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loopistyle · 2 years ago
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I can’t believe this is the beginning of my fourth year of trying to make #circularfashion happen. In 2019 I bought nothing new and since then I have continued to buy mindfully by choosing second hand first and when buying new making sure I support the good brands. This year it will be more or I should say less of the same, as per every year I want to try and reduce the size of my wardrobe but first and foremost I would love to reduce my consumption. Reduce my consumption of things, of social media, of fashion trends, of toxic news and everything in between. This year I want to walk lightly and gently… I want to make room for more books, more songs, more catch ups and the making memories… I am wearing @kooringalaustralia.us hat and @oroton bag via @ebayfashion @bettybasics stripy T-shirt via a shop I don’t know the name of in Manly, tan leather belt via @lifelineshopsqld #lisaho jeans found on the $2 rack at @salvosstores and @swedishhasbeens clogs found brand new at my local @vinniesshops #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicallymade #sustainableclothing #vintageshop #ethicalfashionblogger #fashionrevolution #slowfashionmovement #buynothingnew #30wears #styledsustainable #SpotMyStyle #realstreetstyle #slowfashionseason #oootd (at Newstead, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnYT3-SP13R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kayame · 5 years ago
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We make it slow to make it last 🌿 I think that clothes should last time wise. We offer timeless design inspired from vintage garments you won’t get tired of and keep forever. . . . #rawfabrics#sustainablymade#styledsustainable#shopethical#lovedclotheslast#organiccottonclothing#ethycallymade#mindfullcloset#naturalfibers#fairtradefashion#ethicalbrand##naturalfibers#fairtradefashion#ethicalbrand#gypsylife#gypsyvibes#hippiegypsy#hippieatheart#hippieclothing#hippieclothes#hippielook#boholove#bohovibes#bohoinspired#hippiefashion#connectwithnature#localartisans#naturespirit https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3GrIIhOIz/?igshid=cgocckhv2vd7
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vaarsaofficial · 4 years ago
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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu #vaarsa #kolhapurichappal #chic #effortlessstyle #minimalfashion #sustainablestyle #slowstyle #styledsustainable #consciouscloset #buylessbuybetter #brandswithpurpose #ethicalluxury #choosewell #shopconsciously #sustainablymade #legacy #tradition #history #sustainablematerials #handmade #oldisnew #backtoroots #newproject #austerity #10years #timetofly #savetheart #2020 #global (at Kolhapur_mh09) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFuexwcAS9_/?igshid=1jeikg44kpmmz
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the-da1-blog-archive · 5 years ago
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Just some new apparel designs made this week. The looks seen here are made from a thrift store and include a scarf that I wrinkled, and some men’s grey slacks that I cut into a few spiked skirt looks that are quite on the mini side - held together with a single reinforced button on one side, and repurposed punk spikes hold together the side seam. I never thought fabric would be such a beautiful Art form. It’s challenging and it pulls on the sense of touch far more than music or Painting. In fact I find closing my eyes is a good way to get the folds how I want them. #onthemanequin #sustainablefashion #sustainablestyle  #sustainablelifestyle  #sustainableclothing  #thesustainablefashionforum #sustainablebusiness  #sustainableliving  #styledsustainably  #extinctionrebellion #reworkedclothes #slowfashionmovement  #slowfashion  #liveconsciously #theartofslowliving  #slowmovement #ecofashion #seekthesimplicity #ethical #ethicalstyle  #ethicalshopping  #ethicalconsumer #ethicalclothing  #ethicallysourced  #NFS #greenfuture  #consciousconsumer  #sixthmassextinction #atlantadesign #dragonairone https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rWCPOn-ke/?igshid=icc7vhahubi5
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I don't believe it always needs to be about giving up the things we love. We need to do as Vivienne Westwood suggests, Buy less, choose well, make it last...... #liveconsciously #ethicalstyle #theartofslowliving #ethicalshopping #styleyourmind #dowhatyoulove #fashionlover #slowfashion #seekthesimplicity #ethicalconsumer #sustainablelifestyle #thesustainablefashionforum #sustainablebusiness #greenfuture #slowfashionmovement #sustainableliving #styledsustainable #consciousconsumer #thesustainablefashionforum #sustainablefashion 
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ddddallythomas · 5 years ago
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“On average, we wear fast fashion less than 5 times and keep it for 35 days. This is compared to the average of wearing clothes 50 times and keeping it for one year. I don’t even want to picture the carbon emissions and water wastage that comes with that. End fast fashion!”- @Chicksforclimate reposted from @styledsustainable on instagram. 
