#stupid fucking caption im sorry
b0gb0d · 14 days
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And now i know how joan of arc felt
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53v3nfrn5 · 23 days
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Assortment of mixed generations of the apple ipod shuffles + nanos in clusters of like-colors.
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heartorbit · 5 months
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just how can i protect your smile?
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plulp · 9 months
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dog-ending · 2 years
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eee-lordy · 5 months
Hiiii! Can you write about jacob elordi x fem reader who is in charge of the makeup and outfits on saltburn or elvis?
Maybe there is a video going viral where he is looking at her (WITH THOSE PUPPY DOG EYES HAHSHAJDVDSJ IM GONNA EAT HIM) while she is doing his make up and she is clueless, yk those videos where the music is lana del rey and the caption is like "me when im literaly obsessed with her" or "when hes completely in love with u>>>>>"
And when that goes viral, the cast teases him and they go on a date?
Idk i think its cute :3
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You were never one to get star struck. In the year and a half you'd been professionally applying makeup to the mugs of many stars, you'd been unfazed by celebrities captivating auras. You hardly blushed when Chris Pine tried asking you out as he sat in your makeup chair. You'd laughed in understandable assurance as Billie Eilish apologized for almost knocking your powder kit from your grasp; when her brother burst in the room to surprise her. You saw your clients as just that, people who trusted you to properly apply blush and fake scars.
But all the composure you'd been proud to claim went out the window when you'd been assigned to work with the cast of Sofia Coppola new film. You hadn't expected to lose your cool. In fact, you'd been rolling your eyes as the hair stylist that shared your caravan had droned on and on about this new Elordi fellow and how dreamy he was. Some of the other workers in the hair and makeup department parroted her yearning for the guy. But you were certain you'd remain calm and cool in this supposed deities presence.
And then he sat down in your chair. And he looked up to you with an intriguing set of droopy dark eyes. And you knew Jacob Elordi was about to be a real problem for you.
It wasn't his fame. You weren't swept up by his essence because of the collective crowd on the internet drooling over the guy. It wasn't even his magnetism. Because he did have a lot of that, you wavered it was necessary to survive fame. But it was more the way he would look up at you from that make up chair. With those dumb stupid big beautiful eyes.  And his smile that followed. And then the infuriating way he'd start conversations with you, those first few days on set.
"What'd you have for breakfast this morning?" Jacob would wonder, watching as you readied a sponge. You would answer and ask for his in return. He would mention stopping by a cafe earlier and go on to ask you where you grew up and if you liked it there and what the best book you've ever read was called. 
"You've got to stop chatting away, makes it hard to do your touch up's." You'd smile, reaching out to adjust Jacobs perfect fucking face so you could work on his brows. 
"Sorry." He breathed out, seemingly genuinely guilty. He went on explaining himself still, slowly as you continued to do your job. "Don't like awkward silence. Or bullshit small talk. Getting to know you seemed like the safest route. Since you'll be covering the dark circles under my eye's this whole shoot."
You laughed in understanding before announcing that you got it, and waved over the hairdresser on site today. 
"Wait, before you go, that book you mentioned..." Jacob pointed your way as you turned for closing up your kit of brushes. Then you watched as the guy wrestled his cellphone from his jacket pocket. "Here," Jacob said, extending the device your way. "Write the title in my notes app. I will forget, but I don't want too. It sounded properly readable."
"Oh." You turned your lips down in a twisted grin of surprise. As you took the device from Jacob's grasp, you felt a surge of gratification that the guy trusted you enough with his phone let alone wanted to read a book you mention not having read since uni. 
Not missing the way the hairdresser rolled her eyes, you grinned and found Jacobs notes app with ease, straining not to glance beyond your means. With the press of a few buttons you wrote down the title, and fought off the impulsive urge to include your very own phone number as well. That would be embarrassing, knowing full well this man would never call or text or probably even dare to glance your way beyond the makeup chair. 
The next few weeks went by the same. Jacob would yammer away until you almost had to hold his mouth shut to finish his makeup. And you would fill the silence by telling stories of your own, because he'd mentioned he wasn't fond of silence and you knew your job went beyond applying lip liner, it was also to keep celebrities happy as royalty.
And all the while you blinked away thoughts of how funny he was. How beautiful Jacob was. You wouldn't let yourself realize he was exactly your type. You wouldn't let yourself dream that you might be his. You simply relished the times you made him laugh. Once you made him laugh so hard he cried, tear tracks ruining the powder you'd only just applied. 
The hairdresser who was the leader of fawning over Jacob as soon as he left the room had taken to frowning in your direction most days. You reckoned it was because she'd never been able to make him laugh that hard, or at all, ever. And the stories she told him when he asked her to seemed to lose his interest halfway through every time. Try as Jacob might, you saw his eyes glaze over as the hairstylist droned on about her retirement plan or the grocery list she'd put together that day.
After acknowledging her sorry excuse for conversation Jacob would stop you from packing up and heading to lunch so he could ask you for more books to read, more films to watch, more stories from you. Then his assistant would interrupt, or he'd be called to set and you'd be left to head to the craft table with dangerous feelings of lust and intrigue to push away. You would not let this boy break you of your career long streak of professionalism, damn it.
One night, in the middle of a week break from set, you spent an evening scrolling mindlessly. When a tiktok with Jacob's name in the tags popped up, you scrolled away at the speed of light. You didn't let yourself linger too long on posts with him there, not wanting to know anything good bad or otherwise so long as you were assigned to work with him on this project. But it wasn't long before another tiktok popped up featuring the guy in a very familiar setting. He was too famous at this point. You watched as you saw leaked footage from behind the scenes of Priscilla, but weren't too shocked. The stars of the film were occasionally being interviewed by publicists between takes to document their experience, beginning to promote the film.
And maybe you let yourself keep watching out of a sense of entitlement, you'd been working on this set. You could watch a video of Jacob from work, right? You couldn't tear your eyes from him no matter how hard you tried now anyway. You watched as the person holding the camera zoomed in on the guy while he adjusted his suit jacket. You watched as he seemed to talk to the costars at his side. You watched as he looked up and smiled. And you couldn't help but melt a little at the sight, he seemed so happy, so at ease. And then you watched as Jacob's grin widened as he waved someone closer. And much to your horror, you saw yourself step into frame. 
You remembered that day, where you waited on the side lines to fix Cailee's eyeliner. While the director was storming up a new camera angle, Jacob waved you over to mention the last chapter of your favorite book he'd almost finished reading. He was laughing over a bit that you'd warned him about the week before. And you were laughing over how excited he was about it, finally having someone to gush over your favorite plot with.
Now, huddled beneath the blankets of your bed, you slammed your phone down at your side, bewildered to know someone had caught your interaction on camera. Raddled to have just seen Jacob lighting up at the sight of you. Angry at yourself for hopping you'd read his body language in a way that suggested he really liked you that much.
When you picked your phone back up, you watched the candid moment over and over, trying to debunk Jacob's smile. Trying to convince yourself he was only being friendly, only cared because he had to find someone to mingle with during down beats. 
And then you read the comments. 
"If Jacob smiled at me like that, I would die."
"Imagine making him laugh like that she's so lucky."
"Who is she??" One comment read. "Her last name will be Elordi if he hasn't married her already, calling it." Someone replied.
You shouldn't have read the comments.
When you were due back on set you swallowed away the excitement bubbling up in you at the prospect of seeing Jacob again. This was so unlike you, to be awaiting the arrival of your client with an embarrassing giddiness. As you reminded yourself that this was your job and Jacob was simply a guest in your makeup chair- the man himself eased into the caravan, ready to get ready for the day.
"Hey, you! I had a bunch of points earned up to get two free coffees so I brought you one. I remember you said you like almond milk so I asked for that." Jacob was all smiles as he extended a latte to you. Awe fuck. 
"Thank you, Jacob." You struggled not to sigh with angst as you accepted his very generous surprise. Luckily, he seemed none the wiser that you'd answered through gritted teeth. He just kept smiling as he headed to your chair.
"Oh, me first today lovie. Need to start your dye straight off, you're little makeup girlfriend will have to wait." The hairdresser announced, daring to grab Jacob by his sleeve, yanking him toward her end of the trailer. The other workers around rolled their eyes, sick of her endless commentary. You bit your tongue as you leaned against the counter, shaking your head when a coworker scoffed in the hairdresser's direction. Luckily, Cailee waltz in, ready for you before anyone else. You thanked God for the distraction, readying your brow pencil and chatted to the girl about her break from set. 
All the while, your least favorite coworkers voice demanded to be the loudest in the room. She made everyone listen to some boring ass story and practically whinnied when Jacob got up to trade Cailee places. 
