#sully x akara
urbisie · 6 years
When my OTP is having a cute moment
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georgiewatkins · 5 years
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“Akara is playing with her chocolate brown hair, and he coils a long strand over his upper lip in a fake mustache. Sulli cracks a smile and shoves his chest.”
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kategorema · 6 years
The sideships in Tangled Like Us are going strong and I’m living too bad there weren’t any cobaveira breadcrumbs though
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camitrikotova · 7 years
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Like Us Challenge- Day 7 OTP or BROTP?
Julli (Jack x Sullivan) 
Jack approaches and catches her gaze. 
“You must be Jack,” Sulli holds out her hand. 
Jack falters for a brief second. “Um...I’m Jack” 
“Jack Highland” she adds, their handshake lasting a long beat. 
“Have you ever been attracted to someone? Have you ever thought about hooking up?” 
I swear they’re acting like they’re the only two in the room. They’ve blocked us out. 
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lunadonelly · 7 years
guess who's through with Lovers like us (this girl)
I loved every bit of it! I definitely fell even more in love with sulli x akara than I already was and don't get me started on how much I loved the dynamics between Luna and Donnelly! I ship it 💗🙊
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lunasdonnelly · 5 years
nobody puts baby in the corner
Pairing: Luna Hale x Paul Donnelly
Fandom: Like Us Series [ Krista & Becca Ritchie ]
Word Count: 1,239
Summary: the dirty dancing scene in scotland from sinful like us; told from luna’s pov
In the darkened corner of the pub, Luna Hale is dirty-dancing with Donnelly. The kind of sloppy dancing you’d see at closing times from trashed guys and girls.
But her and him—they’re completely sober.
He cups her ass with two hands, holding her like I’m holding Jane, only she bounces on his lap to the beat of the music, and he sings the blaring song with Luna.”
The Scotland air was crisp, clean, and fucking freezing. Luna Hale had loved it the moment she’d stepped off the private plane—everything somehow immediately becoming easier and softer. She’d been in Scotland for a few says now, scouting wedding locations for her big brother, and this feeling of surety—of home—had yet to leave her. At first, she’d thought this feeling was brought on because she was still surrounded by family and friends, as that was her usual everyday life. However, it didn’t take long for her to realize it was the lack of paparazzi—of notoriety—that allowed her to breathe easier.
Maybe this was why she wasn’t completely dismissing the idea of walking up to Donnelly, pulling him aside, and kissing the utter shitout of him. None of these Scotland residents knew who they were, nor did that care that Donnelly was a bodyguard and Luna was a ‘famous one.’ Not to mention, everyone else was wrapped up in themselves and the moment—even Akara had a beer in his hand—so really, if this wasn’t the time when would it come?
The music was blaring, and she’d been sitting with Sulli, Akara, and the Oliveirasfor the better part of an hour chatting about everything and nothing. For the entirety of that same hour, she and Donnelly had been stealing glances at each other from across the semi-empty bar. She was sober as a dog, and she’d been watching closely enough to know that was only Donnelly’s second beer.
He looked even more attractive than usual tonight—which she didn’t previously believe possible—but the glow of his tattoos in the low-lighting, combined with his permanently disheveled hair and confident attitude, was like an aphrodisiac. He was like sex on a stick, and Luna no longer cared about the small white lie she’d told her cousin, Jane. At the time, when Jane had accidentally barged in on her and Donnelly—catching them red-handed—it really was supposed to be one-time-time. But then it was good—better than good, it was fucking fantastic—and she didn’t see any reason not to continue hooking up. Donnelly certainly didn’t have any complaints, and as far as Luna was concerned, it was their business and their business only.
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arthurian · 7 years
The Dark Side of Unrequited
Pairing: Sullivan Meads x Akara Kitsuwon Words: 2k Read this on AO3. Premise: Kitsulli ft “How can you even ask me that?” in Sulli’s POV, requested by @sullivanmeadows My requests are currently open! 
