#such boring toothpaste selections in the us!
chthonic-cassandra · 3 months
American hostility to floral flavors is truly bizarre.
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myshredda · 2 years
All these ideas are having me so fucking giddy. The fluff is so sweet and I'm about to get diabetes type 2. Your writing is what's keeping me going, its brings me much serotonin
You think when they go shopping the boys just scamper off to the toy section while Red and Duck do the shopping? And then when the boys are lost they have like a family thing, like for example marco polo, to find each other in the store? I'm using my experience here with finding my dad but I'd feel like they'd try to look for Red since he's tall and easy to spot compared to Duck. Also Green and Yellow hiding in the clothing racks trying to scare Duck
Whilst shopping Yellow immediately tears off to the toys while Green follows at a similar pace after informing Duck and Red he's actually going over there to keep an eye on Yellow NOT because he wants to look at the toys because he's not a baby. He's being responsible. Okay BYE.
Red and Duck walk together and get all the boring grown up stuff like oat-based toothpaste and organ meats and more livetraps and jam for the rat infestation and toilet paper (they're out because of the whole mummy debacle) and maybe Red buys Duck a nice overpriced fancy coffee and Duck let's Red get a bunch of sweets and biscuits he knows he likes, and they walk around the store holding hand like OLD SAPS. Eventually, when Yellow and Green select whatever it is they want (god only knows. Yellow probably wants a slime making kit and Green wants an anatomical doll you can dissect) the just look for Red's hulking form. Or they somehow manage to use the store phone to call them over the loudspeaker and it's just them squabbling over who gets to talk and Red is laughing his ass off and Duck is MORTIFIED that they're embarrassing him in the store and when they finally find each other Duck threatens to put them both on a leash next shopping trip while Red pays and Yellow sneaks 12 packets of gum onto the checkout
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kidloo · 1 month
How Can Parents Make Brushing and Flossing Fun for Kids?
Maintaining good dental hygiene is crucial for children, but getting them to brush and floss regularly can often feel like a challenge. At Kidloo, we believe that making oral care enjoyable is key to instilling healthy habits that last a lifetime. Here are some creative ways parents can turn brushing and flossing into a fun activity for kids.
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1. Choose Fun and Engaging Products
Start by selecting dental care products that appeal to your child. Kidloo offers a range of colorful and exciting toothbrushes and toothpaste designed specifically for children. Brightly colored brushes with fun characters or their favorite superhero can make brushing feel like an adventure rather than a chore. Our fluoride toothpaste comes in kid-friendly flavors that are sure to make brushing a more enjoyable experience.
2. Create a Brushing Routine with a Twist
Routine doesn’t have to be boring. Turn brushing and flossing into a daily ritual that includes something your child looks forward to. For example, create a brushing chart with stickers that they can add each time they brush or floss correctly. Set small rewards for completing the chart, such as choosing a fun activity or an extra bedtime story. This not only makes brushing a fun part of the day but also encourages consistency.
3. Use Music and Games
Turn brushing time into a dance party or a game. Play a favorite song or use a timer that plays music for the recommended two minutes. You can even create a brushing song or dance routine that your child can follow. Making it a fun, interactive experience helps your child associate brushing with positive feelings and keeps them engaged throughout the process.
4. Make Brushing a Family Activity
Children love to mimic their parents. Brush and floss your teeth alongside your child to model good habits. Let them see that oral care is something everyone in the family values. You can even create a "brushing team" where each family member shares their favorite brushing tips or songs. This not only makes oral care a family affair but also reinforces the importance of dental hygiene.
5. Tell Stories and Use Imagination
Incorporate storytelling into your brushing routine. Create a fun story about the “toothbrush hero” or “flossing adventure” where your child helps the hero defeat plaque monsters or protect their pearly whites. Using imagination and creativity can make the process feel like an exciting quest rather than a mundane task.
6. Offer Choices
Let your child have some control over their brushing routine. Allow them to choose their toothbrush, toothpaste flavor, or even the song that plays while they brush. Providing options can make your child feel more involved and enthusiastic about their oral care routine.
7. Use Technology Wisely
There are many apps and digital tools designed to make brushing fun for kids. Some apps feature animated characters that guide children through the brushing process and provide rewards for completing their routine. While technology can be a helpful tool, it’s important to balance it with other engaging methods and ensure screen time is kept within healthy limits.
8. Celebrate Success
Celebrate your child’s efforts and progress with positive reinforcement. Praise them for their brushing and flossing achievements, and make sure to acknowledge their efforts regularly. Positive reinforcement can build confidence and make your child more eager to continue their oral care routine.
9. Involve Your Child in Choosing Dental Products
Let your child participate in selecting their dental care products. Take them shopping and let them pick out their favorite toothbrush and toothpaste. Involving them in the decision-making process can create a sense of ownership and make them more excited about using their new products.
10. Educate and Explain
Help your child understand why brushing and flossing are important. Use simple, age-appropriate explanations about how brushing keeps their teeth clean and healthy and prevents cavities. Understanding the reasons behind oral care can make it more meaningful and motivate them to stick with their routine.
At Kidloo, we are committed to making dental care fun and effective for kids. By incorporating these tips and using our engaging products, you can help your child develop a positive attitude toward brushing and flossing. Remember, the goal is to make oral care a joyful and rewarding experience that sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
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michael-sudbeck · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Packing a Water-resistant DOPP Kit for a Weekend Getaway.
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Preparing for a weekend getaway is always exciting, but packing can be overwhelming. With limited space and a variety of items to bring, it's important to pack efficiently and choose the right bag. That's where the Water-resistant DOPP Kit comes in. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about packing a Water-resistant DOPP Kit for a weekend getaway.
The benefits of a Water-resistant DOPP Kit
A Water-resistant DOPP Kit is a versatile and essential addition to your travel gear. It's designed to keep your essentials organized and easily accessible, while also protecting them from liquids and moisture. Whether you're camping or staying at a luxury hotel, a Water-resistant DOPP Kit is a must-have for any type of traveler.
Choosing the right Water-resistant DOPP Kit
When selecting a Water-resistant DOPP Kit, consider the size and material. A medium-sized kit is perfect for a weekend trip, as it can hold all your essentials. Make sure the material is durable and water-resistant, so your items stay protected even in wet conditions. Look for a kit with multiple compartments for better organization.
What to pack in your Water-resistant DOPP Kit
Now that you've chosen the right Water-resistant DOPP Kit, it's time to pack it with essentials. Here are some items you should consider including:
Bring travel-sized toiletries, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, body wash, and shampoo. If you're flying, remember to follow TSA guidelines for liquids.
Bring any necessary medications, along with a copy of your prescription. It's always a good idea to have pain relievers and allergy medicine on hand as well.
Smartphone, charger, headphones, and any other necessary electronics should be packed in your kit. Protect them from water damage by using a waterproof phone case or bag.
Choose versatile clothing items that can be easily mixed and matched, such as a pair of jeans, t-shirts, and a jacket. Don't forget to pack underwear and socks!
Pack accessories like sunglasses, a hat, and a watch to complete your look. If you're going to be outdoors, consider packing a reusable water bottle and sunscreen.
Packing tips
Organization is key when packing a Water-resistant DOPP Kit. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your kit:
Roll, don't fold
Roll your clothing items instead of folding them to save space and prevent creases.
Use packing cubes
Invest in packing cubes to keep your items organized and easy to find.
Separate liquids
Use a separate bag for your liquids to prevent spills and make it easier to remove them during security checks.
Packing a Water-resistant DOPP Kit for a weekend getaway doesn't have to be stressful. By choosing the right kit and packing efficiently, you can enjoy your trip without worrying about your essentials. Remember to pack the essentials, protect your electronics, and use packing tips to make the most of your Water-resistant DOPP Kit. Happy travels!
Article source: None If you're bored, try learning about it water-resistant dopp kit.
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blackacre13 · 3 years
Can you please write part 5 of the proposal au ?
Part 6 was just posted, so here’s part 7:
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“I have seven tattoos,” Lou announced, leaning over to reach for the water she’d tucked into the seat in front of her. “Do you need to know what they are or is that enough?”
Debbie was thrown, stuttering to try and come up with a response, torn between extremely curious and not sure if she was prying too much.
“Oh, and you probably need piercings too, right?” Lou continued. “You can obviously see my ears, but my tits are pierced too.”
“Tits, Debbie,” the blonde sighed, taking a sip from her water. “My nipples are pierced. So jot that down in your diary for INS or whatever.”
“I—uh—ears, just my ears,” Debbie muttered, trying not to look at the blonde in the eyes as she chuckled beside her. “Two holes each.”
“You look like you could use a drink,” the blonde smirked, waving off a flight attendant like she was in a fancy restaurant instead of using the service button.
Debbie watched in awe as Lou ordered something from the flight attendant, passing her a black credit card through her fingers as the attendant laughed at something likely flirty or sultry that Lou had said. Her mouth was completely dry and her heart was hammering in her chest.
