urdubooks24 · 3 months
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Online Treasure of Sufi and Sant Poetry
Understanding the Essence of Sufi and Sant Poetry
Define Sufi Poetry
Define Sant Vani
Importance and relevance in modern times
Sufi/Sant Poetry: A Rich Heritage
Historical Background
Origins of Sufi Poetry
Development of Sant Vani
Famous Sufi Poets and Their Contributions
Bulleh Shah
Amir Khusro
Renowned Sant Poets and Their Works
Guru Nanak
Sant Vani: The Spiritual Songs
Definition and Importance of Sant Vani
Connection with spirituality and daily life
Prominent Themes in Sant Vani
Notable Compositions in Sant Vani
Kabir's Dohas
Guru Nanak's Bani
Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas
Sufi Qawwalis: The Soulful Melodies
Origins and Evolution of Qawwali
Historical context and cultural significance
Famous Qawwals and Their Contributions
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Sabri Brothers
Abida Parveen
Impact of Qawwalis on Society
Influence on music and cinema
Role in spiritual gatherings
Sufi Kalam: The Divine Verses
Meaning and Importance of Sufi Kalam
Spiritual and philosophical insights
Key Figures in Sufi Kalam
Shah Hussain
Popular Sufi Kalam Collections
Mathnawi by Rumi
Heer Ranjha by Waris Shah
E-Books: Accessing the Treasure
Availability of Sufi and Sant Poetry E-Books
Benefits of digital access
Top Online Platforms for Sufi and Sant E-Books
Project Gutenberg
Recommended E-Books for Sufi and Sant Poetry
"The Essential Rumi" by Coleman Barks
"Songs of Kabir" by Rabindranath Tagore
"The Conference of the Birds" by Attar of Nishapur
The Continuing Relevance of Sufi and Sant Poetry
Modern interpretations and adaptations
Influence on contemporary literature and art
Exploring Further
How to engage with and study Sufi and Sant poetry
Online resources and communities
Example Content Sections:
Understanding the Essence of Sufi and Sant Poetry
Sufi and Sant poetry are two deeply spiritual and philosophical traditions that have enriched the cultural and literary heritage of South Asia and beyond. Sufi poetry, often associated with mysticism and the quest for divine love, is known for its profound depth and emotional resonance. Sant Vani, on the other hand, comprises the devotional songs of the Sant tradition, emphasizing ethical living, devotion to God, and social equality.
These poetic forms have not only provided spiritual solace to millions but have also acted as a medium for social reform, challenging rigid societal norms and advocating for a more inclusive and compassionate worldview.
Famous Sufi Poets and Their Contributions
Bulleh Shah Bulleh Shah is one of the most celebrated Sufi poets whose verses transcend the boundaries of time and culture. His poetry, written in Punjabi, is a testament to his profound spiritual journey and his quest for unity with the Divine. Bulleh Shah’s works, such as "Bulleya Ki Jaana Main Kaun," are timeless classics that continue to inspire and resonate with readers around the world.
Rumi Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, more commonly known as Rumi, is perhaps the most famous Sufi poet in the world. His works, written in Persian, have been translated into numerous languages and are widely read across the globe. Rumi’s poetry, encapsulated in his magnum opus "Masnavi," explores themes of divine love, the soul’s journey towards God, and the nature of existence.
Amir Khusro Amir Khusro, a prolific Persian poet and a disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya, made significant contributions to Sufi literature and music. He is often credited with the invention of several musical instruments and the development of new genres of poetry. His ghazals and qawwalis are integral to the Sufi musical tradition and continue to be performed with great reverence.
Prominent Themes in Sant Vani
Sant Vani, the poetic expressions of the Bhakti saints, often revolve around themes of love, devotion, and social justice. The Bhakti movement, which gave rise to Sant Vani, sought to transcend the barriers of caste and creed, promoting a direct and personal relationship with the Divine.
Love and Devotion The Bhakti saints, such as Kabir and Guru Nanak, emphasized the importance of love and devotion in their teachings. Kabir’s dohas (couplets) are renowned for their simplicity and profound wisdom, urging individuals to seek the Divine within themselves and to practice love and compassion in their daily lives.
