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Betty Schupp by James Harvey-Kelly
#photography#natural light#style#editorial#beauty#minimalism#visual#film#film photography#nature#James Harvey-Kelly#fashion photography#fashion#sty#betty schupp
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Washing Machine Heart
Summary: You, a reserved student find yourself in the midst of an intense with Harry Styles, who happens to be your friend’s boyfriend. Your connection ignites into a consuming, high-stakes affair, each encounter fraught with desire and danger, pushing both of you to the brink as you wrestle with guilt and loyalty.
A forbidden affair; affair trope.
Warnings: mention of alcohol. LOTS OF ANGST.
27th February 2014
4:08 p.m
The wind was cold today and so were you. The sun, hidden under a cloak of clouds, was nowhere to be seen. The streets of London never looked so desolate and dull. Even the usually vibrant Villon Street today looked as if it had been washed in grey and white. Your shoes clacked against the hard pavement, your focus directed at the wind and the cold that nicked at your face.
Over the years you developed a perception that you’re invisible, a shadow slinking in corners long forgotten. You look around, your ears blocking out the chatter and squeals of your friends; friends who would often disregard you when together, far too immersed in each other's stories of disastrous flings and affairs. But they were your friends, your friends to call, your friends to keep no matter how ignorant or oblivious they sometimes became.
“Y/N?” Sharon suddenly spoke out loud, drawing you out of your trance.
“Yeah?” You suddenly asked, your posture becoming straighter, your eyes becoming alert.
Sharon looked at you intently, her blue eyes scanning you up and down before sighing. “There’s a party tomorrow at, what 7?” Sharon asked Regina in the middle of her sentence.
Regina simply nodded while texting, her wispy brown hair wafting with every gust of wind. Sharon continued, “Yes, so there’s a party tomorrow at the frat house. Would you like to join? We’re all getting ready at my place.”
Sharon and you lived in the same apartment building. You were looking for the cheapest accommodation, a one-bedroom apartment off campus because living with absolute strangers was far too daunting for you. And that is how you met Sharon, whom your mother instantly loved owing to her extroverted demeanour.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You smiled at the three girls.
“Great!” Tara exclaimed.
The four of you spent the next hour drinking coffee and discussing your outfits for the party; albeit you occasionally answered in full sentences, opting for curt words instead. As the clock struck seven in the evening, Tara and Regina decided to head back to campus while you and Sharon made your way to Greene Street, where your apartments were situated. “Come with me, I have to show you my new dress,” Sharon said before you got a chance to head to your apartment.
Sharon’s apartment was right next to yours but seemed a world apart. Her apartment was littered with stray clothes, makeup and syllabus books everywhere while yours sported an impressive collection of novels, journals and trinkets and the walls were painted with various constellations, flowers, sunsets or anything you wished to preserve.
You stepped over Sharon’s strewn clothes and sat on her bed, waiting for her to come out. Suddenly the doorbell rang and you were up in qualms, not knowing what to do.
“Sharon, someone's at the door.” You said, standing close to the bathroom door so that she could hear you clearly.
“Must be Harry, why don’t you open it? It’ll take me a while in here.” Sharon replied.
You stood for two seconds, mapping out your plan of action when the bell rang for the second time. “Coming!” You yelled.
You opened the door and there stood Harry Styles, Sharon’s five-month long boyfriend. A bouquet of roses held in his right hand, a silly smile etched on his face.
“You’re not Sharon.” Harry chuckled. His voice sounded radiant, his green eyes gleamed with amusement.
“You stand correct. She’s in the washroom,”
“Ah, well how are you?” Harry asked, being the gentleman he was taught to be.
“Careful or else I might think these flowers are for me.” You joked dryly.
Truth be told, initially, Harry had his sights set on you, the girl who always lingered beyond time in the library, who would laugh at jokes only once she saw everyone else was laughing around her. This is why he talked to Sharon, to make her help him talk to you but somewhere along the way lines got blurred and Harry got confused. Fatally confused. Confused enough that his lack of decisiveness led him to a relationship he never wanted to be in but nonetheless followed through for he had nothing better to do. And now as you opened the door, a small part of him hoped that the situation in front of him was not because of coincidence but because of will.
