#such great potential for both blushy times and sexy times!!!
o0o-chibaken-o0o · 6 years
heLLO there! So I have seen you do fic recs and I just wanted to know if you have any good recommendations for Veritaserum!Drarry?? Thank you sm and have a good summer!
heLLO anon once again I am a literal year late in answering- I hope you are still following me! Here are all the wonderful fics featuring veritaserum I could find in my bookmarks :)
Sex, Lies, and Veritaserum by lettered (18K)- This entire fic is one long conversation about sex.so idk if you had in mind very honest and extremely(!) kinky negotiations when you sent this ask, but for anyone in the mood to read something VERY sexy, there is quite possibly no other fic quite so dirty and heartwarming at the same time
Spoken Words, Broken Thoughts by alpha_exodus (4.5K)- Harry's already losing it, and the Veritaserum's loosened his tongue. It doesn't help that Malfoy is too attractive for his own good.lol I swear there will be some fics on this list that aren’t about revealing fantasies followed by amazing sex, but not yet! Also is there anything better than the idea of sexy auror draco malfoy interviewing bad boy harry potter???? NO, read this!!
Blue Sheets by @firethesound​ (4K)- It was just supposed to be a night out. Harry absolutely didn't plan on admitting his feelings for Malfoy.Okay, this fic!! Everyone should read it!! It’s so so so adorable, and has plenty of veritaserum-induced second-hand embarrassment, which, let’s be real, is what we are ALL here for. I’ve definitely read this one multiple times when I’m feeling sad, it’s so lovely!!
How to Handle an Enemy by who_la_hoop (7.5K)- Everyone knows that it's no fun playing truth or dare with a Slytherin. But add a little Veritaserum, a scheming duo of Slytherin girls and surprising things can be revealed. Particularly about the fine line between love and hate…This fic!!! Is one of my favorites of all time!!!! I still remember exactly where I was when I read it because I very much regretted choosing to do so in a public place hahaha. There is truth or dare! Wanking! Scheming Slytherins! Exhibitionism! And you absolutely must read the sequel as well, trust me!!! Both fics are just pure amazingness.
You and Me by @bixgirl1​ (30K)- When Harry sits down with Malfoy, he's really only looking for a reprieve from the constant stares and whispers. (Mostly.) What he gets instead are a series of strange events that lead to a friendship that is something else, questions that nobody knows how to answer, and the realisation that the person that Harry doesn't know how to hate, anymore, seems to be the person who knows exactly what he needs. A story in which everything is complicated. And yet, somehow, none of it is.Oooh how I love this this fic! Obviously all 30K of it does not revolve around Veritaserum, but the potion does play an important role and the whole piece is a beautiful reflection on trust and truth. Once again @bixgirl1 somehow managed to take a relatively simple trope and turn it into something utterly beautiful and moving (*cough* and super fucking sexy with RIMMING like daaaamn *cough*)
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by birdsofshore (28.5)- Harry never thought taking a job as Draco Malfoy's bodyguard was going to be easy. Add in a curse that makes Malfoy even more of an obnoxious git than usual, and Harry's got serious problems.This fic involves a truth-telling curse rather than veritaserum, but the appeal is still the same (if not greater because this way the truth-telling lasts much longer)!! I looove a bodyguard!harry fic, and Draco’s personality here is fabulous! Thrilling and funny and an all-around wonderful fic :)
Rather Than Love by birdsofshore (7.5K)- The first time we tried it, I gave him too much. The second time, I got the dosage right, but I was frustratingly unprepared for how it would affect me. This is the third time, and I have it all planned out. Everything is going to be perfect.Another wonderful birdsofshore fic, this one featuring fucking amazing dirty talk and all the best kinks and probably a bit of drool on the part of the reader ;). Definitely read the tags first to check for squicks, but if you don’t find any then you must proceed immediately to reading this fic and probably dying of all the sexiness!! It’ll be so worth it!!!!!
Veritaserum Truth or Dare by ElectricBlueLilies (2K)- The returning eighth years bond over a game of Truth or Dare.A lovely, pure eighth-year part games fic featuring veritaserum to spice things up a bit ;)
Say Anything by alovelycupoftea (6K)- When Draco loses his reserve and starts speaking his mind, Harry realises something is very wrong. I love this little fic! It’s another with a truth-telling cure rather than veritaserum, but the things Draco can’t stop himself from saying are just so blunt and hilarious and the fic was just such an enjoyable read!!
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I know the purple lion/palladin would be amazing, but Lotor as black palladin? That would be very sexy of him. Imagine Black choosing him after Zarkon stolen him/died. The bayard changed for him during blood duel. Your headcanons?
Hi, anon! Thanks for the note! Yeah, it seems like Black Lion at least acknowledged Lotor in some way, for him to use that bayard. Even if that were a fluke/one-time thing, then Lotor, as a prince known for fighting alongside his soldiers in battle, commanding generals of varying personalities, being an expert pilot, and being charismatic enough to win enemies to his side, seems to have a lot of leadership qualities that Black Lion would look for.
I could see Black Lion choosing Lotor after defeating his father, but I also wonder if maybe another musical lions event would happen at an earlier time that was critical for Keith as well?
I started thinking about headcanons for a possible Black Paladin Lotor VLD remix…and ahh, got a little carried away into basically writing a story outline for it, haha:
In this AU, Keith’s reluctance to lead and his increasing interest in Blade of Marmora, along with Shiro’s clone being contaminated by Haggar’s magic, would perhaps establish why Black Lion seeks out Lotor and searches his heart as a candidate to begin with.
It could happen in a revised ending to s4, where maybe Lotor’s move to stop Keith from sacrificing himself to save others is a little more harrowing. Like say in the attempt, Keith still gets injured and Lotor’s ship is destroyed, and Zarkon’s forces are pounding down on them. So Lotor boards Black Lion in a desperate attempt to save them both from his father. Black Lion acknowledges Lotor has an interest in Saving the Whole™ in a way that Keith hadn’t grown to understand yet, so it opens its controls to him. The battle continues with Lotor shakingly at Black Lion’s controls, in the lead of Team Voltron.
Bonus if during this entire switch, the consoles to all of the Lions begin to glow brighter, because on the astral plane, the Lions are in communication with Black Lion, deliberating on the decision to accept Lotor as the new Black Paladin. They accept after Black Lion shows them that it will connect with Lotor and make him understand things too. The consoles in the Lions then return to normal, and Lotor’s spirit is locked in on the astral plane, which he feels.
Double bonus points if in this scenario, Keith is fully aware of what’s happening (maybe he just has a broken arm and leg or something), and he’s in a frazzle, trying to tell Lotor how to use the controls to get them out of there. And Lotor snaps back, also in a frazzle, “Don’t tell me how to fly.”
Triple bonus point if the other paladins are kinda freaking out that Lotor just took control of Black Lion, and that Black Lion accepted it.
“If you want to survive to argue with me, paladins of Voltron,” Lotor calls roughly through the controls, “then fight with me now against my father.”
Hunk is squeaking in shock and executive dysfunction. Pidge is flailing like, “Uh, guys??? Can he just do that??” Lance is sputtering because “Excuse me, why is HE the Black Paladin now?” Allura is very, very silent. Her father had connected her life-force to Voltron—so perhaps she felt the Lions’ debate on the astral plane. She very quietly moves to say, “Keith is injured, and we can’t lose Voltron to Zarkon. This is our only option for now.” And she demands to Lotor, “Black Lion has accepted you, which means it—” her face ticks—“trusts you in some way to get us out of here. And we’re taking on fire. We need a unified response.”  
Coran is flailing in the background on the Castle ship. Shiro is eyes narrowed, leaning forward in curiosity about this son of Zarkon.
Haggar is watching through Shiro, in shock.
Lotor reverts to his training, offering simple commands to push back his father’s forces and have the Voltron Lions rendezvous back at the Castle ship for further discussion.
Lotor had no idea how deep the well of power was within Voltron. Like, he knew this thing was a beast of a war machine, but he had no idea it was quite like this.
Lotor tiredly boards the Castle of Lions, helping a limping Keith out of Black Lion. The sight makes Hunk and Pidge hesitant to throw Lotor into the Tube of Shame. Lance and Shiro move to help Keith, who’s trying to awkwardly brush off that he just tried to commit suicide and that he has a broken arm and several sprains. Shenanigans abound.
Allura walks up to Lotor, eyeing him hard. He eyes her back. (Is this the first time he’s really seen Allura???). Bonus if he blushes holding her gaze. Just a lil.
