#suil a run
milky-tales · 1 year
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Childish quarrel
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penwrythe · 5 months
Character What-ifs themes
While writing about my characters or working on chapters for RFR, sometimes I like listening to fitting music for them.
For Eightenate/the Earthenkind/the looming fjords leading into the Kingdom of Caldera from the sea:
Rán, Norse Goddess of the Sea ~Something I just learn today!
I like how this song starts out so innocent with a building tension. The rise and fall of the music (I don't know how to describe it, but you'll know listening to it) sounds like waves rising and crashing.
For Gwenny/his lover back in the abbey in Longormore/their love and eventual heartbreak:
Also, info on Suil A Run's lyrics ~interesting read!
First version by Celtic Woman - energetic, urgent, upbeat - perhaps a happier time
Second version By The University of Birmingham Brass Band - mourning, loss, a hint of determination, quietness
Some little hints on Gwenny's backstory (wip) lol
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yixinghoneybee · 2 years
[CHOREOGRAPHY] 루미너스(LUMINOUS) - RUN (Halloween ver.) 🪄
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dtriad · 7 days
summoning the soul 招魂
I keep coming across passages as I reread Good Morning! Workers of the Three Kingdoms that make me go :')!!! but also oof so many knives... which ngl is to be expected for a novel that's set in the Three Kingdoms era and is at least 66.66667% fighting (jk I have no idea what the % is, but no joke there are a LOT of battles). I do appreciate how the author refuses the temptation of OTT bloody descriptions for shock value, and tends to be more understated about the immediate consequences of war.
Context for this section I've translated below: it's set early on in the story, when Lu Xuanyu has been staying for a while in the city of Pingyuan under Liu Bei's governance—just a night watchman who's happened to make a name for herself as a phenomenally good swordsman after Stuff Happened.
Meanwhile, Cao Cao is nearing the end of his first invasion of Xuzhou (Xu Province) in 193 CE—infamously, he invaded two years in a row with such brutality that the Book of the Later Han talks of how the Si River stopped flowing due to all the bodies that clogged its course. Xuzhou is ruled by the old warlord Tao Qian, who's allied with Liu Bei's boss Tian Kai + bossboss Gongsun Zan, and they are worried about what Cao Cao's actions mean for the shifting alliances & balance of power in the region. Liu Bei is tasked with canvassing the situation, and he decides to send his subordinate (& childhood friend) Jian Yong as his emissary, accompanied by Lu Xuanyu for protection.
Ch. 99 | III. The Lightning Sword 列缺剑 (17):
They kept heading south, and as they traveled through the unaffected areas of Xuzhou, the news kept piling up. The good news was—after besieging Tancheng for more than ten days, Cao Cao had withdrawn because he’d run out of food; The bad news was—when the Qingzhou soldiers retreated back to Yanzhou, they took an utterly bizarre route. As everyone knew, Yanzhou was to the northwest of Xuzhou—if they wanted to withdraw, then they ought to go northwest. But Cao Mengde chose the road south; he took a detour to attack the cities of Qulü, Suiling, and Xiaqiu, and emerged victorious all along the way. Just as some were starting to suspect he was going down south to fight Yuan Shu in Huainan, Cao Cao finally returned to Yanzhou. As a result, she could finally test those conjectures she had idly discussed with the Black Blade in Pingyuan. —In the end, what kind of war had this been? —And what kind of person had started this war?
When they passed by Xiaqiu, the Qingzhou soldiers had already retreated, so people began to return one by one. Most of them had scattered during their flight from calamity, and hurried back to their homeland when they heard the fighting was over. But it seemed that there was nothing left of the city of Xiaqiu. What was missing ranged from the roof beams, window lattices, and door panels, to the clay pots, bamboo baskets, and dry firewood—and one needn’t even mention the gold and silk, or the livestock and foodstuff. However, it wasn’t quite accurate to put it that way, because the Qingzhou soldiers had left countless corpses in the city. Even before she entered the city on horseback, she heard the heart-wrenching cries, and then her eyes were filled with the sight of blood. The corpses had died in many different ways. Some had died easily, some had died painfully, but not a single one of them was clothed; whether man or woman, they were all hanging stark naked throughout the houses, or were piled up by the side of the road. So those who returned, one by one, began to search through the blood-bathed mountains of corpses, searching for their fathers and mothers, siblings and lovers, sons and daughters. They were as dazed as wandering ghosts, with tears flowing like blood from their eyes. In each and every corner of this small city, they turned over each and every desecrated corpse—did it bear the face of someone familiar, did it bear a birthmark that they remembered? If not, then they would go on searching through this ghost town, packed full of dead souls. And if they found that someone, then the stone in their heart could settle at last; and they could take off their clothes to shroud the body of their beloved, who would never speak or smile at them again; and they could drag them out, or carry them out in their arms or on their backs, and search beyond the city walls for a spot in the wasteland. And there they could bury them.
