#sugi fics
suugiart · 1 month
GMYHAIGYH chapter 19!
Thank you Glitchhoppp for the hilarious omake idea! It has nothing to do with the chapter btw 💀
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Silent But Giggly (Wind Breaker)
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Heyo! Guess who's here to wreck our darling Sugishita? This girl! (This girl being Suo and Sakura but shhhhh details) Listen, I'm kinda obsessed with silent laughs and the idea of Sugishita having one; so I made this :D I hope you like it!
Summary: Suo points out Sugishita and Sakura have much more in common than they realize. One thing leads to another and Sakura discovers an interesting tidbit about Bofurin's fanatic.
“What are you looking at? You wanna go?” Sakura growled almost immediately upon meeting Sugishita’s eye, puffing up with his fists raised.
“Calm down, Sakura!” Nirei pleaded, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him back. Suo smiled on, unfazed at their daily antics. “He didn’t even say anything!”
Verbally, anyway. The mentioned boy turned back to his desk, opting to ignore them while the blonde dragged them towards the back.
“That guy really pisses me off!” Sakura huffed as he was forced to sit down, crossing his arms like a toddler having a fit. “Where does he get off looking at me like that!”
“Same way you get off looking at him. You’re not exactly trying to be buddy buddy with him yourself.” Suo shrugged, his attention drifting to the long-haired student. “I feel bad. I think if you two brawlers actually sat down and got to know one another, you’d find you’re more similar than you think.”
“Si-Similar?” Sakura gaped, looking between Suo and Sugishita. “There’s no way-”
“You guys do have much in common.” Nirei pointed out with a flick of his notebook, eyes shining the way they did when he was about to drop some info. “You’re both quick to anger but intentional with your fists; neither of you are afraid to protect someone you barely know- oh, neither of you barely have any apps on your phones-”
“You’re both hilariously expressive.” Kiryu added without looking up from his phone.
“You're both unsure of what your virtue’s are!” Tsugeura threw in.
“You’re both super ticklish.” Suo chimed.
That last one made the entire group pause- turning to stare at the one eyed student.
“Who the hell-” Sakura began, blushing red.
“Sugishita’s-” Nirei paused and lowered his voice, realizing he was being too loud. “He’s ticklish?”
“How’d you find that out?” Kiryu asked with a head tilt, Tsugeura nodding along. Suo merely smiled.
“I have my ways. In fact…would you like me to show you?”
The suggestion was both exciting and scary- depending on who you asked. Sakura couldn’t help but look at the long haired teen again, finding him slumped over in his chair asleep. Him? Ticklish? It wasn’t that big of a shocker, he knew; but still…
“Is he gonna swing at you if you try it?” Sakura asked, narrowing his eyes as Suo smiled bigger.
“Concerned for little ol’ me? You’re too sweet.” He reached out, jabbing him in the side and making Sakura jump. “Don’t worry, just watch.”
“I-I’m not sweet!” Sakura argued, but did what he was told. The group watched with eager eyes, curious about what’s to come.
Suo approached Sugishita’s desk, gently shaking him awake. “Sugishita…are you free?” He whispered, his gentle touches doing nothing. With a sly grin towards the group, he jabbed a finger into Sugishita’s ribs.
The reaction was instantaneous.
A flash, a flail- and the taller teen was on his feet to fight. He looked a bit frazzled, half asleep and growing more alert by the second. Seeing Suo, he narrowed his gaze, suspicious.
“Morning, sleepyhead. Do you mind if I show the guys something?” He gestured to Sakura and co. Meeting his gaze, Sugishita glared, gritting his teeth. Sakura did the same in return. 
“Ah, ah, ah. That’s not what we’re doing here.” Suo teased as he closed the distance, poking at Sugishita’s sides. “You two need to stop mean mugging each other. It’ll make the team look like a bunch of wild animals. Can’t have that, can we?”
The taller of the two backed up at each poke and prod, doubling over some with a strained expression. He looked like he was in pain- but Suo’s pokes were light. Sakura would know. “Are you sure he’s ticklish? He’s not even laughing.”
“Some people don’t have loud laughs.” Kiryu shrugged. “Or maybe he’s holding it in?”
“Oh, here we are! Sugishita Kyotaro- yeah, no one’s ever heard him laugh before. Maybe the occasional huff, but not a proper laugh.” Nirei noted, any previous fear fading for excitement as he began scribbling away in his notes. “Here’s an opportunity to learn even more about him!”
“Huh.” Sakura hummed, curious now. What did Sugishita sound like when he laughed? Was it louder than anything he’s ever said? Was it scary sounding? He could see him having the laugh of an evil wizard; cackling with lightning booming behind him, the wind blowing his hair around and his hands raised in claws.
No- far too much. The thought alone was almost enough to make him smile though.
