#sue the fuck out of them red bull
annatartastic · 2 years
Toto, Mattia, step on a fucking lego and fall in a hole or something. Zak can join you two as well, fucking assholes.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Fucking sue. Them. All.
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stillthe1 · 1 year
5 (& maybe 16) for the fluffy prompts w lestappen 💕
1600k of lestappie following these prompts for u, c!!! 🩷🩷🩷 i tried to make it fun enough n maybe horny enough, so... yeah. kind of nsfw? don't really know what came to me. non-betaed so all mistakes r my own 🩷
Charles’ had the worst fucking weekend, Miami was not kind to him, as he found himself battling with a Haas and losing. And sure, he respects Kevin very much, but come on. Really, Ferrari?
(Maybe he should’ve let the Mercedes rumors continue–)
So it’s not a surprise, really, when Pierre forces him to go out. Let go of the feelings of the weekend, and maybe he’s right. As the music starts to get to him, Pierre comes back with a Cosmo for Charles and a Zombie for him. Fruity and bright, as Miami, non?
As soon as he tastes his cocktail, he makes a face. Holy hell. “Pierre, this is strong. Did you ask for more vodka?” His nose is scrunched up, and his eyes may or may not be watering. Sue him, he knows he’s a lightweight, but this was another level.
He already felt a bit drunk, and it was the start of the night. Welp. Let’s hope he doesn’t do anything too wild, or he would have to sit through another Ferrari meeting about the brand and how he’s supposed to act. 
Fuck Ferrari.
He lets go of the constant voices in his head that sound like Fred, and his management team. Let’s go of all the things and just dances around, listening to Bad Bunny singing about whatever – he just hopes it’s not Max’s song. He needs Max out of his brain for a night. For an hour, at least.
“So,” Pierre's smile is blinding, too bright for today, but he’s still Pierre, so Charles will ignore it for now. “Did you see who was in the paddock this weekend? It was insane!”
And trust Pierre to get all the gossip from whoever he gets it, always the first to know everything. And Charles, too. Being best friends has benefits, sometimes. 
“Huh? Who?” He thinks about guessing, it’s a fun game around the USA, the most random celebrities always show up and act like it’s their catwalk. Whatever. “David Beckham? Or maybe Shakira? Carlos told me way too many times about her leave to Miami…”
“No, Charles! Well, I don’t know, but!” Pierre’s hands do a strange movement, and Charles thinks he’s had too many drinks already. “It was Martijn Garrix and Daniel!”
“Daniel?” His voice sounds weird even to his ears, all flat and no energy behind it. “Ricciardo? What were they doing here?”
He knows that Daniel is Red Bull’s third driver, but he was around in Australia too. Did he really need to be around that much? Around Max—
Do not think about Max. Charles, do not think about Max. Abort, abort, abort.
“They were here to support Max, or so Danny told me. Oh! And they told me they’ll be here too, so we’ll see them!”
Fuck. Fuckity fucking fuck. Merde. No, no, and no. He wanted a night free of Max Verstappen, free of the thoughts he had around him, the way his heart started beating faster and faster around him. He had a bad weekend, a bad season, and a bad year, already. He needed this. Fuck.
He feels his breath come in short, and the familiar feeling of panic settles inside his chest. He excuses himself from Pierre quickly, noticing his friend’s concerned stare, and walks quickly to the patio of the club. 
He needed space. He needed to be alone for a minute. His vision is blurry, and for a moment he thinks it’s the alcohol. But no, fucking hell. He’s tearing up. At a goddamned club in Miami. What a great year, huh?
He sits on one of the couches with a view of the sea and breathes in the salty air. He closes his eyes to avoid tears, or worse, a whole breakdown. He does not have time for a breakdown, no matter what his therapist said.
He needs his bubble of personal space and some minutes to himself–
He opens his eyes, a bit reluctantly, and looks up at Max. How did he find him? Has he been looking around, praying to catch him? Or was he just casually walking by and thought, huh, let’s stop a moment to talk to my ex-nemesis? Fun times, hah.
He realizes his eyes are full of tears at the same time as Max's. Max’s eyes widen, sitting quickly by his side. It feels nice, and Charles suppresses a sob.
His walls are down, a combination of alcohol and Max’s proximity, and all he wants is to cuddle up to Max, give in to the urge he has always had and kiss the freckle that frames Max’s lips. 
“Charles, hey, love. Can you hear me?” Max’s voice is soft, and it scratches all of Charles’ needs. He nods, biting his bottom lip and trying not to cry. “Okay, can you look at me?”
He shakes his head no and prays Max does not read into it. It’s just. Max’s eyes have always been Charles’ obsession. Deep blue, with the prettiest lashes known to mankind, and. Max always says so much with his eyes, wears his heart on his sleeve, and makes Charles feel untethered. 
“Tell me what I can do for you, honey. Please.” The emphasis on honey makes Charles tear up even more. Fuck, he needs Max. He needs Max for himself, maybe show everyone around them – Daniel Ricciardo, especially — that Max Verstappen is his.
But he is not. They’re not dating. They’re nothing. Charles always feels lost when he sees Max direct his soft smiles at someone that’s not him. Feels like he has traveled through time, feels the scratchy texture of the Sauber fireproofs, and feels the indifference in Max’s eyes when he looked at him back then.
Charles always tries to not be selfish and tries not to ask too much. But right now, with Max asking him what he needs, he can’t lie.
“Stay?” His voice sounds scratchy, even though he has avoided crying for now. He refuses to look up. He doesn’t want to look at Max while he feels like this. Lost, jealous, possessive. 
He feels Max’s nod against his arm, and he startles. Since when are they so close? He can smell Max’s cologne and it’s intoxicating, spicy but with enough vanilla to feel cozy. 
He feels Max’s sigh against his shoulder, and he lets himself enjoy the moment. Enjoy Max’s proximity, the smell of his sandalwood shampoo, everything that makes him Max.
It’s enough to calm him down. Enough for him to see things a bit clearer, without that much panic taking over his brain. Max is here. Max is sitting by his side, when he should be celebrating his incredible win, getting drunk with Daniel and Martijn.
But he stayed. Because Charles asked him to. It’s too much for his brain to catch up, and he can’t stop himself. He can’t help it, not with the amount of alcohol his Cosmopolitan had, not while having Max cuddling up with him.
Max looks up at him, blue eyes full on display and face smushed against Charles’ arm. Fuck, he looks so beautiful. So freaking cute. Charles almost wants to kiss his nose, but he must refrain.
“Max, can I kiss you?” 
Max nods quickly, biting his bottom lip, worrying it under his teeth, and turning it a very pretty pink. As pink as the blush in Max’s ears, cheeks, and neck. He looks edible.
“Took you long enough, Leclerc. I thought you would never ask.” His smirk is ruined by the nervousness his eyes show, and really, Charles has never been patient. 
And he has always wanted Max Verstappen. So he cannot be blamed if their first kiss is a bit rushed, a bit too quick. Max smiles against his lips, and everything feels like a movie. He almost expects the techno music around them to switch to Taylor Swift.
Charles giggles, finally giving in and kissing Max’s nose, too. 
Max takes a hold of his face with one of his big hands and Charles feels the world around them disappear, his eyes focused on Max’s pretty, pink plump lips. He presses their lips together once more, and it feels like home. Max tastes like gintonic, a bit minty, and it’s heaven. Charles, being his bratty self, bites Max’s bottom lip, and finally gives fully into the kiss. 
It’s slick, hot and fucking perfect. Nothing could have prepared Charles for this, no matter how many fantasies he had as a teenager, not even the ones years later. This was his own personal heaven, with Max’s hand caressing his face softly and kissing the lights outta him.
He stops the kiss to breathe, and smiles at Max, dimples out in display. It feels unreal, having Max so close. So so so close that he can see the damned lip freckle, the one that has taunted him for years.
Without giving it too much tought, he closes in again, and it’s intoxicating to see Max close his eyes. He’s expecting a kiss, but Charles bites his freckle. Gently, extremely gentle, but. It’s there, it’s taunting Charles, and he had to take action.
Max moans, and Charles has a full-body reaction to it, and the urge to grind against Max’s thigh is too big to ignore it. 
They need to get out of here, right now. 
Or Charles will create a big mess for both Ferrari and Red Bull, they will call it Il Predestinato and the Golden Boots.
“Max, Max. Please, let’s go to the hotel. Please.”
He’s begging, pleading with the worst case of bedroom eyes he has ever used against someone. But somehow it works, and Max gets up immediately. Takes Charles’ hand on his, gently as he ever his with him, and guides them towards the private exit of the club.
“Let’s go, my love.”
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weswhoreland · 3 months
Heavy Glow Snippet
A very short snippet of what I've been working on lately. It's a prologue of sorts, for the fic I'm tentatively calling Heavy Glow. Hopefully you guys enjoy it! Thank you for all the engagement and for sticking around even though I haven't written in months. This has been so fun to work on, and I'm hoping I can whip out some Wes x readers for you guys soon too. I'm really hoping I've finally conquered this Writers Block, and this gives me hope.
yes, this is a very self indulgent Wes x OC fic. Sue me. I'm having fun.
Ship: Wes Borland x Original Male Character || Rating: G || Words: 536
It’s a terrible idea.
Daniel Kincaid knows this from the moment he sees the promos for the show. He knows it as soon as he buys a ticket. And he knows it the second he steps into the venue. Really, this fact is something he’s known for the last decade; that this is all one big, horrible idea. A mistake waiting to happen. Something he can’t win, that will only get him hurt.
And yet, here Danny is, out on the floor of this venue. He’s two drinks in – a Vodka Red Bull to wake him up, and an Ultra to calm him down. So far, it hasn’t worked. He’s been nervous and jittery all night. The openers were a good distraction, decent bands that he’s never heard of, but enjoyable nonetheless. But the closer it grows to the main set, the more Danny’s anxiety mounts.
What if he doesn’t remember him? It’s possible, Danny knows. It’s been a long time since they’ve seen each other in person, and Danny’s… well, different. Much different from the last time they were together. And as well as they’d known each other in the past, that’s what it is. The past. It’s been ten years. A long fucking time, in the grand scheme of things. A long time for them to grow apart, to change. There’s every chance he won’t remember Danny, and every chance that even if he does, they’re just too different from who they used to be. And if that’s the case…
Well, Danny isn’t really sure what he’ll do. He takes another sip of his drink, letting himself get lost in his own thoughts. The truth is a hard thing to swallow. 
He’s still stuck on that fact when the lights finally dim. The crowd cheers, a swell of anticipation washing over the room. And it’s there, between the heavy glow of the lights above and the moment they fade away, that Danny feels like he can’t breathe.
He could leave. He could turn tail and run, slip out the door and be out of this forever. He could go back to his normal life, the one he’s been living for the last decade, and pretend none of this ever happened. It would be so easy. He could just–
And then Danny sees him.
Wes looks good. Older. His hair’s longer, a little unkempt. But even with the slight differences, with all the years that have changed both of them, he’s still Wes.
Danny holds his breath.
The band – Black Light Burns – launches into their first song. It’s one Danny’s heard briefly before. Mesopotamia. It’s energetic, and Wes is just as good on stage as he always was, prowling around as he sings. Danny stares, can’t take his eyes off him. And suddenly it’s 1997 again. Danny’s nineteen, and he’s in love with the man he met at the record store. It’s 1997, before all the fame and the money, before the obligations and commitments. It’s 1997, and all that matters is the two of them.
And I’d give it all up just to be with you.
It’s been ten years since Danny met Wes Borland. And tonight, he just might talk to him again.
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f0point5 · 7 months
I think I saw a reporter say he asked Horner and Red Bull point blank if the texts were fake and they refused to comment so he thinks they are real. They could have said they were fake but refused but apparently BusinessF1 March issue will be about the report. Seems like they got a copy of the report so expect more details to come out. They are also naming the accuser I think.
At this point Horner should sue them for a data breach because this is ridiculous. Are they all using the wifi at fucking Starbucks?!