“Harry!” A squeal from behind took his focus away. He looked behind to see Sharon, in a tight red dress looking at him with the eyes of a lovesick puppy.
“Got these for you,” Harry said, walking in. He grabbed Sharon by the waist and gave her a kiss.
Harry did not notice when you left, but could only feel you leave. Like a silent wraith gliding from one world to the next.
28th February 2014
10:42 p.m
The music playing was absolutely deafening. The cup in your head seemed like a dead weight. You had a few beers, only to make conversations with all these people less turbulent. The short denim skirt you wore kept on riding up your thighs and the white tube top you wore seemed to stick to your skin. Tara had run off to somewhere with Regina and Sharon was far too immersed in making your drink.
“Don’t add too much vodka Shar,” you tell the girl, turning your focus towards the kitchen island littered with bottles of alcohol and empty cups.
“Of course, of course,” Sharon said, nodding, as she proceeded to empty the bottle of vodka in her hand in the two cups in front of her. “Now for the real question Y/N, coke or straight?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Straight?” You opted for drinking it straight because you found the taste of vodka to be borderline unbearable, so you opted to take it as a shot. To get it over with rather than let the audacious taste linger on.
“Straight it is,” Sharon said, handing you your cup. “Oh, and I honestly don’t know how much I poured. Let my hand loose if you know what I mean.” The girl chuckled. She tucked her blonde hair behind her ears and drank the shot all at once. You did the same, cringing at the taste, feeling as if you were about to puke.
“Water!” Sharon immediately scrambled for a glass of water on seeing your expression. She handed the glass to you, her expression wary.
“All good.” You said as you kept the glass down.
“Hah great! I’m gonna go look for Harry now.”
“Oh yeah, have fun.” You said smiling at her, your speech a bit slurred.
You made your way to the back of the house and sat next to the pool. Your head started to spin, and a newfound sense of numbness settled over your bones. One that you found quite relaxing. You closed your eyes and hummed contently, the loud music and presence of people no longer bothering you as it was before.
“Y/N?” You heard a familiar voice. You opened your eyes and saw Harry walk towards you.
“Hello, Harry!” You said enthusiastically, smiling as wide as you possibly could.
“You seem to be in a nice mood.” Harry chuckled at your behaviour.
“Come, sit next to me.” You gestured towards the space beside you. Harry took you up on your offer, sitting on the lounge chair next to you.
“You know, it took me two hours to straighten my hair. Not that it was difficult, but because I kept on asking myself if I really wanted to come here. Then there was this whole dilemma of not knowing what to wear. I wanted to wear my jeans but Tara said I can’t wear them because she’s wearing them, then I thought I could wear leather pants but Regina said she’s wearing hers so I can’t wear mine, although they don’t even remotely look the same. And what’s so bad about having similar outfits.” You huffed out. Harry looked at you with both surprise and awe because you had never talked more than ten seconds with him.
“Well, I for one think you look absolutely beautiful tonight,” Harry said, looking at you with sincere eyes.
“Really?” You asked him. The doubt in your eyes made Harry want to hug and hold you.
“Really. I don’t think there’s anyone as beautiful as you here Y/N.” Harry said.
He didn’t miss the way your gaze softened, your lips dropping into a small smile. You drew closer to him. He could feel your bare thighs touch his and it was as if his entire being had narrowed down to the parts where your skin touched his. He felt his heart skip a few beats when you kept your head on his shoulder and held his hand in yours.
Oh, how he wished to kiss you at that moment! He had to physically stop his hand from trailing up your neck, all the way to your face. He wanted to touch you, feel your skin and kiss every inch of it, slowly and gently. He wished he could stretch time to its fullest and preserve this moment in a photograph that he could stow away in his pocket.
“Sharon was looking for you. Sorry, I didn’t tell you earlier.” You whispered, half expecting him to get up and leave.
“It’s okay,” Harry replied quietly, his grip on your tightening as he pulled you in closer.
