#subtype symbiont
Symbiont Subtype
Creatures with the symbiont subtype can join with a host creature. A symbiont occupies part of the host creature's body - sometimes, but not always, limiting the number of magic items the host can use in the same way a magic item does. Like intelligent magic items, symbionts have Ego scores, which reflect their strength of will and drive for power. Symbionts with high Ego scores, like magic items of similar sort, can sometimes take control of their host creatures.
The ego score of a symbiont is determined in the same way as that of a magic item, and listed in each symbiont's entry in the Abilities line. Add the symbiont's Intelligent, Wisdom, and Charisma bonuses (if any) to determine its base Ego score. Add 1 for each special quality and 2 for each special attack. Add 4 if the symbiont is an outsider.
If the host creature does not share the symbiont's alignment and goals, a conflict results between the symbiont and the host creature. Similarly, a symbiont with an Ego score of 20 or higher always considers itself superior to its host, and a personality conflict results if the host does not always agree with the symbiont.
When a personality conflict occurs, the host must make a Will saving throw (DC = symbiont's Ego score). If the host creature succeeds, it is dominant. If the host fails, the symbiont is dominant. Dominance lasts for one day or until a critical situation occurs (such as a major battle, a serious threat to either the symbiont or the host, and so on - GM's discretion). Should a symbiont gain dominance, it directly controls the host creature's actions until the host regains dominance. For more information on ego conflicts, see Items against Character on page 535 of the Core Rulebook.
Symbiont Traits: When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. It acts on its host's turn each round, regardless of its own initiative modifier. It is not flat-footed unless its host is, and it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.
If a symbiont is attached to a visible part of the host creature's body, opponents can attack the symbiont itself instead of its host creature. This works the same way as attacking an object: The symbiont gains the benefit of the host's Dexterity modifier to AC instead of its own, and gains any deflection bonus to AC the host has as well. Its own size modifier and natural armor bonus, if any, apply. Attacking a symbiont instead of its host provokes an attack of opportunity from the host.
A symbiont never takes damage from attacks directed at the host. Like a worn magic item, a symbiont is usually unaffected by spells that damage the host, but if the host rolls a 1 on its saving throw, the symbiont is one of the “items” that can be affected by the spell (see Items Surviving after a Saving Throw, page 217 of the Core Rulebook). A symbiont uses its host’s base saving throw bonuses if they are better than its own.
Share Spells (Su): Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a target of “You” on its symbiont instead of on itself. Likewise, a symbiont can choose to have any spell or spell-like ability it uses on itself also affect the host creature, and can cast a spell with a target of “You” on its host instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells targeted on the host by another spellcaster do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa.
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