Humanity and Social Equality The Bhakti poets often used their verses to challenge societal norms and advocate for social justice. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, composed hymns that spoke against the caste system and gender discrimination, promoting the ideals of equality and universal brotherhood.
Famous Qawwals and Their Contributions
Qawwali, a form of Sufi devotional music, has a rich history and a profound impact on South Asian culture. This genre, characterized by its repetitive and hypnotic melodies, is designed to induce a state of spiritual ecstasy and divine connection.
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan is often hailed as the greatest qawwal of all time. His powerful voice and emotive renditions of Sufi poetry have captivated audiences worldwide. His contributions to qawwali music have not only preserved this ancient tradition but also brought it to the global stage, influencing musicians across various genres.
Sabri Brothers The Sabri Brothers, a legendary qawwali group from Pakistan, are known for their dynamic performances and soulful renditions of Sufi poetry. Their qawwalis, such as "Bhar Do Jholi Meri" and "Tajdar-e-Haram," are celebrated for their spiritual fervor and emotional depth.
Abida Parveen Abida Parveen, one of the most iconic female Sufi singers, has made significant contributions to the world of Sufi music. Her powerful and evocative voice has brought the poetry of Sufi saints to life, making her one of the most revered figures in the genre.
Recommended E-Books for Sufi and Sant Poetry
For those looking to delve deeper into the rich traditions of Sufi and Sant poetry, numerous e-books are available online. These digital collections provide a convenient way to explore the profound wisdom and spiritual insights of the Sufi and Bhakti poets.
"The Essential Rumi" by Coleman Barks This renowned translation of Rumi’s poetry by Coleman Barks captures the essence of Rumi’s mystical and spiritual insights. The book includes some of Rumi’s most famous poems, making it an essential read for anyone interested in Sufi literature.
"Songs of Kabir" by Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore’s translation of Kabir’s dohas brings the profound wisdom of this Bhakti saint to a global audience. The book offers a selection of Kabir’s most insightful and thought-provoking verses, providing a glimpse into his spiritual teachings.
"The Conference of the Birds" by Attar of Nishapur This classic Persian poem, written by the Sufi poet Attar of Nishapur, is an allegorical journey of the soul towards enlightenment. The book, available in various translations, is a profound exploration of Sufi philosophy and spiritual quest.
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kikotapasando · 9 months
kambio den servisio pa rekohé shushi gròf grátis
Selikor ta anunsiá ku debí na retraso ku a surgi, lo apliká e siguiente kambionan den e skema di rekohé shushi gròf.   Próksimamente e siguiente barionan lo ta na turno: 28 di dezèmber 2023: Boca Samí 29 di dezèmber 2023: Koral Specht 2 di yanüari 2024: Tera Korá 3 di yanüari 2024: Sufisant i Mahuma 4 di yanüari 2024: Steenrijk 5 di yanüari 2024: Kwartier   Gerensia ta pidi diskulpa pa kualkier…
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williamgunst · 2 years
Quatre idées pour une fin d'année en bonne santé
Quatre idées pour une fin d’année en bonne santé
Adopter une alimentation saine et équilibrée Vous avez probablement entendu dire que vous devez manger cinq fruits et légumes par jour pour être en bonne santé. En effet, ces aliments sont bénéfiques pour votre corps grâce à leurs apports nutritionnels. Ce n’est pas sufisant. Il est logique d’avoir une alimentation saine et équilibrée pour améliorer son capital santé. Cela signifie notamment que…
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lovenitusingh · 4 years
सूफ़ीवाद Sufism MCQ || Medieval indian history || BPSC 66, UPSC 2020, SS...
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rajkrranjan · 4 years
सूफ़ीवाद Sufism MCQ || Medieval indian history || BPSC 66, UPSC 2020, SS...
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to-the-pine · 6 years
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Quand ce prof, voyant que je ne réponds pas à son précédent message sur Instagram, m'en envoie un autre quelques heures plus tard ou aime mes messages afin d'attirer mon attention.