I don’t know how we got here. Only I do, and I don’t want to admit it. This conversation is so fucking ass backwards that it makes me cringe. “Sulli, we need to talk about this.” That sentence alone should have been a tell, but the distance between Akara and I these past weeks has been so heavy on my body that I feel it like a physical weight on my limbs.
We weren’t ever supposed to have this conversation. But it’s starting. And now I’m staring at Akara’s face and I want Beckett or Moffy or Jane here to hold my hand and tell me I can do this because I’m not sure I have the strength.
“Will you please talk to me?” He begs, and takes a step toward me. We’re only a few feet apart, but his attempt to close the distance is enough to take my breath away. I won’t be able to think if he comes any closer. When I take a step back, Akara pales like I’ve just mortally wounded him. “Sulli, please.”
I’m shaking my head before I can think to stop myself. “We don’t have anything to talk about.” The denial comes so naturally, I wonder how long I’ve been doing it. Since Moffy told me he thought I had feelings for Akara? Before?
How long have I wanted him? I can’t decipher the moment where our friendship turned into something more. When the feeling of his fingers in my hair stopped being playful and started setting my skin on fire. When I looked for him in a room not out of habit but because my body pulled toward his like we were magnetized.
“Yes, we do.” Akara urges. He makes a gutteral noise of distress that pulls at something deep in my stomach. Kits. I hate that he’s suffering. I hate that I’m the cause. “You’ve barely spoken to me in weeks. Things have been weird with us since that day on the stairs in Greece -”
“Do you want me to tell you you’re forgiven? Fine. You’re forgiven. Now can we please drop this?”
“No!” He snaps, and I can see the fracture behind his eyes as if it’s in slow motion. As if he’s glass and I’ve just taken a hammer to his most fragile edge. “No, because this is killing me. We have to fix it. Please, just let me fix it.”
I want to. More than anything I wish there was a magic phrase that would make this an easy situation. But there’s a reason I never wanted to talk about this with him. Because no matter how this conversation ends, we both lose.
“We can’t talk about this.” I tell him, hating every word. “I can’t let you. Kits, you love your job.”
Silence stretches for a long moment. I can tell by his stance that he wants to reach for me. When you spend so much of your life with another person, you learn their every tell. The strain of his shoulders; he’s forcing his arms to remain at his sides. The twitch of his fingers; he wants to grab my shoulders, to comfort me. The hard tension in his jaw; he’s holding in as much of his emotion as he can to keep me from panicking.
Only I’m already panicking. The moment he said we needed to talk, the moment I realized where this was going, my chest seized and my breathing left my control. I’ve always been cautious, always towing the line of fear before taking quick steps back from the edge. But I’ve never been so thoroughly destroyed by terror before.
“And what if I love you more?”
This is when I stop breathing. When I’m certain the world is punishing me. I’ve longed to hear those words with an intensity I’m just beginning to admit to myself, and at the same time I wish he’d never uttered them. Because I know what SFO means to Akara, and I refuse to be the thing that takes that away from him. If we go down this road, there’s no guarantee it’ll be accepted the way Moffy and Farrow were. SFO is already pushing too many boundaries, and Akara can’t be the one to break them.
There’s ice in my lungs and glass in my throat as I try to speak. Every infinitesimal speck of air in my chest is a sharp knife of agony. I don’t want this. “I love you,” wasn’t a phrase that was ever supposed to hurt.
Neither of us has dared to move. Not since he took a step forward and I took a step back. There’s some guilt in me, realizing that Akara thinks I’m afraid of him. I can see it in the tight set of his mouth, the upward curve of his eyebrows, and the glaze over his eyes that matches mine.
We’re both holding still, but we aren’t. Pur feet haven’t shifted, but Akara keeps leaning forward, like he wants to reach for me, and then thinks better of it. And I’m shaking so hard I can barely see his face. This wasn’t how this conversation was supposed to go. Fuck, I didn’t even want to have this conversation at all. I’d planned to avoid it forever, to deny and doubt and evade until it slipped away and were just Kits and Sulli again, friends who banter and laugh together.
