#suki is badass as fuck
hyacinths-in-a-storm · 9 months
Thinking about the parallels between Zukki and Katzulee.
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audsthoughts · 7 months
I get it, live actions aren’t for everybody and that’s totally fine. Not everyone’s gonna like it. But to shit on the stupidest things, or draw the dumbest conclusions??? Blocked. Y’all look dense as fuck. Views will be mixed as they always are, quit clogging up the tags with your negativity and find some chill 😂 The originals are still there to watch or read and enjoy…so go do that…it’s literally on the same app 👏🏻 I’m trying to be understanding I am, but some of y’all are so damn hung up you’re letting it completely destroy something you’d otherwise enjoy
Anyways!! Here’s some of the stuff I loved from the atla live action!
•cinematography, soundtrack, costumes - all on point
•getting to see the airbenders flourishing!!! Also the dude who played Gyatso?! Didn’t think I could love him more!! Even though it was painful as FUCKKKK getting to see the first invasion of the fire benders was an epic masterpiece
•speaking of, the first scene?? With the earthbender soldiers in the fire nation?? Iconic
•Omashu: unpop opinion I’m sure (bc y’all hate change but simultaneously hate when it’s carbon copy????????🤦🏼‍♀️) I loved how they incorporated like 3 or 4 episodes into one, and they flowed really well together. Jet is FOINEEE. Mechanist was perfect & his son is a freaking badass, amazing casting! Even though it was change, the secret tunnel scenes were still really freaking cool and the badgermoles were SICK AS FUCK. Also I love that Bumi was still cooky but not just randomly cooky? Like mans was run down from being king basically the entire war…which FAIR. And it made sense that he was peeved with Aang BECAUSE they were such good friends. Like the other avatars being mad at him? Yea that’s whatever. But for Bumi it was kinda personal. Also CABBAGE MAN WE MISSED YOU 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Oh! And the way they mentioned other episodes like they were lore when Zuko was trying to find Aang? That was an amazing way to tie back to the OG series
•I love how they incorporated the blue spirit, Koh, the fog of lost souls & parts of the ep where sokka and Katara got sick & Aang had to get them frogs - just reimagined it. Oh also Hei Bai! Yea, I loved that whole episode. Koh & Hei Bai were SCARY as fuck, it was awesome!!
•HAHN MY BELOVED…I ADORE YOU! Favorite character that they added/changed. Katara getting the other women involved in the battle?! Tui & La? The oasis?! 😭😭 stunning!!!! I also LOVEDDDDD Aangs avatar spirit that he turned into, literally perfect! And I loved the change that he gave himself over to the spirits wrath..fucking SICK. Also right before aang turned into the spirit/whatever that’s called, I was praying they’d do the line and thEY DIDDDD!!!
•Fire lord Ozai?? 😳😚 nothing needed to be said - perfection
•Kyoshi?! The Kyoshi warriors?! SUKI?! - speechless
•I like that they’re making more of a point to show how smart Sokka is! Mechanist calling him an engineer…I hope they play more into that! Ik they did a bit in the show with the subs (cartoon), but still
•”~hE rAn~” seriously my favorite line, I was DYINGGGG!!! The scenes with Zuko and Iroh, Zuko before the war meeting, the leaves from the vine being in the background at the funeral….ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?! Zuko’s crew being the crew he SAVED?! And when they find out they all do the fire nation bows to their prINCE?! 😭😭😭😭
I’m being fair y’all - things I don’t love/hope they change:
•this one I’m 50/50 on - I don’t love that they tried to give Kuruk a reason for disappearing. They tried to pull shit from Korra to make him look meaningful & not useless as an avatar and it didn’t hit for me
•some of the wigs: obviously we won’t see Yue again, but I wanted her hair to be white. I didn’t love the wig but it wouldn’t have been as bad for me if it wasn’t so grey. Also do NOT love Azula, Tylee or Mai’s hair. Ik they look just like the show but whether that’s wigs or their actual hair (I’m clueless) it needs some serious improvement. Azula’s looks great down, I just don’t like how big the side pieces are that frame her face when it’s up.
•Katara, my love, I am PRAYING part of your development is also going to be her becoming more outspoken and badass, bc this season we saw the tiniest of glimpses of it, not a fan (unless it’s a part of her development…she did grow up in a tiny ass tribe so I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt)
• IK they’re going with a much more serious Aang, but pleaseeeee give us some actual moments of him being a kid. We saw that like twice 😭
•Dante is the PERFECT ZUKO, I will hear NO slander. However, I need him to be more of a dick. I’m hoping we’ll get that when he gets super desolate when they’re on the run & then we have Zuko alone & he has his inner battle. I need snarky dickhead Zuko, so you can truly see the big differences between what he’s fighting (himself vs. who his dad wants him to be)
Have fun kids!
In case I haven’t made it clear, idgaf if you disagree. I go so hard for these live actions because it’s fun! It’s just supposed to be fun and different and new. If you get so serious about it you’re ALWAYS going to be disappointed, there’s no way around it bc nothing is ever going to be as good as the original book, the original show, the original tale. OG atla is ALWAYS gonna be the winner, nothing will compare! So sit back ~relax~ and find some joy in the little things
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere class 1a with Aizawa and gender swap?!?