“Sugishita~ Don’t run away from me!” Suo laughed as he darted behind him, grabbing onto his sides and pressing in. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~”
“EEH!” Sugishita let out a huff of noise before hitting the ground, falling to his knees and doubling over. His body was shaking, arms tightly pressed against his torso and hair hiding his expression. Sakura furrowed his brows, suddenly concerned.
“Hey, is he alright?” Without thinking about it, he got up to the pair. “Suo, leave him alone;  he’s not even laugh-”
Only then did he finally understand what was going on. Sugishita was laughing! It was just so quiet- like someone hit the mute button or lowered the sound to single digits. His mouth was open with a clear smile, but no sound came out. “Oh my god, you’re kidding? That’s your laugh?”
Sugishita went to swat at him, but Suo gently nudged him onto his side, still tickling. He let out what Sakura could only describe as a static sound before covering his face with his hands, kicking his feet at the touch. “Isn’t he adorable? Our Sugishita here doesn’t make noise when he laughs!”
Sakura was amazed. He never met someone with a silent laugh before! He’s had moments when he laughed so hard he couldn’t breath, leaving him mute for a second or so, but this? This was new!
“Hey, you said he was as ticklish as me, right?” Sakura tugged at his jacket, the same way he always did when he was about to get physical. “Need a hand?”
“Please.” Suo grinned.
“Noohoho!” Sugishita whimpered out through his mirth as Sakura attacked his ribs, putting into practice the lessons he learned upon coming here. He kept his touch gentle as he tapped into the taller boy’s sides, Suo focusing his efforts into the back of his neck and armpits.. Sugishita just kinda flopped, squirming between the pair as he laughed on.
“Hey, Sakura- watch this.” Suo winked. He leaned forward so he was close to Sugishita’s face, gently pulling at the hands hiding it. Once he had him for the world to see, he began.
“Sugishita~ Can you speak up for us, dear? We can’t hear you. I want to hear your cute little noises.”
Another staticy noise, and to Sakura’s deep satisfaction, Sugishita blushed. Blushed! A pretty red color too!
“Wow, you must be really ticklish, huh? Is it bad if I do this? Or this? Or this?” Sakura tried mimicking Suo’s own teasing voice as he dug into the other boy’s hips, feeling him squirm harder beneath him. He wanted to see how red he could make the other. “Aww, what’s the matter? Are you too ticklish for your own good, mop head? Huh? Huuuuh?”
“Wow, Sakura- you’re better at that than me.” Suo mused with a snicker, making Sakura blush as red as Sugishita.
“S-Shut up! I’ll kick your ass!” He looked at Sugishita, finding him struggling to curl himself up like a bug. His ears and neck were bright red, and he shook with even more silent giggles. “How do we tell if he’s had enough? I don’t want to kill the bastard.”
“Hmm.” Suo released him, gestured to him to pause a he leaned down again. Once there, he began gently tapping on Sugishita’s hands. “Sugi~ Can you let me in?”
The other huffed, gasping for air as he glared through his fingers. Suo laughed.
“Do you wish for us to stop? We can if you want.” He offered. “Tell you what- if you want us to stop, just grab onto one of our wrists like this, okay?” He mimicked the gesture, waiting for Sugishita to nod. When he did, he gave a thumbs up to Sakura.
“He’s fine. Go for his knees whenever you’re ready.”
“What-” Sugishita yelped, any complaints immediately dissolved when Sakura did just that. Back to flailing and muted giggling; the long haired teen could only twist and turn beneath their hands. He could only throw his head back in laughter, the occasional squeak leaving his smiling lips.
“Damn, he really is bad.” Sakura laughed, stopping when he saw Sugishita grab onto Suo’s wrist. He released his leg, watching him curl up in a tight ball on the ground. “Good to know in case you ever piss me off, Sugishita.”
The other boy groaned lowly, the sound like a frustrated cat. Sakura snorted, slapping a hand over his mouth while Suo grinned.
“Given you two fight like alleyway cats, I’d say that’d be more than often. Don’t forget though.” Suo gave his neck a tickle on his way back to the gang, making him shutter and laugh. Sakura mock-flipped him off before turning back to Sugishita, finding him taking slow tired breaths. “Your laugh really is odd, huh?”
Sugishita glared, pausing when Sakura finished. “I like it. Your odd silent laugh. It fits you.” At the other boy’s stare, Sakura felt his entire face burn. “B-But only cause I don’t feel like my ears are gonna burst! Have you heard Nirei’s? It’s like a freaking mouse orgy!”
“Pfft-” Sugishita puffed, eyes watering at the comparison. Sakura felt his lips start to twitch.
He watched Sugishita double over in a new fit of silent laughter, shoulders shaking as he snorted. Sakura couldn’t hold back a chuckle after a while, shaking his head and lightly shoving at Sugishita’ shoulder. “Ugh, I can’t stand you.”
