#sulpicia is musical
tonyfavgirl · 8 months
Didyme's fingerprints can still be seen in Aro's actions, even after her death
There are some videos on TikTok featuring Chinese people recreating ancient paper, ancient blush, ancient lipstick, and various other artifacts, using traditional methods passed down from their ancestors.
I strongly believe that Aro possesses such items.
Both Didyme and he were deeply enamored with humanity's ceaseless creativity, marveling at its ability to continuously invent and innovate in the most intricate and well-thought-out ways despite everything. They made it a point to purchase anything that remotely piqued their interest.
It didn't matter that all of those items were extremely expensive, especially considering the challenges of transportation, given that the Volturi resided in Volterra, and there is a considerable distance between Italy and China. The Volturi, having existed for centuries, had amassed significant wealth. Amidst the books, art pieces, and various objects accumulated over the years, Aro and Didyme actively worked to acquire these items from different continents, even though they knew they would never use them due to the meticulous care they took in maintaining their possessions.
As time passed, Didyme developed a deep fascination with jewelry, while Aro pursued a more mechanical path. While his sister sought out necklaces and bracelets, always sharing her finds with Athenodora and Sulpicia, Aro immersed himself in learning a wide array of skills. His fascination even led him to master the art of Chinese ancient printing.
Aro made it a priority to learn Chinese and traveled to China solely to acquire knowledge. He dedicated himself to mastering the intricacies of their ancient printing machine. Despite the rarity of his leisure moments, given his position as one of the rulers of an entire bloodthirsty race, he relentlessly attempted to recreate the print exactly as he had learned from the mind of the person he had read. His pursuit never wavered until he got it right.
When he did achieve perfection, it, of course, only signaled the beginning of a new learning journey. Aro, always seeking new knowledge, explored different realms of expertise. Didyme introduced him to the beauty of jewelry, initially something he hadn't paid much attention to, as he gravitated towards more obvious arts, such as sculpture and music.
However, like every truly good person in tragic tales, Didyme's life was cut short, and Aro found himself to blame. As the weight of his actions sank in — realizing he had taken the life of his sister, whom he had witnessed being born, whom he had taught how to write, whom he had seen learn to walk, whom he had waited to be older to be transformed and be by his side — Aro came to terms with the harsh reality that, for him, family, despite its significance, was not as powerful as the pursuit of power itself. In the aftermath, he needed solace and something to cling to.
For Aro, that anchor became Didyme herself and the love she had for jewelry.
In perhaps a desperate attempt to keep even a hint of his sister's memory alive or in a cunning effort to convey to Marcus the depth of his suffering (to this day, he remains unsure of the true reason), Aro learned the art of creating jewelry.
In the beginning, he simply observed others engaging in the craft, recalling the wonder with which his sister always regarded them. Nevertheless, one thing led to another, and now, much like Caius with his art room and Marcus with his personal library, Aro has his own workshop dedicated to creating all types of jewelry, from necklaces to rings, bracelets, and more.
Without skipping a single piece, he always creates two: one for himself and one to place in Didyme's room, among the countless other items he has never managed to discard, even thousands of years after her demise.
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nebulousfishgills · 7 months
Behind the scenes for Necrosis please!
1, 6, 7, 11, 17, and 21
Okay let's see here, one essay coming up :)
1) How long did it take you to write this fic?
According to AO3, I published the first chapter on April 20th, 2023 and finished it on October 5th, 2023, so theoretically that's just about 5 and a half months. Of course that doesn't include writing that first chapter and planning it out.
Although, I have planning messages (I wrote my outline on Discord like a Normal Person) that I first wrote on March 29th of that year. So... like six and a half months or so? Give or take?
Damn, when I do the math I'm kind of insane for that.
6) What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
I have to have some kind of background noise, but that's just a general necessity for me. I can't do complete silence or I can't function. My headphones are going like 70% of the day playing music or whatever.
Writing specifically though, and for Necrosis specifically since that's the focus of the ask, typically it was like, rain/castle/fireplace ambiance. This one was my go-to:
Sometimes I'd also use instrumental tracks/playlists depending on the vibes, or even my Emily playlist (the Twilight one, ofc... god the fact that I need to fucking specify...).
7) What inspired the idea for the plot?
Okay so honestly, with Necrosis I just kinda found the plot along the way.
I knew I wanted to do a sequel to Diplopia of some kind to really give myself a sandbox to play in and see where this story could potentially go. But, eventually I found what I would consider to be my three main plot points, what I would later consider to be the three main arcs or "acts" of the story: Mele and Emily's "unwitting motherhood" arc, the ball and the disaster that befell that, and what I like to call "The People vs. Aro Volturi."
Mele just kind of came to me in a flash of inspiration after scrolling through wikis and looking into Life and Death (genderbent Twilight) and to be honest, all of it kind of stems from that idea. Life and Death has a lot of similar beats in the backstory for the Volturi presented. Sulpicia witnessing Didyme's murder, reporting it, having Mele steal Aro's gift to give it to her before he's executed. Regency ends up two-thirds female, you get the idea. Shipping her with Jane was just me having some fun.
One of my HUGE big brain moments was me deciding to have Athenodora's murder be orchestrated by Aro because he knew that she knew about his sister. In the original story of Diplopia (the full thing, not the very original one shot), I had Athenodora be dead just to cut down on the chaos of the whole situation, but I actually took inspiration from Caius' canon backstory for it. He hates werewolves in canon because he was almost killed by one and is utterly terrified of them. In my version, he hates them because werewolves killed his wife.
The subplot of Necrosis with Emily finding Athenodora's journal and putting the pieces together about what actually happened is still something I'm very proud of because that wasn't the original intention of Athenodora being absent, and I'm also proud that I had Thena's knowledge be somewhat of a mystery as well, so the reader only realizes it once Emily points it out when she's delivering her litigation.
Anyways, that was a tangent for only one plot point.
I chose to have a ball in the middle because I feel like it can be a staple in Volturi fics, and also because I wanted to include some more traditional vampire-type tropes. I wouldn't go as far to call it like a "red herring" part of the fic since it seems like a weird distraction from the main plot...
And this is where I admit that the HARDEST part of planning this fic was figuring out the conflict, and ultimately I landed on another Twilight fic staple: Newborn army conspiracy.
I knew that whatever this conflict was, it was only meant to be a plot device/distraction from the actual conflict of the fic, which was Emily dealing with this forbidden knowledge about what happened to Didyme. But this plot also couldn't be entirely pointless because it had to lead to some type of explosion that lead Emily to announcing this information. It was a lot of complex pinboarding in my head. So, I kinda just landed on Newborn Vampire Army and let that do what it will.
Fun fact about that, if in that first group of newborns caught in chapter 2, one of those vampires seemed a liiiiittle personal (the one Emily executes herself), it's because I based him on my ex. So.
Anyways, naturally the last plot point was the main reason I wrote the whole fic. Didyme and all that backstory is an aspect of the Twilight lore that fascinates me because it's genuinely interesting, yet never mentioned or expanded upon and I LOVE fics that deal with it.
I had to leave little breadcrumbs leading up to it, and I even foreshadowed it in Diplopia when I had Emily tell Sulpicia that she was sure "someone [t]here has sororicide on their conscience." Which seems like a highly specific and odd detail unless You Know.
Necrosis was all about showing some growth for Emily. She's been in Survival Mode for most of her life, and now that she's comfortable, she can enter that Growth Stage of living. Diplopia wasn't about character development, at its core it was about me being silly. Necrosis' entire thesis is basically me flipping a fat bird to Stephenie Meyer's dumb and hypocritical tidbit about vampires being static beings incapable of developing. Emily has the ability to care about others and for the greater good, she just was never in a position to try.
Those three plot points kind of showcase those developmental phases. Caring for and helping Mele learn and grow (theoretically this parallels Eleven), letting herself be frivolous and enjoy herself for the hell of it (dressing up all fancy, dancing, this arc even opens with Emily in bed with Heidi to explore her sexuality), and then choosing to act in the interest of the greater good because it was the right thing to do.
So, tl;dr, Necrosis' plot was very complicated to map out because I had the different destinations I wanted, but had to do some work to chart the courses.
