#suga hq
karasuno-planet · 7 days
Me again :3 How about Sugawara introducing his crush to the team cause they just showed up out of nowhere and getting teased by how obvious he is? :>
You Had Us At Hello | Sugawara Koshi
suga x fem!reader
wc: 0.8k
warnings: themes of comparing yourself/feeling insignificant, but happy ending
a/n: big apologies for taking sooo long to write this, I've been so busy with my summer job! but i am active I swear, and when I see y'alls likes and reblogs ngl I kick my feet a little. here's some suga!!!!! (requests open!)
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(gif not mine)
Another day, another practice match. By now, Sugawara had grown accustomed to standing on the sidelines and cheering instead of expecting any play time. And that was okay. He would support the team by putting on a smile even when that was the opposite of how he really felt. And when he watched Kageyama make such beautiful sets, all he felt was a hunger to grow even better himself. He never let jealousy overtake him, because that's just the way he is.
But when he saw your face entering the gym, walking straight towards him, his heart dropped. You knew he wasn't a regular on the team anymore, but knowing that didn't stop him from feeling a tinge of embarrassment on top of his already building nerves. He had been harboring a crush on you for God knows how long.
Before he even knew it his eyes were locked on you. Daichi and Asahi quickly took notice, as they were the only ones who knew of his hopelessness when it came to you. By the time you got to them Asahi had practically turned to face away from you entirely, his face completely pink with blush. So much so that it almost looked like he was the one with a crush, but everyone who knew him knew he gets nervous with secrets, and puts so much effort into making a good impression on people that his friends care about. Suga almost felt bad for him.
"Suga!" You smiled, giving him a little hug as you greeted him, then turning and hugging Daichi as well. You gave a little wave to Asahi, still turned away in embarrassment.
The way Suga smiled as he talked to you, and the slight blush on his cheeks was all the team needed to know to understand exactly who you were.
Hinata beamed from a few feet away, nudging Tsukishima with his arm in his attempt to whisper to him. Tsukki just rolled his eyes, but as he watched Suga, there was an unmistakable little side smile on his lips.
Nishinoya was quick to his curiosity, inserting himself into your conversation and nudging Daichi out of the way to talk to you. Out of the corner of his eye, Suga saw Daichi begin speaking awfully secretively to Kageyama, who just exchanged a little nod with him in return.
Soon enough, he saw just what they were talking about. Kageyama started very obviously rubbing his shoulder blade with a grimace on his face. He and Daichi walked over towards Suga to talk to coach Ukai.
Daichi initiated the conversation, "Coach, Kageyama's shoulder has really been hurting him..."
To everyone's surprise, Kageyama played along. Convincingly. "hmph, yeah... hurts pretty badly."
Daichi continued, "maybe he should sit this one out."
"I guess it's for the best," Kageyama sighed.
Coach Ukai seemed a little confused, but accepted, "Um, okay..." he directed his attention towards Suga, "Sugawara, it's all you today."
His stomach nearly turned all the way over, but he just nodded his head and started stretching. Unsurprisingly, the thing that calmed his nerves the most was when you spoke up, "Wow, I get to see you play today?"
"Uh- yeah! I guess so!"
"That's great—but hey— no pressure, okay?" You rested your hand on his shoulder and he just about melted into the floor of the gym.
"Got it."
Suddenly Tanaka reached out and pulled Suga away from you by his collar from behind, and merged him into the team huddle he just about missed as he lost track of time with you. Out of your earshot, they all shared a little laugh at Suga.
"Got a little something on your face there..." Noya laughed, pointing at his rosy cheeks.
"Shhh- Nishinoya!"
Tanaka ruffled up his hair, "I think you're okay, your little girlfriend is walking off to the student section..."
Suga sighed with relief.
"You didn't tell us about your crush, Suga-senpai!!" Hinata eagerly prodded at him.
"Guess it never came up.." Suga rubbed the back of his neck, feeling pressure from being the center of attention. He felt Asahi put a comforting hand on his back, silently reassuring him.
"Sugawara." Kageyama's voice rang out with the intensity of a raging fire, "Do well today."
Whether that was meant to be a threat or his way of giving words of encouragement, Suga just swallowed the lump in his threat and nodded his head. They put their hands together and cheered, and right as Suga began to take his first step onto the court, he heard Yamaguchi's familiar voice in his ear,
"Do well for her, and for us too."
