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breezy-cheezy · 1 year ago
My friend, I must ask. Have you seen the sixth One Piece movie?
Hello friend!!!! No I have not!!! I was just asking a friend last night where the OP movies fall chronologically/when I should watch them and learned they'trr a very mixed bag so kJHSDKJLFGD
Why do you ask? Is it good? :3c
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jenniferstolzer · 1 month ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @ibenholt
how many works do you have on Ao3?
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Psychonauts and Babylon 5 right now but I've written for Beetlejuice, Halo, Good Omens, Discworld, Transformers, Reboot, and others.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Beetlejuice Family Plot fancomic - 553 kudos
Castaways - Halo - 224 kudos
The Hornblower Incident - Psychonauts - 192 kudos
Rise and Fall - Good Omens - 147 kudos
5. do you respond to comments?
I respond to all comments even if it's just a thank you!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Rescue - Transformers.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Nearly all of my works have happy endings. I guess Family Plot is probably the happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No hate yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No smut. Just hugs and an aching need to belong to someone.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't write many crossovers. I wrote a Harry Potter B5 crossover for a friend once.
11. has any of your work been stolen?
People steal fanfic?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A fellow B5er translated it to Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not past me talking through plot points with friends.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Sasha/Milla is the OTP to end all OTPs.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Aside from one-shots with open endings, I'll probably never get back to my Tron Run/Rs fanfic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good a dialog, the difficulty is keeping the characters from talking for miles and miles of text lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Repeated words. Repeated themes. Repeated phrases.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am guilty of Google Translating foreign languages into my stories but I try to keep the sentences direct and short to cut down on how generally bad google translate is at interpreting ideas.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Lion King? Boxcar Children? I made a transformers picture book as a little kid.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Right now I'm pretty addicted to the Hornblower Incident as it's the only thing that brings me pure joy, but I also return to the Beyond the Rim series, Rise and Fall, and the fancomics pretty often.
I tag @shinyhappygoth, @sukikobold and @radical-rad1986
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insertsomthinawesome · 3 years ago
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@sukikobold Shenaniganry and wholesomeness galore. xD
miHoYo is the owner and creator of Genshin Impact
Please do not REPOST, EDIT, or USE this art without Permission.
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47ness · 3 years ago
Tagged By: @sukikobold
Three Ships: Locke/Celes (Final Fantasy VI), Chloe/Senel (Tales of Legendia), Yuri/Victor (Yuri!!! On Ice)
First Ever Ship: gosh i dunno... Mrs. Brisby and Justin from Secret of NIMH ?
Last Song: Sucker’s Prayer by The Decemberists
Last Movie: The King’s Man
Currently Reading: Wildchild (webcomic)
Currently Watching: Babylon Berlin, Season 3
Currently Consuming: home-grown oranges
Currently Craving: a publishing deal, lolz
Tagging: @sweet-suzume @sloanetheraven @bee-whistler (if you wanna)
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ao3feed-esperboys · 3 years ago
Snowball by sukikobold
Shigeo never played too many games with the other kids in his class. Maybe there was good reason for that.
Words: 993, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Kageyama Ritsu
Relationships: Kageyama Ritsu & Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo
Additional Tags: Snowball Fights, Family, Baby esper bros, a bit of angst, kids can be jerks sometimes, ritsu being a protective bro
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10935045
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marimo-mob · 6 years ago
My List of MP100 Fic Recs
So I’ve been meaning to put together a list of fics that I’ve read and can recommend to people. It seems I’m finally putting that idea into practice so here you guys go!
I’ll provide links to all the fics along with their authors. As well as my own synopsis of what the story was (for some of the multichapter fics). Just a heads up most of the stuff I read is gen/angst and short one shots. Some of these are very lightly shippy and will be labeled as Gen for the most part since the ships usually aren’t the focus. 
Another heads up, some of these fics aren’t finished and haven’t been updated in a while.
Fics  by @phantomrose96
A Breach of Trust  Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Gen
0% Angst/Gen
A Beach of Trust  Humor/Gen
One of my favs. About the what if scenario of Mob finding a master through Mogami rather than through Reigen.
A House Made of Cards Angst/Gen
This Little Town That You Love Angst/Gen
Glass and Water Angst/Gen
A Thousand Shallow Cuts Angst/Gen
That’s the Spirit (by @theboookofkells) Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Life Without Cake Angst/Gen
A bad dude takes things into his own hands when he thinks psychics are too dangerous.