11) Was there a scene you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
To be honest, most of Necrosis happened as I planned it, convoluted as it was. There weren't many outtakes, if any that I can remember. I suppose there were tidbits that I'd debated about including or not before ultimately deciding to add them in anyways. Emily and Heidi being intimate springs to mind as one of these elements because I always had assumed that they had some type of physical relationship, but only really implied or mentioned in passing. I felt bold, though, and just decided "fuck it."
I did this silly doodle a while back using that lesbian eyeshadow meme as a template (it's not very good, be warned) and I've made memes about them having some type of intimate relationship.
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Something else that I never did explicitly state but I've headcanoned since basically the veeeeeerry beginning was some type of similar relationship between Emily and Sulpicia, even if it was only like once or twice. Maybe in my mind I think the way it goes is that Heidi was very obviously some type of awakening for Emily and when she's confused by this, she asked Sulpicia what the fuck is going on and Emily basically has to get the "gay urges" talk from Picia. Then, perhaps similar to that bit in Game of Thrones with Daenerys and her handmaiden in the first season, Emily has Picia show her what to do with a woman before she tries to work her almost nonexistent charm on Heidi... tbh this might make for a good one shot.
Emily's the embodiment of repression, and she fell into a coven of actual slut vampires that do whatever they want is what I'm saying.
17) What was the hardest scene to write?
"Hard" can have multiple definitions. If we were to say scenes I was dragging my feet to get through, I'd probably say some of the ball scenes because they just weren't as meaty as I would have liked and I was itching to get to the chaos of the After.
Smut actually got easier overtime because I was practicing in private for little personal projects, but the hard part eventually became a wording issue. I've learned how to get nastier with it, but I know I need to hold myself back in certain regards because a) it's not the focus of the fic and b) not everyone is into hardcore smut. It's a balance that must be hit, but as one of my friends put it, "having to be eloquent about it is like pulling teeth."
Hard emotionally, I'd say that the bit in the last chapter when Emily and Caius are talking about outliving everything and everyone they knew. It was my last chapter and I hadn't intended for it to get that deep at all, but it was 2 AM and my brain just kind of led me down that angst ramble unplanned. Finishing Necrosis was always gonna be emotional for me and that just really hit a certain way. I actually had to stop and finish it in the morning because I had started crying over it.
It was the existentialism and my chronic "Emily Leaving Henry" guilt flaring up with a vengeance.
21) What was something you didn't expect people to notice or gravitate towards in this fic?
Something that was funny to me was how you in particular seemed suspicious of Mele and her actions lmao. I can totally see why, but honestly her quick acceptance of vampirism can be boiled down to three things:
1) In some ways she felt like some type of caricature of people who want to be vampires and would be like "yeah sure fuck it."
2) Plot Reasons/Mating Bond with Jane. Mating bonds/pulls aren't technically even a canon thing, but like eeeeeevery fic uses it to the point that it basically is canon. Another example of this is Caius being a painter. Not technically canon per se, but it's a pretty universally accepted headcanon.
3) I'm lazy. Somethings are just easier to handwave.
Although admittedly Mele being some type of twist villain would 100% be some type of shit I'd pull, so I don't blame people for thinking about it. It honestly hadn't ever crossed my mind because my lizard brain was focused on getting to Emily exposing Aro's secret.
And honestly, Emily trying "Caring for a Supernatural Child 2: Electric Boogaloo" was just such a fun concept.
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I wonder if Eleven will ever know that she has several non biological/they're emotionally Emily's children siblings. One of them's also named Jane, how funny.
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effrvsnt107 · 2 years
Aro headcanons because I feel like ranting:
• Aro washes, he is the only one that washes, he’s clean, the blood on his hands is just a part of him don’t worry about it
• He’s a glorified theatre kid, he adores all creative media but has a strong preference for music and art. He’s a quiet commissioner, if you ever get a commission for anything remotely historical it’s him asking the new receptionist to do it for him
• All vampires have a scent that attracts, but from the amount of vampires and humans he’s killed there’s a lingering smell of death that cannot be washed off.
• Given that he probably smells of Lavender, Cinnamon and a bit of Eucalyptus because of his baths (with a nice toasty warm smell of death along with it)
• He’s ABSOLUTELY listens to Lady Gaga and I’m not kidding I’m sure he does. He’s a Lady Gaga stan
• Aro’s love for Tchaikovsky is unmatched as well, adores him with his 3000 year old unbeating heart
• Him and Jane have some sort of father/daughter connection that was established when Jane was very young in England. I’m sure she knew something was off about him when she caught him spying on her and Alec. Alec was more afraid of him whereas Jane could sense danger but still interacted, and Aro liked that because what’s better than a willing soldier
• Chelsea and Jane have a different dynamic with Aro, both being seen as the most valuable members of the Volturi and with an unmatched connection with Aro. He spoils Chelsea with everything she wants (usually material things) because she is the one keeping half of the coven together, he cannot handle her leaving because of how good she is to him. He spoils Jane in an abundance of affection since Jane is so young that she’s more like his child than his coven mate. She also has an ‘immortal child’ quality to her, she would attract a lot of people if people weren’t scared of her. He doesn’t give af, she’s his chaotic demon baby. His little Renesme.
• Aro and Sulpicia’s love isn’t real, he never perused love he just wanted someone with no strings attached, that’s why he picked and orphan. She doesn’t deserve a goofy man like that anyway
• Specking on that, denial is a river in Egypt, ✨your husband is gay✨
• PRAYS TO THE HEAVENS ABOVE that Carlisle will come back to him, he wants a Las Vegan wedding just to stick it to Esme because Carlisle and Esme had a fancy lovey dovey wedding.
• The night Carlisle and Esme got married was the day he locked himself in his study to read the book they wrote together, got high on garlic or something like “why did my husband leave me, I’m only partially insane”. He left Caius in charge for that day to realise that he burned down 30 villages and caused natural disasters to cover it up.
• He makes the receptionist manicure his nails, they can’t even grow but he doesn’t care, all those creams and wax treatments for his onion skin hands
• Gives good hugs, even if he can read you mind while doing so
That’s about all I’ve got for now
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lxciuss · 4 years
{ tag drop }
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;— aesthetic ;— words ;— music 
;— thread
;— open ;— imagery ;— memes
 ;— anon 
;— abraxas & sulpicia ;— rodolphus
;— bellatrix
;— narcissa
;— andressa
;— task
;— wardrobe
;— personality
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volterran-wine · 2 years
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Born: November 21st, 1292 BC on Crete, Mycenaean Greece
Turned: 1266 BC at the age of 26 by Amun’s disciple Djehuty 
Gift: Tactile Telepathy
Joined The Volturi: Founded the coven in 1261 BC
Title: Leader/King
Height: 173cm/5'8.11
Aro’s Fancast
Zodiac: Scorpio (Passionate, Secretive, Magnetic)
MBTI: ENFJ-T: The Protagonist (Generous, Critical, Secretive)
Enneagram: 4w3: The Aristocrat (Dramatic, Energetic, Deceitful)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/They
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𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬;
Aro and his gift; (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) 
All things considered Aro’s grandfather is Amun through his sire-bond with Djehuty, which makes Demetri his uncle in venom and family.
Aro is in fact a big hoarder, every artefact is categorised in his vault.
He is in fact one of the best dressed among The Volturi.
Aro is fascinated by Religion.
His favourite libation is Blood-Wine.
However... he is a lightweight
While Caius is a master of the paintbrush, Marcus of musical instruments, Aro is a master of the pen.
Due to this gift; Aro has hundreds if not thousands of peoples memories and lives tucked away in his head.
Aro smells like Amber, Vetiver, Sandalwood and Lavender
His favourite season is winter.
Aro is a sucker for The Baroque and Rococo 
Aro’s voice has been described as both breathy and sugary, with a difficult to place accent as well.
He loves to listen to The Velvet Underground & Abba (He also likes Queen quite a lot)
When it comes to Love  Languages Aro is like this; Showing: Gift Giving, Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Aro’s favourite guards are Jane, Alec and Renata.
He is in fact somewhat haunted by a brief glimpse of death he saw once in the mind of a human he fed from.
Aro is a lover, not a fighter.
Aro is ambidextrous 
Aro didn’t in fact burn down The Library of Alexandria.
He created the myth that vampires are weak against holy water, 
When he does not need to use his gift he is always wearing gloves to protect his hands from unwanted memories. 
