mychemfanfics · 8 years
“I’m not crazy,” Gerard repeats and does exactly know how this sounds after he told his fourteen year old brother (fourteen, oh my god, he thinks) that he isn’t in his body, but that he’s still Gerard.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
That one day Gerard wakes up eighteen again. Frank is not on board with slaughtering a goat and Bob saves the day.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Ray’s girlfriend throws him out and he moves in with Bob. A story about friendship.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Shades of Black or Gerard the Littlest Vampire: Frank’s life sucks and he is only eight! Then one cold winter evening he meets Gerard and things start to look up, but what Frank doesn’t know is that the little boy is a vampire. And with Frank growing up and Gerard not their problems just begin. A tale about a childhood love that can never be. (Or you know, until magic happens.)
A Paler Shade of White: Gerard is only eight years old when he dies and his unlife begins. Roughly 70 years of Gerard being tiny and emo, Ryan being mean and Travis being awesome. Also, with bonus Pete/Patrick! Gerard’s story and a prequel to Shades of black.
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mychemfanfics · 8 years
Pete sprays graffiti, the Ways own a comic store and 'The true and fabulous lives of the Killjoys' are a metaphor more often than not.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
If there was a supernatural thing in the area, it would find Gerard. Obviously.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Mikey doesn’t know how to say what he thinks is wrong with him and Gerard, and pictures sometimes speak louder than words anyway.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Sometimes Mikey isn’t sure what is real and what is not. His brother’s face in the mirror might be both.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy loses girl – MCR-style.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
That one day Gerard wakes up eighteen again. Frank is not on board with slaughtering a goat and Bob saves the day.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Frank gets a little too exited in the moshpit, Gerard gets annoyed and Bob...Bob tries to figure things out, or maybe he's waiting for Frank to figure things out.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Frank knows that Gerard and Mikey are trying to tell him something important, he just can't seem to figure it out.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Ray's girlfriend throws him out and he moves in with Bob. A story about friendship.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
There are things Mikey is willing to do and there are things Mikey is willing to do for his brother.
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
Five wave-goodbyes Mikey had. (Pete, Gerard, Gabe, Bob, Adam)
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mcrfanficsforall · 11 years
This is a story about twisted grand gestures.
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