#su iridium
solarpunkbusiness · 3 months
Electrochemistry helps clean up electronic waste recycling, precious metal mining
A new method safely extracts valuable metals locked up in discarded electronics and low-grade ore using dramatically less energy and fewer chemical materials than current methods, report University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers in the journal Nature Chemical Engineering. 
Gold and platinum group metals such as palladium, platinum and iridium are in high demand for use in electronics. However, sourcing these metals from mining and current electronics recycling techniques is not sustainable and comes with a high carbon footprint. Gold used in electronics accounts for 8% of the metal’s overall demand, and 90% of the gold used in electronics ends up in U.S. landfills yearly, the study reports. 
The study, led by chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Xiao Su, describes the first precious metal extraction and separation process fully powered by the inherent energy of electrochemical liquid-liquid extraction, or e-LLE. The method uses a reduction-oxidation reaction to selectively extract gold and platinum group metal ions from a liquid containing dissolved electronic waste. 
In the lab, the team dissolved catalytic converters, electronic waste such as old circuit boards, and simulated mining ores containing gold and platinum group metals using an organic solvent. The system then streams the dissolved electronics or ores over specialized electrodes in three consecutive extraction columns: one for oxidation, one for leaching and one for reduction. 
“The metals are then converted to solids using electroplating, and the leftover liquid can be treated to capture the remaining metals and recycle the organic solvent,” Su said. “The stream containing the organic extractant is then pumped back to the first extraction column, closing the loop, which greatly minimizes waste.”
An economic analysis of the new approach showed that the new method runs at a cost of two orders of magnitude lower than current industrial processes.
“The social value of this work is really its ability to produce green gold quickly in a single step, greatly improving transparency and trust in conflict free recycled precious metals,”
said postdoctoral researcher Stephen Cotty, the first author of the study. 
Su said one of the many advantages of this new method is that it can run continuously in a green fashion and is highly selective in terms of how it extracts precious metals. “We can pull gold and platinum group metals out of the stream, but we can also separate them from other metals like silver, nickel, copper and other less valuable metals to increase purity greatly – something other methods struggle with.”
The team said that they are working to perfect this method by improving the engineering design and the solvent selection.
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telodogratis · 1 month
Ubisoft sarebbe al lavoro su un gioco noto come “Iridium”, una nuova IP fantascientifica
Ubisoft sarebbe al lavoro su un gioco noto come “Iridium”, una nuova IP fantascientifica Project Iridium potrebbe essere un nuovo gioco di Ubisoft e sarebbe attualmente in sviluppo: vediamo cosa sappiamo di questa nuova IP fantascientifica scoperta tramite un leak. Powered by WPeMatico Project Iridium potrebbe essere un nuovo gioco di Ubisoft e sarebbe attualmente in sviluppo: vediamo cosa…
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masquedrones · 3 months
Nuevo Terminal de Iridium Permite la Transmisión de Vídeo de Drones a Través de Red de Satélites
A medida que la tecnología de drones evoluciona, un número creciente de aplicaciones dependen del internet móvil para tareas como la transmisión de video en vivo durante vuelos fuera de la línea visual (BVLOS, por sus siglas en inglés). Sin embargo, en áreas remotas o en el mar, la conectividad 5G a menudo no está disponible. Para abordar este desafío, Videosoft y Atmosphere han lanzado la nueva…
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crazyking05 · 3 months
Hoy en CCK
Hablaremos de algo diferente por ahora, hablemos de las bujias, para que se usan y como funcionan en el motor.
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Las bujias pueden estar hechas de varios materiales conductores de electricidad como el iridium, cobre, platino. Siendo el cobre uno de los más comunes y una de las opciones más económicas al utilizarlas en un motor, las de platino ofrecen una mayor resistencia al desgaste y más funcionales al ponerlas en un motor, las bujias de iridium siendo una de las bujias más avanzadas tecnológicamente en cuanto a duración, resistencia, rendimiento y vida útil de esta misma, siendo una de las mejores opciones en el motor.
Su funcionamiento es simple requiere de una alimentación como puede ser una bobina eléctrica que funciona de manera individual, o una bobina de cables, que trabajan de manera individual de una fuente de energía, cuya energía es capaz de enviar la chispa que necesita la combustión comprimida para poder hacerla energía mecánica, es muy simple su funcionamiento, así como su desgaste se puede notar de diferentes maneras
Adjunto imagen
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Aquí les dejo una tabla para poder identificar una bujía mala y sus causas y como se puede solucionar.
Es todo por hoy CCK.
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ventajasorg · 8 months
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ujjinatd · 9 months
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Iridium ofrece su propio servicio de teléfono inteligente a satélite a empresas La tendencia de satélite a teléfono ... https://ujjina.com/iridium-ofrece-su-propio-servicio-de-telefono-inteligente-a-satelite-a-empresas/?feed_id=488433&_unique_id=659eaf6db8c64
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alonsogalera · 9 months
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El sendero encantado
Esta exposición individual presentada por Guadalajara90210 constituye una serie de obras que se desarrollan en el espectro de una triada de medios: elementos artificiales que buscan representar la naturaleza, objetos o escenas recolectadas en el recorrido de un camino rural abandonado de Itzamatitlán en Morelos, sitio en donde Alonso Galera decidió establecer su estudio desde hace unos años y en donde ha desarrollado la mayoría de su obra reciente, y por supuesto, la mirada del artista, que nos sugiere tan rotundamente una propuesta de espectador que documenta la vida -en el mismo transitar- de este espacio liminal. En este sentido se despliega una serie de microescenarios vegetales al retomar así la naturaleza de organismos sésiles (que no pueden desplazarse) que nos invitan a recorrer sus partes como una escenografía ficticia y simbiótica entre los elementos de un paisaje; estáticos, pasivos y modulares, al mismo tiempo en que estas mismas figuras están dotadas de una inteligencia propia, que nos permite verlas a través del animismo con el que convivimos con los objetos más preciados o cercanos que cada unx tenemos en algún momento de la vida, una relación íntima que confronta la condición de vida que ha sido reducida a su mínima expresión, desechable o peor aún, apenas notable. Galera nos muestra una pauta a estos seres con relación a su escala al mismo tiempo que transforma el espacio en entes autónomos de los cuales nos deja solo especular su naturaleza al recorrerlos, con los cuales podemos convivir desde el silencio que nos invita a acercarnos a su historia.
