izayoichan · 6 months
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A certain horsy is cuddly, which can be spooky.. or he just planned to get them closer together!
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mahvaladara · 9 months
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"I have this nagging feeling I should be somewhere Deus-Ex-Machina solving something. But I cannot remember where."
"Hmm. Must be the plot. "
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mikrokosmcs · 2 years
Luego  de  las  respectivas  charlas  con  sus  mecánicos  y  de  que  Suyeong  reflexionara  sobre  todo  lo  que  Karel  estaba  pasando  y  él,  no  estaba  siendo  un  buen  amigo  o  compañero  al  intentar  entenderlo,  las  cosas  entre  los  dos  se  calmaron  notablemente.  No  debía  ser  fácil  para  Karel  lidiar  con  toda  esa  información  nueva,  con  todas  esas  personas  que  sabían  más  de  su  propio  futuro  que  él  mismo  y  claro  estaba,  el  estrés  de  no  estar  en  su  lugar  seguro  y  en  la  luminiscencia  que  traía  la  ciudad,  estaba  cobrándole  factura.  Suyeong  intentó  no  agregar  más  estrés  obligándolo  a  probar  bocado,  sabiendo  lo  mucho  que  lo  aborrecía  ahora,  solo  dejando  ciertos  batidos  preparados  antes  de  salir  a  los  basureros  a  patrullar.  Se  movieron  a  varias  bases  de  NIMDA,  queriendo  acabar  con  las  prodiciones  de  una  antes  de  moverse  a  otra.  Esos  lugares  eran  tranquilos,  pero  por  lo  poco  que  Morris  lograba  recabar  al  conectarse  con  servidores  de  la  ciudad,  las  cosas  no  estaban  mejor  y  ahora  los  pro-androides  estaban  detrás  de  la  cabeza  de  todos  los  miembros  de  NIMDA.  Pronto  estarían  buscando  esos  escondites  en  medio  de  la  nada  y  es  cuando  realmente,  estarían  en  problemas.  Por  ende,  el  más  bajo  ideó  una  estrategia  nueva,  un  plan  diferente  y  aunque  era  muchísimo  más  riesgoso,  si  se  consumaba,  podrían  tener  más  seguridad  que  en  aquellos  escondites.  Fue  en  ese  instante,  donde  colocó  todas  sus  monedas  en  la  apuesta.    
El  rugido  de  la  motocicleta  se  apaga  dentro  de  un  edificio  abandonado,  cubriéndola  con  plásticos  negros  que  encontró  en  los  alrededores  para  cuando  llegase  el  momento  de  volver  a  usarla  o  si  una  emergencia  sucedía.  Suyeong  pasó  su  capucha  por  encima  de  la  cabeza  y  ayuda  a  Karel  a  acomodar  la  propia,  al  igual  que  la  máscara  sobre  su  rostro  que  le  brindaba  uno  nuevo,  Morris  había  liderado  el  camino  susurrando  en  su  oído  si  es  que  había  personas  o  seguridad  publica  alrededor,  moviéndose  como  en  un  laberinto  hasta  que  alguien  le  abrió  las  puertas  traseras  de  Crystal  Heart.  Su  brazo  se  mantiene  alrededor  de  Karel  en  todo  momento,  la  otra  mano  está  lista  para  desenfundar  el  arma  en  su  muslo.  Caminan  en  silencio  por  pasillos  de  metal,  subiendo  un  elevador  hasta  la  parte  más  alta  del  burdel  donde  la  Madam  esperaba.  Las  puertas  se  corren  y  Sonia  aguarda  en  sus  propios  aposentos  en  la  cabeza  de  una  mesa  baja  rodeada  de  sake  y  té  caliente,  dos  cojines  les  esperan  a  él  y  Saem  como  invitados.  Suspira,  por  fin  pudiendo  destensarse  y  quitarse  la  capucha  del  rostro.  -  —Ha  pasado  tiempo,  gracias  por  permitir  que  nos  quedemos  —  -la  mujer,  con  una  pipa  larga  y  uñas  rojas  cual  carmín  parece  inmutable  por  el  tiempo,  su  negro  cabello  está  en  un  recogido  y  algunos  mechones  caen  alrededor  de  su  rostro,  los  ojos  de  un  color  similar  a  sus  uñas  indican  que  son  un  obsequio  dado  por  alguien  antes  de  desecharla  hace  muchos  años  atrás.  Exhala  el  humo  de  su  tabaco,  moviendo  la  mano  restante  como  si  quitara  importancia.  “Eres  como  mi  niño,  Suyeong.  ¿Una  madre  la  cierra  las  puertas  de  su  casa  a  su  propio  hijo?”  No  sabe  si  son  las  palabras  o  es  la  frustración  de  todos  esos  días  inciertos  que  le  hacen  tener  un  nudo  en  la  garganta,  inclinándose  para  tomar  aquella  misma  mano  y  besar  como  siempre,  las  joyas  en  sus  dedos.  Suyeong  se  queda  apoyando  su  frente  en  la  extremidad,  necesitando  esos  segundos  de  consuelo  de  alguien  a  quien  respeta  y  admira.  “Estoy  feliz  de  saber  que  estás  con  vida”.