"No offence, you're fine and all, just don't have hair as silky smooth as Jacob's." The hairdresser told Cailee but made sure her comment was loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh wait, silly me," 
As Jacob settled in the makeup chair and began to ask if the drink he'd brought you was good, the hairdresser of your nightmares shoved her way between you and the person you were meant to be working on. 
"I left of a bobby pin, how'd I forget," She droned in an annoying pitch, nearly shoving you over in her attempt to get closer to Jacob. 
"Can you please get out of my space?" You called, annoyed that she was pushing you away from your station without a single polite excuse.
"Can you please stop being such a jealous bitch?" The hairdresser whipped to face you with a manic smile.
"Oh my God?" You almost laughed in shock at her comment when another coworker dared to reach out and pulled her away, and out of the trailer. Another hairdresser apologized to the room for the previous girl's behavior and stepped up to lead charge of Cailee's wig.
With no time to shake the rage that had been born in you, you pushed it down, biting your lip hard as you went about finding the right sponge for Jacob's foundation. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, seemingly worried. And that pissed you off too. Why'd he have to act like he cared so much? Why'd he have to be so damn wonderful?
"I'm fine. Thank you again for the coffee, it...is kind of bitter but it was a really sweet gesture, I swear. Close your eye's please." You responded as calm and cool as possible.
"Bitter... sweet..." Jacob winked, just for you to see. It was the best thing you'd ever witness. And the worst all the same. You were sure you blushed. You tilted his chin and struggling to suppress how much you'd miss when you didn't get to be this close to him. He stayed quiet as you finished his face, and so did you. When his makeup was done, almost everyone else had left the trailer. The last remaining beautician was walking out as you'd closed the case to your kit. 
"I thought you didn't like awkward silence." You dared to mention, as Jacob stood to leave. It wasn't like you'd thought to ask. It was just a thought that ended up blurted out. And then you were bold enough still to look up and right at the guy with those perfectly shaped eyes to find he'd already been staring right at you. 
"S'not so awkward with you."
You really wish he hadn't said that. You really wished you'd never prompted him too. You really wished he wasn't still standing there looking across the features of your face like he was waiting on you to respond. There was a knock on the door just in time, and a voice calling for Jacob to hurry to set. 
"I'll see you after lunch, right?" Jacob wondered as he moved toward the door. You muttered something like "Yeah sure," as you turned to start collecting your things. As far as Jacob knew you were headed to the craft table. But as your feet started marching out of the trailer, you found yourself headed toward the manager of the crew you'd been hired in with. You explained to her that you really thought it was best you turned in your resignation. 
You'd never dared yourself to tread the line during work. Never been so enamored with someone you were meant to be professional with. It wasn't in your best interest to see how far this went. And it wasn't in Jacobs best interest that you kept lingering around distracting him with stories and novel suggestions.
So, on a decided whim, you packed your things, swallowed frustrated tears, and headed home for good.
You let yourself be mad once your front door was shut and locked. You threw away the stupid coffee Jacob bought you. You turned the telly off and tossed the remote toward the hardwood when Euphoria came on. You muttered and cursed and slammed cabinets as you made a carb heavy comfort meal and called your best friend. 
The day went on and turned to night as you tried to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You began getting ready for bed, talking yourself into sleeping off all the weird feelings and events that had transpired today. Tomorrow, you'd find a new job and make sure to decline any with that one awful hairdressers name on the list of beauticians. 
As you sat on the edge of your bed and set a reminder for yourself to job hunt tomorrow afternoon, a notification interrupted your typing. 
Instagram was alerting you that one certain Jacob Elordi was sending you a fucking message. He'd followed you a couple weeks ago, when you handed him your phone to show him a picture of your beloved childhood pet. He scrolled away from it and found your handle to promptly pull up on his very own Instagram, following you with a smile.
Your eyes widened and your thumb worked faster than your brain, clicking the popup before you could talk yourself out of it. Oh, shit now he was going to know you opened his fucking stupid ass message. You really wished you hadn't met this boy. He wasn't even here and he was torturing your every thought. 
"You were NOT there after lunch as promised. Call me? xx"
Before your eyes displayed a row of numbers that if pressed would call Jacob Elordi's cell phone. You tried really hard to talk yourself out of it. But being away from him for the last ten hours had really done a number on your heart. It missed him more than your brain was afraid to admit. Your thumb clicked the numbers. Your phone started to ring. 
After one buzz he answered. 
"I got off set to hear you'd quit and left me to bear that horrid hairdresser without you? Was the coffee really that bad?" Jacob's voice crackled through the line, soft and saccharine. You chuckled morosely at his coffee joke before responding.
"No pleasant greeting. What if it wasn't me calling? What if it was some crazy fan girl?" You dared to venture. 
"Are you saying you're not a fan of mine?"
You wanted to assure him that you were probably his biggest, but sighed in place of a response, struggling to choose your words. 
"What happened? That hairdresser should be fired. You shouldn't've left." Jacob spoke, as you watched the traffic out your window and relished the sound of his voice in your ear. 
"It..." You couldn't help it. You couldn't hide it any longer. "It wasn't really her. I quit because of you, Jacob."
"Me? I- I'm sorry I thought we-" He sounded too worried, and you realized you'd spoken a little too cryptically.
"Not because you did anything wrong." You hurried to explain, interrupting his unnecessary apology. "It's me, not you." 
"Is this a break up? I never even got to ask you on a proper date." He laughed a humorless laugh.
"That's the thing." You said. "I like you way more than I should've ever let myself. It's too unprofessional for me to work with you and have these feelings. I'm sorry, I shouldn't even be telling you this. Everyone treats you like a piece of meat, I hate that I-"
"So... what I'm hearing..." Jacob's voice rose a bit as he interrupted you, catching your attention off guard. "Is that I can actually ask you on a proper date? And this doesn't have to be a break up at all."
"Oh! I- wait are you joking?" You blurted, shocked by the tone of his voice and the fact that it seemed like Jacob Elordi was asking you out. 
"I like you too, dummy. I've been doing my damnedest to make that clear. You know I don't just follow every wardrobe artist on Instagram and bring camera men cafe treats. I used my free coffee on you! I'm so sorry it was no good though." 
"It wasn't the worst coffee ever." You smiled, feeling a calm and hopeful buzz wash over you. 
"Well, let me take you on a proper date, for a proper cup of coffee, and talk you back on set." 
"I can date you, or be your makeup artist, but I will not allow myself to do both. I have a very strict moral compass as a working lady." 
"I'll choose the first option then by a long shot." You could hear Jacob's smile in the tone of his voice. You let him ramble a little longer about the day he'd had and how bad he felt that you'd been moved to quit. He asked you to meet him at the cafe across from the set during lunch tomorrow, and you promised you would in fact show up without a doubt this time. 
Fuck finding a new job tomorrow. You were going on an absolute dream date with Jacob. But you were most definitely ordering your own coffee.
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judeyswife · 4 months
not what i’m looking for. — jude bellingham x reader. II
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genre : angst
word count : 928
note : hii lovies, this is official part two of the series not what im looking for !!! (part one) please let me know of what yall think in the comments! there will be a part 3 guys so don't worry, but it'll probs be a wrap up for this mini series since i want to get started on some other fics too + made a few format changes and writing from author's pov this time -- but thats it! enjoyyy! requests box always open !!
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"i'm sorry"
it's horrendous how fast people switch up. or i'd say men, in this case. it's been roughly about six months since that conversation had happened. it was honestly one of the worst days in your whole life. i mean, yeah you'll get through it. but why? every once in a while you think about what did she have that you didn't.
but this is a topic that hasn't been brought up in about a month. and a certain individual isn't mentioned anymore in your life thank the lord.
you have gone to a beach house near where you live with a few of your best friends, layla, jess, and liv. yall needed this vacation after months of torture. or studying.
they've been with you since day one. truthfully you'd say who needs a relationship when you have your homegirls?
"Y/N, come here right fucking now." -- layla screamed from our room in the house.
you could literally think she had been getting murdered with the way she was screaming honestly.
"oh my god what!"
"whats his name posted a fucking video of missing someone LOOK."
who? jude.
you sit next to her curiously taking her phone from her hands in order for you to take a look at the tiktok she was trying to show you.
( for the sake of the story, jude has tiktok xoxo )
you were shocked. who genuinely who would've though that he'd actually miss us? it didn't even sound right thinking about it.
"maybe it's about her layla" you shrugged getting up to grab your water bottle from her desk.
