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Ongoing research into the phylogeny of Snake Plants. They were grouped with Dracaena due to their flowers more closely matching those of many dracaena family. The researcher has also found evidence that snake plants are young in terms of evolution in African species of Dracaena.
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🌱 Summer Rayne Oakes: Barátom, a filodendron 🌱 #crazyplantlady #plantsmakepeoplehappy #idézgetőskedv „A növényeim ápolása közben mindig elégedettség tölt el. Csodálatos érzés figyelni, ahogy nőnek, és megtanulni róluk, mit szeretnek, mit nem. Amikor besétálok a szobámba, és meglátom a növényeimet, a szívem mindig meglódul egy kicsit. Ők mind az én gyermekeim.” Alexis Ortiz Szerettem olvasni Summer Rayne Oakes könyvét arról, amit ő fontosnak tart az életben. Nagyon elhivatott és figyelmes embernek, aki képes volt igazi dzsungelt telepíteni egy brooklyni lakásba! Leesett az állam, amikor arról olvastam, hogy több, mint 1000 növénnyel él együtt (kb. 500 fajú, fajtátú egyeddel), és minden vasárnapot velük tölt, hogy feltöltődjön belőlük. #bookish #bookstagram #blogturnéklub #booklinekonyvek #plantmum #fittonia #summerrayneoakes https://www.instagram.com/p/CHSwtKKg66V/?igshid=13cwl9a7d9e9
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Does anyone know what these are called? 🔥🔥🔥 . . . . . . . . . #nomenclatura #latinnames #helpme #horticulture #horticulturesociety #whatisthiscalled #gothenburg #travelphotography #plantsofinstagram #dramaticplants #drama #hotyella #darkgreen #identifythis #help #summerrayneoakes #whatisthis #blacktravel #greenthumb (at Gothenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEqjYBXg50m/?igshid=4zvdyd7cq9vs
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BLOG 2: Planten verzorgen
Hoe beginnen aan je urban jungle?
De beste manier om te beginnen met je eigen urban jungle is planten adopteren of kopen. Zo simpel is het Je haalt er een paar in huis en probeert deze in leven te houden. Als het goed gaat en je denkt er meer aan te kunnen, haal je er nog wat bij.
Zet planten op je verlanglijstje voor leuke gelegenheden zoals je verjaardag of kerstmis. Ook planten accessoires (bv. potten, voeding, aarde, schepje, etc.) zijn leuke dingen om op je lijstje te zetten. Je kan er zelfs stekjes op zetten. Hier gaan we het uitgebreid over hebben in de volgende blog, maar wanneer je planten hebt die het heel goed doen en je kan ze stekken (=vermeerderen) dan is het leuk om dit ook als cadeau te krijgen of cadeau te doen aan iemand anders!
Je kan ook lid worden van Facebookpagina’s waarop mensen planten of stekjes ruilen. Zo kan je met heel veel kleine plantjes starten! Je ziet ze dan groter worden en dat maakt het nog leuker als plantouder. Geloof me!
Hoe deze urban jungle in leven houden?
Nu hoor ik jullie denken dat echt iedereen er steeds op drukt om eerst veel over planten op te zoeken alvorens ze in huis te halen. Dit is zeker waar. Ik heb echt super veel YouTube vlogs bekeken over planten. Mijn favoriete YouTubers over dit onderwerp zijn: @SummerRayneOakes @BeccaDeLaPlants @HarliG @BetsyBegonia.
Het is zoveel leuker om planten in huis te halen waarvan je weet dat ze gemakkelijker overleven dan anderen. Dit zorgt namelijk voor winsituaties waardoor je nog meer zin krijgt om je Urban jungle te creëren.
Uiteraard zullen er een paar plantjes sneuvelen. Dat gebeurt nu éénmaal: Circle Of Life! Maar je zal er ook uit leren en de volgende keer doe je het anders. Misschien ontdek je hoe je die bepaalde plant in leven moet houden. Of het nu meer licht is of minder water of juist meer water. Alles kan en alles mag. Je kweekt alleen maar groene vingers door opnieuw te proberen. Ga ervoor en blijf goed kijken naar wat je misschien anders had moeten doen of waarop je volgende keer zeker moet letten.
Schema maken of met de losse vinger?
