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erikftglitter Ā· 4 months ago
The Piteous Life of Dr. Stevensā€™ New Wife
Erik Killmonger AU
Created By: Erikftglitter
The Piteous Life of Dr. Stevensā€™ New Wife
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Dr. Erik Stevens leads a life shrouded in silence and solitude, retreating into the shadows of his isolated existence outside the hospital. Haunted by his past and determined to shield those around him from his turmoil, he avoids all human connection. So when middle school teacher and unsuspecting Kari Evans extends an invitation into her world, she unknowingly opens a door to understanding the sadistic nature of Dr. Erik ā€œKillmongerā€ Stevens.
Kari was humbled by most of the comments from married women in her life. A perfect man did not exist and she shouldnā€™t waste her vital years searching for him. She ought to be somewhat happy with a man and raise a family. Having a hobby or two would fulfill the gaps of unhappiness.
She almost believed that until she was hit by a shopping cart in the grocery store.
ā€œOw!ā€ She exclaimed. The metal cart had unexpectedly hit the side of her body when she was shopping for cereal. So much for looking for a balanced breakfast.
ā€œOh my goodness. Iā€™m very sorry.ā€ The man rushed over to Kari and pushed his cart away from her body. She couldnā€™t even process a response before she felt her shirt being lifted by the man as he examined the damage. What the hell?
ā€œThereā€™s a little redness present and the indentations from the cart should subside within the next half an hour. Iā€™m very sorry maā€™am.ā€
He spoke softly and surely. If he hadnā€™t hit her a few moments ago heā€™d have an advantage over the rest of the men in the small town. He helped her off the ground and she didnā€™t miss the sizable difference between his hands and her body.
Snapping out of her daze by the painfully obvious fact that the man was clearly waiting for a response from her.
ā€œI-Itā€™s alright. Iā€™m okay.ā€ She stammered. It was partially from being flustered by the presence of the man in front of her and partially because she was just face to face with grocery store tiles.
He was perfect. Tall, brownskin, with a build that made her heart flutter. His hair was cut low and he was wearing gold frames that complimented his facial structure perfectly. Her touch starved description of the beautiful man was cut short by his voice.
ā€œIā€™m Erik,ā€ His eyes never left hers. ā€œDr. Erik Stevens. Again Iā€™m very sorry for that. Iā€™m a general surgeon at Oregon Medical Center and Iā€™m just trying to figure out what the hell these interns wrote.ā€ He looked down at the white paper in utter confusion and tried to make out the scribbles on the paper. They were definitely living up to the theory that doctors had atrocious handwriting.
ā€œItā€™s alright.ā€ Kari had enough embarrassment for the day. Being star-struck by a beautiful man in the grocery store after being struck by his shopping cart full of coffee was going to supply enough ammunition for the next year to keep her wide awake at night.
ā€œWell can I make sure that you get to your car safely?ā€ The doctor asked. He was genuinely upset by his actions. It wasnā€™t like him to multitask and hurt someone. He had always lived by that and he was in the process of teaching his new set of medical students the same thing.
ā€œNo, that's okay Dr. Stevens. Iā€™m fine.ā€ Kari just wanted this interaction to stop so that she could curl up into a ball. She was already an anxious adult and it didnā€™t take much for her to feel overwhelmed. She would just finish grocery shopping another time and at another store completely.
She completely missed how the man drank in her appearance or how his dick jumped at the way she said his name. Erik could just mount the smaller women in the breakfast aisle, but he remained calm. However, his ego was ready to play.
This was an exhausting life for the older man as well. He had started his career in the United States Navy SEALS and practiced medicine in the field. Saving hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the process of his studies. His ability to read people was instinctual and both a blessing and a curse.
Sometimes he longed to be normal. To be able to relate to the other surgeons. To have a wife and kids at home and have simple hobbies outside of work, but Dr. Stevens had a very big problem.
He was not relatable. Not even in the slightest. The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that he suffered from made him a permanent victim of insomnia and isolation. After work he worked out, ate, and stayed in complete silence or else his body would not be functional and he would take over again. And he loved to play.
He thought that he was doing a good thing by checking to see if the woman was okay, for heavenā€™s sake he sees all types of body parts every single day. He was pretty desensitized to anything. Heā€™s not sure whatā€™s triggering the unexpected reunion with him, but he would love it if he went back to hiding.
There was no cure for Erikā€™s predicament. The Navy created a permanent presence that he could not erase. He was always there underneath the surface waiting to play and Erik just did his best to regulate him. For the most part they were satisfied. He was rich, worked alongside beautiful women that were thankfully married (or else he wouldā€™ve probably been in trouble a long time ago), and with the relocation to Oregon he thought that he would have a nice quiet life.
But Kari was triggering him. Maybe it was the clear aversion of eye contact, or maybe the way she gasped and how her lips parted, or maybe it was just the beauty of her existence. Erik and his ego were both in agreement with the latter part and that was never a good thing.
Erik lived in a permanent state of forced celibacy. Between his unexpected reunions with his ego and the way that his PTSD would randomly flare up, his conscious brain felt better about not putting a woman close in his grasp. It had been five years since his last sexual encounter and he fucking hated it. Sure he worked with women and found some attractive here and there, but he was an absolute extremist. If he was not strongly attracted to them then they did not exist. It was not like women hadnā€™t tried. Some even had the arrogance to imply that he was gay because of his lack of attraction towards them, but the Navy trains you to be a centered being. If he couldnā€™t control his own dick then he had no business being a trained assassin. Especially being a legally endorsed assassin.
Kariā€™s voluminous curls were doing something to him. The matching athletic suit that complimented her figure, the doe eyes of pure submission, and her soft spoken voice had his palms sweating. He needed to get away from this woman quickly. But he was too late. Kill was already there and ready to play.
ā€œWell at least allow me to pay for your groceries. I insist.ā€ He smiled at Kari. He watched her face intensely as she debated the offer. This woman was in for it.
Kari continued her shopping as usual. Sheā€™s not sure why the gentleman is so persistent about paying for her groceries, but the teacher salary in the small town of Caber City, Oregon was pitiful. Almost as pitiful as Kari. She didnā€™t expect him to merge their carts and shop together but sheā€™d be a liar if she didnā€™t admit that the company was nice.
She didnā€™t have many friends or any for that matter. All of her childhood friends moved out of Caber City as soon as the opportunity presented itself. She had been raised by her grandparents and took care of them both up until their deaths. She lived a quiet life in the big house that they left her. She wondered every day if she should just follow the path of the rest of her coworkers at CC Middle School and just marry someone she went to highschool with.
ā€œYou donā€™t have to be back soon Dr. Stevens?ā€ Kari asked after several moments of silence. Her thoughts were becoming too much for her and she wasnā€™t home to self-regulate.
ā€œNo.ā€ He answered quickly. ā€œToo many hours. They practically kicked me out.ā€ He added. Kari tried to hide the smile creeping up on her face, but Erik didnā€™t miss the way that her eyes silently confirmed her satisfaction.
ā€œI suppose no wife or children are waiting for you at home then, huh?ā€ Kari was trying not to be painfully obvious at her attempts to know the man a bit better, but if he was going to follow her around and pay for her groceries, then she would feel better if he played into her fantasy. She would probably think about it every day.
ā€œCorrect. Long hours are not enough time to get to that I suppose.ā€ Erik replied. That wasnā€™t a complete lie. Kari nodded. He wondered what she was thinking about. He wondered if sheā€™d been interested or intimidated by him by now. His ego didnā€™t care either way.
It didnā€™t take Kari long to finish her list and to help Erik with his. He didnā€™t mind how long it took, truly. He was more interested in the athletic two piece set that she wore. He wanted nothing more than to rip it off to reveal her stunning figure. The things that he would do to this woman were unacceptable.
Once Erik kept his promise to pay for all her groceries and for their shopping to conclude; Kari almost felt sad. Who was Dr. Stevens really? How could she get to know him more? Oh what hell she had already been embarrassed enough, whatā€™s the worst that could happen?
Erik was fighting a silent battle between himself. He was almost back in control when they left the grocery store and entered the parking lot. All he had to do was load the bags into her car and to get to his car. Then he could take a cold shower and return back to himself and this beautiful woman could return back to hers without his interruption.
ā€œHey. Why donā€™t I show you around Caber City sometime?ā€
Those ten words were enough to make Erik completely lose control. Oh how close you were to being a free woman, he thought silently. With a sinister smile Erik agreed to the womanā€™s offer.
ā€œIā€™d love that.ā€
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rimaiahwrites Ā· 2 years ago
Our secret
Dom!Erik x subblack!reader, dom x sub, smut!, swear words, age difference, big brothers best friend, fluffy kinda, dd/lg themes but itā€™s never addressed as dd/lg
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Erik Clinched his glass of cold lemonade with his Left hand, almost feeling like it could break in anytime. He bite his lip and gritted his teeth together as he watched his best friends little sister hang upside down on the white porch swing with a book in her hand. Her legs hung over the head of the swing and her white Church shoes clicked together as she read softly to herself. Her Rosy red swollen lip moved gracefully as she eyes scanned over the book page.
She was reading a book he has seen her read a thousands times. She called it a classic that she could never get tried of, Erik only laughed at her and said she was eventually going to get tried of it.
Her legs rubbed together making her light yellow dress slip down her legs and slightly exposed her pink panties. A animalistic growl vibrated through his chest but he quickly covered it up with a cough and moved away from the window when he heard his friend Approaching the kitchen.
"My mom called and told me to go to the store and get some eggs and milk. You can stay if you want it'll only take like 30 minutes." Erik nodded and sat down on the couch that was wrapped in A plastic cover.
"Alright I'll just play this game until you get back," he smirked leaning back with the Game controller in his lap. "Yeah get all the practice you can get because when I get back imma kick your ass!" Dwayne laugh his way out of the house and began his walk to the store. Erik jumped up and looked out the window and saw that he was out of sight.
He walked back to the kitchen and saw that she was still in the same position that she was in when he left. He made his way outside and sat right beside her on the swinging seat. She looked up from her book and smiled at him. "Hi." She spoke softly. She pushed her legs up flip over the chair and her dress flipped over her head. "That's not very ladylike little one," he said and pulled her dress down for her, her cheeks grow hot but she acted like she didn't care by shrugging and say- "I'm not a lady I'm a 18 year old. I'll wait to be ladylike when I get old." She Sassed sitting on the swing next to him. "Is that so" He raised eyebrow while biting his lip. She nodded. "Plus it's just you Erik..." he chuckled a little. "What does that mean?" He asked as he watched her Fiddle with his fingers.