Suga turned around to see a box full of the most supportive teammates he could've asked for, and your smiling face in the crowd right past them. Maybe it took seeing you there to realize just how important his role on the team was, regular or not.
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b1cr1ptic · 7 months
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Witch Suga for Sara, who asked me to draw this marvelous scene from her very magic fic, The Other Side, which you can read here 8) This was tons of funs to do! Is always deeply entertaining to develop settings and details!
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sugadicta · 2 years
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puss in boots
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raisunomii · 2 months
Huge fan of how in Haikyuu every setter is absolutely off the walls insane w it and suga is Just a setter. No stressful mind games he’s just playing volleyball. Which trips up every OTHER setter so bad that he changes the entire game every time. I love suga
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rinablet · 6 months
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one day, daichi’s favorite ramen place suddenly closed down
a belated birthday gift for the best haikyuu captain!
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cretenu · 11 days
"I LOVE YOU!" ft. suga and kenma
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content: when they said "i love you" for the first time! sugawara x gn! reader, kenma x gn! reader
warnings: none! just fluff :>
notes: i love these boys so much :( this is my first time writing suga and kenma and it was honestly really fun! i hope you enjoy it! <3
soundtrack: first day of my life - bright eyes
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koushi sugawara loves every part of you. it might take months before he says it out loud, but lord has he been thinking it. it started with him catching himself saying the phrase in his head at little things you would do. you bought him his favorite food? "i love you" in his head. you tripped and fell, laughing it off while blushing from embarrassment? "i love you" in his head. you listened intently while he talked to you in detail about the most obscure subjects? "i love you" in his head. he actually didn't mean to say it out loud the day it happened. you guys had been dating for some time. the two of you were playing volleyball together, aimlessly passing the ball back and forth. you were rambling to him about a random topic-- something absolutely stupid. even if he didn't fully understand what you were saying, the way you talked with such passion and enthusiasm made him love you that much more. you passed the ball to him and said something totally dumb with a frazzled expression on your face, making him laugh. "What?" you asked. "I'm dead serious!" he continued to laugh even harder-- from your statement, and from his sheer affection for you. "Man, I love you, y/n" he said. the exasperated look on your face quickly turned to one of shock, then to one of awe. it wasn't long before Suga realized what had escaped his mouth. it wasn't intentional, but he didn't regret it. the lighthearted atmosphere had changed. "You love me?" you said. "Of course, y/n! Why wouldn't I? You're like, my favorite person ever." he was closer now, looking down on you, deep into your eyes. "I love you too, Koushi" you said, pulling him close. "So much, even when you laugh at me." you gave him a playful push. if one thing is for certain, its that this man loves you so much. he loves you at your highs and lows, your triumphs, and your embarrassing moments. koushi sugawara loves every part of you, and he's happy he finally got to say it out loud.
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kozume kenma is reserved about his emotions. he's not a fan of expressing himself, and he especially doesn't like being sappy. yet, he's in love with you, and he couldn't suppress that emotion if he tried. you guys had been dating for a while before he said it. still, he found ways to show you he loved you at first, rather than putting it into words. he would let you win at his favorite video games and talk to his friends about you, something totally unlike him. he made an effort to be just a little bit more outgoing than normal when it came to you. for kenma, it was one of those days that really tests your limits. from endless schoolwork to an extended volleyball practice, his patience was wearing thin. kenma is not the type to open up when something is bothering him. but you always knew. and when he finally told you about his rough day, you were at his house in a matter of minutes. it was quiet, the two of you playing a random video game together. that was until your eyes wandered to the shelf in his room, holding endless amounts of video game discs and memorabilia. from the corner of your eye, you managed to catch a glimpse of one game that stood out. "Close your eyes" you told him. "Hm, why?" kenma looked skeptical. "Just trust me." you said. he had no idea what was happening, but he heard you getting up and fumbling with his gaming console. you sat back down close to him. "Okay, open." you said. he opened his eyes to see the screen glowing brightly with the words "JUST DANCE" written in a bold font. at the realization, kenma immediately protested. "No way." he started to get up. "You're on your own here, y/n." as he tried to get up, you grabbed his hand and looked in his eyes. "Pleaseee Kozume." you begged. "Don't be a killjoy!" somehow, after endless begging, you managed to get him to say yes. kenma refused to dance at first. it wasn't until you physically took his hand in yours that he started to move slightly. after a couple songs, the two of you started to get the hang of it. you guys looked ridiculous, but between his awkward dance moves and your fits of laughter, kenma seemed to forget what was worrying him not long before. you both danced into the night, using up any energy you had before finally laying down together. you rested your head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around you. as he scrolled on his phone with his free hand, he was too preoccupied to notice how you had seemingly fallen asleep in his arms. he knew he wanted to say thank you. for brightening his day, for making him laugh, and for simply existing-- but he didn't know how. he stared down at your sleeping face, thinking for some time before placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "I love you." he said softly. and you heard. you heard all three words like music to your ears.
