#stw au
red-riveria · 14 days
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More Sentai Au doodles
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chocolatefrog18 · 3 months
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thinking about scott and woz (always thinking about them)
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smiles at you ! smiles at you ! smiles at you !
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code-dy · 1 year
Y'know what
Han Yoojin as a scam baiting vlogger, Sung Hyunjae as the managing director of a well-known Cybersecurity firm and Song Taewon as the overworked+underpaid head of the cybercrimes division of the Korea Central Intelligence Agency
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acoraxia · 6 months
You open your tumblr and find that Gela Acoraxia has posted yet another fic but this time with a twist.
sweeter than wine (make me an alcoholic)
[ Chapter 1: Enter Stage Right ]
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sock-pot · 6 months
Man I just reread that one medieval/fantasy Scott the Woz fic on AO3 and AKSJAKJSJAKA now I have so many thoughts about my own fantasy au and I just have to share. INFO BLAST GO:
Scott, the Virgin King. A kind, if troubled, ruler whose weekly speeches of games and plays from far off lands draw huge crowds outside the palace. Although loved by the commoners, there is tension among the nobles as he has shown no interest in finding a betrothed, much less an heir. Rumours have begun to spread among his detractors as to why his eyes don’t linger on even the fairest of maidens…
Rex, Jeb, Jerry, The Employee, and Terry are under the cut. I don’t want to clog up the Woz tag with a big ass text block y’know?
Rex, the Kings Bodyguard. He is incredibly passionate about following the rules. Someone has to be if the King keeps trying to sneak out of royal duties to mingle with commoners in the town square. There have been multiple times he’s had to practically drag Scott to important meetings with ambassadors and try not to giggle at him staring daggers through lengthy trade speeches and other boring official talks. As much as Rex sometimes bickers with him over menial things, him and Scott are very close, having grown up alongside each other in the palace walls. In a life or death situation he would fight honourably for the life of not only his king, but his friend as well. Maybe sometimes Rex will let Scott leave the castle. As long as he tags along to keep an eye on him.
Jeb, the Royal Messenger. Wether it be delivering news within the palace or bringing the thoughts of the townspeople to the court, he always has something to share. His messenger bag is always packed full of parchment rolls, each scrawled with news from both the town and the lands beyond. Because he spends so much time running around the town, he’s gotten to know each nook and cranny like the back of his hand. This comes in handy when the King and his bodyguard decide to skip out on their duties and need an alleyway to slip into to avoid the eyes of the public. Jeb is surprisingly close to Scott despite just being a messenger, as the King enjoys getting word of new exotic games he can use to entertain the public, and Jeb is happy to deliver, even sometimes relaying extra gold to travellers in the shipyard willing to teach him of their land’s own games and customs.
Jerry, one of the King’s Royal Advisors. Nobody is really sure why he still holds this position. The man has long since gone mad, and his advice is mostly nonsensical, not to mention the copious amount of liquor he drinks is troubling. Other nobles suspect he is kept around to entertain the King, much like a Jester in some other court. In reality he’s been a close friend to the King for a while now, and Scott couldn’t imagine throwing a friend out of his palace just because he sometimes gives bad advice. Plus, he’s the only one who speaks to the King as if he has no regard for his status, and sometimes that’s refreshing.
The Employee, a common goods vendor. Him and his twin brother were left on a doorstep as newborns, and the couple that took them in never bothered to name them. They were put to work as soon as they could walk, and grew up working in their adoptive family’s two booths in the town square. While his brother worked in the butcher’s booth across the way, he worked in a general store, trading and mending clothing and selling trinkets and curiosities traded to him over the years. His brother was killed a few years back. He was jumped by thieves while making a delivery to the palace one night. They stabbed him and looted his cart, leaving him to bleed out alone in the street. The Employee now keeps a distance from the butchers stall where his brother used to work, as he’s not fond of digging up those memories. Despite this misfortune, The Employee keeps a cherry demeanour, preferring to focus on the positives in life. He feels the happiest when his favourite customer visits his stall, though it happens very rarely. This customer hides himself in a dark cloak, although the extravagant blue embroidery on the collar and hem are nothing like the Employee has seen on other commoners…
Terry, the palace Apothecary. He isn’t much for company, usually spending his days alone tending to the plants in the palace greenhouse or bent over journals detailing recipes for herbal remedies and elixirs. Sometimes Jeb will bring him word of new plants discovered in other lands, accompanied with sketches, or even rarely some seeds to plant in the greenhouse for him to observe.