4th March 2014
11:16 p.m
The month of March is a month full of oddities and complexities. It seems to be a kind of cloth wherein the hem was left undone, leaving it to fray in any and every direction. You do not know what to expect until you step outside. The sunshine that seems to be warm from your window is truthfully cold, or the chilling wind blowing outside is actually warm. Needless to say, March is a month with its seam left undone.
And in that undone seam, in a mess of threads and needles is where you found yourself. A new set of feelings dawned on you. Feelings for Harry. You felt your heart skip a few beats every time you looked at him. But there was Sharon, his girlfriend and more importantly your friend. This constant tug of war between what you desire and what is morally incorrect tired you. You tucked away all your worries in the back of your head for tonight, your sole focus being the movie playing in front of you.
You get up from the couch in which you lay to fetch yourself a bag of crisps. While making your way to the kitchen, your doorbell rang. You were expecting no one, especially not at this time. A million scenarios rushed through your head, full of probable outcomes (albeit most of them ended up with you dead on your living room floor). The doorbell rang a second time now. You picked up your ornithology textbooks, two of them together hoping that the sheer width of them combined would help you knock out whoever it was outside.
You open the door, half ready to start swinging like hell when you see Harry. The top buttons of his shirt were left unbuttoned, showing his built chest and muscled arms. His broad shoulders seemed to block out your doorway.
He looked ravishing.
You mentally smacked yourself for thinking in such a way about a boy who happened to be in a relationship, that too with a girl who happened to be your friend. “What are you doing here Harry? Sharon’s apartment is the one on the right.” You said, envisioning that him ringing your doorbell was an honest mistake.
“I know.” He said, smiling at you. He leaned against your doorframe, towering over you. You crossed your arms and looked at him.
Harry did not miss the way you scanned him up and down, how your breath so subtly hitched when you saw his chest. He found the flimsy night suit you wore to be quite cute, if not tempting. A button-up half-sleeved satin shirt with red hearts all over it and a pair of dangerously short shorts to accompany it.
“What’re you watching?” Harry said, walking in and sitting on your sofa. “Rio, huh? Good choice I’d say.” He said, smiling at you, stretching his body.
“Make yourself right at home will ya?” You muttered under your breath. “Why are you here though?” You asked him as you settled down next to him.
“Do you mind my company? Although I don’t think so.”
“Is there something you want from me? If so, just ask me so that we can stop with the small talk bullshit.” You firmly said.
“Yes actually, I do want something,” Harry said turning to look at you.
“Which is?”
“To spend time with you.”
“I just told you what I want, kitten,” Harry said. You were grateful for the low lighting in your living room that hid the blush creeping on your face.
“You’re drunk Harry.” You reprimanded him. He only smiled at you, rolling his eyes playfully. “Just a bit tipsy Y/N.”
“Hmm. Okay, what do you want to watch then?” You ask, turning your focus away.
“Rio’s good.” He said.
You resume the movie and lean back. Harry watched you intently. He noted every moment of yours, the way your chest would rise and freeze when something would happen in the movie, the way your lips would morph into a smile and your eyes fill with wonder.
Harry slowly started to inch towards you, careful not to make too much noise. He tried to be as subtle as he could, stretching and spreading his legs simply to touch yours. He could see you relax as well, your upright posture now dissolving into a lazy spread. Slowly, inch by inch Harry moved towards you as if you were a magnet pulling him in your direction.
He put his arm behind you. His thighs touched yours and from the corner of his eye, he could see you in freeze. He smirked and continued to move closer.
The warmth radiating from Harry was more welcoming than you were willing to admit. A million questions raced through your head, ‘is this right?’, ‘This is wrong,’ ‘he has a girlfriend’ and most importantly, ‘I shouldn’t be feeling this way.’ However, in all reality, you were caught up in the exact same feelings the rational part of your brain was telling you to avoid. But you didn’t care.
So you nestled further in Harry’s embrace, falling into him. You rested your head on his chest, feeling his muscled arm come around and wrap your shoulders. You could feel the sheer strength of his chest, feel every sculpted muscle of his under your head. Your skin felt as if it were on fire, fire that did not burn you but only tingled you. A tingle that you felt erupting in the lower part of your stomach.
