#su medieval au
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whats up TGS Nation (I didn't die) [CLICK ON WHOLE IMAGE]
Yay Medieval Au stuff!!! I had an Idea that Hyde would unironically start a cult with his knowledge on the supernatural and alchemy, that he would stage spiritual awakenings to the poor uneducated people of the slums of where he likes to murk. Also Hyde is great Public speaker so it checks out, I loved leaning into his theatrical monologuing so I hope you enjoyed this silly lil comic I threw together. For explanation on why Lanyon is here - He's sus on hyde so he sneaks out at night to follow him around and investigate. In doing this he accidentally witnesses the formation of a whacko cult. ASLOOOOOOOOOO I Made a Google Doc with all information about the AU because I'm too lazy to make a Tumblr Masterpost. Go have a read, I promise there's (maybe) something interesting on there!! If you have questions shoot me an ask (I wanna yap so bad pls)
{Google Doc Link Here}
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Sansa Stark in different drawing styles

Me tomó 2 meses completar este desafío pero estoy orgulloso.

1. The dress is in the grey color of her house, and a pattern similar to Margaret Pole's on her wedding day in TWP, but simpler because she's still a child.
2. In BNHA there isn't much reference, the medieval AU didn't help much, so I imagined her as part of a school play like in the School Festival, the golden/yellow dress is based on Sansa's dream, as well as Lucrezia Borgia's from the first season
3. I don't know if Rumiko achieved the same style that she colored, there is only one dress of Akane as a princess, so I made reference to Akane's dresses in general, and a crown of winter roses that grow in her house, as well as a light blue color that if you haven't used it you have described.

4. Don't ask me, I don't remember where I got Sansa's dress, the green one is from another damask dress and a small hennin
5. Here we start things since KNY is possibly the furthest from drawing western dresses, so I was inspired by Sansa and Cersei's oriental style dresses from the first season, and the purple dress that she sometimes wears
6. Naruto is another one that doesn't have one, so I imagined her as a princess of a clan like Hinata but happier and calmer because she had an older brother heir like Robb. Her bandana has the Stark direwolf on it

7. Hanako-kun is inspired by a school uniform, possibly my least favorite, but I couldn't think of another, sorry
8. It's a chibi of a quiet moment of Sansa with Lady baby.
9. Arcane, I got inspired by dresses inspired by the modern Victorian age, also the land is loosely based on Robb's in the books
Son estilos de dibujos que tanto me parecen bonitos o que me marcaron en su tiempo, o ambos
Pueden ayudarme en mi kofi
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Yo digo que entre todos hay que hacer un au tipo medieval donde chris y martin son brujos/magos, jimmy es un padre de iglesia, y aviva y koki son cazadoras de brujas
Donde martin haga magia mas relacionada con el agua (como poder controlarlo de alguna manera, usarlo para curar o hacer cosas con agua, o incluso poder adoptar un estado liquido para ocultarse en el agua)
Chris estaria mas relacionado con los animales, como poder entenderlos o controlarlos, o adoptar formas o habilidades animales con su magia
Jimmy padre de iglesia que a pesar de crecer muy metido en la religion de la epoca no llega a sentir repudio por la magia, asi que sabria de chris y martin (y talvez de otros brujos) pero no los delataria, a veces dandoles refugio o comida si lo necesitan
Aviva y koki serian buenas amigas desde pequeñas creciendo ambas con la idea de que todos los brujos son malos asi que juntas se dedicarian a cazar brujos/magos desde jovenes para evitar que le hagan daño a las personas, aliadas con la iglesia (iglesia en general, talvez no precisamente con jimmy) y participando activamente en las tipicas quemas de brujas
No se solo digo
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hello! how are you going? do you have any svsss fic recs you enjoyed?
Aside from the usual Horrors, I'm quite well!! I hope you are too ^^
Oh wow, It's a bit hard to pick just a few because I've read a lot of SVSSS fics in the past few years, but here's the ones that came to mind/ I've been thinking about recently! (I'm excluding ones that I already recommended this week for the ask game, you can check out my "ask fish" tag to see those. Edit: I made a "fish recommends" tag too.)
"i bury my voice for you" (series) by lithali. Space opera AU, Shen twins, everyone is aliens, intense qijiu longing, SJ’s unending font of angsty internal dialogue, and kinky qijiu sex feat transmasc SJ. I need more people to read this one!!!!!!!
"Palimpsest" by Azzandra. YQY loses his memories and tries to piece together how SJ fits in his life from what others tell him. I adore this fic, it's a really interesting examination of both their characters and why they love each other intrinsically.
"You Were You, And I Was I" by MissMegh. Deaged qijiu being feral, clinging, and horny teenagers. Super cute and funny!
"what thing it is (that people most desire)" by Jinxed_Ink. A vaguely medieval AU based on an Arthurian legend where SJ disguises himself and blackmails YQY into marrying him for Revenge. SJ has Absolutely No Other Motive There. I didn't know how much I needed this particular brand of qijiu marriage shenanigans until I read it.
"I'm just as exposed (when i take off my clothes)" by owoxian. Qijjiu being weird and horny (as they deserve), being misinterpreted as abuse by accidental voyer MQF.
"The Sect Leader’s Husband" by AMereDream. Canon divergence where YQY came back for SJ on time, and instead of becoming the QJP head disciple, SJ married YQY and became the power behind the throne. Cute power couple qijiu!!!
"The Heart Is A Sword" by Moonsheen. A-Su, a boy who is a sword, the emperor's weapon, is appointed personal attendant to the emperor's new consort Shen. PIDW post-canon.
"Rehearsal" by Prim_the_Amazing. Binghe, fresh from the abyss, uses a dream realm to run through all the ways his reunion with SQQ might go. This one is basically pure angst but it's SO good.
"How to Meal Prep - Household Tips, Recipes, and Ideas for a Better-Organised Life!" By x_los. Character study of 17-year-old preeminent housewife Binghe. It's cute, it's weird, and it's terribly tragic on account of the Dramatic Irony.
"Futility in Practice" by TGP. Time loop fic with a REALLY cool style of story telling. Repetitive but iterative text from Binghe, the non-looping character's POV as SQQ desperately tries to find the right answer to end the loop. Very angsty!
"it's not gay if you don't touch my ass ... unless?" by azunshi. Modern AU, SY wants to have sex with Binghe but ofc that would be gay, so instead he puts a cocksleeve up his ass for binghe to fuck instead. This fic is so deeply stupid (positive/complimentary), I love it, it's the exact brand of unhinged this whole fandom is slowlyy becoming.
"Songs of a Wayfarer" by foxflowering. Ballet AU with young prodigy LBH and his teacher SY!
"to find an intended (a bit unintentionally)" by nyoomerr. This is the classic. Wandering cultivator SY accidentally doms Bingge into being a good boy.
"broken glass, swept away" by aaeph. Modern AU, SY buys a home only to find it haunted by the centuries old ghost of a demonic emperor. Bingge tries so hard to push SY away over and over, but SY is a stubborn man.