Ok cool. Thank you for listening to my INFO BLAST. Have a good night.
Maybe I’ll think of more characters idk there are still like 2 or 3 more I have ideas for but yeah later sometime
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elbowstuff · 1 year
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I started my Scott The Woz Splatoon au before the third game came out, and since I’m so utterly obsessed with the game again I’ve been working on this au more!
I’m trying to intertwine STW lore points with Splatoon lore; the au takes place majorly in Splatoon 2 time, but I want to incorporate stuff like people moving from Inkopolis Square to Splatsville bc of Side Order being representative of Scott’s moving house arcs, plus possibly some agent stuff and making STW villains into Splatoon style villains. But for now here’s a very basic timeline of what I have so far!
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mausuwinasa · 1 year
i foind fishe :)))))
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Wahh sorry for posting so much abt monster mash it has taken over my brain!!! This time I wanted to draw that one scene where Jeb is all glowy :3
As usual, the monster mash au is by @hey-whatchamacallit and it is AMAZING!!
Edit: oh Jihyo Christ click for better quality
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starlit-doodles · 1 year
Please draw more stw madoka magica Au related art, it's like the worst and best thing ever to me
i cackled reading this cuz thats the Mood.
unfortunately i lost interest in it which is why i havent updated the au in ages. maybe some day!
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spectrum-studios · 1 year
Pik3 Louie: *steals food and runs from Alph, Brittany, and Charlie*
Save the World Louie: BITCH COME BACK HERE! *running at Pik3 Louie with his butcher knife to stop him*
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
Hello! I'm thinking about your cached AU again and I was wondering, what is Yoojin's relationship with Song Taewon with like? Because their relationship in canon (at least up to where I've read) is heavily influenced by the fact that Yoojin is an F rank who holds power over S Ranks, making him both a threat and someone to protect. Does Taewon just go red alert whenever Yoojin around now? Does Yoojin keep trying to be friends with him? Does Taewon find that terrifying?
HAHAHAHAHHA. OH BOY. THIS SURE IS A QUESTION THAT HAS AN ANSWER. a very long answer so i'm putting it under a cut. thanks for waiting and im sorry if its incoherent its like 6ish local time. or maybe not im not very concerned wth reading clocks rn
(on ao3)
Be careful.
Taewon had wondered, when he received that message from Sung Hyunjae, if it was some sort of joke. A sly way of telling him he’d made trouble somewhere and he’d better prepare for the incoming paperwork, perhaps. The fact that it had been encoded suggested some degree of seriousness to it, but it was vague enough that he’d dismissed it and gotten ready for this long-delayed meeting.
Taewon locks eyes with Han Yoojin and is immediately struck by the complete lack of fear he finds there. So much so that he barely notices when Sung Hyunjae crushes his car with the breezy efficiency of a compactor.
And even as Sung Hyunjae gets out of his own car, even as he turns that amused, glittering gaze onto Han Yoojin, no apprehension sparks to life. No nerves. Just a cool, faintly disappointed look that he turns on the Seseong Guild Leader.
It stops the man in his tracks. Song Taewon blinks at Sung Hyunjae, faint smile frozen on his face, and looks back at Han Yoojin, who’s gazing at him now with a welcoming smile on his face.
…So that was a real warning, then.
Surely it can’t be for what Taewon thinks it is.