Allura moves to demand of Lotor, “How did you manage to convince Black Lion to give you control? What did you see? What did it tell you?”
Lotor admits he intended to board Black Lion to plea for his life in exchange for information about his father, who clearly despises him. Black Lion responding to him in such a way was a complete surprise to him as well.
Keith is meanwhile getting bandaged up and is leaning against Black Lion’s paw. He’s kinda relieved he doesn’t feel the leadership bond. But he’s also relieved that Black Lion still sends him positive waves. Black Lion simply knows his heart is elsewhere and that he is a good Blade, in the way of his mother. And good leaders know resources work best where they’re happiest/most productive. Black Lion knows they will see lots of Keith yet.
Lotor sighs and offers himself up for incarceration and interrogation for how to undo the bond with Black Lion. He didn’t want to be like his father, anyway.
The fact that he rejects the legacy of his father makes Allura hesitate. She knows Black Lion wouldn’t choose someone it couldn’t trust or teach, and that its own ears had grown deaf to Zarkon. Instead of incarcerating him, Allura does demand that Lotor live up to Black Lion’s expectations, and that he accept the Castle scanning him for potential bugs or possible security breaches. Also, that he undergo the same tests she put the paladins through originally.
Black Lion often shows Lotor visions of the past—of a version of his father who once did great and protective things for the galaxy. Things that Lotor has dreamed of being able to do, and that he can do through Voltron. Lotor tries to understand what all went so wrong with his father and how he might have some things in common with this pre-corrupted version of Zarkon. He panics when he realizes that Haggar is actually a corrupted form of his true mother, and he tries to deny it.
Haggar, meanwhile, has not yet recalled her life as Honerva. She knows Voltron is still the key to opening the rift…or else that she can do something with the comet Lotor had started building ships out of…
Season 4 ends/Season 5 begins with Keith temporarily in the healing pod, and Lotor picking up the armor of the Black Paladin. There might be some form of Lion musical chairs again, unless Keith convinces Lance that being someone’s right hand also means working to ensure that the leader has his head on straight. Which, honestly, Lance might be a little over the top, but he is good at questioning stuff and was shown in s3 to admirably pick up slack where Keith flailed.
Bonus points if Lance activates that Altean broadsword again during Lotor’s training and fights him, with Lotor praising his tenacity while also schooling him on technique and strategy. This reiterates Black Lion’s judgement in naming him Black Paladin and results in Lance tentatively accepting Lotor as Black Paladin. Lotor perhaps realizes that some of the animosity has nothing to do with lions and mostly to do with Lance’s interest in Allura. He wins some favor with Lance by offering to teach him the art of the sword.
Lotor ends up sleeping in Black Lion often because he doesn’t quite trust the paladins either. Not yet. He blushies if he ends up accidentally running into a pajama-clad Allura in the middle of the night. Realizes awkwardly that the paladins call his father The Turtle, and that he himself is also afraid to take off his armored shell. Which means he is a little more like his father than he thought. But he doesn’t feel safe enough to take his armor off yet with the paladins around….until he realizes that they are not wearing armor around him at all.
Keith is easily healed in the Altean healing pod and takes up his position in the Blades full-time. The Blades and Team Voltron get closer than ever, working together most days to take down strategic Galran outposts.
Kolivan interrogates Lotor at least once.  
Hunk is probably the most diplomatic with Lotor during the initial integration phase. He asks questions about Lotor and what it was like growing up as Zarkon’s son. Lotor trusts Hunk’s opinion on most things, especially when it comes to the sensibilities of other Voltron Coalition allies. But he does rely on Hunk to help him know what’s good food, too.
The colony plot doesn’t exist in this AU, but I could see a version where maybe past!Lotor tried to help out Alteans like Bandor escaping his father’s genocides—and that the attempt to help them escape didn’t go so well. So Lotor clings hard to the concept of Black Lion giving him the chance to protect people again. Maybe in this remix, Pidge helps Lotor to hack into top-secret Galran systems that Zarkon had blocked him from. It creates the opportunity for Team Voltron to break out various Altean prisoners from Zarkon/Haggar’s clutches, who were either being harvested or forced to work for the empire in secret locations. Bonus points if Bandor was one of those prisoners who gets freed and lives to reunite with his long-lost sister. The s5 arc would therefore in part be the Voltron coalition working to actually establish a true Altean colony based off the number of prisoners they free. Allura is breaking down in happy tears that she and Coran and Lotor aren’t the only ones left.
Lotor starts piecing together that Haggar was searching all of these Alteans for information about a place called Oriande. He comes to realize that it’s a real place and encourages Team Voltron that they have to get there before Haggar does.
Lotor gets his cat back somehow. Kova probably tries to chase Allura’s mice around, resulting in shenanigans and at least one overturned table and a food goo fight. Bonus points if it ends with the mice cuddling up to Kova for warm sleepy time.
Keith’s space wolf he picks up during a Blades mission, Kosmo, ends up chasing Kova at least once.
Kova has very odd diet demands that occasionally make Team Voltron go on a side adventure to look for something. Lotor had gotten used to his generals doing this for so long but enjoys trips to the Space Mall to find toys for his kitty.
Coran and Krolia tend to mother-hen a bit more over Team Voltron during this time. Lotor finds better parental figures / role models in them. Lotor might open up to them about Haggar being Honerva.
Dayak comes to visit at least once, upset that Lotor has turned his head from the position of emperor of the Galra. She might be how Lotor gets his cat back. Dayak thinks Team Voltron is beneath Lotor but sticks around because her ultimate loyalties are to Lotor.
Lance gets Lotor into video games.
Lotor sometimes assists Keith with understanding certain odd things the Blades do as Galrans, which helps Keith rise in ranks there and continue to provide cavalry support to the Voltron Coalition.
Allura and Lotor both play in Monsters and Mana. Lotor is a bard, dumps all of his points into charisma just to see what chaos does to strategy. Keith joins in when he can, plays a princess because why not.
Lotor likes Shiro but feels there is something deeply wrong with him. He keeps information about Oriande away from Shiro, but the trip to Oriande reveals at least its location to Shiro and Haggar.
Haggar successfully reaches Oriande and passes the trials, inheriting deep knowledge. But the ancestors are silent with her and unwelcoming. Unperturbed, she then rebuilds Lotor’s fallen/abandoned ships with the comet ore, realizing how to build an anti-Voltron (the Sincline mecha). Her goal is a bigger and better mecha for Zarkon to pilot once and for all against Voltron. Because they don’t need Voltron anymore.
Being Black Paladin doesn’t mean Lotor immediately wins his way in Oriande. But he still has the Mark of the Chosen and determines that he will one day go back to finish the trials so that he can experience being connected with the ancestors.
Lotor had rather pleasantly forgotten about his old ships until he sees his designs in the risen Sincline during a battle with Zarkon. He is incredibly incensed that his father slandered his ships’ original paintjob. The paintjob honestly bothers him more for a time than the concept that Zarkon has rift technology, but he soon gets his priorities straight.
Team Voltron suffers a significant loss to Zarkon/Haggar tag-teaming Sincline. Lotor’s parents have also begun to reopen the rift, which is destroying planets and the very fabric of reality.
The Blades are called in to help.
Because Sincline is in part Lotor’s creation, the mecha has a weakness. Lotor is able to connect with it long enough to deflect some of Zarkon’s commands for it. It’s possible that a Haggar-contaminated Shiro activates at this time to try taking Black Lion back over, or to specifically unseat/injure Lotor.
Cue a major face-off again between Haggar and Allura, with Keith moving in to try and stop Shiro while Lotor desperately tries to maintain hold of Black Lion and Sincline. The entire Team Voltron spiritually works together to decouple Shiro from Haggar and to hold off Sincline long enough for other allies to arrive as backup.
Lotor’s old generals switch sides and end up helping Keith and the Blades.
Zarkon and Haggar flee, realizing that Sincline has a weakness they did not expect. A weakness they have to kill, because they’ve sensed that Lotor can and will kill them to stop them.
Haggar is unsettled because she saw in Lotor’s memories that she was actually his mother—and that he is genuinely disgusted by Haggar. This awakens a part of her entirely that not even the rift creatures/dark entities can fight.
In a symmetry to revised s3, Keith takes controls of Black Lion—which still accepts him because he’s worthy of it—to help an injured Lotor pilot to safety.
Team Voltron reconvenes in the middle of a fairly damaged galaxy, building a plan to take down Sincline before it can try opening any more rifts.
