worse this week. Oh come on, don’t look at me like that. I wasn’t going to mention it but I’ve brought it up now. What choice do I have? Frank’s transgressions were certainly far fewer than Rahul’s on The Great British Bake Off on Tuesday. I know everyone is going to have taken a shot at this, but when two judges take leave of their senses enough to send Manon home on a technicality when Rahul outright gave up on his showstopper, you have to say something. At this point you get the feeling that Rahul could have produced a sloppy blue glazed ring with half a Penguin biscuit balanced on top and still got away with it. Anyway, I feel a bit sorry for Frank, even if his greatest achievement in the competition was frying seven million pounds worth of infinity shaped doughnuts. So goodbye Frank. You were rubbish.
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charlesdunbar-blog · 7 years ago
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FOOD: What's The Newest Trend On The Plant Based Scene?The hottest British crop - plus a recipe for you to use it in
Day Radley
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It was the end of a blustery September.
I was standing under an overcast sky in foot-high mud being shown bitter crops. Fields of green, in all its wonderful various shades, rolled out before me. I was in Dorset.
My city eyes were slowly adjusting to being able to look far into the distance.
Guy Watson, owner and founder of, arguably, the UK's most successful organic farm, Riverford organics, stands knife in one hand, veg in ‘tuther.
As with any person who has a deep love for the work they do, he is fascinating to listen to. Although as a chef I can listen to discussions of all plant-based foods until the tofu comes home.
We had explored fields of artichoke, radicchio, dandelion leaves, and cime di rapa.
The finale was the cardoon field, a setting from Jurassic Park if ever I saw one. The cardoon has a very bitter stalk with a stunning flower similar to a thistle. This is a favorite of Guy's, as it can be grown so easily and in abundance in the UK.
Could cardoon be the new kale?
Cardoon certainly has an impressive nutritional profile. It contains cynarin, also found in globe artichoke.
This creates the bitter taste in both vegetables. But this compound is also said to lower blood cholesterol, aid digestion, stimulate the immune system, reduce risks of cancer, and improve liver and gallbladder function.
Cardoon contains a high amount of folic acid, potassium, iron, B vitamins, and numerous phytonutrients. Sounds impressive, and makes it a possible contender for the new kale but... the bitter tastes makes it challenging for UK palettes.
Bitter food is fairly uncommon in the UK.
To reduce the bitterness in cardoon you must blanch it for a fair while. This makes it more time-consuming than our highspeed selves would like.
In my experience, teaching people how to cook healthy vegan food from scratch a lack of time is the most cited barrier - and one of the great qualities of kale is that it is quick to cook.
And so sadly cardoon is not the new kale but radicchio just might be (despite the lack of alliteration).
Radicchio is less bitter than cardoon with an equally impressive nutritional profile. And it is also a whole lot prettier!
Radicchio is now being grown in the UK by a handful of producers including Riverford.
An easy and stunning salad can be made with roughly sliced radicchio, a good balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and a sprinkle of sea salt. I opted to make an Italian classic - radicchio risotto with red wine and borlotti beans.
In this dish, red wine reduces to a sweet, rich flavour, perfectly counterbalancing the slightly bitter radicchio.
Red wine may seem like an odd addition to a British eye that has only ever experienced the pale gold of a white wine risotto.
The milky mauve colour might be unnerving but rest assured this is an Italian classic and a very tasty one at that.
This meal, for 4 people, cost £5.33, showing that good food does not have to come at a great price. I swapped the typical white risotto rice for buckwheat and millet as they have a much higher nutritional content.
A bonus of using these grains is that you cannot overcook them as you can risotto rice. So it will chill and freeze well which is great news if there are any leftovers!
1T stock powder plus 1 litre of water
1T sunflower oil
2 small, or 1 large, onion, finely chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, finely sliced
1T nutritional yeast
100g/1/2 cup millet grain
100g/1/2 cup buckwheat
125ml/1/2 cup red wine
1 can borlotti beans, drained and rinsed well
1 large radicchio roughly chopped
1/2t salt
15g pine nuts, toasted in a dry pan and roughly smashed in a pestle and mortar
Add the stock powder and hot water to a pan, keep on a low to medium heat with a ladle in the pan.
Using a large frying pan heat the oil on a low to medium heat, add the onion, fry for 10-15 minutes until the onion is starting to soften.
Add the garlic, fry for another 5 minutes.
If the pan gets dry during this time add a splash of water rather than more oil.
Add the nutritional yeast, millet, buckwheat and red wine. Once the red wine is almost completely reduced add a spoonful of the stock.
Once that is almost gone add another and so on.
The grains should take around 20-30 minutes to soften completely. Now add the beans, radicchio and salt. Mix in and leave to warm through for 5 minutes.
Serve with a scattering of the pine nuts.
You can find out more about Riverford and its veg boxes including bitter veg
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