El sendero encantado, 2023 Impresión en tecco Iridium Silver montada en bajo acrílico | Tecco Iridium Silver print mounted on acrylic base 22.5 x 32.5 cm | 8.9 x 12.8 in
Los troncos radioactivos I, II, III, IV, V, 2023 Lápiz de cera sobre cartulina kraft | Wax pencil on kraft cardboard 51.5 x 35 cm | 20.2 x 13.8 in
Jardín de Ensueño estalagmitico, 2023 Piedra pómez, silicón, pasto en polvo, cera, bonsai y diamantes de fantasía | Pumice stone, silicone, powdered grass, wax, bonsai and fancy diamonds 108 x 27 x 27 cm | 42.5 x 10.6 x 10.6 in
Maraña, 2023 Pasto sintético, plástico, cortezas de árbol, flores sintéticas | Synthetic grass, plastic, tree bark, synthetic flowers 135 x 49 x 49 cm | 53.1 x 19.3 x 19.3 in
The mask, 2023 Impresión en tecco Iridium Silver montada en bajo acrílico | Tecco Iridium Silver print mounted on acrylic base 25.5 x 25.5 cm | 10 x 10 in
La caminata de los insectos maravilla, 2023 Lápiz de color y bolígrafo sobre papel | Color pencil and pen on paper 24 x 29.5 cm | 9.4 x 11.6 in
Fotos: Agustín Arce
This exhibition constitutes a series of works that are developed in the spectrum of a triad of media: artificial elements that seek to represent nature, objects or scenes collected along an abandoned rural road in Itzamatitlán in Morelos, the site where Alonso Galera decided established his studio a few years ago and where he has developed the majority of his recent work, and of course, the artist’s gaze, which so strongly suggests to us a spectator proposal that documents the life - in the very process - of this liminal space. In this sense, a series of plant microscenarios are deployed, thus taking up the nature of sessile organisms (which cannot move) that invite us to explore their parts as a fictitious and symbiotic scenery between the elements of a landscape; static, passive and modular, at the same time that these same figures are endowed with their own intelligence, which allows us to see them through the animism with which we live with the most precious or close objects that each of us has at some point in our lives. , an intimate relationship that confronts the condition of life that has been reduced to its minimum expression, disposable or worse, barely noticeable. Galera shows us a guideline to these beings in relation to their scale at the same time that he transforms the space into autonomous entities of which he leaves us only to speculate on their nature as we walk through them, with which we can coexist from the silence that invites us to get closer to their history.
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Terra incognita: Zwierzę rruugee, o skrzydlatych i wygasły gatunek Psephurus sp.
Design odkrywcy: dzienniki naukowe quatla. Artykuł zero w ramach Sheet of instructions. Podtytuł: Własność intelektualna dotyczy odkryć zoologicznych w Państwie Czterech Wynalazków, ale zbyt mało wiemy o tej części świata .......
W lasy ogromnego Qin-lingu nadeszła już jesień. Trwa zrównoważona wycinka drzew. Na polach dobrze prosperuje idée fixe. To orka gleby, gdzie spostrzegamy gatunki udomowione. Podróżując przez hipotetyczny jar Yin and Yang natknąć się można na kopalnie, gdzie pozyskuje się platynę, iridium oraz baryt. Czy działa tam rafineria petroleum (ropy naftowej) ?
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Obfite zasoby naturalne uczyniły Qin-ling domem dla niezliczonej flory i fauny, takiej jak Andrias davidianus. Drwale i myśliwi z wiosek oddalonych od wielkich ośrodków miejskich, opisywali oprócz dobrze nam znanych i rzadkich zwierząt, także gatunki, o których nauka nic nie wie. Jest wśród nich gatunek grzywiastej wiwery, wydającej odgłosy *rruugee- rruugee- rruugee*. Jest to zwierzę, którego futro pokazywał zoologom jeden z krajowców (fake literature ?).
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Żyzny Korytarz Hexi to kraina dobrze spożytkowanej uprawy zbóż oraz warzyw bulwiastych. W tym dystrykcie nasadza się buraki cukrowe, rzepak, ale także soję i różnorodne owoce.
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Przykładowo na zalesionych wzniesieniach Wangwu Montagne (żyjąc chyba w tzw. grottoes) oraz w ostojach ulokowanych w Górach Syczuańskich przetrwał w początkach poprzedniego stulecia rzekomo gatunek dzikiego psa, zwanego niekiedy chien-tigre. Było to zwierzę o bardzo groźnym usposobieniu. Zasięg występowania kolcoszniczki miękkowłosej (Typhlomys cinereus) jest ograniczony, jak nam wiadomo do północno - zachodniego Fukien, zwanego Regionem Kuatuny (napisane w 1933 w Journal de Chine). Alan Owston podróżując jeszcze po południowym Gan-su, odkrył trzy okazy bardzo rzadkiego, pięknego ptaka, żyjącego jakoby w tych górach. Działo się to w 1905 roku. Los wiosłonosa chińskiego (Psephurus gladius) z rzeki Yang-tze został przypieczętowany poprzez nadmierne odłowy oraz fragmentację siedlisk. Zwierzę uznane jest za wygasłe w 2010 roku (wg. opisu z kopalni wiedzy). Czy jakaś populacja przetrwała? Tropieniem tej znacznej ryby interesuje się kryptozoologia.
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*Autorem opracowania jest Tomasz Pietrzak, autor oraz zdyskryminowany polski naukowiec.*
Źródła rycin: 1. Shennongjia hotels - enericTravel at ihg.com 2. Bunting forms on chromolithograph. 3. Chinese Paddlefish, 2007 - CSMonitor.com. 4. Ursine civet by AlexSone on DeviantArt, 2011
Literatura: /// Article about Econymy of Gansu at Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/place/Gansu/Economy (date unknown) /// China Journal, 1933 /// La vie quotidienne en Chine sous les Mandchous de Charles Commeaux, Hachette 1970 ///  The Lost Ark: New and Rediscovered Animals of the Twentieth Century, 1993 /// Wiosłonosa zaczęto intensywniej ratować ..... https:// kopalnia wiedzy.pl/, 2020
Dostępne na standardach licencji Creative Commons, czyli możliwe jest przekazywanie artykułu, ale z podaniem jego autora.