"Jump To The Left" by ValiantBarnes (Cimila). I'm not sure quite how to describe this one without spoilers, but essentially, older Shen Yuan finds and saves SJ in the era he was following WYZ. SY takes SJ as a traveling companion/sort of disciple. CW for mentions of incest/psuedo-incest (no actual incest though).
"Immortal Shen Does Not Do Online Deliveries" by Anonymous. SY, a young cultivator and scholar, goes to ask the reclusive immoral master SQQ for an elixir. SQQ toys with him a little <3. Mean SQQ and flustered SY.
Gen/ No Ship:
"Rat Trap" by Azaisya. LQG & SJ. LQG and SJ are kidnapped, they get truth serum-ed, and they're forced to confront their different background and conflicting morals and methods that stem from that. I think this is my favorite execution of "LQG learns SJ's backstory and Has Regrets", because their conflict is explicitly framed as a class divide rather than just misunderstandings, and it addresses the flaws in both their resulting worldviews to some extent.
"Sit With Your Soul" by Tossawary. SJ & SY. This is a fusion with His Dark Materials, but no knowledge is required. Basically everyone has an animal companion that's connected to and represents their soul, and SY transmigrates into SQQ's.
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I'M GONNA CRY I JUST SPENT LIKE AN HOUR ON AN ASK AND TRIED TO SAVE IT AS A DRAFT LIKE A FOOL AND NOW IT'S GONE. It was anonymous too I can't even @ the asker ciar I hope you see this ToT
anyway the ask was "please talk more about 'their siblings are all the Pevensies have' " so I'll try to reconstruct what I had
Listen if there's anything I like in fiction it's siblings, and relationships that would probably be unhealthily codependant in real life but this is fiction so it's fine (or you push them that little bit farther into unhealthy and then you have a dark/tragic au, which can be fun too). So thinking about the Pevensies makes me go feral a bit.
Narnia, and her thrones, are a gift, and they're a burden.
The Pevensies gave up their home, their friends, their family, their old lives—even the memory of their old lives—to rule Narnia. And their old lives currently included being sent away into the country to shelter from a war, so they would have lost some of that anyway, and I'm certainly not saying finding Narnia was a bad thing. But it came with sacrifices, and out of all the things they lost, they still have each other. In all the magical, beautiful, wonderful, but strange things they have to learn, their siblings are familiar. Faced with sudden, terrifying responsibility, they can still be just kids, just Pete and Su and Ed and Lu, with each other. And then part of that responsibility is Peter and Susan being parents to Edmund and Lucy as well as siblings, and it's strange and it's familiar and everything gets complicated and messy but it all boils down to they love each other so much.
They're the only humans around. They're the only ones confused by the magical, medieval land they're in. Their friends and advisors do what they can, of course, but in the end the weight of running a country all comes down on four tiny pairs of shoulders; they're the only ones who know how that feels. They make friends, and friends that become like family, but in those early days the only people they've known more than a few days are their siblings. And they've known each other forever. They're the ones that know how to make Peter laugh when he works too hard or coax Susan into cruelly needed bravery and she's terrified or see past Edmund's angry outbursts to what's really bothering him or convince Lucy to be more responsible without telling her she's wrong for being young or emotional or wild. They know the in jokes, the favorite colors, the secret petty hates (Lucy doesn't like bugs, if you make Peter wear gray he won't be able to focus all day because all he can think about is how much he hates wearing gray), the little tricks to cheer each other up. They know how to soothe each other out of nightmares and the sort of places they hide when they want to cry.
And they're the only ones who understand how they can have the magical joy that is their new life and still be sad. They're the only ones who remember England, everything and everyone they knew there. Later, when Narnia has soothed their homesickness with cruel mercy, they're the only ones who know what it is to miss what you can no longer remember, who understand the ache that still gets into your gets into your dreams some nights, long after you know the words and the names to explain.
And then they go back.
Once again, they lose home; once again, their siblings are all they keep. Digory went to Narnia, but he knew her for a few days in her infancy. He doesn't know her castles, hasn't learned her dances, hasn't ridden for leagues through her forests or sailed her seas. He doesn't know what it's like to lose years of your life in an instant. He still remembers the names of months and how to use common household items. He wanted to come back, so he could embrace his mother and make her well. The Pevensies were thrown out without warning, and their mother is far away under bomb-filled skies. But they still have each other. Peter still tries to lead, stumbling, scared, and the others try to support him; Edmund struggles; Lucy runs wild; Susan is frightened. It's strange and it's familiar.
They return to Narnia; it's broken, changed, a thousand years too old. Of everyone the Pevensies knew in the Golden Age, their siblings are all they have left. No one else understands how strange it all is, so much the same but so different, how it feels to be a legend.
Alright this got much longer than I planned and there are two diverging rambles from here so. I'm gonna start with my thoughts on the Pevensies' dynamic in my preferred and-then-they-get-to-keep-Narnia-somehow headcanon, and below the read more will be my thoughts about canon.
They're allowed to stay this time, and rule alongside Caspian. All Narnia has assumed, of course, that the kings and queens of old would. Only the Pevensies know the relief the others feel. Only they understand the secret mistrust they feel, too, that Aslan's promise will be a lie. Some Narnians have utter faith in him, and would think such doubt inconceivable (especially from the four he fought alongside, and died for), or even blasphemous. Some would have preferred if Jadis came back, or are wary of authority altogether after so long under the Telmarines, but Aslan is a story to them, not seen for centuries. He was the Pevensies' friend. Their doubt is mingled with the taste of betrayal, and shame for feeling so.
The Pevensies rebuild Narnia once more, not from ice this time but iron chains. The work is familiar and it isn't; Narnia is the same and it isn't. All Narnia cheers when Cair Paravel is rebuilt, but the Pevensies are the only ones left alive who called it home.
If this is an au where the Pevensies simply never go back after PC, then they are once again the only ones who remember England, and the people they left behind. They aren't surprised when someone says "I'm homesick" while standing in their bedroom in Cair Paravel, know who their siblings are talking about when they ask "do you think they're doing okay? we'll be dead before they even know we're missing", understand how they can be living such a joyous life and still carry a little ember of sorrow in them all the time. If this is an au where the Pevensies still travel between the worlds, but with more time spent in Narnia and a guarantee to always return there, then they are the only ones who know how confusing that is, living two lives, and how hard it is, lying to your family about so much that's so important to you.
But their siblings are family too, and always there no matter the world, and as long as they have each other, the Pevensies can survive anything. Susan is famous for her beauty, and they all four laugh the day she gets her first silver hair, the first among any of them.
"The dear little friends are going senile now," Trumpkin mutters, in his grumbly, affectionate way, and Susan just laughs and says,
"Oh, I quite plan to,"
because Peter is giving her hand a squeeze while Edmund and Lucy beam, and she knows they all understand what this means. They are growing and greying and living, here, in Narnia. They have been and they will. They never got old enough to go grey, the first time round. And they will get very grey indeed, and very old, and they will have lots of friends and a large extended family, and lots of people will have lots of pieces of them. But, though those things get fewer, there will still be some things that only their siblings understand best, because they knew each other first.
(Honestly my base headcanon is actually the Pevensies as a set morphing somewhere along the way into the Pevensies + Caspian as a set, but the point is these siblings spend years being the only ones being each other's closest people and it shows.)
