#sturn dregg
What is your oc's Glimmer what shines to guide them threw the darkness, and in that darkness what Fear stakes them?
There's def some interesting thiings that keep coming out w the new sets, but they aint bringin me back iinto the fold. That beiing said, my fanwalkers will still be answered for even if they mostly exist in a dnd fashion. But I'll def be makiin up fears as the current liist is short and seemingly random. "Fear of Failed Tests" doesn't sound liike it should be a real card
Ceral- Glimmer is a younger version of his dragon whelp Raz, and he's chased by the Fear of Containment, as he has active claustrophobia Laan- Glimmer of a stoat, running from the Fear of Loss Except- Glimmer is a small kitten, running from the Fear of Loneliness Y'lona- Glimmer is an octopus, running from the Fear of Abandonment Zoya- Glimmer of a smith's hammer, running from the Fear of Regret Atlan- Glimmer of a hawk, running from the Fear of Memory Sturn- Glimmer of an everchanging tropical fish which has since faded, the Fear of Continuation cannot truly claim him as prey due to his nature but never has to properly find him for he does not run Samuel- Glimmer would be a wolf but he's vampire and very little of Duskmourn poses a threat to him, the Fear of Starvation would stalk him if he couldn't eat these entities Kitai- Glimmer of a dove, running from the Fear of Apostasy Aseri- Glimmer is an inkblot that takes the forms of her favorite creatures, mimicking her tattoos at times, running from the Fear of Being Hunter Cas- Glimmer of a fox, running from the Fear of Immobility
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niuttuc · 7 years
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A slightly different one for @tibalt-the-fineblooded‘s Sturn!
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I know I'm a bit late but I was really enjoying Thunder Junction as a drafting experience, even if I found it a bit muddled from a lore perspective. But I wanted to ask the question if your oc had there own Mount what would it be?
Ceral, while having the ability to fly, would probably use Raz as a mount. She's getting a little to big to ride him like a scaly backpack nowadays so they've been flying parallel, but once she's a bit more into her full dragon size, it shouldn't be an issue
Laan would probably, if needed, use his geomancy to summon a more earthen form of that 4RR Horse, Calamity.
Except is a shapeshifter and doesn't really need a mount, she could become a mount. Or just a centaur-esque being
Y'lona would like to be able to fly more, so she'd try to get a larger bird of some kind, but if it has to follow the quadruped rule then a griffon/hippogriff
Zoya I could see using either a lizard type mount or something more armored like an armadillo or pangolin, provided it has a level of heat resistance
Atlan, given how much time he spends transversing mounts, would need a ram as a mount.
Sturn, I hesitate to give a mount given his lichlike nature and his ship. He doesn't really need one.
Samuel is in a similar situation to both Ceral and Sturn. He can fly and he's a vampire. He doesn't have need for a mount and honestly, he believes it to be a bit beneath him to rely on something he can do on his own.
Kitai would use a Pegasus. Its the mount closest to an angel as far as she's concerned.
Aseri can summon her own mounts from her tattoos, which allows for a variety of applications based on the area she's in. But the general type is monster or dinosaur
Cas, in standard cowboy fashion, gets a horse. This follows the rule of Roach from the Witcher of course, it looks the same everytime and he calls it the same name, but you're pretty sure you've seen is horse die at least twice.
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Okay so I sent the obligatory Bloomburrow ask around, asking what woodland creature your oc would turn into on the plane. This time I want to try something more esoteric. Let's say something went wrong with the magic of Bloomburrow and instead of turning into a critter, your oc became a calamity beast! What large woodland creature/predator and force of nature/disaster would you combined to represent your oc's calamity beast?
Given theres some overlap with the available animals I'll be using some of my previous answers for this one and leaning into animals of home planes.