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hylianengineer · 2 years
Comfortember Day 25: Lost
This one’s really long so I’m gonna stick it under a read more. Fair warning, there is SO MUCH ANXIETY in this fic, graphically described. Also minor to moderate injuries, a bit of medical stuff, the usual. And a bit of future space archaeology and soil science, but that’s not a warning. Unless you object to technobabble infodumps, in which case your might prefer to skim the first few paragraphs.
Summary: While on an archaeological field survey on Bajor, Caitlyn gets separated from the group. But getting lost in the woods isn’t the way it looks in holovids, and the biggest dangers turn out to be the ones inside her own head. As she waits for help, she battles both physical injuries and her own anxiety.
“Oh - guess what? I’m gonna head down to Bajor this week to help out with an archaeological survey!”
Julian grins. “That sounds exciting; what are you going to be surveying?”
"So Bajor has these really neat cave dwellings- they're not natural, they've been carved out, and there's this whole underground city that was inhabited from five to three thousand years ago. The architecture is incredible. But it's not very well mapped, a lot of the data was lost during the occupation, and some of the tunnels have collapsed. So we have to go through with remote sensors and figure out where everything is before it can be excavated. The other problem is that the rocks in the area block some of our more powerful sensor technologies, so we're relying on short-range techniques. It'll be a great opportunity to learn about the newest ground-penetrating radar technologies, and I'm hoping to see some of the in-progress excavations; it's fascinating stuff. There’s this new technique using muons…"
Everything is going great until I step on the wrong rock. It shifts beneath my foot, and I freeze, hardly daring to breathe. I slowly soft my weight to the other foot, and take another step onto what looks to be more stable ground. It crumbles beneath my boot, and suddenly I'm falling head over heels. Something slams into my skull,  and the world goes dark.  
When I come to,  it's with the disappointing realization that I'm still in the middle of the woods, alone.  I'm lying half-buried in loose soil and small boulders, facing an endless expanse of undergrowth and tree roots. As I sit up, my head throbs so badly that my vision grays out for a moment.  Wincing,  I run my hands gingerly over my scalp. There's a pretty large bump above my right ear, and my fingers come away with the telltale stickiness of drying blood. Well. That's definitely a bad sign. But it's when I look up that I really start to panic.
I stare up at the steep cliff, maybe 15 meters above me. 
"Well, fuck." 
I kick loose dirt out of the way and drag myself to my feet, wincing as the movement jars sore muscles and a litany of bruises. Fuck, that hurts. But now that I'm on my feet, I can see that the vegetation in front of me is actually more trees. That's to be expected in a forest, I suppose, but I have a head injury so I think I should be forgiven for being slightly out of it. 
I reach for my communicator, "Delmirev to Survey Team Gamma… Ensign Delmirev to anyone who can hear me?" Great, the minerals in the soil must be disrupting the communicator frequencies.  Not surprising,  but extremely inconvenient. Okay, what do I remember from Starfleet survival training? Don’t wander off, that would definitely make out harder for the rest of the team to find me. Although if I'm going to try to contact them, I may not have much choice.  The only chance I have of getting a signal through is to get to higher ground,  where I'm not walled in by iridium-enriched sediments. 
I wasn’t planning to return to our base camp until evening, so if I don’t find a way to contact them, they won’t even know anything’s wrong until then. Still, I have plenty of water, so waiting might be the safest plan…
Communicator may be down, but if I could create some sort of signal beacon… I’d better inventory my supplies, see what I have to work with.
Fortunately, I still have my backpack, which means a compass and a map. I spread the map out in front of me- the compass says I’m facing east, so I turn the map sideways so that east is right side up. There’s the path I was following, which means I should be about… here.  Not too far from base camp, so hopefully help will turn up sooner or later.
Let's see… I've also got three protein bars (and an empty wrapper), a half-full water bottle, a rain jacket, a flashlight, some very beat-up but miraculously still-functional scanning equipment, tricorder, a communicator with no signal, a padd with all the available site data, and a couple extra hair ties. Probably a concussion too, if this headache is any indication.
Now I'm  back to second guessing myself and waffling between two distinctly unappealing choices: waiting for someone to come looking for me, and trying to find a way back to the path by myself. Either I sit here for hours and feel incompetent, or I risk getting more lost. I'm a Starfleet officer, and here I am being defeated by a hill. But I need to be smart about this, not try to play the hero. It's safer to wait.
So I sit down in the shade of a nearby tree, and I wait. And wait. And wait. For a while, I fiddle with my communicator to try and boost the signal, but it can't overcome the dampening effect of these hills. After that, I run some diagnostics on my equipment, scan everything I can without losing sight of my impromptu camp, reorganize my bag, eat a protein bar, and start making mosaics out of grass and twigs. No one told me getting lost was so boring - holonovels make it seem very dramatic, lighting fires with sticks and being attacked by bears, but it would be peaceful if it weren't for the throbbing headache and the anxiety churning in my stomach. Most of the fear isn't that nature is going to try to kill me, it's that my team will think I handled this badly. Maybe I should have gone looking for a way back up to the trail. What if they're angry that I've inconvenienced them by getting lost? What if they don't even notice I'm gone? If only I'd been more careful I could be completing my survey right now. If I were just a bit smarter I might have been able to make the communicator work, or come up with some other solution that didn't involve sitting around like a damsel in distress and waiting for someone else to solve my problems. But that's not fair - this was the safest option, and the first piece of advice anyone with expertise in this sort of thing would give you is to stay put. So I'm staying put, trying to drown out the voice of self-doubt by humming obnoxiously catchy songs. 
Maybe I should make some kind of signal, like a fire. No, I'm surrounded by dry grass, that's a terrible idea. I do have a flashlight, but that's no use until it gets dark. If someone is nearby, I'll hear them, and then I can yell for help. No need to make it more complicated than it needs to be.
