#student life in Germany
edugoabroad · 2 months
One of the first things we think about when we land in a new place, with all the abundant and wonderful possibilities it inhabits, is food. Nothing elicits joy or dismay, brings people together or polarises them quite like food. Landing up in Germany, particularly to study in Germany, comes with its own anxieties -the newness of it all can be both exciting and daunting. In this scenario, nothing brings a dash of much-needed comfort and helps you immerse yourself in the local culture quite like food. Food, in the larger context, enables you to understand the history that shaped the cultural landscape of said country, and relate with the prevalent culture.
When it comes to mouthwatering food, Germany has plenty to go around. In this blog, we shall highlight some must-try dishes that you must give a go! So while you’re excitedly waiting for your German student visa to arrive, you can trust us to whet your appetite by listing some amazing dishes that you would fall in love with and come to crave throughout your student life in Germany.
Don’t worry - if meat, eggs or even dairy are a big no-no for you, we’ve got you covered! Without further ado, let’s dive right in.
1) Halloumi Im Brot
A semi-hard, unripened cheese made from a concoction of goat and sheep milk, the origins of Halloumi are said to lie in Cyprus although Egypt has also laid claim to it. Bit of a "who came first - the chicken or the egg" conundrum right there and the debate continues to rage, but one thing's for certain - it's delightfully scrumptious.
Over centuries, Halloumi went from being a staple in Cypriot to a celebrated ingredient to many a delicacy across the Mediterranean and the world. Halloumi im Brot, in particular, refers to a sandwich which features a grilled or fried halloumi. Combining the homeliness of bread with the savoury, rich elements of halloumi, the dish also features vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce along with a drizzle of olive oil or a squeeze of lemon juice. This dish is hearty while encompassing a variety of flavours and textures.
Fun fact: In 2021, the European Union granted halloumi Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status, ensuring that only cheese produced in Cyprus following traditional methods can be labelled as "halloumi."
It’s super duper healthy too, and has plenty to offer in the protein and calcium department, so feel free to help yourself to a few!
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2) Sauerkraut
This one’s especially for the meat-connoisseurs and the trivia lovers - Sauerkraut has been an essential sidekick to plenty of incredible meat-based dishes. It is essentially fermented cabbage, although in present-day there’s a chance you might mostly find the pickled variety. It bears a distinct sour flavour and given that it is made from lactic acid, forming from bacteria that ferments sugars present in the cabbage leaves.
What’s in it for the trivia lovers, you’d say. Well, it’ll come as a surprise to you, but Sauerkraut isn’t from Germany! It was actually conceived in China 2000 years ago by workers who were only provided with shredded cabbage and rice to fend for themselves. They began to store their food in rice wine, which helped with extending shelf life while also landing themselves a nutritious, highly durable source of nutrition. When you’re hungry and need something to keep you going while being inundated with assignments and deadlines, Sauerkraut should keep you in good stead and give you a loaded dose of dietary fibre, Vitamin C, Iron, and Potassium with each serving.
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3) Spätzle
While it remains an ever-favourite in Germany, Spätzle isn’t exactly well-known outside of the country. If you’re craving something rich, cheesy and buttery, these fresh egg noodles should make your tummy extremely happy. In theory, the dish is redolent of mac & cheese, but trust us - it’s so, so, so much more than that!
Spätzle are squeezed through a press, shaved off the edge of a board or sliced straight into the boiling water. Afterwards, the simmered Spätzle are drained and then fried in butter. After that it is either baked with grated cheese (KäseSpätzle), or served as a side dish.
It’s taken pretty damn seriously in the region of Swabia - The European Commission made Schwäbische Spätzle and Knöpfle into protected types of pasta. If they have been produced in Swabia, they are permitted to bear the quality seal of “protected geographical indication” which is valid throughout the EU.
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4) Pretzels
They never fail to hit it out of the proverbial park when it comes to bakery in Europe. This is all the more applicable to Germany, which is home to a plenitude of delicious baked items, namely the infamous pretzel. This knot-shaped treat is famous the world over, usually coming as a savoury snack one can have when craving something baked. They can make for a very filling treat whilst remaining low-fat, although nutritionists do not exactly swear by its virtues given that it is high on sodium and carbs. So while you can munch on a fair few, moderation is essential.
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5) Apfelstrudel
This list wouldn’t be complete without apfelstrudel, which is a traditional German pastry dish made with thin layers of dough filled with sweetened apple slices. Like pretzels, it’s popular all over the world and if you enjoy baklava, you’d definitely want to try this! Historically, the apfelstrudel is linked to Austria but has multicultural origins so when you have it, you’re having a dish which has been evolved through the contribution of myriad culinary approaches.
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When you finally kickstart your dream to study in Germany, and begin your university life, it is absolutely essential that you relish your time there as it’s not only about the university you’d attend - it’s also about gaining exposure to new cultures and ways of life, and as we established earlier, trying the local food can play a massive role towards you doing that. Life in Germany for Indian students is filled with opportunities to explore German culture and lifestyle, and diving into the local cuisine is a fantastic way to start. Enjoy these dishes and let them be a delicious part of your student life in Germany!
