#stupid spellcheck!
chernobog13 · 5 months
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Tacos--I mean Talos, TALOS!--the bronze giant attacks the Argonauts!
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fishareglorious · 3 days
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oh my god i just realized i have to painstakingly open every single one of these docs every time we get a new transcriber/proofreader
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charactersaremylife · 7 months
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You know google docs, I think that word replacement might just change the meaning of my sentence pretty significantly.
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comradecowplant · 2 days
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firefox are you fucking stupid
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fatfemmefreaquency · 20 days
watching nanowrimo power torch their brand is… wild
i don’t even go here but i swear it’s like they woke up and said “hey how do we completely destroy customer trust in as little time as possible?” and then they just… did it
hey maybe if your main audience is artists don’t accept sponsorship from a corporation that directly plagiarizes those artists in order to fuck them over and make their careers disappear. that’s just common sense.
anyone with a brain could have seen how this would end, and yet
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anxiously-awaiting · 2 years
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hi new post <3
I had a whole paragraph abt my dental issues + drama at home related to my cats but i'll spare the details.
Anyway. blah blah i reserve the right to refuse commissions if i am uncomfortable with it or feel as though it's outside of my artistic ability. Dm on here or on discord @ anxiouslyawaiting#6734 if you're intersted
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krytus · 5 months
word keeps telling me i dont write concisely like ok?? and?? is that a crime???
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yatiso · 11 months
finally got printer ink after having useless hp subscription cartridges sittin in there for months... you know what this means guys..
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kissandships · 2 years
I constantly forget about Madeline Dumas which really goes to show much of an impact she had
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medicinemane · 1 year
One more thing, I really like descriptive forms of stuff (term I've taken from linguistics in descriptive vs prescriptive, and just kind of apply it to everything)
Like, fridge is still a bit nasty smelling, not as bad as before but... I'm not happy Bob, I'm not happy
Was thinking about how I should clean it out on trash day, but then I was like "descriptively speaking, there's no way after 6+ hours in the car that day that I'm gonna feel up to dealing with that, so I just need to push it off to next week", and you know what? I was 100% right
As usual I feel like I've been beaten with sticks (literally, not hyperbolically, that's legit a pretty close approximation to how I feel)
So I was 100% right to predict I'd have trouble even dealing with the normal trash (especially cause I knew it was gonna be harder than usual thanks to one of the cats having diarrhea and missing the litterbox yesterday so... I knew it would suck when I got to it today... keeping up with the bathroom is pretty overwhelming at this point between the cat duties and the busted pipe)
So yeah... just better to describe things as they are without assigning any value and simply talk about what would happen instead of what should happen
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kyliafanfiction · 1 year
Google docs spellchecker
‘Writhe’ must be ‘Write’ and they have no idea what word I meant when I typed ‘theat’. Can’t even hazzard a guess.
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goblindsay · 2 years
Honestly I have written myself the best ‘out’ to drawing a character with a whole bunch of tattoos- they’re magic and they move diegetically. They’re always grouped to roughly the same places, but they’re also liquid shadow and they slide around under her skin wherever they please like balsamic vinegar in oil that roughly holds a shape most of the time.
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everytime i find a spelling mistake in a book, i feel like i've found king arthur's grail.
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ghostsandmirrors · 2 years
Spider-Dude! Ok this is maybe a weird way of looking at things, but who is your favorite among your Gallery of Rogues? Like, sure, they're villains... but I bet there's aspects of them you can find respect for, or amusement with. Who hits the top of the list for you, and why?
My muse is bored and wants curious anons. No questions are off limits, abuse this opportunity!
"This is gonna sound weird," said Spider-Man, "but I respect most of them. They're doing dangerous things for a reason. Kingpin isn't, but he's the exception, not the rule." There was a small shrug. "They're all good at what they do, unfortunately, and their tech is really good. Gotta respect 'em for that."
"Top 5 favorite criminals? That seems like a good number. In 5, Lizard. He's…" he hestiated, "doing his best. 4 is Crime-Master. Gotta love the ones who're open about their goals. 3… Typeface. He's got puns and rhymes, but he's the reason Spellcheck's around." He shrugged again, almost dismissively. "Everyone's got their negatives."
"2, probably Rhino. He's not my favorite, but I'd rather face him than some of the others." He gave a small gesture. "First: honorable mentions! Electro, Scorpion, Shocker, Vulture, Tombstone. Some of the guys I see more often," he said. "My number 1's gotta be Kingpin. He's been around so long, I think we've got a special something at this point!"
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eatyourpapitas · 3 months
nothing annoys me more than spell checkers marking my very extremely correct vocabulary and grammar as errors, grammar which was perfectly valid centuries ago even if it fell into disuse in most of the world
except autocorrect just up and fucking changing it all
my dialect is as valid as any other, millions of people speak it
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folaireamh · 10 months
correcting "had enough of hospitals" to "had enough hospitals" well NO that would be a DIFFERENT THING to say now wouldn't it
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