"You have been my brother's best friend since you guys were 12 so your like a big brother to me and I know you haven't tell on me," she smiled bopping him on the nose with her finger. He bite it and she gasped. "That's not very nice E, you got your nasty spit on me" she said pouting as she wiped his saliva on her dress not even really caring much about it. Nether of them did.
"Ok and?" He put his finger in his mouth and stuck it in her ear without a second thought. She smacked his hand away and pushed his arm from around her shoulder. "Why would you do that? That was disgusting," he tried to hold in his laughter but he failed and end up bent over from laughing so hard. When he sat up and lend against him and slide her whole tongue across his face. His smile drop and If looks could kill she'd be a dead girl right now.
"Alright bet, come her-" he lunged for her but she squealed and hopped off the swing and run into the house before he could grab, he chased her all the way up stairs and she screamed the whole way up until she got to her room, Erik stopped in his tracks when he didn't see her anywhere in there. he began to look around the room because he was 100% sure that she ran in here. "______! Where you at little girl..." He whispered looking under her bed but she wasn't under there. He looked behind the door, in the bathroom, in the tube, in the toilet , behind the curtains but she was no where to be found.
"What the fuck I know she ran in here-" He Paused when he hear her giggling come from the closet, He turn on his heals and walked towards it, he swung the door open was met with nothing but the cute little Fluffy dresses she loves to wear. "_____ I won't hurt you I just wanna play" he said in a fake creepy voice. She put both of her hands over her mouth as excitement tangled through her body feeling like she was still getting Chased. He dug deeper in the closet pushing her dresses apart and he found a little white door that blended in with the walls, he honestly wouldn't even have found it if it wasn't for her giggles and the door knob sticking out of the wall. He was shocked when he opened it to find a whole decorated bedroom with a tv, DVD player a whole mini fridge with snacks on top of it and a giggling y/n sitting there.
"What the hell-" he said walking all the way In the room. she smiled at him brightly before standing up and shouting- "you found me!"
"I did find you.What's my prize?" She bite her lip innocently and shrugged batting her eyelashes at him. "The prize is you get the honor to be the only person to step foot in here besides me, not even my mom or dad know about this place." He sat next to her and pulled her on his lap and she sat with hesitation or a question asked. "Eh That's cool and all but I would much weather it if I get to lick you back," she huffed. "Mm no, I got the last lick so let's just leave it at that. I won." She sassed closing her eyes sticking her tongue out at him teasingly. He hesitated a little bit before He flick his tongue against her and she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "EW WH-" then he licked her hand then her arm then her lips all together. "I won." He chuckled at her experience.
Leaning back on the blankets and pillows all over the floor. It was her cute makeshift bed. He grabbed her from underneath her arm and sat him on her lap so she was straddling him. She dress bunched up slightly and she laid it back down. She rested her dainty hands on his stomach and smiled up at him. His breath quicken and she noticed.Ā  "Yeah, yeah whatever." She said rolling her eyes and moving her head side to side and her two ponytails bobbed a little. It caught his attention and he flick one with his middle finger.
"I like your little bunny tails." She was confused. "They look more like big bunny tails then a ponytail , pony hair is straight and long. You're is big and puffy." He Explained was she busted into a fit of giggles and laughter. She calmed down and nodded her head agreeing with him. They did look more like a bunny tail then a pony.
"I never thought of that. You're right." She smiled at him, he adore her smile with everything in him. He adore her just in general and it was getting harder and harder to hide the fact. He felt wrong for feeling this way towards her because of the age difference and the fact that it was his best friend's little sister, he knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it.
"You are so fuckin' cute little one." He spoke softly licking his lips slowly. "Thank you..." She said back but he wasn't even listening because he was to focused on her plump lips moving softly as she spoke. The position they were in only made his Dirty thoughts and behavior worst. His hands slide up her thighs in reaction to the dress rising up her legs. He grip her tightly and she whimpered softly In Surprise. Her muscles began to relax in his hands as he Massage her chocolate Colored thighs. "You look so cute in this little dress you know that?-" her breathing seem to quicken to at this point and she didn't know why. He was just Simply touching her. She thought.
She squirmed in his lap and he damn near moaned. Her covered flower was laying right against him and it was driving him crazy knowing that the only thing that was keeping them apart from each other was her thin little pink panties and his dark black ripped jeans.
He wanted so badly to be buried in her cave, deep and swollen. Her pink lips gripping his member as he stroked her deeper then she could ever imagine he could go.
He felt his precum stain his boxers and he cursed himself for having such dirty thoughts about the little 18 year old sitting on him.
She brought his hands up higher on his chest, and lifted up a little so his bulge was laying right Against her aching pussy.
Erik noticed her discomfort and asked what was wrong. "I-I feel....funny?" She said more as a question then statement. His Curiosity peaked up. "What do you feel like? Is it a bad funny or is it a good funny?" He said as he ran his thumb over her jaw line and bottom lip which was red from her biting, picking, and licking it. She thought for a second and sat back on him. Excitement and tingles shot up to her clit. It shocked her and made her legs wobble a little bit. "I don't know if I like this feeling." She purred like a kitten and leaned into his hand like a cat would do to it's owner. "You want me to make it go away?" He cooed. She nodded her head desperately as the feeling only got stronger the more he spoke to her in such a low tone it seem.
"It feels funny right here?" He lifted her little light yellow dress and pointed to her covered flower. "Y-yes" She whined beginning to get frustrated with the whole situation. "If you want me to help you, you know I gotta take your panties off and touch you right?" He asked wanting to be sure she was 100% ok with this. "I know. Please hurry." She confirm and gripped his shirt tightly. He smiled feeling like he just won the lottery.
He brought her Down to lay flat on his chest while her ass was pointed up into the air. He kissed her plump lips with passion and pent up lust for the paste year of wanting to touch and kiss her. She gasped out of surprise. He was her first kiss and he couldn't be happier about that. His lips moving slow with hunger in his motions. She was in shock but nonetheless kept moving her tongue against his slick one. He broke the kiss and flipped her over so he was on top, he grabbed her hard nipples in his fingers and pinched Them roughly, she gasped and Arched. "Erik please, your making it worse are you sure you know what you're doing?" She asked innocently. Erik chuckled and pressed his thumb onto her clit making her Chest rise up against his.
"Yeah I think I know what I'm doing lil mama." Her breath came out short and quick while The warm heat of his breath tickled her jawline. He licked the crease of her neck and jaw sending chills down her back.
His arm wrapped around her Waist and down her ass. He slide his big hands down to her soaked pussy.
It was wet and warm.
His shaky hands pulled her panties to the side and revealed her chocolate colored clit and her pink and creamy insides that glistened from her arousal.
Erik let out a weak breath before dragging his pointer finger down her clit and slit. Y/n let out whimper/squeal that made Erik's dick jump.
Erik studded her face the more he moved his fingers up and down her clit. Her face was relaxed and in bliss. She was in heaven.
"You hear that princess?" He asked as he speed up his hand movements making a wet and sticky sound fill the room. "That pretty pussy so wet baby." He spoken deeply. Her mouth dropped open letting out a stream of moans and whimpers. "Oh E! feel so good." She dragged out gripping the front of his shirt, while trying to hide her face in his chest.
"Why you hiding from me princess? Huh? Lemme see that pretty face." Erik whispered in her ear. She cried out his name trying to sit her upper body up without ruining her arch.
"Whatcha hiding for babygirl? You don't want me to see how good I'm making that pussy feel?" She shook her head. Her brown cheeks were so red from embarrassing that it shocked Erik. He's never seen a black person blush this hard before.
He smirked kissing her on the cheek then her lips. They were red and swollen from all the kissing but it turned him on even more.
"Erik..." she said frantically, popping her head up from his neck. He hide his smile from her by biting his lip. "E, wait I feel like imma pee on myself!" She panicked trying to lift up from his chest, but he held her there.
"You about to cum babygirl stay still." She was still squirming around from how intense it felt. There was a knot in of her stomach and a sensation in the core of her vagina that felt incredibly too good. It was to much for her.
The feeling was getting stronger and stronger and she couldn't help the moans and gibberish words that left her mouth.
Erik's hand stayed on her clit and just before she could cum his finger stopped. He wanted nothing more then to edge her and make her cry.
Her tense body relaxed and her big brown eyes popped open and she looked Furious.
"Erik why did you stop?" She whined smacking him on the chest. "Tell me what you want princess, beg for me to give it to you." He said grabbing her chin and pulling her face to his.
"Tell me princess." She closed her eyes, and opened her mouth to speak. "Uh uh open yo eyes and tell me like a big girl." He said in a hushed tone.
"Umm I-.... Erik" she pouted kicking her foot, too embarrassed to actually tell him herself. "Please Erik? I can't-"
"Yes you can, Tell me you want to rub on ya pussy." She bite her lips as tears began to blurry her vision. "I'm too embarrassed..." Erik chuckled before he started to glide his fingers up and down her pussy really slowly. Y/n pushed her hips more against his hands so she could feel more of him.
"Please? I'll do anything you say....please just rub my pussy Erik please?" She finally blared out hiding her face back into his neck. Erik smile proud of her, and in no time his fingers were back on her clit and going to speed of lighting.
"Aww there you go princess, that all you had to say." He praised her. Kissing the side of her face as he watched her whole body slump over and eyes rolled to the back of her head.
The knot in her core before so tight that she couldn't even speak. He moved his fingers faster and the sound of slashing water filled the room. Her juices leaked all over his black jeans and the bottom of her dress.
Her body became Tease making her fingers locked them onto his plaid button up shirt and the plan black one he had underneath in a tight hold.
Erik watched as her mouth hung open and eye rolled as she mumbled "Erik, Erik oh my god yesss" over and over until her orgasm slowly faded away.
She laid there for a minute before finally sitting up in his lap. Her body was still slightly jerking from experiencing her very first orgasm.
Her eyes were hazy and low like she was high as she looked at Erik biting his lip. "You good baby?" She nodded her head before laying back on his chest.