I really wish I'd done some more reading about the local fauna before I came down here. I remember the warnings about venomous snakes, and wasps, and small burrowing creatures I don't remember the name of. Those last ones aren't exactly threatening, but we were expecting to be near their tunnels, and you can sprain an ankle pretty easily by stepping in one of their entryways. Now that the sun is setting, my anxiety is providing me with images of bears, big cats, and every other creature I don't want to run into alone in the dark. I've eaten all my protein bars and my stomach has begun growling again. I think I've been here since around noon, so maybe… six, seven hours? It really was a stupid idea to split up. Still, the rest of the group must be meeting up around now, and then they'll realize I'm missing. Help will come, I've just got to wait a bit longer.
The stars have been out for quite some time when I hear shouting in the distance, though it's too far away to make out the words. My flashlight is cradled in my lap, left off to save the battery, but now I flick it on and wave it around above my head. 
"Hello? Is someone there?" I call out. There's no response at first, but I keep waving and shouting and slowly the voices get closer. 
"I think it's coming from over here - Caitlyn?" 
"Hey, I'm down here! Be careful, that ledge isn't stable!" I yell.
"Caitlyn, thank the Prophets! It's  me, Raz, we met at orientation. Are you alright down there?"
"Oh, yeah, I remember you! I'm not awesome, I think I have a concussion, but not too bad all things considered."
"Just stay put, alright? Transporters don't work here, but we're gonna figure this out. Hang in there!"
The top of the cliff gets pretty crowded once Raz contacts the rest of the search party. It makes talking to them a bit difficult, because they're all stomping around and rattling their gear and talking about how the heck to get me out of this. It's sort of touching, but also really embarrassing, that my predicament has generated so much fuss. 
"The ground isn't stable, there's already been one landslide and if we try to climb down we're likely to trigger a second."
"And there's no way a transporter will work with this interference."
“Maybe a shuttle…”
One of the medics does end up coming down to check on me- despite my protests that I'm really not that badly injured and they're likely to hurt themselves trying to get down here. She comes anyways, climbing down the cliff face with an agility one associates with mountain goats. Her name is Vera, and she rambles cheerfully about her childhood spent exploring this forest as she checks me for a concussion. 
"Yeah, you've got a pretty good bump there. I don’t have the equipment here to fix the concussion, but I'll give you some painkillers and something to keep the swelling down," she explains as she loads a hypospray. "It's a fairly mild injury, so I wouldn't worry too much, but I definitely want to keep an eye on it until we can get you to a hospital."
"Thanks. You know, it is kinda nice to have company down here."
“Don’t worry, we’ll both be out of here soon enough and you’ll have more company than you know what to do with,” she grins. “We were all pretty worried when you didn’t show up. How long have you been down here?”
“Um… most of the afternoon?” I admit reluctantly. “It wasn’t that bad, just lots of waiting. A valley made of mossanthacite sediments is basically the worst case scenario for a communicator - we might as well be surrounded by dampening fields.”
“You have had one hell of a day, haven’t you? You did the right thing, you know, staying put. It’d be a hell of a lot harder to find you if you wandered away from the path, and I’m very happy not to be treating any broken bones you might have gotten if you tried climbing this thing.”
“You do not want to know how much time today I’ve spent wondering if I made a colossally bad call on that front. So that’s a relief.”
“It’s natural when things like this happen to wonder if you could’ve done things differently, and you’ve had a lot of time to overthink it. But you did good, keep reminding yourself of that. You did exactly the right thing, and you’re gonna be fine. Can I hug you? You look like you could use a hug.” “Yeah, I really could.” 
“Come here, then.” She pulls me close and I relax into the warm embrace; her fingers trace gentle patterns along my spine. She smells like flowers and sweat and something spicy-sharp that I recognize as coming from the trees around us. It’s oddly comforting, like the forest itself is giving me a hug.
I jump at the sound of a branch cracking, my mind going immediately to large, sharp-toothed animals that want to eat us for dinner. But it’s just a person- a young man in the light brown uniform of the Bajoran militia, with a few other officers following behind him.
Vera grins at them, “Hey, you made it! Did the landing go alright?”
The man nods, “The shuttle is only about a quarter of a kilometer to the south. If you’re ready, we can get out of here.”
“Caitlyn, how’s the head injury? Are you good to walk?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. The sooner we get out of this place the better, as far as I’m concerned.”
“Great! Let me know if anything changes, okay?”
An hour later, I’m lying on a biobed in a small medical clinic. My injuries have been treated, but they insisted on keeping me overnight - head injuries are tricky things, Vera had explained. On the table beside me is a vase of Bajoran lilacs, a gift from my concerned colleagues. 
“Hey, Caitlyn, someone’s here to see you.”
Standing in the doorway is a familiar figure in Starfleet blue.
“Julian.” A wall I didn’t know was there crumbles, and suddenly I’m fighting a losing battle to stop myself from crying. I've never been so glad to see anyone as I am now. He folds me into a hug and I melt against his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of antiseptic that’s somehow come to mean safety. 
"Hey, it's alright," he says in that impossibly soft voice. "You're alright."
"I was so scared," I whisper into his shoulder. "I was alone and lost and my communicator wasn't working-"
"It’s alright,” he repeats, “You're safe now. Are you hurt?"
He's already getting out a tricorder to check for himself, but I try to reassure him anyways: "Not anymore, one of the Bajoran medics patched me up. Turns out a rockslide will give you a lot of bruises," I joke, trying to smile through the tears. 
"I imagine it would," he says wryly. He puts away the tricorder, apparently satisfied that my injuries have been adequately tended to. "Perhaps it would be best if you didn't pick any more fights with the local geology, hmm?"
I snort - Julian’s always been good at making me laugh, no matter how upset I am. "It's not my fault the hills here are hostile to sentient life. Unstable, sensor-jamming, downright malicious dirt," I accuse cheerfully. "Although it is possible that the soil sampling provoked it."
Julian laughs, and for a moment it seems that all is right in the world. "Well, I'm sure it will know better than to tangle with you next time. Are you ready to go home now?"
"Gosh, yes!" There's nothing I want more right now than to go back to the station and curl up in my own bed. "Let's get out of here, before the dirt can plot its revenge."