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lolibles · 3 years
playing video games with them| anemo boys <3
characters: kazuha, xiao and venti
very fluffy, a little suggestive in kazuha’s part, slight slight angst for xiao, crack
synopsis: what games you play with them, how they act with you!
not proofread please don’t sue me this is also very random :)
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playing stardew valley and animal crossing with kazuha is my life goal that will never be fulfilled please cry with me. anyway, just imagine cuddling on the sofa under a thick blanket on a cold rainy day with cups of hot chocolate or tea whilst playing stardew valley. the both of you work through the first year slowly as little farmers doing cute little farm things. also if you ever chose to get into a relationship with any of the npcs in the game kazuha will not be happy, he’d definitely not talk to that particular npc because he is now kazuha’s “sworn enemy”. he will also be a pouty baby, so please apologise and give him kisses. and if you REALLY want to make it up to him, ask him to marry you in animal crossing and this man will be on his knees in a split second. he’d prepare EVERYTHING, from the venue, the guests, he’d even attempt to design his own tux for his little character to wear. and you guys would have such an adorable animal crossing wedding. also because kissing in game is not enough, he’d probably kiss you irl when the wedding officiant says you may now kiss the xx. honestly i see kazuha even going out spontaneously to buy you a promise ring with a little maple leaf engraved in it for you. yes it was an animal crossing wedding, but it was a wedding non the less. playing minecraft with kazuha please, its so fucking wholesome- he’s so good at the game and he doesn’t even try. he knows all the tricks and he’s so sexy with redstone you cant convince me otherwise. he’s also an amazing builder pls wtf. AND OH MY GOD, imagine playing the sims4 with kazuha, he’d literally cry inside. you both would sit next to each other in front of the computer screen for hours just designing your characters. and you would have a little cat too. everytime kazuha’s character flirted with yours, he will definitely shoot you one of his romantic haikus. also the first time your characters woohoo’ed, he most likely would have teased you and said “its unfair that only they get to woohoo you know.” anyway i think playing wholesome games with kazuha is 10 bells out of 10 bells.
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now this one is kinda scary. i think its pretty obvious that xiao plays shooter games honestly. or anything that has to do with fighting. it wasn’t unusual to hear him literally SCREAM randomly throughout the day because of a game. if you ever play shooter games with this aggressive boy, please proceed with caution. i honestly feel like he would be so caught up in the heat of the moment he’d actually forget he was playing with you. so if he ends up getting angry, please bare with him- he honestly doesn’t mean to call you bad, or useless, or trash… I SWEAR. xiao will immediately regret his words and he’d feel so bad. especially after he notices how your mood just instantly dies. he’d feel so bad, even after he apologised and you forgave him, he can’t accept the fact that he just called you- the love of his life something so vulgar. and since he’s so awkward and bad with people he’d literally feel like crying on the spot. he wouldn’t know what to do to make it up to you. the next few days, xiao was so cautious around you- even if you didn’t think much about the incident anymore. in the end even xiao was unable to stay away from you for too long, and he’d ask you to watch him play games instead- which you happily agreed to. he loves it when you straddle him while he sits in his chair while gaming though he’d never admit it. but whenever you felt him get tense, all you had to do was give him a kiss and you just knew he’d calm down. you literally work magic on him. also occasionally you’d hear some idiots in his party talking shit about him, you wouldn’t think twice before speaking into the microphone and start standing up for him, and your grip around his waist would definitely tighten a lot more. “if i ever hear you talking shit about MY boyfriend one more time, i will literally come in game and beat the absolute fuck out of you.” yassss girlboss! xiao’s heart would explode and his face would be beat red, he thinks he doesn’t deserve you. also he thinks your so sexy standing up for him like that, please don’t tease him about it. i rate him a “please dont scold me im trying my best” out of “FUCK YOU SUCKKKKKK”
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oh my god, horror games. he hates them but he can’t stop. playing phasmophobia with him would be incredibly fun, but he would make you do all the work literally. he’d be too scared to do anything- and if you ever got caught with the ghost you’d be stupid to think he’d try to save you. he would be the first one out the door and running away. he’s also so loud, your honestly more likely to get jump scared by his screaming than the actual game. other than that i think venti likes to play the sims4 too, except he’s so chaotic about it. he wants to do challenges and he also wants to make like 10 babies with you even if your sims can’t afford them- cries when they are taken away. has all the packs and just enjoys fucking around with everything- also makes bets with you, like whether your baby is going to be a boy or girl, and if you lose you owe him a kiss or he asks you to do something for him. when he plays with you, he needs to be touching your body at all times. he says it makes him feel safe, and warm. so you just let him. venti also wants to play karaoke games with you, he loves your voice so much- whether you can sing or not he loves it. but he will tease you if you cant. he loves duetting with you, to him it’s something very intimate and close to home. he wants to hold your hand and give them a squeeze as an encouragement when you sing with him. and yes you guys probably have played just dance a few times, but venti gets incredibly tired after one round- so please bare with his annoying ass. i think venti is a solid 8 red bulls out of “ive already drank 15”
guys i was supposed to include aether but his part disappeared and i- </3 i’ll have to rewrite and upload it in a second part!! heh sorry for being gone for so long, anyway i have my presentations tomorrow, a test on thursday and another presentation on friday ;-; wish me luck! ill be back writing in a few days while i suffer rn sghshshsh
also @truegaypotat my love here is some xiao content <3
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mcgnussen · 2 years
timeline of kevin magnussen and f1 teams interested in him (that we know of):
kevin has been in f1 for years now and by looking at his career, it can look like a “fall from grace” and that the only team left on the grid interested in him is the smallest one, but when you look at all the different offers and opportunities he has had, it quickly becomes apparent that kevin has had times where he could pick and choose.
i have chosen to show the seasons kevin might have driven for the other teams in the timeline. so for example, the force india talks took place in 2013, but they wanted him to drive for them in 2014. so if you are wondering when kevin was talking with all these teams just assume it was the year before than what is shown in the timeline. i’ll explain each year down below anyway.
* means no actual seat was offered but it was on the table (and by seat i mean one of the two primary seats, testing and reserve driver is not included)
TIMELINE (2008-2022)
2008-2013: mclaren* 
2014: force india (aston martin), mclaren
2015: mclaren*, williams 
2016: renault (alpine)
2017: renault (alpine), haas
2018: haas
2019: haas, ferrari*, toro rosso (alpha tauri) 
2020: haas
2021: haas*, williams*
2022: haas 
2023: haas
2024: haas
more details below!
2008-2013: kevin was in the mclaren academy in these years with the goal of a f1 seat. throughout the years, he beat all the other drivers in the academy in testing including drivers stoffel vandoorne and a very young alex albon.
2014: in his book, kevin reveals that he basically had signed with force india with the help of mclaren, so he could have his rookie year without “top team” pressure and then go on to drive for mclaren from either the 2015 or 2016 season. plans changed at the last second and kevin was given the mclaren seat instead and perez was “demoted” and got the force india seat. and we all know what happened next... sigh. 
2015: during the 2014 season, williams asked kevin about his contract for 2015. ron dennis told him his seat for mclaren would be secure for 2015, so kevin stopped talks with williams (honestly fuck ron dennis and the mclaren board at that time, i hope they all have a permanent butt itch. i’ll write all about this at some point.)
2016: kevin signed on with renault for their f1 comeback for the 2016 season after mclaren fired him... on his birthday (once again, fuuuuuck ron dennis and his stupid face).
2017: renault wanted to sign kevin for another season, but it was obvious renault was not interested in keeping him around for the long term, and also he and cyril did not get along, so instead he accepted an offer from haas. remember when all the stories came out about the many drivers renault were talking to and then kevin jokingly told the press he believed everyone, including the pope, had been offered a renault seat? and then renault threatened to sue him? fun times. i’ll also write about this later in the season.
2018: FERRARI! okay, so in the book, kevin reveals that in 2018, he was asked by ferrari to do simulation work for them. haas accepted it and everything was done in secret, he became ferrari’s “shadow simulator driver”. kevin believes this was due to his great start to the season and leclerc’s horrible start to the season with sauber. ferrari suddenly started to doubt if leclerc was good enough to replace kimi at ferrari. had charles not gotten back on track as he eventually did, kevin believes he might have been offered the ferrari seat for the 2019 season. but this is all speculation, ferrari never offered him the seat or even paid him for his work. but obviously, it is pretty significant to be asked to do this. we know how the story goes from here. leclerc got his shit together and then he eventually took over the simulation work again and got the seat for the 2019 season. still with haas, kevin was also interested in the vacant red bull seat after daniel announced his move to renault. however, red bull had already signed with gasly from 2019, but they offered him gasly’s toro rosso seat. since haas was doing better than toro rosso in 2018 and k-mag was happy in the team, kevin chose to stay with haas.
2019: new contract with haas.
2020: after being told that his contract would not be renewed for the 2021 season unless he brought a big bag of money, there was some interest from williams. kevin talked with them, they also wanted some sponsorship money, so he assumed that’d he be replacing latifi if he said yes. when he found out it was russell he was meant to replace, he immediately said no. kevin was not interested in becoming a pay driver anyway, and he certainly did not want to see russell out of f1. he basically called the williams team shady for even considering this.
2021: kevin doing his thing outside f1.
2022: m*azepin and his daddy’s dirty money gets the boot... and KEVIN RETURNS! he was the only one they contacted and he’s been offered a multi-year deal. as far as we know, it’s a two-year contract with the option for another season beyond that. so we are guaranteed kevin until the end of 2023, at least. hopefully we get him for longer.
and these are just the f1 teams! there has been a lot interest from outside f1 too, i know mercedes wanted him for dtm back in 2015 and he has basically had offers from all the formula e teams, and then there’s imsa and indycar and le mans. i’m just happy that kevin’s talent and skill is recognised by so many teams. for all it’s worth, i think kevin’s time in haas has been really good for him on so many levels... but i can’t help feeling if he had accepted the toro rosso seat for 2019, he might have been where perez is now. imagine max and kevin on the same team, it would have been absolute glorious chaos. also, i wish he would have started his f1 career in force india instead. had he done so, i am sure his rookie season would have been celebrated instead of judged so harshly. but oh well, such is life. at least, we get a lot of guenther and kevin content! 
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
Before A Moment in Time
ok! this is a LOT of information, but i wanted to make it easier to understand whats going on in my head when i write over the next bit!
this is Before A Moment in Time. Enjoy!
Three years before A Moment in Time. One year after Hawkmoth appeared.
Marinette Dupain Cheng is sitting at her desk. Second row back left side. Making her way up the stairs is her friend Alya Césaire. The two girls have been practically inseparable for the last year.
Fuming one row down on the other side of the aisle is Chloé Bourgeoise. Her eyes are glued to where Marinette is smiling at Alya. Nino Lahiffe is sitting in front of Marinette. His headphones are on, and his hand is moving over a sheet of paper that has a music staff on it.
Adrien Agreste can be seen bounding up the stairs, his eyes alight with the joy of going to school, even a year after he started. Behind Marinette and Alya are Rose and Juleka. Across from them are Ivan and Nathaniel. Behind the boys are Alix and Kim, who are across from Mylene and Sabrina.
Max is sitting behind the two girls by himself. In the empty seat next to him, the tech genius has a computer running through a code that he is trying to double-check.
As their classmates greet each other during the first day of school, Madam Bustier can be seen enter into the room, one Lila Rossi walking behind her curiously.
As Bustier called the class to attention, Marinette shared one more smile with Alya before spinning around. When she was facing the front, the teen blinked.
Standing there was a girl who looked vaguely familiar. It took the teen a moment before she realized that this was Lila Rossi. This was the girl who had been sued by both Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. This was a gold digger that they had warned her about.
Chloé must have made the same connection because Marinette’s phone started to blow up.
 Mariii + Chlo
Chlo- M this chit cannot sit with me
Chlo- Dad sued her over the summer
Mariii- Chlo
Mariii- hey chill
Mariii- I got this. If you can sit with Alya.