Alright now the acknowledging-canon-for-once option!
They leave again. Peter and Susan know it's forever. Edmund and Lucy now know there is a forever away from Narnia, waiting for them someday. They think of the Professor, who still dreams about the world he saw for a few days as a child. How comforting his stories had seemed before! How sad they seem now, a lifetime spent missing what you will never have again! The Pevensies go to stiff, unhappy boarding schools, and are surrounded by people who don't understand everything they have lost, everything they will lose.
Perhaps cruelest of all, they begin then to be ripped away from their one constant: each other. The Pevensies return to the train platform where they were waiting to catch two different trains: one to the boys' school and one to the girls'. Peter and Susan can't talk through their complicated knot of loss and relief and confusion, can't console each other or offer answers to the question of "what now?". Edmund and Lucy can't share their own relief, their anxiety. Lucy can't cheer Peter up or ask him if losing Narnia can really be okay. Susan can't toss away Edmund's fears with calm logic when he's loses his temper at bullies and fears he's slipping back into old ways, or listen to him tell her she's still brave and beautiful and important and safe even though everyone treats her as a child (a girl-child, at that) and the newspapers speak of war.
The ties binding them fray a little more, and a little more, and a little more. The next summer, Peter goes to study with the Professor. Their parents take Susan to America. Edmund and Lucy are sent to their aunt and uncle. They come back with tales of months at sea, of their friends Caspian and Reepicheep and Aslan. They are all Peter and Susan will ever get of Narnia again. Peter and Susan are the only ones who understand the pain Edmund and Lucy are now feeling, knowing they're never going back, the ones who teach them how to breathe through it until breathing no longer hurts.
It's not enough. Fray and fray and fray. Thread by thread. Susan works hard to live in this world Aslan told her to live in. What right has she to do otherwise? The other three cling to a duty handed to them by prophecy when they were children. What right have they to ignore that? They grow up. Three of them go to university or get jobs and probably move out. (Lucy did not. I'm trying to keep this neutral and not rant-about-how-much-I-hate- canon but I won't ignore that Lucy was seventeen when she died.) They drift apart.
Digory forms the "friends of Narnia". Peter, Edmund, and Lucy are united again, bound together by their shared experiences as they have ever been. It's not the same, Susan is not there, but it's enough.
(Extra painful fun fact! When I typed "Peter, " my phone suggested "susan" as the next word! I have typed "Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy" so often even my phone expects them to be a set! This is fine!)
The Last Battle, the train crash. Peter, Edmund, and Lucy die. Susan buries them, and there is no one left to understand all she is mourning. Her last link to a home she cannot bear to acknowledge aloud. The children she played with. The adults she saw them grow into. She knows what Lucy would look like grown, either because she still remembers Narnia and won't admit it or subconsciously somewhere inside her, but Lucy will never be twenty-three this time around.
Peter, Edmund, and Lucy wait in "true" Narnia. Again, they dwell in magical splendour, and ache in their dreams. This time, they remember who they are missing. Still, they are surrounded by joy, and time does not seem very important anymore, so overall they are happy. (It's not the same, Susan is not there, but it's enough.) Susan lives and learns and mourns and makes her peace and comes to Narnia in her own time, the only one of them to grow old and the last to grow ageless. It's easy to forget sorrow, in that place; when Susan embraces her siblings, the only ones who understand how badly she has missed them are them, because they have missed her just the same. But now they are complete again, and that's all that matters.
#nova actually answers asks#the chronicles of narnia#pevensie siblings#peter pevensie#susan pevensie#edmund pevensie#lucy pevensie#the lion the witch and the wardrobe#prince caspian#the voyage of the dawn treader#the last battle#long post //#this got /so/ long i'm sorry#also halfway through it turned into an examination of the patterns of the pevensies' lives?#repeating and paralleling themselves and going back and forth and somehow forward or maybe sideways#lucy's dislike of bugs is canon#peter's dislike of wearing gray is not#capslock //
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Shuichi's Sudden Coronation (saiouma prompt)
First shared in The Saiouma Pit discord server, parts said by others start with their names
Winter: How do yall think shuichi would handle suddenly becoming royalty?
I think "suddenly" rules out inheritance unless it's a long-lost prince scenario in which case he has more on his plate than that
Kai (thelemoncoffee): I mean, suddenly can mean he was distant enough to not have any duties or be considered royalty by the public, but then something happens that thrusts him into the royal line and he has one hell of a time
and if it was marriage he would know what he was getting into… probably if the royalty he married was Kokichi then who knows
Kai: i think i actually have an old au like that where Kokichi is royalty but he hides his identiy to go hang out in a public school with the common folk. between his passion for petty crime and the lack of talking about family, not only does he sell his act, but he does so so well some people even suspect he's an orphan. Shuichi falls for him having not a mcfucking clue he's royal i mean, he's sus of Kokichi's peculiar behavior but he doesn't jump to fucking royal
actually, are we talking modern royalty or old-timey/fantasy royalty?
Kai: that also changes alot yeah i think modern would create a much bigger panic attack on the account of news media coverage
and it'd be much easier to hide being some cousin of a royal family tbh
omg, but think like, late 19th/early 20th century final era of many other royalties but not fucking dark ages
it would have actually mattered, very real possibility of ending up on the throne in that case
and there are trains, lots of possibilities with that
Shuichi sees himself in a newspaper under a bold title "SCANDAL: The prince eloped with a common man" and dies on the spot, right in front of the orphan paperboy (the boy isn't phased, dw)
Winter: Say a weird cursed crown thing he finds So i was thinking in a sort of medieval/fantasy setting Shuichi finds the crown and ends up as royalty without meaning to The crown would be cursed to bring him ruin as well so Would he purposely keep the crown to help people Or would he not and prefer to ditch
Vespertin-y: he's gotta be either like…the fifth second cousin of a duke and the country fell apart so badly he's the only one left qualified for the throne, or he picked up some random ancient artifact and now the entire royal court is PISSED that this random kid now outranks them
not necessarily, if they see him as a chosen one/ it was purposefully left to fate since nobody wanted the curse what comes with it I imagine they would either love to have him or be really secretive with their dislike for him
lying to him, but with the purpose of convincing him it's all great so he doesn't think to make a run for it
as for Shuichi himself, I think he'd be really going through it on the inside, but on the outside he'd be like really determined to try to change fate, doing his best, doubting himself all the way through but he just has to do it,
anyone who has seen him not be in public knows he's crumpling the moment he's in a private setting, and they (okay, only some of them) are like, "maybe you should take your chance to leave", but he's like "that's just life and I could never make someone else do this"
Ves: oughogh yeah…if he's not taking The Burden onto himself is he really shuichi
We didn't get to saiou-ing that one in the Pit, but consider already established saiou and Shuichi's new advisors trying to get Shuichi to ditch Kokichi and get into a political marriage or at least find someone of high-class status
or classic jester or bodyguard but with the added pressure of the castle being a pit of vipers and Shuichi being desperate to connect with someone who Is Not A Noble and is capable of having a casual conversation with him
or equally classic Arranged Marriage but it works out for them this time
#danganronpa#ndrv3#kokichi ouma#shuichi saihara#kokichi oma#oumasai#saiouma#writing prompt#made by me
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en realidad no tengo historia para esto pero por ahora subiré contenido que e desechado este es el au de superbat mundo medieval o algo asi
era algo así .-
el príncipe bruce un huérfano de una guerra política interna de la monarquía de su reino a traición terminando trayendo desgracia a todo su pueblo cayendo la corona y terminando su linea real con su ultimo descendiente este a su vez sobrevive como el caballero oscuro una pesadilla que asechara en venganza para proteger a los débiles un ser silencioso que perdió su nombre que solo susurra al viento lo único a lo que se aferro de su antiguo nombre B.