Such a city no longer distinguished between day and night. No soldiers were there to guard the city, and no city officials were there to enforce the law; naturally, no watchmen were there to call out the time, in a city so unsuitable for staying. Thus, their travel party slept in the open outside the city, and were able to see many people going in and out nonstop, all day and all night, moving and burying the bodies of their loved ones. Even though no one could find any coffin boards now, those who had survived still tried their hardest with all their heart, so Lu Xuanyu saw all kinds of funerals when she crossed the open land. Some people molded clay dolls, simple and crude in make with their features blurred, and yet they were treasured and valued—so Jian Yong told her: that is the custom of Chu, where they want to send servants to the dead, and it was once the most common of customs back when our great Han’s Gaozu rose up in arms in Pei County; Some people left their hair disheveled, held a flag aloft, and called out the names of their loved ones—so Jian Yong told her: those are Daoist believers, shouting names to gather them together, for they want to call the souls of their dearly departed back from the vast wilderness at night, and send them up to the heavens where the gods yet dwell; Some people tore at their clothes and wailed by the roadside, smashed the clay jars in their hands, and continued beating away on iron pots—so Jian Yong told her: these are people from Wu, and I heard that they believe ghosts are conscious and can do harm, so they want to scare off the ghosts, and will do so even if it’s their own family; And then there were some people who stayed silent, and heaped rocks on top of yellow paper filled with writing—so Jian Yong told her: I didn’t expect there to still be followers of the Way of Taiping; these people believe in ghost soldiers, and have to write down all the merits and demerits of a person’s life on yellow paper, for only after that can they see off the dead soul to the underworld. “Ah, how strange!” This scholar, who in normal times would always be chatting and laughing, kept gazing at the people out in the wilderness. “On ordinary days, if these people were to run into each other, I’m afraid they’d already be fighting. But look at them—it’s as if they can’t see each other.” She had been listening for a while, and suddenly asked, “Sir, Xiaqiu isn’t a city with any fame, so why would so many people come here from different places?” Jian Yong fell silent for a moment, then slowly said, “They were refugees from Luoyang and Guanzhong. They heard tell of Tao-gongzu’s benevolence, so they came a long way here to join him.”   His voice echoed in her ears, and seemed to echo too in the wilderness.  “They escaped from Dong Zhuo, and they escaped from Li Jue and Guo Si, but they couldn’t escape from this.” At the end of a funeral—and it didn’t seem to matter where the person was from—they would take out a piece of clothing and stand on this earth filled with graves, facing north and crying out to their loved one. That clothing was known as “belly clothing,” and it originally should’ve been clothing once worn by the deceased; but those who were dead practically had no clothes left, so the living had no choice but to take out their own, and hope that so long as their loved one had touched it, so long as the breath of their loved one had stained it, they could summon the soul of the dead—who would follow this familiar and intimate scent, and return to their side. “Mama—come back!” “Papa—come back!” “Darling—come back! Come back!”