"I have never done this before." She whispered looking up into his eyes. He looked back down at her. "I know, you like it?" He asked even though he already knew that answer. She shook her head fast making her bunny tails bounce.
Erik laughed before picking her up from his lap and sitting her on the pillows that were on the side of them.
"Where are you going?" She pouted up at him as he got up and walked to the door.
"I gotta get back down stairs before your brother get back princess." She sat up on her legs because poking her lips out for him to kiss. Erik laughter filled the room before he walked back over to her and kissed her deeply. Tongue swirling around her wet mouth.
He pulled Away after getting her a few more pecks, before leaving her Secret room and out of her room.
Just as Erik made it back down the stairs, y/b/n opened and slammed the door before throwing the grocery bag on the kitchen table.
"Alright you ready for me to kick yo ass in 2k?"
"You smell that?" Erik asked as he looked around the room. Y/b/n looked around confused sniffing the air. "It kinda smell like pus-" "Nah nigga it smell like CAP." Y/b/n fired back, plopping on the couch smirkingly.
The end.
(Y'all If the time line is off between this one and part two it's because I wrote this when I was 16 and I feel like now that I'm 19 the reader probably shouldn't be 16 fucking on a legal boy lmao)
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wipbigbang Ā· 11 months ago
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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creamecafe Ā· 10 months ago
It's like what side am I supposed to be on? šŸ¤­šŸ¤­
They need to stop making the villains so fine
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starcrossedxwriter Ā· 2 years ago
Here is the master list for all my fics! The date at the bottom is the last time it was updated (I try to keep it as updated as possible)
Thank YOU for reading, liking, reblogging, and commenting! I appreciate and LOVE the reception and feedback and commentary more than you could ever know - it fuels me and keeps the inspiration flowing!
All stories have a face claim. However, with all my OCs, I encourage folks to see themselves in the story! Also I love angst BUT all my stories are happily ever afters so enjoy the emotional rollercoasters knowing everyone'll be ok lol Thank you again for reading! Love y'all!
MBJ Fics:
Built for Love Series - Michael B Jordan x Famous OC Reader Charlotte Elsbeth Jordan
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Series Summary: Charlotte Bennett was not looking for love when she moved to LA and landed her first role in Creed. Quite the opposite actually. However, her costar, Michael B Jordan, makes her question everything she once believed possible for herself and her future. As she builds a life and relationship with him, ghosts from her past threaten to destroy it all.
Series Warnings: Violence, Mentions of past experiences with DV, Angst, Mature Sexual Content
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6**) (Interlude**) (7**) (8) (9) (10) (11**) (12)
Completely random one shots that follow Charlotte & MBJ as they navigate the world as Hollywoodā€™s Black power couple. Whether it be stardom, their work, parenthood, or relationship drama, the Jordans are building a love that will last a lifetime.
Oscar Night Part 1** (Part 2**)
Bleeding Through (1)
Falling Apart (1) (2)
Date Night**
GQ Couples Quiz
Wicked Fantasies - MBJ x Black OC
Moodboard: coming soon!
Series Summary: Ravenā€™s life, as of late, was one unexpected turn after another. It seemed as though every time she got a break and could get her head above water, something came tumbling to knock her back down. As she struggles to get her foot in the door of LAā€™s call girl scene to make extra money, she stumbles upon her big break: Michael B. Jordan, Hollywoodā€™s most famous, talented, and notorious actor, director, and playboy. One night of pleasure for him would solve many of her continuously mounting financial problems. However, an unlucky trip to the hospital and an ill-timed flash of a paparazziā€™s camera snag her the proposition of a lifetime, one that would solve all her problems and allow her to live out her most wicked fantasies with the sexist man alive. However, she forgot one cardinal rule: fantasies and pretend never last and reality would always come around eventually.Ā 
Warnings: Mature sexual content (18+), HEAVY Dom/Sub storyline (the whole nine), this is for the kinky girlsssssss, angst
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11.1)
Late Nights
MBJ Requests:
A Love That Never Fades (MBJ x OC)
Erik Killmonger Fics
Unbreakable - Erik Killmonger x Black OC
Moodboard: Coming soon!
Series Summary: Naja, the younger sister of the Queen of Wakanda, hated few things. And at the top of that shortlist: Prince Nā€™Jadaka. Well, if she were honest, he was the entirety of the list. Once destined to be a princess of Wakanda, Naja was the picture of kindness and grace. Now, she is hailed as Wakandaā€™s most fearless, dangerous, and reclusive war dog. After more than a decade of putting as much distance as possible between her and the life she almost had, Naja is forced to come face to face with the person she hates most again. With a threat looming over Wakanda and lives at risk, Naja must decide if trusting Prince N'Jadaka is worth the risk before it is too late.
Warnings: Angst
(1**) (2)
Last Updated: May 31, 2024
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justice-maul Ā· 2 years ago
Can I request NSFW headcanons for Killmonger?
Killmonger NSFW Alphabet | Headcanons
Author Note: They requester didnā€™t specify the gender so itā€™s neutral, and I didnā€™t know what to write for the headcanons so I did the alphabet template which is from @the-coldest-goodbye
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Warning(s)āš : Sub/Bottom Killmonger (we only do Dom/Top reader on this blog)
A = Aftercare (what theyā€™re like after sex)
This man does not like to sleep in a mess so he insists on showering (which may or may most lead to more sex,) and even cleans the sheets before finally laying down to relax and cuddle depending on his mood
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partnerā€™s)
On himself chest and arms, he loves the scars heā€™s imprinted on his chest and heā€™s proud to show them, his arms are his main work out point so this man is clearly buff when it comes to them
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He takes a while to cum but once he does itā€™s a pretty large amount, but he isnā€™t a big fan of you cumming inside of him he prefers for it to be on him like his thighs or back, and even likes it in his mouth
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Heā€™s a bit of a masochist, like heā€™s into impact play, or getting his nipples pinched, or something even a little extreme like getting a cigarette put out on him, I mean we saw what he did to his own body this man is definitely into some freaky shit
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what theyā€™re doing?)
Well experienced but not overly, he was in the military and mainly focused on his goals but as we saw in the movie heā€™s clearly had his fair share of sex but he hasnā€™t had the chance to explore most of his kinks yet
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
The power grab, itā€™s basically doggy style but, itā€™s when the dominating partner keeps their partner on their knees while holding their arms back. This is perfect for choking him or and whispering nasty talk into his ear from behind, it gets him going
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Heā€™s not that goofy but he might make a few jokes or comments just to be bratty
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I see him as the kind of guy who is both messy and neat Iā€™m his life and while he prefers messy sex, heā€™s very well groomed down their trimmed nicely and everything
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Heā€™s not the most inmate person in general, and he probably doesnā€™t like too much intimacy during sex either, but thereā€™s those days where the sex isnā€™t rough or messy itā€™s just passionate and slow and the eye contact is prolonged
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Masturbates like any normal person but not really that much, he doesnā€™t feel the need to if yā€™all can both satisfy your needs but if your busy or he canā€™t see you heā€™ll do it in the shower thinking about the last time you two had fucked
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Impact play,
Knife and Gun play,
And slight exhibition
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Like I just mentioned, heā€™s into a little bit of exhibition so alleys, a bus, and bathrooms are good with him
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The way he kissed his girl in the movie after a heist? Heā€™s definitely into that adrenaline rush and the thought of getting caught or doing some reckless and dumb is a turn on for him
N = No (something they wouldnā€™t do, turn offs)
Either age play or foot stuff, not really something heā€™s ever been interested in or wants to do
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Receiving, heā€™s very good at giving head but he does perder receiving, but donā€™t worry this man is good with both his mouth and his tongue, they can work wonders on anything
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I mentioned before that this man is rough and fast but has his slow and sensual moments, but most of the time he prefers it hard and rough, he wants to fuck until either one of yā€™all have passed out
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves them, theyā€™re conviene when heā€™s busy so theyā€™re not exactly uncommon in your relationship and you two often sneak away from the crowd
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Most definitely, he loves danger and the high he gets from it so he would be down to be risky as long as no one gets traumatized by accident from yā€™all
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has amazing stamina, mans could go on for hours on end, but to make it realistic letā€™s say about 4 to 5 rounds and he lasts for a while
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesnā€™t own many toys, just classic things like ropes and handcuffs that heā€™s willing to use on you or himself but heā€™s open to using your toys if you have any
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Heā€™s such a big tease, he likes to make you jealous as well, Iā€™m his opinion it adds more spice to the sex, and he ainā€™t wrong, the build up from all the teasing makes the sex all the more lust filled
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not particularly loud but he often just grunts and pants a lot along with some light groaning, and sometimes lets out low moans occasionally, but if your lucky and itā€™s been a while since you two have done it, he will let out a string of low moans
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He likes being restricted and having you take control and use him as some kind of toy, he wonā€™t say it but you can tell because he immediately shuts up those annoying bratty comments of his
X = X-ray (letā€™s see whatā€™s going on under those clothes)
If weā€™re talking about dick, average length but is girthy, has non prominent veins on the side and his cock is the same color as his ski with the top just a tad but lighter
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His libido isnā€™t that high but he does often have a craving for it either and can wait for a few weeks but heā€™ll be real needy and more bratty/clingy which is a sight that is very rare
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After his whole cleaning process he doesnā€™t sleep immediately, he talks to you for a little about random things or even about the mind blowing sex yā€™all just had leasing you to most likely fall asleep first and him following you afterwards
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sarahowritesostucky Ā· 1 year ago
šŸ“–"Blood Moon Rising"
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Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: shrinkyclinks, werewolf au, omega Steve, Alpha Bucky, prison au, dub-con, non-con, werewolf sex, knotting, oral (m!rec), hand jobs, held hostage, age gap (40/26), mating, violence, bonding, Dom/sub elements
Summary: The Pack arrives at their secret village. Steve finds out that Bucky has little intention of letting him go.
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Part 3 - "Alpha's Hostage"
Wait! I haven't read a previous chapter! Fic Masterlist
The first few days were a blur. At first Steve held out hope that he might be dumped somewhere; discarded in the interest of practicality, since a few dozen werewolf felons trying to travel undetected clearly had bigger issues than babysitting an omega hostage with Steveā€™s tenacity.