Aro is the theatre. 
His favourite colour is emerald green, usually paired with gold - but he also has fondness for the colour of amber
Aro is the theatre part 2
Aro & Caius camped out to see the fall of Rome multiple times.
He really wants to add a complete dinosaur skeleton to his vaults.
Aro is quite fond of Chess and him and Caius has an ongoing game that has lasted for decades. 
His favourite book is ‘The Master and Margarita’ by Mikhail Bulgov
Aro & Sulpicia’s marriage; (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (5) - (6)
On Aro & Carlisle; (1) - (2) - (3) 
Aro & Didyme; (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (5) - (6) - (7) - (8) - (9) - (10) - (11)
Aro & his brothers; (1) - (2)
Aro & The World; (1)
Aro would appreciate it if his brothers stopped terrifying Carlisle
The most disturbing thing Aro ever saw.
Didyme’s Demise - Maiden’s perspective 
Aro very much is a family man
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He Loves Power. A Terrible Love - From an early age Arenare had been convinced that greatness was in his blood. Ensuring that his name would be passed down from father to son in the thousands of generations that were to come. Even now he could hear the hushed whispers from across the sands of time — his deeds; glorious, his mind; brilliant. And for a split second, it almost seemed real.
I Gave You My Heart -  Aro enjoys a peaceful December evening with those closest to him, little does he know that a certain golden eyed vampire is making his way to his home during heavy snowfall. The king greets his old friend and lover; and teary declarations of affection, devotion and eternity are exchanged on the grand staircase of The Volturi’s entrance hall.
Dawn of a New Day - Aro had watched over the twins for years, biding his time for the right moment to introduce them into his world. Alarming news from a nomad has the king racing against time, for they are to be burnt at the stake. Aro makes choices that could jeopardize his coven’s rule, as well as feeling that dreaded mate pull for the first time. Irrevocable decisions has never been the kings favourite, but there is not much else he can do as a new day dawns.
Echos of the Past -  Aro has felt uneasy for weeks, something was on the horizon. A great shift would occur soon… and he was not certain if he was prepared for it. Meanwhile, his mate becomes privy to rumours; tales from a bygone age that should never have seen the light of day. 
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Relationship Headcanons
Muses of the Arts
Oddities and Quirks
Dead Languages
Denial of Solace 
Check out all my Aro Headcanons here.
Aro’s Playlist
Aro’s quarters
Aro’s Sense of Dress
Check out my Aro Tag if you want all posts containing Aro. (Last Update; 08.05.22)
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volturialice · 2 years
The Volturi start a family band. Which instrument(s) do each of them play?
(This can include the guard if you like.)
aro - guqin/chinese zither (it's all about the Philosopher King aesthetic)
caius - harpsichord but he lacks any true passion for music, he just learned it to be Refined
marcus - sad violin boy
didyme - was big into all kinds of flutes
sulpicia and athenodora - can play the most instruments (they're so bored up there.) especially keen on anything with strings (dulcimer, sitar, erhu, etc)
heidi - glass armonica
felix - duduk (sometimes santiago plays the other part for him.) also into various kinds of ancient drumming
demetri - lyre
renata - lute
corin - electric guitar
chelsea - harp
corin - fiddle
afton - tambourine
jane - recorder
alec - takes out his cell phone and waves it around
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jessicanjpa · 3 years
It is lonely at the top, the humans say. They enjoy constructing these little phrases with which to comfort themselves, when in their frantic quest for power they pause for breath long enough to do so. For what can they know of true power? Their mastery is fruitless. Their little dominions are hardly eternal, and they themselves are even less so. But it seems to console their decaying minds, these little promises that their power, once achieved, has turned out to be only one rung in the ladder to their immortality.
I have held such minds in my hand. I have watched the sum of their machinations flash by in an instant, leaving nothing of value behind but a moment's worth of warm blood. Those of us who know true power—who have held a man's mind in one hand and a civilization in the other, and have watched both turn to dust—know the unfortunate truth.
It is dull at the top.
I did not notice it at first. I was a vigorous youth of an immortal, bursting with new questions and eager to try my new tools on the virgin marble of the world before me. Blood had its siren call, to be sure, but its song had always been flat, mere notes on a page, while the real music called through the air. It was knowledge I gorged myself on. And there was reason for haste; Greece began to fail not long after I achieved my divinity. Perhaps I have stolen the immortality of the gods, I thought at the time. It was a weighty calling, gathering what wisdom I could before it crumbled away forever.
The humans have been kind to me over the years on this count, building up and tearing down their little empires with such reliability. I crowned myself with that destiny again and again, sweeping in to save the jewels of learning from being consumed in the fires of progress. Sometimes I plucked the choicest minds from the closing fist of their oppressors; sometimes I raided libraries as they went up in flames. I had thought I would never tire of the game.
But even the greatest mysteries wear thin when one has wrung them of their novelty. First it was the pursuit of knowledge that lost its luster; then it was the rhythm of the centuries itself. It had seemed so vast and inexorable a tide once upon a time... now it was but the lapping of surf at my toes. I turned my study inwards, contemplating my own greatness and the magnificence of the species I sought to rule. I plumbed the depths of every type of worship to be had: the jaw-breaking obeisance of my enemies, turned coward and traitor to prolong their own wretched immortality. Rivers of venom flowing through my fingers, from those enemies whose pride was more glorious. Rank upon rank of faceless, brainless servants, so blinded by my brilliance that they began to forget that they were each gods and goddesses in their own right. The adoring eyes of my queen... strained, perhaps, and dilated with the most exquisite drugs this world had to offer, but only so she might see me more clearly.
But the rule was achieved. My proudest enemies faded into legend; the poorer ones grew content with their scraps. My servants bowed beneath their hoods, forgetting their own deity forever. The smile of Sulpicia grew blinding in its bright falseness. Her eyes, still fixed on me in stale wonder, grew cloudy with absence. Even my own illuminated flesh tired of its eternal essence: my fingers, once curled on my throne in eagerness and hunger for new minds, now lay there limp and empty, petrified not with age but with disuse. For what is there that is new under the sun?
And so I entered the most surprising arena of godhood I had yet seen: humility. How grateful I became, for any new thought! How like a child, to laugh and clap at the unexpected joy of discovery, all the more precious for its new rarity. Some would name it insanity—for a limitless mind to become so bloated, to so fully consume itself, as to create a new primitive joy from its fullness-turned-nothingness. For a god to have grown so great that he has found himself small, pitifully and dutifully waiting in his crumbling tower for the world to delight him once again.
But is that not the very essence of godhood, to rule a world that has learned to spin in obedience without constant attendance? To sit enthroned, immobile and ready to sample the pleasures of a world stumbling to run and present them on bended knee?
I name it genius.
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Request: Sacrifices for You (Vladimir x Reader)
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Vladimir skipped a few pages in his book. It was massive and had to be well over a thousand pages. Supposedly, it was files of sorts, documents from the time the two were ruling. Of course the book wasn't the original, the original being lost to the fire in the castle. However, they recalled most if not all of its contents considering they had lived it and had expectations in terms of quality within the documents. It was how the two Romanians were, they had things done their way and only their way. Vladimir had just finished helping you bring your stuff to his room since you'd now be living with them. If anything you gave them a reason to stay home. Stefan was indifferent whilst Vladimir was happy as long as you were happy. Although, as promised, he left you to unpack to speak with Stefan. The two trying to calculate their next moves to avoid the Volturi. You were fine with it, immediately putting in your headphones to listen to music whilst you unpacked. You seemed happy enough so Vladimir left you to it. 
Since then, half an hour had passed and you were in the middle of unpacking. You were in such a good mood that you didn't seem to care when you began to sing along with the music, even letting out a couple of giggles at the silliness. Hearing this made Vladimir and Stefan pause. Vladimir looked up at the ceiling with a smile, the book before him now long forgotten. Stefan chuckled. "Is this what I have to look forward to?" Vladimir sent him a playful look. "They're happy." He said mostly to himself. "You act like it's the first time, friend." Stefan smirked. "You know that is not what I was thinking." Vladimir responded pointedly. "I do. You've been worrying over them for weeks thinking they were simply agreeing to all of this by means of sacrificing their own happiness." Stefan recalled. "They didn't get much choice, I just want to make it easier on them." "Vladimir, that human adores you and the ground you walk upon. Trust me, you don't have anything to worry about." Vladimir's smile fell. "I'll always worry." Stefan nodded slowly, understanding Vladimir's pain. "I know." Stefan leaned forward in his chair. "My friend, you and I both know that they've got a difficult time ahead of them but they aren't alone. We're with them." "I know." Vladimir nodded. "I know. It's pleasant to hear them happy for the time being. That's what came to mind." "Did you tell them to not unpack everything? They've got another two residences and it won't be ideal of they've got nothing with them when the time comes to move." "Yes, I did but only figured we can simply get them more stuff if it comes to it." Vladimir shrugged. 