On a night like this, there was no way for anyone to sleep in peace. She walked around outside her tent, but she didn’t feel lonely at all. For there were still people in the wilderness, who sat in front of the graves all night, or went on bustling about and lighting torches in search of hope inside the city. They wouldn’t feel lonely either, because they were together with the people they loved. It would be light soon; those souls hidden in the darkness could no longer be held back from leaving, for they were about to go on a long journey. Stepping on long grass and slurried mud, she walked slowly along the dirt road that Cao Cao’s soldiers had taken in their retreat. There were also corpses on the wayside, one after another piled on top. As the color of the sky brightened, she suddenly came to a stop. There were two bodies in the grass by the side of the road, of small stature; one looked to be a boy, twelve or thirteen years old, and the other was a little girl around ten years old. A bloody hole was exposed in the boy’s back, from a very deep stab; not only had it pierced straight through him, but it had also pierced through the girl underneath him, whom he had shielded with his body. But even so, that boy had tried in vain with all his strength to protect the girl in his arms… It had all been useless. She’s probably his little sister, she thought. Just like that, she stood there beside the two corpses, staring. It wasn’t until the Black Blade made a puzzled sound that she suddenly asked a question. [You know how San-lang died, right?] The Black Blade was silent for a moment. [Indeed, he died much like this.] “Young man, what are you looking at?” Lu Xuanyu was startled by this unexpected voice, and raised her head to see a woman of about forty standing next to her, smiling broadly as she gazed at her. She wasn’t properly dressed, her whole face was stained with mud and blood, and yet she smiled so happily. “Don’t look at them,” she said. “This is a good thing—they’ve all gone to enjoy a blessed life, they’ve all gone! My son has gone too. The void has shattered to pieces, and all of creation has flown like ash—they’ve all gone to a better place! Only those like you and I have been left behind to suffer here.” As she kept talking, she proudly lifted her neck, her expression very much like Fan-shi’s. So Lu Xuanyu couldn’t help but respond to her. “Your child, where did he go?” The woman’s loving and joyful eyes looked up at the sky, filled with the greatest pride and expectation that a mother could have, so she looked up as well. Dawn was breaking, and a faint light glimmered through the clouds.
I really, really like the part that's focused on the different funeral customs. ;__; 招魂 is the title of the chapter.
Fan-shi and her son San-lang were Lu Xuanyu's neighbors in Luoyang, and later Chang'an (where they took in a refugee girl, A-Huan). During the Battle of Chang'an in 192 CE, they were among the many who weren't able to escape & survive.
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ceo-draiochta · 1 year
A Prayer to Rid Oneself of the Evil Eye
Original found (here)
Pagan altered version (here) by Morgan Daimler
In the Carmina Gadelica, a book of gaelic prayers, a prayer against the evil eye is found. It calls upon the strength of the natural world and the Lords three aspects.
Original Gaelic
SALTRAIM air an t-suil,
Mar a shaltrais lach air luin,
Mar a shaltrais eal air burn,
Mar a shaltrais each air uir,
Mar a shaltrais earc air iuc,
Mar a shaltrais feachd nan dul,
Mar a shaltrais feachd nan dul.
Ta neart gaoith agam air,
Ta neart fraoich agam air,
Ta neart teine agam air,
Ta neart torruinn agam air,
Ta neart dealain agam air,
Ta neart gaillinn agam air,
Ta neart gile agam air,
Ta neart greine agam air,
Ta neart nan reul agam air,
Ta neart nan speur agam air,
Ta neart nan neamh
Is nan ce agam air,
Neart nan neamh
Is nan ce agam air.
Trian air na clacha glasa dheth,
Trian air na beanna casa dheth,
Trian air na h-easa brasa dheth,
Trian air na liana maiseach dheth,
’S trian air a mhuir mhoir shalach,
’S i fein asair is fearr gu ghiulan,
A mhuir mhor shalach,
Asair is fearr gu ghiulan.
An ainm Tri nan Dul,
An ainm nan Tri Numh,
An ainm nan uile Run,
Agus nan
Cursa comhla
English translation
TRAMPLE upon the eye,
As tramples the duck upon the lake,
As tramples the swan upon the water,
As tramples the horse upon the plain,
As tramples the cow upon the 'iuc,'
As tramples the host of the elements,
As tramples the host of the elements.
Power of wind I have over it,
Power of wrath I have over it,
Power of fire I have over it,
Power of thunder I have over it,
Power of lightning I have over it,
Power of storms I have over it,
Power of moon I have over it,
Power of sun I have over it,
Power of stars I have over it,
Power of firmament I have over it,
Power of the heavens
And of the worlds I have over it,
Power of the heavens
And of the worlds I have over it.
A portion of it upon the grey stones,
A portion of it upon the steep hills,
A portion of it upon the fast falls,
A portion of it upon the fair meads,
And a portion upon the great salt sea,
She herself is the best instrument to carry it,
The great salt sea,
The best instrument to carry it.