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takes1 · 1 month
Some fluff w Koushi maybe?🫶
koushi realizing barista!reader is pretty cute
thanks for the request! this was a cute and refreshing prompt for me <3 much love!!
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warnings. none info. sfw / fluff / college!au / coffeeshop!au / simple but cute / suga wears cardigans / timeskip!suga / like imagine english teacher suga pulling a stretchy cardigan over himself ugh so cute / 630 words links. haikyuu collection. masterlist. requests open. my ao3
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"Good morning!" A gentle voice blessed your ears.
You smiled without looking up from the register.
Mr. Cardigan's ritual began. Glance over the menu, top-right to the espresso drinks, consider getting a decaf-- of course he won't go with the decaf, it was 7:40 and he was already tapping his foot to get to his 8 a.m class. Then he would decide on his tried and true as if it were a brand new idea:
"Double espresso, steamed milk, sweetened with honey."
He was wearing a face of mild shock, a touch of embarrassment, when you looked up from the order you already input.
"Oh, shit--," You laughed, warm at your slip-up, "I'm so sorry."
"Nono, it's- it's fine," He sported a similar color.
After a moment's hesitation, he chuckled and gave you his card.
Your Monday, Wednesday, Friday shift lined up with everyone who had a MWF 8 a.m (+9, 9:30, 10:00, and 10:30, regrettably). He was one of the few you cared to remember since he was such a cutie and he usually tipped you well.
"It's been a long morning, I get it," He graced you with a smooth forgiveness.
You sighed, relieved, and agreed wholeheartedly.
Spring semester was right at the close. Most were coming in to the Business building's little ground-level cafe early or late to cram for finals. He stayed consistent throughout the past few months, though, with his 7:40 sharp arrival.
7:44 if there was a line, but that was Mondays. Fridays weren't as busy because so many people skipped. But reliable Mr. Cardigan never missed a class.
"Almost done, though," You handed him his card back and spun the tip screen around for him, expecting nothing this time.
"Thank god," He tapped for No Receipt and closed his wallet.
He stood at the counter with his hands crossed in front of him to wait for his drink.
He never noticed how pretty your hands were before today. He looked down at his own kinda stumpy fingers. Then he watched -careful not to come across as creepy- at how gingerly you held the mug to the steam wand while screwing the filter in place.
The urge to talk to you nudged at the back of his throat, but he fell silent when you flipped the switch on.
The espresso machine was always a little too loud to talk over.
It was a graceful background noise to those who studied in this lobby, and a good backdrop to stay quiet to.
This time, he didn't feel as though your usual exchange was natural anymore. He wanted to talk, but didn't know quite how. The usual 4-minute wait felt like ages, but today he wasn't keen on leaving until he spoke to you again.
Your eyes flitted over his when you turned towards the lobby side for the honey.
His broad shoulders tensed and he turned his head to take false interest in some of the artwork on the walls. He didn't realize he was staring so hard.
He wondered how long you had been paying attention to him. If was just habit, or maybe a fondness had been growing and he was always too tired to notice anything other than how well you made his drink.
Now it was impossible not to overthink your friendly customer-service smile, or the smiley face you always put on the side of his cup.
Say something!
He repeated it so many times that his mind had been made unintentionally blank when you held the cup up for him to take over the counter.
"Good luck with finals," You said softly.
When he reached for his latte, your fingertips brushed for the tiniest moment. An intense heat crept up the back of his neck.
