#summoning the girlies
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bellejolras · 4 months ago
ride this like a wave
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Isildur comes down with a mysterious illness… luckily Arondir is a talented healer and there to help. Set in ROP 2x04.
(in other words, this is an insane sex pollen fic for a ship that doesn’t exist until now. enjoy!!!!)
for @tolkienpinupcalendar kinktober 2024
Rating: E(xplicit) / No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Arondir/Isildur (so far)
WC: 3384
Other tags: PWP, sex pollen, blowjobs, dubious consent, semi-public sex, gratuitous ocean metaphors, crack treated seriously, putting the ‘fun’ in sexual dysfunction
checking off kinktober prompts (4) handjobs, (5) clothed sex, (6) aftercare, (14) begging, (24) intoxicated sex
It has been hours since they survived a near-death encounter with mud, but Isildur can still feel it dry and crusting against his skin.
No amount of scrubbing with river water seemed to be able to thoroughly clean himself or his clothes, leaving a persistent film behind. The day has truly been one unpleasant experience after another: the mud, the beast, the freezing river, and now an itching, aching discomfort.
It had been bad enough to strip in the water, freezing and bare, vulnerable to the elements and the eyes of his friends should they look his way. Estrid had left them to bathe in peace, setting up a fire and their encampment for the night nearby, but Arondir is there in the water. So stoic he seemed as he washed, the dim light shining off his strong arms and broad back, focused and impervious to the elements. Isildur had stolen a glance and, reminded of his own mannish fragility, shuddered.
Now drying off in front of the cooking fire, Isildur is starting to feel a bit odd. His heartbeat is pounding, he is short of breath, getting chills, and not just from the cold air. In fact, sitting closer to the fire seems to make it worse.
“Smells delicious,” he says, the meat of the mud creature crackling over the scrapped-together fire pit.
Estrid raises an eyebrow. “You must really be starving,” she says, unimpressed.
Arondir grunts in amusement, but keeps his eyes on the fire, prodding it with a stick. A spray of sparks shoots up and he jumps out of the way to avoid the puffing smoke. He leans over to poke the fire from a different angle and readjust the embers, a breath away from Isildur. Isildur shivers.
Unsurpassed in his elven perception, Arondir turns to look at him. “Cold?”
Isildur rubs his hands together by the fire, but the heat doesn’t seem to seep in. “Just the mud. I’m still drying,” he answers, hoping it’s the truth. He can’t stand the thought of having a fever out here in the wild, with danger lurking literally at every turn.
Arondir nods, and goes back to stoking the flames. “I feel it too,” he says. “Something weird in that pit. Nasty stuff.” With his free hand, he flicks a missed spot of dried mud off the front of his armor. It sizzles as it lands in the fire, as though still wet.
Isildur wraps his cloak tighter around himself and tries to remember how to breathe.
The meat is, as Estrid predicted, awful. Nothing worse than a mud beast steak with no seasoning. But food is food, and Isildur is grateful to have it.
It doesn’t make him feel any better, though. If anything, he feels worse. His head is pounding now, he’s beginning to sweat despite the cold, and his heart is still racing. He puts his head down to his hands, suddenly, rubbing his face and trying to take a deep breath.
When Arondir puts a hand on his shoulder, he nearly cries.
“Isildur,” he says quietly, nearly a whisper. “What is it?”
Isildur looks up at him, eyes wild, searching his face. Is it concern he reads on the elf’s face, or does he catch a glimpse of the same madness in Arondir’s eye? As quickly as the thought occurs, it’s gone. “I don’t know,” he rasps. “I need–” and suddenly breaks into a fit of coughing.
“Estrid! Can you get some water?”
The next thing Isildur knows, he’s lying on his back on the ground in their makeshift encampment, an elf gently pouring water into his mouth. There’s a blanket beneath him, protecting him from lying directly on the dirt. The enclosure is not much more than a tarp draped over sticks, but it offers some protection from the wild. And some privacy, Isildur thinks faintly. The water is cold, which is nice, but having Arondir so intimately near is oddly dizzying. Every nerve is on edge, and as the blood races through his body, heat pools in his groin. it must be an effect of the fever, but Isildur can’t recall this as a symptom before. Or maybe his mind is too foggy to think clearly. But when Arondir touches a hand to Isildur’s forehead, a moan escapes. Surely this isn’t a normal fever.