“You alright in there?” Lou laughed, placing a selection of miniature liquor bottles on top of her closed laptops. “Let’s make this interesting, shall we?”
Debbie blindly grabbed for one of the bottles in front of her, twisting open the cap and throwing the entirety of the mini bottle back before closing her eyes as the burn hit the back of her throat.
“God, you get flustered really easily,” Lou chuckled, watching Debbie with great interest as she looked back at her exasperated. “It’s sort of endearing. Cute, even.”
Debbie merely blinked at the blonde, no longer able to comprehend what the hell was happening on this airplane and trying her damndest not to stare down at Lou’s chest and see if she could see anything poking through the fabric of her shirt.
“You said interesting?” Debbie finally breathed, trying to keep her brain on track and her focus calm and serious as she could.
“Yeah,” Lou nodded, lining up her own little bottles meticulously into a lineup on her tray. Debbie watched, noting with amusement, that she was lining them up in color order with her finger before she turned back to Debbie. “We alternate asking each other questions. If the other person already knows the answer, then you take a shot. If not, we get the answers we need to stay on the same page so we don’t get caught.”
“You sound like we’re planning how to commit a crime,” Debbie exhaled.
“I mean, aren’t we?” Lou grimaced. “But good, yes. Think of it that way. Partners in crime.”
“I think wives is the key term.”
“I’m not your wife,” Lou chuckled. “Yet. But come on. It’ll help pass the time while we fly and it’ll make you feel better, Debs.”
“Okay,” Debbie agreed. “You’re right. You go first.”
“Alright. Have you ever broken any bones?”
“My wrist when I was a kid. Danny did not know how to safely arm wrestle,” Debbie laughed. “Doesn’t take much to make an arm snap apparently. You?”
“Come on, you should know this one,” Lou teased.
“You broke your finger two years ago,” Debbie nodded. “You never got hurt as a kid or anything?”
“Cuts and scrapes, sure. But never broke anything til then.”
“So, take a shot. I knew the answer,” Debbie smirked.
“I needed an excuse to take a drink,” Lou grinned, throwing back part of the first bottle in her lineup. “Wanna know how I did it?”
“How exciting could the story be?” Debbie snorted. “I mean it’s a finger. You wore a splint and texted with one hand for like two weeks and then it was over.”
“Your loss,” Lou laughed, playing with the bottle cap.
“God, that means it’s a sex injury, doesn’t it?” Debbie groaned, covering her face with her hand.
“Bingo, honey,” the blonde winked, throwing back the rest of the tiny bottle. “What kind of toothpaste do you use?”
“That’s boring.”
“It was from your email of necessary information,” Lou scowled. “Besides, you know mine.”
“Only because I’ve had to run out and buy it at ten pm when I should’ve been home.”
“But those tampon runs are something great, right?” Lou teased. “Come on. It’s the little stuff, right?”
“Crest,” the brunette sighed.
“Aw, honey. Look at that. We can share.”
“Thank goodness,” Debbie mumbled, twisting open another bottle. “Why do you ride a motorcycle to work?”
“Beats the subway,” Lou shrugged, but Debbie kept her eyes trained on her. “I like having that time alone. No thoughts. No people. Just me and the road. Can barely hear yourself think if the wind is whipping fast enough.”
“I get that,” the brunette hummed.
“You don’t have a driver’s license, do you?” Lou realized.
“I have one,” Debbie corrected her. “But no, I don’t drive. Scares the shit out of me.”
“Why?” Lou whispered, genuinely curious, her hand inching towards the shared armrest between them.
“Danny got into a pretty serious wreck when he was in high school. I can’t stand the thought of losing him.”
“You guys are really close, then?”
“Yeah,” Debbie smiled. “Pretty competitive, but—he’s my best friend.”
“I don’t have any siblings,” Lou muttered.
“I know,” Debbie nodded as she watched the blonde take another drink. “You’ll really like Danny. Could be like the big brother you’ve never had.”
“I’d like that, actually,” Lou hummed. She thought for a moment. “God, he’s going to totally threaten me that I better take care of you or some shit isn’t he?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Debbie giggled, taking a sip from one of the bottles. “I can’t wait.”
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
The Inherent Domesticity of Target’s Home Decor Section
Pairing: Michael Clifford/Calum Hood Rating: Teen Word Count: 2076 Read on AO3
Michael has mixed feelings about Target.  On one hand, Target is better than Walmart, and he appreciates that they get to design different album covers and sell special editions there.  On the other hand, walking into Target makes him feel like he should have his life together more.  That’s not to say that his life is a disaster; his life is actually pretty great, and he feels like a fully functioning adult.  However, the store still gives him the niggling feeling that he should buy a planner and some post-it notes and turn into a suburban mom.
“Do you think I should buy a planner?” he asks.  Calum hums, reading the back of a DVD that’s on sale for $5.  When he shifts to put it back on the shelf, Michael shifts right with him, arms around his stomach and cheek plastered against his shoulder.  It’s earlier in the morning than Michael would like, so Calum gets the privilege of holding him up as punishment for dragging him out into the world at this time of day.
“Why do you need a planner?  Ashton takes care of that stuff for the band,” Calum says.  He picks up another DVD and flips it over.
“Yeah, but maybe I should put down everyone’s birthday or something,” he says.  Calum snorts and Michael pinches his side, because he’s apologized for forgetting his birthday that one time sincerely and profusely and gave Calum a pretty spectacular blowjob to make up for it.
“Would you even use it?” Calum asks.  Michael considers and has to concede his point.
They look at DVDs for a few more minutes because Calum gets a kick out of what a place like Target choses to stock in their meger selection.  Michael lets him slip some animated thing he thinks he watched once as a kid into the basket, content to stand there while Calum takes his time and just breathe him in.  He loves being close to Calum, letting his familiar smell fill his nostrils and leeching body heat.  He lets their breathing sync up and imagines that he can hear his heartbeat, slow and steady and almost putting him to sleep standing up.
Nowhere feels like home quite like Calum does.  Even in the middle of Target, Michael feels better than he ever has alone in his house.  It makes him wonder why he’s even living alone, and why Calum pulled away and they stopped messing around when neither of them have girlfriends.
The bottom line is that he misses Calum nearly every moment they’re apart, but he doesn’t know how to articulate this without the crushing fear of rejection.  Calum loves him, and he knows that a significant part of Calum’s world revolves around Michael, but that doesn’t mean they necessarily love each other in the same way.  Michael wants grocery shopping and kisses and late night cuddles regardless of if they have somewhere to be in the morning and lazy sex and laughing at each other’s ridiculousness so hard that he can’t breathe.  Calum wants a platonic best friend.
“What else do we still need to get?” Calum asks, shaking Michael out of his reverie.
“Toothpaste, I think.  And vitamins.”
“Look at you, being healthy and shit.”
Michael pokes his side and Calum tries to wriggle away, giggling because Michael knows exactly which spot tickles the most.
“Just because I don’t let Ashton drag me to yoga like you do doesn’t mean I’m unhealthy.  I get the most sleep out of any of us and I drink a fuckton of water.”
“I know, I know,” Calum says.  “Want to check the CDs?”
It’s a distraction tactic, because Michael will always check the one-shelf CD selection, especially so soon after one of their own releases.  Michael makes the conscious decision to allow himself to be distracted.
“Okay.  CDs, then toothpaste, then vitamins, then I want to look at the home decor.”
“What do you want to look at the home decor for?”
Michael shrugs, knowing that Calum can feel it.  There’s just no non-incriminating way to say I like to see your reactions and pretend that we’re picking out stuff for our house because I might be fully in love with you and I want you in every single crevice of my life.
That’s the issue with Target: it makes him feel domestic and long for things he can’t have.
“Excuse me?” a new voice says, and Michael first feels a twinge of annoyance at someone interrupting his moment and then a twinge of panic that it could be a fan when he definitely doesn’t have the emotional or physical energy to put on a public persona.  One look at the owner of the voice dispels that notion.  The woman is on the later side of middle-aged and looks pretty much exactly like the kind of woman who cooks meatloaf and has 3 cats and actually does go to Target to buy planners.  As inclusive as the band tries to make their music, Michael can admit that she’s not exactly in their immediate wheelhouse for fans.  Nevertheless, he straightens up a bit, but the woman is smiling so he thinks he can maybe get away with still locking his arms around Calum’s waist.
“Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that you boys make such a cute couple!  It’s so nice to see young people in love.”
Michael stiffens, but Calum puts a hand on his arm, effectively anchoring him in place before he can pull away.
“Thank you.  It’s nice to be in love,” Calum says, and Michael’s breath stutters in his throat.
The woman beams and for a moment Michael thinks she’s going to reach out and pinch Calum’s cheeks, but she just bids them a good day and continues towards the books.
“CDs?” Calum asks, casual as anything.  Michael nods and fully pulls away, not trusting himself to speak or to touch.