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Reader will be female in this
You were fighting a villain with your classmates it was a time-dimensional villain when they shot to quirk it was going for Shoji but you went and in front of him and took the hit the last thing you saw was some kind you falling and a boy that awfully looked like you falling as well
You gasped out breathing heavily and sweating all over you looked around to see that you were in your bed?! Was it a bad dream it felt so real you were about to question stuff until u heard a voice "M/N!, it is time for school make sure u get dressed" a female voice said
Across the door that was weird it wasn't any of your girl classmates you knew what your girl classmates sounded like but this was a new voice it sounded like iida but much more higher also who's? M/n?!
You looked in your drawers to see that they were all men's outfits and boxers. "What the fuck?!" you said in your mind a bit shocked was this even your room?! You peaked out to see the name on our dorm it didn't say y/n l/n well it had the same last name but ur name was different it said what the girl called you earlier
M/n l/n
"m/n what's taking so long," the strict female voice said on the other side she sounded impatient "Okay! One minute Iida" you yelled back you got on you got ready and put on your clothes the clothes were a bit oversized and the pants are a bit lose but it was fine you walked out the door to not see iida but a tall girl with glasses she had her she wore a ponytail at the back "Y-Your not iida who are you" you stuttered back stood back a bit Iida was more shocked then you
"I should be asking you who are you and why are you in m/n's room!" the girl protested back "I-I don't know I was woken up and I-" "I don't wanna hear it." the harsh tone in her voice made you cut off your sentence the girls as getting more angrier and angrier and it looked like u weren't gonna make it out alive so you did the oldest trick in the book "Oh look I think I see him right now!" you pointed just when the girl turned her back you ran for it and scream
down the hall, you ran to your class you ran so fast you couldn't see which made you bump into a group of people "Oi Watch where you're going, dumbass!" Akatsuki! Oh thank you,- you were about to say but looked up to see a short-haired female with orange eyes glaring down at you "Suki! That isn't very badass" another female spoke up this one had red spikey hair with sharp teeth scolding at the female you stumbled back a bit wondering what's going on and why are these classmates look like yours but Different! Then it all clicked
You weren't in your dimension or ur world
That thought swirled in your mind making you lost in thought until you heard a booming voice thundering down behind you "GET HER SHES THE ONE WHO GOT SOMETHING TO DO WITH M/N'S DISAPPEARANCE"
Crap it was her..
"You giggled nervously when the gender swap of bakusquad glared at you they tried to grab you but u quickly ran past them not only did you have an enraged female version of Iida but now an enraged group of your friends as well you kept running until u couldn't anymore you didn't care where u ran until u crashed into another person and it seemingly looked like your teacher you could tell by the clothes so you ran behind her "who the hell are you.." you were panting heavily trying to explain to the woman but you used all your energy and passed out
You wake up in the same bedroom again and are surrounded by a bunch of different teenagers who are all whispering amount each other questioning who was the girl and why was she in their darling's bedroom a teacher "How are you feeling child" the female version of Aizawa said staring at you with a look "uh..Good" you said gulping "Now you will answer these questions about who and what are u and how did u come here" the woman said in a strict tone u quickly told them how you got zapped into another dimension by a villain you were fighting and woke up here
They didn't believe you "How can we know you are the opposite gender of y/n?" a male version of Mina stepped up to you looking at you suspiciously you thought for a while and a random memory "OH OH UH Mina remember when you and Denki broke Aizawa coffee machine so you blamed it on miners and paid me 20 bucks to not tell" the pink male was shocked at this but you kept going to prove your innocence "Akatsuki remember when I was feeling cold and you gave threw me your gloves I kept asking what about you but u threaten to kill me if I didn't shut the fuck up" everyone looked at the blonde woman somewhere giggling to each other the blonde blushed in embrassrament "OUT OF ALL MEMORIES WHY THAT ONE DAMNIT " "Yep that's m/n alright," the class thought while sighing to relief, "But wait!" a female izuku said if this is the genderswap m/n where OUR m/n?!" female izuku said "he must be in my universe having the same crisis as I did " you assumed
once everyone settled down and went to continue class they were calm but since they knew it was you, Iida, and the bakusquad apologized repeatedly for their behavior you forgave them and understood their reaction they blushed at your smile you gave them
During your stay at this wacky dimension, your classmates seem to have developed a liking for you the class would bicker with each other about who gets to hang out with you like "Oh sorry y/n wanted me to help you with this" or "Oh crap I forgot y/n told me to pick up something" it always excuses after excuses,
The sleepovers are a must girls would have the BIGGEST sleepovers they would pitch your cheeks and coo at you for what felt like hours and then Demi (female Denki) suggested they should watch a movie and there was a fight about who gets to cuddle next to you.