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danilatomadini · 2 months
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Sullyvan, also called Juggernaut.
Reached fourteen years of age, Sullyvan started fighting in illegal arenas as a gladiator in order to gain money for his family.
Three years later, the Vanguard noticed his mutation and recruited him as a knight to train his potential, but unlike other knights he was not able to channel a strong enough connection with the Flow, caused by his red haired race.
The lack of Flow skills however, was overshadowed by the raw strength and damage he could do with his weapon and bare hands alone.
Due to the ease he was able to wield greater weapons with, he quickly became the first choice to extinguish larger anomalies.
A bit or lore drop attached to Sullyvan’s art, hope you will like this boi as much as I do :)
Feel free to ask questions in the comments
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niiine · 2 years
Character(s). Misfit Class + Kalego Sensei, Balam Sensei, Opera, and Sullyvan
Synopsis. How I see the reader being treated in Babyls and in the netherworld in general as you’re Iruma’s younger sibling
Younger! sister reader
-Finished s3 of Mairuma last night so I’ve reread the music festival arc. I just wish s4 will come faster becauseee I’ve been LSS-struck by Lilith’s Red Carpet and the music isn’t even out yet 🥺
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Iruma is a BABY. Everyone around him wants to protect and cherish and love all of him. But you? Oh, hell you enter the room and they’re all either kneeling or cooing because how can you be such a cutie?
Sullyvan treats you and Iruma like toddlers. You want those dresses? Here buy ten each. Oh, you love that dessert? Opera, please bring more. You wanna go shopping? Take his wallet, his bank details, take his whole life if you must. Sully-sama just wants the best for you and your Nii-chan.
But unlike your brother, you’re not allowed to have a sleepover or stay outside way too late. Either Opera will come hunting you down once it’s past seven pm or your whole class will be the searching party.
Opera is much, much stricter to you than to your brother. They make sure that you are above prim and proper most of time. “You’re a lady in the household, (y/n)-sama”, or so. But they’re still as gentle as they could be and always prioritize what makes you comfortable.
No man. And I mean NO MAN, is allowed to come near you aside Asmodeous Alice (and somehow the other misfits as well). Pray that no one would dare to walk you home because,
“Apologies, (y/n)-sama. I thought you’re being kidnapped” “OPERA-SAN WE’RE LITERALLY GOING HOME” you’re freaking out at how bloody the nose of your friend is.
At class, you’re seated between Alice and Lead because Azzazz thinks that he should be in the middle of you and your brother so he can protect both of you in case somethings happens. And Lead insists that he must be beside you because you’re his “Baby sister.”
Ofc you’re part of the Iruma gang but you spend time with the other circle from time to time as well. One of your favorites is Nee-san and Krocell because you’ve never had a big sis and these two are doing good at the job. Sometimes they dress you up like a doll with Clarin just bringing out the most random (but cute) clothing from her pockets.
Jazzy and Garp spoils you rotten. You’re their princess and they call you as such. Jazzy loves to bring you shiny gems and jewelries that he bought because “You’re special” and then he’ll ruffle your hair. He will also let you play with his familiar.
Garp would cook for you. You’re tired of the foods from the cafeteria? Open up the kitchen of the royal one! You want sweets? He always keeps sweets. Garp also blows wind at you if you feel hot due to the weather.
When you’re tired, or if you just need it—like in the harvest festival, Agares is assigned to make you comfortable. Yes, the misfits have talked about it. They have no doubt about your strength and ability, you’re Iruma’s sister after all, but “What if the bugs and other insects bite her? We can’t have that!” Cue, Agares building a whole castle for you (As well as for him and Garp). When other students took shelter in the said place, he made sure you still have the Luxury of space and as comfortable as you can be. Even though you argue that no, you can fight, and a cramped space is fine for you.
Babe, you should have seen the way the other girls look at you with playful jealousy as Agares dotes on you.
Allocer and Sabnock helps with your study. It’s a great help when you feel a bit pressured at Azzazz’s teachings. Besides, you can’t add to his luggage anymore (a.k.a Iruma and Clarin). Sabnock mostly teaches you about the Demon king, but he’s also pretty good when it comes to other subjects. He’s gentle and caring, being the big brother that he is.
Aloocer, on the other hand, is a much stricter tutor. He gave you assignments and pointers. But his work certainly help you pass every exam, most of the time even sharing it to your brother when you two study at home.