In name of the Three of Life,
In name of the Sacred Three,
In name of all the Secret Ones,
And of the Powers together.
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vvstual · 1 year
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SUIL + STEVEN RUN 21.10.01
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k a lil thing for @newsiesfixation and @crutchie-69 love ya boys/p <3
prompt: "i was only defending myself."
eel hummed as he moved around the kitchen, some lullaby he had heard spot sing to his littles a few times.
"suil, suil, suil a run, suil go sochair agus siuil go ciuin, suil go doras agus ealaigh liom. is go dte tu mo mhuirnin slan."
as he padded back to the stove to stir his stew, he heard the footsteps of his lover behind him.
"buonanotte, mi amore." he said over his shoulder, not looking up from his cooking as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a head tucked itself into his neck. a grin tugged at his lips. "hard day?" he said, bringing the hand that wasn't stirring the pot up to run his fingers through shoe's hair. a grumble came from the boy behind him, and his arms wrapped tighter around eel's waist.
"got a headache." shoe mumbled. the shorter boy clicked his tongue in sympathy as he finally put the spoon down and turned to embrace his lover. "mi dispiace, amore mio. do you want anything or just some silence?" eel kept one hand on shoe's back as he reached up between them to loosen the tie at the other's neck, unbuttoning the first button at his neck.
the brunet grumbled, and pulled eel close again as his boyfriend laughed. "okay big guy, lets get you to the couch, hm?" he guided shoe towards the door, when behind him the kitchen door flew open with a bang.
"-and the same to ya mother, you son of a-" the raven-haired hurricane that launched itself into the kitchen shouted outside.
"charles britney penelope cooper." eel said sharply. dimes' mouth shut mid-shout as he turned to face the older boys, brow furrowing as he saw them entwined. "who in the name of maria la madre de dio are you yelling at? youse knows if ya got trouble, i'll handle it." zeke's eyes widened as he took in the scuffed up state of his son baby brother young friend. "and why is youse covered in bruises? what the hell is youse doin'?"
dimes opened and closed his mouth, looking rather like a fish with his eyes wide as they flicked between eel and shoe.
"is you's sweethearts?" he finally exploded.
shoe immediately tried to step back from his lover but eel put a hand on his waist and pulled him back. "and if we is? 's not what we's talkin' bout here, bub. who are you shouting at, and why do ya look like ya got run over by a carraige?" dimes shuffled his feet and fiddled with the tie hanging from his collar.
"i'se was shoutin' at some punks from the bronx, okay?" he said, hating the way his given name sounded in ezekiel's mouth.
" from the bronx? you knows we's queens, right?" eel said, disbelieving. dimes fought the urge to roll his eyes as he glanced skeptically between the two older boys.
"yeah, i do, but-" dimes started before eel cut him off.
"so why's you covered in cuts n bruises, huh?" he asked.
dimes stomped his foot, trying to get him to listen. "i told ya, they's punks! an i was only defending myself. you should see how they looks." he crossed his arms sulkily across his chest, looking at his shoes as eel huffed a disbelieving laugh. "uhuh, i'm sure your five-foot-even-ninety-pound ass got some real good sluggers in."
dimes gaped, getting frustrated. "they followed me here! they said- they said my pa- they said he didnt want me and that's why he's gone." the short fourteen year old looked like he was eight in that moment as he shrank into himself. seeing this, eel immediately felt horrible as he let go of shoe and kneeled in front of dimes.
"hey. dimes. charlie, look at me, buddy." he ducked his head to catch the watery grey irises of the boy in front of him. "hey. you never. never. listen to what those punks have gotta say, y'hear me? they're just tryna rile ya up, and you 'n i both know that ain't true. ya pops loved ya, i knows it. if he didn't, he wouldn'ta gotten ya this tie, huh?" eel brought the tie up so dimes would look at it, rubbing the silky blue material between his fingers for emphasis. dimes nodded as a tear ran down his dirty cheek.
eel wiped it away, keeping his hand on the younger boy's face as he spoke softly. "buddy, you know that ya pop loved ya, and even though he ain't here right now, youse got me 'n shoe, alright? i will never-" he poked dimes' chest with his other hand. "-ever leave youse, okay? neither of us will. youse the best gambler we got! if we let ya wander off too often, who would cheat all the guys outta their money?" that got a watery chuckle out of the grey eyed kid, bringing a smile to eel's face.