Zarkon demands that Haggar poison Sincline entirely against Lotor.
Haggar, who realizes she’s actually Honerva, starts to have significant breakdowns in trying to fulfill Zarkon’s wishes, who is her husband trying to kill her son. The more she remembers of Honerva, the stronger and more solid she becomes about who she is and how dark entities have deceived/manipulated her worst aspects. She begins to understand why the Altean ancestors had been silent with her.
Honerva realizes that Zarkon is too strongly controlled by rift creatures/dark entities, but that she’s also ruined her own chances of creating a backdoor in Sincline. Zarkon turns against her upon discovering she is no longer like him. He reaffirms that he will kill his own son to achieve supremacy, and that he will kill Haggar too if she defies him.
Honerva desperately tries to run away.  
Meanwhile, Lotor acknowledges that Shiro is perhaps in a perfect position to slip past Sincline’s defenses—having had Haggar’s magic on him and her technology—and take over the ship from the inside out.
Cue an epic battle where Zarkon loses, and where Team Voltron and Lotor win because they believe in the power of teamwork and strength in unity. This results in a battered Voltron still standing, with a battered Sincline being piloted by Shiro, who has successfully connected with Sincline. In this AU, Shiro is stronger than ever in fighting off the darkness, in a reversal to his arc as Haggar’s puppet.
Sincline has been growing increasingly sentient and recognizes Shiro as the Galra’s Champion. Sincline accepts Shiro’s command to stand down.  
Even with Zarkon killed, the rifts he opened are beginning to expand to destroy worlds, and Allura is trying to hold it off with the spiritual help of her fellow paladins.
A secondary, mysterious source kicks in to help her heal the rifts.
It’s Honerva, somewhere, trying to undo what she helped create.
Lotor remains Black Paladin post-battle and helps to redesign Sincline as part of a Defender Fleet. He helps the universe pick up the pieces as everyone limps along together toward a new era of peace and undoing the evils of the empire.
The Galra, recognizing Lotor as Zarkon’s son and as the inheritor of Black Lion, ask if he would be their new leader.
Lotor is tempted because he has always wanted the validation of such a title. But he already has a home with his found family—with the Fleet, where for once he feels like he’s where he is meant to be.
Lotor functions as Emperor Pro Tem to help ensure order through the next Kral Zera, backing Kolivan as the best possible leader. Which also opens up the Blade of Marmora as needing a new leader….which Keith has been training for…
Some Galra are disappointed that the reign of Zarkon’s lineage will be broken. But Lotor is in fact peaceful about it. He knows he’s going to be quite busy exploring and helping to defend the universe from whatever else may come, alongside the people who came to accept him as family.
He still ends up with an ambassadorial/very high official title within Galran government, gaining a greater respect for Kolivan and the ways the Blades work to unite the Galra under what their culture was before it got hijacked by Zarkon.
Keith’s actions in the final battle result in everyone else agreeing that he has achieved a level of leadership that is perfect for the Blades. Team Voltron attend the ceremony where he is named a Commander.
Lotor’s old generals receive honors and become official members of the Blades as well.
Lotor connects deeply with Allura and the Altean colony, and spends time on Earth learning about the human culture of his fellow paladins. He gets to explore, just like he always wanted to do. Team Voltron works in the aftermath of battle to assist in stamping out the Fires of Purification rebellion, rebuilding fallen worlds and their cultures, and protecting against dangerous space anomalies.
Black Lion is a happy Lion, keeping in contact with not just Keith, but also Sincline and by proxy the healed Shiro as well, as part of its own expanded Fleet. Black Lion recognizes it was built originally to protect just a galaxy—and it needs a greater Fleet for a much larger universe, working in harmony with more leaders. Black Lion can evolve and grow too, to recognize that Voltron really is stronger when it works together with others.
Lotor consistently spends quality bonding time alone with Black Lion—not because he doesn’t trust his expanded family. But because Black Lion was actually his first true friend who believed in him.
Black Lion enjoys getting washed and scrubbed. Lotor is very insistent that Black Lion be clean and sparkle like new at all times, because he recognizes he is a tenant of Black Lion and that Kova has a tendency to shed, and—“Kova, get down from the console! How many times—?”
The end!
Oh my god, this post got so long. I’m so sorry, anon. I really ran away with this prompt, oof. Thanks again for the note!
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Matchup for @hashirass
I'm 20 years old, 1,68m, ENFP, female, bissexual (with a *slight* preference for men), scorpio with asc in capricorn and moon in sagittarius. I'm have very short and curly hair, pale skin, green eyes and a slim body. Both my ears and right eyebrow are pierced and I have a huge japanese tattoo on my back. I love books, video games, music, sports and greek mythology, very nerdy when you got to know me lol Hmmm i think i'm very independent and ambitious, i won't drop my dreams in any circumstances. I'm really open to talk about anything, preferring to solve my problems with someone without a scandal. In general a people person, very easy going, laid back and a bit chaotic when i'm pumped up. I love to tease the hell out of my dear ones, although I'm very respectful with people's limits and delicate subjects. I can't tolerate any kind of prejudice and will snap with someone who's being a jerk without second thoughts. Also, sometimes i need my own space to figure out what i'm doing with my life lol. Ooooh and i love affection, not the gross clingy type but please gimme some cuddles? Some kisses, and hugs, too! And AHDUWHHSHAHF well, i'm a bit naughty sometimes. I like to explore my kinks and i don't consider sex as a taboo. Totally open to try new things.
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So happy to do a matchup for you, love! Hope you enjoy who I’ve picked for you. 💖
Your match is...
Koala (Scorpio, ESFJ)
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Appearance wise, you two look absolutely adorable together! Two short-haired beauties with beautiful back tattoos that you both adore on each other. Your style next to her cutesy steam-punk style makes you two look so so cute when side by side. 
As for personality, she absolutely adores your nerdy habits and hobbies. Koala can be considered a bit nerdy herself, so you two find a lot of things in common. But she is more than excited to be introduced to some of your favorite things. Some have become her own favorites and she enjoys that you two can gush over stuff that makes you happy. Even if it’s something she doesn’t care for, she still supports your infatuations and could listen to you gush all day long. Having a nerdy girlfriend is cute and she loves to brag about you. Since you’re so interested in various topics, you’re a well-rounded person and can make any conversation exciting with your random knowledge. Koala is deeply attracted to your intelligence as it’s one of the sexiest things about you to her. 
Koala is pretty independent herself, so she also appreciates that you two don’t have to constantly be around each other. You can both go off and do your own thing with no complaints that you two don’t spend enough time together. This is especially helpful as Koala has to be away from you quite a lot due to missions and meetings. Knowing you’re not upset with her for being gone for weeks, maybe months at a time, really eases her mind while she is away. That doesn’t mean you two don’t miss each other of course! When she returns home, she makes sure to bring you a new book or a record every time, or some other kind of trinket that reminds her of you while she was away. 
Your openness and determination to fix problems is truly beneficial in your relationship. Koala is much happier in life now, but that doesn’t mean her past demons don’t come back to haunt her every now and then. She has some trust issues that will resurface occasionally and when she has bad days, they are really bad. Thankfully, she has you. You give her a love that she’s never experienced before, a kind of deep, unconditional love that makes the bad days better. She would never do anything to jeopardize that, but remember to be gentle with her. She can shut down at times, but don’t take this as her shutting you out. You can understand as you like to have space in order to figure things out when life gets overwhelming, so there really shouldn’t be any misunderstandings in your relationship. 
Another thing she loves about your relationship is that you two truly radiate as a couple when around others. The both of you are very outgoing, kindhearted people that know how to have a good time. Koala is a bit more relaxed, but she’s used to chaotic nature thanks to Sabo. So, when you’re having a grand ole time, she much prefers to sit back and watch you with the biggest smile on her face. 
She might get pouty and puff out her cheeks about your teasing, but you both know she really loves it. She actually gets concerned when you go a whole day without teasing her! Through time, she’s really learned how to dish it right back, so when you two are in your teasing mood, you both come off as very flirtatious with one another. Which is pretty cute, especially after years of being with each other. 
Your dislike for prejudices and the desire to protect those who are being mistreated is arguably what she most loves about you. You two share the same ideals, and she’s even offered you a chance to join the Revolutionary Army because of your drive to fight for justice. Aside from the Revolutionary Army, you two get involved with your community in any way you can, giving help to those in need! You two feel happiest when working together to help others. 