You knew Vladimir was relaxed when he out his feet up on the coffee table, with shoes and everything. It meant that in that moment, he simply didn't care. He was completely at ease and you always enjoyed the sight. He stared at the fireplace in front of him, deep in thought. He didn't look at you, it was almost like he hadn't even knew you were there. Although that would be stupid to think. Of course he knew. You were the loudest in the house, thanks to your footing and heartbeat. You smiled down at him before sitting beside him on the couch. 
That was when he cast a sparing glance to you, the corner of his mouth upturning in a smile. You broke the gap between you both, nestling against him and moving your legs in-between his own. The position would have been uncomfortable for Vladimir if he was human. However, he barely seemed the weight of your legs against his shins and knees. He wrapped an arm around you, resting your head on top of his own. "Seconding guessing? Thinking about your escape plan to get away from me?" You smiled and he hummed in amusement. "No, my dear. I'm afraid that will be you when the time comes." "I don't think so. I like you too much." You said simply with a smile. "Hm...you better." Vladimir smirked, kissing the top of your head before moving back to rest his head on top of your own.  "Seriously, though. You've never doubted me? You'll literally be stuck with me forever." You asked. He hummed in amusement.Vladimir wet his lips. "Being with you...is unable to be put into words. We can try. I can use every word I can think of in every language but put them together and it still doesn't quite do it justice. From the day we met, keeping up with you is maddening." You giggled. "I'm serious!" He smiled. "It has always been a case of me keeping up with you. The irony about it is amusing." Vladimir a smile faltered. "Although I don't dare keep up and...if those Italian scum were to ever..." Vladimir trailed off, looking away. You knew he couldn't look at you, remembering what had happened to his mate. "Do you need some company? For when they come and you have to run?" You asked. Vladimir's eyes moved back to yours. "You and me. If they come with you then I can take that." You told him. "You would do this for me?" "Vladimir, you are the love of my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you- no matter how long that is."  Vladimir stared at you, sadness in his eyes. "Hey, I'm not the only one." You smiled taking his hand. "Aro is married. Someone stays with him despite the disgusting things he has done." Vladimir pulled you closer to him, your legs across his lap as he turned slightly to look at you. "That kind of love is not something you want." "Hm?" "We know lots of things about the Volturi. We know about their wives. Aro and Sulpicia are hardly a lovely couple." Vladimir explained. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Long ago, to be married to a man was to be owned by them. Sulpicia gave her self to Aro knowing that he was of wealth and power. The gifts he gives her are shiny and catch her eyes, so much that she is willing to overlook anything he does. Sulpicia isn't just Aro's mate, she's his possession. He has her locked in a tower. They might be in love, but it's not the same as falling in love with a person. They fell in love with the lifestyle before they fell in love with the person." "It's hard to believe that kind of love is possible. To be attached to a person for personal gain and still it's deemed love." You said quietly, staring into his eyes. "There are all kinds of love, my dear." Vladimir answered softly. "Is that why you're worried that I'm willing to do this?" You asked. "No. I...you and I have the right kind of love. We are solid but it's because I love you that I can't help but worry about everything you'd have to leave behind for me. No one realises the shock they have to go through until they're feeling it in that moment." "Then we'll take it one day at a time. Do you plan on abandoning me after changing me?" Vladimir's expression changed to one of anger. "Of course not! Why would even think of something like that?" "Then I won't be alone. I'll have you." 
As with everything, it took time to really put your words to the test and you couldn't lie to anyone about just how difficult it was to know that the process had already begun. Your family had no idea they'd never see you again, whilst you couldn't forget. It took being informed that you were classified a missing person to really register that this was happening and that your family would never have closure. "Do you need to talk to me?" Vladimir said softly, walking up behind you.  “I’m fine.”  “That’s a lie.” Vladimir said simply. “We’ve all had to make sacrifices for this life.”  “I’m fine, Vladimir!” Vladimir said nothing, staring into your eyes, staring at the tears that had begun to build. Slowly, he moved closer.  “Don’t.” You said warily. Yet he continued to walk toward you.  “Don’t!” Your voice quivered, this time your tone becoming a plea. 
Vladimir pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly. Silence filled the room, other than your soft cries that were muffled against him. Quickly, you clung to him, pressing your head further into him.  “This pain, it won’t last forever. I apologise for the life you’re leaving behind for me. I can assure you that I will spend every single day ensuring that you won’t regret it.” He pulled you away from him, just enough to wipe your tears with his thumbs. “Now take a deep breath. Get some sleep, you didn’t sleep last night and then we’ll see how you’re feeling later.” You nodded, quietly. 
A few hours later, you woke up to Vladimir’s arm around you, a smile pressing against the skin behind your ear before a light cold kiss. You couldn’t help but smile, reaching behind you and eventually settling for running your fingers through his hair. He barely let you turn around in his hold but smiled none the less as his nose brushed against your own. 
Soon the feelings had began in build once more. You decided you need to hear one particular person. Someone who knew what you were feeling. Bella answered her phone upon the first ring. Being a vampire she was now quicker at everything and it was bizarre because then you had to get used to her. "Hey." "Hey Bella, can you talk?" You asked. "Yeah, what's up?" She asked. You paused for a moment, collecting your thoughts and that's when Bella caught on something was wrong. You inhaled. "You know, when I was a kid I felt things really deeply. I was one of those kids that couldn't bottle up their emotions but didn't know what to do with them before they got too much. So my mum would come to my level and tell me to blow, to move the hair on the sides of her face. It worked, it calmed me down and distracted me all at the same time. Although, I can't blow on people now that I'm older." Bella chuckled. "I won't tell anyone if you do it through the phone to me." She smiled, looking at the floor, kicking a heel back and forth lightly. "I think I'm regretting my decision to leave my life behind." You admitted. Bella stated quiet, allowing you to continue. "Vladimir is great and I love him to death but, giving up my life for someone in such a way. It's going against everything I was ever taught and..." You trailed off. "...and no one tells you how to do it the right way." Bella finished for you. "I can't help but feel angry towards you because you made it seem so easy." You said quietly. Once again Bella stayed quiet. She wasn't going to be angry with you for your feelings, not when this is what you needed. "I knew this would be hard and painful but now that I'm actually having to do it I...I knew the decision. I knew what had to be done but now that I have to do it..." You trailed off again. "You feel like you didn't know a thing about it." Bella smiled sadly. "I had no idea what I had to do." You shook your head, feeling tears in your eyes. "It's difficult to talk about it, to someone who hasn't experienced it or is so far past it they aren't really recalling the pain. That I'm forcing my family through a terrible loss for my own happiness." "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." Bella responded with sympathy. It was all she could say because nothing would make it easier for you. Only time. 
 "Vladimir, you're rushing me!" You finally cried out after what felt like pestering. "Darling, I'm not rushing you. I'm telling you that the world isn't going to wait for you on this. The longer you hesitate the harder it will be!" "I'm not ready!" You argued. "You won't ever be ready, (Y/N)!" Vladimir said firmly. "So you'd rather did this quickly so I can feel trapped by you!?" Vladimir faltered, a flicker of anger in his eyes. "Excuse me?" You paused for a second. "I don't know if I want this anymore." You said weakly, tears building up. "I don't think I can give you what I wanted for the future." Vladimir clenched his jaw but said nothing, instead storming out of the room. You squeezed your eyes shut when you heard the door downstairs slam. 
After two hours he came back but he most certainly wasn't calm, judging by the yelling he was doing whilst in conversation with Stefan told you that. You weren't sure if Stefan was trying to settle him or not but bad a feeling that he couldn't even if he wanted to. Vladimir was hurt. Very hurt by your words. That you knew for sure. You couldn't blame him either. You hadn't meant it, you just felt pressured into rushing into it. Even some anger as you knew he was right. You couldn't keep putting off leaving your life behind along with everyone in it. However you were punished for it. 