Image sourced from: Made by me on https://infograph.venngage.com/edit/6d7efc8e-4ef9-42f6-b1b6-a36829a83d43 
Image info sourced from: https://www.sustainyourstyle.org/en/whats-wrong-with-the-fashion-industry#anchor-fast-fashion
THE 5 WHYS // secondary research:
What is fast fashion? 
Fast Fashion is affordable and on trend clothing that is delivered at tremendous speed, in order to meet consumer demand. The styles you see in fast fashion are often mimicked from the runway or celebrity culture and due to the fast turnover, shoppers can buy the garments at the height of their popularity, however they often discard them after only a few wears. 
Fast fashion is mass produced, and made to a lower standard of quality, thus doesn’t last long and contributes to the toxic system of overproduction and consumption. 
Garment quality is declining every year in the face of fast fashion. Clothing immediately looks faded, out of shape or worn out, thus clothing doesn’t last, it's not sustainable. Another reason is the trends are changing so fast that we cannot keep up with the demand for new styles, consumers must continue to purchase in order to stay up to date.
Why did fast fashion begin? 
Before the 1800s, people relied on sheep to get wool, spin yarn and weave cloth, thus fashion was slow. It wasn’t until the industrial revolution, where new technology allowed mass production, where textile machines and factories started making clothing at a faster pace. Rather than being made to order, clothing was available ready to wear in bulk and in a range of sizes. Dressmaking shops began to emerge for the middle class, whilst the lower class still made their own clothing. Dressmaking shops had teams of garment workers, although some aspects of production were outsourced to people who worked at home for very low wages or the emerging sweatshops. Safety issues amongst sweatshops began to arise and this became an insight into the basis of modern clothing production.
During the early 1900s, fabric restrictions and more functional styles were made more convenient by the outbreak of World war 2, leading to standardisation and allowing people to become more receptive to mass produced items. It was during this period (1911) that the first major fashion safety disaster occurred in New York’s Triangle Waist Shirtwaist factory, where a fire claimed the lives of 146 garment workers.
By the 1960s, young consumers embraced the cheaply made clothing to follow new trends as a form of personal expression. People rejected the traditions of older generations, and brands had to keep on top of the increasing demand for affordable clothing.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s low cost fashion peaked as fast fashion brands such as H&M, Zara and Topshop reproduced elements from fashion houses and reproduced the aesthetic at a cheap cost and quick turnover.
Why is fast fashion bad for the environment?
The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world, just after the oil industry. Fast Fashion has influenced an immensing disposable culture, creating tons of garments that go to waste and unnecessary landfill. Not only that, but it also contributes to water pollution, microfibre pollution and contributes to greenhouse gases.
Water Contamination: The fashion industry contributes to water pollution. The water wastage that is left over from making garments is dumped directly into rivers after going through processes that intoxicates the water. It contains substances such as lead, mercury and arsenic, which are extremely harmful for the water ecosystem, as well as millions of people living by those river banks as well as across the globe in the instances where the water reaches sea. Water contamination also occurs with the use of fertilisers for cotton production, which produces harm through water run off and evaporation.
Water wastage: A massive quantity of water is consumed when dying and finishing products. Cotton also needs a lot of water to grow, it needs up to 20,000 of litres of water in order to produce 1kg of cotton. This creates tremendous ecological consequences, for example the Arall sea is now a desert due to cotton productions impact upon the environment, completely draining its water.
