mcrfanficsforall · 7 years
Frank's worked hard to build a life for himself in the city of Jersey, where dragons swoop and dive over the river, and every day is divided by the ringing of the city bells. He knows the streets of the city like he knows the the tattoos on the backs of his hands, and he's content with what he has: a job as a bike courier, friends who love to give him shit, and a crush on a professor of art history at the local university.
But he's also got a secret—one he's been running from for a long time. But all it takes is one delivery to a mysterious, quite-probably-magical bookshop to show Frank that there are some things you can’t outrun. Especially since he’s finally found a place that he doesn’t want to leave.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
"Did you just put rainbow sprinkles on a mocha?" asks Patrick incredulously.
"Yup," says Pete. "It's a crucial step in my seduction plot. Step two is being amazing at history. Step three, blowjobs."
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Joe’s Diner is always pretty empty on a Wednesday lunch hour. It’s too late for the business men to grab one last cup of coffee before they head off to the office for an early afternoon meeting, and too early for the school kids looking to fill up on curly fries and chocolate milkshakes.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Mikey is a Veela and Bob is his mate.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
CSI - basically
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Frank gets in a little trouble at school.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Gerard is about one month away from graduating college, and the deadline for his final big Art project is getting closer. He’s got one idea for it, but because of what it involves, he’s been procrastinating it an awful lot just because he can’t find the words to ask his best friend to pose for him. Naked. When he does, though, Gerard realizes it’s not only about painting. It’s about their friendship, it’s about fighting for some control. And it’s also about keeping his attraction in silence as the younger boy seems to constantly read his mind.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Frank/Gerard domestic disasters.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Working Girl AU.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Gathered Here to Witness: Gerard flies in from France in time for Mikey and Alicia to walk down the aisle, and to meet Frank at smoker’s lane.
In the Springtime: Frank’s Big Gay Paris Vacation.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
“It’s like reverse hide-and-seek, you know? One person’s It and they have to hide and everybody else has to try and find them and then hide with them, and the last person to find them is the next It person,” he said. “Ad infinitum.”
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Foreclosed: The bright side, Gerard told himself as he painted canvas after canvas of scorpions and Frank’s smile, was that he never had to go back to that coffee house again. He wasn’t even sure he could find it again, let alone go inside and be a creepy stalker. Well, the stalker part he was sure he could do, it was the finding the coffee house that he couldn’t.
Two AM: “Hey everybody,” Frank spoke into the microphone, voice echoing into the corners of the room. “You all know me, and I think I know all you. But right now, I’m not your friendly neighborhood barista. Tonight, I’m just a guy, and I just have one thing I want to say. So I hope you’re all listening, especially that guy at the back table.” [Sequel/coda to Foreclosed]
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
It’s not like Gerard’s stalking Hot Train Guy or anything. He doesn’t know his address, or what he does, or whether or not he’s single, or his name, or anything really, except that he takes the 7:45 train from Hoboken to the WTC, loves the Times crossword, has at least one tattoo, and is really, really hot. If Gerard ever got to the train station early, he might know more than that—Hot Train Guy, unlike Gerard, is always there well ahead of time—but since that would involve actually striking up a conversation, it’s probably for the best that Gerard is chronically almost-late.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
The Cruelty-Free Sausagefests of Pleathermouth Vegan Cafe: Pleathermouth Vegan Cafe, says the sign in front of the next place on Gerard’s job-seeking list, and he decides that it may be prudent to finish his cheeseburger before entering.
Nibble Clamps: He’s decided to go with a standard white cake base and ice with alternating chocolate-almond and vanilla-raspberry frostings. The nipple clamps, of course, will be marzipan.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
“You are the sexiest motherfucker who has ever bought a cup of coffee from this fine establishment,” Pete tells Mikey solemnly.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Mikey is a Veela and Bob is his mate.
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