Eén van mijn grote tips is vooral geen schema maken over wanneer je je planten het beste water geeft. In mijn mening geven de planten veel beter aan wanneer ze water moeten krijgen dan dat jij je schema volgt.
Wees niet vies van je planten. Steek je vinger in de aarde en voel op een aantal plaatsen hoe droog je plant staat. Staat hij vochtig, heel nat, of kurkdroog? Blijft de aarde aan je vinger plakken of niet?
Dit zijn dingen die je bijleren hoe je met je plant moet communiceren. Een Calathea bijvoorbeeld, houdt van vochtige aarde. Zelfs de bovenste laag blijft beter vochtig. Dit komt omdat deze plant eigenlijk uit een heel ander klimaat komt dan onze woonkamer. Hij is een zeer vochtige lucht gewoon en door de aarde vochtig te houden, de plant regelmatig met water te misten of zelfs een luchtbevochtiger te kopen, help je deze plant (over)leven.
Probeer ook te kijken naar je planten. Heel veel planten geven namelijk aan dat ze water nodig hebben. Zo heb je de Peace Lily (de plant met witte kelkbloemen) die slap gaat hangen wanneer hij dorst krijgt. Heel veel planten zien er van de ene dag op de andere wat triestiger uit wanneer ze graag water krijgen. Het ergste wat je kan doen bij een plant is te veel water geven. Daarom kies ik ervoor om mijn planten te laten vertellen wanneer ze dorst hebben. Zo krijgen ze misschien af en toe eens wat te weinig water, maar hier kan je sneller op ingrijpen door elke dag naar je planten te kijken!
Het klinkt raar maar geef je plant al eens een compliment. Wordt eens vrolijk wanneer je een nieuw blad ziet. Kom tot rust bij het vertroetelen van je plantjes. Je zal zien dat ook je planten hier gelukkiger van worden.
Je groen avontuur is begonnen!
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9 Instagram post ideas to spice up your account
Managing an Instagram brand account isn’t easy. It’s an ongoing juggle of posting at the perfect time, engaging on the fly and coming up with new ideas to beat the algorithm. You don’t need to break what’s working for you, but if you’re needing a little extra inspiration to refresh your approach, it’s always a good idea to try out some new types of Instagram posts and Stories.
Below, we give you some fresh post ideas to try for your Instagram brand account. They cover the different types of content: in-feed, Stories, Live and IGTV. Some of these will be easy to implement while others will take some preplanning. The idea is to introduce new types of content to your account so your audience will keep up their active engagement.
1. Give your audience a mind break with a puzzle
We’re often so busy in our lives, rushing from one thing to another that self-care routines can be relegated to the back burner. Instead of posting the usual photo, create one that makes your audience pause and think a little.
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Show us what you’ve got, puzzzle people.
A post shared by Casper (@casper) on Sep 9, 2019 at 8:58am PDT
In Casper’s case, the mattress company is all about relaxation. So it makes sense for them to create posts that reflect this value. Using cute graphics and animation, the company posts puzzles in both their feed and Stories. There’s no prize for those who get the correct answer except self-satisfaction. But using the questions sticker in Stories and the gallery post in the feed, Casper creates ongoing engagement.
The designs are also similar to previous Stories they’ve done, so if you’ve seen it before, you know what to expect. This builds up brand recognition for the audience.
Pro tip: Don’t want to put effort into creating a puzzle? Remind your audience to take quick breaks instead via slow breathing exercises or a 5-second video with soothing music. Whatever you choose, the idea is to make your audience pause in the scroll or taps.
2. Take on a recurring challenge
This can be a daily, weekly or even monthly occurrence. It’s up to you on how often you want to tackle the challenge. To execute this, you’ll need to either look up pre-existing challenges or create one that makes sense for your brand.