A shaky, "You, too," was all he could manage.
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requests open.
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hinata-boke · 1 year
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super spicy mapo tofu
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mzhari4 · 10 months
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bench players
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kimseokjinn · 2 months
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karasuno-planet · 22 days
What would you do for a friend?
Kageyama x manager!reader w/ bsf Asahi <3
sfw but implied making out
Word Count: 0.9k
a/n: This one is high-key silly but plz enjoy
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After a long day of practices, one thing was on your mind. It had already been nearly a week since the team had arrived in Tokyo and you had barely gotten to see Kageyama outside of practice.
It wasn't long before you found yourself leaving your hotel room and walking down the hallway to your boyfriend's room. Then there was only one thing in the way.
A 190 centimeter blonde boy with glasses who seemed to be out for your blood.
You knocked on the door and before you knew it, Tsukishima answered. Not ideal, but you knew the first-years were sharing a room.
"Hey Tsukki!"
You paused for a moment, and he cut you off, "You want something. What?"
"Um...Is Kageyama busy?"
"Yes," before you could even process, he shut the door on you.
Okay, definitely not ideal.
You sigh, realizing there's no way you're getting into that room. Thankfully, only a few doors down you knew you would be perfectly welcome. You traipse your way to the third-years' room, and knock.
Soon you're faced with the long-haired anxious boy you've grown so fond of.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?"
"Funny story..."
"Oh. Come in and explain."
You take the invitation and walk into the room to realize you're alone.
"Where are the others?"
"They wanted to do a little cool-down after practice. I opted out of that one..." He explains, blushing a little at his embarrassment of skipping out of a work-out, but you were grateful to have him here. "Anyways, what's the occasion?"
"Actually, Tsukishima is puppy-guarding me from seeing my boyfriend."
Asahi chuckled at your bold statement, "Really? How unfortunate."
"Well, maybe that's where you come in."
"What?" Asahi looked completely puzzled.
"Um.. well, if you didn't mind being the best friend in the entire world...maybe Kageyama could come over here and enjoy your spacious bathroom with me?"
Asahi's face went totally pale. "Um, I don't know if I should be uh...letting first years do that in here..."
You blushed like a madman, "NO, NO, Not that!!!" You laughed. "PG-13. I swear. I just haven't gotten to be alone with him in like a week."
"Oh, alright...you promise? Kinda made it sound like tsukki was cock-blocking you there."
You burst out laughing at that sentence coming from Asahi's mouth.
"I swear."
Asahi's cheeks flushed a little pink, "Why not your room?"
"Yachi is like totally scared of Tobio..."
"Right. Okay, sure.. go ahead..."
"Did I ever tell you that you're the best?"
"Yep," He chuckled, sitting back on is bed and scrolling on his phone as you texted Kageyama the room number.
And as quickly as you had entered his room, suddenly Asahi was contemplating how he had gotten into the situation where you and your boyfriend were together in his bathroom. He was practically babysitting. At least he didn't hear anything suspicious, which meant hopefully you really did have pure intentions. He's not sure what he would do if you didn't.
Abruptly he heard a little click from outside the rom, and the door start to open. He held his breath for a second, but felt relaxed when he saw it was just Daichi and Suga. He could explain this.
"Hey, guys, uh... don't go in the bathroom."
They stopped dead in their tracks, confused.
"Um, why not?" Daichi inquired.
"It's just that, well, y/n and Kageyama are in there."
"What??" Suga asked.
Asahi sighed, "Wouldn't you do it for a friend?"
Daichi and Suga stared blankly at him.
"It's innocent, she promised. They're just like, I don't know, little kids who miss each other."
Daichi laughed, "Okay, sure. Why here?"
"Apparently Tsukishima is getting in their way? I don't know..."
Suga chuckled and started spilling the contents of his pockets onto the table and settling in. "Now that's a little hilarious."
Daichi shrugged and sat down as well. "You think y/n cares that you sorta see her as a baby?"
"Nah," Asahi smiled, "She totally owes me after this anyways."
And, just like clockwork, Asahi's phone buzzes with a venmo notification of $15 from y/n. He laughed and the door started to open. Kageyama walked out, wiping his mouth on his sleeve, and looked shocked at the room, now full of his seniors.