Chlo- anything
Mariii- on it, queenie
 Marinette looked up as the bell rang. Alya gave her a concerned look. With a smile, the younger girl bumped her friend’s shoulder. “Hey, Als, since I’m class president, I think it would be best if I welcome the new girl. Could you go sit with Chloé today? I promise that we can go back to normal once we get her settled.” Alya flashed her friend a smile before giving the girl a side hug.
“of course, Mari! You have such a big heart!” the girls traded smiles before Alya packed her stuff up and moved to sit with the haughty blonde. The noirette saw her teacher give her an approving smile for diffusing the situation so easily, without conflict.
Inwardly, Marinette scoffed. Outwardly, the girl gave her teacher a glowing smile in return.
 Marinette truly tried to be nice to Lila. Really, she did. Early on, the girl had learned that being nice was a better route when interacting with people who she didn’t know. Even if it was just a small smile, the noirette had always found success from kindness.
Lila was a sweet girl who had batted her eyes at her and given Marinette a small smile. The two had spent the first period of school passing notes and getting to know each other.
In all honesty, Marinette had no idea why the Italian girl next to her was branded a manipulative liar in her world. Then, during the break, Marinette saw what was going on.
When the rest of the class gathered to introduce themselves, Lila panicked. Then, Lila shifted her posture just slightly. She smiled a blinding smile that stood out to Marinette as obviously fake. She started interacting with the class, sickly sweet and subtly guiding them to beliefs.
Shaking her head, Marinette turned away. She had time during her break to call a certain someone. She needed more answers.
 “Clara! Hey… do you have a moment?” through the phone, Clara Nightingale, giggled.
“Of course, Marinette! What is going on with my favorite little cousin? Is everything ok?” the young teen hesitated, before shaking her head.
“I need you to tell me more about Lila Rossi” the dark look that crossed the singer’s face confirmed many of Marinette’s worries.
 When she sat down next to Chloé in the hotel restaurant for lunch, a look of pure disgust was dancing on her face. “this girl has filled a level of malice that I have never heard of. Chloé, she has manipulated every person of interest under the sun who doesn’t have the common sense to not listen to her bull shit. Chlo…this girl is vile. Clara told me what they had to do to sue her. One of the requirements of Lila not going to prison for a long time was getting a psych eval. Chloé…this girl is only fifteen! This is insane...” Chloé raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“Today it looked like you two were good friends. Or on the way there at least.” The noirette shook her head in disgust.
“she has some good traits, but as soon as she gets in front of the crowd…she abandons everything for power. I can't trust her, but it seems that she is under multiple restraining orders. I get the feeling that as long as we stay out of her webs, we should be fine. Jagged texted though. He said that Lila can be vicious if she is provoked.” Here, Marinette looked Chloé dead in the eye. “do not cause trouble. I don’t want you to have to go toe to toe with her, Chloé.”
 Six months later.
 Marinette is settled at her desk, the swivel chair reclined as she looked at the Blonde who was in her room, grinning.
“did she really ask you out?” Chloé’s excitement paired with her nosiness was making Marinette steadily turn Lady Tyche red. Turning back to her desk, Marinette tried to hide her flaming face.
“she asked me if I wanted to go out…like a date…before my birthday.” The noirette tugged slightly on her hair. Her anxiety that had been manifesting more and more at school was not helping her now. “I told Aurore yes. We haven’t set a date yet, but it’ll be soon.” Chloé raised an eyebrow.
“are you two going on your first date on Valentine’s day? Because Mari…I refuse to be best friends with someone so cliché.” The girl flamed a darker red if that was possible.
“I really like her Chlo. But…no. she asked about the 14th. I told her that I was going to spend time with my parents that day. Plus,” here, Marinette turned back to her friend with a Cheshire cat grin. “We,” She gestured between her best friend and herself, “have a standing date. we have for the last three years. Why would I break a pact we made when we were ten, over a girl I haven’t gone on one date with yet?” Chloé’s face broke into a matching grin.
“oh, hell yea. Then, I guess I could help you get ready for that first date of yours…” the friends broke down into giggles and started debating the merits of each of the outfits the young designer had in mind.
 That night on patrol, Lady Tyche alighted on the roof of one of the local lycées.
Her blonde hair whipped in the wind that had been howling all afternoon. Across the streets, the spotted hero was able to see a pair of blue luminous eyes. Using her yoyo to pull herself over the street, the girl smiled at the younger miraculous wielder.
When her red boots hit the roof, Apate handed the girl an unmarked bag. Inside was a pastry and a hot chocolate. Both girls knew they were in for a long night.
 Apate stood noiselessly and moved to the edge of the roof. As she stood there, profiled against the ridgeline, Lady Tyche smiled to herself. Her partner could be as vicious as she wanted when they were fighting Akumas, but the girl who stood in front of her was very kind.
The Cat vigilante, as she insisted she was no hero, had a pair of ears on her head.
They were flicking to and fro while she listened to the night below. Her hands were resting on her hips, one hand toying with the baton that was usually kept in a holster on her leg. The girl’s other hand was fiddling with a ring she had slid off her finger. The skintight black pants blended into the night. The black top she was wearing also seemed to disappear when Lady Tyche wasn’t looking for her partner.
Even now, with Apate being backlit by the city lights around them, the Tyche was the more visible of the two.
“She’s coming.” Apate’s voice broke her partner out of her thoughts. “Let’s hope tonight goes the way we want it to. Otherwise, we could be royally screwed.” The Hero nodded in agreement.
 “I trust Alya. She has been a good fit for Trixx so far.” Apate hmmed in response.
“I fear that our…favorite Italian…may be too close to her. I don’t our fox’s head full of lies and manipulations if I can help it at all.” Lady Tyche winced. She had heard all about Lila’s renewed attack on the allegiances of the class that her crush was in. the past few weeks had not been pretty.
  “No! That’s…you told Lila that I was going to be your first partner! Why did you lie to both me and your best friend! Everyone knows that Lady Tyche can’t do this alone anymore! She NEEDS Miss Vixen!” Lady Tyche closed her eyes and Alya’s rant ended with a yell. The anger simmering on the reporter’s face was worrying the hero.
“Alya. I have not told anyone about you. A few people have seen you training and on patrols. You ran the ‘exclusive’,” the disdain in Lady Tyche’s voice had Alya wincing. “but no one has confirmed anything. There is a good reason. The hope,” here, the Blonde teen’s voice turned cutting, “was that you could work in the shadows. There is only one visible member of this team, but I have never been alone. Tonight, and this attitude. Well, Alya, it has proven that you are not ready to be a holder of the miracle stones.”
The ladybug holder looked over to the roof next to where she and the trainee had been standing. There, in the shadows, were a pair of blue eyes. “go ahead, Apate. Wipe her memory of all of this.”
Seven months after Alya’s Miraculous is taken away. Two years after Hawkmoth started. Two years before A Moment in Time.
Aurore smiled at the girl holding her hand.
The two were walking home from their first day of Lycée. Aurore’s blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she turned to look at Marinette.
The 14-year-old, a certified genius, was glowing at the excitement that their first day of school had brought. Although she no longer was friends with Alya, there were no real hard feelings. The rift between the former classmates had made it easier to integrate Marinette and Aurore’s social circles. Claude, Allen, Chloé, Aurore, Mireille, Nino, Kim, Kagami, Felix.
Their group was full of laughter and life. They spent most of their weekends together, even over the summer. To everyone else, the group was the picture-perfect group of teens. Inseparable for life. Aurore had loved it for so long, had loved watching her girlfriend grow. Tonight, however, she had a feeling that the last half-year was going to be left in the past.
She and Marinette needed to have a talk.
 Chloé held her best friend as the girl cried.
The two had been sitting on the floor of the heiress’s hotel suit for the last hour and a half. When the small girl had shown up, wearing an old pair of Chloé’s sweats that had disappeared years ago, sniffling into the sleeves of the hoodie she was swamped in, the older girl’s big sister senses had gone off.
Now, as her friend started to calm down, Chloé shoved a pile of clothes at her friend.
“put these on, we are leaving.” Marinette glanced at her friend in confusion, before taking the clothes and slowly changing into the skinny jeans and loose grey top. A moment later, a green corduroy jacket was being flung at her by the blonde 16-year-old who had changed as well.
Quickly catching the jacket and sliding on the matching converse that Chloé had given her, Marinette stood to join her friend. Chloé picked up her purse and looked over the two.
While she had given her best friend a simple outfit that be comfortable for the train ride that her friend didn’t know was coming, Chloé had taken a minute longer before deciding to match her friend. Her jeans were light wash as opposed to dark, and she wore a fitted white t-shirt with a cartoon spider hiding in a red chrysanthemum. The red corduroy jacket was the same color as both the embroidery and her own red converse.
“Let's go, Minette. We are going to the country house. You can truly cry there. Horses await.”
 After Marinette and Aurore broke it off, the friends drifted apart. Kagami, Felix, Nino, and Kim refused to let the others blame the split on Marinette. Mireille, Claude, and Allen claimed that Marinette was more likely to be the cause. They couldn’t imagine Aurore doing anything to hurt the teen.
Chloé, Aurore, and Marinette kept their mouths shut over the whole debacle.
Chloé hadn’t heard the whole story, but she knew that Aurore had hurt her friend, and it had led to a discussion that led to the girls both walking away in tears.
It would only be years later that the girls would reveal that they had broken up because of the confusion around their secret identities.
 A week after the fateful breakup, Adrien Agreste pulled Marinette off to the side after class.
“Adrien are you ok?” the girl asked, confused. while usually, the two didn’t interact, Marinette had noticed that all day Adrien had been pale and shaking.
“I need help Marinette. Usually, I would go to Chloé, but last time she almost got Akumatized and I just…I need help. Please.”
“what’s up?” he glanced over his shoulder, to where a group of their classmates stood gathered around Lila.
“Not here, she can't know.” Marinette blinked in shock before grabbing the model lightly on the arm. After glancing at him with a raised eyebrow, silently asking if it was ok to hold onto his arm, she took off through the halls.
 By the time the two had made it to the home of one Gina Dupain just outside of what Marinette knew to be Hawkmoths reach, the blonde was bewildered. “you know the city so well. How?” she giggled slightly at the older boy before leading him to the kitchen and dropping her bag on one of the breakfast seats.
“I get stir crazy and spend a lot of my time exploring the city. Alix and I go and do Graffiti on the weekends sometimes. That means I’m pretty good at evading sight when I don’t want to be seen.” While her statements were technically true, Marinette had also left out a great deal of information in her response.
She had spent most of her time exploring the city as Apate. She grew up on the streets and would forever feel comfortable slipping into the shadows. She did go out with Alix to do graffiti, but the two also spent a good amount of time jumping into burrows to fix world-ending events.
“now, Adrien, what is going on? If it's bad enough that you don’t want Chloé upset, I expect it to be worth the trip out of the Akuma line.” Adrien nodded nervously, before going into an explanation of what had been happening in the Agreste family home.
 Three years into Hawkmoth’s reign. Marinette’s 2nd year at Lycée
 Adrien spent as much time as possible with Chloe and Marinette.
He had shown up more than once during their girls’ nights. Now, he was expected to be there.
When they had left for the weekend, Adrien had disappeared from the Agreste Manor. When had reappeared in time to get in the car that Monday, he learned that the only person who had noticed he was gone was his bodyguard. The man had called him, before joining the teens on the outing.
While the friends were getting Adrien out from his father’s thumb, Marinette was launching her brand.
She had a discussion during the branding process because the symbol that she had chosen, a chrysanthemum, was incredibly complex. Her grandmother thought it was too much. Marinette had told the older woman that she was going to use the flower because that was the one with meaning to her. She spent three weeks fending off the woman, who sent her a different flower every day, until the girl told the woman that she wasn’t going to change her mind.
Her Grandmother, her Nona, had laughed and told her that she was very stubborn, but that this time it had worked in her favor. The teen had come home that evening to a leather Jacket lying on her bed, with her named arching over the back where a chrysanthemum was embroidered in full bloom.