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Quite a while ago I did a whole prayer plant care video (back in Ep 31) on #PlantOneOneMe on @YouTube, so this was just one of many plants that I highlighted and that are in the Marantaceae family. I find Ctenanthe to be far more resilient than most Calathea or Goeppertia, for instance, and I think make a great houseplant and therefore sweeps in at #122 of “365 Days of Plants”. In this video I’ll cover where it’s native to, how it grows, where it grows, and best conditions for lighting, watering, fertilizing and more. You can check out more of these videos here and on my YouTube @summerrayneoakes “365 Days of Plants”. #ctenanthe #ctenantheburlemarxii #ctenanthethursday #marantaceae #prayerplant #prayerplants #365DaysofPlants #1PlantADay #OnePlantADay #houseplants #houseplantcare
A post shared by Summer Rayne Oakes (@homesteadbrooklyn) on Aug 31, 2019 at 3:15pm PDT
Summer is a houseplant influencer who offers up a wide variety of plant-related content. For 2019, she challenged herself to post one video a day about a plant in her collection, “365 Days of Plants.” Every video follows the same format and is also posted to her YouTube channel.
For brands, you could also choose a challenge format that encourages your audience to participate and post their own take on the photo challenge. You can also use unique Instagram hashtags to further drive engagement with your challenge.
Pro tip: The idea of this post type is to build anticipation and expectation with your audience. There are many photo challenges out there for you to grab ideas from but you can also just create your own and announce it in your post.
3. Write a caption first, then find the photo
For brands with a distinctive voice, challenge yourself to write captions first, then find or create the photo to match it. You may find that it’s easier to map out your content when you know exactly what message or mood you want to evoke instead of writing a caption specifically to the photo provided.
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Don’t live in the US? Cool, but you may want to scroll past this post because if you keep reading you could experience feelings of missing out, and even worse, you might start to wonder what our social media team was thinking when they decided to post this US frozen dessert announcement here for the world to see instead of doing that geo-targeting thing they’re always talking about, and who wants to spend even a second of their day wondering what social media teams are thinking? But if you do live in the US, great news! These new creamy and delicious frozen feats of ingenuity are hanging out in various bodegas around NYC at this very moment, and will also be doing so in grocery stores across the US in the fall, which means this post has probably made at least some people who read it really happy, and our social media team might know what they’re doing after all.
A post shared by Oatly (@oatly) on Jul 9, 2019 at 4:36am PDT
While we don’t know for certain if Oatly’s team writes the caption first or not, we do know that their online voice is strong. It’s usually more words than the usual brand caption and both pithy and meandering in its tone. When your copywriting is strong, you can use that to create the photo to match it.
Pro tip: Finding your brand voice is a process. Get inspired by how other brands are writing their Instagram captions.
4. Combine a photo essay with a link in bio
In line with great captioned copywriting, we turn to the publishing industry for our next post idea. When your business is built on great content, be it photos, words or videos, it extends to your social media presence.
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Sexual assault in the military is a problem widely recognized but poorly understood. Elected officials and Pentagon leaders have tended to focus on the thousands of women who have been preyed upon while in uniform. But while women face a much higher rate of sexual assault in the military — about 7 times that of men — there are so many more men than women in the ranks that the total numbers of male and female victims in recent years have been roughly similar, about 10,000 a year, according to Pentagon statistics. For decades, the fallout from a vast majority of male sexual assaults in uniform was silence: Silence of victims too humiliated to report the crime, silence of authorities unequipped to pursue it, silence of commands that believed no problem existed, and silence of families too ashamed to protest. The victims are often young and low-ranking. Many struggle afterward, are kicked out of the military and have trouble finding their footing in civilian life. Click the link in our bio to read the stories of six of those men, with photographs by @maryfcalvert and reporting by Dave Philipps.
A post shared by The New York Times (@nytimes) on Sep 12, 2019 at 8:29pm PDT
The New York Times used a gallery post to create a photo essay, pulled quotes from the piece and a caption that combine to tell a story on sexual assault in the military. The summary is there in the caption and for those who are interested in reading the full piece, a link is provided in the profile.
Pro tip: This type of post is an excellent way of repurposing existing content. If you create company blog posts or content elsewhere, use this idea to republish your existing content. A great use case example of this would be an annual transparency report’s graphics being reused in a gallery post.
5. Add product teasers
Do you launch new products or services on Instagram? Instead of directly announcing a new product, use Stories and posts to drive interest. Build up anticipation through teaser photos, videos and question stickers.
