#suga to karate chop all the worry out of me
wewindondowntheroad · 2 years
Directing this at all the problems that are stressing you out 💜
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thanks Jammie <3
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newtthetranswriter · 15 days
'Perfect' Vice Captain
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(this is one of my favorite moments of this bean, truly captures his chaotic energy)
Word count: 1022
Paring: Koushi Sugawara x Gn! Reader
Summary: Just a relaxing evening for Koushi’s birthday, well relaxing and poking fun at his sill behavior in highschool
Warnings: Just spoilers for post!timeskip
A/n: Happy Birthday to the prettiest of the pretty setter squad, Koushi Sugawara. It’s not exactly the way I wanted it to turn out but I am happy with it. I love Suga, he is by far my favorite Haikyuu character and he deserves so much more attention than he gets. Anyways enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
   You would expect that someone as chaotic as Koushi Sugawara would want some crazy birthday party, or at least a get together with his closest friends. But I’m here to tell you, after a long day teaching elementary schoolers how to write and read, all Koushi wanted to do was go home and relax with his partner. And relaxing with his partner is exactly what he is going to get.
   I had taken the day off from my job so I could stay home and make sure everything was clean and there was nothing that Koushi would have to worry about when he got home. It was my full intention to make the evening as calm and relaxed as possible. As it got closer to the time Koushi would be arriving home, I got out some sweats and t-shirt for him to change into after he takes his normal after work shower. I also made sure to order his favorite take out dinner in advance asking for it to be delivered roughly an hour after the time he gets home knowing how long his after work routine takes. 
   Double checking everything was ready so he didn’t have to worry about anything when he got home, I moved to wait for him in the living room. I focused on just scrolling through various social medias laughing at some of the embarrassing photos our friends from highschool had posted in honor of Koushi’s special day, most notably was a picture of him karate chopping Asahi in the gut with the caption ‘Sugamama was vicious’ courteous of one Ryunoske Tanaka. Leaving a quick agreement to the caption, I turned from my phone at the sound of keys in the front door.
   I quickly jumped up heading to meet the gray haired dork at the door. “Welcome home, Love. How was your day? Did the kids do anything special for you this year?” I asked about his day as he switched to his house slippers.
  “My day was wonderful, thank you for asking dear.” He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. “As for the kids, some of them made cards during free time, and few of them even brought me candy as a gift. It was really sweet.” Koushi explained with a bright smile as he moved towards our shared bedroom and the connected bathroom.
  “I’m glad you had a good day, but now that you are home you don’t have to worry about anything else for the day. It’s your day so I plan to make the evening as relaxing for you as possible.” I assured him, moving to lay on our bed while he went into the bathroom.
  As he flipped the light on, it was clear from the light chuckle he let out that he was not expecting it to be set up for his shower already. “You didn’t have to set up my clothes for me, my love.” He turned to look at me.
  “You’re right I didn’t have to, but it’s your birthday and I said you didn’t have to worry about anything and I meant it. Now go shower, and when you get out, dinner will be here and we can eat, and just relax for the rest of the evening.” I explained shooing him into the bathroom.
   Just as planned about ten minutes before Koushi was done with his normal long ass shower, there was a knock on the door signaling that our food had arrived. Getting off the bed I answered the door, taking the food to the kitchen and getting everything set up to eat.
   Once Koushi was done showering, he joined me in the living room to eat. “I know you said I don’t have to worry about anything tonight, but you didn’t have to do all this for me.” He said grabbing his food from the coffee table.
   “Once again, it’s your birthday and while I normally would have wanted to throw a party with all our friends, I figured since it’s still the middle of the week a better option would be letting you have a carefree evening. Now eat your food before I decide to send a certain police man those pictures of you and Tanaka being complete idiots at the hotel during nationals in third year.” I threatened, knowing that even if said event was years ago Koushi was not fond of the idea of Daichi finding out he was in fact not the responsible vice captain he claimed to be.
  He rolled his eyes before taking another bite of his food. “You would dare ruin my reputation as a perfect vice captain, over me saying you don’t have to spoil me.” He said, completely serious if you can look past the glint of mischief in his eyes.
  Taking a bite of my own food, I had to hold in a laugh to stop myself from choking. “Yeah ‘perfect vice captain’ okay tell that to the picture Tanaka posted of you karate chopping Asahi at the summer camp, or the one of you jumping like a lunatic after a match posted by Yachi. And don’t even get me started on the numerous times you encouraged Kageyama and Hinata to be idiots just to see Tsuki nearly kill them both.” I countered after finishing my bite of food.