Microfibers pollution: Studies show that every time we wash a synthetic or polyester garment, 700,000 microfibers are released into the water. Small aquatic animals ingest those microfibers, which are then ingested by bigger and bigger fish until it reaches humans amongst the food chain. Thus, plastic and BPA fibres are leaked amongst our own diet. Microfibers can also be released into the air by simply wearing our garments.
Landfill and material wastage: An increasing amount of textile waste is produced each year contributing to landfill and incineration of clothing. The synthetic fibres used in garment production are not biodegradable, therefore can take up to 200 years to decompose.
Greenhouse gas emission: Due to the energy used in production, manufacturing and transportation of garments, the fashion industry has contributed to the carbon footprint. Fossil fuels are used in the production of synthetic fibres, making production much more intensive than with natural ones. Most of our garments are also made in countries such as China and Bangladesh where coal is the main source of energy and also the dirtiest.
Why has it become a challenge for people to wear a garment more than 5 times?
Garment quality is declining every year in the face of fast fashion. Clothing immediately looks faded, out of shape or worn out, thus clothing doesn’t last, it's not sustainable. Another reason is the trends are changing so fast that we cannot keep up with the demand for new styles, consumers must continue to purchase in order to stay up to date.
Why is it still so popular?
Despite the negative impact of fast fashion on the environment, fast fashion remains popular, but why is that? Studies show that 52% of consumers want more eco-friendly and sustainable practices in fashion, however only 29% will be willing to pay more for it. This reinforces that fast fashion remains so popular due to its low cost, especially consumers within a younger age bracket who aren’t aware of the impacts of fast fashion. Social media and brand influencers also play a big role in this, attracting young shoppers to receive a sense of community when purchasing products.
Accessibility of fast fashion is another reason as to why it remains so popular. With a vast array of products creates high visibility and allows people to find trending items at a much cheaper cost. Thus, people feel like they are top of the styles of the time and further crave this feeling, somewhat becoming an addiction to buy more.
Why don’t more people know about the impact it has on the environment?
Many consumers remain unaware and uneducated about the negative impact that fast fashion causes due to its cheap cost, low quality and fast output of trendy wear. This is due to the lack of transparency from brand to consumer. Many brands who sit within the fast fashion market outsource manufacturing processes, which are sometimes outsourced further to different factories again, making it hard for fast fashion brands to trace where and how their clothes are actually being made. Therefore, they also lack this transparency with their consumers, leaving them uninformed on the practices behind fast fashion. Due to this lack of knowledge consumers don’t realise how much it affects them, and allows them to become complacent with buying trendy wear at low cost and easy access.
Fashion transparency index (2020 edition).  Sourced from: https://issuu.com/fashionrevolution/docs/fr_fashiontransparencyindex2020?fr=sNmI5NzYxMDk0OA
Gecseg, Olivia. (Jan 2020). What is fast fashion and why is it still so popular? Sourced from: https://www.the-sustainable-fashion-collective.com/2020/01/20/why-is-fast-fashion-still-popular-and-what-is-it-costing-our-planet
Idacavage, Sara. ( Oct 2018). Fashion history lessons: the origins of fast fashion. Sourced from: the https://fashionista.com/2016/06/what-is-fast-fashion
Sustain Your Style (2020). Whats wrong with the fashion industry? Sourced from: https://www.sustainyourstyle.org/en/whats-wrong-with-the-fashion-industry#anchor-fast-fashion
Rauturier, Solene. (May 2020). In the know: What is fast fashion. Sourced from: https://goodonyou.eco/what-is-fast-fashion/
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zoui · 5 years ago