El (female ejido) is a God damn acts like a lovesick puppy when it comes to you she would always give you big bear hugs and spin you around she always compliments you about how badass you are, Suki (female Bakugo ) it's like Natsuki but more tsundere she would always demand you should walk with her to class because "Your dumbass would always be late" and even yell at you to hold hands with her so "Your slow ass can keep up duh" acting like she's annoyed with it, Sera (female sero) is a more laid back person but is clingy whenever you play games with sera and kami they would be whining to you to sit on their lap because "I'll have a better chance at winning :(((" if u decline she'll keep whining you until you do, Demi (Female Denki) is always flirting and teasing you trying to either annoy you or to make you blush is pretty hard to do tell
Izumi (female izuku) is a literal angel who is always writing romance novels about you and her being lovers drawing cute scenarios and fantasies of how you'll ask her out on a cute date and kiss she admires and obsess about everything you do even if it's the smallest things, Iicka (female Iida) now feeling bad about what she done she makes sure you're her study partner all the time and during study section, you would always feel like someone is staring at you while ur busy doing work, Sho (female shoto) is always quiet but shows her love in a physical way she always give out small smiles to you and you only she'll spoil you with gifts even if you decline she'll insist
The boys, on the other hand, are much less chaotic but much more clingy and protective they would make you hold their hand or even give you piggyback rides Minato even carries you princess style, umi (male Ochako) and always gets flushed at everything you do when you smile it makes him red as a tomato and floats up in the sky, Tsu (male tsuyu) is always kind and gentle to you always give you small gifts every day and act like gentlemen very calm and quiet and is great at comforting Jiu (Male jiu) is usually seen as an edgy boy who plays music but is a little tsundere he tries to act cool and try to impress you with her music but. You were just too cute! She couldn't help but pinch ur little cheeks and always show Demi getting jammed memes which made you both bust out laughing, Mono (male momo) is your dad friend type and spoiling type like Iida and Shoto, Mono would make you treat you like his sugar baby by spoiling you with these expensive gifts and always making sure your health is well he lightly scolds for whenever u missed something like food, daily routine or forgot something but would use her quirk to give you the stuff you forgot
Shigo (female shogi) would always wrap her multiple arms around you she's like a big bodyguard teddy bear she's always so gentle with you she would go into killer mode if someone ever said anything bad to you and if you tried to get her attention she'll snap out of it quickly and check to see if you were ok sato (female sato) is always spoiling you with sweets the sweets she would make it's meant for romance she makes those in hope you'll know someday she'll make heart-shaped frosted cookies, red velvet cake, or even Valentine's day macarons, Tiki (female tokoyami) Hides her feelings for her but dark shadow gotta be a little shit and tries to tell you but whenever that happens she quickly turns on a light which makes dark shadow hisses tiki loves to go to those outdoor malls with you (mainly because they got good snacks) and because to get good ass stuff she'll take you to either a hot topic or Spencer's if you ever went to a Spencer she'll try to push u far away from going to the back of it
Although some things make you feel strange like how whenever you talk to the other students you feel like a bunch of people glaring from behind when you look back you see your classmates just having their usual expressions, or how the gender-bend of bakusquad and dekusquad argue for who getting to baby you it became so intense that Ms. Aizawa had to pull you away from the situation to handle it even ms Aizawa was acting weird because whenever she does walk off with you she locks the door excusing the classmates will come and interrupt and would make you sleep by her and would pet it was nice you thought, even most of the yanderes at night would think of you in various situations even thinking the two of you are acting dating!
The more you spend time with them the worse the obsession gets but as bad as their obsession and selfish desires get their love for m/n still stays heck they have a plan to get the BOTH if you trapped in this dimension so you won't leave them forever
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Can we talk about Yue?
Let's just say there is a world where she doesn't have to sacrifice herself for Tui - because my girl deserves so much better like look at her.
But also, imagine the interactions she could have with all the other characters!!
Also, for that point, I'll be ignoring the fact that she'd most likely wouldn't leave the northern watertribe because responsibilities and her parents and jade jade. Let's just say it's her time for teenage rebellion and she sneaks off with the gaang or something. Idk.
Like she'd be there for the character development for Aang, Katara and Sokka (even Zuko).
But imagine she meets Toph!
Toph 'fuck you and what society/ my parents expect from me, I won't be put into a damn box because I'm not delicate porcelain to be put up on a shelf, I'll go kick ass and show people who I am, who I really am' Beifong?
That sounds so interesting! Like their parallels? Both being kept 'protected' and being put into positions they don't want and don't like (Toph being keept in a cage so to say and Yue being married off to someone neither she nor he loves).
But also, Yue is what Tophs parents see as a perfect daughter. She is soft spoken, elegant, meek and such. She is what Toph isn't.
But Toph gets free. She runs away and becomes happy and free.
I feel like they'd be such good friends once they get over the struggles. Toph would go commit some chaos and Yue would just smile and come along.
Imagine she meets Azula.
She's basically the opposite of Yue but they both have the same royal devotion. Also, Azula is a girl and it doesn't matter, she's respected and she's badass. That must be a culture shock for Yue.
Also, I think Azula and Yue have quite the interesting parallels as well. Both of them are the 'perfect princess' in the eyes of their people and culture but they are soooo different. Both put their duty above themselves in a way, both are 'blessed' (Yue literally by the moon and Azula is a prodigy), both have fathers who decide things for them (The whole marriage thing with Yue and do I even have to go into detail with Ozai?), both are kept in this cage of responsibilities and duty and both suffer in the end because of it, not having experienced the freedom a child of their status could have had their whole life only to be doomed in the end.