"are you stupid girl, he's obviously thinking about you, i mean look at his caption." - 'didn't think a situationship could hurt more than an actual relationship' don't be a fool y/n"
liv and jess had entered the room a few minutes ago listening to the conversation making liv enter the conversation.
"ain't no way he has the nerve to do that bullshit on social media"
you stood there listening to them diss jude for about 5 minutes straight. but your lost in your thoughts. i mean, why would he ever miss something he supposedly never had? it's genuinely so draining and confusing.
"guys just drop it, its whatever. lets just go hang out at the hot tub, i really fucking need it"
your friends just looked at one another not saying a single word. they knew better. not to make you sound like a maniac or anything, but they knew how you were with bottling up your feelings. jude was a sensitive topic for you. they didn't want to be the cause of ruining your vacation over some dumb tiktok captions. they simply agreed with you and started getting changed to go out the the hot tub.
it had been a few hours since you last seen your phone and you're now inside getting ready to have dinner with the girls and settling down. so you took these few moments, unlocked your phone and checked out what you had missed.
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you furrowed your eyebrows trying to figure out who this number could possibly belong to. since you and layla are sharing a room for the trip, she was getting ready at her vanity and noticed your confused expression.
"y/n what's up?" -- asking you meanwhile putting a face mask on.
"i don't know, this random number just texted me with my name i'm just hella confused"
"that's weird. ask who it is obviously"
you nodded listening to what she had advised you to do.
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you had this conversation silently without saying a word to layla about who this "mystery person" was. mainly because you wanted to fight your own battles. i mean you basically already had jess and liv involved. not that your mad at them or anything, you know they want what's best for you. clearly they're on team jude. those girls.
"who was it?" layla said getting up from her chair to grab her phone from the charger near her bed. "no one important, they got the wrong number and person" you honestly don't know how she believed you. you hate to admit but you were feeling jittery after having that conversation with jude after so long. even if it was barely a conversation.
you hated that you needed to lie to layla, but you truly believed it was honestly for the best. when you and jude were talking, they knew every single detail about the relationship you had with jude. and by they i mean your friends and his friends. always involved. one of the main issues why miscommunication was lacking horribly in your relationship. so that's why you want a new beginning. not just to "lie" to your friends but to feel the sense of control in your life. even if tomorrow was the last conversation you had with jude, you wanted to keep the moment to yourself.
without saying a word to anyone, you and jude had been chatting it up all night. just a catch up with each other. you guys went from telling every detail of your day to each other, to not saying a single word for months to each other. it felt nice being able to slowly regain that comfort you once had when you guys would text or facetime all night long.
you were honestly praying for the best in tomorrow's conversation, you had no idea what it could lead up to.
but the overthinking was done on your pillow all night long, plus his texts of course.
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juneberrie · 2 years
you always have been
thinking thoughts. *ೃ༄ this is very self indulgent im not sorry <3 btw the formatting is terrible 😭 also this is 1.5k words im so proud of myself its literally the longest fic i've ever written
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
fandom: outerbanks
warnings: swearing, mentions of being drunk, reader kind of pushes jj away, insecure!reader, stressed out!reader, mentions of jj's trash dad, fear of abandonment, sort of a smau? science hw (yes thats a warning science hw sucks), love confession, hurt/comfort <3
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jj's instagram is a mess. it alternates between pictures of random objects, pictures of himself, and pictures of our friends.
lately, all of his pictures have been pictures of him and the pogues at keggers and on the boat. without me.
the most recent one is a blurry shot of him and kie at the boneyard. his hair is dripping wet and kie is holding up a red solo cup, beer sloshing over the side. the caption reads, "my brst girl 😋 ilysn kier.carrera" its so misspelled its obvious hes drunk, even without looking at the picture.
↳ comments
-> jb.wifirouter ong your so drunk. ↳ heywpope its "youre" not "your" 💀 and you're durnk too ↳ sarahcamer0n lmaooo durnk
-> kier.carrera lol ilyt jj 💀 ↳ kier.carrera wsit wring emoji ❤️
i groan and shut my phone off. kie knows i like jj. she's heard me rant about him since eighth grade. its fine, though. i need to focus on school. i get up and silence my phone, putting it into a drawer at my desk before going back to the papers sprawled on my bed.
science isn't my best subject, but i need this extra credit to bring my grade up. and, no pressure at all, this stupid extra credit is due by monday, at its literally sunday night. at least its pretty easy. all i have to do is write an essay about newton's laws and how they function in the "real" world. i sigh and open my textbook to the page on the first law, inertia.
as im scribbling down the beginnings of the paragraph about f=ma, my pencil breaks. well, how fucking dandy. i get up and head to my desk to grab a sharpener, and i pass the mirror next to my door.
i cringe away, then force myself to look back. the girl staring back at me is... not kie. not sarah. she's wearing a big oversized t-shirt she stole from jj and some shorts. her nail polish is chipped and her hair is practically crying for escape from the worn scrunchie.
i tear my gaze away and grab the sharpener. the clock on my desk reads 11:11 pm. i remember something kie said about making wishes at 11:11, so i think, why not give it a try? i squeeze my eyes shut and hope my wish gets to whatever magical star angel being is listening.
after i finish my essay, its 12:23 am. i grab my phone from the drawer and see a flurry of texts and instagram notifications assaulting my lock screen.
i ignore the texts — six from kie and eight from jj — and click open instagram.
my homepage is filled with pictures of the pogues at the kegger they're at. i can't help the pettiness that surges up inside me and i click on jj's most recent story, a video of him, kie, pope, john b, and sarah screaming the lyrics to bohemian rhapsody around a campfire.
you replied to their story
yourinstagram looks like you're having fun :)
i feel slightly terrible, but whatever. every single kegger they've been to this past week, i haven't been invited.
a text notification comes down onto my screen. it's from kie. the preview reads "im soo sorru"
what the hell? i immediately click on the text and i almost start crying.
kie kie ml ♡
bro so dnt be mad but like i accidentally told jj that u liked him
im sorry
answer me please idont want yu to be mad
i dd;t mean to i swaer
y/n?? are you mad??
y/n pleeaas answre
im soo sorru
bro wtf.
ik im sorry but we were playing truuth or dsre and plpe asked if i had acrush on anybody and i sadi no i didn't but ik you did and the n jj asked who and im sorry :)
:(*** SORRY
whatever. go enjoy your kegger.
what the everloving fuck. i specifically told her not to tell anyone, especially jj, and she goes and tells everyone and their mother. i've gotten a flurry of texts from pope, john b, sarah, and other pogues i suppose are at the kegger, all asking me if it's true i like jj. and, speak of the devil, jj himself has been texting me nonstop for the past thirty minutes.
golden retriever lookin' mf 😋
haha kie jus told me the funnist shut
wait is she for real
wait n/n yuo like me
like fr fr?
brp answer me pls
are you asleepo r somethinh 💀
y/n if you dpn't answer rn rn im going ovet to yiur house
shit. jj can't come over right now. i look like a mess, and now im fucking crying. my gaze drifts back over to the mirror; my eyes are red and puffy and tears are streaming down my face and dripping down onto my (jj's) shirt.
golden retriever lookin' mf 😋
jj please dont come over just stay at the kegger and have fun
nooo y/n im already on my wsy so its fine
shit shit shit.
i throw my phone across the room and scream into my bedsheets. the pogues already didn't like me anymore; they had been going out and having fun without for weeks now, and now kie tells jj i like him? my life is fucking falling apart.
a knock at my window wakes me up from whatever sad haze i was trapped in for the last twenty minutes. jj's peering in and he smiles when he meets my gaze. i shake my head and turn away from him.
no bother letting him in, he'll probably just tell me that he doesn't like me back and to never talk to him again.
another knock, persistent, sounds from the window. i sigh and turn back.
i open the window but leave the screen up, so jj can hear me but he can't get in. "go away, j."
"nooo. wait, why are you cryiinggg?" he asks, the booze slurring his words.
"nothing. no reason. go away, please, jj," i say, my voice cracking.
his face softens and he seems to sober up a bit. "n/n, please tell me what's wrong. i hate seeing you sad," he whispers. fuck. i can't, i can't with the fucking blue eyes and the soft looks and the whispers. i open the rest of the window, and jj climbs in.
i crawl under the covers of my bed and face away from jj. i feel the bed dip next to me and he lays a warm hand on my back. its so casual, so domestic, that i want to laugh.
"sunshine, what's wrong? is this about what kie said?" he asks, gently rubbing my back.
the dam breaks. tears start flowing out of my eyes and i started shaking.