“Sahame.” Sugishita gave in, something warm in his rare but easy smile. “You’re alright, Sakura.”
The other boy thought about that one sentence the rest of the day, even after Sugishita went back to napping at his desk.
Thanks for reading!
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joelletwo · 14 days
trying to find a tkgn fic i barely remember the details of but whoaaaa no way really nice sorrowfulsweet sugi pov kid-to-adulthood........
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sugisyakult · 4 months
idk it’s kind of bothering me that there’s no recent shinsuke fics. im seriously about to write them myself bc im dying over here!!
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
decided to leave my laptop home for once this morning and it just so happens the be the day i end up with enough energy to write 😭
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four-white-trees · 13 hours
6, 10, and 17 for rgg (in general)! also 19 for judgement specifically
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Oda. I mean. I don't think i have to elaborate lmao
it's not even that he's human trafficker (dont...take that out of context) or that he trafficked Makoto at all. It's that he NEVER expressed one ounce of regret for his actions outside of how they affected his unrequited crush Tachibana. He never even fucking apoligized to Makoto. But the narrative and Kiryu act like had a redemption arc and it drives me up the wall.
I also really hate Nishitani...but I've gotten into fights about this so i shant say any more
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ALL OF RGG? Hmmm...Blood of a Lion by Beast in Black! Very thematically resonant to RGG
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Such a cool question. RGG has been such a presence in my life for so long it's shaped some of my tastes so I'll need to think about this
In general I do prefer dark, more grounded stories. When it comes to crime fiction, my favorite subgenre is noir. And I mean REAL noir, bleak and dark and a dismal ending. RGG's levity and...pushing suspension of disbelief beyond limits is unique for me.
Gameplay-wise, i do NOT like brawlers and I usually play on easy to get through the combat. This doesn't apply to Ichiban's games obv (the opposite for me there - i LOVE the gameplay) and Judgment's combat is so good and smooth that it MAKES me enjoy the brawling gameplay. But Kiryu and the protags of Y4 feel so sloggish to me that I'm more withstanding their gameplay than enjoying it.
Also all the objectification of women. Really not into that.
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now i AM writing a sequel fic but as it's specifically a kuwagami fic, it has a large dose of self-indulgent contrivance so I'll pitch a J3 I think RGGS would make
With the Kaito Files we've seen Kaito is a formidable detective himself and can handle his own case load. Also we're LUCKY Kimura has returned for this. But he's expensive so we can't use him too much.
So let's make this a dual narrative told between Yagami and Kaito sections. They will still interact with each other at certain cutscenes so we get plenty of their nice chemistry but for the main plot they are working on their own. Yagami will team up with Saori and Sugiura at points and Kaito will lean on Hoshino and Tsukumo.
Let's start with Team Yagami. Saori has a case where she must defend a client on a robbery case. Problem is, even tho he's been caught on camera, he INSISTS he was not in Kamurocho at the time of the robbery. And he is not lying. Yet when Saori tries to press him for more info, he clams up. So she conscripts Yagami to do a private background investigation on him.
Meanwhile Kaito is out with Higashi when he sees an old Matsugane family member. He goes over and starts catching up with the guy but he's acting a little weird. He then dies quite suddenly in front of Kaito, the victim of a poisoning. Kaito follows up with the police on this clear murder but they're going to rule it as a choking and close the case. Kaito is immediately suspicious and decides to dig deeper.
From there, the plots will grow more complex as always and introduce a cast of delightful villains to fight. The Health Ministry will be involved. The plots will dovetail at the end where Kaito and Yagami (and Sugi and Higashi and Tsukumo on support drones) will kick major ass 🥰
Thematically it'd tackle the further consequences of the Great Dissolution, including some of the shit that happened in IW, and it'd also explore Kaito's inner life a little more. Yagami's side would have him unpacking a lot of what he went through in LJ. And Saori will NOT have to get dressed up as a hostess. But Hoshino will 😈
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eevees-hobbies · 18 days
i can NOOOOT get *your* suo out of my head like, i gotta ask a question abt him,, ok so we know he likes to share his yummy gfs pussy but does this include without permission 👀 like say she comes home and surprises him with her pussy already creampied by someone else (and making him guess who by the taste ughhhh), would he be more upset or turned on? Im just wondering where they draw the line bc we know suo has all the power 😍. Or like how did he even bring up sharing her first, what a conversation to be had lol!
I sent a rq under this name but im 🍒 anon btw!!
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Hi, 🍒 Anon! I love your mind and that you can’t stop thinking about Suo because that’s precisely how he’d like you–as obsessed with him as he is with you! And, yes, I’ve seen your other ask! I’m hoarding it until I can give it the attention it deserves! I may have written a scenario below to answer your question. I am so sorry!! I am sometimes not good at being brief, but I always get super into anything involving Suo because deep down, this man has me in a-.