Ceral- Lightning Storm Tiger. He's got Raz, a Kaldeshi dragon and he's a storm mage. It fits
Laan- Volcano Terastodon. Given his ability to change size, a larger creature native to Zendikar seemed a good choice, and it merges well with his earth magics
Except- Overgrown Shapeshifter. Plant based disguises instead of animals but everywhere she goes is choked with too much plant life.
Y'lona- Blight Cat. Similar to Except with verdant growth, plant life thrives before she arrives only to wither within a certain range
Zoya- Drought Bear. Her main thing is being a blacksmith and reenforcing stuff. This form would be making things brittle
Atlan- Wildfire Falcon. Honestly Pyreswipe Hawk but burn instead of artifacts would be a neat way to go about it.
Sturn- Skeletal Fog Fish. The fog is just for spooky purposes but could have a -/- effect, functionally killing most weaker creatures. Think Vaal Hazak from MonHunWorld
Samuel- Natural Predation Bat. Similar to Ygra potentially in ability, but possibly life gain instead of +/+ counters.
Kitai- Sunburn Hawk. Just the idea of too much sun light. Not to the point of drought but more UV exposure.
Aseri- Plague Goat. A large goat that brings with it swarms of lesser creatures. Occasionally trailed by a different calamity.
Cas- The Calm Wolf. Signifies the calm before the storm. Rolls though areas and all forms of natural activity halt. Making the impact of the next calamity that much worse.
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It was only a matter of time before I sent this ask around... What kind of animal would your oc turn into on Bloomburrow?
Gotta go off of the listed creatures for the world, leaning into a potential preference for mono and tri colored walkers.
Ceral as R/U/B in that order would be an Otter like Ral Laan is R/G which makes him a Raccoon Except is W/G/U would be a frog, rabbit or bird, but is still a shapeshifter. So ultimately it doesnt matter Y'lona is W/B which would turn her into a bat. Really tugs at the brain for what Ajani would be doesn't it. Cuz Cat aint an option for anything but the calamity beasts Zoya is R but as she works with the Boros, gets Mice Atlan is R/U/W and should get Bird due to his link to Ojutai Sturn at U/B is a Rat Pirate Skeleton. Europe beware Samuel W/B/U gets Bat, cuz he's a vamp Kitai as mono W gets Bird Aseri is a feral R/G/W and that makes her a Raccoon with the token theme of the rabbits Cas is ending us off with R/W as another Rabbit
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So before Bloomburrow comes out I at least one to get out one MH 3 ask, so could you tell me about your walkers Origin card?
I'm assuming this is in the style of "Before Sparking" FLIP "Fresh Walker" that we had for the OG Gatewatch? I will admit that card making wasn't really something I did for my 'walkers, not in a long time anyways. So the most I can do give a potential name and basic description. Def wont be balanced
Ceral: "The Caged" and "On the Wind" Starting with low power and higher toughness, flipping after paying a difference depending on -1/-1 counters. Passively has Flying like Angrath gives Menace and the +/- Walker abilities are good old fashioned red burn
Laan: "Kor Pilgrim" and "Avid Traveler" Possibly balanced p/t and a land search ETB. Flip if more than one other creature goes to the graveyard from the field on the same turn. Walker form has a + that gives Reach, - for some burn.
Except: "Neviti, Volunteer" and "Except, Lost Project" The shift in name showing her memory loss after sparking. Draw Card ETB and flip when targeted by an instant or sorcery. Flip side has a life gain + and turn card into a X/X shapeshifter.
