#stuck in a game [penelope eckhart]
skelebitchwalking · 1 year
❖ + are you lonely, penelope?
She cringed as she spoke, "Yes. As much as I try to deny it, I am."
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kuroneko1815 · 1 year
The maze scene but make it silly and with innuendos
Because I always make fun of Callisto being the one to instigate the silly, I want Penelope to do it this time. This came about after re-reading that scene when they first meet and I thought… what could she say differently that was just so silly. With help from @eloise175, also… we really shouldn’t be left alone together.
Callisto holding a sword to Penelope’s throat looking menacing and mocking: Why do you love me? Go on, tell me why you fell in love with me?
Penelope: Because you’re shiny!
Callisto freezes in shock: Shiny? (He’s been called many things, most of them weren’t good but never shiny!)
Penelope thinking back to her reputation: I like shiny things and your hair looks like spun gold and your eyes look like rubies.
Callisto: ??? (Just stares at her, sword steady and level as he tries to process what happened.)
Penelope internally: Oh thank god, I can escape now. (Tries to back away subtly but is foiled.)
Callisto: What else?
Penelope thinks back to all the stereotypical western teenagers and in Korea from her world and time, all those things she studied to fit in with her new classmates at university: You’re hot.
Callisto: I’m what?
Penelope: You have a handsome face and probably a fine body under those clothes from all the training you do. It makes me drool just thinking about it and I want jump you. (Penelope in her mind: maybe I should just die, it would be better if he killed me now.)
Callisto: … (Callisto.exe has crashed; please reboot)
Callisto tries to save face: It seems more like you’re in lust with me, rather than in love.
Penelope: Is there a difference right now? I haven’t talked to you, and I’ve only seen you in passing. Love and lust are the same right now.
Penelope: Also, your voice is fine and smooth like butter.
Callisto: I don’t understand?
Penelope: It means I like your voice, it’s nice and seductive. (Penelope eyes possible exists and just keeps saying things without thinking them through.)
Penelope: You’re such a babygirl
Callisto: Did you just call me a babygirl? (Now he does feel some indignation)
Penelope: Yes I did, you know, you’re so good looking I just wanna take care of you. You’re so scrunkly.
Callisto: What does that even mean? I think you’re just making up words.
Penelope: Scrunkly, an animal or creature that’s weird or unorthodox but still so cute.
Callisto: Did you just… just call me an animal?
Penelope: Well, if you’re an animal, I think mating season has come. (Penelope is dead, very dead. She can feel her soul leaving her body with each word she says and yet she can’t stop. Still, she’s resorted to dropping innuendos in hopes that he’d be so weirded out that he’d walk away without killing her.)
Callisto is shook. He knows the adopted daughter of Eckhart was crazy but not this crazy or wanton… and yet… it was appealing and exciting.
Penelope gestures to his pants: Well, I don’t much care for the sword at my neck, but you can definitely pierce me with the one down there any time. Think of me like something to conquer. (Abort, abort, abort. She thinks desperately. Shut up.)
Despite her wishes, her mouth keeps moving, and not towards rationality, it just prolongs her torture. Death by beheading wasn’t so bad, at least she’d stop talking.
Penelope: If someone asked me what I wanted for dinner, it’s you. I’m so hungry, I want a taste.
Callisto eyes her in shock. These were not words that should be coming out of a Lady’s mouth, he didn’t think he’d ever heard phrases come out of anyone’s mouth before. It was bawdy without actually being too vulgar. He wants to be offended, he really does, but…
Penelope: Please? I’m thirsty, can I have a sip? Just a sip, please? I promise I don’t bite… much. (Penelope internally: Can I turn on that damned game system now? Please?)
Penelope: If we got stuck in a closet, one of us would be walking out pregnant, and it wouldn’t be me.
Eventually, Callisto lets her go, too surprised and shook to actually process everything, especially the last part because that wasn’t possible at all, unless she was a powerful mage. And Penelope leaves no worse for wear, except her dignity, that died a traitor’s death.