  “Ok, almost perfect vice captain, happy. Now can we just eat and then relax.” He asked, a small yawn slipping past his smile. I nodded in agreement before finishing my food.
  After we were both done eating, I quickly cleaned up the take out containers. Having filled up on comfort foods, we both agreed that just going and cuddling was the best way to end the night. As we layed in bed drifting in and out of sleep, I whispered one last thing to the beautiful man resting in my arms. “All jokes aside, Happy birthday Koushi, you are the best thing to happen to me. I love you so much” Taking the silence as a sign that he probably was already asleep, I let sleep take over my mind as well.
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teataglia · 2 years
Hi Tea! Could you do Suga with a little sibling reader please?
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featuring: sugawara and younger sibling!reader
warnings: mentions of eating
hi anon! thanks for being my first official request! i would be happy to, i'm not sure if you wanted headcanons or like a fic so i’ll do a little mix of both :) i’m also an only child, so i hope this is good enough!
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sugawara is super caring and he is an amazing role model, he’s so naturally maternal that looking after you is a given
when he was younger he was so excited when he learned that he was getting a younger sibling
he’ll treat you to ice cream and desserts anytime you want, he loves to spoil you
suga’s an amazing listener, if you’re ever having trouble with friends or at school, you know that suga is there for you
but he can also be a little troublemaker, a rascal if you will
we see his chaotic side break out occasionally (he will karate chop you… with love)
as with any sibling, you sometimes get into arguments, but they’re mostly tame and apologies are made quickly
we also know how smart this guy is and he will definitely help with work if you ever need it
he won’t make fun of you for it, he would actually be honored that you came to him in the first place
you’ve definitely met all of his friends and they all love you too
is protective of you in general, but especially around his friends (ahem nishinoya and tanaka, he knows how riled up they can get)
looooves giving you advice whenever you ask for it, but is also down to just listen to you rant, he just wants to be there for you
Sometimes Sugawara gets swamped with work or gets busy and you won’t see each other for a bit, so he makes sure to carve time out of his schedule to see you. It’s summer, the cicadas chirp and the sun beats down on you. Suga takes you to your favorite ice cream shop. He has your go-to order memorized. You sit across from each other, happily basking in each other's contentment. You regale him with the happenings of your life and he just nods along, listening intently. You tell him funny stories about whatever trouble you and your friends get up to on a Friday night, not giving him too many incriminating details, he can’t have that much leverage. He laughs and launches into a classic tale of him in middle school that you’ve heard many times before but are willing to listen to again. 
“Yeah, I can’t believe I used to be that stupid,” Suga chuckles.
“Used to be?” you look at him teasingly incredulous. 
Suga raises his hands in defense. “Ok, fine. I admit I can still be a little slow on the uptake sometimes. But anyway, it sounds like you’re doing well. That makes me really happy to hear!”
“And how are you? I know you’ve been really busy recently, so thanks for making time for me,” you smile. 
“Of course I’d make time for my favorite sibling!” Suga pats your head.
“I’m, uh, I’m your only sibling…” You trail off. 
“I’m doing well, I have been busier than usual, but nothing I can’t handle,” Suga said. 
You’ve both finished your ice cream and you suggest walking home. As you walk, Suga reminisces about childhood memories, running through all of the best remember-whens. You pass a playground, and stop to sit on the swing set. The swing creaks as you rock back and forth.
“Remember when you fell off that slide and thought you broke your nose because it wouldn’t stop bleeding,” you point across the playground. 
“It really hurt.” Suga mumbles. “I remember I had a big test the next day. I was so worried that my nose would bleed all over it. Thankfully it wasn’t broken and I aced my test. Remember when you waited for me to get home after a late practice and you fell asleep at the kitchen table?”
“You scolded me pretty harshly after that, how could I forget that? Yeah, I made sure to never do that again.”
“I didn’t want your posture to suffer the consequences of me getting back late,” Sugawara notices it’s getting dark out. “Speaking of late, it’s time to get going. C’mon, I’ll walk you home.”
You slip off the swing set, falling into step with him as the fireflies dance and the sun dips below the horizon.
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© da1ryqveen 2022, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, copy, translate, repost my content on any platform. 