A Condensed Guide to Living With Psychics: by Arataka Reigen  Humor/Gen
Smoke Gen
Gold Stars  Gen
Scribbled-Out Shopping Lists  Fluff/Gen
All short one shots.
Fics by @ruemilly
But All The Void Behind My Teeth Angst/Horor
Symbiosis Gen
An Absence of Light Gen
Interim Gen
Everywhere and Waiting Gen
One of my fav authors, takes on the idea of what if the thing within Mob had left a trace in Reigen after the 1000% incident.
Our Endless Numbered Days Angst/Hurt/Comfort
Release Gen
Holding Gen
Enough For Now Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Graduation Hurt/Comfort/Serirei
What if that last arc had turned out differently and Mob hadn’t survived?
Knife Trick Angst/Gen
Subject 100 Hurt/Comfort/Scifi/Gen
Tarnishing Angst/Horror/Gen
One shots, the first being an ageswap with only Reigen & Mob’s ages switched, second is almost a Stranger Things type scenario, last one is what if Reigen got stuck in Mogamiland instead of Mob. 
Fics by @fireflysummers
The World Keeps Turning Hurt/Comfort
Homecoming Hurt/Comfort/Ritshou
On the Outside, Looking In Hurt/Comfort/Gen
And Maybe...Some Things Are That SImple Fluff/Terumob
Text to Speech Translation Error Fluff/Hurt/Comfort/Terumob/Ritshou
Broken Promise Angst/Gen
A Little Tragedy Angst/Gen
An Honest Assessment Angst/Gen
And Whither Then? (I Cannot Say) Angst/Gen
A fic series that follows everyone through their life choices. Both good and bad things happen. Life happens.
I Have Loved the Stars Too Fondly Angst/Gen
Lucky Angst/Gen
One shot fics formed around the final arc.
Chiasmus Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Fics by SpiritusRex /  @ghoststrawberries
When You Need Me Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Fool Me Twice Hurt/Comfort/Gen
A Lullaby for Gods Hurt/Comfort/Gen
How to Tell the Void “No Thanks” Angst/Gen
Respite Hurt/Gen
For You Gen
Mostly one shots except for the top one. All good, short fics.
Fics by @uncannycookie
Return. Continue.  Angst/Slow Burn/Fluff
Of Cold Hands Reaching Angst/Slow Burn/Fluff/Gen
In Liminal Space Angst/Gen
Holding On (With Broken Grip) Angst/Gen
Devil’s Advocate Gen
A fic about some of the repercussions after the Mogami arc. This is a series but I only realized it recently and haven’t read the main fic. So some of these might be out of context.
Fics by Sukikobold
A Late Start  Hurt/Comfort/Gen
One Afternoon Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Merry Christmas, Mob Gen
An AU where Mob and Reigen don’t meet until the current day.
Early Days at the Exorcist Job Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Better or Worse  Hurt/Comfort/Gen
House Call  Hurt/Comfort/Gen
It’s Getting Late  Hurt/Comfort/Gen
That Was Unexpected Hurt/Comfort/Gen
A fic series just as the title says.
Thorns Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Hospital Flowers Hurt/Comfort/Gen
What Keeps You Up at Night Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Gen
Still Here Hurt/Comfort/Fluff/Gen
One shots for the most part, except the first, that has two chapters.
Fics by Dyingplatypus / @minusram
Do Make Tomorrow a Sunny Day Angst/Gen/AU
Bonny and Blithe, Good and Gay  Angst/Gen
But a Penny a Day Angst/Gen
Upon a Crooked Stile Gen
See-Saw Angst/Gen
At Night I See the Twinkling Gen
-Breaking News-
This is a really neat series based on the concept of....if Mob had been picked up by Claw at a very young age. I don’t think it’s been updated in a while, but I really enjoyed what it had to offer,
The Adventure of the Red Shoes Gen/Humor
A small fic that feels very in character on everything and just an all around good read.
Fics by Entrenched / @kekkai
Extracurricular Education Gen/Hurt/Comfort
Spatial Orientation  Gen
Introductory Phase  Gen
Parental Advisory  Gen
Change of Attire  Gen
99  Angst/Gen
A series based on a lot of firsts when Mob joined Spirits & Such. (But it’s been a while since i read this one so I don’t remember for sure)
Signed, Sealed, Delivered Hurt/Gen/Terumob
A Way With Words Terumob/Gen
Failure to Deliver Terumob
Easier Said Mobomi/Terumob
Mob tries confessing to Tsubomi and asks Teru for help. I think it’s kind of light shipping if I remember correctly.