It was just a nice thing to say to a romantic woman, but it’s nice to be in love plays on repeat in his head like a broken record.  He knows, he knows that it doesn’t mean anything, but Michael would give almost anything to have it be the truth.
There are five copies of the Target exclusive edition of CALM on the shelf.  There’s also a Neil Diamond greatest hits collection and a few random soundtracks that Calum points out, but Michael can barely focus.  He kind of wants to skip the toothpaste and go straight home, but he also doesn’t want Calum to question why that small interaction with the woman threw him so off kilter.  By the time they make it through the checkout and back to Michael’s car, he feels like he’s going to vibrate out of his skin.
Calum waits until they’re out of the parking lot to start talking.
“I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable earlier.  That wasn’t my intention.  I just figured that was the easiest response.  I know we’re not--I know we don’t do that anymore.”
In a different world where Michael hasn’t kept a very tight lid on his feelings for his best friend for the past eight years, he would have crashed the car.
“I know,” he says instead.  Silence fills the space, heavy and uncomfortable.  Michael keeps his eyes resolutely on the road and tries not to read too much into how Calum keeps taking a breath as if he wants to talk before cutting himself off.
“And I understand,” Calum says suddenly, almost causing Michael to swerve.  “I understand why we’re not together anymore.”
“What,” Michael says.
“I’m not trying to get you back, or whatever.  I know you don’t think of me like that.”
“That I don’t--” Michael chokes.  “I’m sorry, what?”
“Come on, don’t make me say it,” Calum says, shifting in his seat.
“No, hang on.  I don’t understand what you’re saying to me right now.”
“Mike, stop it.  Now you’re just being mean.”
“Calum, you’re the one who pulled away from me.  Personally, I don’t understand why we’re not together anymore.  I didn’t even know that we were!”
“That’s bullshit!  What did you think we were, if not together?”
“I don’t know, fucking around?  I thought we stopped because you got bored of me.”
“Michael, we stopped because we got asked about ships in an interview and you got really weird about it.”
“Yeah, because I’ve been in love with you for half my life!”
Silence descends, and Michael absolutely cannot look at Calum right now.  The only things that exist are the steering wheel in his grip and the strip of road in front of him.  There’s still a good ten minutes until he reaches his house, and Michael is very content to spend those ten minutes pretending like he is alone and has not just revealed his biggest secret during an argument that he still doesn’t quite understand.
“Pull over.”
No such luck, apparently.
“Michael, pull over right now.”
He eases over and puts the car in park, letting his hands fall into his lap.
“You’re in love with me?” Calum asks.  Michael nods.  “We’re so stupid.”
“What?” Michael asks, finally looking over at Calum.  He doesn’t look uncomfortable or sad, he looks exasperated.  Michael isn’t sure what that’s supposed to mean.
“We’re idiots.  We could’ve been happily dating this whole time.  Hell, we probably could’ve been married by now,” Calum says.  “I’m in love with you, too.”
Michael blinks at him and really wishes his brain was operating a bit faster.
“Calum,” he says, for lack of anything else.
“Michael,” Calum grins right back.
“Are you serious?” he asks.  Calum rolls his eyes.
“Why would I joke about this?”
Michael shrugs helplessly.
“Michael,” Calum says seriously.  “I made you park the car.  We just had a conversation that obviously made you uncomfortable.  Why the fuck would I be joking right now?”
Michael shrugs helplessly again.
“You love me?” he asks.  Calum reaches over and grabs one of his hands.
“I’m head over heels, crazy in love with you.  It’s pathetic.  It’s ridiculous.  I want to jump you in this car right now.”
Michael laughs.
“Not in broad daylight,” he says.  Calum smiles in a way that makes something settle in Michael’s stomach, something that he hadn’t realized had been unsettled ever since they stopped seeing each other.
Fuck.  He’s so lucky.
“I’m in love with you, too,” he says.  Calum’s smile widens.
“I know,” he says.  “You just told me that.”
“Well, I wanted to tell you again.”
“Well, I’m in love with you, too.”
They’re talking in circles now--wonderful, love-sick circles--and Michael is thankful for multiple reasons when Calum breaks it by leaning over the center console to kiss him.  Calum’s lips are familiar under his, and even after months without feeling them Michael has them memorized.  This kiss feels different, though.  There’s a surety to it that they haven’t had before, a question and agreement that thrills him.
“You’re sure you don’t want to roll around in the back seat right now?” Calum asks softly when they part.  Michael grins and knocks their foreheads together.
“You’re funny,” he says.  “Ha, ha.”
Calum kisses him again.  Michael could definitely get used to this.  If their previous conversation is any indication, he’ll have plenty of time and opportunity to get used to this.
This time when the kiss breaks, Calum fully leans back rather than keep breathing his air.
“Okay,” he says.  “Let’s go home, Michael.  We’ve got years of a honeymoon phase to catch up on.”
Michael puts the car in drive and eases back onto the road.  They’ll have time to drive around again later, because Michael definitely wants to do another circuit of the Target home decor section with this new revelation.  Maybe he’ll try to find a card for the woman who confused them for a couple, just in case they happen to run into her by the post-it notes or planners.
Either way, Michael thinks that Target might be his favorite store now.  He glances at Calum to find him already looking at him and his chest warms.
Yeah, Target is definitely his favorite store, but he’d be okay with never setting foot in it again if it meant he could keep spending time with his favorite person.
Thankfully, the way that Calum leans over to kiss him at a red light seems to mean that he agrees.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Laito Dark [05]
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ー The scene starts in Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Nn...
( Hot chocolate’s so delicious... )
( Enjoying a hot drink before bed really helps me unwind... )
...Phew. That hit the spot.
( Well then, I’ll go brush my teeth and head to bed. )
ー The scene shifts to the bathroom
Yui: ( Uhm, the tooth paste... )
( Huh? Where did I put it...? )
Ah, there it is!
( I only have a little bit left. I should go buy some soon... )
Laito: Bitch-chaaaan~! What are you up to?
Yui: Wah!
( T-That scared me! ) 
Laito: Oh, huh? Bitch-chan, what are you rubbing on?
Yui: Eh?
Laito: There’s something white stuck to your collarbone.
Yui: Ah!
( I’ve got toothpaste on me! )
( I must have pushed the tube out of surprise when Laito-kun suddenly came in... )
Laito: Aah, that’s toothpaste, huh? Nfu~ What a nice place to put it on.
Yui: Eh?
Laito: Come on, give me your toothbrush. It’s such a great opportunity...I’ll brush your body with it...Nfu.
Yui: !
I-It’s fine...! Besides, you don’t use a toothbrush to clean your body...
Laito: It’s not like doing that will cause any harm, right? Nfu~
Yui: Ah!
Laito: Nfu~ Well then, which place should I clean first...?
Yui: !
Laito: Ah, I’ll settle on this spot!
Yui: !
Laito: I’ll make you clean, Bitch-chan...
Yui: Laito-kun! I-It hurts! Just cut it...
Laito: Come on, you have to clean your entire body, right?
Yui: But, a toothbrush isn’t...!
Laito: All the little nooks and crannies can be cleaned with this nifty tool, you know~?
For example...Your ears? This is the best thing to use to thoroughly clean the inside part.
Yui: !
Laito: See, what do you think...? Feeling any cleaner yet? Nfu...
Yui: No...!
Laito: To think you’d get excited from getting scrubbed by this...
Yui: I’m...not...
Laito: You really are such a pervert, Bitch-chan...~
→ Speak for yourself!
Yui: That’s...Speak for yourself...!
Laito: Nfu~ You’re not wrong there.
However, who’s the one enjoying having this done to her by this ‘pervert’? 
Right, Bitch-chan?
→ Don’t say that (❁)
Yui: Don’t say that...
Laito: I’m really digging that expression!
You really look the cutest when you are embarrassed.
Makes me want to do even more horrible things to you...
Laito: Like when I rub this place with the toothbrush...
Yui: !
Laito: Nfu~ Your body’s twitching in delight. Bitch-chan, you’re such a...naughty girl.
Yui: Laito-kun...!
Laito: What? Something wrong?
Yui: Please stop...already!
Laito: Aah, what? You want me to stop?
ー Laito steps back
Laito: I was about to get bored as well, so I’ll call it quits.
Yui: Haah...
( Thank god, he stopped... )
Laito: Nfu~ You’re covered in tooth paste now, Bitch-chan. I’m sure it feels very refreshing?
Yui: ...Ah...
( He’s right. I’m covered in it... )
( How cruel, I had already taken my bath too... )
Laito: You won’t be able to sleep like this, so you gotta rinse it off.
Yui: Eh? Kyah!
Yui: Cough, cough...
What are you doing all of a su...
Laito: Hm? Being the kindhearted soul I am, I simply figured I’d help my toothpaste-covered Bitch-chan get clean again?
Laito: Come on. I’ll remove it for you.
Yui: !
D-Don’t bother! I can do it myself...