But after his third and fourth escape attempts, Steveā€™s delusion that he was going to get away easily and unnoticed was pretty much snuffed out. They kept him in the backs of vehiclesā€”free at first but then tied, and then tied and blindfoldedā€”throwing fast food burgers at him a few times a day and begrudgingly yanking him out to take a piss whenever he threatened loudly enough that he was just going to go right there in the damn car. By day four, Steve was bruised, tired, dirty, hungry, andĀ grumpy.
He huffed as he was hauled to his feet blindly and pulled from the back of the van. Theyā€™d taken his shoes after the second escape attempt, so he stepped carefully, surprised to feel cool, packed earth underfoot rather than the asphalt heā€™d been expecting. ā€œWhere are we?ā€ he asked, unaware of who it was that currently had his upper arm in their grip. It could be Dum Dum, or it could be the Killmonger guy or somebody else. It wasnā€™t Bucky, Steve knew that much. He hadnā€™t so much as heard Buckyā€™s voice since theyā€™d made their hurried escape from the prison, days ago.
Whoever it was beside Steve, they didnā€™t answer his question, just grunted and pulled him along with a short, ā€œCā€™mon.ā€
Steve deduced that it was Dum Dum. ā€œTake this off aā€™me,ā€ he complained about the blindfold, stumbling along as he was guided over root-packed ground. The hard dirt gave way to softer, mossy spots, and the air smelled thickly of fresh nature. Steve was still dressed in his filthy clothes from the prison, so the fresh air only served to make him all the more aware of himself. There was no city noise polluting the air, like there had been at the few stops theyā€™d made before. Only the sounds of birds chirping, and the men talking nearby, and the smell of woodsmoke.
The blindfold was summarily ripped from his head, and Steve blinked, disoriented from the bright light filtering in through the trees. He looked around hastily as he was led through the woods, surprised to find that they were in a camp of sorts. The men were dispersed already, congregated around small fires or by some of the shanty buildings that had been erected in the area. This was a place they knew, Steve realized. A home base or something.
He fought to keep up with Dum Dumā€™s impatient pace, while turning his head in all directions to make out the camp. ā€œWhere are we?ā€ he asked, not expecting an answer and not getting one other than,Ā ā€œThe mountains.ā€Ā But that could be anywhere. Theyā€™d been on the road for days, stealing cars and dumping them for others, traveling through cities and stopping to hide in warehouses and abandoned buildings. Steve wasnā€™t the one running away from anything and yet he was exhausted. He hadnā€™t had a shower or a proper change of clothes since the day of the riot. He was stiff from the uncomfortable sleeping conditions, and frankly just grateful to finally be somewhere. Staying cooped up in the back of a van for days on end was horribly boring.
ā€œHere, boss.ā€ Dum Dum pushed open the door to one of the dwellings and shoved Steve inside. He turned back away and left, shutting the door behind him.
Steve stood still while his eyes adjusted to the dim interior of the cabin. He looked around, noting the table and chairs, the bed, a woodstove, a couch thatā€™d definitely seen better days. Bucky was sitting on it, and he stood and came over to Steve. ā€œWhere are we?ā€ Steve asked.
ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½Someplace safe,ā€ was Buckyā€™s answer. He sounded confident about that, and Steve tried to suss out in his head how far they couldā€™ve possibly driven in three whole days.
ā€œBut where?ā€ he asked.
ā€œItā€™s a place that the pack keeps. Remote. Safe. Thatā€™s all you need to know, kid.ā€ Bucky tilted his head and let his gaze roam up and down Steveā€™s body. ā€œHow are you?ā€
Steve scowled. ā€œIā€™ve been stuffed around like luggage ever since we left. Havenā€™t showered or changed clothes in like four days. How do youĀ thinkĀ I am?ā€ He struggled against the bindings at his wrists. They were zip tiesā€”he could tell by the feel of them, and his skin was going raw from the constant friction. ā€œUndo these,ā€ he demanded, wiggling his shoulders.
Buckyā€™s mouth quirked at one corner and he produced a switchblade from his pocket. The blade popped out with a flick of his thumb. ā€œThen turn around,ā€ he said; a clear challenge to see if Steve would trust him with a knife at his back. Steve knew he shouldnā€™t, but after all the chances that Bucky had already had to kill him, he figured he was probably safe by now. He still felt a nervous thrill shoot through him as he turned around, remembering that Bucky might be handsome and powerfully sexy, but he was still a hardened criminal who was capable of great violence. Steve could hear the werewolfā€™s pleased hum as he stepped closer, probably because Steve had obeyed him. He took hold of Steveā€™s bound wrists and quickly cut the plastic. ā€œThere you go,ā€ he murmured.
Steve let his arms fall to his sides with a relieved sigh. The tension from having his hands forced behind his back for so long was corded all up into his shoulder muscles. ā€œThanks,ā€ he grunted, trying to crack his neck. ā€œUgh. Fuck.ā€
ā€œYou okay?ā€
ā€œJust stiff. I need a shower.ā€
ā€œBest I can do is a bath,ā€ Buckyā€™s hand landed on his shoulder, and Steve tensed as he felt the alpha press up behind. ā€œLet me wash you,ā€ he murmured against Steveā€™s ear. ā€œIā€™ll give you a massage, work out the knots.ā€
Steve turned around, prepared to say no, but he drew up short at the sight of Buckyā€™s face. Sincere looked odd on such a tough, tatted up guy, and somehow Steve couldnā€™t bring himself to refuse. ā€œWell ... okay,ā€ he said smally. ā€œI guess.ā€ What was a little more nudity at this point? Buckyā€™d already shoved his cock halfway down Steveā€™s throat, knotted his mouth; had already triggered Steveā€™s body intoĀ twoĀ submissive releases. At least now it would be just the two of them in private.
Bucky smiled softly and bent to kiss him, his lips pressing gently against Steveā€™s for only a second before withdrawing. Steve was surprised by how much he liked it, by how he instinctively leant forward for more as Bucky retreated. He flushed, embarrassed of himself, and Bucky smirked knowingly. He tossed his head. ā€œCā€™mon, bathroomā€™s this way.ā€
The cabinā€™s bathroom had an old clawfoot tub andā€”surprisinglyā€”plenty of hot water. Steve avoided looking at Bucky as he stripped out of his soiled clothes and joined him in the bath. He thought about turning to sit against the opposite end of the tub as Bucky, but changed course at the last minute, deciding that not having to face the other man would be easier, even if it did put them closer together.
Buckyā€™s body was hard and big behind him. Steve hesitated to lean fully back against him, but Buckyā€™s hands went straight to his waist and pulled him back, one arm winding its way around to cross over Steveā€™s chest and hold him still. ā€œRelax,ā€ he whispered. ā€œDonā€™t be nervous.ā€
ā€œIā€™m not nervous,ā€ Steve snapped, but it came out sounding defensive and completely false, and Bucky chuckled against him. Steve huffed. ā€œItā€™s just, Iā€™ve never ā€¦ been naked with someone I barely know before.ā€
ā€œMm. Do we barely know each other? Iā€™d thought weā€™d bonded.ā€
Steve pursed his lips. ā€œNo, we havenā€™t. I was supposed to be working on my thesis and now Iā€™m in the middle of a frigginā€™ hostage crisis.ā€
At his chest, Buckyā€™s hand fanned out over his entire peck, right over his heart. ā€œIs that what you think you are?ā€ he asked quietly. ā€œA hostage?ā€
ā€œWell what else?ā€ Steve scoffed. ā€œI mean Iā€™ve been hogtied and blindfolded in the back of four vehicles in as many days. Youā€™re on the run, trying to keep the authorities off your back, so youā€™ve got me dragged along as insurance, out here in the middle ā€˜a nowhere. Where the hell are we, anyway?ā€
Bucky hummed, and the sound slipped lower in his chest, taking on a deeper rumble that Steve recognized as a purr. He could feel it against his back. ā€œItā€™s better for you not to know,ā€ Bucky told him. ā€œThis is a pack village. We have a few of them scattered around the country. Places where we can disappear to, if needed. Places we can run.ā€
ā€œMmhm. Wolves need to run with the moonā€™s cycle. Well ā€¦ we donā€™tĀ needĀ to, but itā€™s healthier if we do. We need privacy for that. Land. Otherwise people tend to shoot at us.ā€ In the tub, Buckyā€™s legs bent, his knees breaking the waterā€™s surface. ā€œThis is a safe place for you Steve, I promise.ā€
Steveā€™s eyes were automatically drawn down to Buckyā€™s legs in the water. He had thick, muscular thighs that made Steveā€™s belly flutter with appreciation. Clearing his throat, he said nervously, ā€œYou say that like Iā€™m going to be staying.ā€
Behind him, Bucky was silent for a long moment. Just as Steve was getting ready to say something, to demand an answer, Bucky said, ā€œIā€™ll make you happy if I can, but you canā€™t leave now, kid. Iā€™m sorry.ā€ Steve tensed, prepared to turn around and glare at the werewolf for his audacity, but Bucky sensed it and held him tighter, the hand across his chest moving up to Hold him at the neck. Steve started to struggle, but Bucky hooked his feet over his shins, stilling him with his body. ā€œDonā€™t panic, sweetheart,ā€ he pleaded. ā€œLet me explain.ā€
Steve growled in frustration. ā€œExplain?! Explain how youā€™re gonna keep me prisoner?!ā€
ā€œShhh.ā€ Bucky closed his hand more firmly against Steveā€™s neck. Steve was forced to let his head rest back against Buckyā€™s shoulder, and Bucky purred at him again in a way that tickled the back of Steveā€™s mind. He felt his body soften despite himself, and when Buckyā€™s fingers found his bonding glands and dug in firmly, he went completely limp. ā€œThere you go,ā€ Bucky murmured. ā€œNot a prisoner. A citizen.ā€
Steve whimpered. ā€œBucky ā€¦ā€
ā€œIā€™m not going to hurt you, Steve,ā€ he told him softly, bending to trail his lips over his shoulder as he spoke. ā€œBut I explained it to you, about what you being omega means to this pack.ā€
ā€œYeah ā€¦ ā€˜waste not want notā€™.ā€
In Buckyā€™s arms, Steve shuddered, disturbed that he felt unable to fight back with the way Bucky was rubbing him. ā€œStop touching it,ā€ he breathed, sounding desperate even to his own ears.
