#sunday sickness
Felix is sick after flying
Firstly, I just wanna say that I'm sleep deprived as shit.
Secondly, I wanna say i'm so excited for the Sunday Sickness thing proposed by our whump fic queen (@bellysoupset)
Lastly, I love this one. These two are adorable ❤️❤️❤️!!
Atticus kept looking at his watch. He was impatient and fidgety as he waited by the airport gate for his boyfriend.
Felix had gone to visit his mom in London, and he’d been gone for two whole weeks. Atticus missed him a lot.
He tapped his foot and tapped his fingers. Finally, people started walking through the gate. He watched carefully, trying to spot his short boyfriend in the sea of people. And then he spotted him.
Felix saw him, too, and ran to him, dropping his suitcase and backpack halfway there before throwing himself into Atticus’s waiting arms.
Atticus squeezed Felix and Felix laughed.
“I missed you,” Atticus said.
“Really?” Felix said. “Because every single text you sent me and every single phone call didn’t make that clear.”
Atticus blushed and pulled away enough to look Felix in the eye before leaning back in and pressing a long, loving kiss to his lips. Felix’s hands tangled in his hair, and he pulled the blonde tighter against himself.
Finally, they got Felix’s stuff—Atticus being the gentleman he is and carrying it all—and they went to the parking lot and left the airport.
The airport was two hours away from their apartment, and after about thirty minutes on the road, Atticus noticed Felix dozing off in his seat. He wasn’t surprised. It was only early in the night there—the sun had just set—but he knew it was well past midnight in London and Felix was still on London time.
Atticus turned down his music on the radio so his boyfriend could sleep in peace.
He drove in silence, listening to the sound of Felix’s breathing. When they were just twenty minutes away, Felix started to stir in his sleep. He blinked awake and groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Atticus cast a look at him. “You okay?”
Felix nodded, squeezing his eyes shut. “Yeah. I think it’s just some delayed air sickness or something.”
Raising a brow, Atticus asked, “Is that a thing?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? You’re the medicine major, aren’t you?” Felix groaned again. “Since when are the roads in Tucson so bumpy?”
Atticus cast a confused look at Felix. The roads aren’t bumpy, he thought. “Do you feel like you’re gonna be sick?”
Felix shook his head. “No,” he said. Then he paused, his hand coming up to cover his mouth. “Actually, yes.”
Atticus’s eyes widened. “Shit. Okay, there’s a gas station right here. Just give me a second to—”
But it was too late. Saliva flooded Felix’s mouth and the Coca-Cola he’d drank on the plane ride came back up in a slow, painful gush.
Atticus cursed under his breath as he pulled into the gas station parking lot and put the car in park before cupping Felix’s forehead to steady him as he puked.
“You’re okay, baby,” he said. “You’re okay.”
Felix wasn’t puking anymore. Two gushes, and he was done. Now he realized what a mess he’d made of his pants and his boyfriend’s car.
He was about to apologize, but it was as if Atticus was reading his mind because the brunette suddenly said, “It’s fine. My car is old as hell, and it’s way overdo for a cleaning anyway.”
After another minute, Felix told Atticus he was fine.
Atticus knew that Felix didn’t get carsick. This was something else.
He went inside the gas station to get some plastic bags, and then they were on the road again.
“We’ll be home soon. Don’t worry,” he said when Felix made a pained sound.
Felix closed his eyes and tried not to focus on the movement of the car. His head was pounding, but this didn’t feel like one of his migraines. He didn’t know what this felt like.
It felt like forever before the car came to a stop, but Felix didn’t even notice the car was parked until Atticus said his name and he opened his eyes. He still felt like the car was moving on a bumpy road.
“Hey, Baby,” Atticus said softly, reaching out a hand to cup Felix’s cheek. “What’s wrong? You look pale. You’re sweaty, too.”
“Am I feverish?”
Atticus narrowed his eyes a bit and continued to feel Felix’s cheek and forehead. “Actually, no,” he said. “You feel clammy, but not warm.”
Felix involuntarily leaned further into Atticus’s touch, eyes closing again. “I’m dizzy.”
Atticus used his thump to stroke Felix’s hair for a minute before finally getting out of the car and going around to Felix’s side. The blonde’s eyes were overly shiny, and he looked exhausted. “Jeez,” Atticus sighed. “You were fine at the airport. What happened?” Maybe it was an ear infection, throwing Felix off balance. Immediately, Atticus fell into a mental state that was stuck between concerned boyfriend and talented med-student. “Does it feel like there’s pressure in your head? Or your ear? Or is this some kind of migraine?”
Felix didn’t answer. He just leaned against Atticus’s shoulder. “Everything’s moving,” he whined. Atticus frowned. He couldn’t help but feel worried.
