#suave kylo ren
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jessscamander · 29 days ago
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"Kylo y el Almirante Ron"
Era temprano en la mañana cuando Hux, vestido con su uniforme impecable, estaba terminando de empacar sus documentos para una reunión en un planeta cercano. Kylo observaba desde el sofá, con los brazos cruzados, mientras el Almirante Ron jugueteaba con la punta de su saco de Hux.
—Ren —dijo Hux, su tono serio mientras intentaba retirar su saco del alcance del tooka—necesitaré que cuides al Almirante Ron mientras estoy fuera.
Kylo alzó una ceja, desconcertado—¿Por qué no puedes dejarlo en tus aposentos?—
Hux suspiró, como si estuviera explicando algo obvio a un niño pequeño.
—Porque el Almirante Ron tiene la costumbre de escabullirse cuando no hay nadie cerca, y no quiero encontrar la nave patas arriba al regresar—
Kylo bufó, pero aceptó con un leve asentimiento. Hux se inclinó hacia él, dejando un beso breve pero cálido en su mejilla.
—No lo arruines Ren—
Kylo lo miró mientras salía de la habitación, y luego dirigió su atención al tooka Ron lo miraba fijamente, como si estuviera evaluándolo.
—Muy bien Almirante Ron, ¿qué hacemos ahora? —preguntó Kylo, más para sí mismo que para el animal.
El tooka simplemente maulló y saltó al regazo de Kylo, acomodándose como si ya fuera su dueño.
Cuidar de Ron resultó ser más complicado de lo que Kylo esperaba. Primero, el tooka insistió en seguirlo a todas partes, incluido el puente de mando, donde los oficiales trataron de mantener la compostura al ver al Líder Supremo con un tooka anaranjado siguiéndolo como una sombra.
—¿Es eso... un tooka, mi señor? —se atrevió a preguntar la Capitána Phasma.
Kylo la fulminó con la mirada.—¿Tienes algún problema con eso, Capitána?—
Phasma, que no era tonta, negó con la cabeza de inmediato—No, mi señor—
El Almirante Ron saltó sobre una consola cercana y comenzó a inspeccionar las pantallas. Algunos oficiales intentaron ocultar sus sonrisas, pero Kylo los ignoró.
—Supongo que tienes el mando ahora —murmuró Kylo al tooka, cruzando los brazos mientras observaba cómo Ron se paseaba con total confianza.
Horas después, de regreso en los aposentos de Hux, Kylo intentó relajarse, pero Ron tenía otros planes. El se subio al escritorio de Hux, esparciendo documentos por toda la habitación.
—¿Qué estás haciendo? —gruñó Kylo, intentando recoger los papeles mientras el tooka lo observaba desde la cima de la mesa, claramente satisfecho con su travesura.
Cuando finalmente logró organizar el desastre, Ron decidió que era el momento perfecto para jugar. Saltó sobre el regazo de Kylo, mordisqueando ligeramente el extremo de su capa.
—¿Esto es lo que haces con Hux todo el día? —preguntó Kylo, exasperado pero incapaz de evitar un leve rastro de diversión en su tono.
El ronroneó en respuesta, acurrucándose finalmente en su regazo. Kylo suspiró, pasando una mano por el suave pelaje del animal—Eres más problemático de lo que pareces almirante—
Cuando Hux finalmente regresó, estaba agotado por las reuniones, pero no pudo evitar sonreír al entrar a sus aposentos y encontrar a Kylo sentado en el sofá con Ron dormido en su regazo.
—¿Qué tal se portó? —preguntó Hux, sacandose su saco y dejando a un lado.
Kylo lo miró, fingiendo estar molesto.—Tu querido Almirante es un pequeño tirano. Se adueñó de mi capa, desordenó tus cosas y prácticamente se declaró el dueño del puente de mando—
Hux se acercó, levantando al Almirante Ron con cuidado—Entonces, un día normal para él—
Kylo lo observó mientras Hux acariciaba al Almirante Ron, sintiéndose un poco más cómodo de lo que esperaba al tenerlos a ambos de regreso.
—Debo admitir que es más entretenido de lo que pensaba, —murmuró Kylo, casi en un susurro.
Hux sonrió, inclinándose para besar a Kylo suavemente—Gracias por cuidarlo Ren sé que no era tu idea de un día relajado—
Kylo le devolvió el beso, apoyando su frente contra la de Hux—Por ti puedo soportar al pequeño Almirante Ron pero no lo malacostumbres demasiado—
Hux rió suavemente, acomodándose junto a Kylo en el sofá con Ron en sus brazos. Por un momento, el caos de sus vidas parecía distante, y lo único que importaba era esta pequeña y peculiar familia que habían formado.
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laurasinele · 5 years ago
So, I went through a bipolar episode (still going? who knows!) and I couldn't concentrate enough in any of my wips, so I picked up @kyluxxoxo Summer Fest and did a thingy.
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I did Bug, Heat, and Ripe. Went for crack but it turned out fluff with an itsy bitsy tiny bit of angst.
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bottomvalerius · 3 years ago
Just had a thought about how my MCs activate their magic!! This is just a draft idea!
Javier: A cool and suave snap
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Claudia and Noxolo: Rubs their thumb under their fingers
Bhekithemba: Exhales and dusting himself off
Mayihlome: A foot tap
Themba: A loud hand clap
Anele: dragging hir fingers across an item like a match
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I totally missed this ask yesterday omg !!! But these are all really fun, I love the match image for Anele 👀💕 and Javi’s suits him so well lmao
Themba’s makes me think of this scene from Midsommar:
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😭😭😭 I am curious about everyone else’s OCs, so please feel free to add on!
I personally think of both Donna and Damien having Ghibli hair when their magic begins to activate; it’ll typically shift purple and shift slightly
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Something like this heheh Donna also twitches their nose a la bewitched lmfao
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I don’t think I’ve written much of Sam using his magic outside of the bedroom LMAO but he’ll get a certain glint to his eyes and shift his fingers pretty quickly before going in for the kill heheh
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(Sorry for the cringe Kylo Ren gif but it’s the closest I can get to what my mental image is LMAO)
But also something like this:
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 years ago
Followers Celebration!
Wow, you guys, I can’t believe there are 300 of you out there following me!!! Thank you so much for your support! Whether you interact with me a bunch or whether you simply enjoy seeing me on your dash, know that I appreciate you all! To celebrate this milestone, I thought it would be fun to do a Star Wars Tournament of my favorite charaters. (Big thanks to @asta-lily​ for the idea with her Pedro Character Playoffs!)
Each week there’ll be ‘games’ where you must vote for your favorite of the two characters to determine a winner. To vote click here
Here’s a look at the bracket I’ve created. More details about my divisions and this week’s games are under the cut.
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Like the NCAA baskeball tournament, I have four divisions with each character ranked by how much I love them (Believe me it was torture to decide the ranking.) Here are the divisions:
Certified Good Bois Club
Din Djarin
Han Solo (yes, he is a good boi)
Poe Dameron
Lando Calrissian
Cassian Andor
Play-in game: Captain Rex vs. Commander Cody
Space Wizards Hangout
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Leia Organa (I know, not a Jedi)
Ahsoka Tano
Rey Skywalker
Play-in game: Kit Fisto vs. Mace Windu
The Evil Lair
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Emperor Palpatine
Count Dooku
Darth Maul
General Grievous
Moff Gideon
Play-in game: Bo-Katan Kryze vs. Jabba the Hutt
Can’t Do It Without Us Cantina
Boba Fett
Padmé Amidala
Jyn Erso
Jar Jar Binks (this one is a gift for you, Lils)
Play-in game: Jango Fett vs. Bail Organa
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So to start us off we have four play-in games, aka the wildcard slots. Remember voting starts now and goes until Thursday, June 17th. Click here to vote.
Play-in Game 1: Battle of the Clones - Which one is the goodest boi?
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Captain Rex versus Commander Cody. Ok this one is going to be tough because they are both great soliders and such sweethearts. I know they are both fan favorites too so I honestly have no idea which way this will go.
Play-in Game 2: The lesser known Jedi - Which one could mind trick you anytime?
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Kit Fisto versus Mace Windu. So I know there are plenty of Kit lovers out there but he doesn’t have a whole lot of screen time and he might be a bit obscure for some. Mace Windu is definitely a badass, but he killed Jango Fett which annoys the hell out of some fans.
Play-in Game 3: They both suck - Who’s going to girlboss their way out of this one?
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Bo-Katan Kryze versus Jabba the Hutt. So Bo-Katan sort of redeemed herself (I guess) in The Mandalorian when she helped Din rescue Grogu, but she still has Death Watch Terrorist on her resume so she’s definitely evil. Jabba the Hutt is a crime lord who keeps slaves and condemns people to death for his own amusement, so nothing redeeming about him.
Play-in Game 4: DILF Wars - Which one has won your heart?
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Jango Fett versus Bail Organa. Another tough one here. Both have many amazing qualities but they’re fairly different from each other. One is our original kickass Mandalorian bounty hunter who gave us Boba Fett and all of our beloved clones. The other is a suave diplomat who negotiated hard for peace and then raised Leia to be the dynamic leader that she is.