Vladimir wouldn't talk to you properly for three days. He was distant. With each day your heart was heavy, wanting to resolve the issue but he simply wouldn't allow the chance. That was until the third day. "Vladimir, please talk to me." You finally said. Vladimir looked up from his book. "You say that like I haven't spoken to you in some time." He answered. "You haven't. Not really." You retorted and Vladimir didn't respond so you continued. "You give me the minimum. If I need something you help me, you'll give brief answers to anything I say but really you aren't even in the same room as me, Vladimir." You stepped closer. "I want to talk about this. I-I can't do this by myself." After a second Vladimir sighed before closing his book and putting it on the coffee table before standing up. "Very well." "You know, holidays was the only time my family and I could really spend time together." You began. "Throughout the year we'd all be busy but those holidays always guaranteed that from wherever we were in life or the world, we'd come back. My family want to keep close forever, my great-grand-parents had been the ones to really double down on it and our family has been like that ever since. I remember my older cousins were going to college, I was only a kid at the time. All I really knew at the time was that they weren't really around after that. My parents made me promise that is always be around, that they'd never be left wondering where I was and teach the importance of family to my children." You looked down, biting your lip. "It's really hard to think that I won't be around anymore and they'll always wonder why I left." A tear ran down your cheek. Vladimir moved closer, standing before you as you continued. “I'm so angry with myself, for doing this to my family but then I remember that I didn't get that choice. Once I found out what you were, there was no going back." Vladimir nodded, understanding exactly what you were referring to. Vladimir took hold of your arm tugging you closer to him, filling the gap between you both. His grip was a little too firm, making you think he was angry but when he enveloped you against his chest, you knew he was trying to comfort you. "I don't want to be left with nothing. No roots, no family. Nothing." You said quietly. "I know." Vladimir said quietly. "I know how that feels because it was ripped away from me. Growing up is challenging but everyone does it. Eventually everyone leaves the nest. I had a large coven, many I called my brothers and sisters. Stefan and I were two of twelve leaders. It was all ripped away from me and this is all I have left." Vladimir's grip on you tightened. "Although after a long time, I met you. A source of happiness I never thought I could ever find again. I've gained so much with you in my life and I fear that at the end of the day, I won't be able to give you enough to make all of your sacrifices worth it. I am but one person, but I can give you forever. It's not what you planned or wanted but if you want it, it's yours. I'm pulling you into a whole other world and your scared and confused. That's on me. That is my fault. However, try to remember going forward that this is what you chose. This is what you said you wanted." "What if I don't know I want anymore?" You asked quietly. "Well...that is on you." Vladimir responded before softly kissing your forehead. 
You had grown distant after that conversation, doing some soul searching and Vladimir could understand it. He respected it, even as a couple of weeks passed with this being the only thing on your mind. 
One day, Stefan told him that you were out in the nearest field, looking for him. Vladimir had just returned from hunting and didn't really feel like trailing behind his human companion at that moment. Vladimir gave Stefan a sarcastic remark that you'd certainly not find Vladimir in the field of all places. Although Stefan insisted that Vladimir would want to go to you. It was most definitely worth his while. Vladimir sighed but did so, picking up and following your scent. 
"What took you so long!?" You huffed. "You're inhumanly fast, yet I could have ran laps in the time you got here!" Vladimir sighed with an eye roll. "My deepest apologies, my dear. I wasn't aware you were looking for me considering I have just returned from a hunt." In seconds, Vladimir was on a branch of the nearest tree. Vladimir crouched down on the branch, resting his head in one hand, smiling down at you from the tree. It was a smile of pure adoration and a hint of menace. "I couldn't help but think to myself about what we'd have had if we were an ordinary couple." You began before using the empty field to illustrate your vision. "Our dream house where there our front door has a hall that leads to our kitchen and the first door on the left, we'd make an archway for the living room. We'd put the dining room in the corner between the living room and the kitchen. We'd have two bathrooms, upstairs and downstairs that we'd end up hating because we can't stop bickering on who's turn it is to clean them!" Vladimir couldn't help but melt as he listened to you. His eyes softening as he pieced together his own image of your dream, leaning further into his hand. "Our kids would get the larger bedroom. We'd regret that decision since they'll never pay a bill for the house so why should they get the big room?" Vladimir chuckled and so did you before you carried on.  "Although then they grow up quicker than we could have ever imagined and even then we keep that room empty because we don't have the heart to move our stuff there all because at the end of the day, that was our babies room." You felt yourself grow emotional, a pang of sadness hitting your chest as the vision seemed to disintegrate around you. "Then I realised, that dream wasn't with you. If you and I were to have kids, we'd never forgive ourselves for the constant running and putting them through that." Vladimir stayed silent, his smile gone but still focused on you. "The person I pictured sharing that dream with, doesn't exist, there was never a face. That person could never give me even half of what you've given me and it's just beginning." You began to smile again, widely, excited at the thought alone before meeting Vladimir's gaze. "Instead of a child, we have Stefan and he'd snap my neck if I ever babied him." Vladimir couldn't help but laugh. "So where's our bedroom?" He asked. "We'd get the biggest one. We find places to store the ridiculous number of books you have that aren't even in English." This time Vladimir laughed. "I don't need that dream, I don't want it without you...and I need you, Vladimir. I'll always need you." You said finally. Vladimir stood before jumping down from the tree and walked briskly towards you. 
You continued to wait for a response but instead, Vladimir pulled you close to him pulling you in for a kiss. As soon as he was certain he couldn't pull you in any further, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, his free hand holding your face.  "How lucky am I to have someone like you?" Vladimir said warmly. "You speak as though loving you isn't the easiest thing in the world sometimes."
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Prompt list
Hello my lovelies!
As previously mentioned will I be posting a prompt one shot request every other friday as well!
The oneshots will be between 500 and 1.500 words with a maximum of 5 prompts per request!
Please be sure to send your request through an ask!
In your ask clearly state the following:
- What promptlist
- Which numbers (minimum of 1, maximum of 5)
- What character
- More requests may be send per person. Just please submit a seperate message per ask for every prompt list.
- Only one promplist per request!
Alec Volturi (aged up to 18)
Aro Volturi*+--
Athenodora Volturi**+
Caius Volturi**+--
Demetri Volturi
Felix Volturi
Heidi Volturi
Jane Volturi (aged up to be 18)
Marcus Volturi+--
Sulpicia Volturi*+--
* Aro and Sulpicia can be combined together with a reader
= Aro x Sulpicia x Reader
** Caius and Athenodora can be combined together with a reader
= Caius x Athenodora x Reader
+ Aro, Caius, Marcus, Athenodora and Sulpicia can be combined together with a reader
= Aro + Sulpicia + Caius + Athenodora + Marcus + Reader
-- Aro, Caius and Marcus can be combined with a reader
= Aro + Caius + Marcus + Reader
Prompt lists
1. “Come here, baby.”
2. “Just let me love you, goddamnit!
3. “You are so stubborn.”
4. “I beg you.”
5. “Be mine, forever?”
6. “Please, just stay with me?”
7. “Fuck! I love you so much!”
8. “I have been waiting all my life for someone like you.”
9. “I am yours as much as you are mine.”
10. “Never leave me.”
11. “You are inlove with me?”
12. “I am inlove with you.”
13. “Love me?”
14. “I like how our hands fit like one, like perfect puzzle pieces.”
15. “You are my life, my soul and my body.”
16. “I love you.”
17. “I want you. I will always want you.”
18. “I will cherish you, forever.”
19. “Marry me?”
20. “Kiss me.”
1. “Make me.”
2. “Yes, sir/madame.”
3. “On your knees, babygirl.”
4. “Beg for it.”
5. “Stop being a tease.”
6. “My, my. What a surprise.”
7. “Ride me, now.”
8. “That was an order, not a request.”
9. “Safeword?”
10. “Choke me, please.”
11. “How come someone as delicious as you has never been tasted before?”
12. “Your pretty little cunt is all mine.”
13. “Sit on my lap, babygirl.”
14. “If I have to come get you, I promise you will not be able to sit comfortably for a week.”
15. “Kiss me.”