BONUS: The Cave Scene: Or Callisto gives his rebuttals because you can damn well know that he’s not letting this go and it’ll live rent free in his mind. And she’s avoided him when he tried to press her for more coherent answers, had even neglected to reply to him.
Penelope waking up in the cave: GAHH!!! Why are you naked? (Covers her eyes)
Callisto: Why are you covering you’re eyes? You wanted to see what was under my clothes anyway, and I hope it doesn’t disappoint. You certainly didn't.
Penelope: You… you shameless pervert.
Callisto: Oh? I'm the pervert now? What happened to the audacious woman who kept saying such filthy things to me to seduce me?
Penelope stares at him with a look of disbelief.
Callisto: Oh? How could you be so cold to me? Aren’t I scrunkly? Aren’t I your babygirl?
Penelope: … I'm going back to sleep.
Penelope can't actually sleep and keeps having flashbacks to it, Callisto hugs her, and tells her the story. And the conversation proceeds the same. Except instead of asking her what she liked about him…
Callisto: So, is your assessment correct, Princess?
Penelope: What?
Callisto: Is my body as 'fine' as you thought? Am I really that hot?
Penelope without thinking: Yes (Realizes what she said and blushes and buries her face into his chest and then almost dies of embarrassment when she realizes what she just did)
Callisto: It certainly seems like it based on how you're reacting.
Penelope: …
Callisto: My sword is ready for the piercing and the conquests.
Penelope bites her lips unable to say anything because he’s responding to everything she’s saying. She realized he’s pulled the ultimate reverse uno on her, and weeks after the fact too.
Callisto: Are you hungry? We can have a small snack if you want. But why stop at a sip and a taste? Let’s make this into a full meal!
Penelope: …
Callisto: Perhaps my voice alone can get you ready, we’d need to mop up after we’ve spilled our drinks.
Penelope admits to herself that he does have an amazing voice. But she’s still refusing the temptation. She wants to live thank you very much.
Callisto: We’re both still overdressed it seems. We really need to read the invitations carefully. This cave has a zero clothing policy.
Penelope tries to shut him up, when he stops her from slapping him, she kisses him which was the wrong move, or maybe it was the right one? Because it eventually devolved.
Callisto when they finally stopped: Respectfully, Emperor Claudius himself couldn’t pull me out of you. (Callisto thinks of his famous ancestor, an accomplished general, who had a story about a sword in a stone who won the throne over his half brother.)
In the aftermath, Penelope would wake up in a tangle of limbs, naked, and very well ‘conquered’ by the Crown Prince. She also gets to live, survives the game and all. And… exactly nine months after that night, a little dragon like girl was born to them. They named her Judith.
But Callisto, the new Emperor had one last thing to say to his wife as they hold their new born later not even minutes after she’s handed to them: Well, it wasn’t exactly locked in a closet, but I wasn’t the one who walked out of there pregnant.
Penelope smiles sweetly at him, motions for him to come closer so she can kiss him. He leans forward eagerly, closes his eyes. Penelope taking advantage of it, shifts Judith in one hand and slaps him hard.
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doomed-prophetess · 2 months
just wanted to pop in and share this idea cuz I think you might like it, inspired by your idea of a con-artist pretending to be a missing noble
Villains Are Destined to Die AU which is it's own warning
For whatever reason, Cha Siyeon's life and mental state is worse than canon
When she wakes up in Penelope's body, she either has no system, or not even the system's existance implying this world merely a game with NPCs and no actual people sans her the player can keep her from seeing herself as a bodysnatcher and be horrified because of it
(It irks me so much how some isekai protags can sleep at night knowing that they robbed somebody of their life and body, even if they themselves had no choice in the situation either)
Siyeon figures that "I'm stuck in a body that isn't mine, maybe while I try to find a way back to my own world, I should try and make sure Penelope is in a better life situation when she gets it back, it's the least I can do for stealing her body."