Laito: However, there’s places your hands can’t reach, right? Over here, for example.
Yui: ! No...!
( My back...It tickles! )
Laito: It’s okay. I’ll be gentle, okay...?
Yui: Eh!?
Laito: I’m digging in...~ Nn...
ー Laito bites her
Yui: !?
Laito: Nn...Haah...Delicious...
Yui: No...
Laito: No running, Bitch-chan.
Yui: Laito-kun, stop...
Laito: This is your fault for arousing me.
You have to take responsibility for that, don’t you think? Bitch-chan~
<- [ Dark 04 ] [ Dark 06 ] ->
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cashurdrivereviews · 3 years
CASHurDRIVE  - How Effective is Transit Advertising
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For any company or business, it is very important to do marketing and advertising. Advertising is nothing but an exercise of promoting a company and its products or services through paid channels. There are many types of advertising a product.
Some of them are:
1. Traditional advertising (such as ads on TV, radio, and newspapers)
2. Retail advertising (such as ads on carts of a shopping mall)
3. Online advertising (such as contextual ads in search engines, banners on websites)
4. Mobile advertising (such as banners to download apps)
Apart from these 4 types of advertising, a new type called transit advertising came into the spotlight nowadays.
What is transit advertising?
In simple words, transit advertising is nothing but advertisements used on transported vehicles. They can use either public transportation or private transportation to advertise their products.
How does it work?
Let's talk about a person- Rohit. He travels to his office daily by bus. Inside the bus, he daily sees an ad for toothpaste. Now when he goes to market next time to buy his monthly groceries, he thinks to try that toothpaste and buys it. That's how it works! When a person sees a product or service daily, then he/she will automatically think of trying it once. Transit advertising can be called an advertising technique that has moving billboards and hoardings. There will be a wide range of audiences to read the advertisements.
Types of transit advertising:
Even though transit advertising includes buses, trains, airbuses, taxis, cabs, ships, etc; we can mainly classify this based on the exposure.
1.   Inside transit advertising: in this type, the advertising cards will be in the interior of the bus/train/ any transport vehicle.
2.   Outside transit advertising: in this type, the advertising cards/ hoardings will be outside of the transport vehicle. For example, if we take a bus, the boarding can be fixed on either the right or left side of the vehicle or its backside. When you are stuck in traffic, and there is a bus ahead of you, if it has an advertisement on its tail side, you will definitely notice it before the signal turned into green! Likewise, every transport vehicle has a chance of having advertising boarding of both of its sides and also tail side.
Advantages of transit advertising:
1. Exposure: By transit advertising, a product or service can reach a wide range of audiences of all ages, genders, and places. As the transport vehicle travels from one city to another, crossing multiple places, there are wide ranges of chances of people to read and connect to the content which can make them buy the product.
2.   Time: When a bus carrying the interior advertisement cards travels daily from one place to another, and if a person travels daily in that bus, then that person is likely to read the same board again and again this can trigger him to buy the product once.
3.   Affordable and smart: Transit advertising is the cheapest way of advertising. Traditional advertising in TV or radio may get disturbed when the electricity went off; while in the case of transit advertising nothing of that sort happens. And also it reaches different cities at an affordable price.
Transit advertisements should be simple and easy to convey in one line so that customers won't get bored reading so much lengthy lines! Even though it is a very affordable and budget-friendly way of advertising, one should selectively consult a company that can deliver them what they want in the advertisement. CashurDrive is such company that provides the customers what they need.
CASH UR DRIVE is India’s one of the first on-vehicle advertisement companies which offer Cab Branding, Auto Advertising, and other media solutions to spread the word about your brand to every possible place founded by Mr. Raghu Khanna. Its skillful way of creating outdoor advertising solutions will bring your customers like a moth to fire towards your product.
Having more than 14 years of experience in outdoor advertising CASHurDRIVE offers various services. The company started its journey from car advertising and now it is offering many other services too. Including cab, uber cab, auto, bus, train, and airlines advertising, it also offers trendy services like car wraps, digital wall paintings, and look walkers. Along with these it also provides advertising through road shows, cinema ads, events, hoarding and boarding, incabs advertising.
Like it claims, CASH ur DRIVE impacts every Indian daily, driving a strong relationship between brands and customers.
CASHurDrive's advertising can drive customer’s acquisition and boost sales.
The company creatively designs advertisements that can convince a customer that the particular products or services are superior.
With simple ads which can be understandable to every people of different ages, the experienced people in CASHurDRIVE exhibit new applications for products or services and thus attract customers
The CASHurDRIVE people are as friendlier to their customers as their creativity. For any further inquiries, you should contact them through their website CASHurDRIVE.
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hattin1 · 4 years
How Laser Teeth Whitening Approaches Work.
One Size Fits All Treatments.
Cqc Report Holloway Dental Centre.
Rio Smile White Sophisticated Teeth Whitening Package.
Professional Teeth Whitening In Dorchester.
Expert Teeth Whitening: What To Anticipate
Using a Activation spray on a textured wipe you will offer your teeth a brush. This will likewise foam up which helps the gel to get in the enamel of your teeth.
see website Size Fits All Therapies.
Cqc Report Holloway Oral Centre.
A shade will be utilized to inspect the color of your teeth prior to and also after your treatment. Whitening will be most efficient on discoloured yellow teeth however does not work if bonding has actually been utilized or on tooth-coloured dental fillings.
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Rio Smile White Advanced Teeth Whitening Set.
The products and approaches that are offered all do function but they take months to reveal any sort of recognizable results. On top of that, you have to make a behavior of regularly utilizing these products. All that, and also still there is no assurance that your teeth will be as white as you desire them to be when you end up utilizing the items. Your smile is not simply a fantastic expression that human beings have, it is additionally something that is just one of a kind and also irreplaceable. When you satisfy people for the very first time one of the first points that they will observe is your smile. If your smile happens to be yellow-colored after that it makes your overall look boring. We are a cozy friendly group within a minutes stroll from the town centre.
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Please finish the kind below and also one of our remarkable team will certainly be in touch to prepare your assessment. the form of the tool itself ensures the whole tooth surface area is covered equally. This will certainly ensure your teeth achieve the best possible color and stay brilliant. We likewise provides remedies for lines and wrinkles consisting of facial fillers, skin micro needling and face peels. We provide a Complimentary quote as well as UK layout solution, get in touch today.
Specialist Teeth Whitening In Dorchester.
Does baking soda whiten teeth?
Baking soda has natural whitening properties and has been shown to be effective at removing stains on your teeth and whitening your smile. That's why it's a popular ingredient in many commercial toothpastes.
teeth whitening hungerford of your tooth, called enamel gets covered by a very thin layer, called the pellicle coats which catches spots quickly. Nevertheless, what we consume can likewise have a long lasting impact on our teeth. Smoking cigarettes, coffee, tea, merlot as well as cola can all contribute to tarnishing on our teeth.
Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options - Healthline
Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options.
Posted: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
You've extensively planned for all those difficult inquiries and also selected your ideal fit, currently be prepared to impress the interviewers with your great intense white smile. Whether for a special celebration, such as your wedding event, or simply to enhance your daily look, an intense white smile increases both your confidence as well as your appearance. Our friendly professionals will answer any type of questions you have and help you choose the very best choice for you. So why not book a consultation now with laser-bright-teeth in Manchester. After the 3 15 minute intervals, you will see a big enhancement in your teeth. After the procedure you will certainly be talked with about the diet regimen plan as well as safety measures you require to consider the next 48 hours. A vitamin E teeth cream as well as gum tissue protector will be related to make certain the utmost safety and security to your teeth and also periodontals.
After the treatment is over, Dr Richard will certainly provide you with an overview which specifies that you ought to stay clear of any kind of pigmented foods, merlot, black coffee and also black tea. tab left and also complete the on the internet form, giving your information or those of the individual holding the session if scheduling a party. When submitted we will certainly call you within 1 day to confirm your reservation.
Is laser teeth whitening painful?
Reducing Pain and Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening. Teeth whitening treatments, including in-home whitening trays or strips and laser whitening treatments such as Zoom whitening, can cause high levels of teeth sensitivity or pain for some people.
One of the most typical consist of ageing as well as intake of staining materials such as coffee, tea, soda pops, tobacco, red wine, and so on . Throughout tooth development, usage of tetracycline, particular antibiotics or too much fluoride may likewise trigger tooth discoloration. The factor our teeth appear plain is since the teeth have grabbed discolorations deep inside the dentine as well as enamel. Discoloured teeth are the bane of smokers, red wine, tea and also coffee enthusiasts as well as also some individuals who have actually had antibiotics as a child.
Typically whitening will certainly produce dramatic improvements in the look of the majority of discolored teeth yet there are some spots that do not reply to lightening. Spots that arise from the medicine Tetracycline may need lengthy bleaching, because it takes longer for the bleach to reach the dentin layer. As we mature our grown-up teeth commonly dim as adjustments take place in the mineral structure of the tooth as well as the enamel ends up being less permeable.
