#stupid lamb ( bella swan )
zenmasterlover · 5 months
An early morning flight calls for this wonderful creation… okay but i actually love “and the lion fell in love with the lamb” quote- it’s lowkey perfect and one of my favorite lines
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pivotalmark · 1 year
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❛ i'm . . . bella. i don't think we got formally introduced before you just ----- disappeared. you're @roshale , right ? i , ah . . . sorry , i know it must suck to have to share a desk you thought you had to yourself ----- do you mind if i check that . . . ? ❜ her fingers clasp around the ends of her sleeves before she slides the microscope over to her side of the table. she only takes a few seconds to check the slide before a half attempted smile curves her lips up to one side. ❛ prophase. ❜
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kylegallners · 19 days
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twilight fancast: jenna ortega as bella swan and jacob elordi as edward cullen
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…" he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word. "What a stupid lamb," I sighed. "What a sick, masochistic lion.”
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my-plastic-life · 10 months
Happy 15th anniversary to the Twilight saga movies! Fifteen years ago today (Nov. 21, 2008), the very first Twilight movie premiered in theaters. Based on the four books by Stephenie Meyer, the books also became a global phenomenon. Mattel jumped on board with a series of Twilight dolls, the first of which were our two main protagonists, Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Later, other characters would be released like Jacob, the entire Cullen family, Jane, and Victoria. A wedding Edward and Bella set was also released, followed by vampire Bella. And fun fact - all the vampire dolls do have a sparkly/glittery texture on their bodies and faces to give that unique "sunlight" effect!
To commemorate this milestone, I borrowed my mom's dolls for some photos. Why don't I own these myself? Because when the movies came out, I was in my "too old for dolls" stage... oops. LOL.
Here we go!
"I know what you are."
"Say it. Out loud. Say it."
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"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
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When you can live forever, what do you live for?
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Here's a video where I try to show the glitter effect. It's hard to capture on camera lol
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emoglowstick · 2 years
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The Silver Spider Print Shop. (Promised on instagram)
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And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..
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dr-daddy-cullen · 5 years
Bella Swan really met Edward Cullen and married him after being in a relationship with him for literally 10 months
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twilight-or-die · 6 years
Is it time to bring those cringey fb pictures back with the twilight quotes across it? I’m here for it tbh also where’s the twilight Snapchat filters at
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pivotalmark · 1 year
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❛ ━━━━━ SHIT ❜ a hiss of pain escapes the brunette as she drops knife from hand , red staining the blade &* the onion diced up under it . NAUSEA &* DIZZINESS , &* that familiar wave of pure panic . hand is hugged close to her chest , staining t-shirt without a second thought . but there's no blood thirsty vampire lunging at her ; there's no broken glass ; there's no imminent doom . just @murkyhazed rushing to bella's side with his fatherly concern . ❛ I'M SORRY . i just [...] my mind wandered &* i cut my finger ━━ i'm sorry . ❜
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bcbliophile · 5 years
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Ricky & Alice & Bella Aesthetic 1/???
“If two wrongs don’t make a right, try three.”
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hopefulaspires · 6 years
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      “i won’t let you leave me. you promised me forever! You said you LOVED me!”
@hopefulcovets for ed
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deadlynightshcde-a · 2 years
 “ ♫ ”  / for your bella muse !!
01. emotional motion sickness by phoebe bridgers. 02. your best american girl by mitski. 03. wuthering heights by kate bush. 04. beyond love by beach house. 05. clair de lune by claude debussy.
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iinmortales · 6 years
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          when jake had said there was a vampire in her house, she expected victoria. she was always expecting victoria. she was not, in the least, expecting familiar auburn hair and wide golden eyes staring back at her. she held up one finger, telling the hallucination to wait, and told jacob to go home, that she was fine. she waited until she was sure she was gone that she went back to the kitchen, getting herself a cup of water before returning to the illusion.
          ‘ you know, usually you only show up when i’m doing something stupid. ‘
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This is a weird question, but what would happen if Edward slept with or raped Bella in Twilight and got her pregnant with Renesmee? I know that this is even more unlikely than her getting pregnant in NW, but well we're in the land of answers to unlikely questions on this blog
Well anon, I guess we're going here.
Specifically anon is referencing this post.