Oh, Koala is an absolute sucker for your affections. She’s a bit touch starved, but also still a bit jumpy when it comes to people touching her without warning. You have to overcome this imbalance, but once you do, Koala is definitely down for some cuddles. She’s never over the top with it, unless you are wanting Koala bear cuddles, but just sitting beside you and laying her head on your shoulder, her legs in your lap, or even holding your hand is enough to make her so full of love for you! She’s also very much a giver when it comes to cuddles; playing with your hair, massaging you, and just running her fingers along your skin until you fall asleep in her arms! Forehead kisses are her favorite type of kisses, both giving and receiving. There’s something so innocent about them, but they're also a symbol of the immense love and respect between the two of you. Tender is a good word to describe your physical affections!
As for sexy times, Koala is an open book. Anything you’re wanting to try, she’s willing to try at least once. Nothing is taboo to her and she’s never shy in any kind of discussions on sex. She has a fair share of kinks herself (light bdsm, role play, just to name a couple) that she’d love to introduce you to if you have yet to try them. The two of you have a wonderful sex life because you recognize that communication is most important in making things pleasurable for both parties! You two always know how to have fun with each other, whether you’re having a super kinky night or the most vanilla love-making in the world. What makes it incredible is that it’s you two taking the time to love each other physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 
Other potential suitors:
Sabo (Pisces, ENTP) - I don’t find it coincidental that Sabo and Koala have similar tastes. You’re quite similar to Koala, so it was kind of inevitable for you and Sabo to get along as he has a good relationship with her. But, in some ways, you’re also quite similar to Sabo. There are enough similarities and differences in your relationship to keep things exciting! You two are both full of energy when together and always know how to enjoy each other’s company. He’s definitely just as independent, a free spirit, but ever since forming a relationship with you, he finds himself more grounded and wanting to be around you more. One of the best people to go to for cuddles, because he’s so warm! And he won’t say no to holding you in his arms. That feral energy of his definitely comes out in the bedroom, and if you add yours in, damn is the sex gonna be wild. Also, just wanna add - if you’re into polyamory, I could totally see Koala x you x Sabo as a thing. 
Bonney (Virgo, ESTP) - Ah, the chaotic energy that spills forth when you two are together. Truly a force to reckoned with, and your life with Bonney is never short of exciting. The pirate is balls to the wall with nearly everything she does, and that includes loving you. She’s very passionate about you and it shows in every aspect of your relationship. Even if she is a little tsundere at times...thinks your nerdiness is adorable and can definitely take some teasing from you. But you better expect to receive some back! Can surprisingly be clingy when she gets in certain moods? But she never tries to overwhelm you. Gets a little blushy when you lay your head in her lap. One of the kinkiest bitches out there so you might want to prepare yourself. She feeds off of your naughtiness and will wear you out every single time. Better work on your stamina.
Law (Libra, ISTJ) - When I think of nerdy, I can’t help but think of Law. I mean come on, he’s a total nerd himself. And he needs an extroverted, nerdy girlfriend. Thankfully, there’s you! You two have a lot of similar interests and therefore, Law could never be bored with you. You’re much more outgoing than he is, but instead of contradicting each other, it actually brings a good balance into your lives. Law is a grade A tease, both in and out of the bedroom, so to have someone to challenge and tease him back? Well, I’ll just say he really likes that about you and that really *ahem* adds some spice to your relationship. He’s a little shy with showing affection at first, but damn is he a great kisser. And you receive lots of them, behind closed doors of course.
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Patience / David Dobrik Smut
warning: this is rated R. real icky stuff, pals. adults only!!! pff
summary: the main character’s boyfriend is David Dobrik and they’re in love n stuff. it’s fun
word count: 4,020
enjoy!!! <3
Patience is a lovely virtue. What a wonderful, gratifying, ethical thing to practice. Yes, I'm sure that knowing the ethics and the merit of this manner is probably all well and good enough to make a lot of people find it within themselves to just generally suck it up and friggin' wait for things; however, this is a method that I definitely have yet to master. In fact, I'm quite certain that I am going to need a lot more practice. I am just so fucking bad at handling anticipation. Sometimes I find the grip of apprehension to be so unbearably tight that I just give way to the tension and collapse under the pressure. It's around 1a.m. when I have exhausted all the apps on my phone, and I decide that I don't want to be alone in this big, lonely bed anymore. It's actually only been about 20 minutes since I came in here, but it feels like it's been a lot longer. Perhaps that's because I am finding it very difficult to stop thinking about that boy who is in the other room, just a short journey away from me. He is just as alone as I am right now, and I am almost certain that he must be thinking about me too. The thought of him is definitely a very hard thought to ignore, especially when it is so dang easy to just go walk out and see him. Nothing is holding me back. I get out of bed and quietly tiptoe my way into the living room. And there he is - David Dobrik. The love of my life. Still laying there on the couch in his favourite position; the same position that he had been in when I had announced that I was heading to bed less than half an hour ago. His legs are stretched out across the cushions in front of him, his head is propped up with a pillow behind his neck, and his laptop is resting on his chest. He must be comfy, but I'm pretty sure that this scrunched up way he always lays when he edits is really bad for his back. But he gets annoyed when I remind him of this, and at this point I've learned to just keep it to myself. I don't have the best posture either. Maybe he hasn't noticed that I'm standing here yet. Perhaps he is far too immersed in his work; his laptop speakers are blasting choppy bits and pieces of noise, various voices, music, and loud laughter, and his fingers are clicking and swiping away at the mousepad, organizing all of the clips and sounds to fit that finished puzzle he has in his vision. His brown hair is a dishevelled, fluffy mess, and his brow is furled as he concentrates on the screen in front of him. I love the way that he looks when he's focused. When he's creating that thing that invigorates him and lights the fire his under his ass. I can practically see that blazing ball of passion glowing brightly behind his eyes as he works. It's so strong; so much so that it's as though I can actually feel it energizing the air around him and flowing all throughout the room. It cascades over me and lingers on my skin, sending excited chills up my spine; this fire he kindles has long since ignited a bright spark somewhere deep inside of me. I've felt these torrid flames for some time now, and they only seem to be growing more and more radiant as each moment with him passes. I'm in love with that great intensity that lives inside of David's heart. I love to be around it; I love feeling it. It is fucking intoxicating. I would blissfully soak in it forever if I could; but ironically, that blazing motivation that he possesses makes him a little bit unavailable at times... I softly and slowly start to move closer to the couch; closer to David. I'm trying to be as dainty with my movements as possible; a part of me is hoping that he won't notice me. I'm having an internal debate about whether or not I should try and scare him, but my heart really doesn't want to disrupt him like that when he is clearly so in the zone (even though the prick has absolutely no problem scaring the absolute shit out of me and everyone else he loves). The soft spot I've grown for him can perhaps be a little bit too soft sometimes. I'm right next to him now, but I've decided not to scare him. I'm just standing here trying to figure out how to gently announce myself without giving him a start, but before I can think of it he is already looking at me. He doesn't really jump at all, but his eyebrows raise in a surprised fashion. "Fuck! When did you get there? You creep, Jesus Christ." A flush of warmth washes over me. Awe. Shit. I missed his voice. It sounds so tender and homey to me. Even though his words are calling me a creep... every sound still manages to flutter my heart. I grin at him. "You should really work on those peripherals, bud. If I was an assassin sent here to kill you I bet I could have easily just taken you out." He rolls his eyes at me, but he's smiling. I continue. "Dave, seriously, one swift lunge at you and I'd have my arm right around your neck and then just fuckin'-" I make a menacing *crack* sound. He's just smirking at me. It's that smirk that he does; the annoyingly sexy one. He knows that if I let go of my composure for too long, that captivating smirk has the potential of making me a blushy, flustered fawn of a woman; I'd become putty in those (probably already sweaty) palms of his. But now, I keep myself firm and I squeeze onto that composure as tightly as I can. No way am I going to give him the upper hand here, as he always seems to manage to have. I'm feeling powerful tonight. "Oh, yeah? How are you gonna manage that with those noodle arms?" He mocks me. I scoff at his honesty and pretend to be offended for a moment. But, I cave. My arms are, in fact, quite noodly. "Fine, okay, fair enough. But ... You fucking love pasta." He makes a deep humming sound and pauses for a moment. I can sense that he is beginning to fully take in my presence. His eyes are moving down my body, and although he is good at keeping his gaze languid and lazy, I can