Camui is also one of your favorite classmates. He’s not allowed of course to hog you, as the other twelve will go after his head, and he wouldn’t do that as well to the class’s baby! Because of him you can pet animals and beasts (With the help of Krocell) without getting hurt.
Sometimes you will hang out with Iruma and Lead and it’s so cute because it looks like two babies trying to protect a smaller baby. The two of them will spoil you as well and you’ll be the one to decide what to eat, what to play, or what to do for the day or for that specific time.
Purson Soi also gives you a special treatment. If he vanishes and the class can’t find him, one call from you and puff! He’s there. You don’t want to talk to that schoolmate who keeps asking you out? Big brother Soi will make sure your presence is gone in a moment.
It’s very subtle and he still treats just like the whole class, but Kalego-sensei just seems to “miss” if you’ve done something wrong. Or he would just let it slide “very unnoticeable” if it’s about you.
And Balam-sensei? You remembered how scared he was the first time Iruma told him that he’s a human? That’s he’s reaction to you up until now. The professor wouldn’t even touch without thinking that he’ll break your soft body. Tell him that it’s fine though because the man wouldn’t even breathe the same air as you in fear of intoxicating you.
BigBro!Iruma in Evil Cycle is the cream of the crop. All hands off of you. All eyes off of you. “You want something now, Princess?” Say you want the whole netherworld and it’ll be at your feet. He wouldn’t barricade you or anything, but his eyes will be watching you and anyone around you. 
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meantohim · 19 hours
WHOOF EXCITED FOR "Silence hill 2 REMADE".....
Hears mine...... the characterof Walter Sullyvan was invented when masahiro ito saw a can of wet cat food at the store
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voldrinofthenorth · 3 months
Oh boy, Pontiff Sullyvan looks great after her transition!
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feith-rikya · 10 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade. Feel free to ask any questions!
Samuel Sharabi & Danya Ventranov:
Their paths first converged at London's inaugural coterie gala. Samuel Sharabi, adorned with the mantle of a Sabbath representative and the esteemed title of Archbishop, crossed destinies with Danya Ventranov. a humble member of the government and a skillful PR professional, stood at a different rung of the social ladder.
In the enchanting ambience of the gala, the two Ravnos moved in tandem, their dance echoing with the unmistakable ferocity of their clan. Samuel, a man known for his brusque and morally ambiguous tendencies, may have exuded a certain coarseness, but Danya couldn't help but admire the ascent of a fellow clan member, even if tainted by the antitribu distinction. There was a hint of amusement in her perception of him, a strange charm in his audacity. In Samuel's eyes, she appeared as a mere, naive girl who might serve a momentary dalliance.
Yet, it was this 'naive girl' who would one day perform an act of extraordinary consequence. On the day of Ekron's demise, She unveiled the insidious intentions of Sullyvan, the tzimisce leader of the black hand, regarding the Key of Ekron. Realizing that this revelation didn't originate from Samuel's orders, she offered this vital tip, potentially sparing his life.
In true Sabbath fashion, Samuel felt compelled to reciprocate this favor, mindful of the dark principles that underpinned his faction. The opportune moment arose when Luc Gossens, the leader of the London Coterie, recklessly challenged Devon Eskarra to a public duel. The duel's public spectacle attracted the attention of even the mortal world, and the Camarilla's ire descended upon them like a tempest.
Samuel reached out to Danya, He proposed that, by embracing the Sabbath, they could temporarily fend off the Camarilla's pursuit. With reluctant acceptance, they embarked on this transformative journey, effectively ousting Luc and ushering Elizabeth into a leadership role. It was a favor wrapped in intricate politics, but it granted the London Coterie a precious chance to continue their struggle in the unforgiving shadows of London's supernatural realm.
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ylqart · 3 months
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Here we go again, it's soon artfight time !
I choose the team Stardust this year so I made this little profile pic for the occasion !
Can't wait to fight y'all there.
I still have to prepare a lot of things especially Zachary character sheet and William's but heeey getting there !
I also need to add my baby Sullyvan in it 👀
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bigmack2go · 5 months
Whenever i hear the name sullivan i think if that one ATWOW fanfiction that was human AU and nateyam had a van that he escorted all the sullys +spider in and everyone called it the Sullyvan
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izayoichan · 6 months
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You and me, we are good company. 🎶
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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Syra: -thinking, ignoring the drama and bickering- Must go on the missing people’s Reddit page to see if there’s anything new on the “Lysander Case”. 