(Also, if we just mess more with canon and redeem Azula, I think they could be besties as well. Like they could learn so much from one another. Azula is sorta like an unhinged and abused Katara so I think it could work.)
Her meeting Mai and Ty Lee would also be something.
Nonbenders who are fucking badass? Respected for who they are? I imagine they could teach Yue how to defend herself. Just imagine Yue throwing knifes and chi-blocking people.
Same with Suki.
Another nonbender who's badass and a leader of a respected group. I think they'd get along just fine.
(Also, about that whole ship drama that would probably happen: I don't really care about ships so idk, make them poly? Who cares, just let them be happy man)
But what I would be most hyped about would be her meeting with Kanna.
You know, Kanna, who said fuck you to the sexist rules and just fucking moved across the world while a war was going on? Kanna, who basically told Pakku to fuck off and she won't marry a sexist man like him? Kanna, who's the grandmother of Katara? Who send Katara across the world to kick Pakkus ass (because she must have know)? The og? The legend? It would be amazing. I imagine they would both roast Pakku to his face. And Kanna would immediately adopt Yue as one of hers. It would be so wholesome come on.
Of course there are a lot of other characters that she'd meet, but I think the ones I mentioned are the most interesting once because of parallels and stuff.
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redditreceipts · 11 months
Respectfully, I disagree with your gender critical position, but honestly more offended you’re using Suki as your profile pic. My girl would NOT stand for what you’re saying here. :-(
actually she would totally be a radfem:
head of a female-only warrior group
uses make-up to look more badass and intimidating instead of using it to look more appealing to men
teaches useless misogynist men (Sokka) feminism
master in self-defense
costume is not sexualised
short hair because it's practical and she's cool
has no bending powers and still dominates in fights
the entire fucking Kyoshi Warrior Club is a female-only space lmao
Suki is just like me 😌
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
she’s constantly pushed aside for the zuko/sokka ship :/ like i’m not a fan of mai/zuko but they always forget her or make her a wingwoman or make her a villain. 
She's a very interesting character who had the misfortune of being the love interest of the series' most popular character, Zuko, which immediately made her public enemy No. 1 in certain parts of the fandom. Tbh I think she's more a victim of zutara (an m/f ship) than zukka (m/m) but zukka also screwed her over so it counts. She's at best sidelined and at worst demonized. There's a whole section of the fandom who'll swear up and down she's abusive for telling Zuko to deal with his mental health issues himself. There's whole essays on it and I'm not exaggerating.
tell me WHY people think she's abusive just because she?? got mad at zuko?? when zuko was being a horrible boyfriend to begin with?? because theyre both teenagers and they were literally Acting Like Teenagers?? anyway no more mai hate the world has moved past the need for mai hate
she is a kickass warrior and she is so so beautiful and kind and outstanding in every way but gets thrown in the trash frequently because people love the gays (zuko and sokka)(I like them but you cannot remove suki from the equation she is integral)
My girl is a whole fucking badass warrior, who has an equally bad ass warrior boyfriend, who gets completely ignored and disregarded by the Sukka or whatever the Zuko/Sokka fandom is called. They could a done a cool poly thing but nah, fully forget about my girl's existence. Mad disrespectful 
a great warrior and leads a group of women warriors at kyoshi island. intelligent but empathetic. wields a fan. a tough feminist and is ALSO part of the atla GAANG @ fandom and also dear god please stop sidelining/ignoring her/forgetting/killing her @ fandom) and she deserves better in the narrative too.
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Yesterday I saw a post that basically said that Avatar wasn’t a feminist show that has a bias towards Zuko and that no female villains get redeemed(?!?) 
And said that the show oversexualises Azula which like WHAT
This is not a Cuties situation the camera never accentuates cleavage or anything, if you just saw Azula showing more skin in the beach episode (because she’s at the fucking beach) and then immediately thought about sex that sounds like a you problem.
People really gotta learn what words mean - and that no show from nearly TWENTY YEARS AGO is gonna present social issues the same way modern series would. Avatar has two whole episodes in which the whole lesson is "Sexism is bad, don't mistreat women", and a ton of the female characters are absolutely badass and incredibly well-written. One or two questionable moments is not enough to make claim it is misogynistic.
A female villain not getting redeemed while a male character does is only sexist if her gender is presented as the reason why she can't be redeemed, or if they did all the same things but her actions are presented as worse - and while the ATLA fandom is often guilty of that last one (not always because of sexism, but also because of ableism), that doesn't mean the writting of the SHOW was sexist.
I say this as someone who loves Azula's character and wants a redemption arc for her: the show's ending is a tragic, but logical one. Not everyone changes. Not everyone wants to change, or even gets the chance to. It's sad, but it makes sense and there's nothing offensive about the finale (unlike the way Azula was treated in the comics, but once again the root of the problem there was "the mentally ill are inherently evil/beyond help so anything and everything done to them is justifiable").