feel his flames turn that special shade that they only become when he's around me. He likes to play coy and act like I don't have the effect on him that I do; he likes to be in control. Or, he likes to seem in control. But, I know that underneath all that strongly painted bravado, David actually loves the submissive way that I can make him feel. In his life of constant domination and authority, he fucking craves it. While it's quiet, I sit down on the couch in front of him, placing myself right over his stretched out legs. He exhales audibly (do I sense a hint of frustration?) and he turns his eyes back to his laptop screen. "Honestly, baby, I knew you were there the whole time," he smugly informs me. The ghost of that fucking smirk is still lingering over his lips. "I just wanted you to give you a bit of hope... You know you can't sneak up on me." I giggle a little bit. "Right, of course, David. Of course you knew the whole time. Because that means that, technically... You were the one sneaking up on me... Right? Because you were being the sneaky one in choosing not to notice my sneakiness." "Uh, not "your sneakiness". Your attempted and failed sneakiness," he cockily corrects me. "And yeah, it's funny how I always win no matter what, huh?" This was all apart of his act. He knows full well that when we're together, we both always win no matter what. He just likes to tease me, and he knows that I fucking love it. He knows that I can tease him back just as indomitably. "When you win, I win. We're on the same team, baby. I'm rooting for you." This makes him make eye contact with me again for a moment, and we share a deep, knowing gaze; I feel a pang of heat inside of me and it's as if I can actually see that pang glow behind his eyes. He's blushing. Yes, he can play "manly" and domineering all he wants, but it's obvious how he really feels; I can make him just as flustered as he makes me. "I'm happy to have your noods on my team," he cracks. I laugh and then I lift my arms up into a flex. "What, these sexy things?" Raising my arms makes my pink, cropped "CLICKBAIT" hoodie lift up and reveal a hint of my breasts, and David definitely notices. How could he not? I've got nothing else on but these tight, hip-hugging, matching pink shorts. I am definitely creating a view that David could really get (all up) into, but it's clear that he wants to hold back his passion for me right now. It's already a few hours into Saturday and people are expecting a new video. David is not one to enjoy letting people (or himself) down. So, he keeps a hold on his composure, while I let my hands fall down onto his legs. "I guess I understand why you're happy..." I say as I let my fingertips lightly drag up his plaid pajama bottoms. He has a boner. He does that a lot. The connection we share can have him hard as a rock within seconds of even the smallest notion of something sexual between us. I absolutely love it, but he can find it quite annoying at times. "Okay, seriously, baby... Please stop... Please," he begs, and as he says this I notice his cock stir. Ironically, it really turns both of us on when one of us tries to deny our obvious, intense sexual tension. There is really no hiding it; this feeling is powerful as fuck. "I told you I was coming to bed soon, just please wait until I'm finished." I move my hands away from him and I sigh and pout. He's trying not to look at me, but I see him make a couple glances. Of course, he's still smirking a slight bit. Often when he acts like he's pushing away our sexuality, he's really hoping that I keep trying to convince him. And I always do. "The vlog isn't gonna suck your cock, Dave." He lets out a loud laugh and covers his flushed face with his hand. "Baby, fuck off, I'm serious! Shut your pretty little mouth." I'm blushing now. "Shut my pretty little mouth where? Around that hard cock you've got there?" He chuckles darkly and looks right at me, his eyes fervent. "You better stop," he sternly tells me. I see right through it. "What if I don't?" I taunt. He bites his bottom lip and shakes his head. "You better stop." He managed an air of authority there that made my pussy pulse a little bit. What can I say: I love it when he tells me what to do. And I love seeing what he does when I don't do what he says even more... "Okay, fine." I move off of his legs and crawl a few feet over to the other side of the couch. He huffs and goes back to editing, trying his hardest not to pay attention to me. I'm facing him, mirroring his position, watching him work again. He's much more unhinged than he'd been earlier; he's having trouble breathing normally and there is a vein bulging on his neck. His face is still red, and I'm certain that his palms must be very sweaty by now. I gradually move my stare down the curves of his neck, down his t-shirt covered chest and stomach... his cock is still hard. I can see the outline of it bulging through the thin fabric of his pajamas. That thick, beautiful cock that I've come to love so much. I'm finding it hard not to stare... not to trace along the imprint with my heated gaze; not to notice how tense my surely soaked pussy has been feeling and how that feeling is building with every passing second... and I can tell that he's finding it hard not to think about this as well, because as I'm letting these naughty thoughts pass through my head, the blush on his cheeks deepens. I can't help it. I'm picturing him naked; I'm thinking about what that lovely cock looks like beneath that fabric. I'm thinking about how hard I've made him, and about how firm he would feel if my hand was wrapped around his shaft. I love that look he gets on his face when I push my tongue out of my mouth and I slowly lean in, my eyes watching his carefully as I finally let the soft, warm wetness touch the smooth head of his cock... he tends to make sounds as well. Little, gaspy types of sounds. Sometimes they're almost accusatory as if he's scolding me for being such a cock-sucking little slut. But, he's never really scolding me... he feels blessed to have such an absolute thot be so madly in love with him. I'm breathing heavily now, and I keep sighing exasperatedly. Fantasizing about David is a dangerous game to play... it's often too much for me to handle; my pussy practically starts screaming. And I know that he can hear it... even though he's acting like he can't. He can't hide his true feelings with me; I know how badly he wants to just toss his laptop aside and come clamber on top of me. And knowing how badly he wants it, but watching him pretend like he doesn't... it only turns me on even more. I'm thinking about his fingers now... swiping away on that mousepad. It's wild to me how he can use that laptop pad to edit and not have to use a regular mouse... it (like most things he does) can make my pussy go nuts. Thinking about his fingertip swiftly gliding back and forth across that smooth surface, occasionally pressing it inward... this can definitely become an overwhelming thought. As I let myself fall further into my imagination, I bring my hands toward my body and I start to graze my own fingertips along my bare thighs. I tickle them for a few moments, listening to the sounds of David editing and watching the intensity on his face; bringing my gaze lower and admiring his jawline; even lower to watch the way the delicate parts of his neck move as he swallows and tenses up. Basking in the heat I'm feeling, I gradually move my hands upward to brush over my exposed stomach; very lightly, and tantalizingly slow. I revel in the sensations and the excitement as I come into a decision that has me giddy with foretaste. I get into a better position, getting comfy against a pillow behind me and then I spread open my legs as wide as I can. My one leg gets pushed against the back of the couch, and my other foot is placed over on the floor. My movement catches a glance from David, and then he does a well-deserved doubletake, his eyebrows shooting up. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asks, but I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm doing. I can tell that he's trying to act shocked and agitated, but he just can't seem to keep the corners of his mouth from turning up. "I'm getting comfy," I say matter-of-factly. And then I pull my sweater up over my breasts. He fully grins at me. "You fucking slut..." he's watching me intently, a madcap look behind his eyes. He's already slightly moving his laptop to the side. I giggle and I bring my hands up to start massaging my boobs for his viewing pleasure. "Your fucking slut," I correct him. "Oh, fuck you," he says hoarsely before biting his lip. His brows furl as he watches me pinch and tug at my nipples. "Oh, fuck me? Please?" I lower my right hand between my legs and I run it's fingertips across the inside of my thigh, slowly leading them over to my fabric-covered pussy. The tension has me already grinding my hips back and forth against my shorts, in desperate need of friction. David makes a noise that falls between a huff and a groan, and he puts his laptop on the floor. "You're just my fucking desperate, sexy, little slut, aren't you?" He makes a move to come towards me, but I have other plans. "Stop." He stops. "You stay over there." He makes a face - slightly dismayed, but clearly elated and excited to see what happens next. He gets comfy on the other side of the couch. "You make me stop working and now you won't even let me touch you?" "Hey, I didn't make you do anything, Dave. You're the one that put down the laptop." I brush my fingers over my clit and a rush of thrill runs through me. It makes my eyes close and my lips part involuntarily, and I make a small sound. "You bitch," he says, his tone low and kind of whiney. I giggle again, and I rub myself in circles over my shorts, opening my eyes and looking right at him as I start to immerse myself in the pleasure. He stares back at me, slowly shaking his head with his eyes narrowed. "Does that feel good, you fucking tease?" I immediately start nodding and bite my lip as I moan a little bit. We're both blushing profusely. He's breathing almost just as heavily as I am, and he can't seem to sit still. He keeps switching his gaze between my eyes and my hand, and every time we make eye contact there is a hitch in both of our breath. I moan again and he is looking more and more desperate by the second. He keeps