mcrfanficsforall · 7 years
Frank and Gerard are Americans from Jersey who meet for the first time in 1976 as expats in London. Frank has fallen in with a group of London punks whose noise and rage offer more than the study-abroad year he abandoned. Music has always touched him deeply, but he's reluctant to dredge up the complicated past. Gerard is a struggling photographer and a hanger-on from the art school crowd. He possibly takes too many pills. He may be losing track of where to go next with his art.
1970s Brit punk AU. Remix of Giovanni’s Room, by James Baldwin.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Pete blinks. That last shot should be hitting his bloodstream right about now, he thinks. He’s grateful for it, because he’s pretty sure he should be stopping this conversation, and it would suck to be cockblocked by his own sobriety.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Gerard is about one month away from graduating college, and the deadline for his final big Art project is getting closer. He’s got one idea for it, but because of what it involves, he’s been procrastinating it an awful lot just because he can’t find the words to ask his best friend to pose for him. Naked. When he does, though, Gerard realizes it’s not only about painting. It’s about their friendship, it’s about fighting for some control. And it’s also about keeping his attraction in silence as the younger boy seems to constantly read his mind.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
“It’s like reverse hide-and-seek, you know? One person’s It and they have to hide and everybody else has to try and find them and then hide with them, and the last person to find them is the next It person,” he said. “Ad infinitum.”
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
In which Gerard fails and somehow still ends up in love anyway.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
It’s the office annual Christmas party and Frank Iero is drunkety drunk, drunk, drunk!
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
When Frank is drunk, a lot of things confuse him. Thankfully the Ways are there to confuse him more help him out.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Five wave-goodbyes Mikey had. (Pete, Gerard, Gabe, Bob, Adam)
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Just an alien in New Jersey, looking for a mate.
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