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It’s backkkkkk! Spice up your life with our Turmeric Almond Signature Blend. It’s filled with natural, wholesome ingredients including: Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Almonds: A heart healthy nut, almonds are known to help reduce blood sugar. Vanilla Bean: Natural vanilla extract contains numerous antioxidants. Dates: Dates contain vitamins A. K, and B, as well as flavonoids and minerals like potassium, copper, and magnesium. They’re also packed with fiber. Cinnamon: The scent of cinnamon has been seen to boost brain activity and has improved scores on tasks related to attention, memory, and visual-motor speed. #pressedlife #turmeric #fallflavors #fallmenu #fallflavours #almondmilk
A post shared by Pressed Juicery (@pressedjuicery) on Sep 12, 2019 at 12:37pm PDT
Pressed Juicery used a photo of ingredients to tease their new drink, the Tumeric Almond Signature Blend. Since the teaser post gave a timeline of when to expect the announcement, it put a mental note in the audience’s mind to check back tomorrow for the release.
Pro tip: You don’t need to create mysterious posts to build up hype. To time with product releases, collaborate with influencers to talk about new features. In Stories, you can use the poll or question sticker to create engagement with your followers. Make it a guessing game and award a prize to the first correct responders.
6. Run a flash sale in Stories
Posting in Stories can be fleeting. After all, they disappear after 24 hours. Take advantage of this by using Stories for flash sales. In the retail world, flash sales can range from the anticipated (see our last idea about teasers) to the surprising. Either way, they’re short and drive a customer to purchase so they don’t miss out on the opportunity.
This account used Stories to announce an extra gift in the next 10 orders. If you were already thinking of ordering, the offer seals the deal for you to complete the order quickly.
Pro tip: This type of post could be applied for limited stock products, giveaways, or even a quick discount on something you don’t usually discount. It surprises the customer and makes them want to go through your Stories more often in case you offer another flash sale. Make flash sales a marketing tactic and you’ll see an increase in engagement in your Stories analytics.
7. Interview on Stories
This is a spin on the social media takeover concept and a good idea for those who are hesitant at handing the virtual account keys over to a stranger. Use Stories to conduct Q&A interviews with guests. Add an extra layer of engagement to the Q&A by asking your followers for questions and answering them in a new Story.
Domino Magazine used Stories to feature designers. It mixed content like a pre-created question Story with a casual video where they answered the question. This format continued for each question that they put into the Story. At the end of it, they asked followers who they thought would be a good interviewee for the next feature.
Pro tip: To build up anticipation for this, let followers know when to expect interviews to be posted and who you’ll be interviewing. You can also mix it up by live broadcasting it with the question sticker.
8. Broadcast instructional Live videos
There are so many ways to approach a Live video and it’s really up to you on what the best fit is for your brand. The most common Live video approaches include broadcasting events and conducting interviews. Change up expectations by doing an instructional Live video. The interactive how-to video allows you to answer questions from the answer, too.
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Cacio e pepe contains only three ingredients (sharp cheese, black pepper, and spaghetti) is thus one of my favorite last-minute dishes for days you’d like dinner to be as easy as possible. Like a Friday! So today, for something different, come watch me make this live, here, on Instagram Stories at 3pm ET. Ask questions; I’ll answer as many as I can. (If time permits, I’ll make a salad too.) I can’t wait. [Foolproof Cacio e Pepe on smittenkitchen.com or linked in profile]
A post shared by smitten kitchen (@smittenkitchen) on Sep 13, 2019 at 9:02am PDT
Smitten Kitchen broadcasted the making of her Cacio e pepe recipe. In a feed post, she told her followers when to expect the Live broadcast so they knew it was coming. We see so many how-to videos already that it’s a nice change of pace to see an interactive one instead.
Pro tip: Make sure you have someone else behind the phone who can read through comments and questions. If you have an active account, a second person would come in very handy for moderation.
9. Add stickers to your posts
Hear us out: stickers and collages aren’t just for Stories. Adding some fun stickers and other graphic overlays to your feed posts make them stand out from the same old photos. This works well for brands that are visually colorful, fun and whimsical.
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You know it’s a magical moment when you get your shy IG boyfriend to take a photo looking at you 💫 ✩✩✩ Catch yesterday’s Disneyland adventures on my IG story ✨
A post shared by Ciera Chang (@lifewithciera) on Aug 11, 2019 at 10:26am PDT
Ciera used A Design Kit to add stars on the photo. The stickers don’t overwhelm the photo and they’re just enough to catch your attention with their whimsy.