Y'lona: "the Curious" and "of the Pactbond" Vigilance and a high/low p/t. Flip if you've dealt damage and gained life on the same turn. Once flipped, the only ability is +/- X. If you use the +, you have to use the - next. You can't + or - twice in a row, but its a life gain/loss ability
Zoya: "Fieldsmith" and "Resilient" Starts with Gains +1/1 if equipped with an artifact. Flip when equipped with 2(3?) or more artifacts. + ability gives indestructible to an artifact until end of turn, - returns an artifact from grave to field
Atlan: "the Studious" and "the Inconspicuous" Prowess and +1/1 with another red, blue or white permanent on the field. Flip when an opponent plays a pure enchantment. Walker + gives draw, - gives burn and ult gives "+1/1 per color of permanents on field for URW"
Sturn: "Pirate Captain" and "Lone Shambler" Islandwalk and Other Pirates get +1/1. Unconventional flip, place "Lone Shambler" on the field when "Pirate Captain" is placed in the grave. 0 ability, turns into a 2/2 skeleton that can't be blocked by skeletons/undead/zombies
Samuel: "House Heir" and "First Generation" Gains +0/1 per noble on the field. Sac a black creature a white creature and an artifact to flip. Walker form would be similar to Sorin's Ravenous Neonate but worse.
Kitai: "of Benalia" and "Glass Angel" First Strike and Enlist. Add +0/1 per enlisted creature. Flip after combat if "of Benalia" did not Enlist. + grants flying, - summons 1/1 soldier token.
Aseri: "Revel Artist" and "Beast Seeker" Creature card has some kind of Constellation ability. Possibly a draw or life gain. Flip if "Revel Artist" has 2(3?) or more auras on it. +/- some forms of scry for creatures and +x/x. Ult is an Emblem of "All creatures in your deck have +2 basic Bestow"
Cas: "Investigator" and "Longstrider" Probably a 1/1. Has Investigate. Flip if you've drawn 3 or more cards on a turn. "Longstrider" + gives Haste and +1/0 or something. - is a burn.
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So I saw a post about this concept and thought it would make for a interesting ask. Magical damage, like a necromancers fingers slowly turning black and losing sensation or a wizard with lighting bolt scares across their arms. What dose it look like when your oc's push their magic beyond what their bodies can handle?
Overcasting is a fun concept for me. I usually think of it in the terms of how much bang can the caster get for their buck if they pour too much or more than they really have into a spell. Though the side effects are neat to look at, but it does depend on whether or not they have a magic that can be overcast.
Ceral: The elemental magics that he wields; fire, ice and lightning, are all basic examples of overcastable. When this happens, it's less an issue for his actual body and more for the environment around him. A glass can only hold so much before it overflows and, as such, each of Ceral's elements will flow out as well. They tend to flow out of his eyes and hands which are focal points for his magic. Laan: Overcasting his geomancy, as his ability to grow in size has measured limits, is akin to overstraining the body during a workout. If he tries to move too much earth, it will result in pulled muscles, strained joints and potential dislocations. Except: Their shapeshifting doesn't have limits that can be considered overcasting. Y'lona: Her Heal/Harm curses are in a way always overcasted, as each is the consequence of the other. If she heals passed her limits, the feedback is that an equal amount of harm will be done, and vis versa. She is very aware that if she does too much of one, she needs to be ready to direct an equal amount of the other. Saving the lives of 4 people means inflicting 4 fatal injuries worth of suffering to potentially 1 person that can't take it. Zoya: Her magic is "Make things hard to break." Outside of applying the spell too much and getting general mana fatigue, there's not a downside for Zoya. Atlan: While being a martial artist, using his magic too much will result in minor burns turning into major burns along the limbs. The burns will start at the toes and fingers and slowly climb to the knees and elbows, with the potential to go higher up the limbs. Sturn: The necromanic nature of Sturn's magic has little effect on him, as he is undead already. What using too much will do instead is burn out any glamours he has, stripping back his appearance to his proper undead form as a lich. The more tired and out of magic Sturn is, the harder the facade is to maintain. Samuel: If he pushes passed his limits, any control he's exerting over any spirits will break. Luckily, for Samuel at least, he can overcome this limit by simply eating any spirits he looses control of. Kitai: As Kitai puts out more magic than she should, she goes through stages of output. At first, it looks like she's simply making her glass wings larger, but its actually the glass spreading apart as she loses control. Later the glass will be too spread for her to maintain flight, followed by the glass over taking Kitai's back and shoulders before movement becomes incredibly hindered. This effect also spreads to any other glass constructs that she is in contact with. Aseri: Overcasting for Aseri is mostly seen as trying to have more summons active than she can control. Once there are more than can be controlled the ink will revolt in a way. Her tattoos will squirm on her skin and the summons will sweat black ink before slowly melting. Cas: Being very aware of how little magic he has, Cas does not often go over his ability. Due to the low levels he's naturally at, Cas's overload looks more like someone casting a larger spell. His limited fire and reinforcement magics will burst in larger fashions when ending, but ultimately thats all.