Fics by @nimagine & @my-ships-control-my-life
The Family That Stays Together, Freezes to Death Slightly Slower Together Gen/Humor/Angst
Hanakotoba Gen
The kids go with Reigen on an exorcism trip and things go bad.
This I Can No Longer Bear Gen/Angst
Fics by @auro-cyanide
Not a Date MobEmi
Friends Do Fight Gen
Some enjoyable little oneshots.
Fics by A_Zap/ @azapofinspiration
Forget Gen
To Walk Among Giants Gen
Fics mostly centered around Reigen.
Fics by @classicteacake
No Talk Gen
Sleepy Afternoons Gen/Angst/Fluff
More oneshots basically.
Fics by Alphawulf
Redial Gen/Angst
Cut Off Gen/Angst
Dial Tone Gen/Angst
Shou calls and doesn’t sound too good.
Fics by @reiqenarataka
He Just Likes Dogs Hurt/Comfort/Sad
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sukikobold · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Serizawa Katsuya & Suzuki Shou Characters: Serizawa Katsuya, Suzuki Shou Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, brief esper fighting, Shou is a tired boy, and seriously needs a parent Summary:
Serizawa's normal evening at home is interrupted by his former employer's son who, for whatever reason, insists he needs to crash there for the night.
Good freaking God I've been trying to finish this tiny thing for like three weeks. And the first section’s been around for longer than that.
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2isted-chocol8 · 6 years ago
Heeeey💓💓 do you have fic recs for zackray??
I do!! And like, a lot! So prepare yourself! Though not all are *explicit* Zackray, they all show their relationship in different ways! These are a lot of my favorites in no particular order:
Oneshots / few chapters
Last resort by sukikobold - Complete
Now that they’re out of the building and the cops have (mostly) given up chasing them, Zack and Ray discuss what they could do for income. Unfortunately, they have very different opinions on what is acceptable.
I like the characterization in this one, as well as their interactions. I had a few laughs, and the second chapter is quite sweet despite the circumstances.
Graveyard shift by reaperzack - Complete
Rachel is pretty sure the guy who always comes in around three in the morning to buy a large coffee with a triple-shot of espresso is a serial killer. He also tips ridiculously well, though, so she doesn’t really care about things that aren’t her business.
This one is hilarious and one of my favorites. I read it again from time to time, and had a good laugh. Is a simple au that works. 
Touch Starved by redawilo - Complete
Although it wasn’t too surprising when she thought about it, Zack had been oddly familiar with Ray ever since he rescued her from the rehab center. There was nothing indecent about it, of course, but she was starting to wonder if he was capable of not being in physical contact with her. Not that she minded.
If you want a good dose of fluff, this is your fic.
Worth a Thousand Words by sukikobold - Complete
Zack had a lot of fun playing with that camera on B3. He figured it might be even better now that there weren’t any more psychos trying to kill him. But there’s one thing he absolutely refuses to take a picture of.
This one is so short but so sweet! It explores a different face of Zack and I loved it so much.
Outcasts of the abyss by Gottemorto - Complete
“Teach me what it’s like to be human." Neither of them were human in the slightest - but out in that vast ocean where they were nothing but outcasts in the eyes of their own kind, a strange promise shall form between an apathetic mermaid and a monstrous land-dweller.
This is a mermaid AU that strangely works. Also the writing is A+
A Little White Christmas Lie by MarshmallowBirb - Complete
It’s Christmas Eve and Zack and Ray have a little bit of money to have their Christmas meal at a buffet. The catch is, they have to pretend to be married to get the best price.
I remember I laughed with this one, and it is really a fun situation to observe. Liked it!
That Which We Call A Rose by kiichandesu - Complete
“ Isaac Foster ”That’s the first name he’s ever given. He doesn’t know where it came from and what it means, but he quickly grows to hate it. A study of the many labels Zack is given, what he thinks of them, and how he lives with them.
I’m a sucker for this type of fics and this one delivers well. Really well.
Moondrop by Sasaria - Incomplete
“There have been sightings of pirate ships lately. Especially that pirate ship, the one that only appears on nights with a full blue moon. Have you heard of it? It’s called the Angel of Death…” Rachel Gardner’s never believed in fantastical pirate stories, but one stormy night, while aboard her parent’s cargo ship, she’s kidnapped by a sinister pirate named Zack. “I needed a token, a sacrifice,” he says with a glint in his eye. She can smell death on him as he touches the knife’s blade to her throat. “You fit the bill perfectly.”
It has only one chapter so far, but the writing is amazing and I’m a sucker for pirate au’s. 100% recommend.