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kirislut · 4 years
Hii! Can I pls request for tsukki, akaashi, and kenma’s fem s/o meeting the team for the first time? And like the time doesn’t know that they have an s/o? Headcanons pls! Thanks 😊
a/n: omg a haikyuu request finallyyy thank you anon, ive been wanting to write for my haikyuu boys but had no inspiration. also some feedback would be very appreciated because i’m worried that my portrayal of them might be a little ooc, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!
pairing: tsukishima x fem!reader, akaashi x fem!reader, and kenma x fem!reader
taglist: @katsushimaa @meliorist-midoriya @bbakougo @grow-a-smile-for-a-while @finndaydreams @deephasoceanmagic @nieve-blancas @bunnythepipsqueak
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kei tsukishima
he tries to hide you from the team for as long as possible, not because he’s embarrassed of you
but because he knows that he’s going to get teased and also because he’s embarrassed of his teammates
specifically two teammates
everyone else only found out because you came into the gym, wondering where your boyfriend was since practice was going on for longer than usual
“excuse me do you know when practice is going to be over?” you walked in, just to ask yachi since you didn’t want to disturb everyone else
“i’m not sure sorry, but um who are you?” the poor girl is confused to why you’re asking because she doesn’t know you.
“oh i’m tsukki’s girlfriend, (y/n)! i was just waiting for him, so i’ll be outs—“
hearing the words girlfriend, and tsukki together definitely caught the attention of yachi. well actually it caught the attention of a most everyone in the gym.
the practice match they were playing literally paused, eyes wandering to you then going to the tall blonde. it continued like that for a little bit since EVERYONE was wondering how tsukishima got a girlfriend.
honestly i’m surprised too like what the hell youre so adorable and too good for him
“TSUKISHIMA I CANT BELIEVE YOU DIDNT TELL US YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!” suga(mama) was the first to break the stunned silence. as he passed by the middle blocker, going to greet you, he made sure to give the poor boy a karate chop on his side as he passed by. suga only did this because he was hurt that tsukishima never mentioned you
tsukishima was literally shocked by that karate chop because he’s never been on the receiving end of one, definitely has more respect for daichi now since he always get chopped
the next to react were none other than tanaka and nishinoya. they rushed over to the middle blocker and started to bombarde him with questions and mostly teasing
“oooo tsukishima you have a girlfriend!”
“tsukishima you can always come to your senpai if you need help with this relationship”
“how did you get such a cute girlfriend anyways?”
“-just be careful when you grab because-“
tsukishima became so annoyed, “can you both shut up, you’ve never even had another girl like you back.”
that, that definitely hurt their feelings. cue the emo music
actually that made them realize that tsukishima for a girlfriend before they did, so now they were going over to kiyoko and asking for her to be their girlfriend. poor kiyoko i swear
suga and daichi (ugh mom and dad are so cute) start to converse with you, daichi apologizing for everyone’s behavior while suga was congratulating you for being able to handle tsukishima
the only person who wasn’t surprised was yamaguchi of course, who do you think tsukishima went to when he realized he had feelings for you?
kageyama really just, didn’t care at all. if anything he was kinda annoyed because this was eating into their practice time. you had nothing to do with volleyball afterall
very rude kageyama
hinata was waiting behind daichi and suga so that he could ask you question, so when those two stepped away to go back to practice. the orange haired boy was practically bouncing in excitement, he was about to open his mouth when a hand came over it
tsukishima had come to your rescue, he noticed you were looking a bit overwhelmed with suddenly being thrust into the spotlight. honestly he didn’t like it either. “come on (y/n), let’s go.”
your tense feeling was immediately eased, you mouthed a small thank you to him then looked back to his team. “it was nice meeting you all, hopefully next time we can talk properly— ah tsukki don’t pull so hard.”
tsukishima was dragging you out of the gym because one, he was tired, and two because he never wanted to experience that again. especially suga’s karate chops
you were probably never going to show up to a practice again because it was a distraction for other, especially tsukishima, but you were always there during the games because you were one of his biggest supporters for volleyball afterall
also tsukishima only wants you to watch the games because he wants you to think he looks cool while playing volleyball, only so he can brag to you about it later or hear you fan girling about his blocks
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keiji akaashi
akaashi really wants you to meet his team, because volleyball is very important to him and so are you. it only seemed fitting
however you were always busy with other things so it took a month after you guys started dating before you could come meet everyone
you arrived just as they were finishing up some drills, just before they finished for the day. akaashi saw you coming into the gym, giving you a small smile right before he set a final ball to bokuto.
akaashi started to head over to you, but bokuto didn’t want him too since he just wanted to hit one more ball. just one more perfect straight.
akaashi explained that he needed to see you, his girlfriend, so do you know that time it is?
it’s bokuto emo mode time
“fine! if you really cared about me and volleyball you’d stay, but go. leave me for all i care.” this adorable dramatic idiot i swear, i still love him though
akaashi spares his best friend a glance then just nods, jogging over to you with no hesitation. also yes bokuto knows about you, he knew if bokuto didn’t know he had a girlfriend he would be devastated for way too long
other teammates notice akaashi heading over to you which makes them confused, they’ve never seen you before.