Our teeth might additionally be tarnished by microbial pigments, food, drink as well as cigarette. While this is not the costliest treatment on the planet, it is much from being the least expensive option. Nevertheless, many, oral offices will certainly permit people to make installation payments that makes it extra economical. Sore periodontals from the gel-- This usually lasts only a brief while after the treatment. This treatment is a non-invasive one that causes no blood loss and even pain while the treatment is being done or after it has been completed. Beyond that, the look of face lines and also creases is less visible when people's eyes are attracted to white teeth.
Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside - DirectorsTalk Interviews
Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside.
Posted: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:57:45 GMT [source]
Uses Reviews News/Blog8 points every female ought to know about laser hair removal. News/Blog8 points every female ought to understand about laser hair elimination. Yorkshire Laser & Visual appeals supply specialist devices and also full training for laser tattoo elimination, laser hair removal, semi irreversible comprise as well as body piercing. We can likewise educate you on exactly how to carry out a carbon laser facial peel as well as provide the needed equipment.
White Dental Charm is currently a globally leading teeth whitening brand, renowned for giving top quality, innovative and clinically enhanced whitening items with 4 whitening gel staminas.
Because of the huge charm of tooth whitening, the therapy can be used to attract new people in addition to keeping existing ones.
Along with having a devotion to producing high quality as well as trusted products, the White Dental Appeal goal is to assist methods deliver an individual journey like nothing else.
In the expanding area of oral aesthetics, there are various firms marketing and advertising products to the sector.
Dental experts will appropriately expect a high requirement from all their products, including their teeth whitening gels.
Relying on how many sessions you want, it doesn't occupy much time in all.
It can be made use of to reward patients for finished treatments, encouraging them as well as improving their all-natural teeth tones together with or prior to corrective work.
Fuelled by this, they have developed a dedicated advertising assistance package to enhance the patient experience and construct your experiment specialist teeth whitening.
Your expert teeth whitening at the dental professional's workplace can be corrected your lunch break.
By sending this form you recognize that your information is refined according to our privacy noticeWe never share your details with any individual. Your privacy is really important and also we ensure its maintained 100% private. Teeth can be slowly whitened in the comfort of the residence with a custom-made fit tray system. Although normal cleaning as well as regular brows through to the hygienist can help to keep teeth clean as well as eliminate surface area staining, they can not remove deeply embedded discolorations.
Even a change of simply 2 or 3 tones will make a substantial distinction; the goal being to accomplish your individual optimal brightness while still looking natural. We provide a variety of orthodontic alternatives, consisting of clear aligners and also Invisalign dental braces. By sending this kind, you understand your data obtains processed in accordance to our personal privacy notice. Just imagine your wedding celebration photos, the very best day of your life, magnificent dresses and also dashing matches, as well as your superstar smile in the center of all of it.
To see our newest prices and special deals please see our charges web page. Drury Lane Dental Care is among the premiere Laser Teeth Whitening oral techniques in London, we just utilize the current available solution of Laser Whitening products. We pride ourselves on offering a welcoming, loosened up and friendly environment that puts our clients at ease. the substantial majority of our clients have actually complained of no level of sensitivity.
How can I make my teeth white in a week?
Using hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help to whiten stained teeth. For optimal whitening, a person can try brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1–2 minutes twice a day for a week. They should only do this occasionally.
A few of our clients have had white places on their teeth, brought on by tetracyclines or after having braces gotten rid of, that we can easily treat to lower their look. Your Hygienist or Specialist will advise you on which whitening system would be best for you, and also discuss the degree of whitening you desire to. attain. Most clients might call for a quick top up once a year, depending on their habits, but a full training course of whitening is more likely after about 18 months. Laser Whitening develops a lustrous smile, by making teeth smoother and also shinier and also taking care of level of sensitivity. Prepare yourself for the summer period with a stunning white new smile. This is a restricted time deal valid only until the 1st of October. The procedure will not lighten Crowns, Caps, Vaneers or Fillings.
Ultrasonic Weight-loss & Radiofrequency 40k Cavitation is easy non invasive treatment which relies upon soundwaves to supply a short-lived toning as well as tightening effect. Here at Smileright ™, we are totally devoted to guaranteeing that you attain that brilliant smile. We are dedicated as well as passionate regarding making you grin and to allow you to smile with self-confidence. Our Dental Center is located in Royal District of Kensington & Chelsea.
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stories-mostly · 6 years
Stark's Bug
And we finally landed in the Marvel universe from here on out the events of the movies will play into the story as well as my own ideas so, enjoy! Also, sidenote Starkid songs kept popping into my head while proof reading so if you see any spelling errors it's their fault for having such catchy songs.
Words: 1606
Chapter 6
As any 6 year old you were currently groggy because you just woke up. Your mood worsened by the fact that your dad would leave for a business trip today.
"Somebody woke up on the wrong foot." Said man commented as you dragged your feet towards the table. You filled your bowl with cereal and chose to ignore his comment. You were rather mean spirited when you woke up.
"Oh using the force first thing in the morning I see." He said as he observed. "You really have a grip on it now, don't you? The first time you tried that, you were fully awake and still managed to cause a milk flood." He chuckled. You cracked a smile remembering the scene. Especially the part where at attempt nr. 18, he slipped in the milk and crashed onto his behind breaking out in a full of string of bad words.
"Looks like you're coming back to me now." He joked and continued with telling you the funny things you clearly remembered that we're caused because you didn't have full control over the force.
You still don't completely but you just repeat whatever you want to learn until you could do it half asleep and moved on to the next thing.
Once the cereal was down you were almost completely awake and ready to face the day.
"You ready to brush those pearly whites?" Tony asked
"Yes! Can I use my new toothbrush?" you asked following him into your bathroom.
"Yes, that's why you have it."
He handed you your toothbrush and toothpaste from the sink and took his own.
You two brushed while you pulled faces at each other in the mirror. Giggling over the weird face he pulled you almost chocked on foam.
He helped you wash your face which had a milk and toothpaste beard before he washed his own.
"Alright, are we done here? Or did we forget something?" He asked you scratching his chin, pretending to think.
"We have to shave!" you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and got your "razor"  from the sink.
"Yeah next thing you know you'll be looking like Santa if you don't shave!"
You two went to his bathroom to "shave" since he is a responsible father who doesn't keep sharp razors in his son's bathroom.
Recently you had insisted on doing it with him just like you brushed your teeth and washed your face together it was just the next logical step for you. So instead of watching him do it, you now joined in.
He applied some shaving cream to your face, then to his own. You were mimicking his movements to the best of your abilities as he was doing it. And because you're so good at copying you always ended up with a shaving cream beard that resembled your fathers. Tony dies a little at the cuteness everytime he sees it.
Your clothes today were picked out by you. It was a cute starwars t-shirt, bright green pants and your Captain Magic jacket. The most stylish outfit you have in your humble 6 year old opinion.
You came out of your bedroom with your backpack on your back.
"I'm ready daddy!" you shouted walking toward the stairs to the lab/garage as every day before..
"Are you sure? I think you forgot something." he said walking down the stairs with you.
You thought for a moment.
"What? I didn't forget anything." At that he placed a pair of sunglasses onto your head.
"There now you look like me!" he said giving your head a kiss, "You also forgot your homework."
"I didn't have homework.?" You said absentmindedly as you examined your new sunglasses that matched the ones your dad was always wearing.
"Really? Because I remember clearly that you asked me to hand you some pictures of you for your class project." he said holding an envelope toward you.
"That's not until tomorrow."
"But you could already take it with you so you don't forget it when I'm not here to remember it." you took the envelope. And climbed inside one of the cars. This one only had two seats and one of which had a booster on it.
Your name was written on the envelope in your fathers handwriting, and when you peaked inside you saw all the pictures you had selected with him yesterday. You put them in your lap as you buckled up.
Bobbing your head along with the music during the drive to school and singing along to a few lyrics you knew, the day seemed to start out okay. Just as any other day but a lingering sadness sat deep within your stomach.
As your dad stopped the car infront of your school, it hit you. This was the last time you'd see him for the next few days. While you were used to him having to take trips without you, they usually were only a day long. And the last trip that was longer you didn't even remember. This would be the first time where he wouldn't be back the next day since you were 3. It made your stomach sink and throat close a but, especially since you'd be staying in your home rather than spending the night at your uncle's or aunts house.
"Ready for a fun d-- Hey what's wrong?" Tony asked seeing the tears build up in your eyes.
"I don't want you to leave." once admitted you started to bawl your eyes out.
Your fathers eyebrows shot up in worry. He quickly got out of the car walking around it to pull you into his arms.
"Aw, Bug. It's only a few days. I'll be back before you know it. It's alright, I'll miss you too. You still have Happy, and Obie, and Pepper." He soothed gently swaying back and forth.