16. “Fuck me already!”
17. “Did I stutter?”
18. “It is my virginity, I want to give it to you.”
19. “I would be honoured to be your first and your last.”
20. “Make love to me, please?”
1. “Come out and play, little girl.”
2. “You will never get away from me!”
3. “I will cherish you, as your body and soul belong to me.”
4. “Run little rabbit. Run!”
5. “Oh how I am going to enjoy this.”
6. “Scream all you want.”
7. “No one will come to save you.”
8. “My collar looks so pretty around your little neck.”
9. “Do you like it? I made it for you alone.”
10. “The sound of your cries is like music to my ears.”
11. “I own you!”
12. “I will kill you, little one.”
13. “That was your last chance.”
14. “With my ring on your finger and my collar around your neck.”
15. “You are mine.”
16. “I can do as I please.”
17. “Shut your smart mouth before I will.”
18. “Why did you run from me?”
19. “I am the predator and you, my sweet, are my prey.”
20. “I am the only one who can love you.”
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
A Cullen / Volturi Christmas
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Word Count: 2,357  Demetri x OC Cullen Part Two Warnings: Fluff
Esme and Lily decided to have a mom and daughter day and left the castle to spend it shopping for gifts, which worked out well as it was the last castle ‘tour’ day before Christmas. Esme drove them to the mall and once there they began their Christmas shopping although Lily couldn’t buy her mom’s gift with her there and Esme didn’t buy Lily’s that day either. Esme treated them both to a manicure in the mall’s beauty salon. Lily opted for blue nails and had snowflakes painted onto her ring fingers; Esme opted for red nails and had a snowman painted onto her ring fingers. “Thank you mom for the manicure” Lily said as she hugged her mom “You’re very welcome sweetie” Esme replied smiling.
Once Lily and Esme had finished shopping they made their way back to the car “Mom, will you help me with something but it involves going back into the mall?” Lily asked Esme as they were putting the bags in the car “Of course. What do you require help with?” Esme asked smiling “You’ll see” Lily replied smiling as they made their way back into the mall and down to the Christmas shop.
Demetri was surprised when he returned from guard duty that evening to find that Lily had bought and decorated a 4ft Christmas tree that now sat in the corner of his room between his desk and the bookcase. He also noticed that Lily had bought him a Christmas stocking with his name on and had hung it on his fireplace alongside one with her name on. “I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to make your room feel a little…festive seeing as we spend so much time in here” She said smiling at him “I don’t mind, it was just a surprise that’s all. The tree looks beautiful and thank you for the stocking.” He replied smiling, trying to ignore the warm feeling running through him, knowing that he was starting to feel fond of her “You’re welcome” She replied smiling “I have one back home and thought it’d be nice to hang a couple over your fireplace. There was a stall in the mall that personalised stockings and tree decorations” She added still smiling at him “I must admit I don’t usually decorate my room at Christmas but it does look really nice, although the tree is missing something” He said pointing at it only just noticing there was nothing on top of the tree “Oh yeah. Here I left this for you to put on the tree” She said as he handed him a white star and watched him place it atop the tree.  
The following evening Demetri took Lily’s warm hand in his cold one and led her down to the family room for what was supposed to be movie night, but Caius had decided on something a little different. “Right now you are all here; I can tell you the plan for tonight. Athenodora and I have spoken and instead of family movie night we’re going to have a family games night” Caius said addressing the room. “Bella will you shield the other teams’ thoughts from Edward so it’s a fair game for all” He added “Of course Caius” She replied; everyone was surprised that he had asked her rather than making it an order.
The teams were; ‘The Cullens’ – consisting of Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Edward and Bella, ‘The Royals and the guard’ – consisting of Marcus, Aro, Sulpicia, Caius, Athenodora, Corin, Afton and Renata, ‘Lily and the non-veggies’ – consisting of Felix, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Lily, Chelsea, Heidi and Santiago.
Once each team had a name they let the other teams know. “Who came up with their team name?” Bella asked Edward chuckling and pointing at Lily’s team “Felix did. He thought it would be funny and the others didn’t object” Edward replied smiling. “I can’t believe a Cullen is on the same team as the Volturi” Emmett said “Yeah, who would have thought?” Afton agreed “Lily is an honorary Volturi as she is staying with Demetri” Aro said smiling “Not to mention it makes the number of people on a team fair too” Jane added. Gianna was the one who created and read out the Quiz questions ensuring that there were topics for everyone “I have used Wikipedia and google for some of the answers so if any of the ‘History’ questions are not quite accurate you know why” Gianna smiled nervously “It’s ok my dear” Aro replied smiling. Lily’s team did really well when it came to answering questions to do with current music stars, modern films etc. “I’m glad you’re on our team cara or we probably wouldn’t have done so well” Demetri whispered in her ear, causing her to smile “See us humans have…other uses” She whispered back and giving him a wink; he nodded chuckling low “So it would seem.” Marcus smiled seeing Demetri and Lily getting along so well.  
Once the quiz was over they played charades, again Gianna had written down some ideas. Edward tried acting out ‘First man on the moon’ and the Cullens didn’t guess correctly “That was a bad impression bro” Emmett called out once Gianna called time “I did my best” Edward replied. Lily got a bit creative when it was her turn; she walked over to Aro and began miming a conversation with him “Interview with a Vampire” Demetri called out pointing at them “Yep” Lily replied smiling and gave Demetri a high five before sitting back down beside him. Corin acted out the ‘can-can’ which had everyone laughing and as a result her team almost missed correctly guessing the mime. Jasper went next and mimed ‘running man.’ When it was Demetri’s turn he pretended to eat something then fell to the floor with his eyes closed “Snow White and the seven Dwarves” Lily called out smiling, Demetri got up and nodded at her “Well done cara” He smiled down at her. “How do they do that?” Afton asked “I don’t know but it works in our favour” Chelsea replied smiling at her mate.
At the end of the night before everyone left Felix gained the room’s attention “Right Christmas is two weeks away and the Cullens have agreed to do Secret Santa with us this year. I have put all of the names in this bowl so please come and pick a piece of paper out of the bowl to find out who you are buying for” Everyone chose their ‘person’ and Lily smiled when she got Jane as she knew exactly what to get her from the conversations that they had had, where they had gotten to know one another a little better. Felix had picked Lily’s name and made a mental note to ask Alice or Esme for ideas as he didn’t really know much about her.
The Cullens had been at the castle for two weeks when their month long stay was extended until after the New Year at Marcus’ request. Carlisle was sitting in Marcus’ private study and they were reminiscing about the years when Carlisle lived with them when Marcus changed the subject “Carlisle I would like you and your family to extend your stay here by two weeks so you leave mid-January instead of a few days after New Year’s” “Is there a particular reason for the offer to extend our stay here Marcus?” Marcus thought for a moment before answering “No, nothing in particular I would just like to have you and your family around for a little longer” “I will speak with Esme but I do not see it being a problem” Carlisle replied and Marcus nodded. Carlisle sensed Marcus was up to something he just wasn’t quite sure what.  
Demetri had gotten used to hearing Lily play her favourite Christmas songs low in the background during her stay in his room. Once she found out his favourite Christmas songs she added them to her playlist and he was both surprised and pleased the first time he heard his favourites playing amongst hers. He also found that sharing his room with her was easy as she was just as tidy and organised as him, she enjoyed reading and he found himself enjoying her company and the conversations they had by the fire. ‘I could get used to this, to having her around’ Demetri thought to himself one night after they had spent the night talking and laughing about the antics that go on both at her house and in the castle; discovering that Emmett and Felix had more in common that people would think. He also found that the slight burning feeling in the back of his throat when he was around her was becoming easier to deal with; so much so he rarely noticed it was there now.  
Demetri, Felix and Alec were sent out to track down a couple of rogues who were hunting a little too close to Volterra and would enter the city of an evening. They were gone for the day and warned them to move on; however one of the rogues didn’t like the warning and went for Alec and got himself dismembered and set alight by the three of them. The other two rogues took off running and vowed never to set foot in the Volterra again.