the setter comes up to you, giving you a hug, like the adorable boyfriend he is. akaashi hit me up
if the boys weren’t confused before they were now, and just to further that confusion he took your hand and walked with you towards his teammates
oh and don’t think that he wasn’t asking you how your day was and such, he’s always going to be considerate of you. he’s really the nicest boyfriend ever
“everyone i want you to meet (y/n), she is my girlfriend.”
it now made sense to who you were, but no one was very surprised. well maybe a little surprised but, akaashi was a good person so they could see him with someone
also they all know he’s pretty so of course girls would be going after him
you politely smile and wave at everyone, “hello, i’m sorry for the intrusion but akaashi wanted me to meet you.”
konoha immediately picked up on the fact that you called akaashi, akaashi and not keiji. “akaashi you still have her call you akaashi?”
the others nodded in agreement, you guys were dating so why the formality
you smiled sheepishly, cutting in before your boyfriend could talk, since he also looked confused. “ah sorry, i just. i wasn’t sure if i should call him keiji, i wanted to be polite.”
that, that was the moment you captured everyone’s heart. you’re little embarrassed expression, just because you wanted to be polite? approval straight away
komi jumped forward, smiling as he put his hands on your shoulders. “(y/n)! you don’t need to be polite, in fact how did akaashi ask you out? or was he too shy and you made the first move?”
komi and konoha proceeded to ask you question about your relationship with akaashi. mostly curious but maybe also because they wanted to tease their setter later if they heard anything silly
when you were finally finished answering questions, you joined akaashi who was talking to bokuto
“bokuto-san please calm down, i’ll set to you more next practice.”
it seemed that akaashi was still trying to lift bokuto’s spirits from earlier, you knew about his infamous emo mode. akaashi sometimes would ask you advice for how to handle him, but it was rare since the male could handle his best friend
“bokuto, i saw your last spike, it was really amazing! if anything you need to rest too, because that’s how your muscles get stronger!”
bokuto blinked twice as he processed your words, his slightly slouched posture and sad demanour straightened up. literally.
“you really think so (y/n)?” his lips were pulled into a pout and eyes were shining like pouting puppy eyes.
“of course bokuto!”
the owl haired boy inhaled deeply as his chest swelled with pride. “you’re right! i will rest and spike even harder tomorrow!”
the ace walked off, full of pride once again, leaving just you and akaashi. he looked at you and offered you a small smile, “thank you (y/n), i’m glad everyone likes you.” he reached over, placing his hand in the top of your head to gently pat and rub your head in appreciation. you smile up at him, nodding. after that he makes sure to walk you home, giving you a sweet goodnight kiss
dang i want head pats too, also catch bokuto also asking for head pats of praise from akaashi during their next practice
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kozume kenma
kenma was wary about letting you meet his team, only because he knew it would be a whole ordeal that he was in a relationship
but a week after you guys started dating, you went to one of kenma’s games wanting to cheer him on.
so there you were on the stands, chanting with everyone else and cheering for the team and kenma as well
at the end of the game, you rushed down to the halls where the team would be after just winning their match.
as soon as you saw kenma, a wide grin spread across your face. “congratulations on winning kozume! that last dump you did was so cool!”
the stoic setter saw you, a small sigh leaving his lips because he knew that everyone would wonder who you were. so to avoid the hassle he quickly walked up to you, gently grabbed your hand and straight up walked away from the rest of his team
and as expected, he was right. everyone else just kinda stood there in shock and very confused because they had no clue who you were. they were just watching the two of you walk away, kenma mumbling to you about how he was grateful for your support, but just wanted his hand held game console back
the whole team just turned to kuroo, since he was the only one grinning during the whole situation. “did you not know? that’s kenma’s girlfriend.”
kuroo of course knew because who else would kenma turn to when he figured out he had feelings towards you? of course it would be his best friend and personal idiot
jaws just on the floor, and man did kuroo think it was funny to see everyone’s expressions
the next practice yamamoto and lev come up to kenma immediately
“KENMAA WHY DID YOU TELL US YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND?” poor kenma because he was just trying to play his game and nearly dropped it, if he did oh yamamoto would probably have been murdered
kenma’s face twisted in a look of annoyance, “i didn’t think it was important that’s all.” he brushed the topic off, not wanting to make a big deal of it because he didn’t see it as one
yamamoto was personally offended by kenma’s words because um, kenma had a girlfriend and he didn’t. “not a big deal? KENMA HOW C-“
“yamamoto, shut up.” kuroo cut in because kenma was just getting more annoyed, and also because he was just being too loud
poor yamamoto, he also wanted to know if you had cute friends. but also knowing him, he would probably run away if he met said cute friends
however it didn’t stop lev from following after kenma, “hey hey kenma, how did you even get a girlfriend?
for once kenma would rather play volleyball then answer these questions about you. it’s not like he doesn’t want to talk about you, it’s just he doesn’t feel the need to share about his relationship
luckily they stopped bugging him, but when you showed up at the end of practice, the attention was brought back to the both of yours relationship
but instead of lev or yamamoto going up to him, they went to you instead.