"it is about what kie said. i like you, jj, i really like you. no, i- i love you! i love you so much. i've loved you since i first saw you in mrs. williams' science class in eight grade and you laughed when she said that iron was discovered by the hittites. and i know you'll never love me back because— well— look at me! im not like kie, im not like sarah. i'm just... me! and i've been trying to pretend like you guys going to keggers everyday without me isn't a big deal because, hey, i'm swamped with school, even though its fucking intercession. and i knew if i told you, you'd hate me and you'd never talk to me again," i sob into my pillow.
jj is silent for a few seconds, still rubbing my back.
"i love you too, sunshine. i've loved you for the entirety of the time i've known you. and, you're right. you're not kie or sarah, but you're you. that's what i love about you. you are unapologetically yourself. and i'm sorry for not inviting you to the keggers. i just, i knew you were swamped and i know you don't really like parties 'nd drinking and shit. and i just want you to know that im so proud of you, honey, and— jesus, y/n. you're the only one for me. you always have been. you're the person who's been there whenever luke did something shitty to me, you've helped me with my homework, and gosh, dare i say it, you've helped me be a better person."
he chuckles. i feel him press a kiss to the back of my neck and gently bring me towards him so i'm basically in his lap. he wraps his arms around me and lays his head in the crook of my neck. we stay together in a comfortable silence for a few moments.
i sniffle. "i'm sorry, j."
"you're not the one who should be apologizing, sunshine. i love you, so much. i'm sorry if i made you feel like i'd never talk to you again or like you weren't enough; you are enough. you always have been."
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neallo · 1 year
(girl who was supposed to write 3k of vaguely serious pining tonight, or at least some weird smut) so about the furby au...
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uhhh okay im gonna TRY to come up with some additional thoughts since i am going to the trouble of making this post. i guess one question is— does mello RESPOND to the emails??? probably. he loves to be mad about stuff and he hates not being heard when he's mad about stuff. so like. initially he's just replying to the emails from matt with “i hate that stupid fucking furby” and “how much money do i have to give you to set it on fire, or at least stop emailing me” but when matt points out that mello could just auto sort the emails to spam mello pretends as if he doesn't see that one. eventually, as mello's responses become marginally less hostile, matt is like 😌 it's time to up the ante. and begins including his Fun Near Facts. these include but are not limited to:
- he took college level differential equations when he was 14! 🤓 (mello response: okay, so he's a loser??)
- he's not a loser he's REALLY cool (note: matt loves to lie. or he actually has an unrealistically kind view of near's swag levels) (mello does not dignify this with a reply)
- he loves talking about math! don't worry though it's really easy to tune it out and he doesn't really care if you're not listening (mello response: i don't know why i would need to know that.)
- one time he saved me from drowning 😳 (note: matt also loves to embellish. near “saved him from drowning” by telling matt to not try his luck at jumping over a river, which wasn't actually even deep enough for him to drown in)
uuhhhhh okay running out of matt's fun facts about near BUT. the point is that he is wingmanning so hard. i guess another question is whether or not near picks up on the fact that matt is regularly taking candid photos of him? my thought is no. i could see near being sort of a space cadet in this respect tbh; if he's absorbed enough in something he tunes everything else out)
hmm. genuinely running out of steam so lemme just jot down a few more ideas and then someday maybe i will add more when more comes to me.
- near: lives in... actually, fuck it, NOT new york. he and matt room together in minneapolis. near is in a PhD program for math— either complex analysis or topography. idk. something. matt is a programmer of some kind bc i am not creative.
- mello: i think i already said but he lives in LA, works for the mob. probably isn't really that Into It but he got in when he was pretty young and it's not like he has a lot of other options at this point? i imagine it isn't something he spends a lot of time angsting over but he's probably kinda unfulfilled.
OH okay sorry i got an idea. these stupid emails from matt go on for a few months, with mello gradually responding in very slightly less mean ways & occasionally asking questions,,, and then one day the Daily Near Email comes through and it's a picture of near somewhere in LA. probably griffith's observatory actually. and matt (knowing full well from mello's social media that he lives in Los Angeles) captions the image something like “where did you say you lived again??? 🤔”
okay now i'm REALLY out of ideas. not sure how the fact that mello has barely Actually spoken to near would be resolved!! thanks for listening to the Morgan Being Deranged podcast, tune in next time for another incredibly niche stupid idea 🥰
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 9
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Frank Castle from Marvel's Punisher Bottom Gif: Billy Hargrove from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: 17-18 | female reader
Characters Mentioned: Frank Castle (MCU), Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake (MCU), Khonshu (MCU), Matt Murdock (MCU, Briefly), Loki Layfeyson (MCU Briefly), Thor Odinson (MCU, Briefly), Steve Harrington (ST) Billy Hargrove (ST), Dustin Henderson (ST), Mike Wheeler (ST), Nancy Wheeler (ST), Eddie Munson (ST), Joyce Byers (ST), Will Byers (ST), Lucas Sinclair (ST), Max Mayfeild (ST), Dart (ST)
A/n: sorry for the gap I've been sewing, also Y/n gets arrested- and we gettin into the real stuff now
Warnings: mentions of how a body decays in water (blisters and skin discoloration, not heavy detail), Y/n smoking le gasp,
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You woke up the next morning: not in your bed
But in Steves
Que the mini panic attack and then the sighing as you were fully dressed
"Mhm..morin.." steve streched.
"Morin." Y/n spoke softly, "Did I wake you?"
"No..no. what time is it?" He asked looking besides him, "Shit!"
You see it now. The reason why Frank was okay with you staying over
He know you wouldnt get up in time
He tricked you.
Good trick to be honest
You both rushed to get ready he grabbing one of your band tees and you grabbing one of his shirts
But fuck your too late to rechange so you both just go like that and rush off to school
Luckily you made it by the hair of your neck
"Hey Hargrove-"
"What the fuck are you wearing?"
"What?" Y/n asked leaning against the wall the teacher late to class.
"You look like your going to the country club." He argued.
"Yeah." Y/n mummbled leaning in to his ear, " it's Steve's"
"Im gonna beat the shit out of you swear." He sighed, the threat empty but still cut his point across
"Could you really though- Ow-"
He pinched her arm, she pinching him back starting a pinching war as she rushed down the hallway.
"You're dead Castilgonie!" He laughed chasing after her.
She turns around running backwards, "In your dreams Hargrove-"
"Watch out!"
She turned around seeing two janitors carring a long ladder, and with ease she jumped over it. Turning to Billy and flipping him off before the bell rang and running to class.
Nancy sat next to you that class.
"Yeah..." she complained rubbing her head, "God Im never drinking again. Probally did somethin stupid too- uh- Mike says thanks again."
"Oh yeah no problem."
You have no idea was your only thought as you took notes
You didnt push it though, You were with Steve still instead of Nancy
That had to mean something.
She ended up almost falling asleep that class and you felt bad enough to give her some motrion for her head
She thanked you profoundly especially when it kicked in pretty fast
"I wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping." Nancy recommended, "Together."
"Chlothes." Nancy spoke, "Maybe look for dress for the winter formal."
"Winter...Formal?" Y/n questioned.
"Yeah. A dance."
"Oh. Oh no." Y/n responded, "Im not a dancer...or a party goer I've learned."
"Yeah then what are you gonna do?"
Y/n shrugged, "maybe hang out with my old man."
"Ugh." Nancy groaned.
"What? I thought you liked my dad."
"Oh! No! I do." Nancy started, "But I swear. My mom's been obsessed alway asking my dad "hows frank" "hows frank been" "did you see frank at all today invite him for dinner next time."
"Oh. She did steal the seat next to him at dinner." Y/n responded.
You were quiet after that, listening to Nancy talk about dresses for the dance
You were having super mixed feelings on even sitting next to her at the moment.
Like nothing had happened yesterday
Luckily class ended and you were home free
Well almost. So you thought
You had gone to your next class, sitting next to Eddie Munson.
"Castiglione, Castiglione." He laughed walking towards her.
"Whats up freak?" Y/n questioned.
"Ouch! Stabbed in the heart!" He complained as she side eyed him, and went back to her notebook.
"Okay! Okay!" He started pulling his chair out and sitting down, yet it was more of a squat as he hugged his legs for support, "Friday."
"Friday?" Y/n asked.
"Ya know!" He spoke enthuastically as Y/n shrugged.
Eddie groaned and sat down fully, "You know. The-"
He grabbed his face and opened his mouth head on the table facing upward pencil hanging over him by his own hand.
"Im sorry! Im sorry!" He acted out, "You're not loud enough!"
"What about it-"
"Dude you seriously dont know?" He asked Y/n shrugging.
"Have you not been to your locker?"