But I know that’s not possible anymore. Things are irrevocably changed now. And it terrifies me.
The silence in the room is so heavy I feel as if I can hear our spirits shredding; paper hearts being crushed into crinkled, disfigured, unrecognizable things in our chests under each other’s hands. We’re destroying something I thought indestructible.
“Sul…” Akara starts, but he chokes off his words.
There’s so much emotion in his voice that I nearly take a step forward. But I’m paralyzed by my fear. I wish I was more like my mom in this moment - bold and flirtatious and never hesitating to speak from her heart. But I’m not her. My life has been swimming and my family. I never took the time to think about falling in love until it happened completely on accident. And now I have no idea what to do, because love isn’t simple. It’s messy and cracked and I’m afraid of cutting myself on it’s rough edges.
“Do you want me off your detail?”
My responding flinch to his words is so violent that I actually stumble back a few steps. I wonder if he can even hear my whisper, riddled with the shredding of my heart beneath the blades of agony sweeping over this moment, when I say, “How can you even ask me that?”
He eyes me warily. “You didn’t say it back.”
I close my eyes. I can’t keep looking at him; at the pain that’s so clearly written across his features that I can feel it as if it were my own. I know my parents love was never easy. Or my aunts or uncles. They all fought so hard to belong to each other, to ignore the world and dive into their own hearts before paparazzi and meddlers could taint that purity of their affections.
I know that Lily and Lo nearly killed each other with their love. I know that Connor and Rose used every once of their willpower to overcome their own fears and admit they belonged together. I know that my parents were in love for years before either dared to touch the other. I know they all suffered to be with the loves of their lives.
But I am not my aunts and uncles. I’m not my parents. And I can’t bear the thought of being the one that takes away from Akara everything he’s worked for. Studio 9 and Omega are everything to him. I can’t picture him without them. They are so much more a part of him than I will ever be.
I can’t be selfish with him. Not with this.
Eyes still closed, I finally whisper. “I can’t.”
Akara makes a choked noise. Something so terrible I’d only expect to hear it if someone were dying. My eyes snap open, and I can see there are tear stains on his cheeks. He’s still facing me, but he won’t meet my gaze. Somehow that’s the worst part of all of this. That I can see every fracture racing across his heart, and he refuses to see mine. And then I remind myself that I’m the one saying no.
Because I love him, I won’t let him destroy everything he’s built. Because I love him, I won’t take away the family he’s built in SFO. Because I love him, I’m going to let him go before he ever really becomes mine.
After an eternity, Akara finally nods. He keeps his gaze on the ground as he says, “I’ll see about transferring someone else to your detail tomorrow.”
“What?” I start, “Kits, no-”
“Don’t,” he whispers, and it hear it like it’s a plea to the gods. His eyes are bloodshot, red rimmed as he finally meets my gaze. “Please don’t, okay? I can’t - I can’t look at you every day and pretend this,” he gesture between the two of us, “never happened. I just can’t.”
Nothing's going right. My head is spinning. My heart is a broken winged bird in my chest, trying desperately to fly before crash landing again. This is not what I wanted. Denying him was supposed to save our friendship. It was supposed to make everything go back to the way it was before, or as close as we could.
“This is your job-” I start, and it’s the wrong thing to say.
Akara gives a rueful look, tinged with hurt. “I’m off duty.”
“That’s not what I meant -”
“Then what did you mean?” He bites back, and there’s a sob in his throat but he swallows it back. Akara speaks for me, because he always knows what I’m thinking before I do. “That you didn’t want me to lose my position with the Tri-Force? That you’re protecting me somehow? I wouldn’t have said anything if I hadn’t made up my mind for myself, Sulli.
“You were worth the risk to me.” He spits out the next words like they are venom, stinging his mouth. “I’m just not the worth the risk for you.”
He doesn’t wait for me to reply. He just shakes his head and towards toward the door. “I’ll have someone from Alpha here tomorrow,” is all he says, before he walks away.