“hey kenma’s girlfriend, why do you like kenma? don’t you think he’s too quiet?”
“do you have any cute friends by any chance.”
“also you’re short, but maybe taller than yaku..”
lev was then immediately kicked by yaku, you think he would learn by now
you were kinda overwhelmed by the two guys, especially lev because he was well, tall. you laughed sheepishly, taking a step back from them
kenma quickly picked up on your discomfort and speed walks over to you, kuroo has only seem him walk this fast when going to the bame store
the setter stepped in between you and his two teammates, shooting them a glare and small frown. “leave (y/n) alone, she is none of your business.”
after that yaku drags away lev before he could continue pestering or start teasing, while kai leads yamamoto away to console him about wanting to also have a cute girlfriend
that left you and kenma, and wow you were kinda stunned by kenma coming to your rescue. because you know that he isn’t the most expressive or affectionate but this action threw away any possible doubts you had before
kenma made sure to walk you all the way home that day to make up for his annoying teammates. lucky for him the topic of his relationship didn’t come up again. besides he didn’t want to share all the precious moments he has with you anyways, you were all his afterall
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partiallysame · 4 years
Tanaka imagine:
You have a crush on Tanaka and you two get paired for a class project
You only had one class with Tanaka and you spent the entire time staring at him. How could he be so cute and hot and kind of scary all at once?? You never really got up the courage to talk to him much, just a few times in class when you had to talk. Your subtle dream came true when the teacher assigned the two of you to a project together. Once the teacher assigned partners she let the class have time to meet and discuss their projects.
“Hey y/n we’re gonna ace this!” His voice was loud and he had a big smile plastered on his face like usual.
“Hi Tanaka and ya I hope so” you were playing with your pencil almost trying not to look at the tall man in front of you. Why were you so nervous?
“Um when did you want to get together to start on it?” You asked the boy with the buzz cut, looking up at him with big eyes.
“Oh uh well I have volleyball practice everyday after school but if you wanted we could meet in the gym and work on it for like half an hour before practice starts.” He was gathering up his stuff as he spoke since class was about to end. You were too busy panicking about meeting him in the gym, with all his friends, large, scary volleyball boys. Wait you didn’t even know where that gym was.
“Y/n?” His voice snapped you out of your daze and you noticed he was looking at you and holding all of your things in a nice stack. The blush crept up your cheeks before you could even think.
“Oh thank you” you said as he handed you your things.
“Ya that works for me but I’m not sure where that gym is. Girls P.E uses the other gym.” Too embarrassed of your bright pink cheeks to look at him you stared at your bag as you put your things away.
“No problem, meet me here after school and we can walk there together.” You almost choked on your spit. Walk together? How romantic, wait no chill out. This is just a class project.
The bell rang and you walked to your shared class to find Tanaka who was already waiting for you. He gave you an excited wave which you returned. The two of you walked to the gym which was much further than you expected. When you got there he told you he needed to change into his practice uniform first and he’d be right back. You waited in front of the gym door for a few minutes before you saw him emerge from the locker room now in shorts and a t-shirt that he was just finishing up pulling all the way down. For just a second the lower half of his torso and abs were exposed. Oh my god oh my god he’s so hot oh my god. Breathe breathe he’s coming calm down. You thought you were panicking until he opened the door and you saw a bunch of cute guys in their uniforms staring at you. Now that was true fear.
“Hey guys” Tanaka yelled into the gym. “This is y/n and we are gonna work on something before practice.” He began leading you to a quiet spot in the corner of the gym while all the boys in almost perfect unison said hi to you.
You two sat down and he pulled out his notes while you opened up your laptop. You two hand only been working a few minutes when you realized that if you wanted a good grade on this you were going to have to do it all. You began talking about the order you thought the slides should go in when you looked up to see Tanaka staring at you, a sight blush on his cheeks and big doe eyes. Starting to get flustered you began to blush too when you realized he wasn’t staring at you, he was staring behind you. Your heart started to shatter when you turned around to see a pretty girl with black hair in a volleyball jacket. That’s who he was staring at. Not you. God you’re an idiot. She’s so pretty you don’t stand a chance. God you almost wanted to cry.