Taewon was told Han Yoojin was an A-rank. While the Hunter Association staff had confirmed his stats were well within standard range, they’d also made no secret of gossiping about how even the A-rank he’d come in with had looked vaguely spooked. How Han Yoojin carried himself with that unthinking confidence and grace all S-ranks had. How, when Seok Gimyeong had gone to personally take him through the registration process, Han Yoojin’s expression had gone flat and stony, and while he’d cooperated, something in his demeanor had had everyone around him going quiet and hurrying through the steps as fast as possible.
What it boils down to, in the end, is a sense that he’s not what he seems.
What Taewon thinks it is, quite simply, is a high-rank fear-inducing skill. Han Yoojin has no reason to claim he’s lower-ranked than he actually is, not when being higher-ranked would mean getting fast-tracked to a much better lifestyle than what he had before.
What Taewon realizes upon meeting Han Yoojin is that either he was very, very wrong about the other man’s ambition (or lack thereof, as it happens), or that the fear induction skill is far more potent than anyone let on.
“Chief Song-nim?”
Taewon stares at Han Yoojin. He’s merely standing there with a bag of instant coffee in hand, gazing at Taewon over his shoulder, and yet, if Taewon’s phone was in his hand right now, he’d probably have crushed it. As it is, he realizes distantly, his nails are digging little crescents into his palms. “Han Yoojin-ssi,” he gets out, and then stalls immediately.
He’d come here with the assumption that Han Yoojin was an A-rank. Which means all his questions (I wanted to check, are you safe, are you being pressured, why did such a high-rank monster appear in a dungeon with only two S-ranks in it and how did you kill it anyway?) were tailored for an A-rank. For someone that needed protection.
Is something wrong, he’d wanted to ask.
Is something wrong with you? is what his mind supplies now.
“Are you—alright,” he manages eventually.
Han Yoojin stares back at him, fingers tensing faintly around the bag as Taewon speaks. “I… yes? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“…With… the Babar’s appearance in that last dungeon.” It gets easier to speak once he’s started. “And all the higher-ranks you’ve been around lately. I’d understand if you were feeling—stressed, or strained.”
“Ah.” Han Yoojin relaxes. “No, I’m alright. It’s been quite busy, but I’ve adjusted well enough, I think. Thank you for your concern.”
Truth, Taewon thinks. He seems too confident for it to be anything but. But how can that be? To face an SS-rank monster as a supposed A-rank—
“Are you sure?”
Han Yoojin glances at him out of the corner of his eye. The tension isn’t back, but there’s a frown tugging at his lips. Taewon forcibly uncurls the fists his hands have balled into, and continues. He needs a reference. He needs to know what Han Yoojin looks like when he’s lying. “The Babar alone was an SS-rank, and you may have had your brother and ward with you, but even then, facing such a monster as an A-rank—”
And there it is, the slightest creases around his eyes, how he looks down and to the side slightly before meeting Taewon’s gaze once more, lips thinning into a line. Taewon’s so busy thinking over their conversation so far, matching these markers against what’s been said, that he doesn’t realize what he’s saying—
“…seeing them fight… They may be your family, but they’re S-ranks before that. Which makes them dangerous, more than you know—”
Until it’s too late.
“What are you trying to say, Chief Song-nim?” Han Yoojin asks, letting go of the bag of coffee and turning to face him properly. His voice has taken on a sharp edge, and Taewon steps backwards before he even consciously acknowledges the sound. Han Yoojin just steps forward to match, bringing him dangerously close— “If there’s a point to this, I’d like if you could—”
Taewon has a hand around his throat.
Han Yoojin raises a hand (touching? grabbing?). Seize his wrist, twist his arm, shift the grip on his neck, until Han Yoojin is pinned face-down against the counter, cheek pressed against its surface.
Then Taewon realizes he’d moved to begin with.
“…What are you doing?”
Han Yoojin’s flat question kills Taewon’s hasty apology before it can even leave his mouth. His grip tightens instead of loosening. Some quiet part of his brain is counting out the handful of people and low-rank Hunters present in the building today. A much louder part of his mind says he’s testing the hold.
Han Yoojin flexes his hand again, shifting easily even in Taewon’s grip, and he—
He panics.