He turned around to you, "didn't know there was an audience??"
You walk out behind him, blushing a little, but smiling nicely at your upperclassmen.
You see a hint of pinkness creeping over Kageyama's cheeks as he turns around and faces the door. "better get back before Hinata spreads rumors."
"Sure," you laugh.
The door shuts behind him and you're left in the room with the third-years, a little embarrassed.
Daichi cuts you off before you can continue, "Yeah, don't worry, we didn't see a thing."
You sigh of relief and take a seat next to Asahi.
Three Months Later
During a classic training camp team-bonding exercise, the Karasuno team sits in a tight circle playing a truth-or-dare style game.
When Nishinoya's turn arrives, he stares dead into Asahi's eyes, making him nervous before even asking his question.
"Asahi, you're pretty tight with y/n, huh?"
He nodded his head.
"What's the craziest thing you've ever done for her?"
He stammers, "Well, um... there was this time in Tokyo.."
"NOPE-" You interject, silencing him. Daichi and Sugawara both exchange knowing glances. "Asahi, I will seriously kill you."
"Me first," Kageyama says, staring daggers into Asahi, flames practically bursting out from behind him.
"Uh- can I like, do diving drills instead??" Asahi pleads.
a/n: thank you for indulging me in that cheeky one <3, let me know what you think and reblogs are so so appreciated.
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tsukkiiramen · 2 months
sugawara koushi fanart ><
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struwberrii · 2 days
suga crushing on you ✧˖°.
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here is my little smau of texts with suga while he’s crushing on you :3
also ignore the switch from light to dark mode i got distracted half way through writing these loll
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rinablet · 9 months
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AWAKE (featuring my daisuga baby+cat OCs!)
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bonniepop · 3 months
do you think you'll make a part two for the sugawara fry game fic where they reconcile because im,, im, 😭😭
part 1
you've successfully avoided sugawara for the entire school week. it wasn't necessarily hard—you'd been a part of his weekday routine for a few weeks now, sharing the same majors and electives—just really, really lonely.
the weekend had arrived and normally, saturdays entailed running joint errands in the morning—groceries, laundry, and any other such activity—followed by lunch (this saturday is your turn to choose—well, was your turn to choose) and some movie, or mini golf, or something. some activity that made you both laugh and talk and made you fall in love with him a little bit more.
you sigh and push yourself up off the bed, forcing yourself to grab your purse and phone and a list you kept pinned via magnet to you and your roommate's shared fridge, and set out.
the bus ride to the grocery store was so stiflingly quiet that you'd decided to fish out your earphones and plug them in, keeping your gaze out the window, distracted by the scenery of the city as you drove past. you handn't realized so much was in this neighborhood; you had some vague recognition that it was close to sugawara's stop. you knew he lived out of campus, but you had no idea he lived in such a nice, lively area.
"hey," someone calls, voice muffled by your headphones.
you turn your head and your stomach drops.
of course. he fucking lives here.
he says, "mind if i sit?" but really he mouths, because you can't hear him past your music. you scoot closer to the window to make as much space as possible and he situates himself comfortably next to you.
he says something, you know he does, but you choose to ignore him in favor of some song you aren't really even listening to. you didn't want to talk about it. you didn't even want to acknowledge it.
you stand, planning to get off at the next stop even though your actual one had two more to go, but you don't care. all you care about is getting away from—
he grabs your wrist and yanks you down back to your seat. the abrupt movement makes one earphone fall off, and it lands in his lap. he fishes it with his free hand and hands it over with a kind smile. "this isn't our stop yet."
you flush, humiliated. "i—"
"you've been avoiding me all week," sugawara says softly, and your eyes well up in the slightest at the his voice sounding so... so... "if you don't want to talk, that's fine, just... don't go."
you press your lips together and take your earphone back, putting it away in its case. you look away and lean back on the window, trying to think about what to say, what to do, when he finally confronts you.
you're too distracted by your thoughts to notice that sugawara's hand on your wrist loosens, drifting up to hold your hand.
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afterthelambs · 5 months
Sugawara Koushi, you will always be kageyama's mother
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(yes this is about the recent haikyuu magazine that revealed suga contacts him regularly to chat about volleyball and their friends🥹)
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