fidgeting; grabbing at his pants, touching his neck, running a hand roughly through his hair... And when I bring my legs together for a moment so that I can tug off my shorts (reveal that I am not wearing any panties) and toss them at his face with a giggle, he huffs yet another time and slumps himself into the couch, letting his arms fall limp at his sides and staring at me as I spread my legs for him again. I do it slowly because the suspense is always important. He gazes at my exposed pussy as if it's the holy grail. "Baby..." he says quietly, letting the word drag out a bit. I smile and nod. "Yep-" I use both hands to open and expose myself even deeper. "That's where it would come out of." His wide grin is always priceless. He speaks, and his tone is downright giddy. "That's where 'it' would cum into..." I let out a "ha ha" at his pun, my eyes lingering on his as I start tracing my fingertips around my pussy. Not on my pussy... Not yet. Like I said: suspense is important. I'm tickling the delicate skin all around it, looking at David's reaction intently. He licks his lips and I watch as he brings his hand over his fabric-covered cock. He squeezes it, and as he does my pussy tightens, knowing he's about to retaliate. "Look what you've done..." he scolds me. "Look how hard I am, baby." He squeezes it again, and then he pulls it out of his pants. My eyes widen, as they do every time I see that beautiful thing. What a perfect cock. Literally the perfect cock for me. I trace the curves of it with my eyes as I trace the curves of my pussy with my fingertips. David wraps his palm around his shaft. "You've started a war," he says as he slowly starts to rub himself. I grin and bite my lip. "Yeah, well, I'm pretty confident in my army..." I run my pointer finger right down the middle of my pussy and my lips part with a small sigh. David groans. "Yeah, your fuckin... Your noodle army." Leave it to David to make me full out belly laugh while my fingers are on my vagina. "Both noodle armies." I wave at him with both arms and then my left-hand finds one of my breasts and my right-hand goes back downtown. I tug at my nipple as I finally let my finger slip inside of me. Gently, though. Just a little dip and swirl. David goes nuts at even the slightest touch. I can see the sweat dripping down his glistening forehead. What are you thinking about, huh, baby?" He asks me. I bite my bottom lip again and I crack a half-smirk. "I'm thinking about you watching me..." I tell him. And it's true. The thought of him watching me in this kind of state is almost too much for me to handle.  I have to keep teasing myself so that I don't cum too fast and ruin the show. It's clear that David loves to hear that I think about him when I masturbate. The head of his cock is getting to be a strained, purplish colour, and the look on his face is priceless. I pump two fingers inside of me, and he sighs. "You're a goddess," he says, matter-of-factly. I purse my lips and shrug my shoulders. "Who, me? No, no... just a noodle." I slip my fingers out of myself and place them on the clit, rubbing in circles ever so softly. David speeds up his own assault on his cock. "I'm a hard noodle." The strained look on his face... his eyes strained closed; his lips pursed in a light-hearted grimace. I can't help but giggle at him again. He's so cute and hilarious, especially when he's all horny and needy. I want to get on top of him so badly. "We both love pasta," I whisper with a giddy grin. I can hardly take what I'm doing seriously with all this silliness that's going on. "You're making it hard to be sexy," I say. He goes, "Ha!" "I can promise you, baby. I'm definitely hard and you're definitely sexy." "You're sexy, too," I assure him. And he is, oh wow. I don't even know how to describe the intense feeling I get when I look at this boy; when I think about this boy. This passion... It could set the world on fire. The urges are astronomical. David starts to shake his head. "What are we doing right now?" He asks. "Why are you not on top of me?" I smile. "We're seeing who's gonna crack first." "Oh, it's gonna be you," he informs me. "You make me lose focus and stop editing, you get the heck over here." I smile wider and shake my head. "No. You thought editing is more important than giving the love of your life attention and now you realize how silly that is. Now, you come over here." We both pause and contently watch each other in silence. We're both still touching ourselves, but only lightly. We're mostly just admiring each other; neither of us is really waiting for the other to come over. We're just content in the soft stillness right now, admiring the beauty of one another. There's no need for a fuss or a big desperate commotion. We are happy.
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soloragoldsun · 5 years
Favorite to Least Favorite Kyoto Winds Routes
Now that I have played through all of the routes, I would like to weigh in on who I liked and why. This will just delve a little into each route, mostly talking about my personal opinion rather than being a true summary. In the future, I may replay them again to give more detailed reviews of each. This game is good enough for me to actually want to do that! In the meantime, here’s my overall opinion of everyone. Remember, this is a Kyoto Winds list. I have not played Edo Blossoms yet, so this is purely based on the first game. Spoilers below.
#1. Favorite Angel of Perfection: Yamazaki Susumu
This gorgeous piece of wonderfulness shot up to the top of my list early on, and has remained there ever since. I love his route because there is a real sense of mutual respect between him and Yukimura. Unlike many of the other Shinsengumi members, who focus on protecting her and who often make her feel like an outsider, Yamazaki recognizes her potential in the medical field and becomes a mentor to her. He shows her that she doesn’t have to be a fighter in order to be useful. By the end of the route, Yukimura’s confidence is so high, she ends up being the one to convince Yamazaki of his worth when he laments his inability to fight in certain scenarios.
Also, I am an utter sucker for the loner type who quietly supports their love interest from a distance before the two even get to know each other. Yamazaki straight-up says that he was watching Yukimura and rooting for her in secret from the beginning! Another plus is how perfect Yamazaki is at showing affection. He’s very gentle, but very straightforward. Once he knows what his feelings are, he’s not shy about making sure Yukimura knows how much he cares. I just about died when he took her hands after being comforted by her and told her how strong she was and how much she meant to him.
In short, respecting your significant other and telling them you care is totes sexy. Yamazaki does that, and then some. He’s also hella pretty, and his blushy face is the cutest shit ever.
#2. Precious Sunshine Boy: Toudou Heisuke
Not to be dramatic, but I would die for Heisuke. His relationship with Yukimura is absolutely adorable from the very beginning! He’s the first of the main cast to be outwardly kind to her, and regularly stands up for her whenever he can. He gets major points for frequently reminding everyone that the Shinsengumi were the ones to originally take Yukimura prisoner, and are the ones at fault for most of the bad situations that require them to protect her.
I love that he treats Yukimura as his friend from the start, even telling her to call him by his first name due to their closeness in age. There are so many scenes when the two are playing around and enjoying each other’s company. However, there are also several deeper scenes that delve into the conflict Heisuke feels concerning the Shinsengumi. His departure with Itou leads to one of the most beautiful scenes in the game, when he and Yukimura meet each other in a teahouse. They can’t acknowledge that they know each other, since communication between the two groups is forbidden, so they spend hours just talking about the weather and other minor things just so they can be together for a little while.
Heisuke is a beautiful boy, and there is so! Much! Hand! Holding!
#3. Adorable Student Bean: Souma Kazue
I was not expecting to like Souma’s route as much as I did, but holy shit! He’s the cutest thing ever! His relationship with Yukimura is completely different than anyone else’s for two reasons: One, he doesn’t know she’s a girl until later. Two, Yukimura is his teacher when he joins the Shinsengumi. He spends most of the route referring to her as Yukimura-sensei, and is shown to respect her a great deal. The mutual respect and building-up in this route reminds me a lot of Yamazaki’s route, so I think it’s a trait of mentor/mentee relationships in this game.
One thing I like is that Souma is respectful and protective of Yukimura both before and after her gender is revealed. He rushes to protect her from Saburo’s harassment while still thinking she’s a man, and continues to call her his sensei after the truth is revealed. Also, there’s more of a sense of the two spending a lot of time together over the course of the route, which makes the romantic buildup seem very real. I especially like that this romance puts Yukimura in the more dominant role. I hope she’s the one to make the first move and kiss him in Edo Blossoms. I will die of happiness if this happens!
He also gets major bonus points for trying to sleep-cuddle Yukimura at the end. I am a sucker for sleep cuddles!
#4. Emotional Support Samurai: Harada Sanosuke
I liked Sano long before playing his route. He is another character who constantly strives to make Yukimura feel better about her situation and comfort her when things go wrong. This is even clearer in his route, which has several scenes of him looking out for her mental health, whether that involves sneaking out to take her for a nighttime walk or arranging a meeting with Sen so that the two can enjoy some wholesome girl-talk (which Yukimura was sorely lacking).
I did feel that Chapter Five was a bit lackluster in this route compared to some of the others, but it did a good job of solidifying the relationship between the two. Sano learns of Yukimura’s healing powers and is stunned, but insists that she isn’t a monster and that he will still protect her, since he sees it as a man’s duty to protect his lady. He called her his lady, and I am dead, okay?