Content Warning: Fem!Reader x Hayato Suo. Togame remains the villain in my fics (sorry, sweet boy!). Cheating by anyone else standards but consented infidelity by Reader and Suo’s (they match each other’s freak), cuckolding for Endo and Sugi, one instance of a smack to the thigh, dirty talk, degradation, dacryphilia, Suo knows you better than yourself, be prepared to hear Suo's inner thoughts because he is stressed, obsessive/worshipping kind of love, pussy inspection with fingers, cum eating, mentions of threesomes. Tis smut! Minors Do Not Interact. 
Word Count: 2K
Story banner by me. Divider by Saradkia
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Now, let's get into it, myes? You have some great questions about Suo and his girlfriend, who are an interesting couple. I think that some Wind Breaker men are built so differently that eating another man’s cum out of their girlfriend’s pussy would seem appealing or something that they would consider.
Endo, for example, is spreading you open and wide to lap Takiishi’s cum out of your sloppy, abused cunt without a second thought. In fact, he thinks you’re at your most delicious when Takiishi has already had his fun with you, and he eagerly takes his seat between your thighs to taste his favorite person and his girlfriend.
Sugishita isn’t necessarily into sharing, but he wouldn’t fault you if you were enamored by Umemiya—because, duh, why wouldn’t you be? It doesn’t strike him as odd that you let Umemiya hit it raw, and of course, Sugishita would be more than willing to help clean you up with his tongue.
But Suo? Yeah, sharing you doesn’t bother him in the slightest—your pleasure is his pleasure after all, but he’d much prefer to take a supporting or leading role in your sexual liaisons with his friends. That’s why I have always written them as engaging in the pleasures of the flesh together because Suo needs to be with you as you experience every ounce of pleasure–you two, after all, are simply one-half of the same beating heart.
The idea of you getting fucked by anyone and him not being present to watch does not sit right with his soul. 
He needs to be there to provide instructions to your lover because he knows your pleasure better than anyone else–including you–ever could. He needs to be there to deliver quick quips aimed at you so he can see how your flustered eyes dart away from him. He needs to be there to offer whispered words of praise and gentle touches to build you up as he guides your hips in a rocking motion while you ride your temporary lover's cock like the goddess you are. 
He wants to see the way your eyes roll back into the back of your skull when the tip of Umemiya’s cock pushes past the entrance of your tight cunt with a pop, his length bottoming out in you immediately.
“Aw, come on, sweet girl, don’t get that fucked out expression just yet; we’ve only just started.”
Suo wants to see the way you blush when Nirei moans desperately into the sweat-slicked skin of your back as he takes you from behind.
“Isn’t that cute, pretty girl? Nirei really can’t help thanking you for getting to try out your sweet cunt. I bet it’s the best he has ever had.”
And Suo wants to watch you swallow and lick up every single drop of Sakura’s cum no matter where it lands: on the bed sheets, on the floor, or even on Suo’s cock. Wow! How did it land there?
“Looks like you better get on your knees, dove, and clean up the mess you both made.”
To imagine himself absent, not being the one to finish you off, and not being the last one to leave his mark inside of you makes him feel like he just might lose his grip on reality.
Because you need him, don’t you? Your temporary lover can only do so much for you, but the one who makes you scream until your throat burns and your voice cracks isn’t Nirei, Umemiya, or Sakura. No, the one who makes you quiver and shake while he holds you in his arms as he strokes your hair after a particularly intense session is Suo. 
Truly, it’s how you bond, so how could you do it without him? It’s like if you were binge-watching your favorite TV show with your partner, and then you come back the next day and they had continued to watch without you! That shit fucking hurts! It’s a betrayal to Suo–just not for the same reasons as it would be to those of us who are more “traditional” in our way of thinking.
So if he comes home to find you with a mischievous glint in your eyes as you tell him you have a surprise for him, he’ll be delightfully curious—were you thinking of him enough to plan a surprise? You shouldn’t have, but of course, he’s glad that you did! 
At first, he’d smirk, approaching you while already unbuttoning his pants. As you spread your legs, his eyes would travel down to the thick, white seed that would be oozing out of you, and despite his usual stoic demeanor, you’d notice the unmistakable but slight clench of his jaw. 
Suo knows what reaction you’re trying to get out of him, and he’s more than willing to give it to you. You want him to lose control, to let his well-placed and perfectly maintained mask slip.
All because you’re a brat.
All because you want to be fucked within an inch of your life.
All because you seek discipline and a firm hand to remind you who is genuinely in charge.
Well, sorry, but this simply isn’t the type of behavior that Suo plans on rewarding. And tonight, your self-imposed limits on your body's ability to receive pleasure—and for how long—are not his problem or concern. Tonight, he plans on pushing you past what you think you can handle. Do you think you’ve seen the brink before? Tonight, the brink is the starting point. 