The following morning Demetri went Christmas shopping for his Secret Santa; he had gotten Renesmee and bought her ‘Beach Barbie and Barbie’s Beach House’ as he remembered Gianna had told him that all little girls loved that sort of thing, when she’d bought one for her niece’s birthday a few months prior. Demetri bought a gift for Felix and Heidi as he always did but this year he bought a few extra gifts that were to be given to Lily as he enjoyed her company and had started to think of her as more than just his friend’s daughter. He was pleased with his purchases and couldn’t wait to see everyone open their gifts, especially Lily. He wrapped the gifts that night whilst she slept and hid them at the back of one of the cupboards in the closet knowing Lily would never look in there and because it was out her reach.
Lily went shopping that afternoon with Chelsea as they had gotten the twins for their Secret Santa. Lily bought Jane make-up from Mac; two x eye shadow quads, a contouring kit and a selection of lip pink glosses. Chelsea bought Alec a book of poetry and a book containing 365 puzzles; one for each day of the year. Lily bought her mom’s gift too during this trip deciding on a rose gold bracelet with a heart charm and her mom’s favourite bath products. Lily also bought a few extra gifts that Christmas, which were for Demetri as a thank you for sharing his room with her and because she had come to think of him as a friend, although she secretly hoped it would become more. Chelsea smiled at Lily “It’s nice that you bought him something, he’ll appreciate it” “Thank you Chelsea, but please don’t tell anyone” Lily replied “Of course not hunny, this stays between us. I promise” Chelsea responded and drew a cross over her frozen heart; both of them giggling.
Later that evening Lily decided to run herself a bath and used one of her Cranberry Martini bath bombs. The bath was ready and she was in the closet looking for something comfortable to change into and decided to borrow one of Demetri’s jumpers, knowing he wouldn’t mind. Meanwhile, Demetri had returned to his room after being on guard duty that afternoon and could hear soft music playing and the smell of Cranberry coming from the bathroom and noticed the bath full of hot water and bubbles ‘Don’t mind if I do’ he thought to himself as he quickly undressed and climbed in the bath; the hot water relaxing his tired muscles. Lily entered the bathroom in just her robe and dropped it to the floor and turned around to climb in the bath when she saw Demetri laying in the tub with a big smile on his face “Hello darling, I must say...this is a beautiful sight to come home to” He winked at her “Well make some room then” She said and walked towards the tub; Demetri’s eyebrow rose in surprise “I ran the bath for myself using one of my favourite bath bombs…so now we’re sharing seeing as your tub is big enough for two” She added climbing in the bath and adding some more hot water. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him; her back resting against his chest “Who knew sharing my room with you would lead to having a bath with you” He said low in her ear “This is our little secret…if you want this to be repeated whilst I’m staying here” She said as she shifted slightly in his arms so she could look at him “So this ‘accident’ can be repeated…huh…my lips are sealed” He replied smiling and placed a kiss to her shoulder; her eyes closing at the feel of his lips on her skin, he left a trail of soft kisses along her shoulder working his way up her neck before capturing her lips in a light kiss. They looked at each other for a moment before she leaned up slightly and pressed her lips to his; one of his hands made its way to her face, gently turning it towards him allowing him to deepen the kiss “Wow” She breathed out when he pulled away allowing her to breath; he nodded and they both leaned into one another sharing another kiss before she relaxed in his arms enjoying their shared bath ‘Mine’ he thought as they laid there; him holding her close to him.
That night as he sat on his bed reading one thought kept going round in his head ‘How do I show her she’s mine’ He smiled looking down at her asleep in his bed; then it hit him ‘Jewellery.’
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panlight · 4 years
What do you think the Vulturi do in their spare time? Aro clearly daydreams about having his best bud Carslile back, and having Alice and Eddie being his minions, but what about the other couple hours of his days? What about the other members, do any of the vampires have hobbies?
I mean, I hope so?
I still can’t wrap my head around this idea of SM’s that the Volturi (and Romanians) just sat still for millennia which caused them to “petrify” because . . . dust settled into the venom on/in their skin? Or something? I mean even if they have food “delivered” they still have to get up and bite the person themselves, right? Weren’t they still having sex with their mates? Or were they literally just sitting in one place for years upon years upon years? I would love more clarification from her on this because I Don’t Get It. 
The coven specifically are referred to “nighttime patrons of the arts,” so I think some or them have to be interested in art and music to some degree.  I’ve always kind of imagined Sulpicia playing the harp, for example. Maybe Marcus paints, or sculpts. With Caius’ love of flamethrowers, maybe he’s into glassblowing or welding or something–use that love of fire in a creative way! 
I’ve also always had it in my head that Aro and Sulpicia are like one of those political marriages--like the Clintons, or Frank and Claire on House of Cards. They might have their affairs but they are also devoted to each other in their own way, and rely on each other for advice and counsel (part of the reason he keeps her in the tower and under Corin’s influence is that he is always 5% worried she’s plotting to overthrow him--I loved that in Life and Death she did!). They refer to each other as like “dear husband” and “sweet wife” all the time as they do their weird but effective Machiavellian power couple dance.  Aro dabbles in everything. He picks up new hobbies and interests in human minds and throws himself whole-heartedly into one for like six months and then completely drops it. Everything from Sudoku to stargazing to artisanal baking to those rainbow loom bracelets every tween had like 7 years ago. Demetri obviously is into fashion (there needs to be a Project Runway: Vampire Edition with him and Alice and idk who else competing) and probably has a very artsy instagram with faceless ‘selfies.” Felix loves all kinds of games, from active sports-y games to computer/video games to board games and strategy games. Caius and him get into epic Risk games. Sulpicia and Athenodora also get really invested invested. Alec introduced everyone to D&D and Jane gets really into it in the moment and then pretends it never happened later. 
Jane also makes these really detailed and elaborate dollhouses–not to play with, but more as like a meditation, or an interest in architecture.  She and Esme should talk!
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
fanfic writer asks!
Ooo thanks!
💥 - What's one canon thing you wish you could change?
I mean, so many things, but the one that's been absolutely plaguing me lately is in Twilight... give the wives more emphasis and more to do holy shit I will not stand idly by while Athenodora and Sulpicia are regulated to set pieces who spend their days getting high.
🎁 - Have a piece from a WIP you want to share?
Lemme pull out my pride and joy climax chapter for my Diplopia sequel:
"[Emily] returned to her place in front of the dais with the pads of her fingers pressed together in front of her. As she spoke, she paced around the floor like a lawyer to a jury delivering their long-winded litigation."
👓 - What helps you focus when you write?
Many things, depending on the chapter. The right mindset, having music from one of my character playlists or an ambiance in the background, and in some cases having what I want to write already planned out somewhat in my head.
🎬 - If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
I think most realistically His Tenebris Moenibus (aka the original Stranger Things fic) would be the best idea since inserting Emily (my fancast for her is Olivia Cooke) I don't think would be huge feat. Also I'd love to see what the fandom landscape would be if she was a part of the story, namely her AO3 stats. Fucked up people in Fucked Up Love with each other is an appealing trope and I know there'd be many fics of her with Eddie or Robin (I can explain this headcanon if you're curious), and I know there'd be people who want her to step on them. So.
🧪 - Do you research for your fics?
Depends on what you would qualify as research. I google things occasionally for probably every fic (my top favorites are the chemical formula for progesterone and trying to understand Italian seasonal weather patterns), but I think the only fic I've done super extensive research for is Diplopia, and that's because I wanted more information on some of these characters before I started to write (I'm serious, I had only watched the movies when I first wrote it and they gave me almost nothing to work with). I have the wiki bookmarked and I just yesterday managed to order the Official Illustrated Guide from Thriftbooks so I had more of a "physical copy" of the information.
💌 - Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Corruption Arcs/Fallen Heroes. The Redemption Arc's fucked up younger sibling, it has the same general meaning to me (humans are equally capable of great good and great evil if given the chance, no matter what) but with a darker twist. I just like putting characters in a blender and screwing them over, it's a trope I used in my very first "fanfics" and I still use it today. The best flavor is doing it out of love, rather than the villain going good for the hero, the hero turns cloaks to be with their evil paramour on the dark side because, frankly, it's more fun that way. No idea what that says about me as a person, but there ya go.
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cloudbcrst · 3 years
                     technically she was here to join the st. marcus day festivities.  she had bought a beautiful red suit,  paired it with a soft laced bralette and even got the red cloak that everyone was wearing around the city.  but she wasn’t really here for the celebration.  she had heard about the powerful coven reciting here,  and quite frankly she thought their little cover story was hilarious.  it was almost too obvious that a town celebrating the banishment of vampires once a year was actually housing the greatest assemblage of vampires.  ayla wasn’t quite sure what she was expecting from this trip,  but she was close by and her curiosity led her here. 