"No." Y/n spoke, "Why?"
He said you had to "see it to believe it"
Okay? Odd
He took you to your locker after class
You already knew where it was
But you let him drag your ass anyhow, and he covered your eyes
"Your still big talk of the school. Surpising how stupid those teachers are." Eddie informed setting her infront of the locker hands still over her eyes.
"Okay. And?-"
Y/n quickly shut up when the light invaded her eyes causing her to squint and block her eyes.
"Looks like you've got a few admirers." He chuckled Y/n looking at her locker covered in ink. Paper hanging out of the grate as if it had been stuffed.
Y/n leaned in, "huh. Seems like Im not the only ones those girls were fucking with."
"That ones mine." He spoke pointing out his, a little devil character scribbled with a "bad ass fuck."in red ink.
"Nice touch Munson." Y/n spoke opening her locker
Notes flying out in thanks and praise.
"You're popular-"
Thats not the voice of Eddie.
Y/n turned her head, "What the fuck are you doing here?" She complained to the man in a hoodie.
"Aw and I thought you were dating prince of hair." Eddie teased y/n glaring at him.
"How about this." Y/n told him handing him a bill, "You go. Buy use some soda."
"This is five dollars."
"Have fun with the change."
"Dont mind if I do."
Y/n sighed as she looked around for Billy and Steve, they no where to be seen.
"Marc. You have to leave- You can not be here-"
"Come on-"
He pulled you along, all the way out the school almost.
You kept telling him you cant though, you're busy
He laughs at you
But then sees your being Serious
"Look. There's something here in Hawkins." He spoke.
"Okay. No." Y/n argued walked back towards school.
"Y/n!" Marc called going after her she walking through the halls, "Y/n. Listen-"
"Im not listening-" y/n argued seeing Eddie picking up notes from Y/n's open locker two cans of soda stuffed in his pockets.
"Y/n. Listen to me-"
He grabbed her arm before she turn around, "Watch what you do next very carefully." She threatened.
"You have to understand." Marc argued, "something is going on here-"
"What because Khonshu told you?"
"The mortal isnt as stupid as I assumed."
"Shut up." Marc grummbled turning his head slightly.
"He's here. Isnt he?" Y/n argued, "unfuckin believeable."
"Look." Marc took her attention back, "I need you to listen- we need the Midnight Sons again."
"You don't get it." Y/n argued, "Im. Happy here! I have a boyfriend, I have a best friend. I have normal teenage problems. My dad's got a girlfriend, he's happy, and finally mellowing out- im worried about boyfriends and dresses and some shit called the Winter Ball."
"Like a Snowball? It's barely past October. And your worried about making Snowballs-"
"No- Not the point!" Y/n argued, "My point it. We're done."
"Im calling the shots on this one Marc. Go home. Go to Llaya. Go. Have a kid. Go be happy."
"Is this what makes you Happy? Living the same god damn day? When you-"
"Yes." Y/n argued, "It is. Makes me very happy."
She pulled her arm away from him, "Say Hi to Steven and Jake for me. Also. Fuck you Khonshu you skinny ass pigeon."
He watched you walk away and back to Eddie who handed you a soda you smiling at him
Oh god Marc is so fucked without help
You try and just go about your day, talking with Billy, trying to not to talk to Nancy
But something just. Bothers you as you sit down at the usual spot.
"Are. Are you okay?"
Y/n looks up seeing Johnathan, "Yeah. Yeah...just. ya know."
"Yeah. I get it." Johnathan spoke, "Can I uh? Sit here?"
He sits down across from her "anything...werid? Ever happen in Hawkins?"
He shurgged, "missing kid. You know turns out just at a friends house, biggest thing was probally a truck tipping over that was filled with tomatoes. Wasnt that big of a truck."
Y/n nodded, "yeah."
You're quiet the rest of lunch and the rest of the day.
You're even off in PE something you tend to push hard in
But you play it off and just continue on
Steve tries to ask you if your are okay
Even pulls you into the bathroom to talk but you shrug and told him you're just tired
You just end up skipping school grabbing her bag from Steve's car and heading to the middle school.
When you get there you ask around. Some kids looking up to you some kids horrified of you, a Highschool student in front of them
"Dustin Henderson?" The boy asked, the girls trying not to laugh behind him.
"He has his stupid little Freak club in the janitor closet."
"Hm." Y/n spoke walking off, "Oh! And Kid! Watch who you bully. Or I will be a problem."
His friends ooohed as he pushed them and you walked to find this closet
You were lucky to find it and open the door.
"Well damn- calm down its me." Y/n protested the kids sighing as Will and Mike pulled her in Mike closing the door behind them and locking the door.
"Whatever you say! You cant tell anyone about even being here!" Mike probbed her.
"What? Here One of you left-"
"No one!" Mike argued.
"Okay. Okay...jesus. whats wrong with you all." Y/n argued setting the coustume piece on the table.
"She can handle it." Max spoke, "I know she can."
Why did she say that? Because if this freaky thing became a monster, you could handle it
After all you also knew two gods and a huge rock monster if things got so bad.
So with some convincing Dustin shows you
But This unknown species of animal looks up at you and screeches as if your going to kill it
Well 'Dart' hates you
And Dustin kinda agrees with that conclusion, that dart hates you
You could honestly care less
"You have fun with that." Y/n spoke, the bell ringing as they quickly grabbed there things.
"What are you doing her anyway?" Will asked.
"Havin...a day." Y/n responded, "in a sense...how are you?"
Will nodded, "yeah...Im okay."
"anyone bothering you?"
"No." Will spoke, "just...tired."
Y/n nodded, ruffling his hair, "I'll see you around then."
Will nodded one last time before Y/n left.
You went back to the high school, seeing Billy skipping and smoking in his car
You walked over, scaring him in fact as your hand hit the top of his car.
"Fuck!" Billy agrued, "You do that too fuckin much-"
He stopped seeing her expression, "What's wrong with you?"
"Are you skipping for the rest of the day?"
"Yeah- why?"
"Take me to the libary?"
"Im skipping to get away from books. Not to go back to a building with more-"
He sighed, "Yeah get in. And don't slam your hands on the top of my car."
He took you to the library as you asked, and gave you a cigarette as you had asked.
He barely got to ask you what you were doing at the library before you run in
You asked for the old newspaper slides as the lady told you the microfilm reader was in the back
You spent your time going through older newspaper slides, anytime before you got to Hawkins
Nothing too important, except Will along with some other girl named Barb Going Missing
And Will turning up dead, and then alive
And no one finding Barb
not to mention a whole lab is mentioned
You go to recent papers and look to see Thor's even been Mentions "Big time hero visits Hawkins"
Not to mention you also pick up physical copies of the recent newspapers.
Oh. Fuck shit is happening in Hawkins
Taking notes taking notes taking fucking hella notes
You get out of the library, just to be carrying hella books
"What the hell." Billy aspirated.
"Look," Y/n defended, "I need to go home."
"What you need is a fucking mental doctor." Billy argued, grabbing one of the books, "History of Hawkins? Hawkins News Papers- And fucking national phenomenon, gardening What's going on with you?"
"Just take me home and I'll explain it."
He sighs and does as you ask, and as you explain it on the car ride back: he could really give less than one fuck.
He doesn't understand why one kid going missing can be linked to dead pumpkins.
"Okay, so some lab dumped chemicals in some water!" Billy argued. "and some shithead kid went missing-"
"No Billy, you don't get it, Hawkins farms is well water! Not Quarry water! Most farms in Hawkins run on aquifers! Matt was right, why would Pumpkins rot in their most popular time of year? How did they accidentally mix up Will Byers with a different Kid, There aren't many kids in Hawkins."
"So the kid's face was fucked up when they found him-"
"Water slows down the decaying process, the skin may blister and turn colors, but he would still be completely intact, easy to recognize."
"And this has to do what with Pumpkins and national phenomenon?"
"Pumpkins dying in such mass around the fall season? Sure you lose ten there twenty here, but multiple farms practically going up in flames because their harvests are gone. There are old families that run these farms. Sure competition is rough, but rotting pumpkins? In such mass? It makes it a National Pheunonom. So I was thinking, Maybe Thor fucked up our atmosphere- He's never done that- Loki poisoned the wells? Still, he's fucked up but not that bad- well I take it back, It's not flashy enough for him. Looking at the gardening book, this can't possibly happen within the time span that it is." Y/n informed.
"And that means..." Billy tried to put some things together, "That the lab that they closed...what? Did something to the air or some shit? In the past they did something to Byers and that Barbara chick and now they're back at it?"