So she tries several things; use her game knowledge to make herself tolerated at the estate, tries to become a wallflower at social gatherings, set up businesses Penelope will have the skills to maintain and give herself a source of income outside of the Eckharts, write down and hide notebooks explaining whatever she can for the poor girl victim to all this
There's reasons why Penelope dies endlessly in hard modes
There's reasons why Cha Siyeon has attempted to take her own life several times
Not even the small successes she grants for Penelope, not even the belief that she has no right to do as she wishes to Penelope's body can keep the transmigrator going on forever
Yvonne returns home on a day just like any other
It's a fairytale that begins to crack when mere days after coming home, she learns of a Penelope Eckhart--a sister she didn't even know she had--and starts asking questions
The answers only satisfy her for so long, if at all
So she starts snooping, hiding her investigations from the family she certaintly would love to love, but she can hold off telling them about her little quest after she's finished
What starts as a whimsical little mystery the Duke's daughter intends to solve all alone devolves into a psychological horror. Yvonne uncovers the secret notebooks Siyeon intended for Penelope
Yvonne uncovers a horror story about childhoods of poverty and abuse, a fiction for escapism turned into a prison to escape, and a bodysnatcher who never wanted to steal anybody's bodies
"Forgive me Penelope," she reads on a page, "forgive me for I am a selfish, vile woman, who can't keep promises. I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't want to live at all."
Now questions dance in her head. What freewill does anybody have? How deep does the darkness of the Eckharts and noble society go? What is she to do with the future knowledge she possess of the world she lives in now? What is she to think of the sisters she'll never have?
Where is Penelope Eckhart--or rather--her body now?
Agreed! It's weird how so many isekais neglect to explore body dismorphia, the guilt that comes with stealing someone else's body and the troubles of controlling it. (for example if you were smaller in your first life and are now taller in your second life, you'd probably hit your head a few times or bumb into things because you aren't used to be this tall). Your new body might be that of a model's but what if you liked your black hair and brown eyes more than the gorgeous magenta waves of the stranger whose body you have come to possess? You start avoiding mirrors because the smaragd green eyes staring back at you in the mirror seem like an accusation and a reminder that you are a thief. Why do isekaied protagonists never dye their hair to look more like their old self? Hair dye existed since the ancient times and it was not uncommon to change your hair color to blonde, red or black. There's even an 17th century book that describes how to dye hair green! Cha Syeon might have missed her old look because it was the only reminder of her mother. It's not like she could take her photography with her into the other world. Changing her looks might also make the Eckarts stop comparing her with Ivonne finally and remind them she's her own person and not a defect clone of their missing child.
I like that your version of Cha Siyeon is actually concerned with the well-being of her host and tries to set up a good life for her in case she finds a way to return to her own world. I hope she does the same for Iklies. Giving your heroine another goal beyond survival and romance is refreshing. It strenghtens her motivation to fight bravely for her rights, because now she's fighting for the lives two people. Suicide as an escape becomes even more difficult, knowing Cha Siyeon would be turning into the murderer of another person if she choses to end her own life, which is inseparably connected to that of another girl. It'd be great if she was given a chance to communicate with og Penelope somehow, be it in dreams or through letters or diary entries. What if og Penelope regains control over her body for a few hours? Long enough to notice the changes in her life, read Cha Syieon's messages and reply to her? (I don't know if og Penelope died in your AU before Cha Siyeon committed suicide (?)). It'd be really tragic if they formed some sort of friendship, offered each other support in hard times, celebrated their small victories together with stolen sweets from the kitchen, until they both lost hope and Cha Syieon asked og Penelope for permission to kill herself. It's almost comforting when og Penelope knots Cha Siyeon her noose under the moonlight and tells her about her failed suicide attempts in the past and what she must avoid so they can succeed leaving this damned world togeter this time.
Ivonne introduces another interesting variable. She's supposed to be the heroine who easily wins everybody's love, but does she want their love now that she has found out what monsters were lurking underneath their gentlemanly exterior? She may find more kinship with the dead girl from the letters than her own family and resolve to save her soul, even if she has to travel back in time and cross multiple dimensions. Even if it means giving herself away to dark magic.