"if they ever- ever bother youse again, ya tell me, alright?" dimes nodded, sniffing as eel pulled him into an awkward hug, as he was still on his knees, and dimes was slightly taller than he was the last time they did this. but neither let go, despite their discomfort.
"m sorry i said that, kiddo. i'm sure ya can throw a real good punch." eel whispered into dimes' ear, smiling. dimes laughed, pulling back and twisting the strap of his bag. eel stayed kneeling in front of him, making sure he was really ok now. dimes looked up and made eye contact with him and smiled slightly, before catching sight of shoe behind him, and frowning again. "so- so youse are really sweethearts?" he mumbled.
eel flushed and chuckled as he stood up to lean on the table again. "yeah, we is. youse okay with that?" the small dark haired boy said nothing. "aww, c'mon, its shoe, dimes. shoe. you love shoe." eel wheedled, seeing the hesitance. his eyebrows sunk lower on his face as he walked past the two of them to go out to the common area. eel put a hand on his chest before he could leave. "bub. what's wrong."
dimes brushed the hand off, shuffling towards eel and giving shoe a wary stink eye. "if- if ya start bein sweet, then you- then..." he trailed off, swaying nervously. "then what, dimes?" shoe asked. dimes frowned again, pressing himself against eel's side. "then- then eel won't spend no more time with me." he whispered, barely audible. eel grabbed his shoulder and brought him in front to face shoe and talking into his ear. "buddy, what'd i just promise ya?"
"that you wouldn't leave." dimes mumbled dejectedly.
"uhuh. and that means ever, ya know that?"
he nodded, looking at shoe still.
"just because me n' shoe're together now, don't mean i care bout you any less, okay? i will always cheat at cards with you, or scam people on the streets, alright? ya just gotta ask."
dimes turned around and hugged the brunet boy, burying his face in his shirt. "oh- okay, yep, okay i'm not gonna cry this is fine." eel patted dimes' back, blinking hard.
"i don't wanna share you." eel heard between sobs.
"buddy, ya don't hafta. i'll only spend a little more time with shoe, alright? nothin else'll change, i swear."
dimes looked up at eel, eyes watery. "swear on ya ma?" he whispered.
eel laughed and ruffled the black haired boy's head. "swear on my ma's left buttock, kiddo." he gently pried dimes off of his torso and pushed him towards the door slightly. "go tell the boys finner's near ready, k?" dimes wiped his eyes as he nodded, walking out the door.
shoe looked at eel as the other watched fondly after the raven haired boy.
"you really love him, don't you? he's like your son."
eel sputtered, but didnt deny it. "well, if he's my son-which he isn't!-then he's yours now, too, harv." he said, smiling as e walked over and wrapped his lover in a hug. "sorry i had ta tell him we'se together." he said into the taller boy's neck. shoe shook his head. "was bound to happen anyway. better he heard it from us and not from a rumor." eel chuckled and shook his head, drawing back slightly. "that's that voice of reason i love." he pressed a kiss to his lover's lips, only pulling away when the stew started to bubble on the stove.
i didnt cry writing this you did
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
Day 17: Patrick's Day
Tags: @unseeliethot @grimalkinsquill @bella-daonna @rusalkaandtheshepherdgirl @charlataninred
Written version below the cut.
Dia daoibh. Today is the final day of seachtain na gaeilge so I’ll just be picking up a few loose ends here and there. 
Talking about where you live is very easy. Just use the phrase “Tá mé i mo chonaí i ____”  and insert the name of your town, plus an urú. You can replace the town name with a general indicator of where you live, like “i gcathair”(in a city), “i mbaile” (in a town), “i sraidbhaile” (in a village), or “faoin tuath” (in the countryside). Be careful, the faoin replaces the final i, “Tá mé i mo chonaí faoin tuath.”
