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Happy Birthday to us! 🎂🏺 In the fall of 1971, Studio Potter journal began when members of the New Hampshire Potter’s Guild (pictured bottom right) discussed publishing a magazine, which led to the formation of a nonprofit organization called the Daniel Clark Foundation, named for an obscure colonial potter whose fame came principally from a diary he left upon his death in 1828. SP was officially recognized as a not-for-profit organization on September 13, 1972. The cover of the first issue was hand silk-screened and its modest twenty pages contained an eclectic mix of photographs and texts, including articles on apprenticeships, photo-resist decoration techniques, and homemade pugmills. With two-hundred pre-subscribers, this first release was an unpretentious beginning... Read more at https://studiopotter.org/about/history ⤴️ Link in Bio ⤴️ #studiopotterjournal #happypotterybirthday #potter @new_hampshire_potters_guild #gerrywilliams #ceramics https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WnOSDg3cT/?igshid=bru8x2ynkjf1
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Thanks so much @ashwinibhat and @thestudiopotter for highlighting this article I wrote several years ago about grief, ceramics and failure. The article is free to read this week at the studio potter website. # # .. We asked our board members to identify an article from the Studio Potter archive that has resonated with them as part of our birthday celebrations this week. Jonathan Kaplan, vice present for SP, sent us some pointers toward an article he loved. Unable to find the exact article in our archives, I called him this morning asking for some additional help. Within the next 20 minutes, Jonathan promptly called me back with the issue from Summer Fall 2011 , telling me how the article had a profound effect on him, leaving him in tears. I went into page 40 of this specific issue and now it was my time to tear up. The article Jonathan mentioned was written by my dear friend Vince Montague. Vince wrote this article, remembering his wife Julia, a fantastic potter herself, after her untimely death. He writes, “And I guess what I’ve learned in my grief is that failure bestows a certain fearlessness if one surrenders to the idea of unpredictability…” . . I have spent time firing a wood kiln with Vince talking about our mutual love for poetry and California. I know Vince continues to make amazing work , continues to support artists and kiln projects and has set up amazing fellowship opportunities in Julia’s name. I am reading this article today in a new light , while grieving for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, grieving for the threats against our democracy. Julia Terr and RBG paved the way for so many younger women, including me. I guess I am going back to the studio, back to clay, believing that change is still possible, and there is still hope when we don’t give-up —Ashwini Bhat for SP . . REMEMBER the September articles are FREE for everyone to read this week, September 13th through September 20th . . #ceramicsstudio #studiopottery #studiopotterjournal #potterystudiolife #ceramicartsstudio #ceramicsarts #claylife #handmadeartist #claystories #clayartstories #finecraft #ceramics #artistlife #artisticprocess #ceramicart #ceramiclife #contemporarycraft #ceramicsmagazine #cera https://www.instagram.com/p/CFVdbvDDKyy/?igshid=1o7ttixd7zipq
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Tuesdays Thought…. As we shelter in place we may find we have time to do testing that there was never space for or time to make pots we have dreamed of but never had a moment. Others may be rethinking the language of form. In the June 1991 issue of Studio Potter there was an article on the language of the lip. As we “read” pots the living information of the lip is an entrance point or punctuation. It can represent fantasy as in a Japanese Jomon “flame” jar or be tactile as in a Shigaraki teabowl. The lip can be seen as a shadow, a flower, or as a traditional reference. The sixteen pots illustrated in the article are all in the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art and many of them can be viewed at the museum’s website. [Studio Potters Archive: June 1991 V19 N2]
#thestudiopotter #spjinvestigates #studiopotterjournal #languageofthelip #ceramics #pottery
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To celebrate the start of the school year, and say farewell to our hardworking summer intern, Christina Dabek (@christiedab), #studiopotterjournal is putting on a back-to-school back-issue sale! Members can buy any available print back issue for a mere $5, rather than the usual $10. For non-members it's $8, instead of the normal $15. Nearly seventy-five different volumes of our hefty print issue journals spanning nearly fifty years of ceramics history are on sale. Click the link in our bio ⤴️ to read more, or go to studiopotter.org/archive to shop! Left image: Poster-cover of Vol.9, No. 1, 1980. (Yes, you can still buy that issue!) #ceramicsresearch #ceramicshistory #amazingarchives #studioceramics #studiopotter #summerceramicssale #ourintersareawesome https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zahtzgDu5/?igshid=1bwzqu2ace9xo
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Congrats to the SP Grants for Apprenticeship award winners! In this inaugural year, competition for the GAP grants was fierce. Twenty applications vied for five, $10,000 grants. A committee of professionals assessed the applications through a rigorous scoring process. Congratulations to the following groups of mentor potters and their apprentices! Look for updates on their work throughout the year on our news page and on social media by following @thestudiopotter. Learn more about the GAP program at https://www.studiopotter.org/apprenticeship-grants. Top Left: Naomi Dalglish and Michael Hunt, Bandana Pottery (right) (@bandanapottery), and apprentice Devin O’Connor (left) (@devinoco) Bottom Left: Kevin Crowe, Tye River Pottery (right) and apprentice Samuel Deering (left) (@spottedhorse_pottery) Top Right: Steve Theberge (right) (@stevethebergeceramics) and apprentice Nuri On (left)(@__nurio) Bottom Right: Simon Levin, Mill Creek Pottery (not pictured) (@woodfire), and apprentices Daniel Pfohl (left) (@pfohlpottery) and Brian Chen (right) (@brianchenpottery) Center: Ryan Greenheck (right) (@ryanjgreenheck) and apprentice Megan Deninno (left) (@meganfrancis.d) #grantsforapprenticeships #studiopotterjournal #apprenticeship #pottery #ceramics #mentorship https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz03fGMgBGb/?igshid=6syeu1ararqm