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¿Sería muy malo si estuviese con el culpable de la muerte de mi hermano?
No lo sé, pero desde muy pequeña..Y muy temprana edad, pusieron un peso de culpabilidad en nuestros hombros, una culpa que no se irá con nada.
» Traición de Amor — AU Medieval de Nathaniel, Corazón de Melón.
(El diseño utilizado de los personajes de CDM para esta historia son los de Universidad, además de eso, se sabe que Ámber es la hermana melliza de Nathaniel, pero en esta historia ella será mayor que él por 4 años. Sin más que decir, disfruten la historia.)
2 de Diciembre del año 1740.
Me coloqué de puntillas mirando el horizonte y como cada vez el barco se acercaba más al reino de Erendor. Estaba emocionada puesto que llevábamos 3 días de viaje y por fin este llegaba a su fin. La puerta que daba con las habitaciones fue abierta por un sirviente, mamá, la reina Ellary, salió de los camarotes, y en su brazo llevaba la canastilla donde iba mi hermano de 9 meses: Alex. Sus piecitos se movían inquietos, y sus manitos pequeñas y rechonchas sostenían un pequeño juguete de plata la cual tenía forma de ángel, y este juguete además de tener esa forma, poseía un cascabel. Sonreía mientras llevaba dicho objeto a su boca para masticarlo y babearlo.
— Mi señora — uno de los encargados de dirigir el barco, se acercó a mamá e hizo una reverencia, — estamos llegando. El rey me mandó a decirle que tenga sus cosas preparadas para descender de la nave.
—Muchas gracias — el hombre se inclinó nuevamente y se retiró del lugar.
La brisa costera removía mi cabello haciéndolo chocar con mi cara. Solté un bufido cuando el mismo cubrió mi vista impidiendo apreciar el puerto en donde íbamos a arribar.
— Dios mío Amelia — río mamá. Le miré desconcertada, una de las sirvientas tomó a Alex para que mamá pudiera acercarse a mí sonriente. Poniéndose en cuclillas, sus manos fueron a los mechones frontales de mi cabello, luego, los llevo hacia atrás haciendo una media coleta. Los pequeños rizos al final de mi cabello fueron adornados con unas flores y, finalmente, una pequeña diadema fue colocada en mi cabeza. Satisfecha con su trabajo se levantó sonriente volviendo a tomar a Alex.
Hice una mueca de confusión.
— Es cierto que es mejor pero, ¿por qué tanto arreglo?— pregunté confundida. Papá llegando, colocó sus manos en los hombros de mamá y los apretó con suavidad.
— No creo que quieras que Nathaniel te vea desordenada — río. Mis mejillas se sonrojaron levemente, y por ende, tuve que esconder este gesto bajando la cabeza.
Es cierto que él va a estar ahí, y a pesar de que tenemos 12 años, he de reconocer que tiene un algo que me gusta mucho de él. Su cabello dorado y aquella sonrisa malévola lo hacía diferente a todos los niños que alguna vez conocí, él era más despreocupado y amaba molestar a la gente, pero a pesar de eso, era tierno cuando se lo proponía.
La brisa comenzó a ser menos cuando el barco comenzó a arribar. Debíamos descender puesto que la famila Carello nos esperaba. Una tabla de madera fue puesta para que descendieramos. Por 10ma vez, mi madre echó un vistazo a mi ropa y cabello, asegurándose de que todo estuviera en orden. Suspirando satisfecha, comenzó a bajar siendo custodiada por papá.
Por mi parte, tomé mis guantes blancos que yacían en el delantal de mi vestido, los coloqué en ambas manos para cubrirlas de algún tipo de suciedad, tomé la sombrilla de encaje y la abrí para cubrirme del sol. Suspiré decidida y bajé por aquella tabla siendo sujetada por una de las sirvientas.
Llegando abajo me dirigí hacia mis padres quiénes se saludaban alegremente.
— Pero miren a quien tenemos aquí — la reina Adelaida se acercó sonriente hacia mí. Hice una reverencia como pude cuando estuvo enfrente mía— Amelia Roberts, cuánto has crecido, y cada vez estás más preciosa. He de decir que estás irreconocible, y estoy segura que serás una gran mujer, claro..Si todos tuvieran la misma disposición — su vista se fue hacia el camino.
Ámber, la hermana mayor de Nathaniel venía hacia nosotros con seriedad mientras un abanico cubría una parte de su rostro. Y más atrás de ella..venía Nathaniel, que a pesar de traer un traje formal y costoso, no le preocupaba, ya que si pensara lo contrario, no estaría corriendo entre la hierva mojada.
— ¡Nathaniel Carello, ven aquí en este instante! — gritó su padre. El muchacho detuvo su andar al ver la mirada amenazante de su progenitor, y cambio aquel caminar por uno más respetuoso y calmado.
Llegando a nosotros ambos hermanos, hicieron una reverencia de saludo.
— Es un placer tenerlos aquí — habló la mayor. Cerró su abanico dejando ver su sonrisa blanca— espero que disfrutéis de unos lindos días — inclinó su cabeza en señal de respeto. Nathaniel por otro lado le miraba asqueado y se limitó a soltar una risa de burla ante tal comportamiento, que según él, era "ridículo".
— ¿Y tú, hijo?¿No piensas saludar a Amelia?— Nathaniel miró a su madre incrédulo, y luego negó repetidas veces— anda, la princesa vino de muy lejos para pasar unos días contigo — ante tal comentario, sus mejillas enrojecieron, y cuando parecía que iba a responder, su hermana le empujó con la mano haciendo que chocara su cabeza con la mía.
Sus cejas se fruncieron y un puchero se formó en sus labios en el momento que quedamos frente a frente. Incómodo, tomó mi mano derecha y la llevó a sus labios dando un pequeño beso en el dorso de la misma.
— Un gusto tenerte aquí, princesa — farfulló avergonzado. Solté una risa viendo como parecía cada vez más un tómate — espero que tengas una linda estadía y que nos podamos divertir.
Y yo esperaba lo mismo. Soltándola, comenzó a limpiar sus labios de forma desesperada. Por otro lado, nuestros padres eran guiados por los gobernantes de este reino, quienes se dirigían a los carruajes para emprender camino al castillo. Nathaniel seguía a mis espaldas mientras yo observaba el paisaje.
— ¿Por qué traes guantes? — preguntó acercándose a mi lado. Miré sus ojos de forma confundida. Este nuevamente hizo un gesto señalando mis manos, las cuales estaban cubiertas por aquella tela de seda.