“Uh actually I just remembered I gotta go. And uh I’ll just finish this at home don’t worry about it”. You were trying to keep your voice from breaking as you packed up all your things.
“Sweet thanks y/n! I’ll see you tomorrow in class” Tanaka pushed his things to the side and grabbed a volleyball that was near by before running over to Noya. Luckily you were able to get out of the gym before the waterworks started to fall.
Tanaka couldn’t even get a word in to Nishinoya before Daichi had grabbed the back of Tanaka’s shirt and pulled him backwards before Sugawara karate chopped him in the stomach.
“You idiot” Daichi said looking disappointed in the second year.
“Whaattt?????” Tanaka was holding his stomach from where Suga hit him.
“That girl clearly has a big crush on you and you were so rude to her!” Daichi scolded the boy who he was still holding by the collar.
“No I wasn’t! Wait she what???” Tanaka’s eyes doubled in size as Daichi let go of him.
“She clearly likes you Tanaka. For some reason she looks at you like you put the stars in the sky and what do you do??? Ignore her AND your project to stare at Kiyoko.”
Tanaka took a minute to think. About how you get flustered whenever he talks to you, how red your cheeks get. How you always offer him your pencil when he forgets his. And then how fast your mood changed when he was looking at Kiyoko.
“Oh shit” was all he could think to say
“Oh shit is right” Daichi gave him a light slap on the back of his head
“Tomorrow,” Suga started, “you’re going to walk into class and apologize for 1. Being rude 2. Not paying attention to her or the project and 3. For letting her do the project all by herself”
“You’re right Suga I will” Tanaka was looking down at his feet before peeking up. “You really think she likes me????” Daichi was going to slap him again but he ducked, knowing it was going to happen.
“Tanaka you have a very nice and very pretty girl who likes you. Do not mess this up” Daichi had his hand on tanka’s shoulder when he spoke.
“I won’t captain”
The next day Tanaka got to class early (which he never does) and left a candy and an apology note on your desk asking you to give him another chance as your partner and to meet him in the gym again.
When you walked in and read it you were almost too nervous to look back at Tanaka but were glad you did when you saw him fake crying into his hands and mouthing “take me back y/n pleasee.” You laughed into your hands and nodded.
You did not know what to expect when you walked into their practice gym again but you were definitely not ready for what you saw. Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata and Yamaguchi standing in a line. Once the door shut behind you Tanaka pointed to Suga who was standing next to a big stereo.
“HIT IT” Tanaka yelled. Once the music started playing the four boys leaped into a choreographed dance that ended with them all pointing to the volleyball net that was wrapped in streamers and said the word “sorry.”
You had never blushed and laughed so much in your life.
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weyheyjxlya · 4 years
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*•.¸♡ pairing: asahi azumane x reader
*•.¸♡ genre: sfw | fluff | a lil angsty (hehe) | wc: 2.3k
*•.¸♡ prompt : Amnesia
*•.¸♡ warning: anterograde amnesia | blind panic attack | fist fight | a little cursing
*•.¸♡ a/n : so henlo! been so busy recently but I promise! I’ll continue where I left off You’re Back. so this is my second time writing for a prompt for the server collab of Haikyuu Headquarters. this is a hard one and it is expected to be long so this will have two parts. also, I created a playlist for this in spotify so listen to it as well. so ya, I hope u enjoy this mi lovely people.
also, I just reached 100 and I’m crying because this is a milestone for me. I did not ever expected that I would write for tumblr and here I am enjoying it. so omg thank you very much minna!! ilysm!! <3
[♬• playlist •♬]
part I | part II
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Life never felt so good every time you are talking to this specific person over the internet. May it take minutes or hours, error messages, internet connection problems, etc. You both never failed to stall conversations. It's like the world revolved around the two of you. You two found each other's presence like it's the most precious thing in the world. Hands may get tired from making the keys clack and eyes may hurt from looking at the screen for a long time but it's all worth it. Every single word you receive from each other is worth it. It may seem addictive to the eyes of other people but for the two of you, it's like a heaven-sent gift. Both of you are hopeless romantics. Both of you are each other's shoulder when problems set foot into your lives. You found comfort in each other, a loving comfort that made the both of you yearn for each other. Yearning for each other while slowly realizing that the two of you are already falling into the depths of love together. That should've been the case already but there's one thing. One thing that' stopping both of you. Real names and real faces. Recognizing each other by only your original created avatar and usernames made the love stop its way into the battlefield. You don't recognize each other genuinely, doubt, and fear still in place between the two of you. Therefore, one day you both agreed to take it to another level. You both decided to finally meet one another.