“I’m not hurt, just disappointed,” he’d start as his fingers would wrap around your ankles, his grip tight as he’d pull your entire body down the length of the bed and toward him.
“C-cliches, Hayato? You’re so much better than that-OW!” A sudden swat to your thigh gives you pause as you lift your ass a few inches off the bed in response to the sting, but that damn grip of his keeps you anchored.
“The only thing I want to hear out of your mouth unprompted is an apology. Now, who was it?” 
As you divide your plush lips to speak up–probably to say something that’s not in your best interest–you hesitate at the sight of Suo narrowing his eyes at you. Nothing but dangerous intent swirls behind ruby-toned irises, sending a shiver down your spine. But you know Suo, and he’s dangerous to everyone but you. To him, causing you pain would be akin to causing himself pain and he isn’t in the business of torturing the other half of his soul.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t plan on putting you in your place. Suddenly he’s hovering over you, his tassel earrings dangling in your face and tickling the gentle curve of your cheeks.
“W-who? Well…” you stammer, your eyes avoiding his sharp gaze.
While you’re wrestling with how honest you should be, he’s pushing two fingers deep inside of you, twisting his fingers to churn the cum in a way that feels violating. The sound of his fingers swirling the cum makes you blush because, between your heavy breathing, it’s the loudest sound in the room. 
“I knew she was greedy, but I had no idea you lacked self-control.” He pauses as the pace of his fingers pushing in and out of you quickens, and the squelches get more obscene. 
“Let’s see if I can figure it out. I know exactly how she feels after being ruined by each of our friends.” 
He’s not bluffing.
“Look how loud she is for me already. Was she this loud for…” he pauses as he goes down a mental list of who could have done this to you–and the duration of his pause makes your eyes narrow, and the tip of your ears heat up because now he’s being petty.
The way you snort lets him know he’s off base. Part of him is relieved it isn’t Sakura; his crush on you is borderline pitiful, and he wouldn’t want his friend to get the wrong idea. But if not Sakura, then who? Who would be brave–or stupid–enough to bypass him to get to you? 
As he twists his fingers inside of you, pulling a groan from your lips, his eyes linger on the way your nose scrunches up in pleasure and slight embarrassment. He leans in closer. “Tell me. Now.”
“I-it was Togame!”
Suo pulls back and looks at you like you just spat at him, making your heart speed up. His reaction is so visceral that you hold your breath in response. 
“Shishitoren trash?”
You wince; surely that beef was squashed long ago, you think. In some ways, it was, but there’s a bit of tension between Suo and Togame when it comes to you. 
Suo notices how Togame’s eyes sweep over you–as though he’s devouring you in his mind. Suo doesn’t mind the looking too much, but it’s the way Togame eye fucks you mercilessly and the way he somehow always manages to find excuses to touch and brush against you. 
He’s not threatened by his presence exactly, but the audacity of Togame pisses him off because not once has he asked for permission, not once has he approached him in the way that a gentleman would inquire about tasting what Suo considers his, not once-
Suo is snapped out of his spiraling as he notices your breathing has grown more rapid and your eyes glazed over long ago. Because, fuck, of course, he was still finger fucking you during his descent into madness. As you approach that oh-so-familiar edge, your toes curling in the way that tells him you’re close, he pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you feeling empty and anything but sated.
Your eyes snap open, their ferocity almost enough to make Suo forgive you right then and there and make you chant his name as he gives himself over to you–but lessons must be taught.
He holds the fingers up to your lips, the scent of Togame and yourself wafting into your nostrils and serving as a reminder of the intimacy you shared with him. Your bottom lip quivers ever so slightly and Suo drags his cum slicked fingers against your bottom lip, the sheen it leaves making you look so delicate, beautiful, and worthy of worship. His eyes flick down to your pout, lingering with an insatiable hunger that makes your core flutter. 
You can see his adams apple bob as he tries desperately to hold onto the thin thread of restraint threatening to snap. He can’t help but wonder if Togame got to see this side of you as he pushes his digits into your hungry mouth. You groan at the mixture of salty and sweet cum that coats your tongue and you can’t help but hollow your cheeks as you suck Suo’s fingers clean, your eyes never leaving his.
God and the way you twist your face in pleasure makes him want to lean in and taste your lips, allowing his tongue the privilege of experiencing what you taste like with another man’s essence on your tongue. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest, and it’s a toxic mixture of possessiveness, fixation, and lust that makes him ache and throb for you.
He should have been there to watch you take Togame’s cock. He should have been there to revel in the way your hot, fat tears flowed down your face as he encouraged Togame to stick a thumb in your other hole. He should have been there to stifle your loud moans and gasps with his cock as Togame gave your greedy pussy deep, deep strokes. “Didn’t know you liked the dirty, skeevy appeal that Shishitoren offers. How did he fuck you? Tell me every single detail; I have all fucking night.”