"I don't want them... I want my daddy." You choked out between sobs. A sound that made Tony's heart wrench.
"I know but, how about I'll tell them to take you to that cool park you want to go to? You're going to have so much fun you won't even realize I'm gone."
"I don't want to go there with them, I want to go there with you." You cried out sniveling and wiping at your face.
Tony sighed as he rubbed your back soothingly.
"Bug, I already moved the date last time. Uncle Rhodey said he'll drag me there if I don't go. I promised him, and you know that we can't break promises, right?" He tried to reason, you nodded through your tears.
"How about we go somewhere when I'm back. Where would you like to go with me, hm?" He asked soothingly petting your head still swaying.
You sniffled as you calmed down. "I,  I wanna go to the park with you."
"The amusement park?"
You nodded.
"Alright, as soon as I'm back we two go to the park and have some fun. Does that sound good?"
"You Promise?"
"I Promise. Do you want me to bring you to your classroom?"
"Carry me." you said laying your head back on his shoulder.
Tony chuckled, grabbed your stuff and carried you into the school. He was slightly concerned considering that you usually weren't this clingy when it came to his trips. It was probably because of how long it was. He reassured himself.
He got looks from other parents left and right, most parents at this school didn't really seem to like clingy or even just emotional children, he found that odd but ignored their looks. You reached your classroom way too soon in your opinion. He put you down and crouched in front of you.
"So, are you feeling better now?"
You nodded.
"Alright, here's your stuff. Uncle Happy will pick you up and bring you to the Daycare since he still has work to do. If you get homework take care of it there, then you don't have to lose so much free time? Don't do anything I would do. I love you Bug. I'll be back in about 76 hours. Have some fun while I'm gone." he told you softly not wanting to leave just yet after such an emotional outburst.
"I will. Love you too, daddy."He sighed, gave you a hug and stood up. Slowly you went into the classroom not wanting to worry him any further. But still extremely welled up with emotions you couldn't describe properly.
After taking off your jacket and putting it away together with your other things you sat down on your table next to your friend Jason.
Together you waited for the bell to ring and school to begin.
Lessons became boring quickly and you passed most of them daydreaming about things while completing your work.
In the breaks you played with Jason, Sam and Ryan, your usual friend group. You had forgotten all about your little breakdown this morning by then.
You were picked up by Happy as told, together with a bunch of other kids since he apparently took over "bus duty" from the daycare for the next three days. Ryan also needed to come to daycare so you sat together.
At Stark Industries you completed your homework and told Ryan the answers so the two of you could play together.
Too soon you were brought home by Happy and spend the rest of your almost uneventful day eating fast food and watching a bunch of Disney movies. You drifted off in front of the TV without even changing into your pj's.
You were unaware that while you had your much needed sleep your father was currently living through some events that would change the course of both of your lifes forever.
Your sleep was uneasy almost as if knowing that something wasn't right.
Tags: @shannonr2003 @art-estrange @nicholasbich @tater-thottie @tonystanktheirondad @gaylemonshark @emilaa2001
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teddy2pint-blog · 5 years
{Teeth whitening - truth and fiction|Reasons to select professional teeth whitening|Truths regarding specialist teeth whitening|Why you require to see your dental practitioner for expert teeth whitening|Teeth whitening by your dentist vs. in the house|Fact and fiction of teeth whitening|Is teeth whitening worth it?|Why you should choose cosmetic dentistry for a brighter smile|Points to recognize regarding expert teeth whitening|Myths concerning cosmetic dentistry and specialist teeth whitening|Expert dentistry is much better for teeth whitening|What you require to understand about at-home teeth whitening|Recognizing tooth whitening|What you require to understand about tooth bleaching|Reclaim your confidence with teeth whitening|Teeth whitening tips and suggestions for best results|Teeth whitening - is it worth it?|Top reasons you need to lighten your teeth|Must know facts concerning home teeth whitening|What you need to understand about professional teeth whitening|Why you require cosmetic dentistry for teeth whitening|Typical questions about expert vs. in your home teeth whitening|Why teeth whitening by your dental professional is much better for you|A guide to teeth whitening, the world's most prominent cosmetic oral treatment|Why pick professional teeth whitening)
Culture's appeal requirements are ever-evolving and changing, as well as among the rising fads these days's elegance society, we see that it values the particulars of our whole appearance, consisting of emulating the smiles that we see on movie and also TV celebrities. Self-esteem is improved by a brighter, whiter smile, so it's not surprising that increasingly more individuals are utilizing teeth whitening and also cosmetic dentistry as a way to enhance their appearance.
There are a couple of myths as well as misunderstandings when it involves teeth whitening, so read on in order to put your worries to rest as well as obtain you started when driving to your best smile!
Teeth whitening can damage your teeth
You might have listened to something along the lines that teeth whitening can harm your enamel or external layer of your teeth, or that it removes layers of your teeth, creating damages and potentially spoiling your teeth. You can feel confident that this is totally incorrect.
When our clients involve see us concerning teeth whitening, one of their main worries is if the procedure is mosting likely to hurt their teeth. We understand why they would certainly be worried about it as well as why they might be hesitant to continue, yet we can ensure you that teeth whitening has actually been repeatedly developed as being a safe treatment.
Cosmetic dentistry has actually developed, and also now professional teeth whitening does not damage the enamel or strip any facet of your teeth. Instead, it works by passing through the layers of the tooth (dentine and also enamel), brightening the tooth from the within out.
At-home Treatments Function the Exact Same
You need to be incredibly mindful and cynical when making use of at-home teeth whitening therapies, as they eliminate the safety and security internet of specialist cosmetic dentistry. Several of the active ingredients included in these can consist of rough and acids which would certainly cause your teeth damages.
At-home teeth whitening techniques can in some cases get the job done, however the results will certainly be short-lived, as expert treatments permeate the tooth in a deeper way, delivering more long-term outcomes.
You will certainly Never ever have the ability to Consume Alcohol Red Red Wine, Tea, or Coffee
While it holds true that the specialist teeth whitening result will not be as durable if you consume or eat products that tarnish your teeth, it doesn't mean that you can never have an additional mug of coffee in your life. We will advise you to steer clear of from teeth staining foods as well as drinks only during the program of the teeth whitening. Later, you can preserve your brilliant smile and white teeth by having excellent oral health as well as visiting us regularly, so we can get rid of any kind of stains and maintain your teeth.
You can Bleach your Teeth with Lightening Toothpaste
Bleaching tooth paste does function to some level, especially if you clean your teeth with a fluoridated tooth paste. It's essential that you make use of a great tooth paste after professional teeth whitening, as they can remove surface stains from teeth as well as help keep your smile brilliant and stain-free.
My Teeth are Too Delicate
During the training course of professional teeth whitening, the sensitivity of your teeth might be worsened, especially if you already experience sensitive teeth. Nonetheless, just having sensitive teeth doesn't mean that you can not have your teeth skillfully lightened. Before beginning the treatment, we will certainly look out for any areas that have actually raised sensitivity, and also look after your teeth according to those outcomes.
Also if you don't experience tooth sensitivity, it is possible that your teeth may be a lot more delicate than typical throughout the process. There is no requirement for worry as this is definitely typical, you simply need to be client.
Teeth Whitening with Blue Light Provides Faster Results
If they are done by an expert, Blue light lightening therapies can work. If the process is not done appropriately, you will obtain a minimized long-term result. When using the gel as well as blue light at house, what you are doing is not bleach your teeth, you are in fact dehydrating them. This dehydration will certainly make your teeth show up brighter, while not being any whiter. This option may seem quicker and also more affordable, however you will not get good results.
You Can Search For the Ideal Deal
There is currently a really high demand from teeth whitening, as well as our company believe that it is more than likely one of the most requested cosmetic dentistry procedure. Teeth whitening is popular around the globe, so it makes good sense that individuals are looking around for the ideal offer.
Really, all teeth whitening gels that have been expertly recommended will certainly lighten your teeth, despite the brand or the rate, as the core ingredients will most likely coincide for all of them. There might be some differences in procedures or certain details, however the clinical study behind them will be the same, and they all have the very same goal.
Nevertheless, as with whatever else, you obtain what you pay for when it pertains to teeth whitening. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is, which is why you need to remain away from heavily discounted alternatives. In our point of view, teeth whitening deserves its cost, as your smile is something that you have with you everyday. We will constantly talk about all the readily available options with you however never concession on getting the outcomes that you want.
Residence Remedies Such as Charcoal, Bicarbonate Soft Drink, or Coconut Oil Pulling Job Equally As Well
House solutions for teeth whitening have been a prominent topic recently. Oil drawing has actually been a warm topic recently, declaring that it can bleach teeth and get rid of microorganisms as well as plaque. We do not suggest this as there have been no definitive studies concerning this, as well as it will definitely not make your teeth any kind of whiter than simply gargling or toothpaste.