Have fun voting! I can’t wait to see whom you choose!!
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astateofjess · 3 years ago
The Love Hypothesis
♥ HYPOTHESIS: this book has such high ratings and everyone is super obsessed with it so therefore i'll probably be equally as obsessed with it as well
This is the first book that I have read where I didn't feel the need to annotate, which I think says a lot about the story. I will admit it was my first contemporary romance novel I have read in ages, but it was such an easy read that I think going forward I want to add more books of this genre to my TBR list so that I could read inbetween fantasy books. It was definitely a refreshing palate cleanser.
As for the story, Adam mf'n Carlsen. BAAABY. Going into this novel, I knew that it was originally written as a Reylo fanfic. Even if I hadn't known that piece of information, I'm sure I would have imagined Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) based off of the description given but I would have not guessed Rey (Daisy Ridley) as Olive. In my head, I picture someone like Rachel Bilson as Olive, probably because she sort of fits the description and I've already seen her in a lab coat in Hart of Dixie.
One of the strengths this book has going for it is that the academia portion of it is believable. The author is a neuroscientist which adds to the authenticity of the setting. My biggest critic that I have for it is that the characters themselves don't really seem believable. Olive, at times, seemed extremely insecure and unsure of herself. At 26 years old, graduate student and all, the reasoning behind the fake dating seemed extremely high-school. I probably would have even let it slide as an undergrad, but I just can't picture a full fledged adult to lack the communication skills to convince their best friend that they are okay with them dating someone they had dated casually.
Then again, her communication skills with Adam were also severely lacking and while the moments they shared were cute... they were also pretty forced at times. The chemistry development didn't feel natural considering alot of their interactions were pushed upon by Anh, Olive's best friend. It would have been a bit more believable if Adam was more suave, considering he's 34 years old - he had his moments but I sure was left wanting more from him. I absolutely adored the banter between the two and the nonverbal communication that illustrates how Adam cares about Olive. I only mention his age because I assume he'd be a bit more experienced, whereas Olive explicitly states over and over again how she's pretty much on the asexual spectrum as a demisexual.
Logic aside, this book was cute and definitely had me squeeing at times especially during Chapter 16. I can't think of any other way to describe it. If you go into it reading it at face-value, it's a good read. It isn't grandiose in romance or smut but sometimes all you really need is someone to buy you pumpkin spice lattes and pack a chocolate-covered protein bar for you even though they think chocolate is disgusting.
“It wasn’t until a few minutes later, when she was sitting on her bed staring at the Boston skyline and chewing on her lunch, that Olive realized that the protein bar Adam had given her was covered in chocolate” (224).
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babbushka · 4 years ago
Good morning! I love all your stuff about Flip when he’s gotten a light stabbing! Would you please do something with Bond villain Kylo after some light attempted murder, shootings, stabbing, whatever lol. Some fluff with you taking care of him? Smuts always alright too lol. Thank you!!!
Anonymous said: Hi Z💗! Happy sinday and late new year! If request are still open! Can we get a mix of 20.You’re in a coma and I confess all my feelings only for you to wake up and 40. “You saved my life.” mixed for some Bond Kylo? I have missed that suave man 🖤 I can’t wait what you have in store for us today! Have a lovely Sunday ☺️
1.1k ; mild angst mostly fluff :)
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The nurse closes the door, giving the two of you some privacy. You’re in a hospital somewhere in Paris, because of course you are. Kylo always has to choose some lavish backdrop for his grand gestures, doesn’t he?
You sigh, wondering when he stopped being Mr. Ren, and became Kylo in your mind.
The door clicks closed and you’re left alone with him. Surprisingly, you’re left alone with him. If this were any other man, if you were any other agent, he might’ve had a dozen guards stationed near the room. But he knows, somehow even in this state, he knows you won’t kill him.
You should, for what he did, for how he always does these things to you. You should kill him…but…seeing him so close to death as it is, seeing him lying so still in the hospital bed, the monitors steadily beeping, it only makes your chest clench.
It’s a very nice hospital room, you have to notice. The walls are pale shade of blue, not the stark white that usually blinds you in places like these. There’s artwork in grand gilded frames hanging up in the empty spaces where charts and machinery aren’t, and you huff a small laugh through your nose at the theatrics of it all. You’re sure that the sheets themselves must be luxurious, 900 thread count at least.
But the most beautiful thing, the most haunting thing in the room, is the man himself. He’s out cold, has been for a couple days, or so the nurse has said. A coma, of course. He had taken a bullet for you, and now was in a coma.
Was there anything more dramatic, more soap opera, than a coma?
“You absolute fucking idiot.” You say fondly, sadly, walking across the hospital room. Your heels click quietly on the polished linoleum flooring as you settle yourself gently on the mattress next to him. “I had everything under control, you know. You didn’t need to go jumping in front of me.”
You speak softly, not knowing if he can hear you. You’re angry, you’re sad, you’re terrified. Seeing him so still, so silent…it’s unnerving. Kylo is larger than life, he always has been.
He looks so small now, asleep in this bed.
His dark hair is splayed out across the pillow artfully, almost as if it were arranged by the nurses while they were doing their checks on him. You bite the inside of your cheek, suddenly overcome with emotion. There’s a tube in his nose to keep his oxygen up, he’s hooked to so many machines. 
You wonder fleetingly, where his mother is.
You take one of his hands in yours, the one that’s not got so many wires and tubes, and you gently close your palms over it. His hand is warm, and you focus on the feeling of that warmth. You know he’s alive, the monitors say so, but it’s hard to be convinced when the only movement he gives you is the shallow rise and fall of his chest.
“How did you even find me? How were you there – how are you always right there? You were supposed to be in Copenhagen; we were supposed to meet in Copenhagen, weren’t we?” You’re talking to him now, thinking out loud. He does this sometimes, monologues. You figure if there were ever a time where you were allowed to, it’d be now. “I was on my way, I promise you I was. I was just about to board the plane to come to you, when everything went down. Why bother making me go through all the effort of traveling to you if you’re going to just follow me around in the shadows?”
You expect him to answer, to give you some witty retort, some smart comeback the way he always does. You can hear the echo of his voice in your head, you can imagine what he would say.
And how strange is that? How strange is it that you know this man, you know him well enough to hear the words he doesn’t speak.
“Kylo…you don’t even know what you do to me. You have no idea, the traitorous treacherous thoughts that you’ve put in my head. Ever since you waltzed into my life it’s been nothing but chaos, you know that?” Tears slip down your cheeks now, involuntary but not unwelcome. “You’re impulsive, irrational, you never follow the goddamned rules. You’re charming and smart and funny and I hate how much I want to be around you all the time.”
You’re laughing then, suddenly, laughing like someone who has gone off the deep end. Maybe you have, maybe you’d jumped. 
You’d jump for him.
“God damn it!” You wipe the tears with the back of your hand, bending over to press your face into his stomach. Your voice is muffled but that doesn’t stop you from continuing, “Damn you! Why did you have to be so wonderful, huh? How come you couldn’t just be like all the others? Why did you have to go and steal my heart away? You have it, you know that. You must know that. You have it and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do if you’re not here to give it back.”
Mi6 would kill you for this, but you don’t care. You don’t care at all, as you sob into the expensive sheets in this expensive hospital room in the city of lights.
“I’ll never forgive you, if you die.” You whisper, sitting up straight once more, carding your fingers through his soft, clean hair. “How am I supposed to go on without your schemes, your plots and ploys to keep me company? How am I supposed to live without looking over my shoulder for your face? You can’t leave me, Kylo. You saved my life, in more ways than one.”  
The words rush out of you, a small jolt of fear induced anger washing through your spine. Because that was the truth, wasn’t it. That was the truth and you had never faced it before – had never needed to. But you would, you’d say it all a thousand times again again again if it meant he would wake up.
Then, just then, you feel the soft caress of warm fingers on your cheek. A hesitant touch, a strained movement, but one that shocks you just the same.
“I love you too.” A raspy voice smiles above you, and when your eyes snap open you’re looking into the soft brown ones of your lover, your enemy, your arch rival, the most beloved and precious thing in the world to you.
You throw yourself onto him, elated, overjoyed, over the moon because he’s laughing, grinning, awake. He’s stupid and crazy and here and alive alive alive, and awake!
And he loves you too.
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padme-amitabha · 4 years ago
Just curious you ship Vaderdala but you don’t like Suitless Vader?
Suitless Vader? Don’t know her.
In all seriousness, I think my dislike stems from the fact that people often misinterpret their relationship, make Suitless Vader seem like Kylo Ren and hence make the ship like Reylo. I have nothing against those who like Suitless Vader but that’s just not my cup of tea. I think part of the reason is that some fics make it seem abusive and make Anakin macho/suave/a ladies’ man (even a psychopath) so he doesn’t feel like Anakin anymore. Also, I accept what happened to Anakin in ROTS because it was karma. He had become too arrogant, overambitious and slaughtered a bunch of children. And he choked his pregnant wife (though he was mentally unhinged in that scene). I usually dislike it when characters gets away with something; every choice should have (lasting) consequences. 