And Suo does have all fucking night, and suddenly, so do you.
“You like being stretched out by Shishtoren cock? Maybe I should drop you off at the Ori and let the “Devotees of Power” have their way with you. How about Choji, hm? He’s a bit of a biter, you know, and I know how sensitive you are, darling; I don’t think you’d last very long” He grips your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look into his eyes. 
“I want to see every place where he touched you. I want to see where he touched what’s mine, so I can make you forget all about Jo Togame.” 
His eyes trail down, amused and pleased that you’re already obeying. Your fingers slip between your thighs as you watch his hungry gaze take in the way you spread your folds, and you know you have him exactly where you want him.
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Anyway, 🍒 anon, this might be how it would go, but I wouldn’t make a habit of it because Suo has his limits, and I can’t promise he’ll be merciful next time. 
@pixelcafe-network @hayatoseyepatch @interstellar-inn
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sonarspace · 7 months
jjk men taking care of you
a/n: very self indulgent..😭 thinking about making the sukuna one a proper fic/series. let me know what you guys think :) content: fluff ᡣ𐭩 wc: 1.2k
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
you're laying in bed wrapped in sheets, freezing when you hear a loud knock from the front door. you drag yourself to open the door. gojo stands in front of you. his smile vanishes when he sees your face, pale skin and red eyes.
he lets himself in. you groan, letting your head fall to his chest. "so tired, satoru". his hand pushes back the strands that cover your eyes, "oh baby" and he pouts at you.
he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in close as you lay back in bed. "you're going to get sick toru," you whisper as you nuzzle your head into his chest. "does this feel nice?" you nod a yes into his chest "worth it, then". you let out a sweet chuckle.
as expected he falls sick. a sick gojo is like a cat. purring as you scratch his scalp. although he could rct himself back to health, he doesn't...only so he can spend more time in your company. because as soon as he recovers he'll have to leave you and go back to work, so you let him cling to you like a needy and whiney cat. he pouts whenever you leave him for too long. he follows you into the kitchen his hands wrap around you, under your shirt. he nuzzles his head into your neck, humming contently at your warmth.
he calls you in the early morning to ask you when you're going to get to this place. excited to take go on a weekend trip with your mutual friends. "yeah, i'll be there in a few hours" but your gruff voice suggests otherwise. "are you okay?" he asks concern lacing his voice. you hum into the phone, "just a sore throat, i'll have some ginger tea and i'll be fine". you fall asleep as soon as you hang up the phone. too tired to move out of bed.
a light shake of your body wakes you up. "hey," a voice whispers. your muscles feel heavy as you turn around to see the source of the voice. you slowly blink your eyes open to the night sky and a worried suguru standing over you. "suguru," you whisper quietly but your throat feel equivalent of when you scrape your knees on the ground. "come on baby, let's get you to the hospital." you groan as he slowly pulls you into a sitting position. too tired to walk, he ends up carrying you to his car. "it's okay i can walk," you protest. "the elevator isn't working and there's no way i'm letting you walk 15 floors of stairs like this." you blush and hide your face into his chest and whisper a "thank you".
the doctor diagnoses you with pharyngitis, a common infection and tells you, you should get fine within a week. so suguru stays by your side and nurses you. being close and keeping you warm when you feel too cold, cooking for you, carrying you to the bathroom, helping you gargle with saltwater to relieve the throat pain. "you don't have to do this," you tell him the first day. hating the fact that he's cancelling his plans to take care of you.
his eyebrows furrow as you continue, "you should go on that trip and have fun, yeah? you heard the doctor, i'll be fine in a few days." he exhales deeply. "i wouldn't have fun if you're not there. i would just be missing you the entire time. i'd much rather stay here with you sweet girl." he smile. "i'm sorry. i wish i wasn't sick," you pout. "heyy.. don't. i love taking care of you." he squeezes your hand. "thank you sugi, i'll make it up to you." you cuddle into his side. "i look forward to it," he winks causing you to giggle.
as soon as nanami finds out your sick he's on his way to your place, cancelling any and all meetings for the next few days. your laying on the couch in a fetal position watching a movie when he walks in with two bags of groceries.
you make an effort to get up and help him with the groceries. "i know where everything goes, just go back and lie down." he scolds you. thirty minutes later you can smell your comfort meal from the kitchen. you peak from the couch to see nanami preparing you a plate. "made you, your favorite" he smiles. tears quickly fill your eyes. worried your in pain nanami sets the plates on the coffee table and crouches down in front of you "are you okay? does it hurt somwhere?"
"i'm okay, it's just the niki udon," you sniffle. "what about it? do you not like it anymore?" he questions. "no no, i love it. it's just that you made it for me. thank you so much."
"oh baby, you scared me. i thought i did something wrong." he lets out a breathy laugh. you gasp "you could never. you're the most perfect boyfriend kento". you chirp.