You look up to see Harry gazing down at you. “I gather you don’t find the movie interesting.” You said, he only smiled gently at you.
“Talking birds aren’t really my preference.” He said, his voice sounding raspy.
“Oh, I can change it,” you said, getting up but Harry pulled you down, which made you land on top of him. You were now sitting on his lap, your expression that of extreme fluster. “That won’t be necessary,” Harry said. He looked at you with a gaze that threatened to devour you as a whole. He dragged his thumb over your lip slowly.
Your breathing went shallow all of a sudden. The flimsy material of your nightshirt wasn’t thick enough to hide how your nipples hardened under his touch. “What are you doing?” You asked him, your words a mere pant leaving your lips.
“What I dreamt of doing for so long,” Harry said.
He slowly inched his head towards you, his lips inviting you. It suddenly felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the room and he was the source of oxygen. The second your lips met with his you could feel your lungs fill with the air you lacked before.
Harry moved his hands up and down your body, feeling you as deeply as he could. Every inch of your skin, from the pads of your fingertips to your chest was on fire. A fire that Harry’s hands ignited in their wake. A fire that seemed to only burn and burn.
You started grinding your hips. Feeling his hard bulge under you. A desperate moan escaped his lips. You started to circle your hips more deeply, pressing your hot and dripping centre against him. You could feel the denim of his pants rub through the flimsy material of your shorts.
You were both a mess of pants and moans. Kissing each other as if the world threatened to end. A moan was about to fall off your lips when the bell rang. You shot up, looking at Harry with wide eyes.
“Shh, it’s okay angel.” He said, cupping your face in his hand.
You got up from his lap, now consciously aware of what had just happened.
“Y/N! Let me in!” Sharon spoke from the other end of the door. Your eyes were wide in alarm as you turned towards Harry. “Bathroom! Go!” You whispered to him, dragging him to your bathroom.
Once Harry was in, you opened the door. “Hi Sharon, what’s got you knocking on my door at this time?”
Sharon only rolled her eyes and walked in. “I don’t know what to wear tomorrow.” She sighed dramatically.
“Why what’s tomorrow?” You ask her.
“Harry’s taking me out.” She said as if you had asked a silly question.
“I was thinking of wearing my red dress, or maybe the white one y’know the one with pearls and-”
“Sharon, listen I’d love to do this, but just not now.” You said, your voice meek.
“Why're you acting like this?” She asked you, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Like what?” You feigned innocence, already feeling guilty for refusing her.
“Like you have someone here. Do you, though?” She asked you, almost sounding accusatory.
Be calm. Be calm.
“No, I don’t.”
“Yeah, I thought so. Anyways, you go to bed or whatever you were doing.” She said leaving your apartment.
You let out a deep breath and walked towards the washroom. You opened the door and saw Harry, standing behind the shower curtain, his brawny structure making him stick out like a sore thumb.
“You can come out now.” You said.
“Ah thank God, I thought I’d have to stay here the whole night.” He chuckled.
“No, Sharon was just asking what to wear for her date tomorrow. A date that you’re taking her on.” You stated blandly.
“Oh God, this was never supposed to happen. What have we done?” You said dragging your palms down your face. Before you could say another word Harry hugged you. He hugged you long and tight.
And despite knowing better, you melted in his arms like putty.
28th March 2014
3:27 p.m
You sat in your car, in the parking lot outside the rugby stadium, waiting for Harry. This is what your life has come to now. Waiting outside in parking lots to meet Harry, subtle brushes against each other, locking eyes with each other. Harry did the same, waiting for you outside your classes, entering your apartment at odd times. Your relationship had transgressed from being purely physical to being a more emotional one. You would both simply sit next to each other, talking.
The world didn’t seem so lonely anymore for the two of you.
You look outside to see Harry walk towards you. His hair was wet and he wore a compression shirt that highlighted his muscled build along with loose baggy sweatpants. He smiled looking at you, a smile you had come to know was only reserved for you. He didn’t smile like this with Sharon or with his friends, a part of your heart fluttered at this knowledge.