"Not possible, they closed it forced to shut down-"
"Unless they didn't," Billy told, "You've dealt with secret agencies and crap before, is it that hard to believe there in secret?"
Billy had made a good point.
The Hawkin's lab was meant to be closed and left to rot after Will Byers and Barb's disappearance
He helped you with all your books and crap to go inside, Frank luckily not home
You spent the rest of the day scowering through pages, constantly, notes after notes, easier to be pinned to the wall than anything else
Billy had helped here and there looking through a gardening book.
"Here" He started, "Blight fungui can kill up to a large farm within Weeks."
"Too weak." Y/n explained.
"What about. Local dumbass reads to far into everything disease." He questioned.
"Haha very funny."
Still despite how crazy you seem and how confused especially, he still stays to read every news paper clipping and book three times over.
He actually just ends up spending the night, accidently falling asleep leaning against the wall as he sat on your bed and you at your desk.
The next day you both wake up mid afternoon, skipping school once again as he takes you to the library
He rather just wait in the car, you're better at resources and he at helping you just scan over it again
But when push comes to shove, the world just comes to push you off a cliff
You rushed out of the library just to find Hopper arresting Billy
"Damn it! I don't know her!" Billy argued.
"Come on Kid. Lieing to a cop? Gonna put you in jail just like your old man-"
"Hey! Hey!" Y/n shouted, catching Hopper's attention.
"Don't know her huh?" Hopper asked.
"What the fuck are you doing-"
"Im gonna give you an option. I arrest you. Or I arrest him." Hopper threated.
"Fuck you man!" Billy shouted.
"Billy." Y/n stopped him causing the blonde to roll his eyes, "Wanna tell me for what? Before you ruin my track record."
"Breaking and entering to the Hargrove Household and assult of Neil Hargrove-"
"Oh fuck-"
You were pushed onto the car and hands forced behind your back, as he cuffed you, you even complained about his was being unnecessarily rough as he dragged you to his car
Yet he didnt telling you your rights, and your arguing with him about it just for him to contuine to stuff you in the back and get in the driver seat and drive off.
You're silent trying to pick the lock with a pin from your back pocket.
What? Your always ready.
He pulls into the woods
Excuse me?
The middle of the woods? Deep in too as he turns around
"I suggest you choose your next words very carefully." Y/n threatened with a sharp glare.
"What do you know?" He asked.
Y/n's eyebrows knitted, "what?"
"It asked for you. What do you know?"
"What the fuck." Y/n argued, "Let me out!"
"Shut up!" He shouted angered and seemingly in a rush as he sighed, "Listen. You know Will-"
"Will? Will Byers?" Y/n asked, "what Happened to Will."
"Did he say anything to you? Anything important."
"He has bad nightmares?" Y/n asked, "plays dungeons and dragons? Likes Ghost Busters too much for a normal kid?"
"Why did it ask for you!"
"What!?" Y/n argued, "What asked for Me!? Hello!? Did Will ask for me?!"
And then he drove off as you keep shouting at him asking him what the fuck is going on
He takes you out the car and forces you inside a house.
Just to seen Joyce walking towards her.
"Hi." She smiled papers in her hands.
"What. The fuck." Y/n asked looking at all the walls covered in drawings which linked together looking like a road.
"Hopper? Did you arrest her?!" Joyce argued.
"Had to make it look real." Hopper spoke taking his keys out.
"Don't worry I got it." Y/n defended she taking the cuffs off and handing them back to him, "what the hell is this-"
"Long! Long story!" Joyce spoke, "come. Come here."
Y/n followed her, Joyce swipping away some loose papers
"This!" She spoke slapping a paper down, "This is you!"
Y/n looked at the drawing cartoonish yes, but similar, yet it look, evil? What looked like scratch marks scribbled in long lines down her fsce.
"...yeah..." y/n spoke, "why did you-"
"You have to listen to me. Very Carefully." She spoke, "There's alot to tell you."
You sat there as she explained it all
What happened with Will and the other world
And your gonna die.
Oh god Marc was right, Matt was right
The two turned there head, Will standing there in Pajamas with a handful of drawings
"Will hey bud." Y/n smiled, "You okay?"
He looked at her, at his expression broke and shook his head, "It wants to hurt you."
"Hey. Bud." Y/n spoke getting up, "Nothings going to happen to me. I promise alright?"
You're more worried for Will than yourself, after all, you've had your fair share, of well,
Let's call them Non-Human Incidents.
he hugs you and you hug him back
he ends up drawing as he sits beside you: Joyce explaining everything to you even more in detail
"I know, I know I sound crazy."
"Joyce, surprisingly you don't, just, I thought being in Hawkins I was going to be able be ya know- calm-"
She laughs, "I know, I. I sound crazy, but thank you."
"Trust me, " Y/n spoke grabbing her hand, "I understand what it feels like going crazy, remember, New Yorker."
She smiles, "Thank you-"
"I. All I ask is you keep my dad out of this." Y/n pleaded, "He's been through enough."
"Of course," She told, grabbing Y/n's hand in response and sighing in relief once more with a cigarette in hand.
The only question is what do you do now? You assume you should go get the kids, make sure they're all right, Joyce had told you how she takes Will out of school to go see the doctor, so the kids were still at school.
"I'll go get the kids," Y/n explained.
"Please, take my car." Joyce offered Y/n nodding ruffling Will's hair on the way out,
Yet on the porch, Hopper stopped you, you looking back as he walked closer.
"How'd you get out the cuffs?" He asked.
"Come on." Y/n laughed, "I'm from New York!"
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Tags!: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @beebslebobs @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002 @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite @lvbred @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @3-spurr @eliskakratochvilova @sunshinepower17 @marssssaturn @howlerwolfmax @mxltifxnd0m
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leafybfdia · 2 months
oh god i cant stop thinking about leafy bfdia
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are we goint to see this? are we going to actually see this happen? we have to. we have to. look at the teaser
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LOOK AT IT FUCKING LOOK AT IT oh god….. leafie……………… i hope she kills firey. can i be honest. is this a safe space. i hope she pours water over him. like no one gets it.
AND WHAT DOES TJE CAPTION MEAN???????? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNN WHAT DOES IT MEAN…. WHAT IT DOES ALL MEAN……….. Dude what if it drops today. or tomorrow. or the day after that. - the hoper
aAUAGHHH GOD i miss her so much im trying to think of like what fits the caption. i know that in bfdia right now fireys in the stupid little. goddamn. FUCK i forgot what itms called. in that prison thing for the eliminated contestants. if hes going to revive her. like. dude what are we gonna do im like hands firmly planted on scalp rn like we are COOKED……… i want to say that leafy gets revived but probably also has to sit in tje silly little prison? and firey pretends he doesnt know her and is like oh im gonna heat up a dirt cake with the dirt aroudn here. because he wants to focus on something else like he doesnt want to interact with her at all. sorry if this is super specific and doesnt make sense btw im literally just shotgunning ideas so when the next bfdia happens i have a higher chance of being rigjt so i look like some kind of genius. but the scene is so vivid in my mind. and it explains her 😐 expression. does anyone hear me. oh god
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dannywashere · 9 months
This is my first ask and all so I'm sorry if it's ass but ummm I guess some thoughts on rvnb00 cause I've been thinking of power bottom rvnboo for SO LONG YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! But everything I see is about him being a bottom WHICH I LOVE DON'T GET ME WRONG! BUT! ALSO BUT!! I'm very here thinking of him riding some of s00ry b0ys when he was a cop in that one episode OR them being a fem dom where they are dressed in lingerie. do you have any thoughts on that or am i stupid to ask that🥲 have a nice day i guess bye💕
SHUT UP. I HAVE NO THOUGHT ON THIS. SHUT UP. All of my writing was just gone in a flash, I had 7 paragraphs. 7 PARAGRAPHS. AND I WASNT EVEN DONE.
sorry, I’ll give you like a summary
while crying
So my thoughts on the S0rry thing, Rvnboo was a slut, his outfit and all. Tight jeans, crop top, all of it. But what caught my eye was the scene where Rvnboo and Charl1e switched around, like, they had to get dressed infront of each other, like, there was a cut when he started to, wonder what that’s about. And the two had fun with the gunplay and the cop and criminal roles, Charl1e thought he was the Dom at first until Rvnboo switched it around, telling him he had to earn the role of a cop, he rode him after standing up and telling him to sit with his legs spread. He called him a good boy and all, calling him sheriff aswell, until he came, Charl1e was confused, he dint get to cum. And Rvnboo gave him the embarrassment of going out on his own with the boner, throwing the clothes at his face, putting his own on and walking out like nothing happened. Then I’m not gonna go into detail again but he was seducing wilbvr and they all fucked afterward. Like always
then the lingerie.