My Usual Up Front Note
Yes, I know, we all know this is outlandish but I have to do this. Otherwise this blog descends into me writing fanfiction, and I have an AO3 and FFNet account for that.
Edward is many things and it's no great secret that I think he... makes very questionable decisions all the time and should not be romantically entangled with anybody.
However, Edward is not a rapist.
In the original post I go over my thoughts on this but essentially the crux of it is that Edward does have his moral standards. He will not have sex with a woman without a) being married to her first and b) without her explicit consent. Which, Bella does give against his advice in New Moon, fully aware of all the consequences that Edward himself is aware of (neither knew Renesmee was on the table then).
I do not think, at least without a lot of terrible things and huge catalysts happening first, that Edward would rape Bella.
I certainly don't think they'd be having sex as early as Twilight. Bella's not yet eighteen, Edward has no immediate plans to leave her (likely telling himself he'll leave after graduation when the separation is more natural), and he has no plans to marry her.
Sex isn't even on the table in Twilight.
Come on, Muffin, Try
But, per the ask, Edward and Bella do have sex in Twilight.
I have no idea how this would occur without a substantial amount of sex pollen. So, sex pollen it is.
Edward and Bella are in the meadow, it's the happiest day of Edward's life as Bella now fully understands what he is and doesn't run in terror. It's the happiest day of Bella's life as beautiful Edward has just shown her his innermost vulnerable self.
The stupid lamb is in love with the stupid lion. Huzzah.
Just then, wafting through the sky, is a blossoming alien plant life that for some unknown reason is also an intense aphrodisiac. This likely affects the entire town of Forks, but never mind them, we're focusing on Bella and Edward.
Bella looks at Edward, Edward looks at Bella, chemicals in their brain are churning. And as many a fanfiction protagonist has found out: resistance is futile. Edward and Bella succumb to the sex pollen in short order.
Edward probably crushes Bella in the act of sex and ends up sucking her blood out of the grass like a vacuum cleaner while naked. When he comes to, there's bits of Bella's pancreas on his face. He sobs in despair, for he is the world's greatest monster who has raped the love of his life to death and then devoured her corpse.
He goes to Volterra to kill himself. Aro's not sure what to say to any of this, Caius judges Carlisle by association.
However, we're not in that timeline per the ask.
Instead, somehow, despite both parties being not at home, Edward does not crush Bella in the midst of intercourse. Instead, as the sex pollen fades, they get to stare at each other in the aftermath.
They're in a meadow, naked, their clothes are torn into pieces, neither Bella nor Edward is a virgin and both of them can barely remember having sex.
Edward likely flees with suicide on his mind.
He may not have crushed Bella and devoured her corpse but he did just rape her. His inner demon took over and tarnished the most wonderful thing in all the world: he is no better than the monsters he once devoured.
He's likely planning his flight to Volterra before he even gets to the house. All he needs is a change of clothes and a credit card.
And luckily for him, since the entire town just succumbed to sex pollen (including the Cullens), Alice is probably in too much of a daze to see what's about to happen. Edward is able to find some pants, purchase a flight, and runs.
Bella is left naked and alone in the meadow. And very, very, sore.
Eventually, she has to hobble back to the street. She probably gets lost, as she did in canon. Eventually, a search party is probably sent out for Bella. One of the Cullens probably finds her first and... holy god she's looking full on rape victim.
No clothes, shivering naked and dangerously cold, covered in bruises.
Carlisle has not seen Edward all day, sex pollen descended on the town, this is painting a very bad picture of what just happened to Edward and Bella.
Bella tries to insist she's fine. She's not. She's taken to the hospital. And then the bomb drops. Bella easily confesses to Carlisle that she and Edward had sex. Bella has had sex with no one else. She's given a pregnancy test, it comes back positive.
Bella is pregnant with Edward's vampire child.
Carlisle... does not know how to tell Bella. Bella takes it very well surprisingly. By which she doesn't at all.
She does not want to be a teenage mother, that girl in that small town, at all. (She also would be devastated to be thought of as Edward Cullen's rape victim, but Bella's oblivious to that whole part of this)
She also has her whole life ahead of her and never wanted kids or to get married. She's seen how that shit turns out.
On the other hand, this is Edward's child, how can Bella take something so beautiful out of this world? Also, Renesmee's probably working overtime.