What if after multiple failed attempts to save Penelope's teenage self, she travels back even farther to the day when everything began? Not the day she returned to the Eckart mansion on her debutante ball, not the day she disappeared when she was twelve year old and Penelope was taken in as her substitute, no, she travels back to the day she was born. Ivonne has become so eaten up by guilt she travels back in time and swaps her and Penelope when they were babies, to give Penelope the love she deserved. Ivonne becomes "Penelope", one of countless war orphans living in the slums of Eorka, and Penelope becomes "Ivonne", the beloved youngest daughter treasured and spoiled by her family, and the whole Empire once she's wedded to the crown prince. Perhaps Penelope, now called Ivonne, escapes from the cult of Leila thanks to her powers and the reason why she decides to continue living among the commoners and helping orphans in the slums was because she felt subconsciously like she belonged there. She felt like this poor section of the town had been once her home in a previous life and these strangers had been her friends and family once. The alias she choses is "Penelope" and strangely the name sounds much more true than the one her father, the duke, had given her when she was little. Meanwhile Ivonne is abused by her own family as the fake, as "Penelope". She only wanted to take on Penelope's suffering on herself silently like a saint endures his martyrum, but now she can understand Penelope's anger completely and vows revenge.
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 4.5/5
Book Blurb: “I don’t want to live like this either, only ever being despised.” Life in hard mode for “villain” Penelope Eckhart means with every step forward, she’s shoved five steps back. Just when things seem to be stabilizing between her and the brothers, she finds herself coming to blows with Reynold, who insists on dredging up the past―an affront Penelope refuses to take lying down. To make matters worse, she’s forced to attend the hunting tournament hosted by the crown prince…and Callisto + weapons = a recipe for DANGER!
Penelope Eckhart’s adventures in surviving the game she’s stuck in continues as she navigates difficult family relationships and the attentions of a very deranged prince. This book focuses on Penelope dealing with the difficult relationship she has with her brothers and father, especially with how they had treated her in the past and how she has to improve the relationship. Penelope already has so much on her plate especially with the new hunting event coming up and the fact that she has a new bodyguard who’s affections for her are starting to become obsessive. Can she continue to survive and what will she do when she is face to face with the most volatile character of the game who just happens to taken an interest in her? I’ve been having fun with these books, I have already read the story in the korean novel version but its great getting to read it in english and in graphic novel version. I always feel so bad for Penelope, having to deal with so many curve balls and difficult situations that are literally life or death if she fails. I adore Callisto and getting any chance to see him is fun ( ya’ll can’t even begin to believe how amazing he is, until the next novel!).
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nntheblog · 2 years
Top Manga With Reverse Harem
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The common name for reverse harem or also known as male harem is the gender-reversed version the traditional harem genre. Instead of seeing a number of female characters focusing on one male character in a normal situation, a reverse harem shows several male characters around a single female character. Except for the fact that the characters' genders are swapped, most details are the same. The majority of the changes refer to the behavior differences between males and females in the characters' ages. Due to the most relevant characteristics of the trope, reverse harem authors often choose bishounen looks. Reverse harem does not cover harems involving homosexual relationships, though they are an exception to the harem genre. Top 25+ Manga With Reverse Harem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6l6PKEozwg My Top 20 Reverse-harem Manhwa/Manhua List Recommendations 1. An Otome's Bad End Chapters:26+ I was reincarnated as the otome player I had previously played. Ophelia, a beautiful female protagonist who resembles a goddess, is adored by many nobles, whereas Emilia, the character I reincarnated as, plays a supporting role as a villain, following around the male leads after Ophelia’s death, only to be destroyed by them. The default name Elodi is the player who appears to be Ophelia a few years after Ophelia dies from an incurable condition. The male love targets, who are heartbroken over Ophelia’s death, become obsessed with Elodi. I decided to give up this plot after I was reincarnated as Emilia in the storey. So, on the day of Ophelia’s funeral, I decided to quietly leave the place where I had lived for ten years. They were surprised that she was leaving. 