As a romantic route, it had a perfect amount of buildup and sweet moments. I look forward to what comes next.
#5. Puppy Dog Eyes: Iba Hachiro
I’ll be real: This route could have easily secured the second-place spot, and even been a contender for first-place. It had everything I love in a romance. It had childhood friends reuniting. It had sweet, sweet backstory. It had probably the nicest character in the entire fucking game! Seriously, every scene with Iba and Yukimura was just so tender and beautiful! It felt more like a romantic story than pretty much all of the other routes.
So, why is it down here at number five? Well, it’s because YUKIMURA IS A FREAKING DUM-DUM IN THIS ROUTE! This woman was able to see through the feelings of some of the most closed-off characters in other routes, but somehow can’t figure out why Iba keeps putting himself out there for her. He literally takes her on dates, goes on about how wonderful she is, calls her his inspiration, and even calls her his love toward the end! And still, we have moments of her being like “Why is he doing this for me. This can’t just be an obligation to a childhood friend...” No shit, Sherlock! Does the man have to wear a shirt that has “I LOVE YUKIMURA” written on it in big red letters?!
So, yeah. This was a mixed bag. The good outweighs the bad enough for it to be higher on the list, but I really hope Yukimura actually gets a clue in Edo Blossoms.
#6. Sword Nerd: Saito Hajime
Ah, the classic Quiet Loner with a Heart of Gold. It’s an oldie, but a goodie. Saito is a good, solid route with a sprinkling of cute moments that balance with the emotional distance of other moments. Cute moments include Saito geeking out over swords, the snow bunny, and Saito freaking coming back from a freaking spy mission in order to nurse Yukimura back to health!
This route was definitely about building Saito’s respect for Yukimura, who becomes less timid and more determined to prove herself. As a result, she does spend a longer amount of time feeling like and outsider and doubting her worth. I look forward to seeing what happens in Edo Blossoms, now that she’s found her resolve.
Seriously, I am a sucker for sick fics! Why is this game pushing all my buttons?
#7. Epic Dork Bro: Nagakura Shinpachi
And here we are at the last member of the Golden Trio. Nagakura is a precious dork, and I love him to pieces! He spends most of the route acting as a goofy older brother figure to Yukimura, and the two develop a genuinely-adorable relationship. The scene when he falls asleep in her room and gets all embarrassed when he wakes up was particularly cute.
I did feel that the ending of his route was a bit rushed compared to the others. Also, I never felt that shift from him feeling like an older brother to him being a romantic interest. I look forward to seeing that change actually happen in Edo Blossoms.
Overall, this was a route with good moments that tapered off just a bit at the end, but I still loved it.
#8. The True Sexy Demon Man: Hijikata Toshizo
I genuinely enjoyed Hijikata’s route. I just happened to like seven routes better than it. The development between him and Yukimura is very solid, and it’s nice seeing him go from being stern and scary to gruff and caring. This route also made me hate Kazama even more than I already had. Seriously, let’s kill that fucker in the next game!
The appeal as a romance route was a bit lessened by Hijikata’s often-derisive attitude, and the fact that he calls Yukimura a kid from beginning to end. Like, hello? Talking to a grown-ass adult, here. If Yukimura’s old enough to be waifu material for a creepy Demon, she’s old enough to not be called “Kid.”
This had decent buildup, and the beginning of some good payoff. I’ll be waiting, oh second game, for my sweet reward.
#9. Threatening Jerkass: Okita Souji
I actually did warm up to Okita by the end of his route, but holy fuck did I have to slog through a lot of eye rolls to get to that point! He’s supposed to be the asshole who secretly cares, but he makes a little too much of a secret of it throughout most of the route. And, I’m sorry, but you can’t make me believe that him scaring a group of kids is actually an endearing scene. Can’t do it, game.
I did enjoy seeing him soften over time, but I really didn’t like all the moments when Okita makes cruel jabs at Yukimura, acting like he doesn’t care to the point where she actually believes him. I said this back at the number one spot: Telling the person you love that you actually give a damn is totes sexy.
Ah well. People are saying I will adore him in Edo Blossoms, so I’ll hold out for now.
#10. Doctor Evil: Sanan Keisuke
Sanan is a smooth motherfucker, and he’s hot as hell. He even had some really good moments with Yukimura that made me smile. It’s too bad he continues to exude the creepy scientist vibe between those moments. Even when being romanced, he still threatens you several times, including that scene when he almost cuts you for science.
He is definitely a good, complex character. I won’t deny that. It’s just hard to ship him with Yukimura when she spends basically the entire route feeling scared of him.
Please mellow out, you sexy, vampiric son of a bitch.
#11. Bad Touch: Sakamoto Ryouma
I’ve started reading up on the Shinsengumi and other individuals of the time period, and Sakamoto actually seems to be the most interesting and morally-sound. Too bad his route made me want to fall asleep. It had loads of good historical goodies, but this was bogged down by a romance that many YA books would laugh at.
He’s charming and oh-so-charismatic, to the point where Yukimura apparently feels a bond with him despite only spending a little time with him. He regularly gets into her personal space and refuses to back off when asked, but he just feels so warm and comforting and- *gag*
Yeah. The history and the non-romantic moments were interesting, but I’d rather do personal research for that.
#12. Edgelord McFuckboy: Kazama Chikage
I hated Kazama from the beginning. My feelings only deepened as I played route after route and saw the many, many ways this fucker can creep on Yukimura, kill her friends, and call all humans insects. He’s a racist jerk who wants a convenient broodmare for the McFuckboy Clan.
I will admit that the dialogue with him is always interesting. He is a well-spoken character, and an intriguing one. He acts gentler toward Yukimura in this route, but it’s only because she’s in a position where he’s literally her only option for protection.
He thinks humans are insects, tries to kidnap a woman to impregnate her on multiple occasions, and will gladly kill her friends in order to get to her. What a dick.
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Matchup for @inma-r
I am currently changing my full name ( yay!!) so you may call me Ellegard ! I’m a 20yo gemini, and I really don’t have a preference for a matchup...Men and women are both my type ! However it’s important for me to feel really attracted and connected on an emotional level to feel any want for anything sexual no matter the gender, flings and hookups makes me uncomfortable...about kinks and interests, I have a very strong praise kink both giving and receiving, I can’t name anything that turns me on more than feeling wanted, or making the other feeling desirable. I must sounds pretty basic with my vanilla sex and praises kink but...I just can’t get into it without words full of genuine love and reassurance. Pegging a man ? Yes, please. But I have to tell him how good he’s doing. A woman gently choking or me is very sexy but not without her telling me she loves me. I’m a switch, but a bit more on the submissive side sometimes, I like being taken care of after a day of work. And about that, aftercare is a must. I have this weird feeling of sadness and insecurity after sex, nothing serious, but cuddles no talk needed do makes me feel a lot better. Overall, I’m willing to try a lot of kinks, pretty much anything, as long as extreme pain is out of the picture and praises are involved. I do like hairs on my partner, happy trails makes my legs’ weak I admit, but on myself I kinda adapt to the other want. Shaving or waxing, full body or not, don’t really care, don’t mind doing it at all. I do need however good hygiene ( it that how we say in english ? ) that’s like the bare minimum I think haha.
Inmaaaaa you precious angel! 🥺 So very honored to write a matchup for you. I really hope you enjoy 💕 And congrats on changing your name!!
Your match is...
Vivi (Aquarius)
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This is a perfect match because you two desire the same things when it comes to sexual encounters! Vivi isn’t one for flings and one night stands, she craves emotional intimacy and that can only happen with someone she loves and trusts. And guess what? That person is you! You two are textbook best friends turned lovers and it really shows in your sex life. You two know each other so well and it didn’t take long for the both of you to explore each other’s bodies to figure out what each of you like best. Vivi has a bit of an insatiable appetite, so she will keep you exhausted, but she just loves expressing her adoration for you in all the physical ways possible! 
Your sex is much more than physical of course. Vivi shares a praise kink with you and she’ll even play the “princess” card on you if you’re into that. But, that won’t ever stop her from praising you. She’s crazy about you and she is extremely eloquent with her words, easily able to express her love and gratitude for you in the most romantic ways possible. She knows just how to make you feel desirable and they’re never just words, they’re always genuine praises of adoration! She’ll have you feeling like the most amazing person on the planet with both her words and her sex. 