I find an overconfident Anakin unbearable. He is still one of my favorite characters, I still love him but that doesn’t mean he should get away with committing crimes or have plot armor. His arrogance and overconfidence is the very reason why Obi-Wan managed to defeat him in their duel. Vader definitely learned his lesson after that like in ROTJ when Luke took the high ground. Vader is Anakin who has learned from his past mistakes and is not boastful by any means. He is calmer and not reckless (in the movies at least, Marvel!Vader can die for all I care) and much more wary so I think that’s good character development. I like little Ani and Vader more than Anakin in Episodes 2 and 3. He was still great and his flaws are also understandable but his younger and older selves just seem more likeable and sympathetic to me.
I don’t think a Suitless Vader would ever be macho/smooth/psychotic if he’s in character but I think he would be very arrogant (like he was in episodes 2 and 3). Still I would give any fic a chance if it’s well-written and the relationship stays healthy. Another reason why is I think a lot of people like Suitless Vader is because he looks like Hayden. Hayden is a very good-looking man but when I think of Anakin I don’t just think about Hayden. Anakin is Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, David Prowse, Bob Anderson, Sebastian Shaw, James Earl Jones and all of these men helped bring the character to life. I don’t particularly associate Anakin with one actor. I do see the appeal of Suitless Vader and I don’t fault anyone for it but I feel a little shallow to judge a character by his looks. I honestly couldn’t care less about what he looks like, or any of the characters for that matter. That’s just my opinion though. So that’s another reason why I don’t really read much about Suitless Vader. When I’m referring to him as Vader, I do mean Suited Vader, who I consider to be a post-Mustafar Anakin. 
Anidala has so many great content like beautiful arts and fics and I thoroughly enjoy them but I do want to see more Vaderdala too. Vaderdala appeals to me because I think it’s a more mature and realistic take on Anidala. Anidala is a fairytale-ish romance. It’s fluffy and adorable (and I absolutely love it) but all the characters are just so young. It’s like living in a sheltered world, if you know what I mean. Vaderdala in an AU is with the same characters just older and I would love a story where Padmé helps Vader redeem himself just like her son. Or even in a Padmé lives AU I really want them to work it out after the utter mess Anakin made in ROTS. They have kids too so I want them to sort things out like adults. Honestly, I look for emotional attachment and bond than just (physical) attraction in fics. Especially because I headcanon Anakin as demisexual. He said he loved Padmé for ten years and it is because he had an emotional attachment to her, which never went away. After she died, he literally became almost devoid of emotions. For Anakin, it was like he had found his mate for life if you will. So I enjoy reading fics that explore that bond. I like Anidala because they get through just about anything. Suitless Vader fics have the potential of turning it into a generic romance. Anyways, that’s just my preference. 
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hrh-selene-r · 5 years ago
Celebrity/Character Crush Tag game!!
• tag; post below ten characters, musicians, or celebrities you are attracted to/love and have people assume your type.
Tagged by the Marvelous @ellelaconiwrites 😘 love ya hun!! And yes Michelle Yeoh is AMAZING. Be warned, this list comes in no particular order...so please don’t make me choose
1. Tom Hiddleston (he’s fun, cultured, smart, talented, has a great sense of humor and is good looking; not to mention that he has a boyish charm. If you think he’s a goody goody, you haven’t seen him nasty😏....plus he has a dog named Bobby 🐶)
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2. Adam Driver (OF COURSE he’s on my list...I’m not an idiot.. What can I say, he’s a tall and handsome/cute drink of water, he’s also funny and goofy, but thoughtful, talented, hard working, and smart. Not to mention that he has a doggie named Moose 🐕. Of course I Stan! )
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3. Cody Fern (While I’m not usually a fan of blonde men, Cody is hmm. This beautiful Aussi falls under my list of men that play with gender. There’s nothing sexier than a man that’s confident enough to play with gender. 🤤 AND!! He’s a great dresser and when he wears make up, ufff. He can be sweet, snarky and Daddy all in one. Plus he’s never boring and is talented, thoughtful.)
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4. Adam Sackler & Phillip Altman (They’re both mischievous little boys trapped in men’s bodies. They’re both endearing and obnoxious, but very sweet and emotional. I also like that Adam likes to the role of a caregiver, he likes to feel needed and responsable for someone, and that makes him a good potential to be a father.)
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5. Alexander Vlahos (Actor, writer, director, and cat lover. He does it all. Alex is super funny, goofy, smart, witty, handsome and beautiful. He looks good in drag or just hanging out. We have to Stan.)
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6. Alexander Ludwig (He’s a gorgeous Canadian Maple, and I can’t help but make heart eyes at him.)
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7. Clyde Logan (They grow them big at West Virginia! I just wanna lie on the couch with him and read a book or cook dinner. Like with Paterson -another military vet- Clyde makes you appreciate the simple life.)
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8. Toby Regbo (Actor, activist and amateur drag queen. We Stan Stella Lagoon, but I like Toby more ;). He’s so intelligent and thoughtful, he reads a lot of philosophy books and also donates his time doing charity. Plus those eyes are entrancing and I just wanna have a laugh with him while staring at them all night.)
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9. Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, D.O., AKA Dr. Mike. (He has to be on this list. He’s a Russian doctor, he’s handsome AF, funny, goofy and is a doggy daddy to Roxy and Bear. He also has a YouTube channel and honestly his best moments are when he’s not perfect.)
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10. Jake Gyllenhaal (this is a long time coming. I don’t know if it’s his face, his eyes, his smile or his laugh, but 😍.)
Honorable mentions
Toby Grisoni (He’s a bit of a cynical asshole, but he’s a sexy AF cynical asshole. He needs someone to whip him into shape and show him a bit of humility)
Alexander Dreymon (I have no words for this beautiful German man.)
Paul Rudd (he’s been a crush of mine since the 90’s and I still adore him)
Chris Evans (That’s America’s ass ;)
Jared Leto (He’s a bit of a fuckboi but he’s an immortal one. Plus he’s fun and really smart. He contemplates things a lot and is a nature lover, he has fun with his appearance and is very creative. Plus he’s hung...I mean, there’s a reason they call it Satan...plus he’s into some sado masochist stuff. I’d try it.)
Darren Criss (I cant put my finger on it.)
Michael Langdon (He’s the son of Satan and he’s kinda sexy. He’s not always sure, and he had some help along the way, but when he finally came into his own...daaaamn.)
Nico Tortorella (I just a sucker for them. Nico is just 🤤 but they’re fun and has an adventurous soul. I am so team Josh in younger. To be clear they’re non binary.
Kylo Ren ( Complex character...need I say more. Kylo is a scholar of the force turned commander, turned Supreme Leader. He’s not evil, but also not all good -like any real person. I didn’t see enough of him to get a good grip of his personality, but that’s where we can fill the blanks -cause I can guarantee it’ll be better than whatever Disney would’ve come up with.)
Zuko (Bad guy turned good in the best way possible. Story/character wise: he’s what Kylo isn’t; a well redeemed antagonist. He fails, gets frustrated, tries to be funny but tends to be moody and humorless. But he has a soft cookie dough core underneath it all.)
James ‘Pale’ from Burn This (Jersey boy be Jersey. He’s tall, a hard worker an artist and has a motormouth. Yeah he’s obnoxious, is traumatized by his brothers death and has a cocaine habit, not to mention that he’s in a failed marriage and has issues expressing emotion, but god damn it if you can’t see the emotional vulnerability underneath.
Charlie Barber (I low key love his controlling energy. He’s probably a sub, if I’m honest. But he needs an assertive woman, the man is a controlling narcissist, so his partner can’t take his shit, has to bring him down a peg once in a while and support him, but also demand that he support them.
Sam Geggie: (Sam is a total creative power house as Gigi Goode. They’re funny and witty. I’ll be bad for them if they want. 😏. ❤️ In case you’re wondering Sam is gender fluid.)
L (So he’s basically a law breaking Sherlock Holmes. He’s actually a very engaging and intriguing character. And to be real, there’s an ego thing to being recognized by someone with his intelligence and influence.)
Bill Skarsgard (He’s beautiful.)
Sung Kang (He’s just gorgeous, and his attitude kills me.)
John Hamm (He’s masculine and traditionally handsome...plus he’s hung.)
Alexander Skarsgard (He can be my Viking any day)
Vegeta (yes I’m a dragonball fan. He is arguably the most complex character in the franchise. He is a present father and a supportive and loyal-to-fault husband. Sure he had some growing pains, but I Stan.)
Andreja Pejić (I had a crush before she came out as trans and I still have a crush on her)
Gustav Skarsgard (I cant even. There’s something there.)
Clark Gable (I don’t need to say anything, he’s just so suave and debonair.)
Kento Yamazaki (I mean c’mon. He’s cute)
Did I cheat? Maybe.. ;) Do I have a type? I don’t know, if you thinks so then leave a comment to let me know.