Bucky chuckled and rubbed a little harder. ā€œNo. It helps keep you calm.ā€
Steve grunted and squirmed, but he was unable to deny it. Though ā€œcalmā€ probably wasnā€™t the right word for it. Complacent, maybe. Complacent and pleasured. He could feel the endorphins flooding his system the longer it went onā€”Buckyā€™s fingers digging into the sensitive glands of his neck, stimulating his body into relaxing against his will. The fact that it was an alpha doing it probably didnā€™t help the situation either. Blearily, Steve tried to focus on what he wanted to say. ā€œYou could just let me go,ā€ he said. ā€œIn the night. Just let me slip away and Iā€”ā€
ā€œNo.ā€Ā Buckyā€™s voice was harder, frustrated. ā€œTheyā€™d smell you, honey. Theyā€™d hunt you down.ā€
ā€œY-you could stop them,ā€ Steve argued weakly, one hand coming up to try and grasp at Buckyā€™s to pull it from his neck. He could feel his asshole contracting beneath the water, his belly tightening, body responding to the dominance of an alpha holding him still. But he had no luck in prying Bucky away, and his hand just kind of wound up sitting there atop Buckyā€™s. ā€œYouā€™re the Alpha. You could m-make themā€”ā€
ā€œI couldnā€™t,ā€ Bucky said sternly. ā€œYou donā€™t understand how pack works. My power isnā€™t absolute. Nobodyā€™s gonna touch you if I say youā€™re mine, but letting you escape?ā€ He scoffed. ā€œItā€™d be a sign of weakness, would all but nullify any authority I claim to have over you. And theyā€™d drag you back here, rape you, then one of them would wind up mating you.ā€
That was the first time Bucky had ever flat out used the word ā€˜rapeā€™, and even with his hand on Steveā€™s neck and his legs hooked over his shins, Steve still felt a jolt of fear at the bluntness. ā€œMate,ā€ he echoed weakly, fingers curling over Buckyā€™s hand as the reality of what that meant hit him. Mating meant biting. Lycanthropy was spread through the blood. ā€œBut ā€¦ I could get infected,ā€ he whispered.
ā€œYes.ā€ Bucky sounded none too pleased about it, but he kissed Steveā€™s shoulder as if it was the only way he could think to apologize for the situation. ā€œIā€™m sorry, Steve. But youā€™re with us now. I canā€™t afford for my authority to be questioned at this point. The pack needs stability, and that only comes through a strong Alpha.ā€
Steve swallowed, the rise and fall of his throat feeling heavy behind Buckyā€™s palm. His panic was trying to force itself through an increasingly incapacitated mind, his thoughts made sluggish by Buckyā€™s Hold. He went limp against the larger manā€™s body, feeling relief as he did. Jarringly, he started to cry. ā€œWhat are you gonna do then?ā€ he asked, hating how weak and pathetic he sounded.
ā€œShh sh sh,ā€ Bucky soothed, his other arm sliding around his waist to hug him tightly. ā€œIā€™ll tell you, honey. Iā€™ll tell you everything, but I donā€™t want to scare you.ā€
Steve scoffed wetly. ā€œToo late. Iā€™m already scared.ā€
ā€œI can tell.ā€ Buckyā€™s hand that was around his waist trailed down, sliding over his belly and rubbing circles right above his pelvis. He hummed in approval when Steve shivered and his hips jumped. ā€œIā€™m going to touch you,ā€ he warned, and the next thing Steve knew, Buckyā€™s hand was covering his cock.
ā€œOh!ā€ He gasped and looked down, surprised to find himself halfway hard against Buckyā€™s big palm. ā€œWha?ā€
ā€œShhh. Itā€™s your bodyā€™s stress reaction,ā€ Bucky murmured, kissing up his shoulder to his neck. The hand between his legs worked gently, coaxing him to full hardness. ā€œThere we go. Thatā€™s good, honey. Just relax and let me make you feel good.ā€
Steve squealed indignantly and jerked in Buckyā€™s Hold, but a firm press to his glands had him melting back against the larger manā€™s body all over again. ā€œFuck,ā€ he whined. ā€œNo, Bucky, wait ā€¦ā€
ā€œItā€™s okay.ā€ Bucky nuzzled up behind his ear and set into stroking him slowly, his grip kept soft and loose. ā€œListen, Steve. Are you listening?ā€
ā€œYouā€™re omega. We donā€™t have many of those left in our pack.ā€
Steve closed his eyes so that he wouldnā€™t have to see Buckyā€™s rough, tattooed hand jerking him off so gently. It already felt so good, and he felt humiliation roil in his belly at how easily his body gave into it. ā€œS-so?ā€ he argued. ā€œNeither do we. M-most humans are betā€“ah, nnnĀ ā€¦ā€
Bucky hummed and repeated the swipe of his thumb over the head of Steveā€™s cock. ā€œYeah, but only omega werewolves can give birth.ā€
ā€œW-what?ā€ Steve jerked again in Buckyā€™s hold in alarm, but he got nowhere. ā€œI ā€¦ I donā€™t ā€¦ā€
ā€œPups, Steve,ā€ Bucky said, murmuring the words behind his ear, breath fanning out hot against his skin in a way that sent goosebumps prickling all along his arms. ā€œNobodyā€™s gonna let you go unclaimed here. So itā€™s either me, or them. And I know you donā€™t want it to be them.ā€
Steve keened, a needy, seeking noise that felt foreign to himself. It was upsetting.Ā Steve RogersĀ didnā€™t make sounds like that. Bucky rumbled lowly in his chest in response, and that only made the submissive urge in Steveā€™s belly intensify. ā€œNo,ā€ he said, meaning it as both a refusal and an agreement. HeĀ didnā€™tĀ want it to be ā€˜themā€™. He didnā€™t want it to beĀ anyone.Ā ā€œPlease,ā€ he breathed, ā€œDonā€™t. Donā€™t turn me.ā€
Bucky laughed in surprise. ā€œā€˜Turnā€™ you? Weā€™re not vampires, kid.ā€ His tone was teasing, but Steve growled anyway.
ā€œYouĀ knowĀ what I mean. You canā€™t turn people against their will. Itā€™s illegal!ā€
ā€œIā€™m aware,ā€ Bucky said. On Steveā€™s cock, his hand stilled, and Steve had to fight not to whine in complaint. Bucky seemed to know this, humming and grabbing Steveā€™s inner thigh to knead at the flesh, knuckles nudging his balls teasingly as he did so. ā€œBut Iā€™ve committed far worse ā€˜crimesā€™ than that, if weā€™re using human definitions.ā€
ā€œL-like what?ā€ Steve asked. He couldnā€™t help the way his hips pulsed upwards, seeking out the pleasure from before. But he fought to keep the plaintive keen that wanted to come trapped in his throat. He spoke through gritted teeth in the effort to hold the noise in. ā€œI thought you were innocent of everything they accused you of.ā€
ā€œOh, I am.ā€ Buckyā€™s fingertips feathered along his balls and up the shaft of his cock. ā€œInnocent of what they accused me of. But nobody ever charged me with murder.ā€
Steve inhaled sharply, though it had more to do with how Bucky had just wrapped his hand back around his cock and less to do with his admission that he was a killer. Steve knew he shouldnā€™t be surprised. ā€œYouā€™ve killed people?ā€ he asked.
Bucky nodded, chin bumping Steveā€™s shoulder. ā€œA few times. Once when I challenged for Alpha, and twice more sinceā€”to protect the pack. Counting the guards back at the pen, Iā€™ve killed seven people in total.ā€
ā€œYou donā€™t sound too broken up about it.ā€
ā€œIā€™m not.ā€ He kissed the shell of Steveā€™s ear and worked the hand on his cock. ā€œTaking a life isnā€™t always considered murder in our culture. ThereĀ isĀ justified killing.ā€
Steve knew he should be more shaken up by Buckyā€™s admission, but he wasnā€™t. He told himself that it was because of the hand currently on his dick, and the other one Holding his neck, but that might not be the complete truth of it. For reasons he didnā€™t want to examine, Steve felt safe with Bucky. Ever since the shock collars back at the prison had gone off and his had remained dormant, heā€™d felt that he could trust the Alpha to protect him. Foolish, maybe, but no less true.
ā€œDonā€™t bite me,ā€ he begged, trying to insert confidence into his toneā€”confidence that he really believed his request would be obeyed. But he didnā€™t believe that, and the words still came out shaky and uncertain. ā€œPlease. I could get infected. I donā€™tā€”ā€
Bucky shut him up by digging fingers into his glands hard again and stroking him off faster. Steve squeaked and jerked in his arms, and Bucky purred encouragingly.Ā ā€œWeā€™ll talk about that later,ā€Ā he said, speaking in what Steveā€™s mind distantly catalogued as his Voice. ā€œLetā€™s just work this one outta you, okay? You must need it. Released twice in frontā€™a me but havenā€™t cum?ā€ he snickered. ā€œThatā€™s gotta hurt.ā€
ā€œNnngh.ā€Ā HurtĀ certainly wasnā€™t the word Steve wouldā€™ve used for it, not now or then. It had been a lot, when Bucky had forced his body into those releases back at the prison, and the sexual need it built up in the following days was more than Steve was used to. The pleasure was drawing tighter and lower in Steveā€™s belly with every deft stroke of Buckyā€™s hand on his cock, every brush of his thumb over that spot on his neck.
Steveā€™s body grew taught, his pulse thrumming in his ears and his body responding to the powerful alpha it could sense nearby, undoubtedly dumping omega pheromones of arousal and submission into the air.
Bucky mustā€™ve been able to smell it because he kept groaning and stuffing his face in the bend of Steveā€™s neck, mouthing openly over the skin like he might get a taste of it if he just tried hard enough. Steve whined and panted, unable to fight it but unhappy that it was Bucky bringing this out in him. One exceptionally good, firm pull over his cock was all it took to have him losing control and crying out a high-pitched,Ā ā€œAlpha!ā€
Bucky rumbled and nodded against him. ā€œYeah, you need it, alright. Come on, honey, come on now.ā€ He didnā€™t let up until Steve was tensing full-body in his arms, and then the omega was coming, moaning in a gutted way as his cock spurted and his body contracted beneath the bathwater. Bucky made a pleased sound as it happenedā€”Ā ā€œTheere we goā€Ā ā€”hand shoving further back between his legs to touch at his hole. He cursed as he felt it happening. ā€œShit, yeah. There it is.ā€ His fingertips glanced over the fluttering muscle and Steve sobbed in pleasure,
ā€œUh huh.ā€ Bucky kissed his ear and rocked his hand. ā€œShhh. Thatā€™s it, sweetheart,Ā thatā€™sĀ it. Just get it all out now. I gotcha.ā€
Steveā€™s eyes clenched shut, Buckyā€™s praise only making the orgasm last longer. When it was finally over, he exhaled hugely and went limp in the alphaā€™s arms again. He sat there, panting and regaining his breath, then opened his eyes and watched the little glob of cum he could see moving up in the bathwater. Buckyā€™s hand moved back to his inner thigh and massaged him there, his tattooed fingers stamped with the letters L-U-P-I.