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nevermind-justme · 6 years
Tu me manques á en crever
Il y a des moments comme cela où la vie fout tout à l'envers. Où l'on doit prendre soin de nos anges gardiens. Où les forts s'affaissent d'un coup, soutenus par les autres; peut être ça ne sera jamais sufisant. Où la mort nous prend les meilleurs, alors qu'on en a besoin ici plus que jamais et ça ne sera jamais assez. On vivera dans le regret des moments non vécu des mots non dit et la liste et longue de nos vie enlevées😭
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weaajkal · 4 years
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پشاور دھماکے پر شوبز شخصیات کا دکھ کا اظہار @sufisal @falamb3 @AliZafarsays @iamhumayunsaeed #Peshawar #Bombblast #Aajkalpk آج (27 اکتوبر کو) صوبہ خیبرپختونخو�� کے دارالحکومت پشاور میں مدرسہ جامعہ زبیریہ میں ہونے والے دھماکے کے نتیجے میں طلبہ سمیت 8 افراد جاں بحق جبکہ 110 زخمی ہوگئے تھے۔اس دھماکے پر کئی نامور شخصیات اور سوشل میڈیا صارفین نے افسوس کا اظہار کیا تھا وہیں شوبز شخصیات نے بھی گہرے دکھ کا اظہار کیا۔.
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romanch-studiobook · 4 years
The original (that’s why it is up side down) of the first video with assistant who carried the camera. This method did really helped me to make picture much more dynamic. Also it allowed me to change the angle of view. But anyway it looks not really sufisicated because of quality of the camera. It can’t give me normal frame rate and quality of the video decreases a bit.
The POV video looks not really nice because legs from this point of view look like sticks and motion blur totally ruin any chance for this video to be normal. Actually I want to get rid of such videos and take a step from super realism.
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lovenitusingh · 4 years
सूफ़ीवाद Sufism in Hindi || Medieval indian history || BPSC 66, UPSC 202...
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lagabriellebaya · 4 years
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OK ! I cannot take my shower or bath because I still hear insults with my hearing aids, such as: dirty Jewish, dirty harkis, dirty kabyle and even supermarket security guards and Muslim policemen are insulted in this way (while there are laws that protect Jews and harkis against insults and violence) I hear, bitch whore, masturbate you (frankly, I fall to the ground when I hear that) and I specify, still that I am hard of hearing and in situation of handicap, and they compare me to actress from the film “Much Loved” while I much prefer the actress Isabelle Adjani, (sorry for the actress from the film “Much Loved” and the other actresses from the film, I don’t know them) I regret that the director is made a film, which endangered the actresses of this film, but also women whose origins are from Africa! Wasn’t the film “Lord of War” with Nicolas cage, where we see African prostitutes, enough? (without the arms sales side? a horror in Africa - Tutsi and Hutus and other wars without precedent in Africa) for “Much Loved” I specify that the actress of the film “Much Loved” received punches on the eye and that the same thing was done to me on September 1, 2019. I haven't even seen these movies.
Ok ! je ne peux pas prendre ma douche ou mon bain car j'entends encore avec mes appareils auditifs des insultes, comme : sale juive, sale harkis, sale kabyle et même les agents de sécurité de supermarché et les policier musulmans sont insultés de la sorte ( alors qu'il y a des lois qui protèges les juifs et les harkis contre les insultes et violences, je vous rappel même que ces lois sont faites pour que des musulmans n'insultent pas d'autres musulmans) j'entends, salope pute, masturbe toi ( franchement,  je tombe au sol quand j'entends ça ) et je précise encore que je suis sourde et en situation de handicape, et ils me comparent à l'actrice du film “ Much Loved ” alors que je préfere largement l'actrice Isabelle Adjani, ( pardon pour l'actrice du film  " Much Loved “ et les autres actrices du film, je ne les connais pas) je regrete que le réalisateur est fait un film qui a mis en danger, les actrices de ce film, mais aussi les femmes dont les origines sont d'afrique ! je film "Lord of War "ou l'on voit des prostituées africaine n'était-il pas sufisant ? sans le côté vente d'armes ? pour ” Much Loved “  je précise que l'actrice du film  ” Much Loved “ a reçu des coups de poing sur l'oeil et que l'on m'a fait la même chose le 1 ER septembre 2019.  Je n'ai même pas vu ces films. Le 1 er Septembre, la personne qui m'a frappé m'a dit des choses concernant une association que je tiens et qui lutte contre la dépression, les tentatives de suicides et pour la résilience et contre la procrastination, car je suis en procrastination. Je ne connaissais pas la personne, mes voisins sont au courant de cette association, mais pourquoi cela viendraient d'eux ?