2. I got into a reverse harem game! Chapters:69+ I awoke in an unfamiliar room with not one but two lovers! I’m Elvia, the Imperial Princess, and there are a slew of men vying for my favour in this game of love, affection, and deception. Isn’t that fantastic? Except that this means I’m stuck as the villain, with my manipulative maid, Arielle, as the main character! She’s out to bring me down, and she has plans for my men’s harem. I am able to see all her player notifications so I know her secrets. Is it possible to beat her in her own game? 3. Villains are destined to die Chapters:85+ I’m completely sucked into this game! It’s as if it’s taken over my life… wait—HARD MODE IS ON. No-no-no-no-no! It literally has thrown me into Penelope Eckhart's role. As the heroine, it’s easy to fall in love, but as the despised villainess, I’m fighting hard not to die… My brothers… the prince… a fork… every possible outcome is death! This world is stacked against me, but can my wits and insider game knowledge win these male characters’ affection? You could also try the reset button. 4. The strongest characters in the world are obsessed with me Chapters:36+ Dalia Pesteros was 13 years old when she suddenly recalled her past life as she was eating bread for breakfast. This is an impoverished otome game world where the main characters go insane, and she was born as the future villain’s sister! There is no way out at this pace. The entire family will disappear and I will also be gone. It doesn't matter what happens, I need to leave this family as soon and as possible. ‘Now that it’s like this, I need to let down my guard and flee.’ To avoid relatives who are only interested in the family and the sly emperor, it is preferable to be well-liked by my brother- “I want to dance with Dalia.” “What’s the issue?” “I apologise, but my sister is shy.” “Dalia stated that I was her favourite!” Not only have I tamed my brother, but all of the strongest characters in this world are obsessed with me!   5. An unseemly lady In the reverse harem novel, I was the younger sister to the female protagonist. After being very sick, I was extraordinarily pampered and spoiled by the female protagonist. I used that to defeat the original inexcusable tr*sh male leads who only hurt my sister… "Lili! How are you?" Do you like cakes? "Lili looks just like her sister. Won’t you eat cookies? Please tell your sister that you were gifted these cookies by your amazing brother. "Would it be possible to have this meal and stay for a while?" I have some words for your uncle, and sister." The male lead candidates seem eager to see me, for some reason... “I don’t play with ugly kids,” the boy in front of me muttered with a deep frown. What? What? I’ll show you what the real world is like. I gently pulled the hem of my sister’s clothes and shook my head: “I hate him, so I hate the older brother who brought him.” At the same time, Cedric’s face turned pale, similar to someone who had been sentenced to death. 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The sword was impossible to find for thousands of years. But, this peaceful age does not need heroes to succeed. You will lose your job if you become a hero! I am going to assume that I didn’t gently place the holy sword back. However, I was found by an unfriendly prince... I'm a Lady’s Maid, but I've pulled out the Holy Sword! is currently publishing . It is also Known as: 侍女なのに…聖剣を抜いてしまった!, I'm a Lady's Maid I've Pulled Out the Holy Sword!, I'm a maid, but I pulled out the holy sword! 