“I was really worried, you know. When they told us you went missing. We all were- too far away to help, knowing anything could happen to you by the time we got here.”
“I know. I’m sorry to have put you through that.”
“Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. Besides, that’s the price of caring about someone. Sometimes love hurts.”
“It does. It really, really does. Hey, how come Commander Sisko sent you, specifically? Don’t get me wrong, there’s no one I’d rather have come to my rescue, but you’re kind of indispensable to the entire station, being the CMO and all.”
“This isn’t the first time I’ve been away and it won’t be the last. Doctor Girani and the rest of my staff are more than capable of functioning without me for a while. But to answer your question, I asked the Commander to let me go. I couldn’t just sit there, waiting to see if you came home.”
That’s enough to make me choke up again. There are no words to convey how grateful I am to have Julian as my friend, to see this undeniable, solid proof of how much we mean to each other. So I hug him. I bury my face in the blue shoulder of his uniform and hang on as tightly as I can. Isn’t trying to squeeze the air out of each other’s lungs such a strange gesture of affection? But there’s no denying it’s effective; Julian’s hugs, I am convinced, are the safest place in the universe.
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Encyclopedia Elemental pg 285
Read right to left
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homeworldmetals · 5 years
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Metals as LotL Characters (Dump) 
I forgot about a whole bunch of them (to upload on here) so here is the Metals as Land of the Lustrous characters. Their names are in the captions for each of the pictures. Sometimes with their hardnesses if I remembered.
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p3p0t0 · 7 years
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I digitalized Iridium!
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The wizard is NOT TO BE TRUSTED and I do have RECEIPTS for his untrustworthiness
-regularly spies on the villagers and the farmer, proof as he saw the farmer see junimos for the first time despite the fact he wasn't there
-he keeps trying to make the junimos talk to him, and apparently regularly captures them in a spell circle, proof as his first meeting with the farmer
-deadass cheated on his wife with Caroline
-speaking of that mess, he "suspects he one of the villagers is his daughter" doesn't try to talk to said daughter based on dilogue
-after his wife (the witch) left him for cheating, he says she was "so angry and jealous she turned green and now flies around the countryside cursing things"
-her curses don't actually do anything wrong?? Like if anything the egg curse is extremely helpful, void eggs are expensive
-deadass locked he locked the witch in her swamp with magic (even tho that doesn't work cause she got out but eh) like what the fuck
-there's still a thing you can use to teleport from her swamp hut to his tower, I don't know what about that is important but it is
-his spying also extends to the magical creatures, cause he's apparently spying on the dwarf and krobus while they're arguing
-has you break into his ex-wifes house to steal something of his back (I don't even know if it belongs to him, we don't get the witches side of the story)
-the witch has a goblin guard outside her hut?? If the only way to get in regularly is blocked, and there's an entrance to the wizards tower and nowhere else, I have a feeling why the guard is there
-the wizard in general is just very sus
-I haven't actually seen this myself and is a bit subjective but this gives me such bad vibes (for reference, another encryption reads "we were cursed with too much Iridium" which I believe means the wizards didn't create the mummies but this is still a little, weird)
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He's a wizard, why doesn't he just put them to rest himself? All you have to do is explode them and I'm pretty sure explosions are like Wizard 101
That's all I have so far but this wizard is sketch as fuck
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jmonterol · 3 years
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En la panorámica de esta noche observamos tres magníficos cráteres y el maravilloso Sinus Iridium a la izquierda.
De Copernicus ya hemos hablado en otras ocasiones y siempre es espectacular. Debajo de él, Kepler y, cerca del terminador, Aristarchus, con su alto albedo. Sinus Iridium es un acantilado que corresponde a un antiguo cráter inundado de lava en el límite de Mare Imbrium. El norte está a la izquierda.
Refractor TS Photoline 72 mm a f6. Cámara QHY 5II M.
Procesado con EZPlanetary y Registax 6.
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merkabici · 1 year
Las mejores gafas fotocromáticas para ciclistas: Opiniones y recomendaciones
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Las gafas fotocromáticas son una opción práctica y versátil para los ciclistas. Se adaptan rápidamente a diferentes condiciones lumínicas, lo que las hace ideales para usar durante todo el año. Sus ventajas incluyen alta adaptabilidad, protección UV y eliminación de la necesidad de tener dos pares de gafas. Sin embargo, pueden tener dificultades en días muy soleados o extremadamente calurosos. A continuación, se presentan modelos recomendados, como Oakley Radar EV Path Iridium y Julbo Fury Reactiv, entre otros. También se mencionan otras opciones a considerar, como Van Rysel Road 900 y Uvex Sportstyle 802 Vario. Ventajas y desventajas de las gafas fotocromáticas para ciclistas Ventajas de las gafas fotocromáticas Las gafas fotocromáticas ofrecen numerosas ventajas para los ciclistas que buscan una mayor comodidad y protección visual durante sus rutas. A continuación, se detallan algunas de sus ventajas más destacadas: - Adaptabilidad lumínica: las gafas fotocromáticas tienen la capacidad de oscurecerse o aclararse automáticamente en respuesta a los cambios de luz ambiental. Esto permite que los ciclistas tengan una visión óptima en diferentes condiciones lumínicas, sin necesidad de cambiar de gafas durante la ruta. - Protección UV: estas gafas están diseñadas para filtrar los rayos ultravioleta (UV), brindando así una protección adicional contra los dañinos efectos del sol en los ojos. - Versatilidad: al tener un amplio rango de adaptabilidad lumínica, las gafas fotocromáticas son ideales tanto para condiciones de mucha luminosidad como para momentos de menor