“Hello, my love,” Harry said, getting in the car.
“Hi. How was practice?” You asked him.
“It was good, tiring as always. How were classes?” Harry asked you while throwing his duffel bag in the back of the car.
“Fine. Sharon wanted me to go out with her, Regina and Tara tonight.” You stated blandly. The sound of Sharon's name brought a lot of unwanted guilt in your head.
“Are you going?” He asked you.
“I don’t know. They don’t talk to me as much when sober, I doubt the outcome’s going to be different when they’re drunk.” You sighed. Your hands fidgeted with the steering wheel of the car. The rings on your hand clacked against it faintly.
“You can always change the people you’re around Y/N,” he said
“But I can’t,”
“But you can.”
“You can, I can’t. Being able to make friends or even just talk to people doesn’t come to me as naturally as it does to you, Harry.” You sighed, becoming frustrated at both the conversation at hand and your lack of social skills.
“It’s okay. I get it.” He said, reaching out to hold your hand.
“Do you, though?” You shot back, scoffing.
“Y/N, come on don’t be like this.” Harry pleaded. His voice was soft and buttery, coaxing you into a better place.
“Yeah, I’m sorry there’s just a lot that’s been on my mind as of late.” You breathed through your nose deeply. Your head felt heavy with all the anxiety you’d been feeling lately.
“You want to talk about it?”
“No, I'm okay. Thank you.” You whispered meekly.
Harry slowly brushed his hand over your cheek and you leaned into his touch, gazing into his eyes as a smile crept up your face. You leaned towards him and kissed him. You cupped his face with your hands and drew him into you. He unbuckled his seat belt quickly and pulled you onto his lap, albeit it was uncomfortable because of the tight place.
You moaned at his touch, capturing his lip between your teeth and tugging at it. Harry was left absolutely breathless by your actions and pulled you down harder, his hands squeezing your hips and waist. You could feel every muscle of his flex because of the thin compression shirt he wore.
“Careful now. Don’t want anyone to see us.” You whispered in his ear.
“What if I do?” Harry said, looking at you with an intense gaze.
Your lower lip jutted out subtly, a subtle reflection of what you thought of his words. “Everyone’s going to call you a cheater and they’ll call me something worse probably.” You chuckled sadly. You gave Harry a sincere kiss on his cheek and made your way for your seat.
“So what’s the plan for tonight? Are you going or not?” He asked you.
“No.” You answered as you started the car.
“Then how about a movie night? Just the two of us.”
“Hm, at my place and I’ll decide what to watch obviously.” You said smiling at him.
“Whatever you say kitten,” Harry said, holding your hand and kissing it.
4th April 2014
10:07 p.m
The black sky above glistened with a million stars, your eyes fixated on them. Harry watched you watching the stars. He smiled to himself. He longed for you in a silent and torturous way. You often felt worlds away from him even when you were right next to him. He blamed his lack of decisiveness for this distance. He knew deep down that the distance between you two would eventually strangle the life out of the relationship you shared. He was desperate for you, pining only for you. His world would stop moving when you’d call him by his name, all his focus narrowing on you.
“It’s breathtaking.” You gasped looking up.
“It truly is,” Harry said, looking at you.
You were sceptical at first when Harry said he knew a spot. After a drive of half an hour, you found yourself at the peak of a small hill, untouched by civilisation except for a small concrete bench. It not only overlooked the whole city but also had a magnificent view of the sky above. The stars weren’t so explicitly visible in the city as they were here.
The cool air blew against your cheeks, kissing your face gently.
“Come, sit with me,” Harry said, calling to you. You walk towards him and sit next to him on the bench.
You sigh through your nose and look ahead. “I think about it sometimes, what our first date would look like.” You said. Your voice sounded mournful as if you were grieving the loss of a relationship that never existed.
“I’d get you flowers, maybe even chocolates if you’re lucky that day,” Harry said. He looked at you and saw how glazed your eyes were.