Steve closed his eyes against the sight. ā€œFuck,ā€ he whispered. He wasĀ soĀ fucked.
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Part 4
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If you liked what you read and feel so inclined, please consider dropping a tip in the KofišŸµ cup. It's a big part of what allows me to take time to write. Thanks!
card: sarahyellow / sarah-writes-stucky
Square A2: rape/non con
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nahimjustfeelingit-writes Ā· 8 months ago
How would Erik feel if he caught his sub playing with his gun when he specifically told her not to EVER touch his ā€œgrown man thingsā€ would he punish her or would he turned on by it and still give her what she needs?
The only way to go about this is to have a little taboo kinky session with gun play šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© Erik will punish her but then reward her with a little Killmonger play. Show his princess what heā€™s really about šŸ˜ˆ
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rezonan Ā· 1 year ago
Marvel Old Comic Retelling Read Order
So I have a friend who's a big Marvel fan and wants to get into comics, he's willing to start from the late 70s and doesn't want to touch any Golden or Silver age material but does want to get the general idea of what happened at that point in the universe, so I've constructed this list for him, made out of retellings of older stories with modern art and writers to make it better for his style of reading.
**Pre-Golden Age Retellings:**
Thor: Ages of Thunder
The Mighty Thor: Loki
Thor: For Asgard
Thor: Son Of Asgard
The Rise of Apocalypse
Thor: Godstorm
Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears
Apache Skies
Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather
The Rawhide Kid: The Sensational Seven
Blaze Of Glory: The Last Ride of the Western Heroes
Stokerā€™s Dracula
X-Men: Apocalypse / Dracula
Wolverine: Origin
Wolverine: Origin II
**The Golden Age Retellings:**
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X-Men: Magneto Testament
Captain America & Bucky: The Life Story of Bucky Barnes
Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze
Truth: Red, White & Black
Captain America: Patriot
The Marvels Project
Marvels #1
Captain America: White
Captain America / Black Panther: Flags of our Fathers
Captain America: America First
X-Men: Krakoa Lives
Sub-Mariner: The Depths
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March
**Silver Age Retellings:**
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Fantastic Four: Books of Doom
Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
Daredevil: Battlinā€™ Jack Murdock
Wolverine: Weapon X
X-Men: Angel ā€“ Revelations
X-Men: Origins
X-Men: Origins II
Ororo ā€“ Before The Storm
Mythos: Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four: First Family
Avengers Origins: Ant-Man & the Wasp
Mythos: Hulk
Hulk: Gray
Avengers Origins: Thor
Thor: First Thunder
Iron Man Season One
Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin
Iron Man: The Iron Age
Mythos Spider-Man
Spider-Man: With Great Power
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Year One
Untold Tales of Spider-Man
X-Men: Season One
Mythos: X-Men
Avengers: The Origin
Captain America: Man Out of Time
Avengers: Earthā€™s Mightiest Heroes
Hulk: Smash Avengers
Avengers Four
Thor: Blood Oath
Rise of the Black Panther
Black Panther: Killmonger ā€“ By Any Means
Daredevil: Yellow
Spider-Man: Blue
Emma Frost
Avengers: Earthā€™s Mightiest Heroes II
X-Men: The Hidden Years
Punisher: Born
Avengers Origins: Luke Cage
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pantherandtheseagod Ā· 2 years ago
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stuckyversebingo Ā· 2 years ago
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All hail @smutconnoisseur, the master of fic recs! ;) Thank you once again for giving us something to satisfy our Stucky werewolf fix.
Fang & Claw (29742 words) by cobaltmoony, Dizia Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Captain America - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Maria Hill/Sam Wilson, Loki/Thor, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Nakia (Black Panther)/T'Challa Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson, Maria Hill, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Thor, Loki, T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, M'Baku, Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins, Ulysses Klaue, Grant Ward, Alexander Pierce, Arnim Zola, Johann Schmidt, Nakia, Erik Killmonger, Helmut Zemo, Bruce Banner Additional Tags: Stucky - Freeform, Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, ABO, Alpha Chief!Steve, Omega!Bucky, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Zoophilia kinda sorta, Consensual Sex, Enthusiastic Consent, Male Pregnancy, Male lubrication, Anal Sex, Anal Knotting, Oral Virginity, Oral Sex, Deepthroating, messy blow job, Face-Fucking, Oral Knotting, Possessive Sex, Possessive Behavior, top!steve, Bottom!Bucky, Scar Worship, Graphic depictions of violence - Freeform, Blood Drinking, Blood and Gore, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Dark!Steve, Werewolf!Steve, hybrid!bucky, Body Dysmorphia, Panic Attack, Dissociation, Minor Character Death, Pepper the Pyromaniac: an ode to the Extremis Virus, pack mentality, Pack Dynamics, steve's magical healing cock, lycanthropy, Fucked up imagery, Captain America Reverse Big Bang 2018, Cock Warming, Dom/sub Undertones, Author should see a shrink... probably, Dogs and cats living together, Mass hysteria!, Plot With Porn, Assume everyone is naked unless otherwise noted, Social nudity, Nudity, Art By CobaltMoony, NSFW art in Chapter 4, Competance Kink, Anal Rimming, Hair Pulling, mild body horror Summary:
Alpha Chief Steve and an Omega, Bucky were a mated pair of lycans; mated since they were old enough to be allowed to in the White Star tribe. When Bucky went missing, a suspected victim of a vampire attack, Steve grieved over him and their broken bond. He was sure Bucky was dead.
Years later, Steve leads his pack on an assault against the vampire coven responsible for his mate's death.
Inside, they discover a dungeon where a vampire is being tortured.
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erikftglitter Ā· 4 months ago
Sorry [e.k] [two]
Erik is truly sorry. 2/3. [part one]
You felt your entire body shudder as Erik pulled up to the familiar black gate. You felt a small tingling inside of your stomach on the entire way here. You and Erik rarely argued so you were a bit anxious about what he had planned for tonight.
Erik is a natural dominant man. Prior to Erik, sure you had guys who could choke you, or make you feel good sometimes, but they were not the dominant that Erik was. Come to think of it that is probably why you two rarely argued. The last argument ended up with you crying on your knees as Erik fucked your face.
You felt the tip of his dick repeatedly slam to the back of your throat. Fresh tears were running down your cheeks but his movements did not halt. He knew your limit and this was not it. Maybe, just maybe, if you had not called him a ā€œB.A.Nā€ under your breath then you wouldnā€™t be in this predicament.
You were used to your previous unhealthy relationship and Erik stopped that shit once and for all. In the beginning he knew the small stuff that was clearly coming from a place of prior mistreatment. He was patient and thatā€™s how you two ended up being together. However, what you said to him was not warranted and he wasnā€™t going to be sweet about it.
You didnā€™t know that he heard you until you heard his game console power off. Not pause but completely power off. You felt like a piece of tuna cornered by a shark. But you attempted to play it cool and simply ask, ā€œwhatā€™s up?ā€
Erik shook his head and finally approached you and grabbed your hand tightly, leading you back to the living room area. You understood his urging and slowly got to your knees. Of course youā€™ve sucked his dick in this position many times before, but this was different. There wasnā€™t going to be any encouragement. He sat his arms up on the back of the couch and pulled his pants down.
ā€œIā€™m a what sweetheart? Let me hear you say it on this dick since you so bold. And take that shirt off too.ā€
So here you were shirtless, titties bouncing, as Erik pushed your head further and further down his dick. Spit, tears, and slobber gathered all around his dick and you began to use your hands to stroke him as you sucked. No other man in the world wouldā€™ve had the upper hand to do this to you, but then there was Erik.
The tears this time were from embarrassment. You knew he didnā€™t play that so you had nobody else to blame. Almost as if he read your thoughts he spoke quick after. He fisted a good chunk of your hair to pull you off of him.
ā€œWe donā€™t do that shit. Okay?ā€
You nodded your head and even though you were a nasty mess, Erik still looked at you with those alluring eyes. This time you were the one to start it back up. You wanted to apologize for the error and the low moans coming from his mouth encouraged you to go on. He came soon afterwards with long ropes of cum lubricating the back of your throat and you swallowed it all.
ā€œGet upstairs.ā€
The sound of the car doors unlocking stopped your flashback. You didnā€™t do anything wrong but your natural submission to Erik conflicted your feelings. Still, you didnā€™t open the door, as thereā€™s a whole other story about what happened when you did that.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence to the his front door. He had to let your hand go in order to unlock the door and you frowned at the lack of warmth. Thatā€™s when it hit you. You loved Erik. Yeah you two were together for a little while and were committed to each other, but the sudden realization that you havenā€™t seen or felt his warmth for days troubled you.
ā€œCome on.ā€
Erikā€™s voice stopped your thoughts and you reattached your hand to his. You glanced down your hands and back to your eyes. You couldnā€™t read his expression but you know that he read yours. Erik always knew what you wanted and how you felt, so this entire argument was his fault for being too stubborn to admit his wrongdoing. However, he was confident that after tonight you would forget all about it.
You walked to his bedroom and gasped at the rose pedals and flowers laid out. Heart shaped chocolate, wine, fresh fruit, and candy covered the bed. You felt your bottom lip begin to poke out and you knew the tears would soon follow. Erik watched you closely, stepping out of his shoes in the process.
You practically jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs around him. Your man. Your man. Your man.
ā€œDonā€™t do that again. I was so worried about you!ā€ You scolded in the midst of your tears. You patted your face in attempt not to drag your makeup down.