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tibalt-the-fineblooded · 11 months
Do forgive me for the more esoteric question this time, but it has been bouncing around in my head for sometime now. One of my favorite tropes is the psychic head space, that when someone with mind reading abilities enter deeply into another's mind that they enter a psychic space that represents that person. Such as someone who lived their entire life in the military their psychic head space take the form of the army base they lived on, or someone with a very reserved personally head space might be a a tightly back cube with containers for all their thoughts and memories. The best example of this would be the Psychonauts games. So my question is what dose your ocs psychic head space look like?
Ceral: Think the Sky Tower dungeon from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team. Its a cloudscape surrounded by a rolling storm. Each aspect of his power adorning the cardinal directions, Lightning, Fire, Ice and Wind, in the form of appropriate weather. Only the center is calm.
Laan: A large winding tree, you can get lost in the history and memories if you don't know the way. An imperfect mixture of his Elf and Kor heritages, that lets him experience both. The paths are styled for the Kor while the tree resembles those that his mother's city rests in.
Except: A large open field with her cottage. It is almost a perfect reflection of her home on Theros, except the distance is ever changing. The reality of her memory loss and nature as a shapeshifter is shown here, as the landscape in the distance roils and changes.
Y'lona: Still young, the space has not solid in its symbolism of the self. At this point Y'lona is in her early 20s but she's still figuring out herself. Too many her mindscape would seem a series of paths, determined by what she could be.
Zoya: A forge. It's well used but missing several key parts. There are no places to relax, nothing that makes it anything more than a work space. There are no places to sit or laydown. There are pictures of what used to be, still memories of places she used to live. A reminder of was lost and can never be restored.
Atlan: A mediation room, filled with an assortment of games that require patience and cunning. There are rows of training equipment and tools. All would seem calm and collected if it werent for the banners hung from the bannisters. Banners that are in constant flux between the symbol of the Jeskai and that of Ojutai.
Sturn: The captains quarters of the Hangman's Orchard. In the living glory of the ship, the room is whole and the sounds of the crew can be heard from inside. But gazing out any of the windows, shows the fate that befell Sturn and his crew. The noise fades to nothing and a semi circle of kneeling skeletons wait outside the quarter doors.
Samuel: Its a dark place, with only the subtlest of reflections off of dusty lab equipment. A hollow feeling permeates the place as it's true form was lost long ago to solitude. Slivers of silver light always catching the corner of your vision as you try to find your way, very aware that Samuel can see perfectly fine in this darkness.
Kitai: A large circular dais, bathed in light with a large marble table in the center. Laid across the table is ceremonial armor and weapons. At 8 points surrounding the dais are statues of angels, all adorned with similar attire to the gear on the table.
Aseri: A wide open grove, set for a large party and decorated all the way to the edge of the forest. Shades of her family fill the grove, giving it life and filling it with music. The ground reflects her body, for all her tattoos are displayed upon the earth that shall be danced on during the party. Echoes of the last few creatures she conjured with her magic roam the end of the groves as looming shadows, guarding but never entering.
Cas: A dusty road with a campsite set up on the side, the fire is smoldering but still has enough heat to make a meal. The tent is worn from years of travel and the folding chair is just as weathered. In the distance is an unreachable town. It looks pristine and wonderful on the edge of the horizon, but you know you can never close the distance.