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- « Voilà ce que ça m'inspire cher Rodolphe.
Cher.e.s ami.e.s artistes ou non,
Chaque jour, j'apprends du confinement
Je passe par tant d'émotions
Parcours du combattant
Je laisse tomber tous les deguisements
Pour n'en garder que celui-là en coton
Je quitte tous mes rôles et romans
Je descends au front, c'est mon marathon
Des caddy d’empathie comme provisions
Aux sans abris, oubliés et vagabonds
Bonjour, bonsoir, toi ! ça va comment ?
En discrétion, on me répond : on fait semblant
Juste un sourire et c'est bon
Oui, mais ce n'est jamais sufisant
J'y crois à fond et je poursuis ma mission
Sur mon écran, je cris mon incompréhension
J'apprends de mon confinement l'engagement
Je reçois des Like, des coeurs et des encouragements
Cher.e.s ami.e.s artistes ou non, à vos dons... » -
Votre belle inspiration sur les oubliés, est tout simplement magnifique à lire & à relire encore et encore 😊 ...
Un très grand merci 🙏 de tout coeur ❤️ à vous de ma part envers ces belles personnes sans-abri avec toutes mes sincères amitiés artistiques,
Rodolphe Harris.
#Maladie #Virus #Coronavirus #CODIV19 #ÉtatDAlerte #Stade3 #Gouvernement #Consignes #Guerre #HérosDeGuerre #HérosDeLOmbre #Contagion #Contaminés #Infectés #RestezÀLaMaison #UnAvantEtUnAprès #ÉpidémieMondiale #ÉpidémieDeLaPeur #Psychose #PersonnesAgées #PersonnesHandicapées #PersonnesMalades #RodolpheHarrisComédienActeurProfessionnel #RodolpheBoucherComédienActeurProfessionnel #Vigilance #Précaution #Protection #Sécurité #Solidarité #Respect
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tapujaveri · 5 years
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And for chand raat an epic image from the #tapulicious archives. Eid Mubarak all - the music industry 2003 (herald magazine) @sufisal @atifaslam @stringsonline @emufuzon @zebbangash @ahmedalibutt @fuzonofficial @mekaalhasanband @fawadkhan81 @aliazmatofficial @fakhirmahmood @haroonworld @meesha.shafi @oshafique @hadiqakianiofficial @asadahmedofficial and more #tapujaveri #pakistanimusic #abrarulhaq #jawadbashir #nikonlegends #fuzon #awaz #coven #fawadkhan #ep #junoon #eidmubarak https://www.instagram.com/p/ByS_yKLBwD0/?igshid=zpnu0gf7mfdr
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delacaleaugrenier · 7 years
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Non merci, ce sera sufisant.