Tagging some friends!! @kowalskibro-adamdriverblog @ktellmeastory @adumbdryer @callmehopeless @direnightshade @commanderbensolo @tsarinastorm @jyn-z-solo @ohiobluetip @oh-adam @thomasscresswell @mind-p0llution @klauscarolove
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bexterbex · 5 years ago
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 53
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Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 53: Day Drinking?
Adlez led you all to a door that you, of course, had never seen before. “After you m’lady,” she said with grandeur.
You entered the room and were rather stunned at the sight. A full-fledged bar. There was a bar on the First Order’s capital ship, a military ship. Not just one in your private quarters. “Adlez isn’t it a little too early for drinking,” you asked, still shocked and taking in the fact that there were people here in the A.M.
“It might be m’lady but it is a change of sight. I assume that if this is rather a shock for you, that you probably don’t want to return here on the Delta shift? It might be a little too risque,” she said as she sauntered over to the bar and was greeted by the bartender with a strange familiarity.
You followed her, Olivia-Rose sat off to her right at the bar, you to the left, and the lieutenant to your left. Kuruk and Trudgen were seated in a booth close to the door, and a waitress came to take their orders. The bartender asked if you wanted a drink, to which you declined.
“This is supposed to be fun, m’lady. Loosen up just a little bit,” scolded Adlez.
“I don’t know, for some odd reason, I feel like I shouldn’t be here,” you explained. It honestly felt like something Kylo wouldn’t approve of and you felt rather conflicted. You shouldn’t need his permission to be here, but at the same time, you wanted to know if he was ok with you being here. If this was something acceptable for you to do.
“As I said, it isn’t like we are here on Delta shift, we are here when things are appropriate for a lady of your status,” said Adlez.
“What happens here on Delta shift,” you were curious.
“It turns into a gentleman’s club of sorts, nothing too uncouth, more dancing than anything.” Adlez took a sip of her strong-looking drink.
“More burlesque than striper,” interjected Olivia-Rose quietly. She was babysitting some overly neon thing.
Your mind rather raced at the thought. Of course, you knew the men and women on board needed entertainment, and would probably seek something like this when they came to port, but to actually have something like this on board sort of blew your mind. “So the First Order employs people specifically to do something like this,” you ask.
“No ma’am, various officers and enlisted members. No one is paid by the First Order, they do it of their own free will,” responded Mitaka trying to hide the blush forming on his cheeks.
You only nodded in response. Somehow it made you feel better. That they weren’t employing/forcing people to do this against their will. You were just shocked that it was something the prim and proper First Order would allow.
“Do any of you partake in this,” you ask looking at each of them.
Adlez responded first, “Yes, but not as a dancer, only as a spectator. It can be a rather good place to find a willing partner for the night, or a great place to bring one, they do half of the work for you.”
The lieutenant vigorously shook his head and gulped while he looked towards the stage. Somewhere his mother would probably be proud of him, but you didn’t look down on Adlez either.
“I’ve only been in here once so far, Adlez dragged me here last night,” said Olivia-Rose.
“You say that as if it was a bad thing,” rebuked Adlez. She then took a big swig of her drink, which was rather impressive. “I was only trying to broaden your horizons.”
Broaden her horizons. Olivia-Rose was rather pretty, but you were pretty sure she wasn’t as suave as Adlez and probably didn’t need to go to a bar like this to find someone. You were pretty sure you saw the lieutenant sneaking glances at her the last few days.
Of course, she was a bit older than him, but they would be rather cute together if you did say so yourself. Maybe that was something you could help with, but you wouldn’t force them into anything, seeing as they would be with each other too often. But they would be cute.
As if on cue you received a message from Kylo on your phone, ‘It would be preferred if you were not in the Officers’ bar. Find something else to fill your time.’
“Well, this is a no go option ladies and gents,” you said to your group.
“Why is that m’lady,” asked Adlez looking over your shoulder at your phone.
“The Supreme Leader has asked me to not spend my time here,” you explained. You properly showed her your phone.
“He said it would be preferred, it doesn’t mean you have to listen,” she said finishing her drink.
“I know, but I would rather not put him in a bad mood at the moment. We have been going back and forth at each other’s throats, and I am too tired to start right now.” You were honest, you hoped you could go a few days without fighting. It was all becoming rather disheartening and exhausting.
Her eyes traced along the love bites marking your neck, “You’ve been at each other’s throats all right.” She put down a handful of credits and got up to leave. You all followed. Olivia-Rose knocked back the rest of her drink and hurried up to follow, to which you see the lieutenant tried to stray a bit for her.
You all left the bar with the knights following behind. “There really isn’t much to do m’lady unless the Supreme Leader would allow you down on the surface. Which I doubt. This is a military vessel. They set most of the entertainment up in the living spaces, so the bar was really the only option we had while your chambers were being cleaned up. Unless you want to go sit it on various training or observe people working there really isn’t anything to do. They designed your chambers to keep you entertained,” said Adlez.
“I could ask him but I doubt that he would allow such things.” You then turned to the lieutenant, “Do we know how far along they are at cleaning up the mess?”
He nodded and quickly pulled up the work order on his data pad, “They should be wrapping up now. It seems you might be without a few things for a few days while one of the workshops start on them, one couch wasn’t able to be repaired and it may take a few days to get some of the bar items imported from across the galaxy.”
“That seems fine, why don’t we head back. I would like to lie out in the simulated sun for a bit.” With that, your party seemed content on returning to your chambers.
There were a few technicians finishing up when you got there, but you paid them no mind as you headed straight out to the patio to lie on one of the lounge chairs. Adlez set the temperature and sun strength for you. You felt like a cat laying out in the sun, you even took a quick cat nap before you heard a commotion coming from ‘inside.’
You turned to look through the windows that looked into the living space. You saw Adlez yelling after a male technician and you saw Kuruk take him into a headlock before dragging him out of your chambers. You were curious, so you went to investigate.
Adlez was clutching her pearl necklace and yelled to Trudgen to, “Make a sweep of the whole place! We don’t need another pervert in here!” You then watched him move throughout the place, taking time to open up every cabinet and door.
“What is going on,” you ask her.
“Oh, nothing m’lady. Just a lonely technician who thought it was a good idea to go through your intimates. Nothing we can’t handle. I am just glad it was me in your dressing room and not you.” She held your shoulders reassuringly. She seemed a bit shaken up, but still so well-grounded.
You saw Trudgen come back from somewhere in the bedroom. He just nodded at both of you which prompted Adlez to ask, “So everything is all clear?”
He nodded, and you answered for him, seeing as he was the least talkative of the knights, “Yes, I believe everything is all clear. Thank you, Trudgen.” You then turned to the lieutenant who had followed you ‘inside,’ “Can you report this to the Supreme Leader? Possibly have him transferred off the ship?”
You heard Adlez laugh at that, “Good luck with that, he’ll be lucky if the Dark Lord allows him to live let alone have the capacity to be transferred someplace else. I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow there is a public execution in the main assembly hall.” She was still holding her pearls as she walked around behind your bar and poured herself a drink of some amber-colored liquor.
“Well, let’s just hope that the Dark Lord takes my opinion into account and just demotes and transfers him.” You were really hoping you would not have to watch any public execution. You knew they were a thing that the First Order did frequently, but you were hoping to avoid ever seeing it.
She did a sort of surrendering bow to you as she drank from her drink. You weren’t standing there more than a few more seconds before the doorbell rang; the lieutenant reached the door before you did. It was the general to which you now remembered that you were to have etiquette lessons during lunch and after.
“Good afternoon, m’lady.  Are you ready to start on your dinner etiquette,” asked Hux.
“I suppose I have to be, I don’t want to waste either of our time. But can you answer something for me first? How likely would an execution be for rifling through my things? I mean that female officer got injured and demoted for stealing my things, along with propositioning the Supreme Leader. What would rifling get?” You hoped that the technician would just get demoted without the beating.  
“Well, m’lady I hate to inform you but both of them are on the schedule for tomorrow morning’s assembly. The Supreme Leader would like to make examples of them now that there is a pair. One for propositioning him and one for attempting to proposition you.”
You turned to Adlez in shock, “You said he was just going through my things, not that he was attempting to proposition me.”
“Well, m’lady I don’t think that there was going to be a proposition if I am being honest. He did ask me to fetch you but there was a look in his eyes that told me otherwise, that and he held a pair of your underwear like a savage beast. As I said, you are lucky that it was me that was in the dressing room and not you. We should probably discuss with the Supreme Leader to give you some self-defense courses,” she said, all of this rather matter-of-factly. She wasn’t messing around and probably hoped to avoid telling you.
You turned to the general, “Will I have to be there?” You loathed the idea, but you had a feeling what the answer might be.
“I believe it might be for the best that you would be m’lady. As they both committed crimes against you, and therefore the Supreme Leader himself.” You could see that he saw that you were rather displeased with this statement. “You could ask the Supreme Leader if you could be there before while their crimes are being read off and then leave before the execution itself.”
“Thank you general. I suppose I will just have to ask him tonight,” you relented. You then followed the general into the dining room, as did the lieutenant and your ladies-in-waiting. You were rather dreading having a lesson while you ate, but it had to be done.