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tibalt-the-fineblooded · 11 months
Is there something your ocs gets homesick for? A person, a place perhaps a particular food they cant get anywhere else or a festival they can't attend anymore?
Ceral has too many homes, his place on Kaladesh, Excepts cottage on Theros, Laan's mothers on Zendikar. He doesn't so much as feel homesick for any of these, but he does long for the home he never got to truly experience on Kaldheim.
Laan missed the time he spent with his father, who is long since passed. He doesnt have the fondest memories of his Kor heritage, but he loved his father.
Except, can't miss what she doesnt remember.
Y'lona often wonders what her life would have been if she wasnt an orphan, if Except had never taken her in.
Zoya misses Mirrodin for what it was and now knows she will never see it again
Atlan, being time phased out from Khans to Dragons, misses the Tarkir he grew up on. That's a boat load of trauma
Samuel is so old that he has forgotten much of his past, but his empty manor only serves as a reminder of the family he used to have. Loathe them as he did, some things can never be brought back.
Sturn is so depressed. He misses his crew, they're all dead.
Kitai was presumed dead for a chunk of her childhood, thanks to sparking, so she does occasionally kick herself for missing some of her siblings formative years.
Aseri isnt hung up on the past enough to really miss anything. She knows that there will always be another festival if she misses one
Cas focuses more on who he's lost, than what. But its in a sense of who he's failed, be it strangers who got caught in the cross fire of sitautions he was a part of or comrades he was too slow to help.
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A tad late but I needed to recover from Thanksgiving, but I wanted to ask what is your oc thankful for?
Ceral: @atlas-lord-of-sin's Rain and his dragon whelp Raz, both giving him more direction that he used to have Laan: His mother finding happiness with Except Except: The family that she's built over the years, with both the leonin village she is the caretaker of, her new partner Glade Lily and her 3 "adopted" kids Y'lona, Ceral and Laan Y'lona: All the experiences that she's gained from learning about the multiverse from Ceral and Laan Zoya: The chance to help rebuilding efforts on Ravnica Atlan: Those that have given him a warm meal and bed for a night while he travels the various planes Sturn: As ever, he spends his time wishing for one last farewell to his crew. They serve their captain in death but there is no laughter from bones. He thanks them for their service nonetheless Samuel: That he managed to remove the shackles of vampiric blood lust Kitai: Being able to work with and alongside Angels Aseri: Finding new worlds with new monsters to add to her body art Cas: The small good that he does as he passes through towns, hoping that it makes someone else's day even a little better
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So I been neck deep in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and have loving lost touch with the concept time, so here is a very late fanfriday question. The Pathfinder class system is so much more in-depth then D&D, so my question is what would your oc's Pathfinder class be!
Hmm. I haven’t touched pathfinder one years, but I do have all of my Walkers built as DnD 5e characters. I’ll do a side by side for ease
Walker: 5e - PF
Ceral: Storm Sorcerer - Stormborn Sorcerer
Laan: Stone Sorcerer/Four Elements Monk - Deep Earth Sorcerer/Iron Mountain Monk
Except: Moon Circle Druid - Skinshaper Druid
Y’lona: Life Cleric/Death Cleric - Restoration and Murder Domain Cleric
Zoya: Battlemaster Fighter - Siegebreaker or Weapon Master Fighter
Atlan: Four Elements Monk - Brazen Disciple or Four Winds Monk
Sturn: Swashbuckler Rogue/Nercomancy Wizard - Swashbuckler/Undead Master Wizard
Samuel: Ghostslayer Bloodhunter - Grave Warden Slayer or Ghost Hunter Paladin
Kitai: Devotion Paladin - Divine Guardian Paladin
Aseri: Conjuration Wizard - First Worlder Summoner
Cas: War Magic Wizard/Gunslinger Fighter - Spellslinger Wizard or Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger
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Do they have the booty tho-
Does Sturn? Yes, he’s a pirate.