Vivi doesn’t usually like to get rough with you, but if you ask her to, she’s willing to try. It took her some adjustment, figuring what was too rough and what was too weak, but after lots of experimenting, you guys have found a perfect balance! And though Vivi is usually a sub, when her dom side comes out, she truly knows how to rock your world. She can get into the choking and the biting, and it really works for her because her gentle words paired with her aggressive touches is insanely sexy. She knows how to take care of you while also absolutely wearing you out. Begging is a newfound kink of hers, she can’t get enough of you whining for her to spank you harder among other things. It’s never excessive of course, just enough to bring that pleasurable, addictive sting of pain. With you, she’s truly found her inner dom and she has so much fun with this new side of her! That goes to show that she can be just as experimental as you. You two like to keep things interesting and exciting in the bedroom and what with your constant desire to express your love, you two just end up trying new things and discovering so many other kinks you hadn’t considered before. You two are never bored with each other in the bedroom!
After care is Vivi’s specialty. Even after sessions when she was particularly rough with you, she goes extra gentle mode as soon as the sex is over. She’ll clean everything up and hold you close, probably order room service and anything else you could need or want after your intimate sessions. Post-sex Vivi is the softest, most tender Vivi you could possibly get. She’s entirely aware of your insecurities after sex, so she’ll be sure to continue to give you all of her attention, reassuring you with soft touches and words of affirmation to make sure you feel utterly loved and cared for. She never tires of expressing how wonderful you are and how in love she is with you. 
The only negative side to your sex life is when you two are both in a sub mood. Lots of compromising has to be made and thankfully, you two have enough switch between the both of you to overcome this small little obstacle. This usually just leads to really lazy sex where you two are just taking your time to please one another. Overall, you two have lots of fun conveying your intense love for one another in all the physical (and verbal) ways! 
Other potential suitors: 
Tashigi (Libra) - Another gentle lover, Tashigi loves to please you and take care of you like the most precious treasure on the planet. She’s a bit shy when it comes to praising you, but this gets better over time. She’s very cute and blushy when you praise her! Tashigi is also great at aftercare, pouring continuous love and care into easing you out of your anxious post-sex states. You two share a very deep, emotional bond that blossomed well before you two decided to have sex. Now that you two are active, this bond shines tenfold during intimacy! She doesn’t really have it in her to get rough with you, so she leaves the roughness to you when you decide to be a dom.
Law (Libra) - Though Law is a switch, he’s plenty comfortable with mostly being a dom around you. He’s a bit embarrassed with giving lots of romantic praises, so he just sticks to dirty talk that is honestly enough to make you feel like the sexiest goddamn person on the planet. Receiving praises from you? He could never get enough of that and he will do whatever it takes to spur as much out of you as possible. When you’re in a dom mood, Law is 1000000% down to get pegged by you. He never thought he’d be into something like that until he met you. After care is a hit or miss with this fella. Sometimes he’s super cuddly and other times he wants to return to work. But, he always makes sure you’re in a good mood before he disappears!
Nojiko (Leo) - Of your other female matches, Nojiko has an easier tendency to be your dom. She knows your limits, so she will never be too aggressive, but boy does she love roughing you up a bit! She’s also killer at praising. Her words are so loving and reassuring, all the while so dirty it’s nearly embarrassing! She’s also pretty great about aftercare and will provide you with all the comfort you need to not be so insecure. She’s thankful you’re not very chatty afterwards as she much prefers to just simply hold you close and drift off to sleep!
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doctorgerth · 5 years
May I have a matchup please? I don't know if their open. I'm an infp virgo. I love animals and prefer them over people. I'm introverted and socializing drains me a lot. I love reading books, when I find a really good book I won't put it down till I'm done. I tend to befriend loners or the misunderstood. I'm kinda invisible in my group of friends, so they kinda forget I'm there sometimes. Kinda dense/ oblivious when people flirt with me. I'm bisexual
Hi honey! You absolutely can. Thanks for requesting, you’re the first matchup that I’ve done in a hot minute! I hope you enjoy it ❤️
Your match is...
Nami (ESTJ, Cancer)
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Now, this is a very interesting match, however, her Cancer nature flows very well with your Virgo vibes. Her empathetic tendencies pairs well with your practical nature. You two learn from each other and that's what keeps your relationship thriving. Nami can be a bit moody at times, being sensitive towards emotions, but your logical tactics help keep her stable. And when you're feeling a little too in your head, Nami is there to push you through and help you emotionally, any way she can. This push and pull of logic and emotions can make you bump heads at times, since you tend to think too much and speak too little while Nami tends to feel too much and speak too much. As you two grow and work it out, you figure out a good balance for the both of you, you reaching out more emotionally towards Nami and she not letting her emotions get the best of her. You're not complete opposites by any means, but you two bring varying qualities to the relationship that helps you two grow as a couple and individually. You two work so well together because you are truly dedicated to only one another and work very hard to keep each other!
Nami completely understands that you do not like to socialize, though she is extroverted herself, so that means she likes to show you off when you two are around others. You are her greatest treasure after all, and she loves to show people just how amazing you are! Due to her emotional intellect, she can tell when you're starting to drain, so she knows the best ways to remove you from situations that stress you out. She can also get socially drained just like you, especially after dealing with her dumbass chaotic friends, so being able to wind down and enjoy some quality time with you is something she truly cherishes. Nami knows how to take good care of you, and though she enjoys being pampered herself, she can't deny that she loves pampering you just as much! She loves bath time with you, letting you relax into her body as she helps wash your hair. It's so intimate and something the two of you share together and it's very special to her.
She is a sucker for animals and really finds it adorable how much you love them as well. She can agree that animals are better than some people. Nami also enjoys reading and she loves to go book shopping with you. It's pretty much a guarantee that she'll take you to a library wherever the crew is visiting. She just can't get enough of how your eyes light up like a kid on Christmas at the books. Nami's love language is gifts, meaning she loves to give and receive these. She has bought many books for you and she never has an issue spending money on you. You are the only person she ever wants to spoil! Any gift you ever give her is instantly her favorite thing ever. 
Nami would never let anyone ignore you; she's very quick to stand up for you and let yourself be heard. She loves to have you included during any conversation she's having and she enjoys letting people see your fun nature. Nami thinks you're pretty great and dammit she's gonna make sure everyone around her believes it too! She is a sucker for the fact that you don't pick up on her flirting. One, it's just fun to see things go over your head, and two, it makes it all the less embarrassing for her. Nami is confident and sexy, but if you ever reciprocated her flirting, she'd be a blushy mess!
All in all, Nami loves to take care of you and spoil you to death. You get all the special treatment from her (crew is jealous) and she proves to be a really great partner for you. She loves you with all her heart and treats you like the best treasure she could ever find. No need for the one piece now that she has you
Other potential suitors:
Luffy (ENFP, Taurus) - realistically, Luffy would be your perfect match according to your zodiac signs and MBTIs. They always say that an introvert needs an extrovert in their lives and vice versa, and Luffy loves to push you out of your comfort zone! He shares a love for animals with you and makes sure no one ever forgets your existence. He talks about you constantly and will make sure you're included in all group functions! The Strawhats find this easy any way as you're part of the family first and their captain's partner second! Luffy is also completely dense when it comes to flirting, so you two consistently flirt with one another without even knowing it. Now, Luffy is a social butterfly and he tries to understand that you're very much not so, but he pushes it sometimes, begging you to be the life of the (many) parties they have along side him. The difference in social skills is the only reason why I wouldn't put you as a perfect match!
Koala (ESTJ, Scorpio) - Koala is a spunky girl with a rather tragic past. Though she is extroverted in nature, she does enjoy quality time with you as you bring her so much peace among the hustle and bustle that is her Revolutionary life. She loves to hear you gush about your books, she even enjoys you reading to her! Koala always makes sure to buy you a new book with every mission she goes on. She really admires your tendency to befriend the misunderstood and your friends instantly become her friends! She also finds it hella adorable when you don't pick up on her flirting.
Hawkins (INTP, Virgo) - a fellow Virgo! Hawkins will gladly spend his days with you in the privacy of his quarters, not caring about another soul in the world. He is very reserved in nature, and I'd say socializing drains him just as much, so being able to recharge with you is truly a blessing. He loves to sit in your shared room, reading books together, talking about them every now and then, and just peacefully enjoying each other's company. Hawkins also loves animals, specifically cats, and he wouldn't mind adopting a few with you. Hawkins knows how it feels to be misunderstood and left out, but as long as you're around him you never have to worry about that!
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