— Ah..pues..supongo que es por miedo a la suciedad — enarcó una ceja no satisfecho con mi respuesta, bufé y comencé a caminar siendo seguida por el mayor — no tengo porque darte explicaciones.
— Vamos a estar una semana juntos Señorita limpieza. Necesito saber porque los traes para ver si es factible robártelos o no.
Le sonreí con sorna. No era necesario decirle el posible tic que tenía: Lavarme mucho las manos. A pesar de que el castillo era un lugar bastante limpio, me era imposible pensar que todo estaba pulcro y sin alguna bacteria. ¿Podía ser consecuencia del estrés? Quizá, pero era algo de lo que no quería y no PODÍA hablar cómodamente.
— Bien — habló mi madre quien se giró a nosotros y nos sonrió — la reina Adelaida dijo que antes de ir a palacio, iremos a merendar en el Lago espejo. Ustedes jóvenes herederos al trono, se irán en la carroza dorada atrás nuestra. Daremos un pequeño paseo por el pueblo y luego, antes del anochecer, nos iremos, ¿Entendido? — asentimos. Mi madre asintió conforme para luego dirigirse a su carruaje.
Tomé parte de mi vestido para subir con mayor facilidad a dicho transporte. Al estar arriba, me senté al fondo en el pequeño asiento acolchonado, luego, Ámber se sentó enfrente y por último, Nathaniel sin cuidado alguno se sentó al lado mío sobre todo mi cabello.
— ¡Hey, fíjate en donde pones tu trasero! — grité jalando mis rizos. Levantándose un poco, se me hizo más fácil acomodar mis hebras en la espalda. Su risa comenzó a hacerse audible en mis oídos mientras el caballo comenzaba a andar.
— Deberías cortarte al cabello — sugirió.
— Jamás. Parte de mi cabello es lo que más me gusta.
— Si, si. Créeme, no creo que quieras tener todo ese pelo cuando las hojas de otoño comiencen a caer y el viento lo llene de polvo.
Entrecerré mis ojos y miré hacia el frente ignorándole. Su hermana mayor, miraba divertida toda esta situación. Suspiré y me límite a guardar la compostura en el resto del viaje, pero, no creo que cuente con la misma suerte cuando bajemos.
El clima era agradable, y el nombre que tenía el Lago no mentía.
Inhalé el aroma a las flores de distintos tipos. Las voces sonaban como murmullos cuando estaba sentada bajo aquel sauce. Llevé mis piernas a mi pecho y las abracé mirando el horizonte. Sentí mi mente relajarse..Y por mucho tiempo, deseaba que ese momento durara para siempre. Bueno..
— ¡BOH!— gritó saltando de una rama.
hasta ahí.
Bajando con cuidado se colocó detrás de mí, esta vez, con más esmero.
— ¿Estás bien?— preguntó. Yo asentí— ¿estás segura? No comiste demasiado, tampoco te quitaste tus guantes, y ahora estás aquí sola.
Suspiré ignorándole, me acomodé mejor para que los rayos de sol cayeran sobre parte de mis mejillas poniéndolas un poco coloradas.
Detrás de mí, sentí como se sentaba y llevaba sus manos a mis rizos. Sus yemas recorrían con cuidado las hebras que caían por mi espalda hasta llegar a las puntas onduladas.
— No te mentiré — habló. Giré levemente mi rostro y le miré — tu cabello es muy bonito. Pero te lo volveré a decir, y esto es porque tengo una hermana que se cuida demasiado: sino lo atas en estas épocas, solo lograrás que tu cabello se reseque.
— ¿Y qué debería hacer para que eso no suceda?— pregunté. Llevó su mano izquierda a su nuca y la rascó nervioso, sus mejillas se tornaron de un color rojizo y sonrió avergonzado.
— Bueno..— murmuró — Ámber suele llevar el cabello trenzado y con distintos tipos de peinado. Si quieres..puedo hacerte una trenza. No pienses que lo enredaré más, sé cómo se hacen. Muchas veces yo suelo peinar a mi hermana.
Reí divertida aún mirándole y asentí a su propuesta. Abrió un poco sus piernas y las colocó una a cada lado de las mías, acercó un poco más su pecho a mi espalda acomodándose y finalmente, sentí como llevaba sus manos a mi pelo.
Comenzó quitando las flores y deshaciendo el peinado que me había hecho mi madre. Luego dividió mi cabello en tres partes y comenzó a tejer entre ellas.
— ¿Qué harás cuando crezcas?— preguntó. Nunca lo había pensado con seriedad, pero además de ser la futura monarca, no me gustaría ser nadie más. Quizá aprender más cosas y perfeccionarme, pero además de eso..No había nada.
— Pues..la verdad es que nunca lo pensé hasta que lo preguntaste, pero me gustaría ser una buena monarca. Me gustaría dedicarme a la música, y pues..Creo que ser una buena esposa si es que me llegase a comprometer.
— Vaya, eso no es muy común de oír — habló concentrado — a tú edad, las niñas que conozco solo piensan en jugar y son tontas. Además de eso, no tienen ninguna meta como persona en el futuro.
— ¿Y tú?— pregunté. Pareció meditarlo un momento antes de responder.
— La verdad es que papá dijo que tendré que ser participe de la sede de caballeros. Además de eso, sé que tarde o temprano tendré que tomar el cargo de gobernante, pero hasta que ese momento llegue, mantendré ese cargo.
— Pues vas muy bien en tu entrenamiento, ya sabes cómo trenzar el cabello cuando estés en combate— me burlé. Como respuesta, tiró de forma leve mi cabello— Auch — sobé mi cabeza.
La silueta de mamá se abría paso entre las hojas del árbol, se acercó lo suficiente para poder hablar.
— Mia, ¿puedes cuidar a tu hermano un momento? Iremos a buscar unas cosas antes de irnos— asentí — bien. Volvemos en 5 minutos, si llora, dale el biberón. Está en su canasta.
Dicho esto, se retiró. Quedamos en silencio por unos segundos, solo se oía la brisa tocar las hojas.
— Pero ya, en serio, creo que serías un gran guerrero— hablé— tienes mucho potencial.
— Sí, eso es bueno. ¿Pero y dónde queda la parte en dónde me debo casar y ser un gobernante?— sentía como sus manos llegaban al final de mi cabello y hacía un pequeño nudo para evitar que el peinado se desarmara.
— Pues no te preocupes, llegaré a tu rescate — comenzó a reír divertido. Sé alejó un poco para levantarse y posicionarse enfrente mía. Extendió su mano para que yo la tomara, y fue lo que hice, me puse de pie fijándome en su otra mano donde tenía las flores intactas.
— Necesito que te gires para poder ponerlas — asentí. Dando media vuelta, sus manos fueron a la trenza y comenzaron a poner con cuidado las flores. Llegando a la última, el llanto de mi hermano comenzó a ser audible. Suspiré.— Creo que deberías ir si no quieres que te deshereden — reí leve. Separándome un poco fui lo más rápido posible a un cesto de picnic en dónde yacía el biberón de mi hermano.