ā€œI wonā€™t baby and Iā€™m sorry. Thereā€™s no excuse to make you sit up and worry about me. Not talking and seeing you for days hurt a niggaā€™s soul. We canā€™t be doing that shit.ā€ His arms wrapped around you tightly. Heā€™s just happy that he got his baby back. You had no clue the lengths he was going through just to make sure he was forgiven.
He softly placed you down in the one corner of the bed that wasnā€™t completely decorated. He bent down to give you a quick kiss before taking your heels and panties off. You felt the sudden cool breeze on your heat and began to squirm. He lifted the dress up and grunted once he finally seen what rightfully belonged to him.
This time Erik fell to his knees.
You could already feel the electrifying feeling in your spine as you waited on him to get closer. Erik did not fall restless so you knew that if he was going to apologize that you were gonna be here for a while.
In one motion you felt his thick lips place a kiss on your lips. You couldnā€™t help the moan that followed. Erikā€™s lips curled into a smile when he felt your body shudder. He used his hands to expose the skin of your clit and began to lick and suck on it. In a couple of minutes you were already a withering, squirting mess.
He was far from finished. ā€œThatā€™s one.ā€ You heard him growl. Realization hit you that he was not leaving your legs until you got nine more out. By your second orgasm you began to cream. Erikā€™s tongue was lapping your clit over and over again and when you tried to push him away he tightened his grip on you.
Instead of allowing you to rest he pushed in two fingers and watched as your pussy opened up to them. He thrusted them upwards in the motion that he learned made your back arch and kissed your pussy lips as he did so. You were melting underneath him. Yelling out all types of obscenities. By orgasm four you squirted again, thanks to his fingers curling up repeatedly. He wasnā€™t satisfied even though he heard the screams leaving your mouth.
Again, this was your fault. You told him that you never came from oral sex once you two began dating and having open conversations. By the next day Erik had made you squirt all over his backseat. His detailer never asked any questions, but your face still flushed when Erik made you ride with him to pick the car up. ā€œLook at how much he scrubbing. You soaked them seats mama.ā€
So every time that Erik ate you out he took it to the extreme. You were not allowed one or two orgasms. He praised you and that meant that you needed to cum on his tongue at least five times. But if he was counting then you can expect that number to double.
You looked down to see Erikā€™s eyes closed as he pushed you to your limit. His tongue darting in and out of your folds, arms keeping you still, and your clit was damn near swollen from the attention. You were never ignoring this man again. Your body jerked when you felt an unknown feeling at your entrance. That wasnā€™t daddy.
In a swift second the object began to vibrate and your body thrashed.
ā€œE-Erik! I canā€™t!ā€ You yell at him and he just smiles. Your body arching up to the vibrator thrusting in and out of you got his dick rock hard. He was enjoying the view.
ā€œIā€™m just trying to say Iā€™m sorry baby.ā€ He said smugly. He knew that you were putty in his hands and he loved every second of it.
ā€œJust cum one more time for me.ā€ And you did just that. With two more thrusts from the white toy you were a mess. Nipples protruded, tears freshly falling down your face, and pussy completely drenched. You knew that Erik loved to eat your pussy but tonight had your thoughts so slurred that you werenā€™t making any sense.
ā€œNow arch that back.ā€
[part three]
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rimaiahwrites Ā· 2 years ago
Our secret part 2
Dom!Erik x subblack!reader, dom Ɨ sub, smut!, swear words, age difference, big brothers best friend, fluffy kinda, dd/Ig themes but it's never addressed as dd/lg
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It was y/n 19th birthday and all her friends and family were over to celebrate her day!
She was Beyond excited, everything was falling perfectly into plan.
Her birthday theme were lemons, there was lemons literally everywhere. She had a Lemon cake, yellow tablecloths and of course for drinks there was lemonade, and to top it all off she had on a cute white princess cut dress with yellow lemons over over it! She had retired the two puffs and settled for one big afro with a cuteĀ  yellow Ruben tied around her head, She had light makeup and her lips were glossed and shiny.
She and her best friends dance and Sang along to the lyrics coming from the speaker loudly. Her mother laughed and quickly grabbed the camera- "smile guys!" She told the girls. Y/n put on a big smile and posed.
After dancing and singing their lungs out she were winded and tired. She huffed out air. It was extremely hot out today "I'll be back guys." She told her friends and walked back into her kitchen. Her bare feet slapping against the cold floors.
She could hear her dad and his friends from in the living room watching the game, the smell of beers and the sound of her dads laugher brought a since of comfort.
She grabbed a glass of lemonade and chucked it down... As she did so her mind began to wonder off to her brother...where was he? He was here earlier but he disappeared out of nowhere. A couple of his friends were supposed to come too maybe they had all went to the neighborhood park to play basketball like usual she thought.
Speaking of his friends she was a little bummed that Erik wasn't in town. He had went off to college two years ago and she haven't seen or heard from him since last summer when he had spent the summer with her family.. she thought about him a lot, maybe a bit to much.
"Y/n!" Her brother called from the kitchen door, shirt off and dripping with sweat. Speak of the devil. She crunched her face and plugged your nose shut. "Gross."
"Shut up, who's outside." He asked. She slightly rolled her eyes. "My friends a few of mom friends and mom, don't go out there until you take a shower you reek." She said and fake gagged yourself.
"Alright alright, Get off me I'm going but their someone outside on the porch that wants to see you." He said as he set the ball down and jogged up stairs to freshen up. She were froze for a second. Is it who she thinks it it? Her heart started thumping hard as she shakily set her glass down and pushed herself to walk to the front door. She opened the door and was face to face with the big 6'0 boy- or man now that she had fallen in love with over two summers of sneaky kisses and touches.
Her cheeks grow hot as she walk through the door and shut it.
He towered over her even more now then before. He still smelled good, and for the most part still looked the same...except he grow facial hair. She was shocked.
"Hi Erik!" She squealed as she jumped to hug him. He caught her and squeeze her back as he chuckled.
"Wassup lil mama, I feel like I haven't seen you in so long! I missed you." He said as he set her back on her feet and kissed her on her cheek, making her stomach flutter. "I missed you too! You left us to go back to that bougie college." She said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes jokily. He chuckled. "I know I know I should've came to visit earlier but I was busy you know how it is-" Erik explain before he was cut off be the girl sitting on the porch swing that y/n had completely missed and didn't notice at all. Y/n frown and turned her big brown eyes back to Erik, he bit his lip nervously.
"Oh yeah my bad, Vanessa this is y/n, y/n this is my girlfriend Vanessa." Erik said smiling at the both of them. Her heart slowly sank as her smile softened to almost a frown before she put on a fake cheerful smile.
His girlfriend?
"Hi..." she shyly said to Vanessa before looking back at Erik with sad eyes.
Vanessa glanced at Erik as well but more confused then anything. Erik chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Um well it's nice to meet you y/n and happy birthday! Time moves fast I still remember my 19th birthday like it was yesterday!" Vanessa laughed, making Erik laugh as well.
Obviously It was only three years ago more then likely...
"Thanks...Um I'm about to go in...I'll see you guys later." She said as she back away.
"Actually I'm staying the week with your bother!" Her face dropped once again. Not only today but the whole week? Great fucking great.
"Oh well is Vanessa staying here too?" She said playing with the end of her dress. She had to ask cause if so she would try to stay at one of her friends house or maybe even at her grandmas.
"No, her family live here too she's going to stay at her aunts place." She hummed in response before Turning around and going back into the house.
"She's...weird." Vanessa said scrunching her face. "Chill, she's just not used to new people plus nobody told her you were coming to her birthday party." Erik said as bit annoyed with Vanessas comment. She rolled her eyes and sat back down as they wait for her bother to come back down.
As she walked back into the kitchen her eyes were glossy and red. She didn't want to cry she really didn't but the tears were forming and her throat was starting to feel tight.
Her birthday was going good why did he have to ruin it.
After she opened her gifts, ate her cake and cleaned up it was time to go to bed.
Her friends had went home and she tried her best to pretend like Erik and Vanessa wasn't there but Erik just kept on talking to her so it was bad to be mad at him but it hurt so bad to watch him and his girlfriend be so playful with each other and all lovely. She sat on his lap the whole time and it was eating her up inside. She was jealous and weren't very sure if she should be but she couldn't help it.
Erik was her first love.
Y/n parents and brother had all went to bed hours ago, it was now 1:25 in the morning and her stomach ached from being empty.
Y/n got up and put on her slippers,Ā  pulled her night gown down over her butt and stepped out of the room, closing her door softly.
She snuck down stairs and made her way to the kitchen. pouring herself some of the lemonade that her mom had made earlier.
"Why you up so late little one?" You heard from the door frame making you jumped spilling your juice down your soft pink gown. Y/n frowned looking down at her gown. "Don't worry about it, you ain't my daddy." She hissed pouring the rest of the lemonade in the sink. Erik's eyebrows raised a slight smirk on his face. "I see you got a mouth on you now huh?" Her face didn't move from the frown. She definitely didn't find anything amusing about this right now.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she made her way towards him to leave the kitchen...but he stayed in place.
"I'm just trying to talk to you princess why you being so mean to me? I haven't see you in so long." She cross her arms across her chest. Now was not the time. "Erik move I don't want to talk."
"is it because of Vanessa? You jealous?" He chuckled. He thought this was funny clearly. She was hurt because of him and here he is laughing at her, right in her face.
She tore her eyes from his looking at the other side of the kitchen as the tears came filling her eyes, her bottom lip trembling. "Th-that's funny to you? Erik you hurt my feelings and you think it's funny? What the fuck is wrong with you? You played with my feelings and made it seem like you l-...loved me Erik," she said choking on her words now looking at him.
hot tears streaming down her face now. Erik's face dropped when he saw her tears. "Y/n, princess.." he sighed looking at her through his eyelashes, she hated that she thought he looked so cute right now and the way that the little pet name he gave her a couple years back still made her tummy feel warm and tingly...It all started with a silly game to this...
"baby you know we can't be together, I'm away in my second year of college and you haven't even graduated high school yet, you my best friends little sister I can't date you-"
"But you can fuck me right? Is that all I am to you? Just a fuck doll-"
"No no princess-"
"Stop calling me that!" You whispered yelled at him pocking him in the chest.
"You were just using me because I was naĆÆve! Erik you made it seem like you actually liked me...like you loved me! You told me nothing would change when you went to college but then showed up to my birthday party with a girlfriend I had no idea about!" Her tears still streaming down her face. Erik really had nothing to say, she left him speechless, but what could he even say?