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jikooksgirl · 7 years
wow can you believe i finally did it sajfnkjf i went off as expected so it’s under read more i love you so much kathi im so so sorry i took so much time to do this im the worst🤧❤💓💝💞💕💖💌 
You’re my:my actual soulmate👭 my r&b/bachata/reggaeton loving partner!!! i’m always just so amazed by how alike are our music tastes and everything else in general sdjknakjf like, it’s just so hard to find someone who loves and enjoys the same music/artists i do and that i can scream and go off about them without being judged!! one of my best friends💖, one of the people i love and cherish the most in this world and i would die for, actual jimin’s angel👼, one of the most gold hearted, loving and caring persons i’ve ever had the privilege to meet!! like you truly are an angel kathi i’m not even being dramatic how are you even real🤧 the one w whom i go off the most sjanjdfn like we really cant shut up even once right bub?? we always go off about the most simple things anjasnf that’s why it’s always so hard for us to keep up w our conversations bc we never can talk w just some sentences or some words but we always write the biggest paragraphs ever djskanf i love us!! my extra-dramatic-long-tags and studio ghibli loving partner👭, also you’re my club partner even if we haven’t been on a club together dsjanjf but i know you would be and we would have the time of our lives so!! the one w whom i share almost all of my biases sajknd and im really so happy it’s you!!💗 you’re honestly everything kathi you’re like family to me i love you so much💗❤💓💝   How I met you:omg it was such a long time ago we’ve been mutuals for a long time now back when you were pjmsboo and i was chimchimshi sajndjk i don’t remember who followed who first tbh but everything started by us tagging each other specially on jimin’s posts (which i’ve been lacking so much lately asjkdkf i’m sorry) and i’m just so grateful to jimin and bts bc thanks to them i got to know such an beautiful person🌈💝🌻 but idk why we never really talked to each other in private like what was wrong w us?? tbh in my case was bc i thought you were too cool to talk to me sajdnf your blog was so aesthetic and you interacted w a lot of ppl so i was too shy to talk to you!! but sarah got the amazing idea of creating a jimin gc and now here we are, closer than ever👩‍❤️‍👩💞💕💖💌      Why I follow you: ok but WHY I WOULDN’T BE FOLLOWING YOU??? honestly any jimin stan/army/aesthetic blog/human being should be following you right now so if anyone isn’t following kathi what are you doing w your life?? you and your blog are always so full of love, good vibes and happiness you’re always so caring and giving so much love to your followers and mutuals and always tagging us in the things we love the most and even if you sometimes think it’s annoying trust me IT ISN’T LIKE THAT AT ALL!!! you make us so so happy and smile all the time, tbh if every blogger were like you tumblr would be such a better place bc you’re always so thoughtful and caring radiating so much love it makes me so so soft!!! your selfies saved my life a hundred times already you’re an actual goddess!!💘 and also please any jimin stan would agree that you’re truly THE QUEEN OF LONG POETIC TAGS AND EXPRESSING YOUR LOVE FOR JIMIN!!!💘💓💗 your love for him is so wholesome and pure and i’m just so happy i decided to hit that follow bottom like i really can imagine not following you, you make me so happy🤧💗💞🍒Your blog is: the only blog that matters?? one of my absolute faves!!! as i said you and your blog are so full of softness and love i’m always so happy when i go to your blog and even if you keep telling me i’m the queen of tags YOU’RE TRULY THE QUEEN HERE!! you always write actual essays and novels about your love for jimin (and jeon…😈) and you just love and cherish every single detail about him it’s the cutest thing ever!! and there aren’t just normal tags but you really use such poetic words like sjadnjsf sometimes i don’t even understand some words and im like this girl is really so extra i love it sm!! tbh you would be such an amazing novel writer kathi!! i’m so so happy jimin has someone who loves him as much as you do he truly deserves someone like you and he’s so so lucky bc he has you i’m the biggest kamin shipper!!💘 and obviously your aesthetic is absolutely flawless i’ve seen you care so much about it asnjdfn like it’s so funny bc you’re even extra about your aesthetic and if something doesn’t fit well w it you feel bad sjasdj you’re so cute🤧💗 Your URL is: the most accurate thing in the world like!! i’m not the only one who says this but everyone can agree w me that you’re truly jimin’s angel?? it just makes so much sense he’s your bias bc you’re as angelic and loving as he is💓 y’all would really be that couple who’s always radiating so much love, warmth and supporting each other as well as your loved ones giving all of you even if y’all aren’t completely ok🤧💖 tbh there isn’t another url that could fits you the best kathi, this url was truly made for you and describes you so well and im glad that you’re the one who has it bc you truly are an angel for jimin, me and everyone who’s lucky to have you in their lives🍯💓💗 Your icon is: my girlfriend🤧 asjkndkjaf one of the most beautiful girls i’ve ever seen in my entire life like!! i’m really so weak for her ajsnjfnj honestly every single blackpink member is such a bias wrecker for me and i bias them all but jennie is really coming for me and i’m all here for it!!