Este cesto, estaba sobre una mesa, un poco alejada de la canasta donde estaba el bebé. Disminuí mi andar cuando había llegado al lugar. Abrí la cesta buscando entre todas las cosas, algunas sonaban entre ellas puesto a que eran de metal. Cuando encontré el biberón cerrado y con líquido en su interior listo para ser servido, el silencio inundó el lugar. Sentía unos ojos observarme y unas ramas crujir.
Levanté mi vista rápido encontrándome con plena oscuridad. Una sombra asechaba en los árboles, y de la nada, el llanto cesó, un frío inexplicable inundó mi ser cuando un grito me volvió a la realidad.
— ¡Amelia!— Nathaniel habló sacudiéndome desesperado. Mis ojos le miraron de arriba a abajo dejando caer aquel objeto para alimentar a mi hermano. Su ropa estaba con cortes y algunas zonas de su cuerpo estaban con sangre. Mi vista fue al cesto donde se supone que estaba Alex.
No, no, no..
Apartándome de él, corrí casi cayendo en el intento mientras las lágrimas caían con rapidez por mis mejillas. Llegando al lugar, me arrodillé y ví lo que quedaba del canasto; parte del tejido estaba roto, la manta que lo cubría estaba rota junto a su juguete de plata que estaba intacto, pero todos tenían algo en común: estaban con manchas rojas.
Tomé aquel cascabel y lo llevé a mí pecho abrazándolo. Las lágrimas comenzaron a caer con más fuerza junto a un grito desgarrador que salía de mi garganta.
Aquella pesadilla por sexto año consecutivo, se había vuelto a repetir.
Abrí mis ojos en medio de la noche, me senté con rapidez en el respaldo de la cama. Mi pecho subía y bajaba debido a la ansiedad mientras las lágrimas caían fuertemente. Él sudor helado caía por mi frente, y luego de eso, una vela fue encendida siendo puesta en el velador. Unos brazos femeninos me rodearon con calidez calmandome.
— Rosa..— hablé entrecortada. Mi rostro estaba oculto en el hueco de su hombro— es hoy..No quiero, no quiero volver a ver todo esto..Se sigue repitiendo una y otra vez..No quiero.
Mamá llegó corriendo al escuchar el grito. Su vista fue de un lado a otro confundida, viendo mi ropa y manos con sangre y sobretodo, viendo cómo su hijo menor no estaba.
— Amelia..— habló temblorosa— ¿dónde está tu hermano?— no hubo respuesta por mi parte. Las voces cada vez se volvían más inadubles. Cada vez se volvían más agresivas buscando a algún culpable.
— ¡Si supieras criar a tú hijo, nada de esto sucedería!— una bofetada resonó provocando un eco. Entonces..todo estaba perdido..un pitido inundó mis oídos, finalmente, cayendo en la oscuridad.
2 de Diciembre del año 1746.
#corazon de melon#fanfic#otome game#my candy love#amour sucre#nathaniel carello#cdm#chinomiko#sucrette
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three queens
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by meyers Dos príncipes herederos, un trono y un extraño en palacio. El sonido del mar nunca había sido tan hermoso. ; Itadori siempre se había sentido irremediablemente atraído por el mar y su inmensidad. Cuando a los diez años tiene un accidente que lo deja marcado para siempre, le prohíben volver acercarse a la orilla siquiera. Sin embargo, el anhelo de la playa lo llevará a descubrir un secreto que cambiará su mundo entero. Sukuna había nacido condenado por las marcas de su rostro. Repudiado por las matronas, lo llamaron "monstruo" y lo trataron como tal durante toda su infancia, raspando su carácter hasta volverlo afilado. La llegada de un extraño a palacio provocará un giro de ciento ochenta grados en su vida. Words: 29095, Chapters: 12/28, Language: Español Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Fushiguro Megumi, Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Getou Suguru, Zenin Naoya, Itadori Jin, Itadori Kaori Relationships: Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Itadori Yuuji & Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Fushiguro Toji/Gojo Satoru Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Curses (Jujutsu Kaisen), Alternate Universe - Royalty, Fantasy, siren au, Mistery, Drama, Blood and Torture, Past Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Implied/Referenced Eating Disorders, Implied/Referenced Harassment, Threesome - M/M/M, Itadori Yuuji & Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna are Twins, Itadori Yuuji is a Ray of Sunshine, Implied/Referenced Racism, Pseudo-Incest, Suguru Is a Mad Scientist, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna Needs a Hug, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Toxic SatoSugu, Strangers to Lovers, Fated-Lovers, Unspecified medieval setting, Shameless seduction attempts, Eventual Smut, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna Has Two Penises, Whoregumi (kinda), Past Infidelity, Misunderstandings, Suicidal Thoughts, Parental Gojo Satoru from AO3 works tagged 'Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji' https://ift.tt/GxzWCRm
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densu au.... ambigious medieval setting... werewolf su farmer den (the thought is percolating in my brain)
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A random discourse on FFXVI's story
I finished FFXVI earlier in the week, and given the strong connections that it was with FFXIV between the devs and a lot of the story, thought I'd wax eloquent here. Spoilers behind the cut:
I think the most interesting thing about the story of FFXVI is pretty much how it's another take on the basic story of FFXIV and the Ascians; Ultima's motive is to destroy all life on Valisthea in order to recreate the lost world of his people, which is not too far removed from the Ascians wanting to destroy all the shards to rejoin them with the Source, and Clive as Mythos being the vessel through which that will happen is a couple of steps to the right of the WoL becoming a sin eater and causing a rejoining. Variations on a theme, if you like. In a lot of ways, FFXVI's story feels almost like an AU of XIV, one where Hydaelyn is conspicuously absent-or perhaps, given the role of the Mothercrystals in the story, a story where She is merged with the Ascians to create Ultima. Had Hydaelyn turned out to be really sus, could this have been a direction that FFXIV could have gone in?
Probably not, and the reason I think that is Clive's final speech to Ultima as he lays dying, because it is the perfect encapsulation of Venat's philosophy of "you will suffer and die, but you can rise above that to find hope and joy." That philosophy stands in stark contrast to Ultima's fear of death, selfishness, and his inability to understand why his creations have surpassed him. Like the Ascians, he does not believe in his lessers, can not understand why Clive is capable of defeating him; like Emet-Selch, he is so lost in the desire to rebuild the world he lost that he can not see the world that could be made by his creations.
Plus his last form straight up has Emet-Selch's Elpis hairstyle, lol.
I heard a lot of complaints about side questing in the game, and they stemmed, most likely, from the early MMO style fetch quests. And that's a shame, since as you progress further and further into the game, whole character arcs and subplots are resolved in the side quests. The most romantic scene between Clive and Jill happens in a fucking side quest! Vast amounts of character development, full on story arcs, are resolved there. If you haven't played FFXVI yet, don't sleep on the side quests, they tell a lot of the story.
Which is good, since the main story, on occasion, is a bit underwritten. It's not really confusing, or bad, but the first two-thirds of the game, focusing on the Game of Thrones styled wars against nations, loses a bit unless you plunge heavily into the lore (and to be fair, the in-game lore options are AMAZING) since you have to keep track of a variety of nations that aren't particularly well defined (the pagans with Iron in their name, the traditional fantasy British-esque empire, and the Norse kingdom.) In the end, the various warring nations take a backseat to the machinations of Ultima, so this isn't as big a knock on the story as it could be, but it is still there.