“Come on,” Atticus said. “Let’s go inside.”
Felix groaned once more as Atticus unbuckled his seatbelt and guided him out of the car. As soon as he was on his feet, he swayed. Atticus quickly steadied him and cursed under his breath.
Before Felix knew it, his boyfriend had picked him up bridal style and was carrying him into the apartment building.
Atticus’s apartment was on the first floor, so they were inside it in no time.
“Maybe you should’ve taken me to my dorm,” Felix said while burying his face in Atticus’s shirt. “If I’m sick, I don’t want to make you sick.”
Atticus looked down at the blonde as he carried him into his bedroom. “But wouldn’t you make your roommate sick then?”
“Oh, screw that bloody wanker. I hate him and I don’t give two shits if he gets sick or not. He annoys the hell out of me.”
Atticus was tempted to say that he should move in with him in that case, but he kept himself from doing so. He wasn’t sure whether or not they’d been together long enough to take that step, even though Felix was practically almost always at his place anyway.
He brought Felix into his bathroom and steadied him on his feet before handing the blonde a clean shirt and some sweatpants. He waited outside the bathroom, giving Felix privacy to change. Finally, Felix opened the bathroom door, leaning heavily on the door frame. Atticus picked him up again and carried him to his bed.
He laid Felix down and pulled the sheets over him.
Felix made a pained noise in his throat and shifted a lot, trying to find a position that didn’t make it feel like the world was rocking wildly on a boat.
Atticus sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Felix’s hair. He had no idea what to do. He didn’t have the patience at the moment to read through his medicine textbooks to see if he could find anything.
Finally, he pulled out his phone and opened a website he used a lot for research on his papers and essays. He searched up delayed airsickness and sicknesses commonly gotten on planes and whatever else he could think to search up.
He was researching for so long that Felix finally found the least uncomfortable of the uncomfortable positions and was trying to keep himself as still as possible with his eyes squeezed shut.
Finally, Atticus found something.
“Hey, baby?” he said softly. Felis peeked one eye open ever so slightly, indicating that he was listening. “What does it feel like?”
Felix shut his eye again and sighed. “It feels like I’m on a boat or something. I’m really dizzy, Atti.”
Atticus nodded. “Are you nauseous?”
Felix nodded his head a little bit.
“Tired? Like, fatigue?”
Another nod.
“Cognitive impairment?”
Felix opened his eyes and peered at Atticus, a brow raised. “What the bloody hell is. . . whatever it is you said?”
“It’s, like, when you can’t focus. Or have trouble concentrating.”
Felix shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
Atticus nodded. “I think you have disembarkment syndrome. It’s not serious—it’s just motion sickness and vertigo that comes after a plane ride—but I think sleep would do you a world of good. This says it’s best of you stay really still, and it also says that it should only last about 24 hours.”
Felix’s brows furrowed. “Only?!”
Atticus chuckled, most of his anxiety leaving his shoulders. “Hey, it’s better than some week-long bug or something. And the treatment is literally to just stay lying down until it passes. Which means”—he paused as he walked around the bed, climbing onto his side and snuggling close to Felix, hugging him tight—“we have 24 hours of cuddling ahead of us.”
Felix couldn’t help it. He smiled at his giant teddy bear of a boyfriend.
In Atticus’s arms, Felix felt slightly steadier. He cuddled closely to Atticus, letting his eyes fall shut and falling into the sleep that his body was begging for.
“Atti?” Felix groaned sleepily after a second.
Felix smiled. “I missed you, too.”
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Happy Sunday Sickness, Soup! :D So more of a writing question, but how does an idea for a fic come to you? What's first? Dialogue? Scenario? Desire for a certain character to go through certain experience?
I'll be real, it's very rare I have a clear idea when writing anything. Normally I open a blank document and start typing without paying any attention. What I generally have are vibes, like today I'm feeling slowburn sickness, today I'm feeling like it should be angsty, etc. That's ALL I tend to have.
What does inspire me though are dialogue tags and just generally situations from day to day. I love hearing about "oh and then X person fell down the stairs", in my mind there's already a whole story forming.
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angstyaches · 1 year
hey flick, happy sunday sickness!!
i was wondering which of your characters listen to a lot of music (like is there anyone who listens to music any second of any day?) and which just do not really care for it
i listen to music basically all day every day but I've also met people who barely listen to music ever which i thought was super interesting🖤
Ahh, Em!! Happy belated Sunday Sickness, dearest! My weekend turned pretty stressful and I wasn't able to be here, but I so appreciate the lovely ask 🖤
Any second of any day:
Dani immediately came to mind. Every second that she's not working, she either has her headphones on or had them around her neck, ready to deploy at a moment's notice. They get very overwhelmed in social situations and like to tune out background noise, but also enjoy music as a way to internally stim. She has specific playlists for work breaks, for drawing, for mornings, for evenings, for walks, and for every possible mood. And if she's not listening to actual music, she's probably got a song, or part of a song playing in a loop, in her head.