Does Aseri? Yes, she’s a satyr.
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Tibalt’s Fanwalkers: Listed
In preparation for upcoming and eventual Fanwalker Fridays (or general asks and buffoonery), I am making this list of my Fanwalkers in order of creation. Short Descriptions will be followed by a longer Bio under a cut. Short and Sweet: 1. Ceral Redd (RBU) He/Him, Storm Mage Human from Kaldheim, has a pet kaladeshi dragon whelp named Raz 2.Laan Dovar (GR) He/Him, Geomancer/Size Manipulator Half-Kor/Half-Elf from Zendikar 3. Except (WGU) She/Her/They/Them, Healer Elf Simic Mimic from Ravnica with no memories of being from Ravnica, Old Walker 4. Y’lona (WB) She/Her, Cursed/Blessed Leonin from Theros 5. Zoya (R) She/Her, Blacksmith Vulshok from Mirrodin New Phyrexia 6. Atlan (WRU) He/Him, Jeskai Monk Djinn from Khans Tarkir 7. Sturn Dregg (BU) He/Him, ‘Skeleton’ Pirate ‘Pseudo Lich’ Death Mage Human from Ixalan 8. Samuel Dusken (WBU) He/Him, Elf Vampire Spirit Summoner from Innistrad, feeds on spirits not blood, Old Walker 9. Kitai Skalto (W) She/Her, Benalish Knight/Glass Mage Human from Dominaria 10. Aseri Kalot (WGR) She/Her, Saytr Beast Summoner from Theros, uses blood-ink tattoos to summon monsters whose blood is in the tattoos 11. Cas Anova (WR) He/Him, Reinforcement Magic/Pyromancer Cowboy Human from Unnamed Plane (wherever Angrath is from)
Bio’s under the cut (sorry mobile users)
Here’s the collection of bio’s for my fanwalkers. This will contain an overall what’s up and some base physical traits. I’ll try to keep it reasonable in length so that I don't clog up your dashes for too long!
1. Ceral Redd, 5′10, glowing purple eyes
Currently a resident of Kaladesh, Ceral has shifted from his previously violent ways to a more focused lifestyle. He spends much of his time traveling from plane to plane chasing legends and rumors, and studying weather patterns in hopes of getting strong enough to tame the storm that ravages his home. He wields the magics of what he hopes to calm, lightning and fire to ice and wind. Having spent several years on Kaladesh, and having worked within the Izzet League, Ceral picked up on how to work with artifice and uses his skills to improve the two red mana batteries he keeps on his person. Ceral has spent much of his time in recent months raising his dragon whelp Raz.
2.  Laan Dovar, 6′2, light green eyes
Hoping to set an example, Laan helps those he comes across in his travels. He spends mush of his time traveling the more dangerous areas he finds, fond of high cliffs and deep valleys. While he's born of two cultures, he takes pride in both. His magic is just as mixed; with a skill in geomancy that allows him to control not only rock and earth, but also sand and even lava. His size manipulaton only allows him to change his own body in a range of passing for a giant to his own height, he can not shrink any smaller than that. While his Kor father has been dead for several years, Laan still returns to visit his Elf mother on Zendikar and catch her up on his travels.
3. Except, 5′4, brown eyes
A simple healer on the outskirts of a Leonin village, Except is anything but. Having spent over one hundred years on Theros as a six armed human with a Leonin tail, Satyr horns and the crest of a Merfolk, she is a respected member of their community. The villagers come to her for injures and illnesses that they cannot treat and the young enjoy playing with someone who can take any form they ask. She was once from Ravnica but lost any memories of that time when she first sparked, believing she is from Theros. Her shapeshifting abilites stem from her being a Simic Combine expirement to create a mimic from a non-mimic being. Except now uses her abilities to take on the hurts of her patients to learn how best to treat them. She only recently started planeswalking again when her adopted Leonin daughter Y'lona sparked.