Bella tells Carlisle, right there in the hospital, that she's keeping the baby. Yes, she knows that she will have to fake her death, that she'll never see her family again. Yes, she's carrying a child that Carlisle's never seen before, he's not an OBGYN, and there's no telling what will happen. Yes, she's aware she could die. She's doing this.
Well. Carlisle's life just got ten times harder.
He fakes her death in the hospital somehow. Bella Swan dies of internal bleeding from the rape and is carted out of the hospital. Charlie, naturally, comes to arrest Edward Cullen (despite the entire town being affected by sex pollen all at once) but Carlisle truthfully notes that Edward isn't there. He hasn't seen Edward since the day before.
Charlie is also probably working overtime as the whole damn town was raped and does not have much time to look into this. Though Bella will be top priority case.
Charlie leaves (likely to go get a search warrant) and Carlisle gets to breathe a temporary sigh of relief. That sigh of relief is very temporary. Alice comes in in a flurry: Edward has fled to Volterra to kill himself.
Bella, who comes out of the cupboard she was hiding in during Charlie's visit, asks, "What's a Volterra?"
Carlisle calls Aro, tells him to stall Edward until Carlisle can come and also, Bella's pregnant with Edward's child.
Aro has no idea how to take that, and confesses what Carlisle guessed: no, he's never heard of such a thing before. Well, Aro will ask around and try to see if this (or sex pollen) have ever happened before and why doesn't Carlisle bring Bella with him when he comes to pick up Edward.
(Remember, this is before Eclipse, and as such all the shady nonsense has yet to go down.)
The whole family vamooses in the middle of the investigation, Dr. Carlisle Cullen won't be allowed t exist for a while. They head to Volterra, where Edward, indeed, has been stalled and he and Bella reunite.
Though, when I say "they", it's probably the Cullens sans Alice and Jasper. Alice wouldn't want to tempt Aro too much and, since Bella's carrying Renesmee, her visions are pretty much useless anyway. She'll see them later.
Edward is not nearly as thrilled as Bella that she is carrying his demon rape child. However, no one's listening to him and Bella insists she's not aborting the baby. Instead, Bella is heartbroken and tries to assure Edward that he's worthy of her and that it wasn't rape (it was) she had a great time! And she wants his demon baby!
Caius can't believe this soap opera is in his house.
Well, Edward probably won't try to kill himself before killing Renesmee, but then Renesmee's gift works overtime and he's convinced vampires have souls and is somehow able to forgive himself all this madness.
Edward marries Bella after she turns and gives birth, everyone loves Renesmee and they decide she's not a demon and is worthy of life, and they eventually leave Volterra great friends with the Volturi.
Sort of.
Weirdest decades of Caius' life.
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ginwhitlock · 3 years
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summary: JASPER/ BELLA. set in eclipse (but is so far from canon honestly all you need to know is that victoria is after bella). When Jasper snatches Bella away to Texas to escape a vampire’s hunt for the girl who killed her lover, Bella comes clean about her hearts unfaithfulness on an unsettling summer morning, in front of God and everybody.
fic type: oneshot, no explicit scenes
warnings: religious guilt, Bella’s weird brand of horny, cheating on Edward, oh and Alice just doesn’t exist— don’t think about it too hard
There was this openness in the air, something stirring from the west, saturating the cotton fields. A yellow eyed barn cat stood still in the morning light, it’s black coat shifting with the bite of ghostly mice. Whiskers twitching. 
It was watching her, she was sure of it, like the pecan trees and the paddock mud and the mosquitoes. All beady-eyed and searching the brown haired girl, the one with crooked ankles and misaligned bangs that just barely kissed her cheeks in the late summer sun. She looked home grown. Wheat wild. A child of desert planes. And most importantly, she looked lost. 
“I thought you’d still be sleeping by now.” A hushed baritone slipped from the screen door, it’s owner donned in dark royal denim and loose leather. 
If it had been just months before, Bella would’ve rolled her eyes. 
But she was different now. As different as Washington was to Texas. As different as evergreens were to red oak. She swore even the sweat didn’t smell right. 
“Wanted to catch the sunrise.” There was a softness to her front teeth, the round of her molars quiet against one another. To whose ears she was catering to she didn’t know. And to be honest, she didn’t quite care anymore. 
Bella made out a lazy nod from her peripheral, the shaggy haired man seemingly relaxed out here on the front porch of her judgement day, all tan and tall and scented like rolled tobacco. 