While bicarbonate soft drink is a terrific active ingredient that can be used for a wide variety of points consisting of reducing the effects of smells, eliminating stubborn fabric or carpeting stains, and also cleaning your kitchen area, it must not be used for teeth whitening. Bicarbonate or charcoal might do a decent task as well as lift coffee or a glass of wine spots from your teeth, it will also use your teeth down as they are abrasive products. As well as bear in mind, when this enamel has actually been used away, it never expands back! You don't desire beautiful but harmful teeth, so it's far better to leave this to the experts.
Tooth Whitening Does Not Last For Life
Things we consume, and also drink can stain our teeth, making them show up duller than they as soon as were, but it's super easy to maintain your white smile by routine sees to your cosmetic dentists as well as proper oral hygiene.
During regular consultations or examinations with our people, we will determine your needs and also assumptions, combining you with the most efficient lightening system for your budget plan and also your requirements.
If offered the selection, no person would certainly choose a darker shade of teeth, as well as everyone is trying to find a whiter and brighter smile. Boring or tarnished teeth an influence your confidence, so why not come see us to enhance your smile. We grin if you grin!
While it is real that the expert teeth whitening impact will certainly not be as resilient if you consume alcohol or eat products that tarnish your teeth, it doesn't imply that you can never have one more mug of coffee in your life. We will certainly recommend you to remain away from teeth discoloring drinks as well as foods only during the course of the teeth whitening. Afterward, you can keep your bright smile and white teeth by having great oral hygiene and also visiting us on a regular basis, so we can remove any type of stains and maintain your teeth.
It's essential that you use a good toothpaste after professional teeth whitening, as they can eliminate surface stains from teeth and also help keep your smile brilliant as well as stain-free.
Throughout the program of expert teeth whitening, the sensitivity of your teeth might be aggravated, specifically if you already experience from sensitive teeth.
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squidgirlfriends · 6 years
(remember i said i was gonna write a pearlina fic? well, here she is... pure.... *heavy breathing...... pure fluff. i pulled this out my ass at like midnight two days ago. boy am i proud...)
mint chocolate and awful movies
[read on ao3]
“Tonight, on the big screen… A Midnight Inking, the ultimate trilogy! Drug makers in the dark, secret black market under Inkopolis’ noses discover a new radioactive substance by chance, but what do the side effects of this new substance entail? Watch now, or stay forever in the dark!”
Marina groaned. “Are you kidding me, Pearl? Even the books for that series weren’t good.”
“Oh? You talk like you’ve read ‘em?” Pearl waved the stack of disc boxes around, eyebrows raised.
Marina crossed her arms, scoffing. “Well of course I have. Inkopolis’ library needs a bigger selection!”
“There’s a reason Inkopolis’ library doesn’t have a selection, smart stuff. But guess what!” Pearl slammed all the discs onto the table. She poked Marina’s nose. “Whooooo won the splatfest?”
Marina rolled her eyes. She didn’t bat Pearl’s finger away.
“…you did.”
“Thaaat’s right! Which means, no more book talk tonight, no boring words on paper, just action and crime syndicates!” Pearl poked Marina’s nose again, for good measure.
“But please, Pearl, couldn’t you have at least picked a better series?” Marina pleaded.
“Not anything? If you make me watch these movies my eyeballs will fall out.”
“Not cool! If you make me watch these I’ll bleed out and die because these movies suck so much.”
“So you’ll watch… anything else?” Pearl pursed her lips thoughtfully. “How about… Squidmarq, the Complete Adventures?”
“Oh cod, no—“
“Midnight Inking it is, then.”
“That’s not fair! Squidmarq is a TV show!”
“Ah ah,” Pearl batted her eyes. “Who won the splatfest?”
Marina glowered. “I hate you. I’ll burn your TV.”
“I’ll buy another one.” Pearl opened the first movie's disc box.
“I’ll replace your mayo with toothpaste.”
“Isn’t that supposed to happen the other way around?”
“I’ll… I’ll fall asleep during the movie?” Marina sunk to her knees in defeat, slumping over the low table.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got us enough sugar and caffeine to last us another week. It might kill us, but I’m not letting you sleep through these.” Pearl smirked, dropping the disc into the player’s tray. She took the remote and plopped onto the couch, patting the place next to her. “C’mon, Marina, sit up here.”
Marina gently banged her forehead on the table.
“I don’t want to bleed out on your sofa,” she muttered.
Pearl smiled, grabbing Marina’s arm.
“Come onnnn, get up here!” It was like trying to lift a sack of rocks. “Cod, Marina, you weigh like a million pounds—“
She thought for a moment. “Hey… Marina…I got you something for tonight…”
“Is it bleach? For my eyes?”
“No… it’s better than bleach for your eyes… It’s ice cream…” Pearl tugged lightly on Marina’s arm. Her head lifted a little off the table. Pearl let her hand slip down into Marina’s, lacing their fingers together. “...mint…chocolate flavor?”
Marina smiled a little, turning around.
“Mint chocolate?”
“Yeah, and pretty sure… there are a coupla’ spoons… out on the counter…”
Marina squeezed Pearl’s hand once and let go, heading to the freezer in the kitchen. She returned with a tub of ice cream and two spoons.
“Throw it here!”
“I’m not throwing the spoon, Pearl.” She sat down gently and ripped the plastic seal off, holding her spoon in her mouth. “Jus’ shtart the movie, I wan’ get dish over wif.”
Two movies in, the ice cream tub sat on the table, half-finished and probably more soup than ice cream at that point. They’d forgotten personal space around the same time as they’d forgotten the ice cream; Marina’s head pillowed on Pearl’s chest, one of her tentacles wrapped around Pearl’s arm.
“Don’t fall asleep, loser…” Pearl yawned, using her free hand to rub little circles into Marina’s hip, where her shirt rode up.
“We were just performing for twenty-four hours, Pearl. We may be young, but we’re not…gods…” Marina cuddled in closer, her nose brushing against Pearl’s jaw.
“We got… we got…one movie left… n’we’re done…” Pearl reached for the remote.
“It’s like two in the morning,” Marina’s voice was scratchy with exhaustion. She yawned. “Let’s just… go to bed…”
“Weakling! We gotta, we… one more and we’re done…” Pearl flicked the remote and started the last movie, which opened with the typical pan-shot over the city, slowly dipping to the protagonist’s underground shelter.
Pearl nudged Marina’s shoulder. “Y’know what?”
“Hmm?” Marina hummed in response.
“I think this is a pretty dumb series.”
Marina snorted. Pearl felt her smile against her collarbone.
“I mean, by the end of all this, the radioactive whatever thingy didn’t even matter? It was like this dumb, stupid mushy love story. Where’s the… people dying cos’ their skin melted off? Ya know? The whole point of these crime movies is to have action, and well…crime.” Pearl watched as the main guy’s dying father offered him some words of wisdom, before falling victim to the radioactive thing’s side effects. “See? It’s all too mushy.” Pearl blinked. “Marina?”
Marina’s breath had evened out, her eyes shut and lips parted slightly. She was asleep. The only light in the room was from the TV screen, painting shadows over Marina’s face as she slept. It was pure contrast, the violent flashes of color over her peaceful expression.
Pearl pressed a half-kiss to Marina’s forehead, and flicked the TV’s volume down.
Marina woke up first, blinking groggily against what was definitely not her pillow. It was still partially dark in the room, thanks to Pearl’s blackout curtains. Her mouth tasted like sour milk; she wrinkled her nose and swallowed thickly.
Her head still felt too heavy to lift, so she settled back onto Pearl, making a soft, sleepy noise when two arms snaked around her waist in return.
“Mornin’ sunshine…” Pearl muttered.
“Shut up,” Marina grumbled. “…too early…”
“Not that early…” Pearl yawned. “We’ve… got time…”
Marina hummed, settling down into half-consciousness until Pearl roused her again.
“C’mere…’rina…” she nudged Marina a little, trying to shimmy down so they were face to face. Marina was having none of it, Pearl’s plan was proving to be harder to carry out than she thought.
“Look at me, you shit,” Pearl pinched Marina’s shoulder, hard.
“Well now...that’s some real charm… how could I ever resist?” Marina squirmed in Pearl’s arm, using all the strength her sleepy arms had to offer to rest on her elbows, hovering over Pearl. “What.” She said flatly.
“Just noticing how much of a morning person you are…” Pearl smiled, lifting her head up to kiss Marina. She pulled away for a moment. “Your morning breath is gross.”
“You’re not too bad yourself,” Marina muttered dryly. She leaned down this time, meeting Pearl halfway. They kissed softly, lazily in the way only the early morning can bring. Pearl slid her hand under Marina’s shirt, splaying her fingers over the small of her back.
Marina sighed lightly against Pearl’s lips, letting herself melt.
“Hey,” Marina muttered between kisses. “…do you know what time it really is?”
Pearl paused, her lips buzzing and kiss-red. She craned her neck, peering around Marina’s arm at the clock.
“Remember how I said we have time?” She smiled.
“I lied.”