At the same time that Marinette was officially launching her brand and Adrien was embracing his teen rebellion, Chloé was becoming an influencer on social media. On any day that she wasn’t spending time with her friends, the blonde was working to cultivate her social media image. At 17, she started to model on the side. When she was gone, her friends would get calls during every free moment she had.
Fourth-year of Hawkmoth's Reign. 
The three were friends with the other outcasts from their college class.
Kim and Nino were often seen with Marinette when she was out on a shopping spree or seeking inspiration. 
Alix and Marinette were close, and after she became guardian at 14, Marinette had given the Pinkett and crash course on the miraculous, since she had inherited one. The two would always be fond of jumping through time and space to face world-ending events.
Kagami had insisted that Adrien and his cousin Felix make up, and now the three were a force to be reckoned with. As they entered their last year of Lycée, the friends felt like they were on top of the world.
 There had been a project due that morning that Marinette had forgotten about until the night before.
She had been up all night and had gone through three different super coffees. She had been running late when she burst out the door of the apartment.
There was a mug of coffee that was clutched in her hands, and she wasn’t looking where she was going. The guy that she collided with looked how she felt.
While he was in a suit, they were both clutching coffee mugs that they had moved out of the way on instinct before throwing apologies over their shoulder and going on with their days.
Neither thought anything of it. They had other things to worry about.
Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain Cheng had no idea that their lives had changed permanently with that one interaction that had lasted less than a minute.
AND...3000+ words later, here we are! let me know if yall have any questions.
I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later so that I can start to build with other characters now. I had a lot of fun writing the backstory, and I have thrown Cannon out the window...obviously lol.
tag list!
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh  @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @laurcad123  @iamabrownfox @m0chick0furan
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anika-ann · 4 years
Attached - Pt.1
The Words of Doom
Type: (mini)-series, college AU, professor AU (technically)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader   Word count: 1880
Summary for the series: You messed up. Your very sleep-deprived Self attached the wrong document when emailing a professor and sent him one of the stories you wrote instead of an assignment. It should be embarrassing, really, but it wasn’t. It was worse.
Why did it have to be the smutty one? Why did it have to be the one starring his best friend, Professor Rogers? You were so screwed.
Aka the ‘you sent the wrong attachment to hot professor A that just happens to be about his friend hot professor B and now professor A is not able to look at professor B without wheezing in laughter anymore and you are unable to look at either of them’ AU
Warnings: swearing, literally one mention of a possible daddy kink, double entendre
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⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Your eyes felt like on fire, burning hotter than the sun above Sahara Desert; the metaphor your sleep-deprived mind came up with was only perfected by the huge dunes of the bags under your eyes.
You were running on disgustingly strong coffee and three energy drinks, but you summoned the rest of your strength and clicked on ‘send’, slumping so heavily into your chair that when your back hit the backrest, it almost toppled over—but never mind, you made it!
Penny, your gracious roommate, would inform you that had you started earlier and were writing the actual essay instead of wasting words on steamy stories that somehow filled the desired wordcount with considerably less effort, you wouldn’t have been turning into a zombie sending assignments several minutes before eight a.m., the actual deadline.
Yeah, well, sue me, I prefer romance to the World War II., no matter how important history is.
You were certain Professor Barnes would understand if you told him that anyway – he was a pretty easy-going guy for a scholar after all. Then again, you sure as hell didn’t want to test the theory out and so you tended to hand in your homework perhaps ‘minute to midnight’, but still in time.
You grinned as you checked the sent e-mail, proudly reading it had been sent at 7:56. You mentally patted your back, not having the energy to actually move to do that.
And then your Sahara-dry eyeballs fell lower on the screen and you let out a shriek of horror.
Your heart stopped in your chest before kicking in faster than it had been pumping after three Red Bulls.
The attachment.
Oh no.
OH FUCK, the attachment!
Now, it happened on occasion that people forgot to attach the files they spoke of in an e-mail, right? Sometimes shit like that happened.
But this… this was so, so much worse.
“Oh no,” you uttered under your breath, shooting up and suddenly sitting with back straight as a ruler just to look at the screen from shorter distance to-- nope, still there. “Oh fuck.”
You quickly scrambled to send another e-mail with similar text but the right file, along with a swift apology.
Sent 7:59.
You should be relieved. Perhaps Professor Barnes would notice the correct one first and automatically deleted the one that obviously must have been wrong.
So why couldn’t you find it in you to think you would have such luck?
At least if he opened the wrong document, he would understand very quickly that it was not what he had asked the students to do and would delete it before diving in fully, right?
But a worm of doubt – or intuition, whatever you wanted to call it – told you that it wouldn’t be the case.
You covered your mouth with your palms and screamed at the top of your lungs.
Penny, sleep-deprived considerably less than you because she was an actual responsible human being, walked from her room to the bathroom and blatantly ignored you, probably thinking you had missed the deadline by a minute and were now freaking out.
Oh, you wished.
“Pennyyyyyyyyy!” you cried out in a whiny tone, but she clicked the door shut as if nothing was happening. As if your whole life wasn’t in shambles because of one single e-mail. “Penelope, you get your ass back here! I need to know how to switch schools without having to repeat a year!”
Her wild black curls peeked from the bathroom, followed by an annoyed sleep-raspy voice. “Why? You accidently called Barnes a daddy in your message or somethin’?”
Your heart was still beating its way out of your chest, a low ominous hum in your ears. Gods above, you wished. Still would be easier to explain, like… you could claim it was a dare or something.
No, this was much, much worse.
Penny, apparently taken aback by the lack of your response, left the safety of the bathroom and approached your lair (probably stinking of sugary drinks and caffeine) and peeked over your shoulder, searching an explanation for your antics.
You only gulped, moved the cursor to the title of the document you had sent in your first e-mail and closed your eyes, actually feeling tears of humiliation stinging in them.
The silence that followed spoke volumes until-
You had just shared your smutty one-shot with your history professor, but that wasn’t even the worst part. The worst part was that it was starring his rumoured one and only best friend he shared an office with. One who had acted like a substitute for two weeks when Professor Barnes got a particularly bad case of cold, but wouldn’t leave you without a lecture. Needless to say, Professor Rogers had also starred several of your steamy dreams after that and became a source of inspiration for your occasional writing streaks.
And now your history professor could read all about it and, god forbid, share it with the man who was the template of the main character of the story. You weren’t dumb; you alternated the names, just in case of you didn’t even know what (and it might have made you feel better about writing filthy stuff about a prof), but you went with the same looks including hair and skin colour, hairstyle, Rogers’ glorious beard and you certainly didn’t omit his surprisingly ripped body.
So, yeah. Penny’s ‘OH SHIT’ was pretty accurate.
You were so screwed.
Yes, once again, you wished.
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
You had handed in your work on Friday morning and had been jittery all weekend, practically unable to focus on any of the studying you desperately needed to do. Normally, you might write some comforting piece to relieve your frustration, but that was not an option right now as simply opening a text editor gave you palpitations.
The all-nighter you had pulled didn’t exactly help your already non-existent ability to get your head on straight either.
You were looking forward to Monday and dreaded it at the same time – Professor Barnes was to give your assignments back with a mark and commentary. You were praying for Monday to come already, because you just needed to know the consequences of your actions. You were freaking out about Monday for very obvious reasons.
You had no idea what was happening in your first Monday class. Your lunch consisted of half bottle of coke.
And now here you were, seated in the second row of three, because that seemed like the safest place, a seat where Barnes couldn’t approach you from any angle.
When he entered the class, you decided to stubbornly watch the desk in front of you. Under any circumstances, you would not make eye-contact, wouldn’t raise your gaze. There was no fucking way anything would force you look his in the eye.
Or you thought so.
You hadn’t realized he would call out each of your names and would say the necessary commentary about doing well, missing something, excellent work, this one feeling a bit sloppy… out loud, which would made it truly impolite to keep staring ahead. With each work sent through the sea of people to hand it to those in the second row, your stomach was turning heavier, your heart beating faster.
And then Professor Barnes said your name and you winced in your seat, squeezing your eyes shut on instinct, the childish if I can’t see you, you can’t see me either kicking in.
He called out your name again as if there was a chance you missed it the first time and with a huge lump of panic in your throat, you blinked your eyes open and raised your gaze, only to meet his neutral face with just the tinniest twitch to the corners of his lips and a barely visible twinkle to his eye.
Your stomach dropped to the floor, your face burning with embarrassment and humiliation.
He held out the papers to the person in the first row in front of you, whose name you didn’t care for at the moment, and nodded his head.
“Not bad at all,” he said and that was the end of it.
Your essay landed in front of you and you finally breathed in properly, your hand trembling slightly as you noticed the circled B+ in the corner.
You were deaf to his next words, your heart jumping as you read the note by the mark.
B for the cliché used, + for the originality.
Huh. What a strange way to word an evaluation… but hey, you wouldn’t complain. For one, no one had filled a harassment complaint for your stupid ass so far and you had written this shit during an all-nighter and still got B+. This was the best outcome you could hope for; Barnes didn’t even give you shit about your... error.
A smile slowly found a way to your lips, a shy little thing, but definitely present, your mimic muscles, so stiff from trying to keep a poker face, relaxing.
You browsed over the other notes in red ink scattered over the pages, some sentences and phrases unlined and commented on, sometimes corrected, sometimes complimented to.
It wasn’t until you reached the red note that had one word from it actually crossed out and replaced.
Really hits the spot mark.
Your smile froze on your lips, your heart ceased to beat before kicking in with furious pace, loud pounding humming in your temples.
Oh god. Oh no.
Hitting a spot? He could have written it was ‘spot on’ or that it ‘hit the mark’… he made the mistake deliberately, you were certain of it – all of his other notes were so neat and thought through-
You checked the individual notes, your stomach twisting when you re-read them in a new light.
Nearly all the wording he had used was referencing to your… special assignment you had handed in.
Oh god, please, let the lightning hit me. Let the floor swallow me. Let the cardiac arrest momentarily trying to kill me actually kill me.
Interesting work for certain with a winky face?! Really? That would be innocent enough on its own, but it was feeling like a conspiratorial wink. The I know more than I let on and you know what I’m talking about wink.
The next one was a blatant double-entendre and you could bang your head against your desk for not realizing it first time reading it. Good writing, nice flow, clearly heading to the climax.
Your face was set aflame once more and despite your better judgement, you glanced at the professor momentarily showing whatever in his presentation.
He caught your gaze and had the audacity to wink.
You snapped your head away and silently whined, sliding down your chair nearly enough to lie on the floor.
Why did it have to be the smutty one you sent? Why couldn’t it be a cute one at least? You had loads of those! Why did it have to be the one about Steven damn Rogers, his friend?
Why, just WHY?!
Professor Barnes had definitely read it. And for some reason, you had a hunch that he had showed it to his friend slash colleague he shared an office with too.
You whined some more and pretended that this day was the apocalypse and that you would never have to face either of the professors ever again.
Of course, you could not have such luck.
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Part 2
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
There it is! Shorter chapter for starters. Just you wait ;)
I’m pretty sure something like this have been written before, but plot bunnies are little shits that refuse to leave no matter how much you kick them and beg them to go away.
I blame @pies-writes-and-more @kayteewritessteve and @queen-kass-the-writer for supporting bad behaviour, but they are not the only ones. You know who you are, don’t YOU? I am a weak human being and you are corrupting me. Thanks, sweeties ;)
Thank you for reading! 
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Tags: @scentedsongrebel @patzammit @donutloverxo @annathesillyfriend  @orions-nebula @iheartsebastianstan @wxstedhexrt
If anyone wants on the taglist or out, lemme know via DM or an ask :)
ALSO. A friend of mine created a perfect artwork for this chapter/series and I wanted to share 😍🥰🤩:
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Thank you, @chase-your-dreams-away 🥺
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
I’m actually horrified that the English Media is doing this, I get you love Hamilton, Norris and Russell but come off it man, Max and Redbull have done nothing but defend themselves, F1 really needs to come out with something because if they don’t then Christian I will be cheering you on when you let one rip at the media and please Sue Toto and Mattia because it’s there fault it’s gotten worse.