"who made this? where is she?" you can hear sukuna scold the servants from your room. sukuna's not fond of other people's cooking, except yours. so he's rightfully mad when his food is not served to him like usual. too much salt, too little spice in the dish. it was routine. you would cook for him. and he would come to your bedroom at night to tell you how much he liked the food. just an excuse to spend time with you.
you can hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and you prepare yourself for an angry sukuna. he lightly knocks on your door and calls out your name. unusual for him to do this with anyone else but you. it was something about the way you look at him and talk to him, even smile at him when everyone else cowers under his gaze. albeit he would never admit, but you made his heart beat weirdly. he was turning soft for you.
"come in". usually he would stand by the wall across from your bed, however this time he makes his way over to where you're laying. he gently lowers the back of his hand to your forehead. "you're hot," he whispers. "thanks," you giggle causing him to let out a chuckle.
"does it hurt anywhere?" he asks you, tenderly pushing your hair behind your ear. his palm lingers on your cheek, his thumb moving back and forth under your eye. "my body really hurts, and i have a headache and i'm sorry you didn't have a good meal tonight."
"hey..." he sits down on next to you. his hand on your cheek firm and comforting. "it's okay, it wasn't a bad meal just missed your cooking more." he smiles softly. he holds both your hands in his lower set of hands. "do you want me to take it away?" he asks you. "how..?" you're about to question when suddenly he leans closer. his lips warm, soft, and tender against your forehead. he pulls back and your head feels lighter. "how did you do that?" you ask him, mouth agape. "don't worry about it. where else does it hurt?" he lays you on your back and gets on top of you. and with each kiss, you feel better. his kiss holding some sort of power. "it's one of my techniques" he smirks. "and here i was thinking, you're some sort of cupid," you joke.
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zeherili-ankhein · 3 months
Hello (。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
Intro Post... Everything under cut
Now that I have enough things my blog is dedicated to, I am posting this introduction post hehe...
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About Me:
◍ Just call me “Shaku” lmao.... T_T
◍ I'm a minor, 15 year old studying in 11th class from Kolkata
◍ Yes I am Bangali, (bati ami.. maa ghoti, baba bangal lol)
◍ A proud Slytherin 🐍
◍ Bengali literatures I have read
◍ Thakumar Jhuli fan since the day I started watching (which is as a fucking 2 and a half year old lol)
Favourite ones are - ofcourse Shakchunni, Arun Barun o Kironmala, Monimala, Shahasradal o Champakdal, Sath bhai Champa, Lal Komol o Neel Komol and everything else..
◍ Pandob Goyenda fan forever
◍ I love Chhota Bheem and Shinchan so much
◍ And I absolutely love green 💚
◍ If I could I'd become a forest witch maybe... or a blue lotus... or a snake perhaps..
◍ ornithophobic, ophiophile, selenophile and floraphile
◍ Kolkata biriyani is the best 🗿
◍ Official MohiniChanchal child (fight me if you dare deny it)
◍ Pinterest board for Hindu mythology aesthetics
About the blog:
✿ Jily playlist I made –
✿ Incorrect quotes for Chhota Bheem and Shinchan. (I only post when I get enough ideas about the quotes lol)
Chhota Bheem community invitation anyone?
✿ My OTPs — Jily, Hinny, DekiNobi, Ronmione, GiyuShino, Sanekana, Tankana, Zennezu, Inoaoi, ObaMitsu, GojoHime, ChosoYuki, BellaDolphus, VanMozhi, HashiMito, MinaKushi, Ikarishipping, DesimChiyuki and a lot more...
✿ Rp blogs I own
– @peoplecallme-netaji
– @hansome-est-godofwar
– @miss-lily-evans
– @pavbhaji-prabhakar
– @laddoo-hain-drugs-nahi
– @topper-sugi
And some more... But why reveal them 🤭
✿ “The Cult of Vasant 🌷🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🏵️💐🥀🪷🪻”
Cult Rituals, Vasant goes ham at LakshmiNarayan wedding, Vasant and Kamdev, Vasant in Treta Yug, Vasant and Hanuman, Vasant in Dwapar Yug, Vasant urban legend lore, Vasant admirers, Vasant food choises, sun sensetive Vasant, Dance teacher Vasant, Vasant and Holi and everything Vasant
Vasant x Neto shipper all the wayyyyyyyy
✿ Yamraj appreciation, un-villainizing Indradev, defending Shri Ram, defending Draupadi, Arjun better than Karna truer, Behula and Lakhindar are my babies and many more...
✿ The Black Family is my Roman empire honestly...
✿ DADDYMON truer 🗿
— Doraemon Rp blogs
— An original Dekisugi lore, and a small fic written on it curtsey to @/nobita-ki-mummy aka @/hi-avathisside
— Doraemon moodboards
Doraemon moodboard
Nobita moodboard
Shizuka moodboard
Gian moodboard
Suneo moodboard
Dekisugi moodboard
Pippo/Judo moodboard
Riruru moodboard
✿ Mythology, Hinduism, memes, magic and anything and everything honestly...