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thelailasblog · 8 days
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ink-stained-student · 2 months
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☆ 25.07.24 ~ Thursday ☆
Having the most amazing week in Berlin, I can't believe we have to come home in a couple days 😟 The weather here is gorgeous and I've spent most of today sitting in the sun and reading up on the roof terrace at the hotel 🥰📖
Yesterday we visited the Berlin Zoo, which was incredible, I have hundreds of photos, but I'll post some of them in a reblog (they won't all fit in this post!)
This has been such a fun but also relaxing week, a nice way to recover after exam season before I start preparing for September/October
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Invoking the power of our lord and saviour Doitsu to help me finish my assignment
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transmhyra · 1 year
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Translated from German: "If a University burns down or is otherwise destroyed, all current students immediatly finish their degrees with a bachelors degree" I also find the first paragraph notable "If someone dies during an exam, all other attending students pass" Which makes me wonder, if you murder someone else during an exam, would you pass as well? You would probably get expelled, but at that point in time you were attending the exam AND someone died. I don't think this will work more than once though. Professors hate this trick.
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ventras-world · 3 months
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13/20 of #productivejune 19.06.24
Today i interviewed two students to join us as assistants and succsessfully reworked a chapter of my paper. I event went for a quick run in the morning.
At the evening we were watching the football game germany vs hungary.
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bykremi · 3 months
My exam is tomorrow. It is the last exam for my entire university career. If it goes well, I will graduate next year. I would lie if I said I was not completely overwhelmed and scared. It feels like so much is at stake.
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velvettoothpaste · 1 year
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the way rocky lays there is symbolic for how i spent most of my semester break and i loved it, thank you very much
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miffyarchive · 1 year
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picture dump of my trip to germany!
i went to leer and weener (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
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minglana · 7 months
feel like throwing up just by thinking of the concept that tomorrow i have to choose an erasmus destination honestly
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lainternet99 · 8 days
I am in my pyjamas, about to go to bed when I realized— I almost forgot to write!
My day was very relaxed. In hebrew, we watched a movie to practice ourselves with hearing the language being commonly used. I didn't like the movie that much, but it is for educational purposes, so I have no choice. We were not many in class. I almost finished my answer sheet regarding the film, which is a good thing.
Then came german class. We learned some numbers, as well as revised adjectives and conjugation. This time, I actually learned something. I learned how to say "thirty" (pretty much all the numbers from there to 100) and some exceptions to writing some numbers. Class was very much fun, I won't lie.
To finish my day, I had french. I thought I had to write something due for this class, but I had mixed it up with NEXT class. We reviewed another fairytale and discussed what our assignment would be.
The day was over and I had done an interview for a job. I think I did good; I hope I did. After that, I attended a small info session regarding a possible trip to Berlin in May. I never went to Europe before, so this is a good oppurtunity for me. The total is almost 3k (if I count personal expenses)... which is why I NEED a job! I am not the richest girl on the planet!
I do hope I get the job and that I get to go to Berlin. We won't be staying for too long; a simple 10-day trip. It's not that bad, honestly. It's just longer than my 3-day senior trip to NYC, with entirely different people in an entirely different continent. Honestly I'm hyped for it. A lot of us showed up and we were all interested. The majority were girls, with a few exceptions. I hope that if I were to go, I am not with any boy. Not that I'm a misandrist, I just prefer being around girls. I feel and get to be more comfortable.
Anyways, it is getting late and I must sleep; I start at 8 A.M tomorrow!
—— lainternet99
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thelailasblog · 10 months
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ink-stained-student · 5 months
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☆ 30.04.2024 ~ Tuesday ☆
Some favourite photos from my trip to Berlin this weekend!
We were only there for a couple days so we didn't get up to too much, but I LOVED visiting the sealife center! I have hundreds of photos of all the animals (I wish I was exaggerating!)
I can't wait until we go again in July and we get to visit the Zoo and do some more sightseeing, especially the river cruise we're going on!
I also managed to find a fan that matched my walking stick perfectly! Well, I was borrowing one this weekend, but it did make me finally embrace that I do, in fact, need a mobility aid, and that's okay!
So, I ordered a very similar stick from amazon which arrived today, and I'm taking it to university tomorrow, which is quite daunting, but I think it'll really help!
☆ what did you do this weekend?
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Germany’s Free Education: Reality or Myth?
Germany’s reputation for providing free higher education has sparked global interest, attracting students from all over the world. But is Germany’s “free education” a reality, or is it cloaked in myths and misconceptions? Let’s go into the facts to see what free education in Germany really means and whether it lives up to the promise.
An Understanding of Germany’s Free Education
Germany eliminated tuition fees for undergraduate students at public universities in 2014. This policy applies to both domestic and international students, making it a popular choice for those looking for a high-quality education at a reasonable cost. However, the term “free education” may be misleading if taken at face value.
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crazy-fruit · 1 year
Not surprised but still disappointed that my university seems to have 0 funding for students attending conferences (and possibly presenting their own results)
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amynessblog · 2 years
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working on “Woyzeck” for german class
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