#suite style living
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i-llbehere · 1 year ago
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Throw back to the time I found lettuce in my dorm sink (I was the only one to use this sink and I did not put the lettuce there)
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badninken · 3 days ago
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chaos, cabbage and comics
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darkdragon768 · 8 months ago
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Twilight Princess but in a more Wind Waker-ish style anyone?
Wanted to try something new and I think it turned out pretty rad :]
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m-kyunie · 1 year ago
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marching forward through the Gates of Hell
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oxfords---notbrogues · 1 month ago
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Andrew Garfield at the Golden Globes (2025)
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logicallyblind · 10 months ago
you don’t understand the amount of money i would be willing to pay for a batfamily related film shot in the style and feel of the live action scooby doo movies from the early 2000s oh my god-
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uni-vee · 4 months ago
Mom, can we have NAPP (Banquet of Grace)?
We have NAPP at home.
NAPP at home:
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descendant-of-truth · 5 days ago
A film major would probably be more qualified to talk about this, but I can't help but feel like the whole "live action remake of something that was originally animated" trend is, weirdly enough, kinda disrespectful to the live action medium as well?
Or, well, I don't know if "disrespect" is the right term exactly - the trend only took off because of live action being viewed as the more respectable of the two options. But by viewing live action as the default film medium, it ends up feeling like no one's considering what actually makes it good, or unique, or suitable to a story.
It's not a one-size-fits-all medium, you can't expect to put something like AtLA into live action and make it work just because it used real life martial arts for its inspiration with bending forms. A key part of what made it most suitable to being animated is the way the elements react as extensions of the characters, and that's a lot easier to pull off when you're drawing both the person and the element at the same time.
It's a fantastical magic system, one that's best brought out with snappy, exaggerated movements, not dissimilar to a Smash Bros attack. The main character can use the air around him to lift himself off the ground as if it's the air itself that's choosing to act upon him; that's just going to look smoother in animation.
(The style of comedy they wanted to do is also animation-based of course, but I wanted to talk about the bending more)
That's not to say that you can't do telekinetic stuff in live action and have it look good, it's just... it was conceptualized in animation first. If you're going to change the medium it's in, putting it in a different, more limiting visual medium is not the way to go. Put it in a comic or a book or something.
And you know what? For the most part, I have this opinion about changing something that was live action into something animated, too.
I can't speak on its quality of writing because I haven't watched it, so maybe this is unfairly biased, but Star Trek: the Lower Decks immediately threw me off when I discovered it was a cartoon. And I love cartoons! With all my heart! But that's not what Star Trek was made to be.
Everything about how Star Trek is designed relies on it being live action. The aliens are often so human-like because they need to be played by human actors; putting them in weirdly-shaped suits just to look "more alien" is not conducive to a good acting performance, nor is it practical for a long series. Heck, the fact that they were able to regularly put such elaborate and extensive makeup on the alien cast like Worf and Quark for each episode is an impressive feat unto itself, an art form completely separate from animation that deserves to be appreciated in its own right.
Same goes for the set design, the costume design, etc. Just because you could argue that it could be "done better in animation" doesn't negate how good and worthwhile the craft they went with was.
But by putting Star Trek into an animated context, a lot of its visual design elements that were cool in live action become kind of just... weird. And it feels like it's not using the medium to its advantage, all of a sudden.
You're telling me there's an animated show with a bunch of aliens in the main cast and they kinda just look like normal people?? "Where's the creativity," you would ask the animation team, "where's the biological diversity?" It feels like a waste to put it into a cartoon if you're not going to take advantage of it being a cartoon.
At the same time, though, if you do take advantage of it being a cartoon, you're gonna lose what made it feel like Star Trek to begin with. Do you see how this issue is starting to go both ways?
I mean, just think of all the resources we're putting into these projects that are imitating animated stories, instead of working on something that's made from the ground up to work in live action. The result is that these movies are just not good for anyone, not the fans of the original and not the people being handed a watered-down version of the story.
All this is doing is creating further resentment between live action fans and animation fans. People who already didn't give cartoons much consideration are being given "justification" to do so, because if they can get that same story in their preferred format, why bother with the cartoon? And people who prefer cartoons are now being given "justification" to think that live action is Stupid and Bad because it's being used as a weapon against them instead of the fellow art form it rightfully should be.
But refusing to watch live action stuff is just as closed-minded as refusing to watch animated stuff. The divide this whole "trend" is creating is ridiculous, neither of these mediums are better or more worthwhile than the other. They just have different strengths, weaknesses, and required skillsets.
Honestly, I feel bad for the people who are really into live action stuff, because they are NOT getting what they deserve out of this, either. They're just getting echoes of stories haphazardly trying to be something they're not, made out of disrespect, instead of something that knows exactly what it is, made out of genuine passion for the art. Both "sides" deserve better than this.
(Also if any film majors see this and feel like I've missed something crucial, feel free to add on to it)
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ghostampire · 5 months ago
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How about these two? Mindy who thinks Randy should have worn the ghostface costume + her annoyance with her brother goes over the edge so she gets rid of him and then tells Amber thanks for killing his annoying gf Liv
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koalas-koalas-everywhere · 5 months ago
You know, the dress Lisbon picks is very similar to the one she wore in Strawberries and Cream. You know. The one that had Jane acting up. Interesting.
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slaughterverse · 1 year ago
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It's MY silly little FFVII AU and I get to decide if I make an Aeris Lives version of it!!!
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bandaidfingers · 9 months ago
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I hope everyone every had lovely pride month :)
Before it officially ends here's the Half-Past Pink characters lounging by the pool in their pride colors.
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bumpkling · 4 months ago
oh, that's gore. that's gore of my comfort character
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nikkiissleepy · 5 months ago
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more of her bc i wanted to post to reverie
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disarmluna · 8 months ago
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psalmsofpsychosis · 6 months ago
Do you think that it is absolutely insane to start watching 'Gotham' just because I might be interested in the BatJokes situationship?! 'cause I do have other shows queued and some sort of life going on so the timing isn't that right but smh I feel like I need to do something for my curiosity, tho I'd like some of advice lol
Thank you anyway ;)
LMAO hi, i mean, i started watching Gotham just because i was interested in the batjokes situationship, so *cheerily honks clown nose*
hmm, i dont quite know your context, so i dont know what kind of "advice" are you looking for exactly, but some general notes would be; This is a 100 episode 5 season prison sentence home arrest show. The batjokes situationship/s start from season 3-ish OR near the end of S4 depending on your definition of batjokes lmao, so you're kinda looking at a long pretty batjokesless ride here. Personally i knew that information going in, so i was like "i'm gonna try Gotham for flavour, and if it sticks, then i guess i'm in for the ride." And boy i wasn't ready for how well it sticks, one of the worst industrial grade glues i have ever had the misfortune of being subjected to in my life 34.6/10 experience would do it again.
Gotham TV is such distinct and paculiar and singular Batman production, it sacrified being an official part of canon continuity in order to portray some of the most bizarre, deranged, delightful, heartfelt and heartbreaking moments in live action Batman media, and the batjokes situationship is absolutely a part of this throne, if not the crown jewel. So like, prepare to have your life be lost on you if you ever decide to give it a try 😂❤️ i got into it for batjokes, but i absolutely stayed for *motions hand in the direction of everything* the whole circus. It's such an unexpected live action Batmanverse experience with a very distinct quality of storytelling, and you'll know if you like it by the pilot episode alone, you dont have to wait on the narrative to grow on you.
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