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02 | 11 | 2018
depressed_epiphany: ha! u got me there
insouciance_flower: well, that's how smart I am lmao
depressed_epiphany: but hey, let's take this to another level. how bout we meet next week?
insouciance_flower: so eager to see my beauty huh?
depressed_epiphany: you disgust me. but how bout the hamaya isobashi next town? I wanna try their foods so badly
insouciance_flower: deal! 7:30 pm it is?
depressed_epiphany: oh yes it is! see you!
insouciance_flower: see you <3 (ew)
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02 | 18 | 2018
"Ma, do I look good?" you asked for affirmation as you twirl around in front of the mirror while admiring the frills upon the ends= of your dress
Excitement made its way upon your whole system as today is the day that you'll be seeing the other person that you've been talking for months with. Despite the animosity, you've found tranquility in the hands of the guy with the username "dxpressed_epiphany". For the whole day of wondering, you've been wondering about what's his name, age, height, personality. Is he the same in person or he's just nothing like when he's online. You've been worried about those pieces of information throughout the waiting process for this day to come. What if you wouldn't like each other after meeting up? That would be devastating, you thought. But despite all of those unending thoughts, you've decided to just let it be and go with the flow then walked your way to the driveway to fetch your car.
With trembling hands, you hopped into your car and started it. As you go out of the driveway, your resolution becomes firmer.
"Don't be nervous now Y/N," you scolded yourself
As you got further away from your house, your speed also accelerated. The restaurant's a bit too far from yours so that's why you've decided to drive there an hour earlier, so if in case of loss you can still find your way back again to the right track.  As time pass, roads are getting darker and less crowded. Trees and open fields filled your peripheral view. As the sun makes its way down to exchange places with the moon, your eyes wholeheartedly admired its beauty and followed it, forgetting for a while that you're driving. Just as you put your eyes back on the road, you've noticed that you're going towards the end of the road. So you reflexively stomped on the breaks and shakingly took the wheel and forcefully steered it which made your car turn 360 for plenty of times until you...
05 | 18 | 2018
"Pa, what am I doing here in this hospital bed?" you asked
"Oh thank God!" your parents sighed as they hug you together tightly as if they lost you
"What am I still lying here for? I'm supposed to be having a date today," you've mentioned
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08 | 17 | 2018
As months passed, after being stood up by the girl that he had been hoping for. He received no replies after that day. The program where they had been talking to got out-of-date. And those lead Asahi to who he is right now. Negativity got its way on his system, even if Sugawara karate chops the negativity out of him. He thought there's no way in hell that he'll ever be able to be in a proper relationship anymore. Asahi got into various kinds of relationships and got off with it in just a short time. He thought that there's something wrong with him.
"Why are you still in my mind insouciance flower?" he wondered as he skims through his finished business in his laptop
"Please let me go," he agonized as that day left a mark on his heart that made all of his hopes flew away with the wind. He is certain that that girl would be the one once they would meet. That incident left him in a devastating state as he waited hours for her to arrive in the restaurant. His heart broke and contacted Suga and Daichi later that night as he drank his sorrows away at the nearest pub that they can get laid off to.
As he reviewed all of his thoughts, he came up with a thought of finally letting go with all of his yearnings and hopes that he could once again talk to and meet her for once, even if it's just a coincidental event. He has decided to repeat that day, to do all the things that they were supposed to do, and to go to the place where they're supposed to meet. It's more of a pilgrimage just so he could let go of the sorrow that he had been feeling ever since.
08 | 18 | 2018
Asahi wore the same attire that he wore on that specific date. While readying himself up inside the car, hands are shaking as he grabs the handle of his car as he went down and tidied his clothes as he walked into the restaurant where they're supposed to meet.
Fingers fiddling with the buttons of his cuff links, nervousness crept its way into his system as he recognized some servers that had seen his terrible state from the last 6 months. He came a little later than the actual time that they've agreed together. Eyes scanning throughout the restaurant as he subtly hoped for the last time that he would encounter a coincidental event where he could meet her for once.
As Asahi continued to scan around the whole restaurant, one subject caught his eyes. It's a lady, alone, has been circling her wine glass ever since, and has been circling her pasta with a fork and made portions of it as she successfully twirled it into mini pyramids of pasta.
He didn't noticed that he had looking at her for quite a while now and got snapped back to reality when he saw the lady stood up from her seat and started walking towards his table, in which he doesn't know because he flinched and returned his gaze over his food. Fear came into him when he felt someone poking him from behind but he slowly turned his head and...