I don’t chase after him, even though I want to. I’m caught on his words, replaying them over and over in my mind. You were worth the risk to me. But it’s not the sentence itself. It’s the were. Past tense. Like he’s already changed his mind. Like our ten minute conversation changes everything he felt about me.
This is the dark side of unrequited. We’re both drowning in rejection, when I know we both ache to push ourselves together until we can’t distinguish where one starts and the other ends. Even as I sink to the ground in my entryway, head in my hands, I tell myself I’ve done that right thing. That Akara will thank me someday for not letting him throw his career away.
I hope I’m not lying to myself. I hope I am.
I can’t tell what’s worse; watching the person you love learn to be happy without you, or knowing you might be the thing that broke them.
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kyoungbinnie · 7 years
rosecallloway replied to your post: hey :) so the first dlu book was absolutely a huge...
“unless they burnt this book and rewrote it” I want this SO bad!!!! luna was my fave addicted kid and I was so disappointed with her too :// charlie was the only saving grace and he had 2 short af scenes ugh
and I heard they’re not going to change anything in llu ?? lmao already changing stuff in llu isn’t going to make dlu better but wow! this series is going down faster than I thought possible
honestly, charlie and sulli (if i forget about her relationship with akara) are the only 2 i could read about and feel kinda happy with. and to make everything worse, i watched the live chat so now i’m like Goodbye™  basically the majority of the relationships are gonna be with the bodyguards, so there goes sulli x akara (which i’m all cringey~ about), they don’t even know if the third book is also gonna be moffy & farrow and when questioned about ch 40&41, they said this was exactly how the core 6 should have reacted because they questioned each other all throughout the addicted series which....................... i guess they wrote 10 books i didn’t read properly, idk. 
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urbisie · 6 years
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*Screenshot from Krista & Becca Ritchie's instagram post*
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lunadonelly · 7 years
well I already ship Sulli and Akara and this hasn't even been her book yet 😂
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arthurian · 6 years
Rattle the Stars
Pairing: Luna Hale x Paul Donnelly Chapter: 4 / 10 (?) Premise:  Luna and Donnelly become fast friends, but things get a little complicated when they add some extra benefits into the mix. Find previous chapters here.
The early morning mail routine is my least favorite part of the day. Being awake before dawn and crowding into Quinn and Thatcher’s living room is bad enough, before you realize what could be in any number of the boxes lining the walls. Fans and assholes alike send any number of things. Love letters are just as common as accusations and insults. When Farrow was on Lily’s detail, he used to find sex toys nearly every day. He told me once that some looked used. Once, one of the kids even got roadkill in their mail. An actual dead animal stuffed into a box and set on their doorstep.
Suffice to say, I hate mail routine.
The SFO townhouse living room is identical to Luna, Moffy, and Jane’s, minus the ugly furniture. Quinn and Thatcher keep it sparse. There’s only a few select items of furniture, all in neutral colors. The walls hold no decoration. Compared to my own apartment, the place barely even feels lived in.
Laundry baskets line the walls, each labeled with a client’s name. We’ve only been sorting for thirty minutes, but Maximoff and Sulli’s baskets are already overflowing. The pair of them accept almost everything from fans. Maximoff even designates an hour to reading his letters and giving shoutouts for kind words on Twitter. In stark contrast, Charlie’s basket is near empty. Ninety-eight percent of what he receives is stuffed into a black, heavy duty trash bag by Oscar.
My own pile dwindles, though not to the same extent. Beckett is private, despite having grown up in the spotlight and being famed across New York for his talent in ballet. I save the letters and gifts I think he may find most interesting, but most of what he receives isn’t anything he would enjoy. Almost everything would make him uncomfortable, so I trash a good portion with little regret.
“Do you think I should be throwing this stuff away?” Quinn pipes up, and all heads swivel towards him. He’s holding a package in his hands like he’s afraid it might bite him. The poor kid is always wrestling with indecision, wondering if he’s doing his job the right way.
Akara asks, “What is it?”
Quinn blanches a little. He’s worried about invading Luna’s privacy by sharing too much information with us. “It’s… Well, Andrew still sends Luna stuff.”
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