Stickers and overlays are a new trend on Instagram. They’re fun to play around with and if used correctly, will only enhance your images
Pro tip: There are a few apps out there that offer fun stickers if you don’t want to create your own. You don’t need to have Illustrator skills to execute this post type.
With the ever-changing Instagram algorithm, coming up with fresh Instagram post ideas can be a challenge. We hope these 9 post ideas offered some inspirations on what to try out for your brand. Between Stories, posts and IGTV, Instagram now offers a variety of content types. Don’t get locked into one type just because it’s what you’ve been doing.
If you’re looking for even more inspiration, check out some of our recommended Instagram accounts to follow. One industry’s trend could inspire the next big thing in your field.
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Homestead Brooklyn: model creates urban forest in her NYC flat
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The amazing @homesteadbrooklyn (the first eco model) for @jejunemag rocking @responsivetextiles ! Check our their amazing slow fashion. #photography @kirabuccaphotography . #stylist @718blonde @agencygerardartists . #makeup @joshuabeauty @creative.management . #hair @damianmonzillo @creative.management . . . . #editorialphotography #fashionislife #slowfashion #ecomodel #gogreen #summerrayneoakes #pompom #pompoms #fashionrevolution #amazingteam #bestmodelever #stunningwoman #femalefashion (at Pleasant Village Community Garden)
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Curiosity Daily Podcast: Cultivate Green Space in Your Home (w/ Summer Rayne Oakes) and Brains of Octopus Arms
Learn about how octopus arms literally have minds of their own; and, the benefits of having plants and how to get started, with environmental scientist and author Summer Rayne Oakes.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following story from Curiosity.com about how octopus arms have minds of their own: https://curiosity.im/31ijdB4
Read more about the benefits of “forest bathing” — https://curiosity.im/2Ko0wXb
Additional resources from Summer Rayne Oakes:
Pick up “How to Make a Plant Love You: Cultivate Green Space in Your Home and Heart” on Amazon — https://amzn.to/32rRVtv
Official website — http://www.summerrayne.net/
Homestead Brooklyn — http://homesteadbrooklyn.com/
Follow @homesteadbrooklyn on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/homesteadbrooklyn
Follow @sroakes on Twitter — https://twitter.com/sroakes
Summer Rayne Oakes on YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/user/summerrayneoakes
Download the FREE 5-star Curiosity app for Android and iOS at https://curiosity.im/podcast-app. And Amazon smart speaker users: you can listen to our podcast as part of your Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing — just click “enable” here: https://curiosity.im/podcast-flash-briefing.
via https://omny.fm/shows/curiosity-podcast/cultivate-green-space-in-your-home-summer-rayne-oakes-octopus-arm-brains
#Summer Rayne Oakes#octopus arms#octopus brains#green space#growing plants#how to grow plants#planting#gardening#green spaces#How to Make a Plant Love You#forest bathing#new research#new study#marine biology#evolution#planting tips#how to start a garden#gardening tips#golden pothos#morning glories#morning glory#green thumb#podcast#podcasts#great podcast#trypod#podernfamily#daily podcast#science podcasts#science
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Ep 098. Building Gardens by the Bay in Singapore — 1 of 5
Get ready for one of the most epic tours yet—Gardens by the Bay in Singapore! The cloud forest conservatory is SO large, that we had no choice but to turn this into a 5-part series, with this first part establishing how Gardens by the Bay was developed, including some never-before-seen before-and-after shots. Prepare to have your mind blown on this architectural and botanical feat, which put Singapore on the map.
Stay tuned for the subsequent episodes, because Chad Davis and I will go in-depth into what’s growing in the conservatory. If you’re a bonafide plant nerd, you won’t want to miss an episode. __
Homestead Brooklyn’s “Plant One On Me” is a series on indoor and outdoor gardening, houseplant home tours, greenhouse and botanic garden field trips, interviews, travelogues, and more. Write your questions and suggestions in the comments below the videos, on Instagram @homesteadbrooklyn #PlantOneOnMe, or Facebook @summerrayneoakes and @homesteadbrooklyn.
——————————– Cool Stuff ↴ ——————————– ➨ Become a houseplant guru with the Houseplant Masterclass: https://www.houseplantmasterclass.com ➨ Pre-order “How to Make a Plant Love You” the book: https://amzn.to/2Pyv7Ra
And want to be kept up-to-date with all the great giveaways, gardening news, and latest videos and blogs?