"The show oversexualizes her" That one is bit more complex - but not THAT much.
Avatar is a show with lots of fanservice (see Zuko taking off his shirt causing birds to fly and fangirls to appear behind him squeeling), but all of it is stuff that was ALWAYS presented in a way that was 100% appropriate for children. More importantly, the show never tried to use the fanservice to compensate for poor writting or to make Azula an evil seductress (a trope that is not inherently sexist, but can become so if the writer isn't careful with it). Making Azula gorgeous in a scene, or letting Grey Delisle have some fun like the did during the confrontation Zuko and Azula had in The Awakening, is not the same as them reducing Azula from character to sex-object.
Once again, the fandom is far more guilty of the "Attractive means sexual and sex is evil" mentality than the show ever was. I lost count of how many people "theorize" that Azula is a "slut" who slept her way to the top and has even raped people (usually Zuko and Suki) even though the show made it clear she can't flirt to save her life, is so respected/feared because she's a great fighter/manipulator, and has literally never forced herself onto her brother and was obviously lying when implying she had done something Suki because THE SHOW ITSELF told us everything she was telling the Gaang on that scene was just an attempt to buy her father more time until the eclipse was over.
Some of the fans treat her as the typical "evil femme fatale that you can tell is evil because she sleeps around", but the show itself never did that.
Also a lot of what I sometimes see fans claim is "sexualization" is just mundane stuff. I lost count of how many times people were losing their shit because "WHY IS A FOURTEEN YEAR GIRL ALWAYS WEARING MAKE UP?"
Maybe because said fourteen year old is a perfectionist that can't even stand to have one hair out of place, so obviously she'd want her face looking perfect too? Or maybe she wants to look older not to "seduce" anyone but because she'd rather not risk not being taken seriously for being so young? And, crazy thought but bear with me here, maybe, just maybe... Azula likes make-up. Revolutionary concept, I know.
And it's not like the show ever got weird about it like the comics (seriously, girl is hallucinating in a straight-jacket and her hair is all messed up, but SOMEHOW she put on lipstic/the doctors did it for her????). She had a clean face when she was sleeping and when she was at the royal spa getting her hair done, and even at Chan's party her make-up is exactly the same she wears during the day. The "weirdest" place she wore it at was at the beach, and again considering it's Azula, who always wants to look perfect, I can see it.
Seriously guys, there's a difference between "TikTok is constantly telling women, teen girls and children they need to buy 37 different products that they gotta put on before anyone can *gasp* see their face" and "This cartoon had one of the characters constantly wearing make-up because that's a thing teenagers do sometimes + it helps the character be more memorable"
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le-panda-chocovore · 6 months
Top 5 fav moments from Good Omens or Avatar : The Legend of Aang... Thx :D
The Legend of Aang ? I didn't know this version 😂😂😂
I hope you'll take the responsibility of making me plunge back into my hyperfixations lmaooo
The order doesn't mean anything, this isn't in order of preference :
Sokka getting his ass beaten by the Kyoshi Warriors so bad that the Misogyny Spirit left him. An important point of his character development. Also Suki is badass.
Zuko venting to an unconscious Aang during a snowstorm at the North Pole, then trying to fight Katara when she found them and immediately losing the "rematch" lmaoo (Bro you're lame but we love you that way)
Sokka's haiku battle. It was really cool. I love when he's smart (it doesn't make it less dumb tho lmaooo)
The 2 entire Boiling Rock episodes. Because Zukka material, because Suki is badass, because Father-Son Reunion, because Mai is cool too, because Azula's shocked reaction, because running away from the highest prison of the Fire Nation is fucking awesome.
Any of Toph's legendary retorts/insults. Literally couldn't choose one, they're all priceless.
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lily-alphonse · 15 days
Boiling Rock Pt 2
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So Ive been watching ATLA fully for the first time and
this episode is for the girls, except for the moments between Sokka and Zuko Im obviously feral for those.
Suki ARE YOU KIDDING such a fucking badass coming in clutch, and love that she got her rematch with Ty Lee, that girl is terrifying she needed a nemesis lol
And then oh my god. Oh my god Mai. I did NOT see that coming. I ALMOST CRIED. I teared up when she started taking out guards to save her man AHHH 😭😭 Mai's line is so good, about how Azula miscalculated, that she loves Zuko more than she fears her OH MY GOD chills and tears.
Imagine, Im already freaking out because of that. On the verge of tears and screaming, when it looks like Azula is ACTUALLY going to hurt her (and like we believe it bc Azula is fucking ruthless) AND THEN TY LEE WITH THE SECOND BETRAYAL?!?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAH
my soul left my body
Phenomenal episode, possibly my favorite thus far???
I created a tag for these reactions if you wanted to see more vv
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i-am-mldy · 7 months
Now that I've aired out my grievances I think the show does deserve praise in where they succeeded:
fight scenes and the martial arts are fucking badass. Aang and Zuko's fight in Omashu was a highlight for me
the bending looks believable and well-choreographed
costumes are good. same feel as the original but elevated to fit the live action medium
Sokka isn't insufferable anymore thank God (still should've kept his subtle chauvinism but I've already talked about that). I now understand how he pulled so many baddies.