After the Story Drabbles by Redawilo - Complete
A collection of drabbles that are more things I wanted to get out of my head than actual fics.
Four short chapters, sweet, and full of fluff. What more can you wish for?
I Love You by reicherufosuta - Complete
Zack can’t sleep. He thinks about the truth he could be unaware of.
Really short, really sweet, and completely worth the read.
Multichapters / Long fics
Between Silence and Sound by Sasaria- Incomplete, 23k words
Having escaped the strange building, Zack and Rachel steal a car and remain on the run for several months after. It’s on long stretches of road and under diamond-bright stars that they realize there are so many things to be discovered about one another. —「 Road Trip · Nonlinear Fic · Character Study 」
For the love of god read this fic. It is REALLY good and I love how the author makes the characters feel real, and the writing is AMAZING. Can’t recommend this one enough.
Quiet like a fight by shanatical - Incomplete, 70k words
The odyssey of Rachel Gardner, who isn’t actually as Quirkless as she once thought and has zero compunctions against using that to get what she wants. Being stuck in Japan is a bit more of a hurdle than a death sentence and a high-security institution, but she and Zack have dealt with steeper odds, she’s pretty sure. Plus Ultra, as they say.
Okay, this is not a Zackary fic, and is a my hero academia crossover. But it’s stupidly good, I’ve read it twice and since it’s my rec list I’m putting it here. The writing is really good and all the characters are amazingly written too. Go read it.
Scaring darkness away by LinkedSoul - Incomplete, 250k words
There’s a corpse into Zack’s dumpster - his usual hideout when he’s chased. And he’s chased, so no choice, he hides into the dumpster with the corpse. Who turns out to be a living girl called Rachel Gardner, who comes from a fucked up place like him. He should have killed her before, but he thought she was a corpse and now it’s too late: he’s already beginning to get attached to that brat. What a mistake. It might as well be Zack’s most beautiful mistake.
This one is pretty known and has a slow start, but I’ve been enjoying the latest chapters more and more. A really nice au that explores Zack’s and Ray’s relationship. Really good if you want a really long read!
NSFW (because of course) 
(I’m really picky with these lol)
A Perfect Life by MarshmallowBirb - Complete
After a night out, Zack attempts to take a bath. But Ray isn’t going to let him take it alone. 
Okay, I’m gonna be sincere- This one’s my favorite nsfw one. The characterization is amazing, the writing is really good, and I enjoy the way it’s handled. It’s one of those that I re-read from time to time, so, I really recommend it.
Ecstasy of the damned by Marshmallowbirb- Complete
Rachel Gardner has been the only one able to see a certain black-winged angel for as long as she could remember. When her parents shipped her off to a convent, she thought she’d never see him again. But she might have underestimated the lengths Zack would go to be reunited with her.
I’m really picky with explicit works, but this one did the trick for me. Also I’m a sucker for fallen angels au’s so there’s that.
Pillow Talk by ShipperTrsh - Complete
Their oath still replays in his head from time to time, he knows damn well he isn’t a liar, but he feels more at peace next to her. The timing never feels right. Zack wants to keep seeing more and more of her expressions. He doesn’t know where he’s going with this – whatever this is – with her, but he just keeps running with it for as long as he can. God he’s never felt so relieved and disorientated at the same time.
This one is sweet. Like really really sweet. So sweet it will give you diabetes. And you won’t regret it.
Authors with various Satsuten related works that I enjoy and u should definitely check and see if they have something of your liking
2isted_chocol8 (yes, I will shamelessly put myself in here because yes)
Anddddd I think those are most of them. Have a nice read!
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ollyollyoxenspam · 6 years ago
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dumb sketch i did inspired by @sukikobold ‘s post!
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years ago
We goin' old school. I will ask for Mob and Reigen.
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You know what. I wanted to see if I could draw them from memory (and I heard the anime ended! I need to watch it....) so it went well I think! :D
(Requests are closed, also please don't tag this with ship tags thanks!)
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jenniferstolzer · 5 years ago
Anyone from Cats.
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I just bought my tickets to the movie. Opening day, kitties! Here’s Misto and Victoria :) 
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insertsomthinawesome · 2 years ago
22 and 24 for Genshin. :>
22. Your favorite character’s design and the least one? OH NO THATS A TERRIBLE QUESTION FSDFSDASFSDF /j oh man i really am awful at picking favorites UUUHHH.