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BLACK TAPE wide leg pants designed with #zerowastedesign principles. Because circularity in fashion starts at the design stage. 🍃🕳🍃 Available now at xzouix.com/new-in (direct link in bio) #neominimalism #mnml #design #designboom #contemporarydesign #slowfashion #circularfashion #circulareconomy #zerowastefashion #sustainability #sustainablefashion #sustainable #sustainablefashionblogger #fashioncollection #emergingfashion #imadeyourclothes #madeinslovakia #vyrobenenaslovensku #sculptural #linesandcurves #experimentaldesign #black #allblack #noir #darkbeauty #styledsustainable #artesobscurae #atelierdartiste https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMDd7DB3VU/?igshid=xs0ryrji483e
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datacloset · 5 years ago
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Day 56 #NoNewClothes | 🤠 On the Range ⁣ ⁣ It’s terribly windy. Every recycling can is knocked over on my street. There’s a howling that sounds like the beginning of a horror movie. ⁣ ⁣ Channeling happy summer thoughts with my cactus skirt & jean jacket for a light home on the range feeling. ⁣ ⁣ 📈 outfit data 📉⁣ - Wrangler jean jacket: 1 wear. Secondhand vintage (2015) via Mom ⁣ - Ringer tee: 1 wear. New (2019) @TuesdayBassenLA ⁣ - Saloon skirt: 1 wear. New (2019) @TuesdayBassenLA ⁣ - Arc earrings: 33 wears. New (2019) ⁣ - Necklace: 11 wears. New (2019) Gentlewoman’s Agreement necklace @madebymle⁣ - Black high tops: 20 wears. New (2018) ⁣ ⁣ Notes: The numbers on the clothing illustrations indicate # of wears since 1/1/2020. I only tag brands that I think are worth considering for new purchases (those showing significant effort towards sustainability, ethics and/or size inclusivity). ⁣ ⁣ #nonewclothes2020 #styledsustainable #nobuy2020 #nobuy #sustainability #datacloset #30wears #shoppedmycloset #slowfashion #ootdindepth #ootd #oootd #everydaystyle #boycottfashion #secondhandfirst #notbuyingnew #saynotofastfashion #rewear #fashion #thrifted #datacloset #dataviz #illustration #passionproject #dataproject #datadriven #vintagejeanjacket #wranglers https://ift.tt/2TiMQje
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todaysworldgeneration · 5 years ago
What are some of your favorite ways to upcycle old clothes? GO! 💬👇🏾⁣
📸: @styledsustainable | #styledsustainable
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loopistyle · 3 years ago
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Can’t stop, won’t stop! As promised, I am wearing it again. This time with some otter favourites from mine and my mum’s wardrobe! @perricutten trousers via @ebayfashion @sportscraft silk shirt via @vinniesqld @marcjacobs sparkly boots via @therealreal @perricutten jacket @lifelineshopsqld @marcjacobs bag @fabfindsmarkets #ethicalclothing #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicallymade #sustainableclothing #vintageshop #ethicalfashionblogger #fashionrevolution #slowfashionmovement #buynothingnew #30wears #styledsustainable #slowfashionseason #oootd #fashionrevolution #chooseused #circularfashion #feelgoodfinds (at Newstead, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfCuwToh6xb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kayame · 4 years ago
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“Life...It’s all about the magic and don’t let anyone tell you different.“ #muse is wearing organic cotton jumpsuit dress in peony rose with handmade fringed kimono. Link in bio🦋 ##rawfabrics#sustainablymade#styledsustainable#shopethical#lovedclotheslast#organiccottonclothing#ethycallymade#mindfullcloset#naturalfibers#fairtradefashion#ethicalbrand#gypsylife#gypsyvibes#hippiegypsy#hippieatheart#hippieclothing#hippieclothes#hippielook#boholove#bohovibes#bohoinspired#hippiefashion#connectwithnature#localartisans#naturespirit https://www.instagram.com/p/CMgBENGhxlf/?igshid=1eoz55vw3jlvs
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slowgarments · 5 years ago
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Why your back hurt so bad Tiff?? Swipe.. ♻️ I’m wearing... 📍Recycled swimsuit - colour ; Ancient Swimsuit made with recycled materials, including fishing nets from the ocean(Econyl) 🌊🐟 Sewn ethically in England (by moi)👙💻 Sent to you in recycled packaging♻️ #whomademyclothes #sustainable #ethical #recycled #econyl #swimwear #ethicalswimwear #sustainableswim #theguardian #slowfashion #fastfashion #modernslavery #slowfashionmovement #thailand #phiphi #styledsustainable #plasticwaste (at Eastbourne, East Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/B79LPxDA3u5/?igshid=obxt9zigtozh
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loopistyle · 3 years ago