Shut up, stupid girl. 
Jasper murmured out a response, something about humans needing sleep and southern sunrises being worthy enough to diminish the former from its place on his immortal pedestal. There was a creak and a groan from the haint green floorboards underneath her before she found herself shoulder to shoulder with the two hundred year old soldier; a stray wind had blown through the shaved baby blond hair lining his chin in the slightest of ways. There was a caution light screaming out from his stature and the brunette girl had the painful urge to swallow it under her teeth and tongue. Soak it in holy water and hide it in her skin for him to find. Or rather, Him, if this stay was going to end like she thought it ought to. 
He couldn’t feel that… could he? Stupid, stupid—
“The marigolds should be blooming about now, just west of the barn. They’re quite a bit prettier than Peter’s fields.” There was something off in the lit of his tongue, the way it flipped and rolled off his teeth. It came out… wrong. Forced. Like he was trying to be overtly kind. The way you talk to a frightened rabbit you clipped with the lawn mower. 
Bella frowned something deep and turned nose at Jasper. “Why did you bring me here, Hale?” 
With the question came a wince to his brow, a noticeable blow to his stature. He seemed to fold ever so slightly towards the young girl. 
“Don’t— don’t call me that.” 
Silence filled the unwalled prison of the porch like nothing else, the birds and wind seemingly gone to rest whenever the two entered into each other's space. Like worldly magnets, chess pieces that threw blows instead of diagonals. The quiet held them both. It held them together. 
Bella Swan blinked slowly in an unknown apology before settling back on the blond with the stone facade. She waited for him to continue. 
He sighed. “It’s safer here. Victoria wouldn’t come this far south without encountering things far worse than the likes of Emmett or Rose.” 
“But this wasn’t Edward’s plan, was it?” Bella’s lashes were like rodeo announcers with their back and forth turns to the outlook of western Texas. 
Jasper looked every bit of his one hundred fifty years as he laid a freezing hand on hers, their knuckles slotting together with unpracticed ease. “No. But it’s mine. And you’re gonna have to accept that.” 
She refused to nod at the man with the thigh clenching, hard work mending, touch, for more than a second. She was far from the type of girl that would lay down and let the boys run out their wildest stupidities on her seemingly catastrophic life, but she felt almost resigned in Jasper's hands. There was a calmness between them she couldn’t place as artificial or not, the soft wool of contentedness slowly covering the surveyor-ship she felt stepping outside this morning. The stares of the flora and fauna turned internal. Fire burned in the pit of her stomach, on the nape of her neck, across the fragile skin of her cheeks where freckles started to show, and mostly, on the warming flesh of her hand where their hands met gently. 
Maybe it was Edward looking onto them from a frozen forest hundreds of miles from here as he hunted a scarlet monster, discovering the hidden plumpness swirling around in his lover's chest for the brother he always worried about, but for all the wrong reasons. 
Or maybe… 
“Jasper, can I ask you something?” 
His eyes were like serpents, glowing yellow under the copper wind chimes above them. 
“Whatever you wish, Isabella.” 
Swallow. Breathe. “When you were human… did you believe in God?” 
A pause sliced the air in two. The cotton plants seemed to stop swaying. The feline vanished. A golden eyebrow fell to his browbone. 
“Yes, Isabella. Yes I did.” His face was drawn, distant, like an old time movie screen was playing out on his stone eyelids. 
Bella’s lips pulled at themselves with her front teeth. “Do you think He’s vengeful?” 
Their eye contact sealed itself, his hand moving on its own accord up her hand to her wrist, cradling the small, delicate bones that allowed her to touch him— but not now. Not ever again. 
“When I was a boy, my mama took me to church every Sunday at seven A.M sharp, and sent me to Sunday school after the service. I was the oldest, even then, and I had more responsibilities than just listening to the preacher ramble on about divinity and charity and sacrifice.”
Jasper's face was taught with memory. 
“I had two baby sisters by the time I turned seven and they were the number one priority, you have to understand, Isabella. Ada and Caroline couldn’t have been older than three when the Leroy boy died sitting in the pew behind us… poor child got heatstroke in his wool britches and after that I started dressing the girls in the lightest things I could find and never waited long after the sermon to get back.” 