Now to one of the controversial points of the story, it's lack of POC and the whole, rather sad explanation of "well it's Medieval Europe!" People have theorized that there are no POC because of the story's slavery subplot, where magic using Bearers are shunned and enslaved at birth, and having POC in a world with slavery would look bad.
To which I frankly call "bullshit." The obvious answer to this problem is to make none of the slaves POC. Hell, there's a desert area with rather Arabic architecture in it, make it (1) full of POC and (2) the one place in Valisthea where there are no slaves. Ahh, but expecting Japan to think laterally about that sort of thing is likely too much to ask.
But I'm still gonna.
There are other complaints; Jill is occasionally underwritten, and her trauma arc is somewhat buried under the main story, and while she doesn't die like I expected (c'mon, you know this team's record with female characters, ESPECIALLY ones connected to Shiva) she does suffer a sort of death by giving her Eikon powers to Clive. Most of her trauma is thankfully implied rather than openly stated, but as per usual for this crew, there is a lot of sexual abuse and assault suggested around her story. (Though she does get to kill the man responsible for it, in the end.) And I wish we could have had more time with Cid, who is a fantastic character, but given his role in the story he bowed out at the right time.
I am, however, still waiting for Uncle Byron to die, because he had "the comic relief turns out to die heroically" written all over him, and yet he survived!
Plus Torgal is the best wolf, love and praise him
#ffxvi#ffxvi spoilers#ffxiv#i have a lot to say about the similarities between ultima and emet#but this is not the time
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2023/03/19 Al dia siguiente visitamos un bonito pueblo medieval con su castillo en lo alto. Está en la orilla del mar. El actual pueblo, fuera de las murallas de la vieja población, tiene una playa que atrae a muchos turistas.
The next day we visited a beautiful medieval town with its castle on top. It is on the seashore. The current town, outside the walls of the old town, has a beach that attracts many tourists.
Google Translation into French: Le lendemain, nous avons visité une belle ville médiévale avec son château au sommet. C'est au bord de la mer. La commune actuelle, hors les murs de la vieille ville, possède une plage qui attire de nombreux touristes.
Google translation into Italian: Il giorno dopo abbiamo visitato una bellissima cittadina medievale con il suo castello in cima. È in riva al mare L'attuale paese, fuori dalle mura del centro storico, ha una spiaggia che attira molti turisti.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No dia seguinte, visitamos uma bela cidade medieval com seu castelo no topo. Fica à beira-mar.A cidade atual, fora dos muros da cidade velha, tem uma praia que atrai muitos turistas.
Google Translation into German: Am nächsten Tag besuchten wir eine schöne mittelalterliche Stadt mit ihrer Burg auf der Spitze. Es liegt am Meer.Die heutige Stadt, außerhalb der Mauern der Altstadt, hat einen Strand, der viele Touristen anzieht.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të nesërmen vizituam një qytet të bukur mesjetar me kështjellën e tij në krye. Është buzë detit.Qyteti i sotëm, jashtë mureve të qytetit të vjetër, ka një plazh që tërheq shumë turistë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հաջորդ օրը մենք այցելեցինք մի գեղեցիկ միջնադարյան քաղաք՝ իր ամրոցով գագաթին։ Այն գտնվում է ծովի մոտ։Այսօրվա քաղաքը, հին քաղաքի պատերից դուրս, ունի լողափ, որը գրավում է բազմաթիվ զբոսաշրջիկների։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На следващия ден посетихме красив средновековен град с неговия замък на върха. Край морето е. Днешният град, извън стените на стария град, има плаж, който привлича много туристи.
Google Translation into Czech: Další den jsme navštívili krásné středověké město s hradem na vrcholu. Je u moře.Dnešní město, mimo hradby starého města, má pláž, která přitahuje mnoho turistů.
Google Translation into Croatian: Sljedeći dan posjetili smo prekrasan srednjovjekovni grad s dvorcem na vrhu. Uz more je, a današnji grad, izvan zidina starog grada, ima plažu koja privlači brojne turiste.
Google Translation into Danish Dagen efter besøgte vi en smuk middelalderby med sit slot på toppen. Det er ved havet.Dagens by, uden for murene i den gamle bydel, har en strand, der tiltrækker mange turister.
Google Translation into Slovak: Na druhý deň sme navštívili krásne stredoveké mesto s hradom na vrchole. Je pri mori.Dnešné mesto, mimo hradieb starého mesta, má pláž, ktorá láka veľa turistov.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Naslednji dan smo si ogledali čudovito srednjeveško mesto z gradom na vrhu. Je ob morju, današnje mesto, zunaj obzidja starega mestnega jedra, ima plažo, ki privablja številne turiste.
Google Translation into Estonian: Järgmisel päeval külastasime kaunist keskaegset linnakest, mille tipus oli loss. See asub mere ääres.Tänapäeva linnas, väljaspool vanalinna müüre, on rand, mis meelitab ligi palju turiste.
Google Translation into Suomi: Seuraavana päivänä vierailimme kauniissa keskiaikaisessa kaupungissa, jonka päällä oli linna. Se on meren rannalla.Tämän päivän kaupungissa, vanhankaupungin muurien ulkopuolella, on ranta, joka houkuttelee monia turisteja.
Google Translation into Greek: Την επόμενη μέρα επισκεφτήκαμε μια όμορφη μεσαιωνική πόλη με το κάστρο της στην κορυφή. Είναι δίπλα στη θάλασσα.Η σημερινή πόλη, έξω από τα τείχη της παλιάς πόλης, έχει μια παραλία που προσελκύει πολλούς τουρίστες.
Google Translation into Dutch: De volgende dag bezochten we een prachtig middeleeuws stadje met zijn kasteel er bovenop. Het ligt aan zee.De huidige stad, buiten de muren van de oude stad, heeft een strand dat veel toeristen trekt.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dagen etter besøkte vi en vakker middelalderby med slottet på toppen. Det ligger ved sjøen.Dagens by, utenfor murene til gamlebyen, har en strand som tiltrekker seg mange turister.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnego dnia odwiedziliśmy piękne średniowieczne miasto z zamkiem na szczycie. Znajduje się nad morzem.Dzisiejsze miasto, poza murami starego miasta, posiada plażę, która przyciąga wielu turystów.
Google Translation into Romanian: A doua zi am vizitat un frumos oras medieval cu castelul in varf. Este pe malul mării.Orașul de astăzi, în afara zidurilor orașului vechi, are o plajă care atrage mulți turiști.
Google Translation into Russian: На следующий день мы посетили красивый средневековый город с замком на вершине. Он находится у моря.Сегодняшний город, за стенами старого города, имеет пляж, который привлекает множество туристов.