Dallas fucking killed it. Understood Zuko to a T. You can truly feel for Zuko through his acting.
Gordon did so good. Another actor whom you could tell deeply understands his character.
Monk Gyatso made me bawl my eyes out every time he was on screen. He and Gordon did so good.
Suki and the Kiyoshi Warriors are so badass and cool. Episode 2 is my favorite for them alone (plus the chemistry between Sokka and Suki)
Daniel's Ozai has such a presence to him that I couldn't feel in the original. Kudos to the actor.
I actually like that they made Zuko fight back in his Agni Kai with Ozai. He's still trying to be an obedient son by doing what his father asks, but when it came down to it (striking Ozai down), he just couldn't. He tried to fight back his merciful nature but failed, and that for me is much more interesting.
King Bumi is genuinely a good character here for me. He masks his senile bitterness with humor. You could tell he genuinely wants to teach Aang important lessons but is also too angry at him to communicate them well.
Ty Lee's and Mai's actresses also did well in their short screentime. You know who they are even with a few lines.
Uncle Iroh is ok. I have issues with his characterization but the bond between him and Zuko is there. Their flashback scenes are some of the best in the show, like Lu Ten's funeral.
That's all I could think of off the top of my head. The show has its flaws (that I'm sure we all know by now) but it's worth acknowledging its strengths too. It still is a work made with passion by the production and the actors, and it deserves to grow into its potential so they can improve. I just hope they improve the writing ASAP and the direction of the actors (the acting often comes across as stiff and awkward).
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thebluemallet · 11 months
A look at my first thoughts on the trailer for Avatar: The Last Airbender
IT'S SOZIN'S COMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we going to see the attacks on the Air Temples???
That iceberg already looks better than the one from the movie that shall not be named. Just that one shot of the iceberg and I'm fucking sold on the art direction of this show.
SPOT ON casting for Katara as far as looks go. She even has the same face shape.
The parkas on both Sokka and Katara look amazing. Again, much better than what they had in the movie that shall not be named. I love the details in the designs on them.
Zuko has a SCAR. He has an actual SCAR. Not just something that looks kind of like a rash.
I've only had Netflix Uncle Iroh for a day and half. But if anything happens to him, I will hurt everyone in this room and then myself.
The Fire Nation throne room looks SICK with the flames cropping up.
It's the Fire Lord! I wondered if we would see him or not. But keeping him in shadows for two seasons won't work as well in a live-action show so I'm fine with it.
(Daniel Dae Kim voiced an Earth Kingdom General in the original series and now he's the Fire Lord!)
Honestly, showing Suki and the Kyoshi warriors in the trailer felt like a direct message from the show to fans of the original series that said, "Yes, they will be included and not cut out from the final product, unlike that other project."
Seriously, for those who don't remember, people in 2010 were getting their hopes up that the movie that shall not be named would be a) good despite the whitewashing and b) still include the Kyoshi warriors despite them not being in the trailers.
Okay, I'll admit it. I may have gotten a little choked up when I first saw Aang flying through with his staff.
AANG!!!!!!!! Looking like a badass emerging from the mist.
That shot of Aang in the burned forest looks exactly like the shot in the original show! Holy shit!
AGNI KAI!!! I have conflicting emotions about this! I'm excited it's in here but I'm not ready to see Zuko in that much pain.
ZUKO AND IROH FIGHTING TOGETHER!!!! Is this when Iroh got captured by the Earth Kingdom???
Also the animation on the firebending looks incredible and it looks reminiscent of the martial arts style they used for firebending in the show.
It looks like the fire is glowing in her eyes.
Sokka and Katara in the Southern Air Temple maybe?
The tattoos GLOW.
Is this Zuko attacking Kyoshi Island?!
The whole trailer I was chanting Show me Appa! Show me Appa!
Oh, but I'm probably gonna have to wait a while before I get to see this, right?
So yeah, I'm excited for this.
Also, not in the trailer, but the Cabbage Merchant is supposed to be in the show.
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
Love when people talk about how every single woman Zuko has ever interacted with more than twice is fucking terrifying, like:
I don’t think Azula needs an explanation
Mai has the physical prowess and political knowledge & power to decimate you if she so chooses
Ty Lee could just lure you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you there, paralyzed if you pissed her off enough (also, the four of them are the most athletic and deadly teens in the fire nation)
Toph probably has a body count larger than we can ever imagine
The only reason Katara doesn’t (purposefully) kill people it’s because she brought herself up to be a caretaker, not a lifetaker
Suki can fight side by side or against benders and be evenly matched to them, that’s already an awesome skill in of itself
June, every one forgets about June but she’s a fucking badass and deserves recognition for it!
And no one talks about how Ursa was so intelligent to plan and execute a coup because someone dared to manifest a desire to kill her baby
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blodgmonster · 7 months
Thoughts on live action Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Not that anyone actually wants my take.
It's solidly in the middle. Not as horrible as that wrteched movie. Obviously, it's not as amazing as the original series. It was never going to be. It was NEVER going to be as good as the original. You can't top perfection. I don't hate it. I don't love it. Below the cut (for spoiler free...ness) are my likes and dislikes. Probably not all of them. I'm sure I forgot some.