I’m actually horrified being English at the moment, I know I’ve done nothing wrong but still.
Lewis forgets that he was in McLaren when they cheated!, he’s also forgetting that the 2008 championship battles also ended slightly controversial to some, he also goes on about peace and love yet he fucking allows the media to attack Max, he allows them to attack other drivers and says nothing but when he gets the abuse he’s saying something, yet all the other drivers stand up for him.
Normally im not a fan of Lando, but on Sunday when he had that interview with sky after the race he did not look happy doing it, people conveniently forget Max is friends with half the fucking Grid.
Lewis fans forget in 2016 he boycotted the Media he’s done that a few times yet they praise him but any other driver that does they are babies.
Be kind people say, pffft the people that bully, send death threats and even racist remarks to Any driver deserve all the fucking Karma they get, no one should get any abuse.
What annoys me about f1 they defend Lewis when racist comments come but they have 4 other POC drivers on the Grid now but they say nothing 🥴 work that out
Alex - Thai/English
Yuki - Japanese
Zhou - Chinese
Nicholas - he’s half Iranian for people who don’t know
Yet Mattia can call Yuki a tsunami and get away with it, the abuse Zhou got when it was said he’s coming into F1, Nicholas need I say more 2021, and Alex he’s gotten threats before?
It’s fucking wrong F1 and the sporting world do fucking better!!!!
Sorry for the rant but it needed to be said
My blog is here for rants bestie dw!!
F1 and f1 fans do not care about the abuse they sending to Red Bull, the families of Red Bull employees or the drivers. If you are friends with Max that makes you a target for abuse and f1 will never speak on it because they only speak when it’s certain drivers. People seem to think it’s okay to abuse Max because he doesn’t speak out about it? So that makes it okay to abuse him apparently.
Red Bull and Max will never get support, they won’t it’s that simple we just need to keep calling it out and hopefully one day something will change. I really hope Christian will think about legal action over cost cap comments and also speak to the fia and Sky about their bias cause this is going too far.
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mercgaydes · 3 years
the whole situation with Red Bull trying to sue hamilton/take him to court is definitely just a attempt (and a stupid one at that) to get into Lewis’s head and throw him off his game.
Like Red Bull may have the worst PR crisis team, but they’re not that stupid. They’ve seen countless crashes before - they’ve seen what Michael Schumacher used to do on track. I doubt they actually believe the “attempted murder” thing to be true. Furthermore, their lawyers have had to told them by now that they have no case without evidence and risk a defamation countersuit from Lewis/Mercedes if they proceed.
The only thing they can really get out of this is to get into Lewis’s head. Running around screaming about suspensions and suing, attempted murder, etc just takes up everyone else’s time and energy and serves as a distraction. They’ve literally created a media circus that has turned people against Lewis, and while they probably didn’t intend for racial abuse to be a part of that, it unfortunately is and only fuels the flames. And the more off track bullshit a driver has to deal with, the more distracted they’ll be on track.
tl;dr Red Bull weaponized the 2016 WDC mind games strategy in the worst fucking way.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Five. Part 4
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I can’t believe that happened, I’m actually annoyed with me and the whole situation “but there was nobody there, just us and the waiters, it was private, so someone there leaked this! Someone there, a waiter or whatever they leaked this. It’s practically front page, how unfair is this when it should be about the fact I just got married and the vogue cover and now all I can see is Rihanna pregnant, Rihanna pregnant. Are you really kidding me, now what?” Robyn paced off, Mel cringed “well that’s not good” Mel said, rubbing my face “we will speak to your publicist, we may need to divert the attention. But besides that, the Vogue cover is selling just relax and I will call you back” Jay Brown said, Robyn is livid “ok” she disconnected the call “sorry” apologised, it’s my hand that exposes it “for what, don’t be. That was a private event Chris, no matter what pictures shouldn’t have been take. I want bitches fired; I want to know who took those pictures. It was private moment between us, it’s wrong. I have no idea how he’s going to divert the attention, to what? The attention has gone now” I feel bad no matter what she says “maybe someone followed in behind me? I don’t know, things were a little crazy outside” Robyn is just staring at her phone “yeah they have pictures of you walking in, Rihanna’ husband flew in for her birthday and is seen hugging and touching to what appears to be a bump. This is wrong, it’s not your fault. It happens and I hate it but I don’t want to tell yet, I really don’t” now she’s stressed and I hate that for her, I hate that she’s famous well this famous that she can’t even have fun like that “I know you say don’t blame myself but I kind of do because I shouldn’t have jumped in like that, I just got really excited. I know you’re saying don’t blame myself but still I am too blame” Robyn is just quiet, stressed out about all this shit and I don’t blame her.
Robyn is thinking, you can just tell on her face she is thinking hard, she is stressing herself out and I am really going to hate this for her. Getting up from the chair, I have been just sat here watching her, but I think I need to comfort her maybe, I don’t know but she’s very upset about this “come here” wrapping my arms around Robyn, she automatically placed her arms around me “I don’t regret you coming Chris, don’t think that ever. I hate that this happened, I just wanted some sanity for us, to celebrate quietly until we want to tell the world, but it’s ruined, and Jay is probably thinking on what to do, why the hell did anyone have their phones there!” She spat “what happened?” Yusuf said rushing in “oh you saying that but I just got a Twitter notification saying singer Rihanna expecting first baby” I cringed hearing that “I didn’t confirm anything!” She shouted, Yusuf’ mouth fell open “no fucking way, how did they find out” Robyn is so angry, moving back away from Robyn, let me give her space “someone at that place took a picture of me touching the bump, and you can clearly see it. My fault” rubbing the back of my head “I will kick you if you say that one more time, it’s not your fault. I didn’t want this; they are running with it. What am I going to do, it’s too far gone now isn’t it?” Robyn turned to us, I ain’t saying anything “if you deny it then you come out saying yes I am, it is a little weird, maybe if we stay silent and pretend nothing is happening that way it’s not confirmed or denied, just continue like nothing has happened but that is so sad on your end, that’s your news. And it’s taken away the wedding announcement, like yeah. Sorry baby” Yusuf said, I shouldn’t have touched her bump, I’m so dumb.
I personally think Yusuf is right, but Robyn is waiting for Jay Brown to call “finally” she answered the call swiftly and put it on speakerphone, she was waiting on this “hey, so what is happening. Mel has just said Twitter has announced it like it was nothing, I am trending on Twitter. This is a mess, please tell me there is a fix” they have really ruined this announcement for Robyn, and I am sad for her “honestly no, it’s there and they are running with it. Either you can confirm it’s true or keep quiet but you’re being searched a lot, I think I will set up extra security for you. Just be careful now” this is a mess “I want to sue, that place is membership only. You sort that shit out Jay, I want whoever leaked that dealt with! This is so fucking unfair, how could they. I’m just going to have to stay quiet, I’ve not even been for my twelve week scan, fuck these people. Anyways bye” Robyn disconnected the call “I am so upset, this had to happen at the worst time. Fuck the wedding now, they are going to hound me for being pregnant. I am going to lay down” poking my lips out all wide eyed, she’s angry and upset and I don’t know what to do or say to make her happy with me “I got a hangover still, chile. How are you?” Yusuf asked “erm, unsure about that” I chuckled, I messed up big time for Robyn and it wasn’t even on purpose, it was by accident because I was too excited to see what I saw.
Robyn has been asleep since, I’ve had a shower and got changed and she’s still asleep. I think I’m going to go for a walk and see a little bit of London on my own I guess. I need some air anyways; I am personally upset about it. I’ve upset my wife so of course I am, crouching down at the side of the bed. Robyn is wrapped up in the covers sleep on her side, raising my hand and touching the top of her forehead. It isn’t warm so it’s ok “hey, Robyn” resting my arm over her “baby, hey” she opened her eyes a little “yeah” she closed them “I am going to go for a walk, just somewhere close. I will be back” Robyn opened her eyes “take Rich with you” shaking my head laughing “I’m not famous, stop it. That is you, but I will be back. I need some air” pressing a kiss to Robyn’ lips as I stood up “Chris you know I am not angry at you” nodding my head as I walked off “I know” I mumbled, I just need some space and time alone. I feel all annoyed at what happened, closing the bedroom door. I just need some space and air actually alone; I don’t want anyone with me “and where are you going?” Mel asked “just getting some air, be back” just a little walk will be nice, see some scenery too. London is nice too; I can only explore alone anyways. Imagine having to walk with Robyn, I will get harassed, but I do love my twin a lot and I wouldn’t change her for the world. I get she is saying I am not to blame but honestly I feel I am, I didn’t think.
I am so unsure of London, not even in a bad way but like what the fuck is some of these stores. I am confused as hell; all I want is a drink of anything so like do they have corner stores. Frowning as I stared up at the sign, Sainsburys “excuse me” I said to this lady that is just walking “is this a store? Can I get a drink from here” she stared at me like I am crazy “sorry, oh yes you can. Just on the left” I was about to say the white lady is weird “thank you ma’am” I saluted her, I am used to being catered for, Robyn would get the things for me so this is like the first time I am on my own and I doing this myself. That was easy as hell, the drinks are right there. Now I am thinking, I am hungry too. I am a lot of things right now actually, stood in front of the wide open fridge just loads of shit, I will get a Red Bull, I need it right now. I have a little bit of cash on me, not a lot but some so this should be within budget. Walking to the side to get a bag of chips, this is crazy because it says Walkers, but this is Lays, let me just grab whatever because I will get some food instead. Let me try their chocolate too, they have everything just here and candy. Why am I excited about something I can get back home, looking to the side of me and a group of girls in uniform just staring. Looking back at the chocolate, this is hard because do I want to try the regular America thing or British, hard decision because they have American candy right there “are you Chris?” looking away from the candy and at the girls “erm, no” shaking my head, the girl “funny that, I could have sworn that is your face right there” she pointed, looking behind me “where?” she came over and snatched the magazine from the stand “this is you?” I froze seeing our front cover “oh shit, that is me” taking the magazine from her “no way” I amazed to see it in person, opening the magazine to try and get to the interview part “so are you Chris? You are married to Rihanna?” I forgot she is here “I know of her, it’s kind of vague” I shrugged it off “he is so fucking peng, oh my days. American black men are so fucking sexy” these are kids “ain’t y’all got school” walking off with it, I am going to buy this actually because it’s mine.
I don’t know why but I feel super proud of myself that I found the magazine, it was right there in front of my face too, this is funny because I am there searching for food but there was the magazine. I am going to frame it “Chris! Hey!” looking behind me, these kids ae really going to follow me “I am busy” I lied and continued to walk, I am not about to wait around and listen to them talk shit. I for one have better things to do at this moment in time then just speak to a bunch of school kids “I practically helped you buy the magazine, come on!” frowning to myself, they ain’t going to let it go at all, I stopped walking and turned around. All of a sudden the girls get shy “ok what is it?” I asked, I want them to get on with it “we just want to ask how is it to be married to Rihanna?” taking in a deep breath “depressing, what you think? Look, I am not famous, I am just a regular guy just strolling through London. Thank you for pointing out the magazine though” they deadass not taking what I am saying in, they are just staring at me in awe “ok it’s super cool to be married to her, she’s amazing and whatever you think about her it’s true. Unless you dislike her” they shook their head “can we please have a picture then we can leave you alone? Or we can help you around London” I chuckled “no I am good but if you want a picture, then let’s do it” if this means they will leave me alone then I am taking these pictures, they shrieked and came over to me “can you give my girl Betty a shoutout, she skipped school today and she will hate me for it. Oh god, you’re so fine!” what have I got myself into.