A/N: To those of you reblogging I do see your tags and commentary and thank you for them. You know who you are, I just don’t know how to best respond.
 And thanks for being patient with today’s upload!
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sithsecrets · 5 years ago
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?” where Supreme Leader Ren is flirting (you know... Kylo flirting) with this ambassador but she is too oblivious for her own good
The Supreme Leader catches you in the corridor afterthe negotiations of adjourned for the day, away from the cloying attentions ofhis commanders the other ambassadors that have been vying for his attention allafternoon.
“You are a skilled negotiator, Ambassador,” theSupreme Leader tells you, and you thank him for his compliment.
“It is an honor to negotiate and alliance with theOrder, Supreme Leader,” you say graciously, expecting the interaction to endthere. However, yourself and the Supreme Leader stare at each other for just amoment too long after you’re done speaking, and then it’s awkward.
“Yes, well…” Kylo says, and then he’s turning on hisheel and striding away from you quickly.
You’re more than a little surprised when the SupremeLeader asks if would sit next to him during tonight’s state dinner. You’re an ambassadorof the planet that the Order is trying to forge an alliance with, sure, but youdon’t consider yourself to be particularly special.
“I would be honored, Supreme Leader.” You flash a grinin Kylo Ren’s direction, and the look that comes over his face indicates to youthat he may be feeling ill. You’re sure he’s hungry after spending all day innegotiations, just as you are, so you brush it off.
That night, after the dinner’s ended, your fellowambassadors make a rather big fuss about Kylo inviting you to sit at his sideduring the meal. They insist that it means something more, but you aren’tconvinced.
“I don’t even know what all of you are implying,” you declareafter a few minutes of bickering back and forth, because you don’t.
“Ambassador,” one of your colleagues says, and she’sgaping at you as if you’ve said something stupid.
You love a good party, but they can get a bit too raucousfor your taste sometimes.
Sucking in a cool breath of air, you duck out onto thebalcony, relieved at the way the closing of the double doors behind your back dullsthe music and chatter inside the palace. The air soothes your too-hot skin as alovely little breeze tickles your face, and you lean on the balcony’s railing totake some of the pressure off your aching feet. It may take pain to be beautiful,but you sometimes can’t help but think the heels simply aren’t worth it.
You’re startled by the sound of a door opening behindyou and by the burst of noise from the partygoers inside the accompanies it.
“Ambassador.” The Supreme Leader’s voice waivers slightly,almost as if he had not expected you to be outside.
“Supreme Leader,” you say kindly. “I was just taking bitof a break from the party.”
“Yes, me too,” the Supreme Leader says, coming tostand beside you. The two of you stand together in silence for a moment, and it’sonly a little awkward.
“Have you been enjoying the festivities?” you ask,just to break the tension.
“Oh, yes, of course,” answers Kylo Ren, noddingslightly. “Have you?”
“Yes, but I think I’m ready to end the night now,” youadmit, because you are. You’ve had fun sipping on wine and dancing with a few men,but now that you’ve gotten away from the noise, all you want to do is take yourmakeup off and get in bed.
“I think I’ll be turning in shortly as well,” Kyloaffirms.
Smiling sweetly, you bid the Supreme Leader goodnight,but he stops you as you’re heading back inside.
“Ambassador,” he calls.
Kylo looks nervous as he speaks to you, hands flexingat his sides. “You… You look rather pretty in that color.”
“Thank you, Supreme Leader,” you say, and the grin on yourface softens, becomes something more sentimental.
That night, as you lie in bed, you play the events ofthe last several days back in your head. Mostly, you’re sifting through memoriesof your interactions with the Supreme Leader as you stare at the ceiling of yourguest quarters, tangled in soft sheets and cozy bedding that should have yousleeping soundly by now. Something’s nagging at your brain though, and it hasto do with the Kylo Ren. You just wish you knew what’s bothering you…
“Oh, fuck,” you say, sitting straight up in bed. “Stars,I’m such a fucking idiot.”
Another round of negotiations between your planet andthe Order is resolved, and apparently, that means yet another party is inorder.
You’re back on the balcony again, trying to cool offand collect your thoughts just like you were a couple of night’s ago in thissame spot. Inside, your fellow ambassadors and members of the Order alike areall drinking and dancing, making merry and spilling wine all over themselves, you’resure. You, though, you’re still marveling at how absolutely oblivious you’vebeen for the past few days.
How could you have not seen what the Supreme Leaderwas doing? How he was coming on to you the way he was? Sure, Kylo Ren may notbe the most suave man you’ve ever met, but he was obviously trying to expresshis interest in you… in his own way! You’ll cut yourself some slack for some ofit, but you should have known his intentions the moment that he called youpretty the other night. Stars, and to think that people actually allow you tomake important decisions…
Oh fuck.
You turn to see Kylo Ren pushing the balcony door shutbehind him, looking as handsome as ever in one of his typical black eveningoutfits. You like that about him, you think, how plainly he dresses. He’spractical, and he knows what he looks best in.
“Supreme Leader,” you call back, trying to be warm insteadof nervous and closed off.
“Escaping the noise again?” Kylo asks you, walking to whereyou’re standing by the railing, and you just nod. There’s silence again afterthat, and all the two of you do for a moment is stare at each other under themoonlight.
“Can I ask you a question?” you say, building your courage.
“Of course,” Kylo replies, looking at you expectantly asyou hesitate to speak again.
“… Are you flirting with me?”you ask sheepishly, fully prepared for him to laugh in your face. You think youhave the situation pegged correctly, but then again, who knows with a man likeKylo Ren?
“You finally noticed?” Kyloasks, and the hopeful tone of his voice makes your chest ache with happiness.
“Yes, I- It took me a while, but I’ve got it now,” youaffirm. Cutting your eyes to the side, you suddenly feel the need to apologize.“I’m sorry for not saying something sooner, I just- I’m not good with these sortsof things.”
“Me either.” Kylo chuckles a little, and it’s the firsttime you’ve seen him so much as crack a smile.
“You know,” you say slowly, “if you wanted myattention, you could have just said so. I’m much better with directness than Iam with subtlety.”
Kylo looks at you for a moment, something soft in hisgaze. “If you want me to be direct, then,” he says, “may I kiss you?”
You giggle at that, blush spreading down your neck. “Inthe name of directness,” you laugh, “I’ll admit that I’d like that very much.”
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solohux · 5 years ago
(Prompt) let me know if this is too dark! Alpha Hux and Omega Kylo are courting but haven’t slept together yet, but they are ready thinking about bonding!One day Ren shares with Hux that he has a fantasy to be taken by force by an alpha and he asks if Hux would mind trying it out for their first heat together. Hux says yes because he want to give Ren everything. ( so basically consentual non-consent)
Hux hadn’t been so sure of Kylo’s suggestion at first. They’ve spoken of bonding, of Hux knotting Kylo during his next heat but the rape fantasy of Kylo’s had come as a bit of a surprise.
“You can say no,” Kylo huffs, folding his arms and sitting back on the couch. Next to him, Hux rolls his eyes but remains calm in the face of the omega’s sulk.
“Do you hear me saying no, Ren?”
“No, but you didn’t say yes straight away.”
“I just hadn’t expected our first time to be done with force. That’s all,” Hux tries to keep his voice soft, not wanting to upset the omega any further.
“It’d be fake though. It isn’t real force. Everyone has fantasies. And this is mine.”
Hux shifts closer to Kylo, reaching out to touch his cheek before tucking his hair behind his ear, “Would this make you happy?”
Kylo sighs, “Yes. Very. I don’t know why I want this but I do. It turns me on so much, Hux.”
“Then I’ll do it,” the alpha says, nuzzling Kylo’s cheek before kissing him. “And you know that anything that I say or do during that time will be part of the play?”
“I understand.”
“And a safe word?”
“Uh. Arkanis?”
“Nice choice. It’ll be…an honour just to lie with you, Ren,” Hux says, feeling rather sentimental over his soon-to-be mate. “I want to give you everything I have.”
And oh, it’s more intense than Hux could have imagines, for them both.
“Please,” Kylo begs, so delirious with his heat that Hux hasn’t needed to restrain him; he’s too weak to even stand, his limbs wobbling like a newborn deer on ice. “Let me go.”
“I think not, little omega,” Hux says, bringing his heel to Kylo’s hip and pushing him back down to the floor. His sweating, bare skin hits the ground with a slap, rolling over onto his belly immediately and showing off his perky, little omega cock to the hungry alpha. A trail of slick covers his milky thighs and even drips onto the floor beneath him; the scent is so sweet that it makes Hux’s knot throb with need.
“It hurts,” Kylo moans, legs trembling. He reaches down to try and get something to fill his hole, even if it’s his own fingers—but not if Hux has anything to do about it.
He growls, leaping onto the omega and forcing himself between Kylo’s legs. His hands find Kylo’s wrists and pin them above his head, using what he can of his own strength against the weak omega to pin him down to the ground.
“I didn’t give you permission to touch yourself,” Hux growls, leaning down to nibble at one of Kylo’s perking nipples, making him whine and whimper. “I own you.”