visibilidad, como al entrar en zonas sombreadas o bajo la luz del atardecer. - Simplificación de equipos: al poder adaptarse a diferentes condiciones de iluminación, las gafas fotocromáticas eliminan la necesidad de llevar dos pares de gafas diferentes, ahorrando espacio y evitando llevar accesorios adicionales. Desventajas de las gafas fotocromáticas A pesar de sus numerosas ventajas, las gafas fotocromáticas también presentan algunas desventajas a tener en cuenta antes de adquirirlas: - Limitaciones en condiciones extremas: en días muy soleados o con temperaturas extremas, las gafas fotocromáticas pueden no filtrar toda la luz solar de manera eficiente, lo que puede resultar incómodo o dificultar la visión en ciertos momentos. - Tiempo de adaptación: aunque las gafas fotocromáticas se adaptan rápidamente a los cambios de luz, pueden requerir unos segundos para alcanzar la máxima capacidad de filtrado, lo que puede afectar momentáneamente la visión en zonas de poca luz o interiores, como túneles. Factores a considerar al elegir las mejores gafas fotocromáticas Al seleccionar las mejores gafas fotocromáticas, es importante tener en cuenta varios factores clave que asegurarán una elección acertada y adaptada a nuestras necesidades. A continuación, se presentan los elementos fundamentales a considerar: Protección UV y categoría de filtro Uno de los aspectos esenciales al elegir gafas fotocromáticas para ciclistas es la protección contra los rayos ultravioleta (UV). Asegúrate de que las gafas ofrezcan una alta protección UV para cuidar tus ojos durante todas tus salidas. Además, es importante evaluar la categoría de filtro de las lentes, que determina la cantidad de luz que se filtra. Las opciones suelen ir desde 0 hasta 3, siendo 3 la más oscura. Elige la categoría adecuada según tu exposición a la luz solar. Adaptabilidad y tiempo de cambio de luminosidad La capacidad de adaptación de las gafas fotocromáticas es otra característica crucial. Asegúrate de que las gafas se ajusten rápidamente a los cambios de luminosidad, oscureciéndose o aclarándose de manera eficiente. También considera el tiempo que tardan en alcanzar el nivel de luminosidad óptimo, ya que unos segundos de reacción más rápido pueden marcar la diferencia en situaciones de iluminación variable. Diseño y comodidad de uso El diseño y la comodidad son aspectos indispensables en las gafas fotocromáticas para ciclistas. Asegúrate de que las gafas se ajusten correctamente a tu rostro y que no generen molestias durante largos periodos de uso. También evalúa características como la ligereza de los materiales y la posibilidad de ajustar las patillas y el puente nasal para lograr un ajuste personalizado. Rendimiento y calidad de visión Por último, pero no menos importante, es fundamental considerar el rendimiento y la calidad de visión que ofrecen las gafas fotocromáticas. Busca lentes que brinden una visión nítida y sin distorsiones, así como una amplia cobertura para proteger tus ojos de elementos externos como el viento y los insectos. Evalúa también la resistencia a los arañazos y la facilidad de limpieza para garantizar una buena durabilidad. Modelos recomendados de gafas fotocromáticas para ciclistas Oakley Radar EV Path Iridium Las Oakley Radar EV Path Iridium son unas gafas fotocromáticas ideales para los ciclistas más exigentes. Cuentan con lentes Iridium y tecnología HDO, que proporciona una visión nítida y sin distorsiones. Estas gafas ofrecen una adaptabilidad excepcional a diferentes condiciones de luz, oscureciéndose o aclarándose rápidamente según sea necesario. Su diseño aerodinámico y ligero las hace perfectas para unas largas sesiones en bicicleta. Además, su amplio campo de visión y su resistencia a impactos las convierten en una excelente opción para los ciclistas más aventureros. Oakley Jawbreaker Julbo Fury Reactiv Las Julbo Fury Reactiv son unas gafas fotocromáticas de alta calidad que se adaptan rápidamente a los cambios de luz. Su categoría de filtro 0-3 garantiza una protección adecuada en diferentes condiciones lumínicas. Estas gafas están diseñadas para ofrecer una visión amplia y sin distorsiones en todo momento. Además, su montura liviana y su sistema de ventilación evitan la formación de vaho durante el ejercicio. Con las Julbo Fury Reactiv, los ciclistas pueden disfrutar de una visión clara y protegida en cualquier situación. Scott Shield Light Las Scott Shield Light son unas gafas fotocromáticas que destacan por su lente de pantalla fotocromática de categoría 1-3. Estas gafas se adaptan rápidamente a los cambios de luminosidad, protegiendo los ojos de los ciclistas en diferentes condiciones de luz. Su diseño aerodinámico y ligero proporciona comodidad incluso durante largas rutas en bicicleta. Además, su montura resistente y flexible garantiza una durabilidad excepcional. Con las Scott Shield Light, los ciclistas disfrutarán de una visión clara y protegida en todas sus salidas en bicicleta. Oakley Jawbreaker Las Oakley Jawbreaker son unas gafas fotocromáticas de alta gama diseñadas para los ciclistas más exigentes. Su lente Clear to Black Iridium ofrece una adaptabilidad rápida y precisa a diferentes condiciones lumínicas, proporcionando una visión clara y sin distorsiones en todo momento. Estas gafas cuentan con una montura resistente y ligera que se ajusta perfectamente al rostro, brindando comodidad y estabilidad durante el pedaleo. Con las Oakley Jawbreaker, los ciclistas podrán disfrutar de una visión óptima y una protección total en cada salida. Shimano Equinox Las gafas Shimano Equinox son una opción versátil y funcional para los ciclistas que buscan un rendimiento excepcional. Sus lentes Ridescape fotocromáticas de categoría 0 a 3 se adaptan rápidamente a los cambios de luz, garantizando una visión clara y protegida en diferentes condiciones. Estas gafas cuentan con una montura ligera y resistente que se ajusta cómodamente al rostro. Además, su diseño envolvente ofrece una cobertura total y evita la entrada de corrientes de aire. Con las Shimano Equinox, los ciclistas disfrutarán de una visión clara y protegida durante sus entrenamientos y carreras. Rudy Project Cutline ImpactX Las gafas Rudy Project Cutline ImpactX son una excelente opción para los ciclistas que buscan rendimiento y comodidad. Estas gafas se destacan por su capacidad de adaptación fotocromática rápida y su resistencia a los impactos. Su diseño ligero y aerodinámico proporciona una visión clara y sin distorsiones en diferentes condiciones lumínicas. Además, su montura ajustable y las almohadillas nasales ajustables permiten un ajuste