Bella turned stormy under the weight of the seemingly young man's words, her eyes dropping from his own to study the way his fingers wrapped around her skin like a life jacket, one part caregiver and one part destroyer. Jasper's own hands seemed to start to tremor just slightly under her stare, or maybe it was from the wash of his own words. 
He took a breath he didn’t need. “But. I started listening when my mother got sick, before the girls finished schooling. Started praying. A part of me was guilty that I hadn’t started before I needed something, that the reason I spoke to Him was for a favor, and a big one at that. I was making up for lost time, I thought. I was begging on my knees for anything. And I didn’t get it.
“They buried an empty coffin with my name on it under a white wooden cross after the army said I went missing. Caroline would plant violets around it in the spring, weed out the planters and start again in the fall. She’d leave me communion wafers in our family pew and have Ada try to talk with me through the minister.” 
“I’m so sorry.” A true sadness settled in her bones, her seemingly selfish desire to have the question answered sat like a heavy stone in the out of her stomach. Her heart held out a warm woolen space for him and she silently begged he would sit in it, for his own sake. 
He waved her off and took on a slight smile, something she had never seen from Jasper. Not in any capacity before that very moment. 
She decided she would try to see it every chance she got for as long as he’d let her. 
“I wasn’t a man of religious structure, Isabella, but. I was a man of faith. The small times I was allowed to watch over my sisters only reminded me of that, no matter how far down to hell I had reached, I still had faith in redemption.” 
His teeth clicked together not unpleasantly. “But I haven’t answered your question have I?” There was a knowing-ness in his voice box and Bella wanted to drink it down like communion wine. She smiled back slightly. 
He was beautiful when he sighed. 
“I’ve done horrible things. Killed innocent people. Slaughtered children and mothers and lambs of God. I have worn blood on my hands like a second skin and not once during any of it did I feel remorse. But darlin,” his lashes fluttered like leaves, “not once did I think God wanted me to hate myself for what I had done. I think… He forgave me a long time ago, before I ever forgave myself. So no. I don’t believe in my brother’s vengeful punisher. Not today. Not in this lifetime.“ She’d never hear the ‘not with you’ fragment he had stuck in his mind.  
She had to step back from him then, the vampire who had become all consuming to her chest and her heart and her fingers. The air was warmer in the space behind him but it almost didn’t matter, the warmth layering her skin was enough to burn through an air conditioning unit anyway. Bella’s hands found clumsy solace in her back pockets as she stared ahead at the rows of painful cotton buds waiting to be harvested. The blood almost pulled to her fingertips. 
Teeth and lips found each other. “I don’t think I’m not going to get punished for this.”
Her words were concrete. Cement. Blacktop on a Kansas back road. They could’ve cut glass if she wanted them to. They almost did as he looked at her. 
“For what, Isabella?” 
Knowing bastard. Always. Knowing. 
No trembling allowed now. 
“For wanting you when Edwards away. When he’s in the same room as us. When he’s hunting the woman who's trying to kill me and you’re just standing there telling me not to be afraid of my own horrible heart… for betraying everything I’ve begged for since me and your brother met. I deserve to get punished for this, don’t I? Don’t you think?” 
She was sweating now, cold droplets running down her back to her the soft slope of her ass. Her knuckles were popping against each other like fireworks and she thought she might faint right then and there, MONSTER written across her forehead in a bruise from the impact. 
A scarred hand felt itself into its place under Bella’s chin and forced her rocking skull to finally glimpse the face she had been thinking of every moment she pulled her eyes away. Jasper Hal— Whitlock? And his clear midnight pupils branding her soul in a sinner’s blush. His lips formed a wonderful crook as he slowly pushed her flat against the ancient siding of the old farmhouse belonging to his long standing brother who looked like everything Jasper was except for his spirit. 
She could die this way and she would face God with a smile. 
“What I feel for you deserves no punishment darlin, but if you insist, I think I’d rather do the punishing than any divine power.” 
His lips were light rosy steel against Bella’s own as the clouds started to stretch out infinitely behind his back, unnoticed by the interlocked couple in their wake. A soft moan escaped as felt the soft chill of a crucifix digging into her neck. 
Maybe God would forgive her for this. Just once.
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lxvvyval · 3 years
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TWILIGHT SAGA: Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.
—And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
—What a stupid lamb.
—What a sick, masochistic lion.
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