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mikrokosmcs · 2 years
Sully, ¿cuándo le vas a pedir el número al ángel que cantaba en el andén del metro? /eye
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Un  largo  suspiro  abandona  sus  labios,  su  espalda  acomodándose  en  la  silla  de  su  mesa  de  trabajo  y  sus  ojos  se  mueven  hasta  las  luces  que  le  ayudan  a  ver  los  sintetizadores  y  computadoras  mejor.  -  —¿Honestamente?  Solo  estoy  esperando  volver  a  escucharle  —  -no  iba  a  decir  que  se  enamoró  perdidamente  de  una  voz  con  solo  una  sola  ocasión,  pero  era  exactamente  lo  que  le  había  pasado.  El  anden  del  tren  había  sido  perfecto,  inclusive  con  todas  esas  personas  interrumpiendo  o  pasando  de  largo  de  un  cantico  angelical,  la  acústica  del  lugar  había  incrementado  la  belleza  de  su  expresión  artística.  -  —No  quiero  ir  con  un  artista  cualquiera  del  metro  y  preguntarle  si  es  quien  cantaba  aquella  canción,  puesto  que  puedo  llevarme  sorpresas  poco  gratas.  Así  que  tengo  un  plan  para  estos  días,  ocuparé  más  tiempo  en  el  lugar  y  esperaré  que  vuelva  a  escucharle,  solo  así  puedo  hacerle  llegar  mi  obsequio…
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danilatomadini · 2 years
Helmet series: Sullyvan
Vanguard class knight known for his fury on the battlefield and for using his horns as weapon along with his spear.
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capofthink · 2 years
Time Warriors: Old Jenkins (The Cheerful Mechanic)
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Jeremy "Jenkins" Sullyvan, Tio De Zectonia E Tio Avô Adotivo De Morpheus, Nem Tão Velho Nem Tão Jovem, Um Homem de Meia Idade Com Cerca de 48 Anos, Afrodescendente Meio Hispânico, Desenvolveu A Maior Parte da Tecnologia, Que A Sociedade Saturnos Dispõe de, E Utiliza de Veículos e Mechas Altamente tecnológicos no Combate, Com os quais utiliza-se para viajar no Tempo e Espaço, Possui Muita Força Física E Vigor Para Um Homem de Sua Idade, É Quase Imbativel No Corpo A Corpo, E A Chave Inglesa Que Possui Pode "Evoluir de Nivel" A Cada Golpe Que Ele Inflige Ao Inimigo coma Mesma, Nível 0 É Uma Chave Inglesa Normal, Nivel 2, Uma Armadura De Combate, Nivel 3, Uma Caminhonete Pesadamente Armada E Nivel 4, Um Mini Mecha Pilotável, Mas O Menor Dano Pode Fazer Com Que As Configurações da Chave Inglesa Voltem Ao Nível 0, Portanto É Preciso Precisão na Hora do Combate, Precisão E Cuidado É Um velho professor de Uma Universidade, Recluso e Incompreendido, Que busca vingança, Por Acreditar que Sua Pesquisa em Viagem no Tempo fora ignorada, Já Que Trabalhava Num Ferro Velho Antes de Se Juntar A Maligna Sociedade De Saturnos, Devido Ao Fato de que, Nos Anos 50, Ter Inventado A Tecnologia da Viagem do Tempo MUITO Antes de Clock Sendo Ele Um Humano, Porém,  Foi Duramente Criticado E Acabou Não Se Formando Devido A Ter O Feito Nos Anos 50, Quando Ainda Era Jovem E O Preconceito Racial Nos Estados Unidos Estava Em Alta, Caracteriza-se Por, Apesar De Ser Vilão, Não Ser Nem Um Pouco Malvado, E Sim, Um Homem Gentil, De Bom Coração, Gente Boa E Gente Fina, Incapaz De Matar Ou Mesmo Machucar Pessoas Inocentes Para Sobreviver Ou Divertimento Próprio, Mas A Mera Menção A Clock Pode Levá-lo A Fúria Incontrolável, Já Que Ele Deseja Matar Clock E Se Vingar, Para Provar Que É O Verdadeiro Gênio da Viagem No Tempo, Que Sua Tecnologia É Superior, E Que Todos os Luxos e riquezas que Clock Dispõe, Deveria Ser Ele A Ter, Uma Referência a Emmet Brown, de “De Volta para O Futuro”.
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svgdemon-design · 2 years
Monster Training SVG, Monsters Inc SVG, Mike Wazowski SVG, Boo Sullyvan SVG DXF EPS PNG
Monster Training SVG, Monsters Inc SVG, Mike Wazowski SVG, Boo Sullyvan SVG DXF EPS PNG
Monster Training SVG, Monsters Inc SVG, Mike Wazowski SVG, Boo Sullyvan SVG DXF EPS PNG ♥Warmly Welcome To Our Store!♥ Are you looking for original and cute high quality clip art images to use in your projects? You’ve come to the right place!! You can use them for tshirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card…
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