Marina’s eyes widened, and she looked at the clock. She nearly choked on an inhale, scrambling off the couch. Pearl pouted, shivering at the sudden loss of warmth.
“Are you crazy!? We have to be at the studio!” Marina ran to her bedroom, halfway pulling her shirt off. The door slammed shut.
Pearl glanced down at her own outfit, a baggy shirt with questionable stains, and an old pair of shorts with ripped pockets. She should probably get changed, too.
She looked over at the remnants of the ice cream goo in the tub, two spoons sticking out haphazardly. Today was going to be a long day.
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velez10haley-blog · 6 years
Rivertowne Dental: Trustworthy Dentists in Oxon Hill MD
Many people would love to have a white smile but have no clue on how to properly take care of their teeth and are also looking for #keyword#. If you have been searching for ways to practice better dental care but don't know where to turn, relax, you're in the right place. Keep reading for great tips that will help you achieve that perfect smile. How much time do you spend on brushing your teeth? If you want to brush your teeth efficiently, you will have to spend some time on each tooth so you can brush both sides as well as the space in between teeth. Use an egg-timer if you want to make sure you spend enough time on brushing your teeth. Only use mouthwash free of alcohol. Alcohol as an ingredient can dry out the tissues in your mouth. This creates a breeding ground for the very bacteria you are hoping to avoid. Alcohol-free mouthwash is also less of a temptation for kids and teenagers looking to experiment with when bored. It is significant to teach kids the importance of good dental care as early as possible. Help them to understand why brushing is important and how it keeps their teeth clean. Establishing good early habits will set the foundation for your child taking care of their teeth as they get older. Remember to clean your tongue. You may brush your teeth regularly, but are you remembering to keep your tongue clean as well? Cleaning your tongue is important, especially if you want your breath to smell clean and fresh. Make sure to scrape or, at the very least, brush your tongue on a regular basis. Begin taking your children to the dentist at an early age. It is advisable that their first visit happen very soon after the first tooth comes in. The dentist can evaluate how the baby teeth are growing and look for any abnormalities in the tooth surface. In addition, he or she can provide you with some good tips on taking care of the child's teeth at home. orthodontist near me Drinking soft drinks is not very good for you, but if you are going to have one you should select one that is diet. Those of you that insist on drinking a full-calorie beverage should drinking it rather quickly instead of sipping it since this limits the contact it makes with your teeth. If you are deathly afraid of spending time in the dentist's chair, you might be tempted to skip cleanings or procedures altogether. This is a bad idea, especially since poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease or even diabetes. Consider sedation dentistry, in which the patient is not awake during the appointment. Furthermore, some dentists will prescribe sedatives prior to the appointment. If you use either option, you must have someone who can drive you to and from the appointment. Don't brush right after consuming citrus or any foods with lemon. Due to the composition of your teeth, you could actually cause harm by brushing right away. Instead, immediately rinse your mouth with water and follow up with a piece of sugar-free gum. Whenever you have pain in your mouth, have a dentist check it out. You might have an abscess in your mouth which is an infection beneath the gum line. This can leave you with major health problems, especially if it ends up in your bloodstream. Get it dealt with today. If your teeth are sensitive, most dentists recommend that you use a special toothpaste available at the drug store or even discount retailers to help seal up the tubules leading to the nerves in your teeth. This is the best way to deal with the problem once and for all. Choosing a toothbrush that has the proper bristles for your needs is important. Ideally bristles should be firm enough to remove plaque but not so firm that they irritate and damage your gums. Whether you choose angled bristles or straight bristles is a personal choice and depends on which type you feel works best. If you need to have a dental procedure done, make sure that you ask about the costs before you have the procedure. If you have insurance, find out how much your insurance will cover. You should also ask about payment plans if you cannot afford to pay up front. If you know what the cost is going to be, you can properly plan for your appointment. Use apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash in the morning. This is an excellent way for you to get fresh breath, but more than that, apple cider vinegar can also get rid of stains on your teeth and make your teeth appear brighter. Apple cider vinegar is very inexpensive, so this is a wonderful tool in your dental care. Make sure to replace your toothbrush on a regular basis. Usually a toothbrush should be replaced after three months. But you should replace it sooner if it becoming worn, falling apart or the bristles are bent out of shape. Some toothbrushes even come with color indicators that fade over time and let you know when it is time to be replaced. You now see how easy it can be to have that brighter smile. All it takes is being educated with great tips such as the ones presented here. The next step is to follow the tips here and use them to guide you along to that perfect set of white teeth.
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fernandolekh · 3 years
New year | New Collection | New Savings – Wholesale Mart
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Are you bored with finding the best online shopping for bulk groceries ?
This is the right platform for you at the Wholesalemart Grocery store in Singapore. Check more details about the New Year Sale below.
Let’s celebrate the New year with more savings! Shopping in Wholesale Mart is easier, plus it’s one of the best ways to save more money on groceries from the wholesale market. Get the best products at wholesale prices when you order online in 2022. 
Now buy bulk grocery products for your business with us. We assure the best grocery delivery service and smoothest shopping experience for our customers. 
Wholesale Mart is launched especially for customers, business owners, and retailers like you! Our online grocery store is easy-to-use and enables shopping at your fingertips.
Wholesale Mart: How Can You Save More? 
We have almost everything your shop needs from Staples like Rice & Pulses, Beverages like Coffee & Soft Drinks to Cleaning materials and FMCG products. 
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Our Wholesale Store has Personal Care products, Laundry utilities, Staples, Spices, Snacks & more. It’s like a one-stop store for all your online grocery shopping needs. 
Here’s a list of products available online at Wholesale Mart:
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Let’s Shop More & Save More!
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nikkidrobertson · 6 years
Guest Post: Worthwhile Rainy Day Activities for Your Children
Guest Blog by Jenny Wise, a stay-at-home parent to four beautiful children.  Jenny's blog, Special Home Educator,  has a focus on homeschooling and children with special needs.
Image courtesy of Pixabay
When your kids are cooped up and going stir crazy, it can make the whole house feel a little nuts. Take the edge off with worthwhile activities! Here are some ideas that are educational, entertaining, and help your children grow.
Physical Playtime
I confess, sometimes I envy the energy levels my children have! Doing something physical is a terrific way for youngsters to blow off steam. What’s more, some studies show children need exercise to help them grow strong muscles and bones. In fact, they need a full hour of play every day to meet their bodies’ requirements. To meet those needs when they are stuck inside, you can turn on exercise videos from YouTube or teach them some pillow fight games. Competing in pillow fight games is a fun way for them to be active inside while also learning game strategy and how to follow instructions. They’ll enhance their motor skills, work on coordination, and build self-confidence, all while having a wonderful time!
Explore Creativity
Encouraging your children to get in touch with their artistic and musical abilities is a great way to keep them learning and productive on a rainy day. A2Z Homeschooling suggests a variety of music-oriented online lessons. For example, your children can learn to play an instrument on websites such as FiddleQuest, which helps kids learn violin with support from an interactive community of instructors and students. Danman’s Music Library and Music School offers instruction on a wide variety of instruments, such as flute, piano, guitar, trumpet, drums, or violin, along with voice lessons and instruction on composition and music theory. For those more inclined toward drawing or painting, Our Good Family recommends Sparketh for online tutorials, noting instruction is clear enough for children to follow on their own, and lessons are broken into easy-to-swallow segments so kids don’t become bored or overwhelmed.  
Recreational Reading
Pleasure reading is a terrific way for kids to pass the time, and it also is a hobby they can enjoy for the rest of their lives. Reading opens up their ability to pursue information when they want it and keep their minds growing. One idea for your rainy day entertainment is to start a book club. Your kids can participate with friends, or you can develop other activities from your children’s selections, like creating elephant’s toothpaste after reading about elephants. Talk with them about the size of the toothbrush for those big tusks! And if your kids aren’t too keen on their own hygiene, it’s a fun way to bring up the subject of their dental care. I love multitasking teaching opportunities, and some experts suggest incorporating storytime into toothbrushing. You could entwine your elephant stories with your daily routine and capitalize that way, too!  
Get Cookin’
Kids love to make things in the kitchen, so Babble recommends cooking up some fun! Make a batch of brownies or cut-out cookies you can decorate together. Or, make bread dough and have the kiddos help with kneading it and then watch it rise! You can also throw together a batch of soup with a kid-oriented recipe. Soups are a healthful and interesting way to eat veggies and can provide a variety of nutrients. Cooking and baking involve math and reading skills they won’t even notice using, and they will work on following sequential directions to boot. Let them select what you make so they have ownership in what they’re doing. In the end, you can enjoy your yummy creations together -- it’s a win-win!
Rainy Day Fun!
When it’s raining outside and your children are feeling cooped up, find entertainment that is good for them. Give them exercise, inspire their creativity, encourage reading, and get them in the kitchen. With well-chosen activities, you and your kids will look forward to those rainy days together!
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