“Y-you don’t,” Kylo cries. “I don’t want this.”
“Oh, sweetheart. You do,” Hux coos, bucking his hips against the omega’s soaking hole, amused when Kylo’s eyes roll back into his head and he moans loudly just at the contact. “Your body knows that it needs me. You need an alpha’s knot to tame you.”
“Oh gods, please,” Kylo opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling.
“Please, what, darling omega?” Hux slowly releases his grip on Kylo’s wrists, content that he isn’t going to fight back against him, and begins to work the zipper on his pants, allowing his girthy cock to spring free and throb at the entrance of Kylo’s hole.
“G-get away from me. I don’t want your knot, I can g-get through this on my own—ohhh, shit.”
“Wrong answer, baby doll,” Hux tests out the nickname and catches a smile ghosting across Kylo’s lips as soon as he’s said it. Hux playfully slaps Kylo’s leg. “Don’t break character just because you don’t like that nickname, Ren.”
The fear disappears from Kylo’s eyes as his smile grows and he smirks, covering his mouth with his hands to try to hide his amusement but fails, “I can’t help it, it sounded weird. You’re not suave enough to pull off calling me baby doll.”
“You’re making my erection fade.”
“Ha, sorry.” Kylo shifts, putting his hands back above his head and clearing his throat. “Don’t, alpha. P-please.”
Amazed at Kylo’s acting, Hux slips back into the persona of the scene and begins to push his cock into his omega prey, watching as his pretending becomes real with each inch that slips inside of his tight tunnel.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Hux whines, leaning down to snatch Kylo’s lips up into a rough, deep kiss. “You feel so fucking good, taking my cock like this.”
Kylo doesn’t reply, he only moans and moans and moans as Hux begins to thrust into him, his entire body convulsing with each movement as though the waves of pleasure are electricity bolting through him. It isn’t long before he comes hard.
Hux falls silent for a moment, just taking in the sight of Kylo’s orgasm and admiring his beauty. This isn’t the scenario that he would have wanted for their first time together but Kylo is worth anything and everything, including this.
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themangoyogurt · 4 years ago
Between 29th and Astoria: The Appetizer
Chapter 5
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It was always the same story after a night of hard drinking - waking up with regret, plotting your own death, and revisiting misdemeanors committed under the influence of alcohol. To make matters worse, you had fallen asleep on the commute resulting in missing your stop. By the time you went above ground, back down on the other side, and hopped on the right train - you were hopelessly late.
Not only that, but you had been drunk enough to make stupid life decisions such as feel up your freaking boss, but not blitzed enough to have forgotten what had happened. You stepped off the executive elevator and onto the forty-fifth floor completely ready to die of embarrassment.
Only, you didn’t.
Ren’s door was closed, but you heard gentle murmuring behind the glass. His morning conference call must have begun earlier than scheduled. At least that took care of any awkward A.M. confrontations. If you had any doubts that your job was on the line though, they were immediately cleared as you stepped up to your little glass fortress.
Sitting neatly in the center right between your monitor and keyboard was a cup of coffee. A sticky note was stuck to the sleeve with two sentences scrawled in surprisingly beautiful penmanship.
“May I suggest a different addictive substance? Perhaps one that won’t kill you?”
The smell of hazelnut and spice wafted up from the lid, enveloping the area with a warm scent. The caramel liquid inside was still hot, and burned deliciously as it was consumed. Seeing that he bought you coffee, perhaps Kylo’s hypocrisy regarding smoking could be ignored. For now at least. You reclined into the leather seat underneath and began your typical morning rituals.
The computer fired on with a half-hearted beep. Next, physical memos were sorted as the screen slowly loaded. Some papers were shuffled into the trash. Others were filed away for later use, and a select few were organized into a folder to hand off to Mr. Ren. As soon as the monitor pinged to life, e-mails were next on the list. Similar to the memos, you organized and sorted the digital mail. Once in a while, you’d be interrupted by a phone call.
Most of the time it was a frantic Mitaka in search of one thing or another for Hux. The poor man was clearly stretched far too thin, and you always spent the latter half of your conversations giving the assistant a pep talk. By the time everything was catalogued and dealt with, it was usually lunch. That was almost always taken alone at your desk. First Order certainly didn’t encourage friendships, that much was for sure. If you were lucky and Mr. Ren had an outside appointment during the hour, you were able to eat elsewhere. Even then it wasn’t very exciting. You’d usually just grab a sorry excuse for a salad from Hale & Hearty, and eat it in the break room.
Today was different though. Twelve o’ clock struck, and Mr. Ren emerged from his office. Dark hair coiffed backwards, he slowly ambled towards your desk. Your name slid from his lips like oil and you looked up in surprise.
“Mr. Ren! I thought you had a lunch appointment today.”
He tapped his fingers along the smooth surface of your desk and nodded. Reaching over, he plucked your purse hanging from the back of the chair. Smiling, the man responded, “Yes, I do. You’re my appointment.”
You mouth slackened in surprise, and Kylo smirked at your reaction, filing away the image along with others he had collected over time. Twirling the leather strap of your bag in one hand, he turned on his heel and marched over to the elevator. You immediately jumped up from your chair and hurried a step behind the man.
He brought you to a swanky restaurant somewhere uptown. Just like at the club last night, you felt incredibly out of place. It was the type of establishment you’d only read about in magazines alongside the words “so-and-so celebrity spotted at”. It certainly wasn’t the kind of venue a failed photographer turned personal assistant ate at. And it definitely wasn’t the kind of place a boss should be taking his assistant just for kicks.
Regardless, Kylo still placed a warm palm on your lower back and ushered you through the large doors and into a marble waiting area. The hostess immediately recognized the raven-haired CEO and lead the way to a private dining area secluded in the back.
The lithe blonde’s eyes darted between the two of you and then to Kylo’s hands before asking, “Mr. Ren, would you like me to check your - uh - friend’s bag?”
Oh my God. Kylo Ren was still holding your purse.
Your face colored in embarrassment as you thought about how this woman probably checked Birkins worth six figures. Your little flea market find of cracked leather definitely had no business being checked anywhere. Panicking, you snatched the purse away from your boss and awkwardly tittered that you’d be fine holding onto the handbag.
Did the woman just give you a look of sympathy?
If she kept up that attitude, you’d give her something to be sympathetic about. Your eyes squinted ever so slightly, and Ren let out a snort. He waved the hostess away and pulled out your chair before settling in across the table.
“If you’re ashamed of your purse, you could always buy a new one.”
“Excuse me?! Just because I don’t enjoy being judged, doesn’t mean I’m ashamed of my purse! And what do you expect me to do? Go out and buy a Chanel with the zero dollars in my savings account?”
Kylo’s head tilted backwards as he chuckled, “You looked ready to choke the hostess with your mind.”
“My purse has character. Something she wouldn’t understand,” you pouted.
“Yes. I’m just finding out about how much character you possess.”
Heat spread across your cheeks and your face bloomed pink at your boss’s teasing. Fiddling with the hem of the tablecloth you whispered, “I’m so sorry about last night, Mr. Ren.” He dismissed your apology with a wave of his hand and chortled, “I’ve seen Phasma do worse on a better night. Don’t worry about it.” He slowly drank in the sight of your flushed skin and the way your lashes shyly fluttered at his words. Yes, he could definitely get used to this.
Thankfully the waiter arrived, and provided some relief as he went over the tasting menu. Who on earth ate five courses at twelve thirty in the afternoon?
Apparently, Kylo Ren did. The man didn’t even flinch as the waiter rattled off various dishes and accompaniments. You blushed again as Mr. Ren ordered a whiskey neat for himself and a gin and tonic for yourself. He ignored your protests that it was too early to drink, and opted to lean back and watch your fruitless objections with mirth.
“Are you done?”
Your ears turned red, and Kylo grinned with his full set of teeth. He was beginning to discover a new hobby - making his assistant blush. Once again, the waiter came to the rescue as he set down a white oval porcelain dish with two oysters perched atop a hill of ice with caviar scattered about. Ren expertly fed himself the appetizer and watched you struggle in amusement. Compared to Ren’s effortless elegance, you looked like a pelican choking down sardines.
He quietly placed a palm on the table and asked, “So, tell me about yourself. What do you do after work?”
An eyebrow raised on its own as you studied Mr. Ren with some suspicion. Just a few days ago, this man was one missed memo away from flipping over your desk and booting you out the door. Now he wanted to know what you did for fun? As if sensing your apprehension, Kylo teased, “Isn’t this what friends do? Get to know each other?”
The memory of Kylo’s massive hands gripping your slight wrists was enough to make you gag on your drink. Were gin and tonics always this difficult to stomach?
Clearing your throat and wiping the edges of your lips, you replied, “Well. Honestly, I go to work so early and stay so late...there isn’t really much time for me to do anything. My friends are pretty understanding though, so we spend most of our time at my apartment or theirs. We - uh - you know, talk. Sometimes we play board games or just watch Netflix. We do other things together, too.”
Kylo arched a brow and joked, “You do ‘other things’ with your friends? How conveniently vague.”
