#sukuken is real
waterwizardcat · 10 months
I'll keep spreading my "sukuna and kenny had a one night stand back in heian era" agenda, it's extremely reasonable you have to believe me
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cursedvibes · 5 months
Sukuna and uraume for the character ask? :D
Thank you for the ask!
favourite thing about them
His backstory. Starts with how he was born (or created), how he grew up and became who he is now and most importantly what role Kenjaku and Tengen played in all this because they definitely meddled with him and his body in some way even before he was turned into a cursed object. Could honestly spend hours theorizing about it. Getting some more concrete details on his twin has me vibrating (even if it makes me ask more questions about Jin than Sukuna in particular). Hope we're soon getting our Heian flashback.
least favourite thing about them
His personality is honestly starting to grate on me a bit the more we are exposed to him. The way the Shinjuku Showdown is structured is definitely not helping there. Bit of a mix of him just standing around for 20 chapters and waiting to be attacked being quite boring and his whole petty schoolyard bully schtick is annoying me. Also I think his "might makes right" and hedonistic philosophy is quite boring. I think even Uraume's interpretation of it is more interesting than his.
favourite line
"You are but a fish on my chopping board, Gojo Satoru. A bit fresher than other, but still just a nameless fish. Let's start by peeling off your scales."
"No matter how many times I break his soul, he'll get right back up. Because he possesses and indomitable ideal." (kind of cheating because this is about Yuuji)
Gojo maybe? As a sort of friends with benefits (sex and/or fighting) thing.
Uraume. Pretty much my only real ship with him, mostly because I like him the most when he is around them. Shows a more interesting side with him, how he interacts with people he is close to, despite both of them denying that they need to connect to people like that and that those emotions are beneath them.
Generally don't like him in ships because his personality turns me off, but in particular SukuIta, SukuKen and SukuFushi.
random headcanon
He can't see very well on the right side of his face due to how his eyes are positioned there and I also think that he generally can't see as well with them as with the ones on his left side. Also, due to recent colour pages I'm gonna assume for now that he had blue eyes in his first life and they turned red when he reincarnated.
unpopular opinion
He doesn't look similar to Yuuji and even less to Jin. I don't know where people are seeing this except their hair being kind of a similar shape, but not even that is true. Also OG > Megukuna > Yuujikuna. I used to not like Megukuna, but have really warmed up to it actually. Mostly because it looks like an original design. Yuujikuna just looks like Yuuji with tattoos, while Megukuna has barely any resemblance with Megumi and is therefore honestly to me just young Sukuna with black hair.
song i associate with them
Gazelle Twin - Belly of the Beast
To represent his hunger and insatiability
Heilung - Krigsgaldr
His image in the Heian era and arguable also from Yuuji's POV
favourite picture of them
I honestly like his original design the most. It looks...messier? Like a real god of war. Besides that, I also like his stretched ears here. Feel much more appropriate than his very modern looking gauges and also matches the monk robe he was dressed in when dying (although Tengen might've put that on him).
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His mummy in general looks really sick. The match of the clothes and the fallen in face. Feels very occult and I love it when Gege references the Ryomen Sukuna urban legend. Also fuels my theory brain how this might be connected to Tengen & Kenjaku and how much of this was really his idea. Also might I add that he looks pretty well-fed for a sokushinbutsu mummy (so it's unlikely he was actually fasting before his death and Tengen did this post-humorously).
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favourite thing about them
Trans cannibal cook? What's not to like. But besides that, how they have turned their back on society, they look down on basically everyone around them and they claim that building connections to other people and holding on to them makes you weak, yet they have fully dedicated themselves to Sukuna and clearly like him as a person as well. It's not just a master-servant relationship where you could say they merely follow him because they worship him or because of his strength but they have actual camaraderie. And yet Uraume doesn't think that's a contradiction. Other interesting thing is that despite their distaste for most other people and social norms, they are very good at playing into them and playing up being unassuming. Although they are quick to anger, they are also very good at fading into the background if they have to.
least favourite thing about them
They often get overlooked and turned into nothing but Sukuna's doormat. Don't really have any issues with them in canon except that I'd like to see more of them and especially outside of their relationship with Sukuna like what we got at the beginning of their fight with Hakari or when they're hanging out with Kenjaku alone.
favourite line
"The sorcerers of this modern era have an intense obsession with remaining 'human'. They so desperately want to hold onto their humanity, constantly telling themselves to hold back from destroying what would be so easily crushed with their overwhelming power. It is that fear of being alone that makes them weak."
Kenny! But also with Hakari. This recent chapter just reaffirmed it. What are these guys doing?? It's so hilarious. Hakari even still has this chunk of ice on his shoulder. Nothing has changed since the last time we saw them. I really like though how relaxed Uraume is around him and how they playfully tease him. They have already opened up much more to him about their own feelings and philosophy than anyone else besides Sukuna. I really want to see more of it and only seeing glimpses of these two that only bring up more questions is driving me insane!
Sukuna. Much surprise. They are so dedicated to him, that I honestly have trouble seeing them with anyone else. There always has to be at least some mention or connection to him. I also like them and Kenjaku as friends with benefits or just a good ol' hatefuck. Would give Uraume the perfect opportunity to finally make Kenjaku shut up.
I haven't really come across any ship with them that I disliked...well, Uraume/Megumi I guess, but besides that I can't think of anything.
random headcanon
They're older than Sukuna. Idk, somehow they just give me that impression and I think it would make their dynamic more interesting. I imagine Uraume had a lot more experience when meeting Sukuna, but stuck to him because they admire his way of life, passion and disregard for others. Kind of what also makes them like Hakari.
unpopular opinion
They aren't short. That's just a fact honestly. When you see them next to Kenjaku it's clear that they are 1.70+m aka Yuuji and Megumi's height, but for some reason people are obsessed with making them extra small and delicate.
song i associate with them
Had a bit of trouble finding ones that really fit, but these are the ones I chose for now.
IAMX - Animal Impulses
Reminds me of what Uraume told Hakari about humanity. Also of course the murder and association with cold and sharpness.
Lorn - Oxbow B
This is just vibes based. Kind of what I imagine Frost Calm to feel like and it also made me think of their preparation of the Bath.
favourite picture of them
People like to depict Uraume as small and petite, but look at those yaoi hands
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they look very hot when cutting up curses/preparing food (when will we finally see them prepare human meat?)
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and of course their original form. I honestly like that undercut more than their current haircut.
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nyaightlight · 6 months
I’m not super invested in SukuKen, but I do think it’d be hilarious if there was some kind of jealousy/rejection/messy breakup kind of thing between them, and if that was part of the reason Kenjaku did all this
Kenny holding a grudge and deciding to make it real fucking personal like, ‘Fine then. I’m gonna fuck your twin brother and have a child with him that is so fucking cute, and that child will grow to be sweeter and stronger and better than you in every way.’
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waterwizardcat · 7 months
seriously what is wrong with these two
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