When they said pictures, they meant it. I should have made them pay for it, they had me stood there making shit obvious. I couldn’t be bothered to find no other place, so I came to McDonald’s, it’s simple and I know what to buy here. Shaking my head sighing out, the world has lost their mind with the whole Rihanna situation. Placing my straw in the drink and looked around, it’s the way the group just did a double take that got me looking away. Getting my phone out of my pocket, let me call TJ or someone because I need something to divert my attention somewhere else because these people are crazy “you’re fuckyopictures” looking up from my phone, this guy just stood over me and then his peers are there “if I say no that would be lying right?” he laughed and then turned to his friends “I told y’all niggas, I knew it. I follow this dude! Yo, bruv your shit rocks, I see your artwork and I am like this guy’ mind” he came over to me, my face softened. He actually knows me “really” I said shocked, locking my phone “yes really, like I know you got shot and you stopped your artwork, so I miss it but wow, the man himself here. I seen your shit bruv, I rock with you” I just ended up dapping him, I don’t know it just felt right “this guy is a good guy, man. I told y’all” he told his friends “he got the baddest girl in the game though, why you take my girl” the boys laughed “you get the opportunity you take it” I shrugged.
The boys ended up sitting with me, I thought why now because I ain’t like that and he seems pretty cool “so what is y’all name then?” I looked around “Howard” raising an eyebrow “I don’t know why I am judging my middle name is Maurice” I laughed “Liam, Joshua, Ethan” nodding my head “cool, Howard though. That got me, remind me of the country niggas back home they had those name like that” I joked “don’t laugh, when I can, I will change my name” shaking my head “don’t, so y’all in college or something?” I asked “yeah, we in college” nodding my head “good, stay in college. It’s good for you, so is there a school close by here because all I keep seeing is school kids catching me out” they really do be “yeah, a school and college close by. When are you going to go back to your art, and when can we buy your clothing line” I cannot believe that people really look at my stuff “y’all got me in shock, I didn’t think anyone cared about me. They just see Rihanna when they see me” I laughed “you’re super cool, it shows that nice guys win and even if you done shit in life you can do good and get yourself a Rihanna” I busted out laughing “that too, but don’t make that mistake. It is not worth it” I shook my head.
Closing the apartment door with the biggest smile to my face, I was feeling pretty shit about myself, but those boys made me happy. I took pictures with them, but they were genuine, they knew me, and I don’t know how but I guess they follow blogs or whatever, but they didn’t let that overshadow, they saw deeper and they understood my art, the kid is right, I have stopped since being shot “why are you smiling like that?” Robyn questioned confused “I found this” placing the bag on her lap, sitting down on the couch “also had these girls questioning me, when I say girls. School girls harassing me” Robyn cooed out “look how sweet we look, I love it. So you had people harassing you” nodding my head “yeah so I went to eat some food and then these boys came over to me and one of them said you’re fuckyopictures, I love your art and it kind of made me happy that he knew me for me instead of Rihanna husband, just that really” I shrugged laughing “baby that is so sweet, I am glad that made you smile. People will eventually get to know you, aww and also I am not angry at you, I really do not blame you at all, I am just going to ignore everything and we continue as we do, that is the best way but don’t think I blame you, you actually made my birthday so stop it, I am glad that made your mood better” I grinned, it really did.
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waru-chan8 · 4 years
Same question than for @artigas-am73 , if it's okay for you can you do a ranking of the motogp riders from your favourite to your least favourite?
Bear in mind that this season, as weird as it is, it’s my first complete and voluntary (sue me, I watched some races only because I looked at the screen, and they were racing) season of MotoGP. I actually don’t know and don’t vibe with most of the riders so this might be controversial. I’m sorry if someone might get offended by this.
So, my number one rider is without doubt Dani Pedrosa. Look, it’s true that I had a crush on him as a kid, but come on, he is a three-time world championship. Moreover, he manages to archive the world championship in 2004 nearly without pre-season because of his injury. Furthermore, in his first season in MotoGP, he manages to score a podium in his second races and a win in his fourth. Pretty much impressive for the smaller and lighter guy in the grid.
I imagine that you prefer a list for the current riders on the grid so this is my list. Some of them have an explanation, others don’t. I just vibe or don’t vibe with them.
1- Iker Lecuona. Just because he is cute. Also, I didn’t watch the 2018 season, but I know that in Valencia he rode a MotoGP bike for the first time and after he crashed, his bike wiped out Zarco. That moment for me was karma.
2- Álex Rins. I love his curls. He seems a nice guy and from the unseen footage he seems pretty friendly. What I like from MotoGP is the overtaking and the Suzuki guys are pretty good at it. I love him overtaking, no friend and no taking prisoners, he just goes for the move. I would say that it’s pretty tight between him and Iker for the first place.
3- Brad Binder. I like him just because from the rookies he is the only one who hasn’t tried a MotoGP bike until the first pre-season test. He seems pretty friendly, nice, and he looks after his brother (Pass the Mic). I just like him.
4- Joan Mir. A few months ago he would have been in the middle of the list. As I said before, the Suzuki boys are pretty good at overtaking and I like that. Also, I think he really has a chance to win the championship and somehow that makes him more interesting for me.
5- Andrea Dovizioso. I feel sorry for the position he is now. We have a three times runner-up in the championship without a bike to ride for next year, a pretty fuck up situation. Also, it seems that Ducati is not helping him very much to overcome the problems he is having with the bike.
6- Pol Espargaró.
7- Maverick Viñales
8- Pecco Bagnaia.
9- Tito Rabat.
10- Miguel Oliveira.
11- Valentino Rossi.
12- Franco Morbidelli.
13- Fabio Quartararo.
14- Álex Márquez.
— Andrea Iannone would be here if he was in the championship. I appreciate him being feminist, but he looks so dumb and clueless.
15- Takaaki Nakagami.
16- Bradley Smith.
17- Aleix Espargaró. He would be in a higher position in the list if he could stop getting himself (and his brother, people still mix them up) in troubles on twitter.
18- Marc Márquez.
19- Danilo Petrucci. He seems a nice guy, but I don’t vibe with him.
20- Jack Miller. I don’t like the guy. From the Inside Pass from Red Bull he seems too cocky and I don’t like the way he is always making fun of Vanessa (the hostess). If I were Vanessa, I would just kick Jack in the balls.
21- Cal Crutchlow. He always seems angry. I don’t like some of the things he has been saying to the media. In one article, Cal said that Honda didn’t need Dani as a test rider because Dani had a very different and unique breaking technique. I mean Dani was in charge of developing the bike for a pretty long time, I’m sure he would know how to make a bike.
22- Johann Zarco. I just can stand that guy. Yes, I know he is talented and fast, but he was the reason Dani ended up injured in 2018. I’ve been reading things about him and Hervé Poncharal said that he pretty much gave up on the KTM on the first day. Zarco ditched KTM in the middle of the season even knowing that Dani was doing a completely new bike. Zarco is the reason that Karel is out of MotoGP (I don’t know the guy, but pretty much that situation was a mess and fucked). In my opinion, he doesn’t deserve the Pramac contract.
Except for the top and bottom 3, all of them can move positions (up or down). If you ask me at the end of the season or even next season, probably this list will be different. Sorry for the long post.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
The Whole Ass Fic A.K.A ClockWork Is Paying At Least One Person Hush Money
Vlad’s dumbest plot yet leads to a grade A gravy bowl of a dumb reveal. Danny’s class feels left out, Wes is literally left out, and ClockWork is forcing me to not leave them out at gunpoint.
Now that y’all have voted, I present to you, the Whole Ass Fic
Danny was having a nice day, he honest to the Core was. But then a blue portal half fucking blinded him, a startled Mr. Lancer accidentally threw a whiteboard marker into his eye, and Dash finally succeeded in hitting him -in the eye of all places, ugh- with a spitball. All of this followed by a -probably not quiet- mutter of, “ClockWork end me”. In short, he had already filled his quota for ocular trauma today.
But looking to the front as a -very not cheesetastic- certain someone stops monologuing, he’s experiencing a-whole-ass-nother kind of ocular trauma.
Danny gets up from his desk and slowly walks up to the front, eyes filled with disappointment and the residual energy of his three breakfast Red Bulls, “okay, so you’re telling me-”, Danny gestures erratically to Vlad, who's tied up on the floor and in ghost form, “-that you overshadowed ClockWork-”, gesturing even more erratically at ClockWork -who’s just sitting on a desk and inspecting their nails- but Danny maintains wide-eyed eye-contact with Vlad instead of attempting down the rabbit hole of why ClockWork is still here. Glaring at floor Vlad harder, somehow, “-so you could travel to the future, to team up with your future self and bring him back here-”, Danny points both hands at the floor a bit aggressively, “-so you could tag-team pulverise a teenager-”.
While Vlad rolls his eyes, not even slightly apologetic or willing to admit that throwing fists with teens being his number one past time was arguably pathetic. Danny gestures at the future Vlad, who’s glaring bloody murder at normal timeline floor Vlad, “-but said future you instead assaulted ClockWork”, facepalming and muttering into his hand, “least I know this future you really is you, being enough up his own ass to even consider attempting to do that”, looking back to floor Vlad, “so you used ClockWork’s powers at random and just came back to this timeline?”.
Kwan adds in, “through the ceiling”.
ClockWork smirks, “he got quite lucky in that regard. Not quite luck though”, Danny sighs exasperatedly at ClockWork when they wink with a smirk. Anything involving ClockWork required a lack of luck, not a wealth of it; that, or making a collection of the stupidest decisions you’ve ever made. Considering floor Vlad’s state of looking like an extra for a truly terrible Vampire BDSM film, Danny’s going with the latter.  
Floor Vlad manages to spit out his gag, “well they somehow tossed me out of their body immediately after! I mean the audacity! And this Cheesehead-”, jerkily attempting to nod or point at the scruffy-looking future Vlad, “-gets more pissed and assaults me, ME! Instead of you”.
Future Vlad kicks him and snarls, “it’s been two years in this timeline! TWO! I stopped with the stupid fiddlediddling after six months!”, turning his head to the side and mumbling, “sure everyone close to him had to die first, but that’s a moot point”.
Dash snorts, “why would a ghost even want to assault Fentit. And wait, what? People died?”.
Danny meanwhile, throws his hands out to the side, “of course that happened!”, then gesturing towards ClockWork, “you can’t overshadow ClockWork, that’s not even possible! They literally had to have allowed you to”, actually turning to glare slightly at ClockWork, “why, I haven’t a shot-glass of pennies close to a clue”. Danny then blinks and slowly looks at the future Vlad, his words finally registering; while Danny also simultaneously massacres his last brain cell, “wait....you’re that Vlad? As in the one that technically murdered me? The one that sort of caused the near extinction of humanity and ghosts? The one that basically saw the big red ‘DO NOT PUSH, THIS IS A STUPID IDEA’ button, slammed your fist on it, and activated the apocalypse? The one that stabbed past me when I tried to fix the future? Sure I requested it, but ya still did it”.
Mr. Lancer, who had been progressively going more wide-eyed, “Crime and Punishment?!?!?! I mean, go off I guess”.
While Danny scratches his head nonchalantly, muttering more to himself, “also the one that gave me any faith in past you ever being capable of being good”.
Floor Vlad sputters, wiggling in his bindings like a worm, “how is murdering you what it takes to make you have even an ounce of faith in me?!?”, floor Vlad looks to future Vlad, “you can’t judge me, you fudge-bucket of a hypocrite”.
Danny rolls his eyes and snorts, “that’s not even pot calling kettle black, that’s a wad of chewed gum calling a fork an unchewed stick of gum, and actually expecting that insult to stick”. Danny then squints and turns to ClockWork, “wait”, pointing emphatically at future Vlad, “how does he even exist?!?!? That future was literally destroyed?!?”.
Future Vlad squints at him, looking affronted, “you mean you destroyed my existence too?!?”.
Danny turns to him and waves his hands around wildly, “THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU UNRAVEL TEN YEARS OF TIME! THOSE THINGS AND PEOPLE GO POOF!”.
ClockWork sticks up a finger, “that’s not how time works”.
Danny and both Vlads’ turn to them, both Danny and future Vlad pointing aggressively, “YOU STAY OUT OF THIS! THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!”.  
Nathan mutters, “or the rest of the class apparently”.
ClockWork smirks, “pretty sure the author disagrees on that one”. Everyone squints at them but goes back to bickering. Future Vlad points a little aggressively at Danny, “you were just supposed to fix the past! Not obliterate me!”.