Iroh. His characterization was good and I like that it kind of addressed the fact that he's a war criminal. Our beloved war criminal.
Azula. I've always adored her and was worried they'd wreck her. Obviously, I want to see her blue fire, but she was clever and badass, and we saw her insecurities. And went she lightning bent? * chef's kiss * That's my girl. Also, glad they didn't have her grinning like a sociopath when Zuko got burned.
Kyoshi. They leaned HEAVILY into the fanon interpretation of her and she wouldn't have yelled at Aang but she was badass.
Aesthetics. The show looked good.
Jun and Nyla. Perfect
The line "You are the fire in which her iron was forged." Fantastic.
Yue. Less wishy washy, more proactive. Also, a waterbender who sometimes chills in the spirit world. Good for her. And no love triangle.
Big fish fuckin things up!
Sokka. The actor did a good job.
"Kick his ass." Sokka being fully supportive of Katara
Katara bringing all the women to the battle.
Having Zuko's crew be the division he got his scar for was a cool touch.
Zuko fought back against Ozai in the Agni Kai? I think NOT. That's the whole point. Ozai attacked a CHILD who refused to fight back. That shows the depth of his evil. Why erase that?
Did Aang just...leave my boi Hei Bai raging and in pain?
Aang never learned waterbending!? Didn't even try? Why???
Where was Katara's rage? Yes she's hopeful and motherly and in touch with her feelings but she's also fucking angry and she's right and it's great. But cutting that, they made her one dimensional.
Cutting Sokka's character growth, wherein he learns to respect women. "It was problematic." Yeah, dude, that's the point. He was in the wrong and had to learn that.
Suki. They made her...less than somehow. Less capable. Less strong. Ogling Sokka? Unnecessary. Saying he brought the world to her? Lame.
BUMI. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? Bumi was so BITTER and CRUEL to Aang! It made me so mad. Yes, he's unhinged but he's also a playful genius
Aang was kind of wooden. They cut his joyful, playful nature. But that's at Aang'd core. Why cut that? And he sides with PAKKU when he says Katara can't fight? EXCUSE YOU? No. He calls him Master Poophead and teaches her himself.
Cramming all the spirit world stuff into one episode was weird. Koh, Wong Shi Tong, and Hai Bei all in one go? And having Gyatso there only to have him leave? What was that? And they stripped Koh of his purpose, telling Aang who Tui and La were.
What was Mai's wig? Good Lord. The wigs in general were meh, but hers was particularly heinous.
Kyoshi and Kuruk yelling at Aang. Too much yelling.
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ao3feed-zukka · 16 days
Til Death Do Us Part
Read now on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/uOQIX2x by Pentatope Avatar Aang goes mysteriously missing and a few days later, a new disease begins spreading. What people didn't know was how truly dangerous this disease would truly be. Fifty years later and Prince Zuko comes arrives at Wolf Cove looking for a savior who can save the dying Fire Nation from the Zombie plague. What he finds instead shocks him. Words: 4586, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Jet (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Azula (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Minor Aang/Katara (Avatar) - Relationship Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Zombie Apocalypse, Post-Zombie Apocalypse, Zuko-centric (Avatar), Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Zuko (Avatar) Needs a Hug, Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), Big Brother Sokka (Avatar), Sokka kinda hot, Bisexual Disaster Sokka (Avatar), Gay Zuko (Avatar), Zukka Week (Avatar), zukka - Freeform, Badass Katara (Avatar), Period-Typical Sexism, Internalized Misogyny, Katara Overcoming Internalized Misogyny, Aged-Up Character(s), Aang comes in later, Idiots in love at a bad time, Everyones kinda fucked up, Zuko Joins The Gaang Early (Avatar), Iroh is a Good Uncle (Avatar), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - No 100 Year War (Avatar), Alternate Timelines, Timeline What Timeline, Dismemberment, Not Beta Read Read it on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/uOQIX2x
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releasemefromthevoid · 7 months
EP1 - EP3
We all know that ATLA’s character arcs and just. character building in general is one of if not its absolute biggest strength. This show has a lot to live up to on that front, and if it can manage it, then that’s all the better. I’ll probably be critical of this aspect in particular, keeping in mind that this is generally meant to be an alternate canon which leads to Some changes in order to fit a shorter form.
Without going too far into it, I’ll say I will continue to be a little worried about the new spin on Aang’s character arc until I can see it play out all the way through. 
I’m also a bit worried about Zuko’s character. He seems a bit more willing to hurt people than in the cartoon, so I think they’re gonna have to play that pretty carefully moving forward. 
There are, of course, some things they’re doing incredibly well. Zhao’s character is On Point, and Suki feels about right too. I also am generally liking how they’re adapting plot points so far. There’s at least one episode from the original cartoon that I can tell won’t be adapted because of something in this episode, and it feels natural enough, I guess. I don’t have too many complaints on that front. 