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                    the young woman had spend most of the day making her way through the small alleys of the town.  there were little musical performance set up here and there,  restaurants were packed with people and the entire place was decorated with red flowers, banners and little flags.  she kept walking until she found herself on the wide plaza,  the center of voltera,  which was even more crowded.  there was some sort of devision happening but ayla’s italian was way too rusty to understand anything that was going on,  instead she used the opportunity to study the people around her.  would any of the members show up to an event celebrating their own banishment?   she sure would.   it didn’t take long until her eyes landed on a woman,  standing out in every possible way.   she was stunning,  her soft blond waves effortlessly fell onto her shoulders and she was staring at the celebration in front of her with a furious rage.  driven by her own curiosity once again and hungry for the story behind the woman’s rage ayla made her way through the crowed until she was standing right besides the furious woman.       ‘ did they mix up the story somehow ? ’      her smile was charming, yet bemused. 
for @faelles​ / sulpicia . 
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volterran-wine · 2 years
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Born: July 29th, around 424 BC, The Roman Republic. 
Turned: around 400 BC at the age of 24 by Aro.
Gift: None.
Joined The Volturi: around 400 BC after being turned by Aro.
Title: Leader/Queen
Height: 168 cm/5′5
Sulpicia’s Fancast
Zodiac: Leo (Generous, Patronising, Faithful)
MBTI: ENTJ-A: The Commander (Blunt, Fair, Imaginative)
Enneagram: 3: The Achiever (Motivating, Vain, Charming)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
D&D Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Tarot Card: The High Priestess — ( Intuition, higher powers, mystery. )
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𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬;
Sulpicia is scholarly in nature, and is endlessly clever and witty.
She was orphaned at an early age, but was taken in by other family.
Sulpicia together with Athenodora is considered to be a sort of of power behind the throne, ruling just as much as Caius, Aro and Marcus does.
Sulpicia is one of the best dressed in the coven.
Of the vampires in the coven she is one of the few that has an online presence, though it is anonymous of course. 
Her voice and tone can come off as quite posh. Sounds like someone who has their affairs in order but still is pleasant to talk to. Like Felix she was Roman and has stayed in Italy the last thousands of years, she has a softer accent derived from her Latin days when she talks; a lot of strong R’s.
Her favourite colour is gold.
Some of Sulpicia’s favourite musical acts are Madonna & BANKS.
Sulpicia’s love languages are as follows; Showing: Words of Affirmation, Receiving: Physical Touch.
Just what does Sulpicia do?
Her favourite eras of fashion is Baroque and Rococo.
Her favourite flower is a Yellow Jasmine.
Sulpicia is right handed. 
If she had to get a dog she would get an afghan hound.
No, Sulpicia does not sit around and get high off of Corin.
Her favourite book is 'Valley of The Dolls’ by Susann Jacqueline
Sulpicia & Aro; (1) - (2) - (3) - (4)
Sulpicia & Athenodora; (1) - (2)
Sulpicia enjoying one of her favourite traditions with Aro.
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A Very Volturi Christmas Party -  In true Volturi fashion the coven is gathered to celebrate Christmas Eve, blood-wine is flowing, music is playing and there is even snow falling from the sky. Follow along as we get a glimpse of the entire coven’s holiday cheer in 8 parts.
A Mother’s Love
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Check out my Sulpicia tag if you want all posts containing Sulpicia. (Last Update; 24.08.22)
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alilaro · 5 years
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  ⚜  Sulpicia of Volterra — A Character Guide.  ⚜
          { all additional information && images under the cut }
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    (🍂 my art 🍂️ )  //  (☕️ ko-fi ☕️)
「more  reference  sheets」: {𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬}•{𝐜𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬}•{𝐚𝐫𝐨}•{𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚}•{𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚}
► basics;
Name: Sulpicia. (Originally Συλπισια) (𐌔𐌖𐌋𐌓𐌉𐌂𐌉𐌀) (𐀱𐀪𐀠𐀯𐀀)  Date of birth: December 4, ≈1190 BCE. Date of turning: ≈1160 BCE. Age: 3,190+. (mid-thirties physically) Species: Vampire. Ethnicity: Greek / Mycenaean. Gender: Nonbinary, demifem. (She/Her) Sexual orientation: Pansexual. Language: Latin, Etruscan, Greek, and Italian, more… Occupation: Volturi; ⅕ Co-Leader. Place of living: Volterra, Tuscany, Italy.
► background;
Place of birth: Greece. Social status: Middle Class. Past relations: Poimnios (human husband). Siblings: Grew up with many cousins after being adopted by her uncle that she viewed like her own siblings.
► relationships;
Romance: Aro/Caius/Marcus/Athenodora. Marital status: Married. (unofficially) Children: Jane, Alec, and Mele (adoptive). In next-gen: They have three biological children with his covenmates—Dideme, Alyssa, and Octavia.  (source.)
Personal guard: Corin. Enemies: Vladimir, Stefan, Amun.
► physical;
Face shape: Round. Build: Heavy, soft. Hourglass body type. Height: 5'4". Eyes: Excited. Round, slight upturn. Thick, rounded brows, undyed. Irises are red in hue, and light, rich brown as a human. Nose: Wide bridge, upturned but flat tip. Short. Mouth: Round cupid's bow, narrow horizontally, but plump.  Hair: Coiled, long, bouncy. Naturally brown in color, bleached blonde in modern times. (4A) Skin: Medium-brown, warm-toned skin.
Piercings: Multiple ear, body. Tattoos, marks, scarring: Faint stretch marks on body. Some scarring. Freckles covering both face and body. Makeup: Light makeup most days. More heavier makeup on formal events. Accessories: Volturi crest. Glasses while reading or working.
Blood type: Mixed. Handedness: Right, learned ambidextrous. Voice: Honeyed, rich, coy. Little bit quick-paced and matter-of-factly. Higher in pitch.
Special abilities: None.
► personality;
Religion: Agnostic.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Myer Briggs personality: ESFJ. Seven deadly sins: Greed. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Enneagram type: 3w2. Temperament: Sanguine.
► favorites;
Color: Yellow, Gold. Season: Summer. Weather: Sun. Flower: Marigold. Gemstone: Citrine. Metal: Copper.
► stats;  (1 minimum – 10 maximum)
HEALTH | ★★★★★★★★ [8] STRENGTH | ★★ [2] DEFENSE | ★★★ [3] SPEED | ★★ [2] AGILITY | ★★★★★ [5] DURABILITY | ★★★ [3] INTELLIGENCE | ★★★★★★★★★★ [10] PERCEPTION | ★★★★★ [5] CHARISMA | ★★★★★★★★★★ [10]
WRATH | ★★★★ [4] GLUTTONY | ★★★★★★ [6] GREED | ★★★★★★★★★★ [10] ENVY| ★★★★ [4] SLOTH | ★★★★★ [4] LUST | ★★★★★★ [6] PRIDE | ★★★★★★★★★ [9]
► other;
Music / My Playlists: { all playlists } ✩ { sulpicia vol.i } ✩ { sulpicia vol.ii } ✩ { sad lonely vampire club } ✩ { polyamorous playlist } ✩ { patient is the night }
Musical theme:  electro; chiptune.  (x)
Alternative forms:
   ↬  Chiropteran/Titan:
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jessicanjpa · 7 years
Sad headcanon: vampires can’t play reed instruments. The water-soaked reeds taste gross, their venom is constantly disintegrating the reed and the mouthpiece, and even if they do manage to keep their mouths dry for a while, their relatively-hard lips can’t get the proper seal for them to use enough force without misshaping the mouthpiece altogether.  (depending on how literally you take the skin thing)  I guess it would be possible, but not worth the trouble or the taste. Edward was such a Benny Goodman fanboy back in the thirties and it killed him when he discovered he would never be able to play the clarinet :(
Actually, most wind instruments just wouldn't work in general... flute being a nice exception, I guess?  Panflutes?
Thoughts on this, anyone?  What instruments would vampires be good at? Do you headcanon any Twilight character playing a certain instrument?
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