4. Y’lona, 5′6, dark brown eyes
Only recently a planeswalker, Y'lona is still adjusting to all that there is to learn about it. She is also adjusting to the oddities that are her new planeswalking mentors; the long time patients of Except, her adoptive mother, Ceral Redd and Laan Dovar. The main task the three older walkers have agreed upon is that Y'lona needs to bring her newfound powers under some semblance of control. She had managed, in a state of terrror and confusion, to agree to the biddings of both an Innistradi Demon and Angel. One a curse to harm, the other a blessing to heal; Y'lona can't do one without doing the other. Neither contract was completed, which prevents her from choosing one and she will be stuck with both. 
5. Zoya, 6′4, gold eyes
Having accepted her home of Mirrodin as a lost cause, Zoya has found some peace in focusing in her craft. A blacksmith by nature, she joined the Boros Legion after landing on Ravnica and is very happy to take any style of order. Due to this, she is very aware that others like her come from all over to get custom pieces and parts of weapons and armor made. Zoya has long since been able to tell who can and can't travel off of the plane, aware that even other members of the Legion aren't what they seem. She doesn't mind and has no plans to out any one of a shared secret. When she isnt doing work for orders, Zoya falls into old practices as a way of mourning for friends and family lost on her old home.
6. Atlan, 8′2, pale blue eyes
A follower of the Way and trapped in a time he never could have dreamed of, Atlan has to hold this secret close to protect himself. When he stepped into a different timeline, Atlan lost everyone he had ever known and his sorrow and confusion threw him even further to land on Kamigawa. Making his way back to Tarkir, he found that he was supposed to be missing and has been leading a double life ever since. His goal is to master ghostfire, but he knows he must first master the types of fire he's already learned. Atlan is also working on improving more than his physical and magical abilites, having taken up various games of wordplay, strategy and puzzles.
7. Sturn Dregg, 5′8, deep blue eyes
Stowaway turned sailor turned captain, Sturn has spent most of his life sailing the seas of Ixalan. His ship, the Hangman’s Orchard, and crew currently reside at the bottom of those seas while Sturn works on repaying the survivors of the Hours on Amonkhet. After sparking, he landed on the desert plane grievously injured and was saved from death. Once this debt is repaid, he planes on returning to Ixalan to raise the Orchard once more. Sturn is unsure of whether he wishes to travel the multitude of worlds available to him or if he will remain with his skeleton crew, haunting the seas of his home. 
8. Samuel Dusken, 5′9, silver eyes
One of the last scions of the House Dusken on Innistrad, Samuel is also one of the planes last elves. After the ritual which turned the houses into vampires, Samuel took to researching a way to give his family an edge over all the others. Freedom from the need for blood while retaining the powers already gained. He took a self imposed exile until he successfully removed the thirst for blood, changed instead to a thirst for the essence of the lingering souls that haunted every corner of the multiverse. However, during his absence, Samuel's house had fallen from power in a war with House Maurer and scattered across the plane. He spends his time searching for a way to recreate his success with his now limited power and tracking down his scattered family.
9. Kitai Skalto, 5′10, green eyes
As both a Benalish Knight and a Glass Mage, Kitai has very little free time to pursue her interests across the multiverse. What time she does have is spent learning various fighting styles from friends she's made on previous trips from her home. Her magic allows her to create various things out of glas, from swords and shields to wings she can fly with. Kitai longs for adventure but is faithful to her duties, knowing that the only way to pursue her desires would be to embark upon a pilgrimage by herself. She wishes to prove herself before hand and thus returns to Benalia for her duties without fail. 