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Read about this exhibition in the #studiopotterjournal current issue! https://studiopotter.org/paper-clay-illuminated-journey-exhibition Repost @asuartmuseum • • • • • • "Particle and Wave: PaperClay Illuminated" [now open] at the Ceramics Research Center! Featuring works created by international artists who incorporate paper pulp and organic fibers into their clay, resulting in increased strength, lighter weight and a wide range of visual forms. ✨Free admission✨ @cimattiantonella @peterheldappraisals @loriettanelson ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📸 Antonella Cimatti, 2017, Porcelain Paperclay. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #particleandwave #paperclay #ceramics #fiberclay #tempearts #contemporaryart #museum #asuartmuseum https://www.instagram.com/p/BzG10DcAnrp/?igshid=l1u6kvw4szl4
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It's Writing Tip Tuesday! For this second post in our new monthly series, Writing Tip Tuesday, we’ll discuss the Oxford comma, also known as the serial comma. Click the link below or in our bio to read more and check out the TED Ed video on the serial comma. https://studiopotter.org/news/writing-tip-tuesday-no-2 #writingtiptuesday #serialcomma #potterauthors #potterswhopen #writeforSP #pottery #ceramics #studiopotterjournal https://www.instagram.com/p/ByldTcHA2k6/?igshid=1b2d2hggs3gd2
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It's #yunomi time @clayakar! Each year, the yunomi show artists can generously elect to donate a portion of sales to Studio Potter. In 2014, editor emerita Mary Barringer (@marybarringerstudio) interviewed owners Jigna and Sanjay Jani (pictured) about their lives as architects, designers, gallerists, lovers of all things ceramic, and how the yunomi show came to be. See https://studiopotter.org/sanjay-and-jigna-jani-interview or click the link in our bio ⬆️! #studiopotterjournal #akaryunomiinvitational #yunomi #akarclay #clayakar #thestudiopotter https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGQDyWAVZy/?igshid=14y07bmw5djez
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Studio Potter journal underwriters support excellence in writing and publishing in ceramics. Thanks to @eutectic_gallery @fullercraft @theoriginalhiroller @baileypottery @emojugs @artaxis @cornellstudiosupply @kilnshelf and @dhaynebayless for your support! #writingandpublishing #studiopotterjournal #ceramics #supportceramicart https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxJpx5D4UY/?igshid=lf13gsvowklo
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Studio Potter journal underwriters support excellence in writing and publishing in ceramics. Thanks to @amacobrent @skuttkilns @watershedceramics @asuartmuseum @jrothshank @plinthgallery, and @flxpotterytour for your support! #writingandpublishing #studiopotterjournal #ceramics #supportceramicart https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxJMIDjFd_/?igshid=1l5r6nvie0he3
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"Read SP and wise you will be." --Yoda #maythe4thbewithyou #studiopotterjournal #wordsofwisdom https://www.instagram.com/thestudiopotter/p/BiXS5jZn55z/?igshid=10apdrt9rm1z6
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Read more about the work of Mac McCusker, who is featured in the new issue of #studiopotterjournal in an article by @sabastovall. The print issue is in the mail now, and the online version launches tomorrow at studiopotter.org Repost @mac_art_ceramics ・・・ Back of the sculpture. Nonbinary. #whatsinaname #identity #transactivism #transgenderartist #trans #Ceramicsculpture #figurativesculpture #figurativeceramics #selfportraits #refusetobeinvisible #wearentinvisible #wejustneedtopee
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DEADLINE NOTICE! May 1st is the deadline for submissions for the next issue (Summer/Fall 2019) of #studiopotterjournal. Learn more about themes, deadlines and submissions at studiopotter.org/about/write-sp. Need more time? Email our editor. https://www.instagram.com/thestudiopotter/p/BwccVkZgWKE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bvzdgrx914j3
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@clayakar yunomi show goes live in a few minutes! Get to www.clayakar.com now and create an account! BIG thanks to all those participating artists who have generously donated yunomi to benifit #studiopotterjournal! #yunomi #clayakar #supportpotters
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Look what showed up at the #studiopotterjournal WHQ (world headquarters) last week!!! Cups by current-issue author, Ehren Tool! Read his article---one of four articles by Veteran artists and members of The Dirty Canteen---at https://studiopotter.org/i-just-make-cups-0 Thanks Ehren! We are amassing quite a collection of author pots! 🤓🏺🤓 #ijustmakecups #ehrentool #authorpots #greatcups #politicalpots
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One of many stellar paragraphs in the current issue of #studiopotterjournal. Thanks for posting, Nick! @stcroixvalleypotterytour Repost @nick7e: ・・・ Studio Potter, winter/spring 2018, volume 46, No. 1, from St. Croix Tour article by Lily Fein. The last two sentences keep echoing in my head because I enjoy people who are like that. @thestudiopotter @lilyfein
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