Stay tuned for episodes 3-8! Live reactions/spoilers under the cut!
really fucks with me to not start with The Monologue
still don’t know how i feel about this iroh yet. is it just bc he isn’t mako? idk it’s like. uncanny valley iroh
also still not a fan of aang being so serious already. hopefully there will be a substantial enough character arc to replace that
katara so far is reading the most like the original to me
gran gran. just had a waterbending scroll?? i mean. i guess. bringing back the southern waterbending style. i do think i like the original more in this case, it’s just a little more horrifying to have that style basically wiped out completely. that being said this is definitely a way to consolidate the waterbending scroll episode right? i shouldn’t expect to see pirates?
ok the iroh and zuko dynamic in the marketplace was on point
there is NO unagi, where is she
SUKI!!! suki looks GREAT no notes.
suki’s. mom? interesting.
kyoshi island seems a lot less welcoming to aang, even though they know he is in fact the avatar, which does a lot to remind us that they were supposed to be a neutral party in the war. this is not a bad change
zhao definitely has the right vibes
omg, suki 😭get some queen
okay so we finally get to see aang being a kid for a minute (please just let them be kids sometimes it’s okay)
SUKI IS EATING AND LEAVING NO CRUMBS. love that we still get the classic suki beats sokka’s ass scene
oh,, is that what they’re doing with aang in this series?? not a learning to be serious thing,, he’s learning to deal with the fact that he is powerful and he has to control that so he doesn’t hurt people. that’s interesting, so i’ll reserve judgment until it plays out. it just. doesn’t feel the same
the sukki romance is almost playing out in a more believable way than the cartoon, so that’s pretty great
so like. what happened to avatar roku? is he just gonna be replaced with kyoshi? like she’s a badass and we love her, but. why?
sokka is not hearing a goddamn word suki is saying. he is Too Entranced. i have never been more on board with this ship
how are they dealing with this without the unagi
gotta say the spirit world appearance is really cool. chromatic aberration was a good choice
oh yikes kyoshi that’s a bit harsh. i miss roku
was zuko. about to kill katara?? he would never. tell me he would never.
ok so this is a winter solstice at the fire temple moment. happening now so it doesn’t have to with roku later? interesting.
“only call upon the past avatars when i’m at their shrines” lol okay. fair enough. roku did Not adhere to that in show
zuko’s digging himself a hole with zhao here. bro IMMEDIATELY called the fire lord
ngl i’m loving this iteration of zhao. absolutely despicable vile man. hate that guy. great character. 
liking: SUKI <3, Zhao's characterization, set designs, sokka and suki's relationship
worried about: aang's character, zuko's character
disliking: roku's absence (though i do love kyoshi, god bless), no unagi :(
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Katara is constantly mistreated by the fans in favor of the Zukka ship (Zuko × Sokka.) They make her out to be mean, homophobic, and completely out of character just to add drama to the Zukka ship. In reality, Katara is very compassionate, and would never act that way toward anyone. 
Zutara was a popular ship but when zukka got popular over covid during the atla renaissance there were a million posts about how zutara was problematic while zukka was perfect usually for racist reasons. Meanwhile katara and sokka are siblings so it didn't even make sense. They did not have to be so illogically rude to her to ship zukka and it was weird
Katara is FANTASTIC I fucking love her to pieces she is so cool and yet the entirety of the ATLA fandom treats her like garbage because she “talks about her mom dying too much” (even though she BARELY does & also was parentified from a young age due to her mother’s death) and, of course, because she’s a more feminine women when compared to her counterparts. Even in the show itself she’s mistreated: she’s ALWAYS shown cooking for the rest of the gaang, doing their laundry, any ‘womanly’ task. She ends up with the guy who kissed her twice without her consent & who she never showed any real attraction to and apparently (despite being a badass warrior-doctor!!!) after the show ended she just… settled down in the South Pole and had a bunch of kids and never did anything else. She didn’t even get a statue :( Anyways during the ATLA renaissance, despite Zutara actually not being canon, people felt that Katara threatened the sanctity of the new almost entirely baseless yaoi ship, Zukka. Unfortunately for them, due to the fact that Katara and Sokka are siblings, the usual anti-Zutara arguments didn’t work as well. So they resorted to just… slaughtering her character. If she was lucky, they’d just make Katara a background character, wingwoman, &or throw her together with her canon love interest. If she was unlucky they’d do anything from make her homophobic (??) to killing her off! Fuck’s sake, she never even got a token spare-the-pairs wlw ship! Sorry for getting so heated, that whole debacle made me FUMING MAD.
she is a kickass warrior and she is so so beautiful and kind and outstanding in every way but gets thrown in the trash frequently because people love the gays (zuko and sokka)(I like them but you cannot remove suki from the equation she is integral)
My girl is a whole fucking badass warrior, who has an equally bad ass warrior boyfriend, who gets completely ignored and disregarded by the Sukka or whatever the Zuko/Sokka fandom is called. They could a done a cool poly thing but nah, fully forget about my girl's existence. Mad disrespectful 
a great warrior and leads a group of women warriors at kyoshi island. intelligent but empathetic. wields a fan. a tough feminist and is ALSO part of the atla GAANG @ fandom and also dear god please stop sidelining/ignoring her/forgetting/killing her @ fandom) and she deserves better in the narrative too.
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