I did not really touch on plurals in Irish, as they are complicated. Irish has two main types of plurals, weak and strong. Weak plurals mean the genitive plural is the same as the normative singular, and strong plurals means the genitive plural is the same as the normative plural. There are some irregular nouns where all normative singular, genitive singular, normative plural, and genitive plural are all different. Unfortunately the only way to learn how to pluralise a word is to know the pattern for the set of endings, for example -eog is generally a weak plural where the normative plural is -eoga.
The vocative case in Irish is how you refer to someone, whether by name, title, or nickname. For titles or nicknames, start the phrase with the particle “a”, and then add a séimhiú where appropriate. 
For names you have to consider a few factors. If the name is not Irish, then you add the particle “a” in front and then leave it be. If it is an Irish name starting with a consonant, then you add a séimhiú, and if it starts with a vowel then do not. If it is a masculine name, you also must slenderise any broad endings by adding an I after the last vowel cluster, eg. Darragh -> a Dharraigh. For feminine names, do not add that i.
Letters in Irish generally begin with the phrase “A ___, a chara,” (do with this information what you will NDM fandom)
Let's talk dictionaries quickly. Foclóir is by far and away the best English-Irish dictionary on the internet. Teanglann is run by the organization as Focloir and does Gaeilge-Berla translations, as well as having a  Póta Focail is good for phrases, or for spotting words in fun grammatical cases that Teanglann cannot catch. However, it is generally a worse dictionary than the other two. 
Foclóir has a good section for changes words undergo due to grammar. If you hover over the indication of which section of speech any word is, e.g. verb or fem4, the link will become underlined. If you click it, a box will open on the screen. For nouns the box will tell you how to write them in the TG or the plural, for adjectives it will give it’s masculine, feminine, and plural forms, and it will conjugate out verbs. One section of speech this box specifically does not give information on are prepositional pronouns. If you want to see the conjugation of a preposition, your best bet is to use Teanglann, as it does out all preposition in both English-Irish and Irish-English.
Dia duit! Conas atá tú? Táim go maith, táim go maith. Cooper is ainm dom, agus is madra mé. Tá mé ceithre bliana d’aois. Tá gruaig dubh orm agus suile donna agam. Tá mo chuid gruaige chatach. Is madra an-dathúil mé. Tá mé i mo chonaí faoin tuath. Tá seasair i mo thealleach: cuaigair daoine agus mise. Is maith liom a bheith ag dul ar siúlta timpell na feirme. Inné, d’ith mé arán as an mbosca bruscair. Is fuath liom lon dubh, agus béarfaidh mé orthu lá éigin.
Finally, here's a little introduction paragraph, and a picture to give you hints. Catach - curly, dathúil - handsome, siúlta - walks, feirm - farm, arán - bread, bosca bruscair - bin, lon dubh - blackbird, lá éigin - someday. 
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I now challenge you to write a similar paragraph for your own pet, or about your favorite fictional animal, like Snowy from Tintin. 
Today’s seanfhocail is “Ní neart go cur le chéile” or “There is no strength without unity”.
Thank you for sticking with this mess, go raibh maith agat. Lá fhéile Padraig sona dhaoibh, agus slán libh.
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brazilnews · 4 months
IPL 2024 Prize Money: KKR Get Rs 20 Crore, SRH Rs 12.5 Crore. RR And RCB Earned
The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 concluded on an extraordinary note, with the Kolkata Knight Riders clinching their 3rd title while the Sunrisers Hyderabad could only settle for the runners-up medal. With the win, KKR also bagged a whopping prize money of INR 20 crore, while SRH were give Rs 12.5 crore. The total prize money IPL had reserved for the occasion was INR 46.5 crore, which wasn't only distributed among the winners and the runners-up.
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Rajasthan Royals and Royal Challengers Bengaluru, who finished 3rd and 4th in the points table respectively, also took home a fair amount of prize money. Sanju Samson's side were given Rs 7 crore for finishing third while Faf du Plessis' team got INR 6.5 crore.
RCB's talisman Virat Kohli won the Orange Cap while the Purple Cap went to Punjab Kings pacer Harshal Patel. Both fetched a prize money of Rs 10 lakh each for their accomplishments this season.
Kohli scored 741 runs in 15 matches at an average of 61.75, with a century and five fifties. His best score was 113* and his strike rate stood at 154.69, the highest it has ever been for Kohli in a single IPL season.