——————————– Follow/Sub ↴ ——————————– ▶ Subscribe to YouTube: https://bit.ly/2y1TSym ▶ Weekly Vlog: https://bit.ly/2ReiUDl ▶ Instagram+IGTV: https://bit.ly/2R60nsJ ▶ Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QkpKWq ▶ Twitter: @sroakes (https://twitter.com/sroakes) ▶ Blog: http://homesteadbrooklyn.com/ ▶ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/clrKeL ——————————–
Don’t forget: if you like this episode and the others, then be sure to “Subscribe” to this channel and hit the Notifications bell. This really does help keep the channel moving forward!
from Hub City Landscaping Blog https://blog.hubcitylandscaping.com/2019/02/20/ep-098-building-gardens-by-the-bay-in-singapore-1-of-5/
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Episode 27 of "Plant One On Me" is up now on @YouTube dedicated to Frank M. who was looking for some tips on starter plants for the home. Up now at YouTube.com/summerrayneoakes 💚🌿 (at Brooklyn - WilliamsBurg)
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Hey guys do you know what succulent specie is this? #succulents #succulentsofinstagram #summerrayneoakes (at Giobel Koi Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHhPtG5JzzW/?igshid=wc7frhg421ii
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😍 . . . . . . . . . . . #gothenburg #travelphotography #plantsofinstagram #dramaticplants #drama #hotred #green #identifythis #help #summerrayneoakes #whatisthis #blacktravel #greenthumb (at Trädgårdsföreningen, Göteborg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEgLnubgwGu/?igshid=ljff7z5tkypr
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In your face kinda gal. . . . . . . . . . . . #gothenburg #travelphotography #plantsofinstagram #dramaticplants #drama #hotyella #darkgreen #identifythis #help #summerrayneoakes #whatisthis #blacktravel #greenthumb (at Trädgårdsföreningen, Göteborg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEd2zUyg_Ur/?igshid=zoc7ihe698h8
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🔥 . . . . . . . . . #gothenburg #travelphotography #plantsofinstagram #dramaticplants #drama #hotyella #darkgreen #identifythis #help #summerrayneoakes #whatisthis #blacktravel #greenthumb # (at Trädgårdsföreningen, Göteborg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYe93egoff/?igshid=1lqsyydubgh6z
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Ep 087: Tillandsia Tour – Utrecht Botanic Gardens: Part 2 – Plant One On Me
If you didn’t get enough of Bromeliaceae last week, then you’re in luck—we’re back with the Bromeliaceae Master, Eric Gouda. This time, however, we don’t just cover Tillandsia, but have a look into other genera within the Bromeliaceae.
Relevant links: Utrecht Botanic Gardens: https://www.uu.nl/en/utrecht-botanic-gardens
Utrecht Botanic Garden Tour, Part 1:
Utrecht Botanic Garden Tillandsia Tour, Part 1:
Homestead Brooklyn’s Plant One On Me is an informal question-and-answer series on all your green home and gardening tips as well as insider tours, interviews and travelogues. Questions get sent in via here—below the videos, on Instagram @homesteadbrooklyn #PlantOneOnMe, or Facebook @summerrayneoakes and @homesteadbrooklyn.
——————————– Cool Stuff ↴ ——————————– ➨ Support the upcoming Houseplant Masterclass: http://bit.ly/2FfNxle ➨ How to Make a Plant Love You Book launching 2019 http://bit.ly/2HEr99t
And want to be kept up-to-date with all the great giveaways, gardening news, and latest videos and blogs?
——————————– Follow/Sub ↴ ——————————– ▶ Weekly Vlog: https://bit.ly/2ReiUDl ▶ Instagram+IGTV: https://bit.ly/2R60nsJ ▶ Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QkpKWq ▶ Twitter: @sroakes (https://twitter.com/sroakes) ▶ Blog: http://homesteadbrooklyn.com/ ▶ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/clrKeL ——————————–
Don’t forget: if you like this episode and the others, then be sure to “subscribe” to this channel. This really does help keep the channel moving forward!
from Hub City Landscaping Blog https://blog.hubcitylandscaping.com/2018/10/12/ep-087-tillandsia-tour-utrecht-botanic-gardens-part-2-plant-one-on-me/
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