“But it doesn’t matter. You’re with Sharon, who hates me. And you know what’s even more pathetic, it’s the fact that she hates me yet she’s my friend.” You spoke, your voice wobbly and cracking. You often felt like a washing machine. Everyone would come and go and leave a piece behind in it. Sometimes the piece would break you, unable to function for months or sometimes it would simply stay there. That was worse, having a piece of someone stay forever even as the washing machine in your heart desperately tried to cleanse you of it. “It’s just the hand I was dealt with.” You quickly added.
“Why don’t you say something to them? You don’t deserve to be walked over all like that. You can’t let that happen to you.” Harry said.
“The same way you’re walking all over me now?” You chuckled darkly.
“What are we, Harry? Are we just fucking? Are we just friends? What are we?” You ask the question that had been looming over the both of you like an axe that could drop any moment.
“I wish I could answer that,” Harry said, his head in his hands now.
“What have I done?” You whispered to yourself.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this Y/N. I swear.” Harry pleaded, holding your hands in his.
“Why did you kiss me that day?” You asked him, tears now falling from your eyes.
“Because it’s always been you. You, who I wanted all along.” He confessed.
The silence after his confession was all consuming, threatening to eat him up alive. Harry caught a glimpse of you, staring straight at the skyline. Silent tears fell from your eyes. He wanted to reach out and rub away your tears but refrained from doing so. The world seemed to close up on him. He missed the way it opened up with you.
“Y/N, angel? Say something.” Harry said with a soft voice. “Please.” He begged.
You turned to look at him. Harry looked devastating. A handsome prince you dreamt of as a kid. He was a prince, but not yours to claim rather only to keep for a fleeting moment. You brought a hand to his face and smiled sorrowfully at him.
“I suppose this is how things were supposed to be all along.” You whispered resignation etched in your voice.
“Y/N,” Harry whispered, knowing the direction you were steering things in all too well.
“You have Sharon, Harry. Go to her.” You said.
Both of you sat there, time stretching painfully as if the universe was mocking your agony. Your eyes met one last time, a gaze full of regret and all things left unsaid. You leaned in, capturing Harry’s lips in your own for the last time. The kiss was hesitant at first, both of you afraid as if pressing too hard would shatter the fragile moment between you two. It was a kiss full of the things you couldn’t say, the dreams you had for one another, the conversations you shared.
And for Harry, as he kissed you a part of him mourned the confession that would never find its way to you. A three worded sentence, one that would change his life and yours.
I love you.
3rd May, 2014
1:17 p.m
“It’s amazing, how she’s just disappeared all of a sudden,” Sharon said, twirling her hair.
“Wait, who disappeared?” Harry asked her.
Harry and Sharon sat next to each other in her apartment. The wound you left in Harry’s heart was one he was doubtful would close. He dreamt of you, thought of you and longed for you. But he knew his thoughts would not materialise and you would only remain a figment of his past, a memorial of the right person wrong time concept.
“What do you mean?” He pressed the girl further.
“Ugh, I wasn’t supposed to tell this to anyone but I can’t keep it in me anymore. She’s leaving for Rio tomorrow, she’s got an internship at some sanctuary. I think the Sun would do her some good actually.” Sharon chuckled.
“Oh.” He felt his world was spinning.
“She's yet to give me my sweater. She’s actually supposed to give it today.”
Perhaps if it were fate, perhaps it was circumstance but whatever it was, Harry was thankful for it when the bell rang. “Don’t worry I’ll get it. You stay here.” He said and kissed Sharon’s head. He hoped it was you on the other side of the door.
And his prayers were answered.
There you were, standing in the doorway with a sweater in your hand. Your eyes widened slightly at Harry’s enormous yet so familiar frame, and his face, the same face that swept you off your feet now made you wary.
“You’re going to Rio?” Harry asked you.
“Yes. It’s an internship.” You curtly answered. You tried to walk in but Harry blocked your way, his muscled arm blocking your way.
“For how long?” He asked, cornering you as if you were prey and he a predator.
“Five years. They’ll start paying me after three months, so it’s more like a job I guess.” You said.
“And when were you going to tell me about it?” He asked you, his face stern and stoic.
“It’s not like we were dating.” You harshly said.