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Wilbvr was at an event when he sees texts from rvnboo, pictures and videos on Snapchat with the caption “come home soon ;)” he looks at the video first, not expecting the moans and words to come out, he had his phone at full volume, he quickly turned it off and lowered his volume before watching and seeing the pictures, he knew his texts was an order. He got home to Rvnboo with a buttplug with a pink heart on it, and his dick hanging from the gap on the bottom, Rvnboo pinned the desperate boy to the bed, grinding back and forth on his boner as he fucked his dick into Wilbvrs hand, loosely wrapped around his dick. He flips them both to the side and orders Wilbvr to fuck his thighs and jack him off, and he gladly does, Rvnboo doesn’t let him cum until he does, but he does anyway, he couldn’t hold it, and it showed from his desperate whining and begging. “P-please Rvnboo I- I can’t.. I can’t.” he said, fucking his thighs desperately, wanting to cum badly and Rvnboo not letting him, all while making him keep a quick pace. “Please- Rvnboo- Im gonna cum. Rvnboo, cumming- fuck~!!” he let out a whine as he came between his thighs, panting as he knew he was going to get a punishment. Ranboo ended up tying his hands and ankles together and put a vibrator on his dick for a full two hours, not giving him a break as he non-stop came, squirmed and moaned next to Rvnboo, who was watching a movie on their tv, the screen being the only light in the room as Wilbvr begged for it to stop, he couldn’t help but let him after 1 hour and 30 minutes hit, he saw the tears streaming down as he hiccuped and sobbed between pleads, the vibrator wasn’t even on a high level and that’s what told him he needed to let him stop. Wilbvr was such a subby top in his opinion, he could say the exact opposite about himself. He was a power bottom with cute lingerie on. What more could wilbvr ask for?
also I appreciate the lot of you that send in asks, they motivate me.
and you, I don’t know what to call you. But I admire your work and talent. Mostly your drawings.
and I’m glad you sent your ask, and I’m proud of you darling <33 there’s no need to be nervous at all while sending one in, at least on my page, everyone’s welcome. Mostly. LMAO, but ofc you are <33
I also love your art you should draw like all the time yup.
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sadisthetic · 2 years
I’m giving the designers objectively the right amount of credit. I’m a former lego employee :-)
doubt. even if you were, why are you taking personal offense to criticism to the show as a whole and are taking time out in your life to defend something under the mask of anonymity where you have absolutely no claim to your name? wheres your sense of professionalism? taking offense a silly small no name artist questioning a design element. in a caption of bloody fanart no less. and you say youre an ex lego employee! ex! so youre less relevant now. if youre not lying that is. you wont even say what your position was. lego employee is so vague.
anyways. because youre on anon all this claim does is make you sound like the "my uncle works at nintendo!" meme. im sorry to say that as an anon. you are nobody
by the way. by set design im speaking from an entertainment arts perspective. not the sets that kids buy in the store. im talking about sets that are Actually used in the show. this kind of design work.
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http://www.cynthiahalley.com/ not ninjago related but this is MY definition of set design. aka. what im seeing in the show. not the simplified little toy models
anyways. looks like youre not done!
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shakes out my hands. alright! you wanna play this kinda game? okay sure, ill play along! why not. i have time to procrastinate. you are rude by the way!
lets google that very phrase you gave here
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mhm mhm! yup! that sure is the grate that jays prison was based on! but huh..... hm! im kinda curious about what the inside looks like. you know? the inside of the hold that jay is in that this is all about?
lets add a term to the search
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huh! huh! interesting. that doesnt look like anything i saw in the show. hmmmm actually this doesnt give me enough sense about the architecture of the ship, so let do the same research that ive been doing for my own curiositys sake
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cool..... pretty expansive actually. ehhhh i want a tour. this doesnt sate my curiosity enough. i wanna see what the grates underside looks like because im bored and obsessed with this lego show
i wont waste everyones time. an example is at about 11 minutes in
wow i learned a lot about ships. also i looked at diagrams. not that you ever had the thought to. hm. now how did the hold jay was in look like again
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thats fucking stupid. in the few frames we are given of it of the different angles, its clearly just a fucking box. no depth leading to the curve of the hull, no visible door and likely no door whatsoever bc it would complicate things. a box that probably is in the shape of its opening. lets be real. this is a design that was easy and convenient for the cg modeler to make. ive done 3d work for a class. its hell. i dont blame them. but anyways. ppl who worked on this probably just saw the grates on the surface of the deck and was like oh we dont know what that looks like on the inside but its a perfect place to throw poor ole jay in! grab the trusty basic 3d cube. use difference to cut it out. add texture. and to be honest? yeah the story doesnt need an entire storage space to be built for realism sake. why would they do that for a cg lego show. lets get lazy about it, what do the kids know, whats important is that jays life sucks. the sparseness serves more of a purpose the bleak hopelessness of the pit jay has dug himself into
my point still stands. this is just a hole. it aint right. this is not how old ships were built. this cell was made for jays specifically for the sake of simplicity in both the production standpoint and story. its dumb but serviceable for a narrative purpose
but anyways so from this ive learned an important thing or two about you! you! dont know how to research! you! have only ever looked surface level. literally surface level, you saw these images of the deck and never even thought about whats underneath? the very thing ive been questioning? ive been talking about how its just a fucking cube this entire time. its just a hole. you given me more insight about ships so i thank you for that but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. youre very bad at convincing someone whos right
also you contradicted yourself. you said that "the concepts for the misfortune’s keep were done carefully" but then you go on to say that it "doesn’t require accurate research"? after telling ME, silly ole me who clearly has easily done more research than you, to do a bit research? hello? whats the truth? hm? what are you trying to prove now. doesnt need research because its "basic hollywood tropes" kay so whats been done here is nothing original because theyre copying whats already been done hundreds of times. great argument. dont get me wrong tho i love a good trope. especially when it involves things i enjoy. like jay having the most miserable time. heres the thing tho. what is being brought into question is not what HAPPENS to jay. its the fucking lazy set dressing. am i wrong to point out thats just a hole? its a hole. absolutely no deeper thought has gone into designing that. why are you so mad about it?
i do this for a hobby. criticizing ninjago is literally 75% of the fun for me. thinking soooo much about the shows i like and pointing out the bits that are wack is how i occupy my brain in my spare time. so what are you doing man. is defending ninjagos honor your hobby? get a better one. or at least more thought and consideration and media literacy. like im thinking about the show from a production standpoint as well as writing. this show has So many holes in it btw so theres MUCH to think about and mull over. a lot of stuff for me to play with. its nice in that sense. ninjago is a sandbox if anything. im sure im not alone in thinking this
thanks for the soapbox anon! youve overstayed your welcome! get out of my house! im just a guy with opinions as scathing as they are.
but if youre a nobody. byebye. i dont think you can come back from this. im done here. this was fun. drops the mic
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highstwildflower · 2 years
Conceiving lover
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Summery: Angsty, You find out that Ashton has a dating profil.
Paring: Ashton Irwin x Reader
Warnings: Angsty, mature language?
A/N: Its been a while since I've written anything, and honestly I feel like this isn't my best but it is the best I can do atm, and I really wanna get back into the swing of things soooo lets go. And Thaaaank you to the people who continue to ask for prompts and read my fics xx
A gasp left your lips as your world stopped. After hours of scrolling through TikTok, you came across a video you wished you had never seen. A young woman showing how she stumbled across Ashtons bumble profil, surely it must have been fake. The investigation started, you followed the link to part 2, and your heart dropped into your stomach. The video showed his profil in detail, somehow you just knew it was his, the profil screamed Ashton. Your boyfriend, the part of him that was only for you, was now blasted on the internet for everyone to see, because he actively was trying to cheat on you. So nonchalant as if he couldn't care less if you found out. 
Chock filled your body, not only had you lost your boyfriend in that second, you were mortified about the whole world witnessing it. Rushing you ran to your bathroom before emptying the content of your stomach into the toilet. And then you broke, the physical release was the emotional tricker you needed, this was real and it was happening to you. You were not the only one. Surely you should've known, it was well known in Hollywood, Ashton Irwin never broke up with a girl, he moved on while she believed they were still committed to one another, and you really thought that he had changed, how stupid. As if you were ever gonna be enough for the handsome drummer. 