Looting flares, black not-smoke wreathing his fingers and Han Yoojin’s limbs. Vague surprise flickers over Han Yoojin’s face before his eyes rise to a point in the air before himself, likely checking his status window. Whatever he sees there has his eyes widening sharply.
And then, all at once, something closes off in his face, and he goes limp.
A different kind of alarm spikes through the white-out fear in Taewon’s mind and he tilts his head to get a better look at Han Yoojin’s face. There’s a tightness around his eyes, still, lips pressed together like he’s bracing for something. But when those eyes flick up to meet Taewon’s stare, there’s also a dull sort of… familiarity?
No, not familiarity.
Taewon feels sick. He all but rips his hands off Han Yoojin, backing away hastily. There’s already shadows on his skin where Taewon’s fingers had pressed against it. There’ll be bruises there by tonight. Earlier, even, because—how long had he had Looting active?
He can’t remember. He can’t remember the last time he lost control like that. His stomach twists. He feels sick.
Han Yoojin still hasn’t moved. Taewon tries to remember how tightly he was gripping his neck.
And then Han Yoojin slowly, slowly draws his arm to his side again, pushes off the counter with his other hand, and straightens back up. A pause. Then he turns, just a little, so he can look at Taewon.
They stare at each other in silence like that for a moment.
Then, in a thin voice: “Interesting skill you have there.”
Taewon’s breath catches. Han Yoojin doesn’t seem to notice as he tilts his head slightly and opens his mouth again.
“Why’d you stop?”
Taewon leaves, after that.
He doesn’t remember what he says. What he does. Han Yoojin has a knack for disabling his rational mind, it seems.
What he does know is this: that Han Yoojin’s voice, when he asked that question, was genuinely curious. Perhaps even a little pleading.
What he does know, looking back, is that Han Yoojin didn’t try to pull away. He shifted in Taewon’s hold, yes, and in his panic Taewon overreacted. But he never tried to break free.
(What Taewon doesn’t know if he wants to know is this:
How does a man like Han Yoojin end up feeling resignation?)
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red-riveria · 15 days
Wozniak Sentai O-Hayoranger
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They're Super Sentai power rangers now. More info under the cut
Their theme is video game genres. Scott is a platformer, Jeb is sports, Rex is a fighting game, Terry a farming sim, Target's a puzzle game and Jerry is a racing game. Their weapons reflect what game genre they're assigned to.
Scott is the red ranger who REALLY doesn't want to be a red ranger.
Terry has the only braincell most of the time and that's why he's the blue ranger.
Jerry is their 6th and doesn't show up until later. His color is silver.
Their yell for roll call is Hey All.
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chocolatefrog18 · 1 year
Reality Leak - a Scott The Woz Fic
It is on this day that I announce the end of my ongoing Scott The Woz fanfic. It is now completed.
36 chapters and 51k words. 173 pages in my Google Doc.
2 years of it sitting in the back of my brain and 95 days spent actually writing it.
"What do you do when the fictional world of your own show begins to leak into reality?"
I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it for you all.
All the love to everyone who read it while it was being written, everyone who gave me ideas, everyone who made art, everyone who gave me songs that they said fit the vibe, and everyone who gave a chance to the Scott The Woz fic that said 'RPF'.
Thank you for reading!
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scootsoot · 2 years
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holy shit its p5 strikers duel!!! p5 au made by: @vexilanimous​
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angstyaches · 1 year
75. Buried
100 Word Drabbles
CW: captivity, imprisonment, hunger/starvation.
Part of the Swallow the World: Sacrifice AU
The demons had the decency not to bury him alive in a shallow pit, but the mountain cave wasn’t much better. They could have entombed the creature in a celestial palace, and it wouldn’t have made a difference; he’d still have been alone, bound in iron chains, unable to even starve to death.
He felt exhausted, woozy even, as he watched them work at blocking off the entrance to the cave. The younger ones glanced in his direction and flinched every so often, as though he could possibly escape and threaten their existence.
He may as well have been buried.
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*gives Louie a plush titan dweevil
Louie: *childish gasp* y e s h
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