Harry hated this. This newfound sense of coldness between the two of you. He wondered how something so warm became so cold this quickly. The cold you left behind was one that could not be thawed, Harry would only have to live it.
“I love you Y/N,” Harry confessed. He didn’t miss the way your eyes softened, even if only for a moment.
“Lie to me again. I dare you.” You asserted, walking up to him. Your eyes were dark, distant and cold. Like a cold desert that never seemed to end.
“I’m not lying. I love you. I always have and always will.”
“I’d rather you not.”
A/N: Let me know how you like it in the comments and reblogs! I love talking to you all, send me asks and whatever you feel like! Thank you so much for reading!
#famous!harry#harry fanfic#harry imagine#harry x y/n#harry's house album#harry one direction#harry styles#harry styles x reader#harry styles blog#harry one shot#harry styles writing#one direction imagine#one direction fanfiction#harry styles one shot#harry styles fanfic#frat boy harry#harry styles angst#harry styles smut#harrys house#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles fluff#harry styles imagine#harry styles x you#harry styles blurb#harry#one direction#sty
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The 83 Crew
And 87 Crew too!
Don't be fooled by their cartoony cuteness! They're all still little arrogant bastards
#fnaf stylized#sty#fnaf#freddy fazbear#toy freddy#bonnie fnaf#toy bonnie#chica fnaf#toy chica#foxy#toy foxy#mangle#first mate foxy#kinda not a fan of how UW freddy came out#T foxy neither#oh well#everyone else is just mwah#chicas fun to draw even if her hair is difficult
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Day 15 🌷
👩🏫: 알바 가는 날
#daily blog#daily#studyblr#studyspiration#study motivation#studywithme#study space#desksetup#studystudystudy#study notes#study studying studygram studyblr studyabroad studyhard studyspo studymotivation studytime studyinspiration studyinspo studyaccount studybl#study with me#study studying studygram studyblr studyabroad studyhard studyspo studymotivation studytime studyinspiration studyinspo studyaccount studyblo#study material#studymaterial#study mode#study movitation#studygram#sty#study studyblr#studyblr community#study blog#study with inspo#study hard#study study study#study day#study desk#study diary#uniblr#university
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Manchester United Dipermalukan Crystal Palace 0-2 di Old Trafford
Manchester United mengalami kekalahan mengejutkan 0-2 saat menjamu Crystal Palace di Old Trafford pada Minggu (2/2/2025). Kejutan datang dari manajer MU, Ruben Amorim, yang memilih memainkan KobbiCe Mainoo sebagai striker utama, meskipun dua penyerang asli, Rasmus Hojlund dan Joshua Zirzkee, tersedia dalam kondisi fit.
Mainoo, yang biasa berperan di lini tengah, dimainkan sebagai ujung tombak Setan Merah dalam pertandingan ini. Namun, strategi tersebut tidak berjalan sesuai harapan. Crystal Palace tampil dominan dan berhasil mencetak dua gol melalui Jean-Philippe Mateta di babak kedua, yang memastikan kemenangan mereka.
Mainoo sendiri hanya bertahan selama 70 menit di lapangan, dengan satu tembakan yang diblokir sebelum akhirnya digantikan oleh Hojlund. Usai pertandingan, Amorim membela keputusan taktiknya, menyatakan bahwa pemilihan Mainoo bukanlah soal meremehkan Hojlund atau Zirzkee. “Kadang-kadang tim menciptakan berbagai situasi dengan menggunakan karakteristik yang tepat. Ini adalah masalah kolektif, kami harus membaik di seluruh aspek permainan,” ujar manajer asal Portugal tersebut.
Kobbie Mainoo, yang telah tampil dalam 24 pertandingan untuk Manchester United sepanjang musim 2024/2025, memiliki kontribusi satu gol dan satu assist di Liga Europa. Meskipun tampil di lini tengah, kali ini dia diberikan kesempatan untuk berperan di posisi yang tidak biasa, meski hasilnya tidak memuaskan.
Kekalahan ini semakin memperburuk posisi Manchester United yang kesulitan meraih kemenangan di Liga Inggris musim ini.