Arondir doesn’t pull away at the sound, though, but rather leans back in and brushes the damp hair off Isildur’s forehead. Isildur can feel the heat radiating off as Arondir leans in to whisper to him, something strange and foreign.
Isildur tries to focus on the words and not the feeling of Arondir’s breath hot on his cheek, but all his schooling fails him and the best he can tell is that it sounds like Quenya.
Arondir pauses, puts a hand back to Isildur’s face for a moment, and then sits back up.
“Isildur, I need you to disrobe”
Isildur’s eyes open wide and search Arondir’s face. “Disrobe?” This can’t be a good sign.
“I suspect poison, but I need to check for wounds. Rule out any injuries that could be causing this.”
Arondir helps him sit up, and shivering, Isildur pulls the still-drenched tunic off over his head. A breeze catches in the damp curls of hair on his chest, raising every follicle to a peak. He shivers, and looks up at Arondir kneeling by his side.
“Pants too”
Hesitantly, Isildur complies, undoing the waist tie and sliding the filthy material over his hips and down, past the stab wound from Estrid’s dagger only days before. He winces, hunching over, knowing Arondir can see.
But Arondir looks him over with only a glance, not appearing alarmed by the obvious injury in Isildur’s thigh.
There’s something much more prominent that catches his eye, a much more pressing matter. Not Isildur’s thigh, but rather between them.
read the rest on ao3!
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beware-of-you-98 · 3 months ago
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isabeauwolf · 6 months ago
Love this meme so much
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Law is all 3~
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ok we hit over 200 submissions in less than a day it might close faster than i thought it would. though i guess it makes sense this is a really popular trope. gonna move the submission deadline to March 1st wowee people
and with this deadline shift, comes the top 3 characters submitted cuz why not!!!
ONE! Jonathan Harker (Dracula) with EIGHT SUBMISSIONS?!
TWO! Siffrin (In Stars and Time) with FIVE SUBMISSIONS!
and THREE! 13 Different Guys with THREE SUBMISSIONS EACH! WOW! Thats a lotta guys
(edit: im pretty sure Dave Strider Homestuck actually had four submissions when i wrote this, one of them was just using his full legal so I didn't catch it. mb)
and that was the 200 submissions announcement!!!! yahoo im goin to try and sleep
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sleepiesttoken · 9 months ago
have a vid of ii doin his thang
try not to cry while looking at vids i took challenge failed
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yandere-romanticaa · 17 days ago
ill gladly be yours LMAO <3
That's a very dangerous thing to say. I might just be in your walls.
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asurrogateblog · 7 months ago
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listen I’m sorry straight girls thirsting after jim morrison on pinterest but there is no way this man made it through the pearly gates
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scimagic · 3 months ago
Hc that whenever Mr. Puzzles tries to be romantic. He specifically uses what he’s seen on tv. So it almost always ends up being either over the top or hilariously cheesy.
When your whole life has revolved around movies and tv shows I think you get some unrealistic views on real situations (like falling in love and making romantic acts). So of course he gets inspiration from like. Mama Mia or whatever popular romcom there is HFDKJSA
One day he's throwing his vest jacket over a relatively small puddle on the road that could've been easily avoided and when asked why waste a perfectly good vest he goes "isn't that what you're supposed to do?", and the other he purposely puts you two in a dangerous situation so you "can grow closer over (y)our shared trauma and have a heartfelt moment later on to advance the plot."
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blkkizzat · 6 months ago
y'all new kinktober ideas wont leave me be, halloween is my fav holiday too so im all about it....so i went to the movies tonight and omfg.
what about beetlejuice!gojo ?????
lmfao no but like not really he wouldnt be as gross kjdhajsh, but i was thinking what if gojo like was a ghost who couldn't move on and was like obsessed with you and played all kind of pranks on you and especially scared away any type of guy you brought around.
idk... ill think about this more lol.