"I guess it is partly my fault also for being so stupid to even think you would like me like that huh?" Erik so badly wanted to tell her how he felt but it would only cause more damage and leave her thinking y'all could be more then what they were, in the end she would only get her hopes up again and end up with her feelings hurt.
He so badly wanted to grab her and Comfort you.
"Good night Erik." She pushed past him and headed back up stairs.
Y/n grabbed her teddy bear off her bed and crawled into her Secret room, shutting the door behind her. She turned on her fairy lights and it lit up the small room just enough. She snuggled into her blankets, and cried. She cried her little heart out.
Who would have known her brothers best friend would be the reason for her broken heart.
Why did he have do this to her on her birthday at that...
The day was soured all because he didn't even consider her feelings nor seem like he cared in the slightest.
He had that girl smiling all in her face like he wasn't fingering fucking her all last summer, sharing sweet kisses and cuddles, like he was sharing deep parts of his past to her. Her heart ached so badly that she had to grab it tightly as she cried into her teddy, this wasn't fair.. this wasn't fair at all she shouldn't be crying right now but she felt so betrayed by someone that showed her how to love, how to make love, how to feel loved..
She sank deeper into her comforter and let out soft gut wrenching sobs.
Her first heart break was her big brothers best friend, how naive of her.
this not the end yall im gonna write a part three ā¤ļø
for some reason I thought I finished this and posted it already.Ā  also I'm way more active on tumblr so if you wanna follow I'll love that, I'm going to be writing about a few of my favorite anime characters too so if you fucking with that follow @rimaiahwrites !!
P.s I still have a deep love for writing yall and wanna finish these projects but life been LIFE'N THESE PAST COUPLE YEARS IM SORRY šŸ˜­ā¤ļø
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mandymars24 Ā· 2 years ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 16 DC Funko Pops Lot.
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chottopoco Ā· 2 years ago
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Like, Okoye absolutely gets one when she marries W'Kabi. And then starts getting something like music notes for each of her kills.
Ahahaha, no lie I was considering that this morning. Like two sort of rival gangs maybe? Wakanda vs Talokan are the main family gangs with smaller sub-gangs beneath them and they made an alliance early on to stem the turf wars because it was hitting the news and becoming a problem.
Like a marriage between Shuri and Namor was brokered when they were still children and as a sign of good faith, they exchanged hostages. Attuma was sent to Wakanda and like Ayo(?) to Talokan.
So Shuri and Namor get married and about three years after that, cue the deaths from BP2 and more (Nakia and Toussaint) because W'Kabi made a bid to seize control with Killmonger's help and Attuma's advice and Attuma immediately dealt with Killmonger, putting W'Kabi firmly on top.
And this kind of ties Talokan's hands because he is technically family and retaliating would start the cycle again and they would like to avoid that. W'Kabi has made it very difficult to off him and Namor notes that it's mainly because of Attuma.
Shuri is pissed, more than ready for W'Kabi's head to be delivered to her on a silver platter; Namor tells her to hide her time and wait, though it may be awhile. W'Kabi, realizing he'd better start a dynasty of his own quick to solidify his position, marries someone he's had his eye on that he's been talking to for awhile now who moonlights as a singer at a local club: Okoye. He just needs a pretty face to breed and for her to pop out a kid.
Okoye is entirely new to this world and yet not. Like, she's seen the effects of it, has survived on the streets and done some shit. She's tough and she can more than handle herself and her ruthless streak tends to be ignored by men because they see a pretty face and tits and hips and she encourages this: it's the perfect disguise.
She was also friends with Shuri since she lived closer to Talokan territory and Okoye and Shuri ended up kind of bonding.
It takes Okoye a bit to figure out just who W'Kabi is, what he did to get his power and by this time, she's already doing her thing with Attuma...
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*opens up notes again* But still keep spitballing ideas y'all. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I know next to nothing about gang stuff and I never played the Yakuza games.
Holy fuck yes, 1000000000% Wakandan & Talokanil mob traditions.
@pilesofpillows @karimk2
This has been simmering in my brain for too long since I rewatched The Hitman's Bodyguard and The Hitman's Bodyguard's Wife recently:
Mobster wife!Okoye & Lieutenant!Attuma and Mob Head!W'Kabi heads up the whole thing; Okoye is the trophy wife and W'Kabi constantly underestimates her, just has her around for show, but Attuma notices, they start banging and eventually stage a coup and they are fucking vicious, their culmination and solidifying of power is a brutal, bloody thing and no one dares to cross them in the end. She gets a name like Songbird or some shit like that. And it becomes know that is she sings a song at you in a meeting, well, that's it, you're dead courtesy of Attuma."
Like, the dead dove potential... *chef kiss*
I got enough on my plate, someone bring this to life.
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lovemecharlie Ā· 6 years ago
Another moment of Dom Charlie and Sub Erik. For more like this, check out the King Jade Chronicles.
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Charlie had Erik bound tightly in blood red rope, his arms crossed over his chest in a permanent Wakandan salute. He was sitting upright on a big chair in Charlie's room in front of her bed.. butt naked.. ankles and knees bound and reinforced.
"Not bad for a beginner," she gloated smiling down at her work. Convincing Erik to let her tie him up had been a feat in itself.
"Sloppy at best," he sighed dropping his head against the back of the seat. The ropes were tight, but according to him, they weren't tight enough. "Tighter.. I can still move," he fussed. As tight as she had the ropes tied, he'd definitely have some deep imprints by the time they were through.
"Shut up, you just want your circulation cut off," Charlie fussed back.
"You suck at this, babe. You need to stick to what you good at.. this ain't it."
"Don't insult me, I think I did well for my first time," Charlie pouted, mildly offended. Erik wasn't impressed.
"Nah, Cha. If you gone do the shit, do it correctly. You don't know how to dom right.. You soft. You treat a nigga like he fragile. Fuck that shit, if you gone do it, do it nigga."
"You a bratty-ass bottom, you know that," Charlie sighed tightening the ropes with extra aggression. "Don't mistake me being caring and safe for being soft. I'm all about safe, sane, and consensual but if you want reckless oh, I can do that too."
"Fuck me up then."
"Shut up," Charlie said pinning his lips together with her fingers. "Shut those flubber lips up." The anaconda between his thighs twitched. "Control that beast," she growled as she pulled out his phone, punching in the passcode and searching up an amateur ebony porn video.
"Ooh.. This guy is fucking the hell out of this girl. Listen to that scream.. Sounds kind of like us," she smiled. She wouldn't show him the screen, but she watched his body react to the sounds. "You hear the skin to skin collision? You hear her moaning? It's a real moan, can you tell? I know you can." Comically, his twitching dick betrayed just how aroused he was getting though from the waist up, there was no physical response. He was restraining himself.
The video continued with the loud sounds of sex and Charlie slipped her shirt off exposing her bright red Bellita lace bra. The panties were a match as she removed her black jeggings. "I think I'll make myself comfortable."
Sitting on the bed with her legs on either side of him, she spread her legs. putting her hand in her panties to masturbate with her fingers to the video in her hand. She made sure to moan extra loud and throw her head back, biting her lip. She saw Erik try to shift, his chest rising and falling harder. She could hear him breathe and kiss his teeth in frustration so she removed her bra followed by her panties.
"I wish you deserved to touch me like this," she moaned, knuckle deep in herself. "..But you dont. You don't deserve to touch me and you don't deserve to fuck me. Do you?.. Huh?"
"No," he mumbled.
"What was that? No who," she said pressing her knees together and cutting off the view. He looked up, his lips parted as if to say 'how dare you' and her brow rose.
"No King Jade," he corrected himself.
"No what?"
"No, I don't deserve that pussy."
"Smart boy. No you don't." She spread her legs again and continued to masturbate before him as he watched. Once her fingers were completely coated in her own juices, she took her hand and smeared it on his face, claiming him and avoiding his lips.
"No," she admonished when he tried to turn toward her hand, sticking his tongue out. She flicked him on the forehead. "You're just a toy, you don't get any."
Instead, she started to organize her closet and book shelf. Then she pulled out her laptop and sat back on the bed as Erik glared.
"What you staring at," she teased propping her feet on his lap near his stiff penis. His eyes said he was getting very impatient, but with a smile she refused to touch him. Her feet traveled over his soft keloids and up his chest and he couldn't do a thing. She started typing some things for work, finishing two projects.
"I'm hungry," she finally sighed, laying flat before hopping up. "I'm going to get a snack."
A slow walk to and from the kitchen produced a banana which she felatiated suggestively, entertaining herself with his reactions. "This is a good banana," she smiled eyeing him. She pushed the entire banana in her mouth before making the entire thing reappear whole and licking the tip like she sometimes did to him. He was a fan of it judging by the way he flinched. Of course, she ate the banana after because she was serious about being hungry. Chasing it with a bottle of water, she chugged it down to a third, splashing the rest on Erik's face and chest. "Cool down, thirsty bitch" she commanded. His erection was raging, but why? She chuckled silently. She'd hardly done anything at all.
She opened the whip cream and sprayed it on his nipples, licking it off. Her hands massaged his chest and shoulders. Her full mouth traced toward his thick neck.. sucking, biting, and leaving a few passion marks to form. She moved to his elf ears, biting them. Now she was doing something. She straddled his lap, grinding herself against his erection, but refusing to put him inside.. getting him wet with her arousal. She wanted to make herself cum using him so she did.. holding onto his neck the whole time, choking him while his fists clenched over his chest in a forced salute, veins tensed.
"You're just a toy built for my pleasure. To use as I please," she sighed feeling his hard length under her. This time when she fingered herself, she put her fingers in his mouth and he sucked eagerly. She didn't even have to tell him. "Good boy," she cooed rubbing her fingers through his scalp and his locs.
"Now I'm going to set you free..," she whispered in his ear, "..But you won't fuck me until I say you can and because I'm not dumb, I'm leaving. I'm going shopping. You can get your dick wet in someone else." With a kiss on his cheek and forehead, Charlie rose and headed to her bathroom cleaning herself up. She put on her makeup letting Erik watch as she got dressed.
"Enjoy! And don't cover my marks," she said over her shoulder before leaving. Once in her car, she texted Bastion to untie him. He'd have a rage of lust to unleash and someone needed to be the sexual punching bag.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark
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