19. Inso's Law “I just want to live a normal life, why is this happening to me!” Your average student Ham Dan, whose hobby was reading “Law of Insomnia” wakes up to a beautiful novel like heroine. She is the same role even in fantasy novels. As the childhood friend of her heroine, her ordinary life is disrupted by her strong personality. My Life as an Internet Novel is currently publishing . It is also Known as: Net Shousetsu no Housoku, ネット小説の法則, La Ley Del Inso, Les Lois de la Web-romance, Net Shousetsu no Housoku, The Law of Webnovels, Võng Lạc Tiểu Thuyết Đích Pháp Tắc 20. Ouran Koukou Hostclub Haruhi is a bright, intelligent girl. She was born in poverty and got into Ouran High School through talent. She is mistakenly invited to the club's meeting room and accidentally breaks a vase. Haruhi, realistic and sarcastic is not used to being with crazy people like the princely Tamaki. Haruhi was mistaken for being a boy when she thought the club was for girls. This book contains chapters from the story "Romantic Egoist", which appears in several volumes. It stars a pair of twins, who play matchmaker against their teachers, classmates, and the like. Notice: The bonus chapter in the final volume features group travels to Spain. Ouran High School Host club is finished and has 18 Volumes and 87 Chapters. It is also Known as: 桜蘭高校ホスト部, OHSHC, Romantic Egoist 21. Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... After being hit by a rock on my head, I was able to recall all of my past memories. Katarina Claes (the eight-year old daughter of a duke) is me. In a feverish nightmare, in which the prince’s fiancee was determined, I have realized that this is the otome game from the previous life. Also, I have turned into the villainess that interfered with the romance of the capture targets… If the heroine got a happy end, I would be exiled, while if she got a bad end, I would be killed by the capture target… I have no happy end!? Is it bad? I can avoid the destruction end and still reach my old age peacefully.! I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags… is currently publishing . It is also Known as: 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…, Destruction Flag Noble Girl Villainess, Destruction Flag Otome, I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags… 22. The Villainess Loves I’ve transmigrated into the body of the terminally ill, villainous princess of a novel. It’s okay, though, I can cure this illness and live a life where I can do whatever I want! First, I would love to meet my favorite characters from the book in person. But, because I am a villainess, people around me tend to be wary… “You will die soon, and yet… how can you laugh like that?” Well, it’s ‘cus I’m super hot. The Villainess Loves is currently publishing . It is also known as "When the Evil Girl Loves". 23. The Bride of a Monster Ohae Na is dirt poor and my father is an irresponsible jackass. To make matters worse, different men are coming up to me asking to be their wife–wait what?! But, it turns out that they are holding a great secret… What are they exactly? The Bride of a Monster is currently publishing . It's also known as: Bride of a Monster (Monster Bride), Bride's Monster Read the full article
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nntheblog · 2 years
Top Manga With Reverse Harem
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The common name for reverse harem or also known as male harem is the gender-reversed version the traditional harem genre. Instead of seeing a number of female characters focusing on one male character in a normal situation, a reverse harem shows several male characters around a single female character. Except for the fact that the characters' genders are swapped, most details are the same. The majority of the changes refer to the behavior differences between males and females in the characters' ages. Due to the most relevant characteristics of the trope, reverse harem authors often choose bishounen looks. Reverse harem does not cover harems involving homosexual relationships, though they are an exception to the harem genre. Top 25+ Manga With Reverse Harem 1. An Otome's Bad End Chapters:26+ I was reincarnated as the otome player I had previously played. Ophelia, a beautiful female protagonist who resembles a goddess, is adored by many nobles, whereas Emilia, the character I reincarnated as, plays a supporting role as a villain, following around the male leads after Ophelia’s death, only to be destroyed by them. The default name Elodi is the player who appears to be Ophelia a few years after Ophelia dies from an incurable condition. The male love targets, who are heartbroken over Ophelia’s death, become obsessed with Elodi. I decided to give up this plot after I was reincarnated as Emilia in the storey. So, on the day of Ophelia’s funeral, I decided to quietly leave the place where I had lived for ten years. They were surprised that she was leaving. 