Google Translation into Serbian: Следећег дана смо посетили прелеп средњовековни град са замком на врху. Налази се уз море.Данашњи град, изван зидина старог града, има плажу која привлачи бројне туристе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Dagen efter besökte vi en vacker medeltida stad med dess slott på toppen. Det ligger vid havet.Dagens stad, utanför murarna i gamla stan, har en strand som lockar många turister.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün, tepesinde kalesi olan güzel bir ortaçağ kasabasını ziyaret ettik. Deniz kıyısındadır.Bugünkü şehir, eski şehrin surlarının dışında, çok sayıda turistin ilgisini çeken bir kumsala sahiptir.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Наступного дня ми відвідали красиве середньовічне місто з його замком на вершині. Це біля моря. Сьогоднішнє місто, поза стінами старого міста, має пляж, який приваблює багатьох туристів.
Google Translation into Arabic: في اليوم التالي قمنا بزيارة مدينة جميلة من القرون الوسطى بقلعتها في الأعلى. إنه بجانب البحر ، ولدى المدينة اليوم ، خارج أسوار البلدة القديمة ، شاطئ يجذب الكثير من السائحين.
Google Translation into Bengali: পরের দিন আমরা একটি সুন্দর মধ্যযুগীয় শহর পরিদর্শন করলাম যার উপরে রয়েছে দুর্গ। এটি সমুদ্রের ধারে। আজকের শহর, পুরানো শহরের দেয়ালের বাইরে, একটি সমুদ্র সৈকত রয়েছে যা অনেক পর্যটকদের আকর্ষণ করে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 第二天,我们参观了一座美丽的中世纪小镇,城堡位于山顶。 它在海边。今天的城市,在老城区的城墙外,有一个吸引许多游客的海滩。
Google Translation into Korean: 그 다음날 우리는 꼭대��에 성이 있는 아름다운 중세 도시를 방문했습니다. 바다 옆에 있습니다.오늘날의 도시는 구시 가지 성벽 밖에 있으며 많은 관광객을 끌어들이는 해변이 있습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: למחרת ביקרנו בעיירה יפהפייה מימי הביניים עם הטירה שלה מעליה. זה ליד הים, בעיר של היום, מחוץ לחומות העיר העתיקה, יש חוף שמושך אליו תיירים רבים.
Google Translation into Hindi: अगले दिन हमने एक खूबसूरत मध्ययुगीन शहर का दौरा किया जिसके शीर्ष पर महल था। यह समुद्र के किनारे है। आज के शहर, पुराने शहर की दीवारों के बाहर, एक समुद्र तट है जो कई पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Keesokan harinya kami mengunjungi kota abad pertengahan yang indah dengan kastil di atasnya. Itu di tepi laut Kota saat ini, di luar tembok kota tua, memiliki pantai yang menarik banyak wisatawan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 翌日、城が上にある美しい中世の町を訪れました。 旧市街の城壁の外にある今日の街には、多くの観光客を魅了するビーチがあります。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Эртеси биз сепили менен орто кылымдагы кооз шаарга бардык. Ал деңиз жээгинде.Азыркы шаар эски шаардын дубалынын сыртында көптөгөн туристтерди өзүнө тарткан пляжга ээ.
Google Translation into Malay: Keesokan harinya kami melawat sebuah bandar zaman pertengahan yang indah dengan istananya di atas. Ia berada di tepi laut.Kota hari ini, di luar tembok kota lama, mempunyai pantai yang menarik ramai pelancong.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Маргааш нь бид шилтгээнтэй дундад зууны үеийн үзэсгэлэнт хотод зочиллоо. Далайн эрэг дээр байдаг.Өнөөгийн хот хуучин хотын хэрмийн гадна талд олон жуулчдыг татдаг далайн эрэгтэй.
Google Translation into Nepali: अर्को दिन हामीले एउटा सुन्दर मध्ययुगीन सहरको भ्रमण गयौं जसको माथि महल थियो। यो समुद्रको छेउमा छ। आजको शहर, पुरानो शहरको पर्खाल बाहिर, धेरै पर्यटकहरूलाई आकर्षित गर्ने समुद्र तट छ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਗਲੇ ਦਿਨ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਮੱਧਯੁਗੀ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦਾ ਦੌਰਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਿਸਦਾ ਕਿਲ੍ਹਾ ਸਿਖਰ 'ਤੇ ਸੀ। ਇਹ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਦੇ ਕਿਨਾਰੇ ਹੈ। ਅੱਜ ਦੇ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ, ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੀਆਂ ਕੰਧਾਂ ਦੇ ਬਾਹਰ, ਇੱਕ ਬੀਚ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਸੈਲਾਨੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਕਰਸ਼ਿਤ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: بله ورځ موږ د مینځنۍ پیړۍ یو ښکلی ښار څخه لیدنه وکړه چې په سر کې یې کلا وه. دا د بحر په غاړه دی، نن ورځ ښار د زاړه ښار د دیوالونو څخه بهر یو ساحل لري چې ډیری سیلانیان راجلبوي.
Google Translation into Persian: روز بعد از یک شهر زیبای قرون وسطایی با قلعه اش در بالای آن بازدید کردیم. در کنار دریا است.شهر امروزی بیرون از دیوارهای شهر قدیمی دارای ساحلی است که گردشگران زیادی را به خود جذب می کند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Poé saterusna urang dilongok hiji kota abad pertengahan geulis jeung benteng na di luhur. Éta di sisi laut.Kota ayeuna, di luar tembok kota kuno, ngagaduhan pantai anu narik seueur wisatawan.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kinabukasan, binisita namin ang isang magandang bayan sa medieval na may kastilyo sa itaas. Nasa tabi ito ng dagat.Ang lungsod ngayon, sa labas ng mga pader ng lumang bayan, ay may dalampasigan na nakakaakit ng maraming turista.
Google Translation into Thai: วันรุ่งขึ้นเราไปเยี่ยมชมเมืองยุคกลางที่สวยงามซึ่งมีปราสาทอยู่ด้านบน อยู่ริมทะเล เมืองปัจจุบันนอกกำแพงเมืองเก่ามีชายหาดที่ดึงดูดนักท่องเที่ยวมากมาย
Google Translation into Urdu: اگلے دن ہم نے قرون وسطی کے ایک خوبصورت شہر کا دورہ کیا جس کا قلعہ سب سے اوپر تھا۔ یہ سمندر کے کنارے ہے۔ آج کا شہر، پرانے شہر کی دیواروں کے باہر، ایک ساحل ہے جو بہت سے سیاحوں کو اپنی طرف متوجہ کرتا ہے۔
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Acanica's Chronicles (AU Medieval)
by Emy_Sophy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen
Fandoms: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale
Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha, Ayame/Kouga (InuYasha), Miroku/Sango (InuYasha), Sesshoumaru (InuYasha)/Original Character(s)
Characters: InuYasha (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome, Kouga (InuYasha), Ayame (InuYasha), Shippou (InuYasha), plus 9 more
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Elemental Magic, Pirates, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Trauma, plus 10 more
Summary: En su cumpleaños número quince, Kagome se encuentra un libro dorado en el almacén de su tienda familiar, al abrirlo, unas manos monstruosas la arrastran a través de un portal, acabando en un mundo completamente diferente al suyo.Acanica es un continente dividido en dos islas, actualmente en guerra por un poderoso y aterrador tirano.Kagome, tras traer consigo la Joya Mágica de Shikon, por ser la ree...
Words: 150,400 | Chapters: 18/? | Language: Español | Private: No
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