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Angka adalah simbol yang tidak memiliki nilai. Tapi tahukan kamu, jika Angka yang kamu pasang bisa ternilai ?? Coba Pasang Angka Terbaikmu Disini. " PREDIKSI HARI INI 23 JANUARI 2025 "
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Ayo Bangkit!
Pelajaran hari ini adalah kita enggak boleh ngeremehin sesuatu. Hari ini nonton timnas vs China. Harapannya timnas bisa mencuri 3 poin dari match ini, tapi apa? Kalah. Sungguh membagongkan karena emang timnas kita ini udah lumayan cukup jago. Belum pernah kalah alias bisa nahan imbang. eh, ujug-ujug dikalahinnya sama China. China yang kalah 3 kali berturut-turut. Tapi, emang lagi main di…
#2024#China#Indonesia#Ivar Jenner#Jay Idzes#Mees Hilgers#Nathan Tjoe A On#Pratama Arhan#Shin Tae Yong#STY#TIMNAS
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Berita Terbaru Pelatih STY Terbaru
Anggota PSSI dan Erik Tohir Bangga Dengan Hasil STY selama menjabat

Ungkapan Terima kasih STY adalah serangkaian ucapan dari banyaknya masyarakat indonesia hingga awal tahun ini, dengan sederet sejarah yang ditorehkan untuk kemajuan sepakbola indonesia, Banyak yang termakan isu isu yang dibuat untuk menggoncangkan Timnas indonesia di masa ini, itu bukan karena tanpa alasan. Kini Timnas indonesia jauh bergerak kedepan dengan banyaknya prestasi yang diraih dan target sang suksesor dan Pssi leader yaitu masuk kedalam 100 besar ranking FIFA agar para punggawa timnas indonesia bisa berkancah di liga profesional yang lebih baik lagi.
Raut Wajah Sedih Terpancar di Wajah STY Setelah Rapat
Rauh Wajah sedih sang suksesor timnas indonesia bukan tanpa alasan, sejarah dan masa masa indah sang legenda indonesia ini yaitu mampu menyatukan semua ego pemain dan keharmonisan serta tingkat disiplin yang tinggi dibuat untuk menjadikan para pemain timnas bermental baja dan performa fisik yang terbaik untuk chapter Asia yang masih terbilang jauh dari Eropa, dari hasil yang tidak baik selama piala AFF membuat para exco PSSI mengambil langkah untuk evaluasi dari hasil STY, dan banyaknya para haters sosial media yang gembar gembor tentang #STYOUT membuat gerah baik official PSSI maupun banyak penikmat sepakbola.
Kegagalan di Piala AFF Jadi Senjata Para Hater dan Mafia
Masa PSSI sekarang adalah masa kepemimpinan yang sulit dimasuki para mafia bola yang banyak mengatur pertandingan yang menguntungkan mereka dengan mengorbankan harapan besar para fans timnas diseluruh negara, kini hal itu sulit diraih dengan komitmen Sang Leader PSSI Erik Tohir yang akan membasmi segala bentuk penyuapan dan kecurangan didalam keanggotaan PSSI masa sekarang, sehingga membuat para mafia bak kebakaran jenggot karena banyak pertandingan timnas sulit mereka atur dimasa sekarang.
Apakah Timnas indonesia akan kembali keZaman Kegelapan Para Mafia?
Ayo selalu dukung timnas dan pantau perbaikan Timnas dimasa ini, STOP Mafia Bola dengan bersama-sama Pak Erik Tohir menjaga sportifitas sepakbola ditanah air agar jauh dari para Mafia Kotor perusak halaman selanjutnya>>>
#berita STY#STY#berita timnas indonesia#berita terbaru timnas indonesia#hasil rapat PSSI#jumpa pers PSSI
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#ftm#transman#transisbeautiful#transmen#femaletomale#tpoc#transofinsta#vitamint#ftmfitness#trans#ootdinspiration#ootdstyle#ootdfashion#ootdshare#ootd#outfit inspo#outfit inspiration#outfit#fashion#street style#sty
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Success Adjacent
Inherit the Earth #1006
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