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kushanna · 6 months ago
finished episode 4 👍🏻 still gotta finish the tea party (dead kinzo YEAH) and the ???? bit but mostly finished it. stuff is getting soo out of hand, i am soo displeased with how downhill the last two chapters after the cause of the tragedy (top 5 chapters so far) went, it was one of the few times i was actually kinda disliking what i was reading. i just really djsgddj dislike when something is stated and then almost immediately taken back or when something is hyped but ends being... not that cool
did we. really need a whole ass new aunt character. omg! if they had to bring eva back from the dead (lol) and summon eva beatrice, if they needed the character of eva there to get the point across anyway, did we REALLY need the whole ass sumadera aunt character... to even exist. maybe that's just me, but if she never shows up again (i'm sure she will) and that was her only role in the story i'm gonna be soo pissed (i guess it's good to know more about kyrie in general too. still, something about that made me pissed). and the way chdkcj we only saw the GRASS of rokkenjima, ange ✨ learned about magic ✨ and that was it, omg fuck OFF. that trip to rokkenjima was SO hyped and then it was just 😐 so we could learn a lesson 😐 smh. so funny how at the end ange was just "see you in hell, eva, need to go kill beatrice ✌🏻" LMAO that seems very aggressive after a whole hour of talking about love and compassion lmaooo but sure, i get it, go off, do what you have to.
UGH the whole "yeah, battler's back. yeah, i just got him back. yeah, he's a bit shaken but he's holding up" omg! bullshit! everyone acted as if that was the GRAVEST thing that could possibly happen and then two seconds later yeah. he's fine. yeah, that was just a scare. AND the whole "no, of course you're battler. it doesn't matter if your mom's not your mom. yeah, sure, you're battler" omg!! bullshit!! the whole thing was presented at first as if it were some WILD revelation that shook the very foundations of everything we know and then two seconds later yeah. you're battler. take ahold of yourself, battler. that's what i mean about presenting something and then immediately taking it back... it's not the thing itself that i dislike, it's just that, structurally speaking, that was a very frustrating way of presenting information. maybe it was on purpose, and if it was it worked because:
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anyways. some time ago i saw folks saying that by the end of episode four you should already have a pretty solid idea of things which, well, seems a lot to expect of me at this point lmao. i guess i should reread the previous episodes cause that's also something the voices of the internet tell you...? so i should do that, obviously not through the vn again cause i'm not insane
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rhineposting · 3 months ago
so I ended up writing a one-shot about the sinners of khaenri'ah (rhinedottir and surtalogi in particular) and for the time being im proud of it so 👉👈
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vickyt-mv · 5 months ago
oh shit i've gotta make a relationship chart of my summoner's s-ranks now that virion and charlotte have interacted lmao
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hulloitsdani · 1 year ago
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Kiran face reveal? In my modern au? More likely than you think.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 8 months ago
Hottest Stand Battle - First Round Match 5
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Stand abilities under the cut:
Enigma: Enigma is able to transform objects and people, including the user, into pieces of paper. For simple objects and animals, Enigma can simply apply its ability. However, to trap a person in paper, the user must discover the habits the target displays when afraid.
Limp Bizkit: It is a pure ability Stand that allows Sports Maxx to turn deceased corpses into invisible zombies, including his own; in addition to reanimating partial dead remains.
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darksigns-exe · 3 months ago
The summoning is one of the best songs
It is *the* song
Still blows my mind every time I hear it. I'm 100% sure that they put some kind of drugs into that song.
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year ago
🔥 for FE Heroes
I feel like Book... 7?? The one with all the Big Booba Snake Ladies. I feel like that one had a chance to be really interesting in exploring the depths of identity and how one feels they've lost too much of themselves to be considered the same person as who they were before, if, like... it cared to be anything but a Big Booba Lady Who Like-a Da Summoner fest.
Plus the old goat guy who turned evil out of nowhere actually had a pretty banger motivation in starting the chain of the Golden Seer but the execution of his EEEEEVIL nature and his plan were dumb as shit
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