Coughing again, you sputtered, “No! No. I mean, we’re all single, but we don’t - you know - do weird things. Uhm, Rose is a mechanic and she works on these crazy fancy private planes that come in and out of the city. Sometimes her clients invite her to cool things, and I’ll get to tag along. Poe has a really sweet job, and he’ll hook us up with tickets to events, too. And, uhm, Finn also works at Poe’s company, but only part time. But he’s trying really hard to be an actor and he just wrapped up a really great show. We’ll go see him in different performances, and it’s really fun!”
Kylo ran his bottom lip along the edge of his glass as he took in your response. The name “Poe” sounded oddly familiar to him. It was a rather archaic sounding name that not many in your age group had. He’d have to look into that later, rather preferring to settle on one key fact he was surprisingly happy to learn - you were single.
“What about you, Mr. Ren? Do you have any hobbies? Or - uhm - date?”
You were going to be the death of him. If he could die via cuteness, he would choose you every time. He watched your throat bob as you swallowed, almost as if you wished you could push the words back down. He thought for a moment: no, what he did with the fairer sex certainly wouldn’t be considered dating. As for hobbies?
“Sure. I enjoy calligraphy. It’s a nice marriage of art and the written form. I also like taking my cars out to the speedway from time-to-time. As for dating? No. I wouldn’t say I have the time to date...per se.”
You nodded along, thinking the entire time that Mr. Ren sounded lightyears above you. Of course someone like him wouldn’t play fucking Cranium in his free time. You continued to eat and chat until the meal wrapped up. Kylo was even suave enough to take care of the check while he got up to use the restroom, saving you the embarrassment of having to act like you could even afford to split the $700 bill.
Walking out the door, you stopped to turn to the man. Rocking a bit on your heels, you meekly murmured, “Thank you, Mr. Ren...”
“What was that, little mouse? I didn’t quite catch that.” A quirk of his lip indicated that he was teasing you again.
Clearing your throat, you spoke up, “Thank you, Mr. Ren. For the meal. And the conversation. I - uh - quite enjoyed spending time with you.”
He gave you a warm smile. The most genuine one you have yet to witness. He carefully patted your back - high enough to be professional, but low enough to leave you confused.
Looking up into the sky, he replied, “I’m glad. Perhaps we could making spending time together a habit.”
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I bet that Kylo Ren was taught formal etiquette & negotiation tactics by Leia when he was a kid. Imagine people's shock when they expect a barbarian-- his status as a brutal space warlord notwithstanding-- but Kylo is suave & coolly sophisticated the whole time. And although he can be impulsive like in the TFA movie, he's still intelligent.
Holy shit, of course. I think that’s what I love about his character is that it’s so multi-faceted. My headcanon is that he can read and write multiple languages (perhaps confirmed via our knowledge of his calligraphy?). Dreamy eyes.
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1-800-choke-that-snoke · 5 years ago
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Hello, friends! This is a piece written for @itsaconquestofimagination in celebration of Eid al-Fitr. It’s been more than a year since I’ve written any fic, so I’m still shaking some rust off. I might continue it in the future as a multi-chapter piece in the near future. 
~1800 words, sfw, fluff
You impatiently tap your fingers on the counter, watching the tiny screen of your phone as the time glows brightly on your phone screen. You made sure to straighten up your tiny living room, clean out the horribly decayed food in your fridge left by your roommate, bring out the fourteen empty mugs piled up in your room. 
You couldn’t help but smirk a bit as he walked onto your porch. You’d recognize his gait anywhere: heavy, smooth, purposeful. He stopped at your door, and there was the slightest moment of silence. 
The doorbell rang. Kylo was always precisely on-time, a trait encouraged by his mother, and later beaten into him by Snoke. You answered the door with a bit more enthusiasm than you intended, cheeks burning. “Kylo!” you beamed, beckoning him inside. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” he said pleasantly. He gave you a warm smile, but you still saw the tiredness in his eyes. He stepped into the tiny apartment, ducking a bit to keep his head from brushing against the doorway. He had his hands stuffed deeply in his pockets, a nervous habit of his, as he stood by the tiny kitchen counter. 
You went into your refrigerator and pulled out the Brita filter he bought for you when you first reconnected, when you first moved into the apartment. You weren’t too fond of using it everyday, but you always made a point to use it whenever he was over. “So, Kylo Ren, what brings you here on a Sunday?” you ask, pouring a couple glasses of water and handing him one. Normally, his Sundays were reserved for late-night family dinners. Tense, passive-aggressive, uncomfortable family dinners, minus one ‘mysteriously disappeared’ father.
“Well, I thought that since Eid starts tomorrow—” 
“Eid ends tonight, actually,” you said, bringing the glass to your lips. 
“Oh,” he muttered nervously, looking like he missed the date for an important exam. “Uhm…” He cleared his throat, redness burning across his face, unable to meet your amused gaze. “So, Wikipedia lied to me…” 
You snorted into your water, nearly choking with laughter. 
Kylo stood silent, taking a moment to work his nerve back up after his blunder. “Uhm, your… the fasting is over though, right?” 
You nodded. 
“Great!” He smiled in relief, his plan getting back on track. You couldn’t help but smile with him. You loved the way his dark eyes lit up, the temporary disappearance of the otherwise permanent fatigue etched on his scarred face. “Since your family is too far away to visit, I thought we could go ou—” He cut off, losing his nerve for just a moment. “Uh, I thought we could have a little celebration of our own.” 
Your heart fluttered. “And, uh, what did you have in mind?” 
He cleared his throat. “Well…I thought I could take you to your favorite restaurant.”
You cocked your head a bit. It was a lovely offer on his end, but Dex’s Diner was a nearly two-day drive—you’d definitely need to cut class to make it, and that wasn’t something you were willing to do. Well, maybe you’d make an exception for Kylo…
“They just opened up a new Dex’s nearby,” he said, a slight eagerness creeping into his voice. “It’s only a couple hours from here.”  
“Really?! Where?” 
“Inside Disneyland.” 
You gasped in delight, absolute joy spreading across your face. He grinned; his ears reddened behind his thick, plushy hair. “So, I’ll pick you up tomorrow?” 
“For sure!” You paused. “You’ll still hang out tonight too, right?” 
Kylo had a tendency to switch between suave and painfully awkward. You, however, had quickly grown quite comfortable in his presence, cozy, so you found the morning car ride to be quite lovely. The two of you rode in tranquil silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. 
After getting out of the car and stretching your legs in the parking lot, you started packing your bag for the trip—or in Kylo’s case, stuffing his oversized pockets with loose change, breath mints, his wallet—and a knife. “Kylo Ren,” you said gently, unable to suppress an amused smile. “You can’t take your switchblade into Disneyland.” 
“It’s not a switchblade. It’s my asthma inhaler.” He gave you a mischievous wink and you couldn’t help but smile a bit as he slipped it into his pocket. 
Sure enough, the bag checker pulled him aside after he emptied his pockets. 
“I’m sorry sir, but unfortunately you cannot take a weapon into the park,” she said flatly.  
“It’s actually my asthma inhaler.” 
“Oh. Yes, of course. My apologies.” The checker handed Kylo the knife, much to the horror of a nearby group of moms. “Enjoy your visit!” 
Kylo reserved your seats nearly two weeks in advance, so you were able to completely bypass the line that stretched nearly fifty people, smiling sweetly at the glaring faces you cut in front of. The two of you sat right beside the pond, filled with ducks and little turtles. 
“Hello! I’m Lewy Mitaka and I’ll be your server for the evening,” the tiny waiter chirped pleasantly, placing a large platter of hummus, muhammara, and hot pita bread on the table. “What would we like to drink?” 
“Mango sharbat, please,” you said sweetly, “Light ice.” 
“Just water for me,” he grumbled, not looking up from the menu. He glanced at his watch: 11:45. “(Y/N), are you ready to order?” he asked you, his voice noticeably softer when addressing you. 
You nodded. You’d memorized the menu years ago; you could recite it in your sleep. “Lamb quzi, please. A side of rice biryani, and some honey halva,” you said, handing over the menu. 
“I’ll have that, too. It comes recommended from a good friend.” He winked at you, causing you to turn beet-red, and Lewy smiled as he scribbled on his little notepad.
“Okay! We’ll have your food out very soon. Enjoy your visit to the park.” 
The food arrived in less than fifteen minutes, and the smell alone triggered a loud growl in your stomach. Kylo somehow timed everything perfectly, like he always did. He bounced slightly in his chair, excited to eat, always ready to eat, but he waited, his soft brown eyes focused on you, as if he was waiting for a cue. 
You cleared your throat, blushing with his gaze held so intently on you. “Yes, Kylo Ren?” 
“Uhm, I know you’ve told me this before. There’s a little thing you say sometimes. You know, before you eat.” He was always eager to learn, even before he met you. It was so different to the emptiness he was raised on, the darkness under Snoke’s thumb. There was so much richness to it, so much community and joy. 
“ I say ‘Bismillah’,” you said warmly. 
“Bismillah,” he said slowly, cautiously, the phrase flowing smoothly on his tongue. “Bismillah,” he repeated. The smile he gave you was almost enough to make you fall out of your chair. 