"Hi! Are you my date for today?" you innocently asked the lone guy as you wore your wonderful dress that has the frill that you've wasted your time with as you admire how pretty it is made
"Hi I'm sorry, but I don't think so" he gulped as he continued focusing on his food because your face is too divine to look at it much further
"Oh sorry for disturbing you then," you replied with a courteous smile as you go back to your seat
Thirty minutes have passed since the time that you should've left. Also, you've noticed that the lone guy had been alone for a while, who's just there, aloof and lost in his sight. Devastated, you nonchalantly walked over to him.
"Hi! mind if I just take the other seat?" you inquired
"Sure," he replied and right away, you asked for assistance to transfer your tables from yours to his and started conversing the night away.
"I've had a great time. Can I see you tomorrow as well Asahi-san?" you asked
"Yes Y/N, same time and place right?" Asahi giddily confirmed
"Yes, see you tomorrow then!" you giggled as you walked out first from the restaurant
Asahi never felt happier as he paid for his bill because for once he forgot his purpose for revisiting this place. He became certain that he finally would get to let go of the insouciance flower.
"Hi, Sir!! Thank you for finally making her enjoy and smile for this night. She had been here for 6 months already but still, thank you!" the staff at the counter thanked wholeheartedly
"You're welcome?" Asahi replied as he can't register what's inside the all of the sudden gratitude of the staff but he just brushed it off and started walking towards the car
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08 | 19 | 2018
"Hi, Y/N!!" Asahi blurted as he walked towards your direction
"Uhh hello? I'm sorry but I don't think I know you?" you replied as you wondered how did this guy get to know who you are. You've thought for a moment that this stranger just saw your name from a name tag or something, so you've checked yourself and your table if there's any but there's none. How did this guy even got your name?
"Uhm but we just talked yesterday, we even got to agree to meet here again after yesterday," he mentioned while you noticed that he shakingly fiddles with his fingers
"I'm sorry, but as long as I can remember, I was picking out a dress with my mom yesterday. Don't you think you're just mistaken?" you justified
"But what just happened yesterday? I know I'm not mistaken, it's you. I remember perfectly just how beautiful you are," he replied
"Hi, I appreciate the compliment but the thing that I don't appreciate is flirting with someone I just met," you replied with a straight face
"But," he replied, and before he gets to explain himself more staff that he recognized from 6 months ago approached him and dragged him out of the restaurant.
"Hi, sir! I've heard that my staff yesterday thanked you but I want you to please dismiss it and I hope you just don't meddle with Y/N-chan anymore. She's a special case. So please sir! could you please just stop it here." the staff that looked like the head one pleaded and bowed
"I'm very sorry to hear about that but I just can't. Before I would give you a yes to your request if you could just please explain to me why she's a special case?" Asahi begged as his hopes are being crushed furthermore
"Well if that's the only way to stop you. Everyone in this restaurant and the community knows about her case. Y/N-chan has anterograde amnesia meaning she cannot create new memories right from the event when the accident happened. So after she sleeps the night off, all memories from today will be erased. So every day she always thinks that it's still Sunday and she has a date for tonight. It's the same routine for 3 months now, she had the accident 6 months ago and they've mentioned that she has a date in this restaurant back from that day. But on the way here, the accident happened. So to prevent her from knowing everything and to blind panic, her family mentioned to us to just don't mind her when she's doing the same routine every single day,"
"6 months ago right? can you please provide me what Sunday that day is and the time that she usually goes here," Asahi pleaded as he's realizing something from the sudden shock of tonight's event
"Yes, it's February 18, the year of 2018. She mentioned that she goes here one hour early from the actual time of her date to prevent her from getting lost so it's 6:30 pm" the staff answered
"I think I got all the details that I need. Thank you very much!" Asahi thanked the staff wholeheartedly but got his heart to soften as he believed and realized one thing. It was you. You are insouciance_flower. The one that he had been waiting for. The one that he loved dearly over the animosity. So that is the reason why he forgot things yesterday because you had met his vibes and taste. It is you.
Asahi blankly walked to his car and drove home as this sudden news hit him so bad. His heart was filled with guilt. Blaming himself why you got involved in an accident.
The idea of giving up from meeting you came to him once, but he persisted. Persisted to make it up to you. He absorbed Sugawara's words from 5 years ago that he needs to get rid of that "negative goatee" in himself. He would do everything to meet you up every night so that he could fulfill that agreement that you two made before you got into that accident. He would do everything even if every single day and effort would be disregarded as you'll soon as you sleep and forget about it. That is his resolution and will be his only resolution to make it up to you.
Meanwhile. back from the restaurant. The head staff contacted your parents as this sudden threat to their daughter came.
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