The cold tile against your naked thigh was starting to hurt so you rose to your feet, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You didn't know if it was your bloodshot eyes that looked back at you, or if it was the trails of tears or maybe the puffiness but it was  something about seeing yourself like this. Broken into a thousand peaces, after so carelessly being tossed to the side by the man who said he loved you that made you snap. Straighten up, you looked deeply into your own eyes "Fuck him". With long determined strides you crossed the distance between the bathroom and the draw Ashton had at your house, you hurled the content into a nearby shopping bag. He was expected at your home within the next couple of hours but all that was gonna meet him was the brown bag holding everything that ever tied you together. It was done, and he was the one to blame. 
With the new determination rushing through your body you started getting ready, the shower lead the embarrassment down the drain, it was embarrassing to him not you, you told yourself again and again. Once you looked like the bosslady you are you went to instagram, both his and your page was filled with lovey dovey photos entangled in each other, you deleted every single one before posting a new one with the caption "You did a wonderful job convincing people that you love me, I almost fell for it". Keeping your head held high you placed the bag in front of the door before heading to your friends house, you knew she would understand this better than anyone else. 
By the time you parked before Kay's house your phone was glowing with the many notifications, though the 5sos fandom forever would be loyal to Ashton, they were cheering you on and dragging the drummer bad choices in the comment section. You smiled slightly at least they were on your side, which wasn't a given at all. As you took a short look at the comments and liked a few your phone started to vibrate with an incoming call, you took a deep breath before denying it. You turned off your phone and walked to knock on Kays door. Shortly after the door swung open revealing a Kay who's smile faded the second she saw you "Oh honey im so sorry", she knew already, the glee of the internet everything travels faster than you. Kay did her best to comfort you, she hugged you tight an hour after you had sobbed into her embrace and rubbed your shoulder. The tears had dried and you looked at her with a smile "You know, this just show how much of a better person than me you are" she shot you a confused look "How come y/n" looking straight at her you laughed at her cluelessness "Because you haven't  once said- I told you so, and I definitely  would've done that if you had dated my cheating ex". And it truly was the thing you admired the most about Kay, she was like a fairy who always just wanted the best for anyone, she was even the one setting you and Ashton up. "I don't need to do that hun, im sure you beating yourself up enough for the both of us". And she was right but you were trying not to. 
You agreed that it would be best for you to talk to Ash while she was at you side for emotional support, so hesitantly you turned on your phone again. It was unusable the first few seconds due to the amount of missed phone calls and messages, all Ash trying to make you speak to him, so you pressed his contact and waited shortly before he breathed out your name with relief. "Please, babe let us meet up so we can talk?" Kay made big eyes and shook her head no "No Ashton, I don't want to meet with you. I know that you have been dating others, and I don't really care if you never met them or not. You still were out there  trying " your voice was trembling and the pit in your stomach had returned, Kay rubbed her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner and you send her a thankful smile shortly. Ashton's voice revealed that he was just as big of a mess as you "No please y/n, I was only on there to meet new people, I've felt so discounted to the world after Corona. I know its wrong, I really do but please love, it was nothing like what we have" You lost it, that was it. He wanted to make excuses? Fuck him "You know what Ashton, im sure you have, being surrounded by people who does nothing but support you must be so hard, im sorry that I didn't think about that." And with that the phone call ended and you lunged yourself into Kays waiting embrace. The world could stop for all you cared, you had lost the one person you thought would be your forever. 
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S1: E12 "Faith"
Brought to you by Crepe bribing me with Flight Rising money
[ Kayla asks if it was worth it to sell your soul to capitalism. Crepe said yes. I agree. I may have to endure on but now I have more money for my dragons. This will, unfortunately, always work on me. ]
Cuz you gotta have faith-uh faith-uh faith-uh
Oh we're starting out with the Winchesters? No mysterious deatb if some random person?
[ Kayla interjects with Carry On My Wayward Son. I get flashbacks to playing it on repeat when I initially began this journey. ]
Oooough closeeeet Dean I'm sure you're scared of that
[ Kayla asks Crepe if Dean does any homoeroticism in S1 aside from being too happy about getting pinned to a car. Crepe says no. This does not matter to me, I will make the joke anyways. ]
There are children! Hello children!
Ew what is that
UH Dean buddy that canNOT be healthy
Hi Dean! You look like shit!
Dean you are too chill with your mortality but also Sam is WAY too not chill about it
Sam. Sam no
I mean I know Dean is still sround for however many fucking seasons but
Why are you both stupid
[ Kayla says this is the parentified child vs child he parentified effect. Which. Yeah fair. ]
Dean: Sam what kinda crazy religion place are you bringing me to
[ Kayla says that he's a whore and to leave him alone. That the sluttiest thing a man can do is be an older brother. Kayla is this some kind of kink for you. ]
LAUGHING im sorry watching Dean get throwm on the spot. Poor dumbass
Go up Dean this is your personal hell now
[ Crepe says no, wrong season. Lovely. ]
Dean having that face that I feel so deeply in my soul whenever someone tries to preacg Christianity to me
FUCKING. HAND AGAINST HIS HEAD poor Dean's face shshshs
Oh. Oh my god it traded his life for his
O h n o
This is interesting and good but its also so fucking spooky the vibes
Ohhhh something. Something wanted Dean to live.
[ Kayla and Crepe go back and forth about how Supernatural is technically a horror show, though this is dropped somewhat in later seasons. What the fuck did I get myself into. ]
What the fuck is up w/Layla (Leilah?)
Oh :( poor girl
And Dean was the one who got healed so he's :((
"Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?" man
Dean's like 😟
Chick in the woods? Girl whats up?
Girl is abt to die for this old guy
The music shdhdhdhsh
Thats pretty banger ngl. Whats this song anywas.... Death In The Valley?
SCREAMS the guy handing out pamphlets "Roy is a fraud"
Dean: Amen brother
Sam: You keep up the good work!
Man: Thank you
God its so interesting storywise but also the vibes are Upsetting
Sam committing breaking and entering all by himself good for him
GOOOOOD SHIT FUCK nooo i dont wanna watch anymore I don't like confrontation and oough BAD VIBES
Im turning on captions hold on
Noooooooooooo besties I Cannot
Guys this is UPSETTING
I keep pausing 😭
I'm like stop starting bc I would rather read than hear WHASGSFAFAF
[ Crepe is grinding in Coliseum on Flight Rising to pay me more so I watch more. I can't tell if I'm genius for this or not. ]
Oh the poor guy screaming and Sam being like WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT
Oh I stopped started so much Netflix crashed LMAO
Hrrrgh yeah yeah ok compelling but I want to crawl up a tree
Oh shes still praying
Ohhh its his wife.... his wife couldn't stand to lose him.... oh.......
"God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." hey who gave this show the right
[ Kayla says "Remember when I told you this show was sometimes really good?" I tell her to fuck off. She says I'm only proving her point. I call her a bitch. This has no effect. ]
A+ plan buddy
Godddd the vibes are so ick and tragic but man
Dean buddy get ready to run again
"The Lord chose me" NO IT FUCKIN DIDN'T
Sams gonna like smack her huh
Oh that Reaper did NOT like being bound
Something something metaphor for controlling death
Winchester Patented Guilt Complex
Oh she still has faith even when she's got a bad diagnosis :(
; - ;
So like Dean Winchester Aetheist Extraordinaire saying "I'm not much of a praying type... but I'll pray for you" is something that can be so personal actually
Don't. Don't touch me go away
Fuck you guys for making me watch this show I'm tearing up I hate you all
In conclusion: OKAY DEAN WINCHESTER LIKERS MAYBE I GET IT. But also fuck off fuck all of you I hate it here goddamn you AUGH I WASNT EXPECTING TO TEAR UP OVER THIS FUCK YOOOOOOOU
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miss-daisy04 · 14 days
IM THE ONE FROM THE LAST ASK IM SORRY i just saw that you put warnings but from those warnings I just wasn't expecting that type of stuff in the link, sorry im simply stupid
no no you're not stupid!! i classified it as "rough s3x" without watching the video over cause i knew what the video looked like, since it was very...rough and it was at night but i had NO CLUE the caption was like that (i need to keep my eyes out for them istg). also i did delete it from seungmin's links because i rewatched it and then i went to their twitter main page and literally all of their posts are just like that 😭 i'll probably block them or watch out for their account because what they post is definitely...something. i have learned my lesson thank you so much my dear anonnie! ♡
edit: looked through his page (i also checked his pronouns dw), and he has stuff like ddlg (daddy dom/little girl, basically roleplay where the woman is a little girl), ageplay, r@pekink, HELLA AGE GAP ("i'm young enough to be your daughter"), fucking an unconscious person, having s3x with your child??, teacher x student, another r@pekink ("get off of me!"), daddy kink, cheating kink, homewrecker, etc.
i won't be using links from them anymore
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