The food was fantastic, as always. Kylo was quick to jump to the main dish, but you saw his brow furrow as his Mickey Mouse knife failed to cut through the tender quzi. “Damnit, these knives are so dull,” he growled, furiously sawing at his lamb to no avail. He whipped out his switchblade and started cutting through the meat with relative ease, much to your amusement. 
Lewy walked up to your table, nervously clutching a stack of menus to his chest. “Excuse me, sir, is that a pocket knife?” 
“It’s my asthma inhaler,” he said flatly, still slicing up the meat. 
“Ah.” Lewy relaxed his shoulders. “My mistake. Please enjoy the rest of your meal.” 
With your stomach nearly bursting, you two decided that it would be best to avoid any tumultuous rides. Thunder Mountain was a short walk away, so the two of you queued up behind a father glued to his phone and his little son, no older than four. The boy was trotting up and down the line, boisterously greeting any stranger who would acknowledge him. He made his way to you and Kylo and held up his battered Batman toy, one of its ears broken off. “Lookit Batman!” he squealed. Kylo couldn’t suppress the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth and gave the child a curt nod. 
As you moved up in the line, you came to stand inside the fake cave behind the deafening waterfall. You leaned on the slippery railing, watching the falling water. Despite the noise, you found it comforting, almost hypnotizing, and it blocked out the sounds of screaming children. Kylo leaned beside you, but his movements were a bit more hesitant than usual. 
You kept your eyes on the waterfall, but you focused on Kylo slowly edging toward you. Yes, you thought to yourself, your pounding heart leaping into your throat. You were careful not to turn your eyes on him, not wanting to spook him. Yes, yes, it’s happening. He was less than a couple inches from you, and you saw him raise his hand, hover it slightly over yours. Yes yes yes—
“Escue me!” 
Kylo yanked his hand back and whipped around, startled by the child standing at his feet. 
Nooo, you thought bitterly. Evil child, evil…
The little boy turned his head this way and that, gaping at Kylo’s scar, completely mystified. “Mister, what happen on your face?” 
An evil smirk crept across Kylo’s lips. “I got attacked by the vampire hiding in this cave.” 
The child started howling, his echoing screams bouncing off the cave walls and scaring everyone in line, and latched onto his father’s leg. His father, unable to pry him off, awkwardly limped out of line with the dozens of glaring faces following him out. 
You leaned against the railing—now a little closer to the front—and Kylo joined you once again. He cleared his throat, keeping his eyes locked on the water. Despite the noise, you could hear him clearly—his voice could cut through anything, another one of his uncanny traits. “Remember when I said I wanted to start a Quranic class?” 
You nodded. It was just last week. When you were younger, when he was full of life and love and curiosity, he was always asking questions, always wanting to learn, to connect. And now, after all this time, you could see it returning. 
“Well, registration opened up a few days ago, so I signed up for the intro course. I start on Tuesday.” 
“Kylo, that’s fantastic!” you beamed. 
Warmth fluttered in his chest, and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, watching the waterfall. From the corner of your eye, you could see him cautiously edging closer to you. You chose not to react just yet, not wanting to risk frightening him. Slowly, delicately, he put his enormous arm around your shoulder. You leaned fully into his embrace and held his other hand against your cheek, relishing his warmth against the chilly air. 
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canonskyrissian · 5 years ago
4 & 17 for the ask thing :)
4. which character is the most misunderstood?
- I feel like a big part of fandom is constantly misunderstanding the kind of character kylo ren is. I mean, somehow they get “poor abused baby” out of “sociopathic mass murderer”
han solo comes in strong as well. he’s not some suave ladies’ man, he’s a whole-ass disaster bi who somehow managed to marry the greatest woman in the galaxy
17. do you have any rarepair ships?
- literally all my ships besides finnpoe, hanleia, and kanera. I’m keeping skyrissian afloat alone with @crystalfoxfics for the most part, I’m the sole shipper of qi’ra/sana, virtually none of my other f/f ships are popular either, and neither is rexobi
but these are my canoes and I love them!
ask me star wars stuff
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where-dreamers-go · 6 years ago
How They Act When They Like You A Lot - Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker - It didn't faze him in the slightest. If anything at all that changed, Anakin thought about you even more than average for him.
Armitage Hux - Hux made it priority not to act differently around you. That being said, he was nicer to you than anyone else. While at the same time he made sure everyone treated you fairly. Sometimes he felt as if he was walking around in circles trying to keep the new knowledge of his feelings to himself and only to himself.
Asajj Ventress - She showed no difference. None that were perfectly obvious anyway. Asajj didn't want you to be her weakness. Therefore she kept her flirtations to a minimum.
Aayla Secura - The new knowledge didn't effect her heavily. Aayla took her feelings for you in stride and confidence. Also taking each opportunity to speak with you privately. Aayla had it covered.
Boba Fett - Boba was extremely conflicted when he realized what he felt for you was real. Yet he still questioned himself. So he'd be wanting to avoid you for a good long while. He had to get things sorted in his head. There would be a time when he met with you again. Eventually.
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren - Hid in his quarters for almost an entire week. He could not face you. He didn't want anyone to know and worried how you would react if you found out.
Bodhi Rook - Bodhi was in shock about his personal discovery. Not entirely sure what to do with himself. He then found himself staring at you with racing thoughts more regularly. He just needed to take things one tiny step at a time.
Cassian Andor - Took more strict guidelines on which missions you should and should not be a part of. His protectiveness multiplied to an extensive level. He always kept an eye on you or told K2-SO to do so.
Dopheld Mitaka - Once the realization hit Mitaka, he was suddenly afraid to approach you as he usually did. He didn't want to be obvious with his feelings. Yet he hardly had a choice, you worked side by side everyday. He took up a new breathing technique the same day.
Feral - Feral took his newfound feelings for you with fluid ease. He even accepted the challenge of finding out if you liked him back.
Finn - Finn knew that he liked you, but when he realized just how much he liked you, he was in a state of shock.
Grand Inquisitor - After the knowledge of his feelings came to light, he pondered on the thoughts of any chances of a future with you. Not that the leader of the Inquisitorius knew what to classify you as, you weren't entirely a follower. He was not even entirely sure what the feelings he held towards you all meant. What he knew for certain was that he would need to keep you away from those that could threaten your life or worse.
Han Solo - Knowing that he liked you so much didn't put Han into shock nor silence. It grounded him. No literally of course. Although he was soon back to putting on his mask of suave confidence whenever you were in the same proximity.
Jango Fett - Being the busy bounty hunter that he was, this was a surprise for him. Jango had other things to attend to. Knowing he had strong feelings for you was not in his agenda. All meaning that he tried to act normal as humanly possible.
Jyn Erso - She took the news as well as she could. Jyn liked you and she trusted you, which meant she did not act much different than usual. Liking you a lot and not telling you was fine. That was enough for her for the moment.
Luke Skywalker - As soon as he realized, Luke would be on the look out for any possible suitors that could challenge his chances with you. It was a defense he had. He kept all of his feelings for you hidden. Yet sometimes his mouth would betray him as his thoughts about you slipped out in the company of others. He always snuck glances at you. Always trying to tell you all that he knew to share his knowledge. Not to forget showing off with practicing using the Force.
Leia Organa - Leia was a busy woman. Once she realized that she liked you to the extent that she did, she came to challenge you more. It was her way of seeing if her feelings were justified and that you were worth all of the attention her mind gave you.
Maul - Maul didn't have many opportunities or instances where he actually liked someone. It was another situation entirely when he dove into understanding his fondness of you. He was very curious. Liking you so much and knowing it made Maul question himself and you even more.
Obi-wan Kenobi - Obi-wan didn't want to acknowledge that he felt anything more than friendship. Yet when he looked at you or you would touch his arm so gently, he was a mixture of emotions. It was uncharted territory for the most part. He seemed much more vulnerable around you then.
Padmé Amidala - A proud leader and diplomat, Padmé was unsure of acting upon her feelings. She decided to be more cautious of her time spent with you because she wasn't sure what she might say to you next.
Poe Dameron - Once the thoughts solidified in his mind, Poe started planning ways to get you further away from the First Order. Even if that meant stunning you and putting you on a transport ship to a safe planetary system. He knew you would be pretty ticked off about it, but he's be happy for the most part.
Rey - She knew the first twenty-four hours how she felt about you. Then later when you were spending more time with her, she came to know how deep her feelings were. Rey agreed with herself and rolled with it. She just happened to be nicer and gentler to you than anyone else.
Rose - Rose wasn't one to shy away from speaking her mind. However when it came to knowing her strong feelings for, she was seconds away from expressing them with more than words.
Savage Opress - This Nightbrother wasn't sure what to do. He had never experienced those sort of feelings before you were in the picture. He was visibly lost and stood by your side more than average. Added that he vied for your attention even more.
Thrawn - For Thrawn, realizing he liked you so much meant that you were extremely special to him. He took his feelings for you very seriously. Added that he didn't like just anyone, which meant you were protected more than you knew.
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