Danny throws his hands up, “sacrifices had to be made! That’s what good guys do!”, gesturing at floor Vlad, “plus! You’re still here! And still A CRAZED UP FRUITLOOPY DICK!”.
Floor Vlad, looking a bit insulted, “language my boy”. Danny just looks down at him and knocks one of the desks on him; some kids water bottle -who the heck uses glass water bottles? Seriously?- smashing apart all over his face.  
Future Vlad pinches his nose and gestures at floor Vlad, looking at Danny, “that’s because he hasn’t been horribly traumatised....yet”.
Floor Vlad sputters, “yet?”, before scrunching up his face and licking his cheek, “is this vodka?”.
Future Vlad glares down at him, “you don’t know suffering”, getting into floor Vlad’s face a little and shaking his finger violently, “you don’t know the meaning of the word”, while Danny mutters, “neither do you, by the way”, future Vlad keeps talking, “and you really think you can collect all these stupid cheese curd plots and not turn yourself into curdled milk?”.
Floor Vlad rolls his eyes, “says the murderer”.
Danny rolls his eyes almost in sync with floor Vlad’s eye-roll, “oh like you haven’t killed anyone”.
Mr. Lancer coughs, “um? There are other people here you know. And some of us don’t appreciate casually talking about murder at-”, glancing at his watch, “-nine a.m. in the morning”.
Floor Vlad glances at him, “no one but us and dear Maddie qualify as people”.
Danny sputters incredulously while ClockWork points at floor Vlad, “and that is not how classifications of species and words work”. No one so much as acknowledges the arguably most power-being ever this time.
Floor Vlad looks back to future Vlad, “and Daniel’s the one that messes everything up. Not me!”, glaring at Danny and muttering, “I would have had a perfectly viable clone otherwise”.
Future Vlad shakes his head and gestures aggressively, “you cloned him?!?!?!”, throwing his hands up and walking around, “this me’s insane! Wonderful!”.
Valerie snickers into her hand, “I want to get involved but...”, before gaping and sputtering incoherently to herself about Dani.
Danny snorts, “you hadn’t already figured that out when he decided to abduct and control the body of the dude who controls time itself and oversees everyone’s futures. A literal living legend and basically a god?”, shrugging and sounding nonchalant, “and yeah, technically we have a kid now. My genetics, but Vlad made her. So technically, we’re both her parents”, kicking floor Vlad, “I should sue you for child support”.
ClockWork nods, “and you would win actually”.  
Danny looks tickled green, while floor Vlad shouts dramatically, “WHAT!?!?!?”. Future Vlad is just walking in a circle throwing his hands out randomly and making faces.
Dash mutters, “I can’t believe I’m saying this but, the damn twinks life would make a great soap opera”. ClockWork smirks ever so slightly at this.
Floor Vlad screws up his face and wiggles in the bindings some before squinting at Danny, “wait a biscuit buttering second, how do you even know about the ghost from the clocktower?”, sputtering and squirming, “how do you know their name?!? Even I didn’t! And you know their powers! Daniel what in the name of Gouda?!?”.
Danny deadpans, “oh don’t you use that tone with me, mister. You’re not my father”. While ClockWork smirks, “my name was actually the first thing he said, you just conveniently ignored that for plot purposes”.
Danny just speaks right over them and gestures at ClockWork, “and of course I do! They’re my Time Daddy!”.
Everyone goes silent immediately and you could hear a pin drop. Instead, a different voice breaks the silence, “wow! Didn’t know you had another dad, son!”.
Both halfas and the ex-halfa turn slowly and look at the doorway, where one Jack Fenton is standing and munching on fudge like he’s engrossed in an intense tv show.
Danny blinks and sputters, “how long have you been there?”.
ClockWork smirks, “since almost the beginning of this fic”. Danny glances at them, “that doesn’t make sense”. ClockWork shrugs, “well the audience might appreciate knowing, and I aim to please”.
Danny speaks thick with enough sarcasm to kill a lesser being twice over, and as if to prove this point floor Vlad starts hacking like someone force-fed him nails, “oH yEaH tHiS hAs BeEn A rEeEeEaAaAaLlLlL pLeAsUrE”, before squinting, “...what audience?”.
Star slams her face into her desk, “oh my Zone, seriously?”.
While Jack pipes up, “since Danno repeated vampire Vlad’s story back to everyone with so much disbelief I really couldn’t bring myself to interrupt”, standing and practically throwing the plate of fudge -having forgotten he even had it- when he throws his hands out to the side.
Mr. Lancer sighs and speaks as the fudge slowly smears down the classroom wall, “this was not in my job description, but thanks for the reminder why I don’t moonlight as a babysitter anymore”.
Jack, sounding way too happy for this situation and oddly not looking angry or even bothered, “and I’ve never heard my boy so passionate before!”, tapping his chin and looking at the two Vlads’, “though I do have to say. What the fuck is wrong with you V-man”.
Danny grumbles, “welcome to the life of having a half-ghost, who’s three nuts short of a fruitcake, that wants to aggressively be your uncle and/or father”, before sputtering incoherently over his dad swearing.
Jack tilts his head, looking like a confused puppy, “but, I’m your dad?”, quirking an eyebrow at ClockWork, “one of your dads?”. ClockWork looks like they just got blessed by a god... a god other than themselves anyway.
While Danny stares down at the floor unsure if he should feel deep horror or boyish wonder. Muttering, “did I just result in ClockWork getting adopted into my family through arguably convoluted and highly illogical means?”.  
ClockWork makes a face that is the closest thing to insulted Danny’s actually seen on their face, “it was my belief we were already kin”.
Danny sputters and waves his hands around erratically, trying desperately to back-pedal, “what, I, er, no, I mean yes! Yes! Totally fam!”.
Valerie can’t help but let out her inner gossip rich girl mode, “ooooooooooo, someone’s in trooooouuuubbbbllllleeee”.
Floor Vlad sputters in utter disbelief, it was he that was supposed to be gaining new family members here! Not that oversized puff pastry! “This, that, THIS IS NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!”.
Future Vlad blinks at Jack, “why are you not freaking out over the ghosts?”.
Star sighs, “are they really just ignoring that none of us have been freaking out?”.
Jack shrugs, “one’s tied up and the other gave me fudge”. Floor Vlad just shrieks in frustration and disbelief. While Danny gives a dramatic thumbs up to ClockWork, even going so far as to use a little ecto-energy to make his thumb sparkle like some anime bullshit.
Future Vlad kicks floor Vlad but speaks to Jack, “well if it’s anything, I’m not a ghost or half of one”.
Multiple people mutter, “half ghosts are a thing?”, while Valerie grins like a loon.
Floor Vlad shrieking, “WHAT?!?!?!”.
Future Vlad looks down at him but points at Danny, “he ripped out and ate Plasmius”.
Mr. Lancer grimaces and has to physically restrain himself from assaulting Kwan when he actually sticks his hand up and asks, “what’d that taste like? You know, for reasons”. No one’s honestly surprised at this point, when the bickering guys’ just act like the entire class are just extras added in after the main plot was established and without the main casts knowledge.
Danny blinks and gestures wildly at his dad, “are we just ignoring the uniformed third partly?!?”.
Mr. Lancer glares, “the class has been here the entire time”.
ClockWork smirks, “Vlad’s the authors' bitch right now so...yes”.
While floor Vlad gapes at Danny, “YOU DID WHAT NOW?!?!?”.
Danny throws his hands up exaggeratedly, “NOT IN THIS TIMELINE!”. While Vlad just quietly sputters about how Daniel could and even would, apparently, eat him. Danny has to severely resist spewing out a list of vore jokes at this. While ClockWork mutters with a smirk, about how the only reasons Danny’s not doing that is because the author’s tired of their phone crashing every time they try to write them.
Future Vlad points aggressively at floor Vlad, “we were the ones who thought ripping out his humanity would be a good idea!”.
Jack adds in some side commentary, “yeah, please don’t do that to my son”.
Floor Vlad mutters at the floor, “I need some bloody scotch”, before looking up at future Vlad and shouting, “WHY WOULD I DO THAT!”.
ClockWork points at floor Vlad, “the vodka hasn’t totally evaporated off your face yet, so you’ve got options. I have no pity for you”.
Floor Vlad glares at them, “I have standards”.
Half the class saying, “you sure about that?”.
Danny and future Vlad respond to floor Vlad in unison, with matching deadpan tones and judgmental facial expressions, “because, for all accounts and purposes, you are a sociopath”.
ClockWork sticks a finger up, “this is not how psychological diagnosis works”, gesturing at the class, “for one, patient confidentiality is a basic prerequisite, not an option”.
Nathan makes a mocked delighted gasp, “did we just get acknowledged?”. While Danny and future Vlad share a look tm.
Floor Vlad sneers, “rather that over an overgrown oaf, a self-sacrificial fool, a weak old man, or whatever is up with the time ghost”.
Danny glares while future Vlad socks floor Vlad in the face for that. Danny off-handed commenting, “‘Observant puppet’ is really the only insult that applies”, looking at ClockWork, “why aren’t the eyeballs up in a tissy about this anyway?”.
ClockWork smirks, “the author has decided they no longer exist”.
Danny blinks, “what kind of power does this ‘author’ have????”.
ClockWork mutters ominously, “the ability to outrun writers' block...for now”.
Danny ignores ClockWork out of slight horror and feeling like someone’s threatening him with another? dissection fic if he doesn’t stop encouraging ClockWork to derail the plot. Turning his attention to the two Vlads’ just in time to catch Valerie getting up and smacking both Vlads’ over the head, which just turns into an all-out fistfight. Well okay, floor Vlad is just squirming in his bindings and kicking like a feral rabbit, but still.
Valerie steps back and nudges Danny with a wily smirk, “who you wanna bet on to win?”.
Danny snorts, “future Vlad, based on sheer tenacity”.
ClockWork smirks and points a finger at the ceiling, “that’s my bet”, another portal opening up and yet another Vlad falling through and landing on the two others in a heap; knocking all three out, floor Vlad finally transforming back human. Danny looks to them, “the fuck is wrong with you?”.
While Maddie’s voice mutters from the doorway, “oh my Zone, Vlad?!?!”. Standing next to her is yet another interviewer from Genius Magazine: For Women Geniuses, By Women Geniuses; who slowly lifts up her phone and snaps a photo, while patting the pocket where her recorder is.
The next day Danny inexplicably gets pelted in the face -which, coming full circle, predictably stabs him in the eye in the process- by a magazine as soon as he steps through Mr. Lancer’s classroom doorway. Danny just lets it flop onto the floor unceremoniously, due to his veins being clean out of the consciousness juice that was Red Bull and thus incapable of caring about those pesky things called reflexes.
Danny sighs down at the abused magazine while slowly and dramatically covering his right eye. Sighing even louder at the cover somehow making everyone but the Vlads’ look kinda hot and ClockWork just being a black hole with a wicked grin -how they still seemed visually attractive is beyond Danny’s comprehension. The title reading ‘[REDACTED] Ghosts, Time Travel, And Illegal Cloning. Oh My!’, with the wonderful subtitle of ‘What Happens When Science Grows Fangs!’, and the sub-subtitle of ‘See Some Scientific Sin!’.
Danny’s sure the ‘[REDACTED]’ has something to do with ClockWork and them messing with an entire companies autocorrect function, but he decidedly doesn’t want to know.
Wes kicking in the classroom door seconds later only to pelt Danny with yet another copy of the magazine and shriek, “WHY!?!?!?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!?!?!”.
Danny looks down at the magazine, which magically opened up to the page with the article when it landed, and snorts. It looked like someone had applied ‘[REDACTED]’ on the paper very liberally and with a pepper grinder. Danny then slowly turns and points at Wes with a massive shit-eating grin, “that’s what you get for being weak enough to fall victim to flu season. Sleepy sniffling sleuths earn no secrets”.
At this, the whole class laughs like they’re just a laugh track and an edited in fake audience.