Favorite!!!: I'll elect Zhongli. Just cause he's??? he's got a really cool thing going on. The subtle relevance to Chinese culture is an amazing thing they worked in, on top of it being incredibly in character for Zhongli himself. Its also just really cool???? the shape of it is good and it really highlights his shoulders??? IDk zhongli is just so neat to me. Also glowy duotone hair and dope earring SDFSDFASFSDFDF. Least favorite: Can i pick all of Sumeru SDFSDFASFSDFSDFSDFSDFASFS for the sake of being interesting I won't use that but just know its there xD HMMMMMM Man i like a lot of Genshin's character design. Even if I personally wish a lot of it was less sexy, they're good with visual balance. I guess I'd say Yae Miko. Now I'll clarify i haven't met her in game really yet (i more or less know the part she plays but like, i'm more familiar with her fanart characterization.) and i like the general take of her outfit, but i guess its just..... sexy shrine maiden. end post xD No hate to the yae Miko enjoyers. :D
24. Your party formation? (DPS, Healer, Tank, Support) um. I am a very stupid genshin player. i have uh..... Cryo DPS kaeya.... DPS itto i think........... Zhongli.... doing... something.... normal Xiangling is in there and i think maybe she counts as support but also like she's not really built so?????? Then jean. Dps healer. ..... yeah. ASFSDFSDFASFSDFSDFSDF So DPS DPS ??? and Healer (DPS) Hope that clarifies some thigns xD
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mp100ficrec · 7 years ago
Snowball by sukikobold
Fic can be read HERE.
Family, Pre-Canon. Completed. Rated: G. Word Count: 993
Pairings: Kageyama Ritsu & Kageyama ‘Mob’ Shigeo
Trigger Warnings: Head Injury
“Shigeo never played too many games with the other kids in his class. Maybe there was good reason for that.”
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healy-dealy · 7 years ago
Mabel fic reclist
For @themonthofmaybel, I decided to make reclist for fics focusing on Mabel Pines. Now, this is just a subjective list, and there’s plenty of good fics that I left off of here. (For one, I’m sticking to fics on AO3 for this one.) Feel free to add on if you want. With that said, here are some of my favorites:
The Mabel-Over, by burglebezzlement: After a regrettable night of drinking too much Mabel-juice, Wendy and Mabel must look for the Stanmobile.
Girl Talk, by futuresoon: Wendy talks to Mabel when she’s feeling down.
The Rule of Cool, by ryfkah: Mabel invites Wendy to her sleepover, but Candy and Grenda are intimidated by her coolness.
Strangerous Things, by ViolentFlowers: Mabel skypes with Candy and Grenda over a new discovery.
Mabel vs. Manliness, by Mertiya: Dipper & Mabel bonding with Trans!Dipper; after Sock Opera, Dipper is upset, and Mabel wants to find out why.
How Happy You Will Be, by sukikobold: Dipper and Mabel have a heartfelt conversation when Dipper leaves for college.
The Oregon Mistake, by afterism: Mysterious portals threaten the integrity of Gravity Falls, and it’s up to Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos to stop it. Featuring the main characters of Mabel’s favorite TV show, Extramundane.
Like a Rhinestone Cryptid, by fingalsanteater: After Stan has angered some monster, it’s up to Mabel to save the day.
A Study in Raspberry, by youjik33: Mabel and Stan get trapped in the new Ducktective movie, and must find a way out. (Disclaimer: I received this fic as a gift in an exchange.)
The Scarecrow and Mr Pines, by burglebezzlement: Mabel helps Ford build a scarecrow. (Disclaimer: I received this fic as a gift in an exchange.)
And that’s about it for now! Again, feel free to add on with other recs if you want to.
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sukikobold · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 殺戮の天使 | Satsuriku no Tenshi (Video Game), 殺戮の天使 | Satsuriku no Tenshi | Angels of Death (Anime), 殺戮の天使 | Satsuriku no Tenshi | Angels of Death (Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Isaac "Zack" Foster & Rachel "Ray" Gardner Characters: Isaac "Zack" Foster, Rachel "Ray" Gardner Additional Tags: Unlikely coincidences, Fluff, Rating cause Zack swears, very short, discussion of suicide, Shock of all shocks that's like half the game, End-Game spoilers, Also how I honestly interpreted the end, So here's how I cheat around it, Should've been the first fic I wrote for them but I get distracted Summary:
Zack took a breath. He wasn’t expecting that.
There. I had this scene in mind since I first beat the game. Now I can stop writing about the murder children. (Unless I decide to write scenes from that Beauty and the Beast AU that I keep playing with ahhhhhh I have too many ideas)
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years ago
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More noobs while waking those winds.
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