2. I got into a reverse harem game! Chapters:69+ I awoke in an unfamiliar room with not one but two lovers! I’m Elvia, the Imperial Princess, and there are a slew of men vying for my favour in this game of love, affection, and deception. Isn’t that fantastic? Except that this means I’m stuck as the villain, with my manipulative maid, Arielle, as the main character! She’s out to bring me down, and she has plans for my men’s harem. I am able to see all her player notifications so I know her secrets. Is it possible to beat her in her own game? 3. Villains are destined to die Chapters:85+ I’m completely sucked into this game! It’s as if it’s taken over my life… wait—HARD MODE IS ON. No-no-no-no-no! It literally has thrown me into Penelope Eckhart's role. As the heroine, it’s easy to fall in love, but as the despised villainess, I’m fighting hard not to die… My brothers… the prince… a fork… every possible outcome is death! This world is stacked against me, but can my wits and insider game knowledge win these male characters’ affection? You could also try the reset button. 4. The strongest characters in the world are obsessed with me Chapters:36+ Dalia Pesteros was 13 years old when she suddenly recalled her past life as she was eating bread for breakfast. This is an impoverished otome game world where the main characters go insane, and she was born as the future villain’s sister! There is no way out at this pace. The entire family will disappear and I will also be gone. It doesn't matter what happens, I need to leave this family as soon and as possible. ‘Now that it’s like this, I need to let down my guard and flee.’ To avoid relatives who are only interested in the family and the sly emperor, it is preferable to be well-liked by my brother- “I want to dance with Dalia.” “What’s the issue?” “I apologise, but my sister is shy.” “Dalia stated that I was her favourite!” Not only have I tamed my brother, but all of the strongest characters in this world are obsessed with me! 5. An unseemly lady In the reverse harem novel, I was the younger sister to the female protagonist. After being very sick, I was extraordinarily pampered and spoiled by the female protagonist. I used that to defeat the original inexcusable tr*sh male leads who only hurt my sister… "Lili! How are you?" Do you like cakes? "Lili looks just like her sister. Won’t you eat cookies? Please tell your sister that you were gifted these cookies by your amazing brother. "Would it be possible to have this meal and stay for a while?" I have some words for your uncle, and sister." The male lead candidates seem eager to see me, for some reason... “I don’t play with ugly kids,” the boy in front of me muttered with a deep frown. What? What? I’ll show you what the real world is like. I gently pulled the hem of my sister’s clothes and shook my head: “I hate him, so I hate the older brother who brought him.” At the same time, Cedric’s face turned pale, similar to someone who had been sentenced to death. An unseemly lady is currently publishing . It is also Known as: The Little Lady Behind the Scenes, 幕后掌权者小姐, 秘密控权的千金 6. Namjuneun Jeongjunghi Sayanghagessseubnida! A young girl becomes obsessed with a novel and suddenly finds herself immersed in the plot. Problem is she's now the villain of the story. And she knows how this ends…it’s off with her head! Maybe she’ll just let this play out and wake up back in reality… But after a few too many deaths to no avail, it’s finally time to go off-script. This tale will be a lot of fun for her. She’s made up her mind…to live! I'm No Heroine! is currently publishing . It's also known as: I Will Politely Decline The Male Lead 7. Fruits Basket Tohru is a freshman at high school who is experiencing serious misfortune. She was recently left orphaned by the death of her mother and now lives in a tent. She meets the Sohma family when her luck is at its worst and is invited to stay with them for the chores. Tohru quickly discovers that the Sohmas harbor a deep secret. Some of the children of the Sohma clan are cursed by the Chinese Zodiac spirits, and they possess some of their children. They cannot be "huggled," or transformed into the Zodiac animal they are possessed by. Tohru promises to keep their secrets secret, and this doesn't bother her. They continue to live with her, and she never loses her profound humility and gratefulness. They become very important in her life and the Sohmas realize how fortunate they are to have her. Fruit Basket is finished and has 23 Volumes and 136 Chapters. It is also Known as: フルーツバスケット, Furuba 8. Sweetheart V5 is the Boss Who Is Too Kind! Jing Yiren, a talented and proud 14-year old princess, was very proud. She was transmigrated one night and became the President of the Lu Conglomeration's 19-year-old daughter. She would be tested to the limit by this sudden change! Lu Ming, on the other hand, now has to deal a wife who is completely confused by her new life situation. Faced with such difficulties, he can only communicate his feelings to her by his actions Sweetheart V5 is the Boss Who Is Too Kind! is currently publishing . 