personalizado y cómodo. Con las Rudy Project Cutline ImpactX, los ciclistas pueden disfrutar de una visión clara y protegida durante sus salidas en bicicleta. Scicon Aerocomfort SCN-XT Photocromic Las gafas Scicon Aerocomfort SCN-XT Photocromic son ideales para los ciclistas que buscan un diseño elegante y un rendimiento superior. Estas gafas cuentan con una lente dual de espejo azul que se adapta rápidamente a los cambios de luz, proporcionando una visión clara y protegida en cualquier condición. Su montura ligera y cómoda garantiza un ajuste seguro durante toda la ruta. Además, su diseño aerodinámico reduce la resistencia al viento y mejora la comodidad del ciclista. Con las Scicon Aerocomfort SCN-XT Photocromic, los ciclistas pueden disfrutar de una visión clara y nítida en todas sus salidas. Spiuk Mirus Lumiris Las Spiuk Mirus Lumiris son unas gafas fotocromáticas versátiles y compatibles con diferentes formas y tamaños de cara. Sus lentes Lumiris se adaptan rápidamente a los cambios de luz, ofreciendo una visión clara y protegida en cualquier situación. Estas gafas destacan por su diseño ergonómico y cómodo, que garantiza un ajuste perfecto y sin molestias. Además, su montura resistente y flexible proporciona durabilidad y estabilidad durante las rutas más exigentes. Con las Spiuk Mirus Lumiris, los ciclistas podrán disfrutar de una visión óptima y una protección completa en cada salida. Endura Gabbro II Las gafas Endura Gabbro II son ideales para los ciclistas que buscan una protección confiable y un rendimiento excepcional. Estas gafas cuentan con una lente envolvente y un tratamiento anti vaho, que garantizan una visión clara y sin empañamientos en cualquier condición climática. Su montura ligera y resistente ofrece comodidad y durabilidad durante todo el recorrido. Además, su ajuste ajustable se adapta a diferentes tipos de rostros, brindando un ajuste seguro y cómodo. Con las Endura Gabbro II, los ciclistas pueden disfrutar de una visión clara y protegida en cada pedalada. 100% Speedtrap Photocromic Las gafas 100% Speedtrap Photocromic son una excelente opción para los ciclistas que buscan rendimiento y estilo. Estas gafas cuentan con una montura robusta que ofrece una protección excepcional contra impactos y una lente fotocromática intercambiable que se adapta a los cambios de luz. Su diseño aerodinámico y su ajuste ajustable garantizan una comodidad óptima durante todo el recorrido. Con las 100% Speedtrap Photocromic, los ciclistas pueden disfrutar de una visión clara y protegida sin comprometer su estilo. Recuerda que al elegir tus gafas fotocromáticas para ciclistas es importante tener en cuenta tus necesidades y preferencias personales. Probar las gafas antes de comprarlas te asegurará un ajuste cómodo y una visión óptima durante tus salidas en bicicleta. Además, guarda tus gafas en su funda y preferiblemente en un estuche para protegerlas de la luz solar y prolongar su vida útil. Otras opciones a considerar Van Rysel Road 900 La marca Van Rysel ofrece las gafas fotocromáticas Road 900, diseñadas específicamente para ciclistas exigentes. Estas gafas cuentan con una lente fotoactiva que se adapta rápidamente a las diferentes condiciones de luz, ofreciendo una visión clara y nítida en todo momento. Además, su diseño aerodinámico y ligero proporciona comodidad durante largos paseos en bicicleta. Gafas EKOI fotocromáticas EKOI presenta un modelo de gafas fotocromáticas ideal para ciclistas que buscan calidad y estilo. Estas gafas cuentan con lentes fotocromáticas de alta resistencia que se ajustan rápidamente a los cambios de luz, ofreciendo una visión óptima en todo momento. Además, su montura ligera y ergonómica brinda la comodidad necesaria durante los entrenamientos o competiciones. Rockrider MTB XC RACE La marca Rockrider ofrece las gafas MTB XC RACE, pensadas para los amantes del ciclismo de montaña. Estas gafas cuentan con lentes fotocromáticas que se adaptan rápidamente a las cambiantes condiciones de luz en senderos y bosques. Además, su diseño envolvente y resistente a impactos brinda protección adicional durante las rutas más exigentes. Uvex Sportstyle 802 Vario Las gafas Uvex Sportstyle 802 Vario son una excelente opción para los ciclistas que buscan versatilidad. Sus lentes fotocromáticas se ajustan automáticamente a las diferentes condiciones de luz, proporcionando una visión clara en todas las situaciones. Además, su diseño deportivo y ligero las hace ideales para largas jornadas de pedaleo. Spiuk Ventix-K La marca Spiuk presenta las gafas Ventix-K, diseñadas para ciclistas que buscan calidad y rendimiento. Estas gafas cuentan con lentes fotocromáticas que se adaptan rápidamente a los cambios de luz, brindando una visión clara y nítida en todo momento. Además, su montura ajustable y las patillas antideslizantes proporcionan un ajuste seguro y cómodo durante el pedaleo. Gafas Summit de BBB Las gafas Summit de BBB son una opción a considerar para los ciclistas que buscan calidad y protección. Estas gafas cuentan con lentes fotocromáticas que se ajustan automáticamente a las diferentes condiciones de luz, garantizando una visión clara en todo momento. Además, su montura duradera y las almohadillas ajustables ofrecen comodidad y estabilidad durante los paseos en bicicleta. Teniendo en cuenta estas opciones adicionales, los ciclistas tienen una variedad de modelos de gafas fotocromáticas para elegir, adaptándose a sus preferencias y necesidades individuales. Cada una de estas opciones ofrece características y prestaciones específicas, por lo que es importante evaluarlas detenidamente antes de tomar una decisión. Recuerda que probar las gafas antes de comprarlas es fundamental para garantizar un ajuste cómodo y una buena visión durante tus salidas en bicicleta. Mantén tus gafas fotocromáticas protegidas en su funda o estuche adecuado para prolongar su vida útil y asegurar un rendimiento óptimo en todas tus aventuras ciclistas. Read the full article
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alright well i work best under pressure so given that i now have an hour and 20 minutes before i start a voice call with someone i think it’s the perfect time to do that one video analysis so i can actually start finishing up that maya post... man i really should’ve pumped that shit out earlier, but i kept procrastinating until we got new info. then more new info. and i mean we DO have lots of new updated info, bc i have a whole thing in there about Punk girl i gotta edit out now lmao
Zane Flynt? this trailer killed me, it’s the only thing i’ve watched all day. like. on repeat.