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f0point5 · 7 months
The question is…did they fail deliberately//
I don't see how this would help them get rid of Christian and why they would want to do that. If Christian now decides to resign, he would practically be confirming the text as real. He has all the reasons to stay and prove everyone wrong.
If this comes back to them, i think both the employee and Christian could sue.
True. I guess what I mean is, someone in Red Bull must be the leak, and I doubt it’s just some random person in HR. It must be someone high up with a vendetta. I guess unless it’s literally Mateschitz it’s not “Red Bull”.
He shouldn’t resign. The company have publicly cleared him of any wrongdoing. They can’t even fire him now without admitting their own investigation was a fuck up. So they’re in a bind.
I guess the FIA or Liberty could make a stink about it if they want but…does Domenicalli want to do that? What if we dug into his behaviour at the office Christmas party?
This leak is just some mean spirited shit because again, while I haven’t seen all the screenshots, in the offices I’ve worked in, he wouldn’t have been fired over those messages.
Also, yes both Christian and the woman could probably sue. If Christian ends up being forced out over this, he should sue the shit out of them. Not to mention report them for a breach of GDPR.
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Voltron Rewritten Defender (1/8)
Also known as My Almost Raging Bitch List for this Goddamn Disastrous Disappointment of a Show
I binged all 8 seasons in under a week, so believe me when I say almost nothing was forgotten between seasons/episodes and I do tend to note that.
If it’s not obvious by the title, I’m planning an entire show AU. I am extremely open to people’s opinions on what I’m currently thinking and when I finally post this I’ll be open to criticism there too. If you would like to avoid seeing anything in regards to this feel free to blacklist #voltron_rewritten_defender because that’s what I’ll be using for this whole thing.
Enjoy, I guess.
Fair warning I am a multishipper, but for this show I leaned towards Klance, so if that bothers you that’s okay, I’m not going to be bashing any other ships (mainly just Dreamworks’ forced Allurance). If you think I missed something for any other ship lemme know! If you wanna have a ship discussion that’s cool too. The only other thing I can think of is that Allura’s attitude in S8 really stuck with me to the point that she bothered me throughout the entire rewatch (I was admittedly one of the people who thought she could be very Mary Sue ish when I first watched this) so that’ll show up now and again.
If you want to look at the Google Doc for the whole show, click the link, if not you can expand this post to see Season 1. I’ll be doing these in chunks, but as some of you know I do a FicRecList on one of my other accounts here @sorcerusdragonbionics​ so I’m gonna be alternating between that and these for the next couple days.
If you do the Google Route it’ll have you ask me for permission, this is normal and if you request it I’ll give you commenting abilities.
Things I kinda wanna bitch about
Things I did genuinely enjoy and like 
Rewatch Thoughts (basically what I remember from further forward and how I feel like it reflects back on earlier seasons)
Ship Talk (behold my multishipping insanity)
Things I think I’ll do in the Rewrite
Writing Notes (mainly for me or as explanation for what I’m planning)
VA and Closed Captioning Things
Other Fic Thoughts
This ended up being music commentary in S8
Season One
Problems with the Season overall:
To be honest if I hated this season I wouldn’t’ve kept watching because by the time I started S3 had just dropped
Episode 1
Here’s the deal, WHY ARE YOU SO LONG BUT SO EMPTY?!?
Yeah, nope, that’s mostly it
Fix the problem of telling instead of showing about the other Lions and remove Allura’s explanation of the Lions if possible (thank you Kross for explaining why it felt so empty- this vid is actually where I started getting the idea to actually go through with a full series AU)
Also let the 5 introduce themselves to Allura and Coran
Also Character Drive to Complete Mission Should Be A Thing
Flesh out Paladin Personalities so that the Aris Arrival is End of Part One (making it closer to the length of E1)
Flesh out Lion intros so part 2+3 are more like full Eps without Sendak
Episode 2
75 degrees… that’s definitely in Fahrenheit, which why?
How does no one have a watch with a date on them?
“A man can be driven to do anything if a beautiful woman is just really really mean to him”
More inbetween scenes bc I can
I will accept the transformation sequence here, I’m just not going to write it
Episode 3
Please watch the use of Earth Time Slices please, because it’s confusing
I love the portrayal of PTSD in this show and I would die before I change it
Bye bye transformation sequence
Pidge’s talk with Shiro can please change
Episode 4
“I say Vol, you say Tron” will come up again if it kills me
Lance, how do you know what hotdog water and feet taste like?
I love how Coran is completely nonchalant about the fact that he’s drinking a hair tonic
Shiro, don’t bring down the mood
Goddammit Sendak, you could stay for this arc, but god I want you GONE!
Keith, having an emotion? Really?
Fight me I will change it
Or minimally change the fact that their selfish motivations are revealed to BAD and should be changed
Oh yeah, let’s not give the ONE GUY with notable homesickness a character arc around that
That moment when you realize Allura is like ‘wtf is a peanut’
Allura, don’t push it, some people don’t want to talk about it
You will have something to talk about, BIOLOGY
Decryption happens here, and next attempt to find family occurs… when?
Poor Coran, if there is anyone who was more forgotten than Lance it was him
Keith isn’t wrong, but he also doesn’t know how to say it without getting mad, which mood
Just pointing out Lance is not only smart, but selfless, tell me how he’s not the main character
My inner Shance/Klance shipper is sobbing
“Bomb fuel” mentioned here, occurs… actually it’s ok
Timelines need to be a thing!
Can I make the fight scenes more intense? Yes, I write them for my YJ Scripts. Will I? Almost definitely.
Keith with that much fire your mask should be closed because smoke inhalation is bad
Can we explain Vrepit Sa before s6?
It feels like Coran forgets that 10k years have passed under an evil empire and part of me likes it, but it hurts me
Episode 5
The Katie flashback is hurts me
I want to add Gender Identity
Can we talk about how Shiro is a nickname for Takashi Shirogane?
That’s not how an EMP works
The Coran sitting on Hunk’s shoulders with a machine gun is everything
I know the back x-ray was a joke, but I still don’t like it
Rax is an idiot, just saying
Bonding Moment!!!
Episode 6
“Intergalactic time measuring competition.”
“We had a bonding moment!”
Where is Sendak’s arm?
Fight me, Pidge’s ‘gender speech’
It will be a gender speech if it kills me
Lance, why are you acting the way you are?
“I figured” and “We were supposed to think you were a boy” ARE NOT PROPER REACTIONS!
Rolo, sometimes I want to punch you in the teeth
Lance’s boner is going to get someone killed
Lance had 4sec of logic and then Nyma brings up Keith, which ofc does him in
Let’s expand on the Komar, yeah?
Quiznack means fuck and NO ONE can tell me otherwise
Keith’s ability to fly is impressive and it’s awesome
Friendly reminder that Lance acknowledged the bonding moment
Episode 7
I LOVE the laser gun sound effects!!!
I just realized that Allura has no clue what an Acronym is
We… literally just talked about this and YOU didn’t know that Shiro, I understand the point, but seriously?
LIONS are TELEPATHIC Shiro DID NOT need to say that aloud!
I do actually like the fact that Kieth gets excited before realizing what he did
FIRE and ICE PEOPLE come on! What the hell?! You barely had to try
“Yes sir?” Keith to Shiro, what?
I love them and their cute little arguments
Left vs Right, thank you Zamber
We be lovin’ Hunay bc it’s pure as hell
Thank you Shiro for validating Hunk’s concerns
You could check  a little faster, Allura
I LIVE for this scene
Was it actually Rolo?
Do they have teleporters?
Keith being weird is my favorite thing
I love good big bros who argue tradition to save their baby sis
Zarkon is a bit of a moron
They all came through different doors… how?
What if the answer was no?
I’m ok with Lance embarrassing himself when he’s cocky, some people seem to forget that
Bye transformation sequence, I explained you ONCE and that’s it
Prorock… why are you familiar?
Episode 8
I admittedly forgot that they didn’t know these things would be different
Flying fight scenes I can do, teleporting not so much
Poor Shiro he thought he had an idea and he was wrong
I love Coran’s reaction
Also NO SHIT Allura
UHHHH Pidge said that not and of the other three so how did He know?
Allura may piss me off, but I do love this speech
“Your Altean Energy”??? Coran, you’re an Altean, I’m confused.
The “Sacred Altean” thing I get, but you must be more specific cuz it makes Coran sound like he thinks he’s not a proper Altean.
Oof, angsty
Also, I  know we can’t kill Allura yet, but... 
I love that Hunk forgot they hadn’t formed Voltron
Bye bye transformation sequence
Ummm, they NEED to explain the Bayard Equip bc that’s… two very different things that occurred between Hunk and Keith’s Bayard Weapons
Why is this a scene? It’s not a dog. So, yeah, I’m with Keith here
Episode 9
I just realized that this doesn’t come back until S..7? 8? Whatever, WAY too long
I can’t unhear “Training Dick”
Did they have homework on Altea?
Be still my Punk shipper heart
WHY is he SO pretty?!
Y’know, the glowing red eye is usually a bad sign
I could SO mean and hurt Keith here
That moment when you’re like 90% sure Shiro heard that somewhere
Not what haunted means Coran, but accurate
Why could Lance see Alfor for a second?
I too would like the answer to “where was the Red Lion?”
It’s a shame this is NEVER treated properly again
Thank you for NOT making the swimming thing a thing
You didn’t need to TRY Voltron, what the hell?!
Here’s the deal,  Altea not being Obliterated-obliterated is actually a really interesting idea
Lance still wins, for the record
If she was infected in any way this wouldn’t drive me crazier than a bot on Halloween
But she’s not so this is BULL
Shallura confuses me SO much…
Ok, admittedly the scene with Allura and Alfor is beautifully heartbreaking
Episode 10
The fact that Zarkon was a close friend to Alfor should be addressed
Also Shiro calling himself “an inexperienced Pilot” hurts
Allura’s a MORON!
Nice puppetry Hunk
What happened to THIS Allura?! She’s reckless but not INSANE (or so boring I might cry)!
Is this the same Druid from Season 8? Pretty sure it’s 8… I forget which, but the one Keith fought
“Don’t walk through that door!” / Keith does/ “I think I told him” // “You are a paragon of leadership, Lance”
Hehheh I love Hunk teasing Lance about Allura
I do actually the fact that I can’t tell what size the purple container is until Keith grabs it
Heheh the Allura interacting with the Galra soldier
The computer sounds like Lance
Also Shiro had that “holy shit” moment
I’m 99% sure that the ONLY reason I didn’t fall into the Galra Keith rabbit hole was the fact that I binge watched
This scene confuses me… so much now that I know Shallura was apparently never going to be a thing
So confused
Episode 11
That hair flip though...
Coran, I get it, but calm down
Okay, but Keith has a point. Seriously, he’s not wrong. 
For the record, Haggar scares me
So much makes so much more sense now that we know Zarkon is the Original Black Paladin
That… makes no sense… “enough essence to open a wormhole”
Why are you transforming? More pieces to shoot at is usually a smart idea…
Hey hey, THACE!
Why can’t you have two active at once? I’m honestly serious.
I mean too OP, got it, but you can maneuver around that for temporary stuff
Shiro, use your words, yeah?
“Thinking” uh huh you mean “telepathy” right?
I genuinely forgot that Shiro got booted from Black
Damn! Yes Shiro! Kick some ass!
Ok, here’s the deal, Keith’s not listening to Coran, but he doesn’t have all the info (LIKE THE FUCKING BAYARD), Zarkon’s the OG Paladin, and he’s in distress
“Could have been” … uh Kuron exists ?? 
Also, Shiro with yellow eyes is fucking terrifying
We ain’t ficking stupid VLD
Zarkon’s a fucking idiot
Written properly his power-hungry attitude works even with him destroying his own ship
But it wasn’t so it’s null
You aren’t even subtle about Galra Keith
How can Allura see through Illusions?
Nobody knows!
Shiro, you have no jetpack, how are you so fast?
“Who cares, wormhole!” mood
I… uh… I want to do SO many things with this idea
Preferably not what they actually do...
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