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A weekend of firsts! I finished my first ever chunky cardigan and I think I made a reel to show you it?! Ha. For as long as I can remember, I always knit something during the winter months and this year I set myself a bigger than a scarf challenge. I went online and check out the kind of knits that I thought I could make. It needed to be big, thick, colorful and easy to make. To my surprise, there’s millions of patterns to follow. I came across @abbieknits on @lovecraftsknitting and I am really impressed with the results. It was super easy to follow, I had never read or followed knitting instructions previously and to my delight a cardigan did come out HA! There is something really beautiful about time spent knitting or doing any kind of creative project don’t you think? Making the reel on the other hand was a LOT harder to put together. Check it out, I think its in my stories! #ethicalclothing #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicallymade #sustainableclothing #ethicalfashionblogger #fashionrevolution #slowfashionmovement #buynothingnew #30wears #styledsustainable #oootd #fashionrevolution #chooseused #circularfashion #lovecrafts (at Newstead, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf3RlOAvimV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loopistyle · 3 years ago
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Happiness is hanging out with @mr_whittaker_the_spoodle in my surprise delivery dress from @little_tienda Yesssssss as usual my subscription frock ticks all of the boxes: my favourite colors, beautiful block printed cotton, voluminous sleeves, a matching belt and pockets! This year, I am taking my commitment to slowing down my personal consumerism to a new level by only buying 4 brand new frocks, one per season from an ethical brand and so I naturally signed up for the @little_tienda subscription dress. These dresses are made just for you, out of the most beautiful natural fibers in the most fabulous size inclusive styles and best of all? They are made to order so no overproduction and no sneak peaks which makes it a very exciting quarterly delivery! So exciting that I sort of brushed my hair and wore shoes. Ha! #ethicalclothing #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicallymade #sustainableclothing #vintageshop #ethicalfashionblogger #fashionrevolution #slowfashionmovement #buynothingnew #30wears #styledsustainable #slowfashionseason #oootd #fashionrevolution #chooseused #circularfashion (at Newstead, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfs_palvhB3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loopistyle · 3 years ago
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Thank you Heather from @thatsavintage. My mum, sister and are loving this fabulous cotton dress found at your last market. If you are on the Sunshine Coast this weekend, why not check out @heartofkenilworth markets? You never know what you may find! Dress @thatsavintage Belt @neogeneralist Boots @ebayfashion @carlazampatti vintage coat found at @vinniesqld about 20 years ago! #ethicalclothing #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicallymade #sustainableclothing #vintageshop #ethicalfashionblogger #fashionrevolution #slowfashionmovement #buynothingnew #30wears #styledsustainable #slowfashionseason #oootd #fashionrevolution #chooseused #circularfashion #feelgoodfinds (at Newstead, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfKck1oh1Rx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loopistyle · 3 years ago
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Remember that @perricutten jacket I found @lifelineshopsqld in Adelaide street a few years ago? Well, I found it’s matching trousers on @ebayfashion Thank you Heather, whoever you are for keeping my fashion world nice and circular by letting go of frocks that don’t fit or no longer wear. They were brand new without a tag and the perfect fit. Can you believe it? Head to my stories to see how I have worn this fabulous jacket over the years! #ethicalclothing #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #ethicallymade #sustainableclothing #vintageshop #ethicalfashionblogger #fashionrevolution #slowfashionmovement #buynothingnew #30wears #styledsustainable #slowfashionseason #oootd #fashionrevolution #chooseused #circularfashion (at Newstead, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfBDsU3PTUy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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