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ive said it before and ill say it again, 3 months ago i call zane attractive on reddit and get ridiculed but then we find out he’s an irish bastard and everyone jumps on the fuck train
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elpis is looking good and not explody/teleporty, so that’s always a good sign
so the locale plus the twang immediately had me thinking of lynchwood but that’s not right
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the bar itself looks a lot like that mine area we see, so i’d be willing to guess it’s nearby, you know, if it’s an area in the game at all lmao
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like the windows are similar plus the wood
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the bar itself is giving me some mixed signals here, but im gonna bet it was taken over by the CoV from the crimson raiders (recruitment banner, but then the CoV logo is on the wall/screen over there)
That, plus the rose on the counter next to Zane seems sus
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another mine looking building in the back
also lmao
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it’s time to enter the BONEEEE ZONNEEE
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no more DAHL dumpsters? F
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okay this area looks super familiar
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that plus the varkids, this is 100% the same place as this
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which is interesting
looks like Zane’s been hanging out on Pandora for a while... kinda upset we didn’t hear about his brothers at all in this trailer, but it was still fuckin hilarious and well worth the wait
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those canisters? vats? look like the ones near the burger launcher vid hang on
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also some in the back here
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so yeah more than likely the same area
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`lines up the perfect shot`
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`completely missed both shots`
lovey, bravo, champagne, sloooow clap
anyway i’d wager this is an old dahl mining camp? probably mining for iridium
you can see the 
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conveyor belt thingie here
and also all the minecarts and rails are very reminiscent of the caustic caverns
which probably would have dropped iridium into the vat below it, if said vat wasn’t tipped over onto its side
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more shots of the building he’s in
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closeup of the rails. which, weird as it sounds, is really great to see because sometimes in bl2 and even tps when you got super close up to a texture, it wouldn’t look too hot, even on the best settings. the textures in 3 are so CRISP i love them
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varkid 🤮 i hate bugs. model looks fantastic tho! i just... hate bugs
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see the camera is flipped upside down, so miles this cultist is not falling, he’s rising- he’s being lifted up
how nice
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im getting percy jackson flashbacks here. this is 100% how clarisse shoved percy into the toilet, right?
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with the way the cultist isn’t even trying to get out im afraid zane just shoved a corpse into the dook hut. i mean all the power to ya, man
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he’s stuck
this building in the back is new
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i won’t say it
you know what im thinking
i won’t say it
i promise
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there’s also what i think is a smiley face sticker on the wall to his right
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water physics lookin fine 👌
also the way zane jumps back. bonelesspotter i know you read these, are you picking up what i’m putting down?
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see the lack of drink is supposed to parallel hi s lack of companio- im sorry hahahaaha i can’t do this
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rose. it’s a SIGN
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there’s so much going on in the background here lemme just
im sitting here like >:( because i know i’ve seen that type of wall before and for the life of me can’t remember where
my brain is screaming sanctuary
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the actual middle piece looks super familiar
is that what they attach the out of bounds turrets to? possibly.
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this bit
also it looks like there’s a dam or something in the back back?
tbh im a lot more interested in the skyway all the way at the top, it reminds me a lot of bloodshot ramparts
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cuz it also used to be a skyway
also zane is doing his pose for the main menu screen of the game
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and i would say it’s possible this could’ve been the main menu, but the cliff is different, and there’s supposed to be a boxcar/shipping crate on the right (as when u go to options it moves over to it)
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more vats! what is the deal with this mine? why is it featured so heavily in this video gearbox tell me your s e c r e t s
you’d think, with zane being the one who’s been around the proverbial block over his years, he’d be on multiple planets throughout his entire trailer. but like 80% of it is pandora. maybe the other VHs are getting featured on other planets? at least he has a reason to be on pandora outside of the main story (maybe looking for his brothers, maybe trying to piss on their graves, who knows)
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i don’t know what he’s reaching for but uh
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perhapeth the blades are activated by swinging his arm out? could be a hold over from when they were like... actual metal blades and needed to be knocked out into position
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i love that he returns the wave after shoving this guy off the cliff
it’s not like he can see you man
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go off i guess though
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some bar on eden-6 (finally! a new planet!) also i like that the theme here is zane getting into fights in bars. good shit boys
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get wrecked kid
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i really like the design of this building. i love the windows. maybe part of jakobs manor? looks like maybe it’s a greenhouse or smth given it’s in this garden/courtyard area
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which should look somewhat familiar
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looks very similar to this area, but it doesn’t look like there’s a building on the left in this shot. maybe they added it in for the trailer 🤷‍♂️
the trees behind the big one (and next to the iron wrought fence) match up perfectly tho
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i just really like this shot ngl
i love these fuckign expressions i cant
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okay im sorry here’s a smiley boy
the facial animations are so fucking good this time around
that is all i am doing.
just appreciating the new animations.
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fuck dude we didn’t deserve this man
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seriously tho, the glass is gone. idk where it went. im just gonna pretend he was practicing that one iconic Kingsman scene while talking to himself and providing us with flashbacks
also this is my new favorite reaction image
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it’s ‘perfect in every way’
you want more booze?
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what are your thoughts on the new guns?
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where’d you hide the body?
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(it’s in the dumpster)
also unlike the magic cup
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the rose is still here
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Cultist coming to see why the windows of their bar are glowing neon yellow and blue im sure
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it’s cool to know the clone can actually emote
given in the So Happy Together it was basically an expressionless blue demon
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still no cup. all hail
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some more CoV graffiti!
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i am sad we didn’t get to see zoomer in this video at all
zoomer is cute
i like zoomer
that’s all for the trailer folks
i love the implication that he’s just sitting in this empty CoV bar, talking to himself, waiting for someone to notice and come confront him so he can kick their asses.
anyway this post 100% wasn’t an excuse to rewatch the entire trailer frame by frame or anything
maya post coming soon! wahoo
also i have 10 minutes left lmao nice
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