10. Aseri Kalot, 4′11, brown eyes
Never in one place for too long, Aseri can always find somewhere to keep her entertained. She is spending her time traveling the multiverse to share the beauty of  Nyx with any and all. Her unique style of summoning allows her to bring forth beasts that she has tattooed onto her own skin, with ink mixed with the beasts' blood. When summoned, these beasts take on the aspect of the Theros sky and resemble the Nyxborn of Aseri's home. Her favorite places to visit are Ixalan and Naya, and she has several tattoos from both. Despite her love of the starfield, Aseri doesn't visit her home very often.
11. Cas Anova, 6′, light brown eyes
A lone ranger kind of guy, Cas does what he can to try and make things better. He refuses to leave any place he's visited without solving a problem or two, even if it's only helping to repair a stable or going out to help deal with a few bandits. His pyromancy isnt the strongest but it allows him to fire small flames from his finger tips that explode on contact. Cas balances out his less than powerful offensive magic with reinforcement magics that can protect him from harm or make him slightly stronger. Having left behind his parents and younger siblings to help make the multiverse a slightly better place, Cas visits whenever he feels homesick.
Thank you for reading to the end! I’m hoping that my crew will entertain you in the future. My current goal is to get art for everyone and, hopefully, keep the list at 11. My asks are also open for more than Fanwalker Fridays and I’m always willing to answer questions!
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Sturn went to a gathering of Brazen Coalition captains after a few years of just doing his own thing and eight other captains tried to kill him. Each attempt failed but that was the year Sturn got labeled as a ghost pirate, how else could eight murder attempts fail to kill one man.
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For each fanwalker, they are faced with a large beast (Kavu, Baloth, etc.) How do they handle it?
For Ceral, it depends on whether or not he’s doing field work. Is said beasty in his way, or otherwise preventing him from working? If yes, he can and will fight it. If no, he can easily avoid a conflict with anything that can’t fly, but he’ll probably fight it anyways.
Laan is more likely to fight a giant beast if he’s escorting people that he’s found lost in the wilderness. Ceral has told him several times that its not really fighting if Laan just turns into a giant and throws the thing like a shotput. Laan will usually just make a wall of rock between himself and the beast if he’s alone, letting it go about its way.
Except never has any issues when she travels alone, being able to assume any form she wants. Ceral and Laan will offer to deal with anything that shows up when they’re with her, having Y’lona assist for experience.
As she’s still not used to fighting in general, outside of sparring. Y’lona will usually provide support for Ceral and Laan. She’s getting better at fighting on her own but she’s slightly lacking in the confidence section.
Zoya, not being one to leave Ravnica often, doesn’t usually deal with large beasts. As a blacksmith under the employ of the Boros Legion, any time she would have an issue its taken care of by the closest garrison. She does have a darksteel mace at the ready should she need it though.
As a frequent traveler, Atlan is used to coming up against beasts and monsters of all kinds. He does what he can to avoid conflict, with varying levels of success. His sheer strength mixed with his martial prowess allows him to subdue any that are too aggressive if need be.
Having been a pirate on Ixalan for most of his life, Sturn dealt with more that his fair share of sea monsters and dinosaurs. Its not much of a problem with you have an undying crew of skeletons and can kill something by touching it. He would do what he needed to do as long as it kept damage to his ship to a minimum.
Samuel, being an ancient vampire, doesn’t really notice things like beasts. There are very few creatures that would try to hunt a vampire, and most of them aren’t beasts.
Kitai, with and without assistance from her squad, deals with the more common things that can be found roaming the landscape around Benalia. Being about to fly on wings of glass allows her to avoid things she knows she cant win against, but allows her to give air support when its needed.
That huge beast might already be tattooed on Aseri’s skin. She can just summon one to fight for her if needed, or something bigger if she wants. Aseri’s Nyxborn summons are more than enough for the real things, being boosted by her will and magic to be stronger than they were in life.
Cas knows he can’t take on beasts larger than himself, that’s why is so good at running. His skill set and magics aren't suited for that kind of fight and he’s not reckless enough to fight something that could swallow him whole with basic pyromancy and some reinforcement enchantments.
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