When Felix has the whole day to himself, he is very likely to have a constant soundtrack going! He would much prefer to dance than walk anywhere, even if it was just down the stairs to get a drink. He's also That Friend who's probably got a Bluetooth speaker to hand in any possible scenario.
Kind of:
Autumn, the theatre kid. After work and study and rehearsals, her downtime consists mostly of miming along with song lyrics and dancing in her room, critiquing herself in the mirror. Also would be pretty devastated if she had to take public transport alone without her headphones.
When he starts living alone, Kazu starts to rely on entertainment to help him get through the different parts of his day - mostly TV, but music, too. He blasts some upbeat songs whilst dragging himself out of bed and getting dressed for work. He plays something a bit more chill when he gets home at the end of the day. And when he does the dishes or other chores. And when he takes a bath. And brushes his teeth. Basically uses music to get himself through the lonely, mundane stuff he would otherwise struggle to do.
Hardly ever listens to music:
Shayne! He's just not used to having the freedom of listening to whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and he also just doesn't see the appeal. He's also accustomed to listening out for signs of danger, and music would just make that harder and increase his anxiety.
Henry. He is attached to his noise-cancelling headphones, but mostly just uses them for the noise-cancelling effect. Despite his love of clubs, he doesn't really seek out music in any other setting.
Donnacha endures the music at the gym when he's working out, but has absolutely no preferences towards any particular kind, nor would it ever even occur to him to put music on of his own volition. He's the kind of person who is happy to sit or walk or run while alone with their thoughts.
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writing-whump · 1 year
Happy Sunday Sickness Sol!
You know i'm in love with your world building, so ofc my question has to be about it. Are there any other magical creatures in your verse, besides shadow wolves and witches?
Hi Soup, thanks for the ask!
Honestly I'm not sure. XD I have been concentrating on the wolf dynamics, how their human relatives and siblings fit into the pack dynamics, the role of witches and how they could live outside of packs or not if they want to keep using their magic etc. It's not impossible some other being might join, I want to leave that option open, but I have none on mind right now. Everyone supernatural in the story belongs to a shadow wolf bloodline.
Thank you for the interest though ^^
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witchy-shortcake · 1 year
Happy Sunday sickness, feel free to ask me any whump-related questions about my ocs/my whumpy headcannons of a certain character or ask me for a drabble<333
@bellysoupset thank you for the idea.
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spoopdeedoop · 4 months
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doctor “trauma dump to companion of five minutes” who
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leninisms · 1 year
spotify users: what is the current title of your daylist and what are the first three songs?
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paintedcrows · 3 months
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Watched Pyramids of Mars and... yeah I'm obsessed with this guy
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annqer · 8 months
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Penacony welcomes you!! Only now for the low low price of your soul, you too can spend your life in the land of dreams!!
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olympain · 10 months
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Abandon or save the child?
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eddis-not-eeddis · 1 year
In my early twenties I know more theology than most men in the churches I've attended who are twice my age. This isn't a boast, I am no scholar. I say this in abject horror and despair.
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umlewis · 2 months
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iii, i forgot what i was gonna caption this. abs., britain - july 7, 2024
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kris-py-president · 9 months
NO because the whole foster children parallel had me screaming. When he was looking at the pictures on the fridge. And he even downright said "you have the biggest family in the universe" which was something that was said to David Tennant's doctor at one point. And then he said "I have nobody". SIR???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN??? I know for damn sure you were looking at those kids thinking 'hey that's kinda what I do.' BECAUSE IT IS!!!!! HE FOSTERS THEIR THIRST FOR ADVENTURE. AND THEN HE LETS THEM GO WHEN THEY NEED TO GO. Jesus. H. Christ.
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astolfofo · 4 months
I feel like sunday both has a saviour complex and a god complex. And there's the possibilty where yes, he might take someone who's already perfectly aligned (or at least like 50% aligned) with his ideals because he doesn't need to do that much work. But. There's also the possibility that he might take someone that's far off the deep end. Someone who he sees is just beyond help and is just like "I can fix them."
Sure, they're unholy. Tainted by sin or whatever they say. But the "fixing" process of someone like that would be much more rewarding than having someone perfectly obeident. They're easier to brainwash, easier to change. Plus, they're already broken, he just needs to "break" (what he'd probably say is purifying tbh) them in the right way.
Sure, it's hard work, but he thinks of it almost like creating a work of art. His own work of art, just for himself. That no one else can take.
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leenfiend · 1 year
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zero impulse control
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Sunday sweetie ily but could you not talk like a fucking cult leader for two seconds
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