😣❤ she’s so so gorgeous and talented and just!! look at her in your icon sakjnsfj she looks so so cute and soft w her chin on her hands and that plain white tshirt and her flawless long hair!! when will i ever?? god i really can’t wait for their comeback and i’m so excited to see what they’ve prepared for us!! and just by seeing her teaser pic sdjkanjkfnjf i swear i had 284182491275 heart attacks she’s absolutely stunning!!!! i love this baby girl so much i would die for her😣💕❤A random fact I know about you: omg idk which one to say out of all of them sjakdnjsa ok but you’re so passionate about so many things it always amazes me?? even if you think you’re not talented enough for some of them trust me you HAVE ALL THE TALENT IN THE WORLD TO BE ABLE TO DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DO!!!! you love dancing and theater and i just cant believe once again how much in common we have jdnsjaf and baby for real i think that even if you only do it as a hobby you could get really far doing it i really thing you have the talent!!💖 also you love r&b so much and it just makes me so happy to have someone which whom i can scream and go off about one of the music genres i grew up too and like?? we even have the same fave r&b artists and the same opinions and i just LOVE sharing opinions w you so so so much kathi it always makes me so happy and i learn about so much things w you💓💗 also we always have the same faves in every group or solo artists?? like it’s so funny we have the same taste and as i said if i have to share my babies w anyone i couldn’t be more grateful that you’re the one!! honestly they’re all so lucky to have you🌈 i also know you’re gonna look ABSOLUTELY BOMB at your brother’s weeding like bitch i still can’t get over how absolutely stunning and breathtaking you look w that red dress asnjfknjkasf you truly look like a greek goddess pls take lots of photos!!!💗💞💕❤ and obviously i know your weak for jeon but you don’t want to accept it sajdnjf even if we all already know you’re completely whipped for that boy and you’re not 100% loyal to jimin as you always lie omg sorry say!!😘General opinion: your friendship is without a doubt one of the best things that has ever happened to me and i will forever grateful you chose me as your friend like, you’re truly an angel kathi i’m honestly not worthy of your friendship at all🤧💘💞💝❣️💋 i’m truly so lucky to have you in my life and you’re such an amazing, caring, loving, and loyal friend and it’s so rare to find a friend like that these days! you’re always worrying and looking after me, you’re always there for me and you’re so mature i always look after your advice and your words! and you’re always so sweet to me like sometimes i even feel like i don’t deserve the things you say to me or think about me sakjnjkf you have so much love to give and i’m so thankful you chose me as one of the ppl you want to give it! i always enjoy talking to you so much even if sometimes we don’t talk for days and i miss you, i know it’s because we’re busy but when we get to talk it’s just so amazing how i can talk w you about everything or anything and you never judge me! like tbh every time we talk it’s the most amazing experience we always go off about everything (we even go off about studio ghibli movies or songs/albums/movies we’re looking forward like?? djkansjkfn i love us!!) anyways anyone who gets to interact or be w you every day irl is truly the luckiest people in the world can’t relate🤧 i hope our friendship lasts for a long long long loooong time and we get to meet and go have the time of our lives dancing in a club 👭💓💗💞 i truly love and cherish you incredebly much kathi and i know you’re really insecure about yourself and about people around you but never forget i really love you and you’re really important to me, and i’m not the only one who thinks that way. you know you can talk w me about anything, in the good times but specially in the hard times, i’m always here for you bub!✨ tbh even if this is so long (and i took 387483298748 years to do this sdjknaf i’m really so sorry i don’t know how don’t you hate me bc of it) all of these would never sufise to describe what you mean to me, you’re like a sister to me and i love you so so much, i wish you nothing else but happiness and i hope my friendship makes you as happy as you make me w yours, i love you sm kathi 🤧💗💓💕💖💫⭐💘💞💝❣️💌💋💛💙💜💚❤️️👼✨💐👭👩‍❤️‍👩🌸🌷🍀🌹🌻🌺🌼🌈☀️🌙🌟🍒🍇🍉🍓🍑🍌🍍🍫🍦🍬🍭🍯 A random thought I have: when are you going to accept your love for jeon like🤔🔍 i’m waiting here it’s already so obvious😈 come to the dark side!! even if we’re starving here sjknajf but we love our boy a lot🤧💓💗🍒🍯 askjnakdn i love you kathi!!!💓💗💞
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mysufisoul-blog · 7 years
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this would always be my fav Qawali :)
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