The crafty pacer concluded the tournament with 24 wickets in 14 matches at an economy of 9.73 and an average of 19.87.
Sunrisers' Nitish Kumar Reddy was named the Emerging Player of the Season for his all-round show while KKR veteran Suil Narine got the Most Valuable Player of the Year award.
Full List Of Prize Winners In IPL 2024:
Orange Cap: Virat Kohli - 741 runs (Rs 10 lakh)
Purple Cap: Harshal Patel - 24 wickets (Rs 10 lakh)
Most Valuable Player of the season: Sunil Narine (Rs 12 lakh)
Ultimate Fantasy Player of The Season: Sunil Narine
Most 4s: Travis Head (64)
Most 6s: Abhishek Sharma (42)
Striker of the season: Jake Fraser-McGurk (234.04)
Emerging Player of the season: Nitish Kumar Reddy (Rs 20 lakh)
Catch Of The Season: Ramandeep Singh
Fair Play Award: SRH
Pitch and ground award: Hyderabad Cricket Association
Runners-up award: SRH
Winners: KKR
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
💽 because I need the soundtrack of them
Notes in a Quiet Room || Accepting I. Mountain Man || Dirtwater II. Lakota Prayer Song || Shared by Stuart James III. When Angels Come Home || Dirtfloor IV. God's Gonna Cut You Down || Johnny Cash V. I Feel A Sin Comin' On || Pistol Annies VI. Black Range Waltz || Bill Evans VII. Dancin' Round the Fire || Flatland Cavalry VIII. Suil A Run || Clannad IX. Beltane || Arlene Faith X. Sea of Irish Dream || Beltaine
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magicalboycupid · 3 years
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Congrats to Nagabe on the movie!! The trailer looks great!!!
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hiraya-sa-dilim · 3 years
just binge reread all ten volumes and am about to start the finale pray for me
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kpopmultifan · 3 years
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WIP Company’s new boy group LUMINOUS has released a set of concept photos for their upcoming debut mini-album “Youth” which features the title track “RUN” & is scheduled to be released on September 9th.
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yixinghoneybee · 2 years
[CHOREOGRAPHY] 루미너스(LUMINOUS) - 'RUN' MV Performance ver. 🥰
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transcredwaters · 2 years
Every now and then i am reminded of the horrid revelation that Uldaut is incompatible with most npcs (or ocs TBH) when it comes to ships, except for Thordan and maybe Varis
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hare-beneath-pine · 3 years
CUIRIM sian a bheatha bhuan, Mu ’r crodh luath, leathann, lan, An creagan air an laigh an spreidh,     Gun eirich iad beo slan.
A nuas le buaidh ’s le beannachd, A suas le luaths ’s le leannachd, Gun ghnu, gun tnu, gun fharmad, Gun suil bhig, gun suil mhoir,     Gun suil choig an dearmaid.
Sughaidh mise seo, sughadh feith farmaid Air ceannard an tighe ’s air teaghlaich a bhaile, Gun eirich gach droch-bhuil, ’s gach droch-bhuaidh     Bu dhualta dhuibh-se dhaibh-san.
         Ma mhallaich teanga duibh,          Bheannaich cridhe duibh;          Ma ghonaich suil duibh,          Shonaich run duibh.
Tionndanam is teanndanam, Culionn cruaidh is creanndagaich Air an caoire boirionn ’s air an laoighe firionn,     Fad nan naodh ’s nan naodh fichead bliadhna.
I WILL place the charm of the lasting life, Upon your cattle active, broad, and full, The knoll upon which the herds shall lie down,     That they may rise from it whole and well.
Down with success, and with blessing, Up with activity and following, Without envy, without malice, without ill-will, Without small eye, without large eye,     Without the five eyes of neglect.
I will suck this, the sucking of envious vein On the head of the house, and the townland families, That every evil trait, and every evil tendency     Inherent in you shall cleave to them.
         If tongue cursed you,          A heart blessed you;          If eye blighted you,          A wish prospered you.
A hurly-burlying, a topsy-turvying, A hard hollying and a wan withering To their female sheep and to their male calves,     For the nine and the nine score years.
From the Carmina Gadelica, vol. 2, pp. 32-33. Alexander Carmicheal,
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