→ Voices of the Gods part 1
→ Voices of the Gods part 2
→ Kartikeya Da Peacock Dance Master
→ Shatrughan da Ghoomar master
→ Hindu gods modern au
✿ I paint and draw... And do origami. Which I sometimes posts.. (I especially like painting sceneries and Hindu gods and goddesses)
෴ Paper flowers part 1
෴ Paper flowers part 2
෴ Other paper stuff
෴ Kartikeya with Paravani art (with og lore)
෴ Shri Hari (pencil sketch)
෴ Murlidhar (pencil sketch)
෴ silly landscape
✿ No place for homophobes, transphobes, pedophiles, racists, misogynists or any hateful people on my blog
✿ @/foreignink is my tumblr bestie... I know her irl too and I love her more than most of the things in this world... Donchu dare say anything to her 🔪
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cacodaemonia · 2 months
9 people you want to know better
Thanks for the tag @lyntergalactic! :D
Three ships: Well, aside from my usual, hehe, let's go with Waxer/Boil/Sugi, Arthur/John (Malevolent), aaaaaand... Okay, this is probably why I haven't been reaching many fics, haha, because I mostly read fics for ships 😂 How about Lando/L3
First ship: I think I usually say that my first ship was probably Molly Grue and Schmendrick from The Last Unicorn? As for my first fandom ship, 1x2 from Gundam Wing XD
Last song: I'm watching/listening to an amazing cover of Sweet Child of Mine by Moyun
Last movie: Dune part 2!!
Currently reading: Nothing atm T^T
Currently watching: House of the Dragon *gnaws on the walls*
Currently eating: just drinking some tea
Currently craving: Trader Joe's mochi nuggets or whatever they're called 😂
Tagging: man, it's hard to remember who I've tagged in these before, so no pressure - @tangledlichen @kaijusplotch @ionfusionpunk @hjbender @liljeconvallaria
@ivalane @lesquatrechevrons @loverboy-havocboy @aerjnn
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suugiart · 3 months
GMYHAIGYH Chapter 14!
Yoichi's not having a good time.
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
my teen!gojo x teen!reader multichap fic ramé received 750 hits & 45 kudos on ao3 and 594 notes on tumblr. [4/6 chapters completed]
my dad!gojo x mom!reader oneshot every rose and its 'twin prickles' received 355 hits & 53 kudos on ao3 and 839 notes on tumblr.
my trueform!sukuna x wife!reader drabble six seeds, like rubies... received 449 hits & 46 kudos on ao3 and 283 notes on tumblr.
this is simply unexpected to me... tysm to each and every person who showered their love and attention on these works!!!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍
to celebrate this, i've decided to accept asks & requests pertaining to these works. for instance, you can tell me your thoughts or ask me for blurb, headcanon, behind-the-scenes, playlist, moodboard or just my thoughts, as an author, on them. [links below for the fics]
in case you haven't read them, please go ahead and read them! 🥰🥰
-> ramé: PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3 || PART 4
-> series to which ramé belongs: we're the summer to our winter rain
-> every rose and its 'twin prickles'
-> six seeds, like rubies...
@afortoru, @guccirosegold, @heresan, @luckimoon, @megu-meow, @nanamikentoseyebags, @pupkashi, @ritsatoru, @softsatoru, @sweetdreamssatoru, @nkogneatho, @sugies, @ancient-vivarium, @dellalyra, @kash77, @sizzlingpenguinpeanut, @hellyyy06, @gojosfaithfulwife, @natalie-san, @allyd7, @syynnaaah, @queenofvamps, @malleusumi, @whats-humanity-lol, @misaki17, @nyfwyeonjun, @evalynanne, @palegardenrebel, @luvjiro, @tohokuu, @poe-daydreams, @yuujispinkhair, @sukustar 😊😊
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joelletwo · 5 months
its been long enough (like what. a couple weeks?) ive gone w.o really seeing takasugi in canon action im just letting squeaky toy loop and letting my brain conveyor belt tiredly run until it spits out the thought WAIT HE REALLY DID THAT? wild
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o-sachi · 2 months
Hello! Can I request a sugishite fic on how his world slowly shifts from solely ume to taking notice of cheerful reader too, and all their affections and actions towards him that isn't too forward and not too distant, similar to eating a piece of candy that has fillings inside and then the sudden burst of flavor after you finally bite into it.
[🐟]: Hi, anon! I think Sugi's a really underrated character and he def deserves more love. This idea was so cute. Thank you for that.
It's quite short, but hopefully it does his character some justice.
Here's your request ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
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strafepanzer · 2 months
im sooo excited for this sugi fic dudes, like sooooooooo excited
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