9. Beorimbadeun Wangnyeoui Eunmilhan Chimsil Princess Llewelyn was once a shining princess, but she is now miserable and abandoned. With no one to defend her, a horrible curse has been placed on her. It is a curse that makes her lust after men. Llewelyn opened her bedroom to end her curse. Four men get entangled in the abducted princess. Will the curse finally be exposed? Who will find the solution for her? Beorimbadeun Wangnyeoui Eunmilhan Chimsil is currently publishing . It is also Known as: The Abandoned Princess' Secret Bedroom, The Abandoned Princess’ Secret Room, The Secret Bedroom of the Forsaken Princess 10. Warrior, Wake up The five legends heroes appeared one day in my front yard. The antidote I found in my front yard worked without me even thinking! Really? I hate saving lives, but I’ve lost the will to say no. ‘Let’s just treat them as soon as possible and let them go. ’However, the atmosphere that surrounded the warriors was very strange. “Ms. "Ms. ” “Why don’t you warm up? The most important thing is your body.” “Why are you hiding so many secrets, Kacana?” “Do you like my scent that much?” “I’m a bit of a freak in bed.” ‘I’m not accidentally leading them on, am I? Warrior, Wake up is currently publishing . It's also known as Wake up, Hero 11. Men of the Harem Latil is snubbed by her lover, and her father's mysterious assassination puts her in power. She must marry him to protect her Tarium sovereignty. Instead of selecting one man to be her Royal Consort she selects five young men from all walks to join her Harem. Will Latil ever solve her father’s murder, and can she keep the peace in her Harem? Men of the Harem is currently publishing . It is also Known as: Men's Harem, Haremui Namjadeul, Men in the Harem, 女皇的後宮們 12. Watashi ga Motete Dousunda Kae Serinuma is second year high school student and an avid fujoshi. She secretly ships her Nanashima and Igarashima-kun classmates. The death of her favorite anime character causes her to become stressed—and loses weight rapidly. How will Serinuma deal with her peers, her snarky Shinomiya-kun and her senpai Mutsumi now that Serinuma is an attractive girl?! Kiss Him, Not Me is finished and has 14 Volumes and 60 Chapters. It is also Known as: 私がモテてどうすんだ, Boys, Please Kiss Him Instead of Me, What will you do if I become popular? 13. Beauty and the Beasts After she fell into a world of beastmen, a leopard forcefully took her home to his family. Bai Jingjing is truly at a total and utter loss. This world is filled with handsome men, but the women are so horrible that even the gods are afraid to see them. Bai Jingjing is a young girl from modern China who finds herself in the middle of a harem of handsome men, at the peak of her existence. Beauty and the Beasts is currently publishing . 14. Chuanshuo Zhong De Eyi Gongzhu He burned me to death after I had dedicated eight years of my life to his rule. My last wish was to be reborn in order to change my fate and not repeat the stupid mistake. However… I was reborn into the body of my sworn enemy?! My revenge plan is progressing smoothly until a prince suddenly appears and proposes marriage. He doesn't know that I have already had 4 imperial concubines. Source: MU The Legendary Villain Princess is currently publishing . It is also known as: La Legendaria Princesa Villana 15. I Am The Male-Lead’s Ex-Girlfriend In a harem novel, I play the role of villainess. My role as Erika is to be an evil exgirlfriend. I didn't want to be a dumb villainess so I split up with the male-lead first. Leo finally came back to me after three years. "I couldn't live with out you. You're still my favorite But, I don't think I should be obsessed with you I was also introduced to the second leads. "I like when you're near me ..." But why are so many men confessing to my existence? Which man should I choose? I Am The Male-Lead’s Ex-Girlfriend is currently publishing . 16. Rosen Blood: Haitoku no Meikan Rescued from a horrendous carriage accident, Stella becomes imperiled by her saviors—a group of impossibly gorgeous young men who thirst for her blood. Stella Violetta is injured in a tragic carriage accident. She wakes up in a Gothic mansion and discovers that her saviors, handsome young men, are there. The manor’s residents let her stay as a maid, but Stella soon realizes that their allure hides a savage thirst. Desperate for Stella’s affection, Yoel stabs Levi, who reconsiders his desire to protect the other nonhumans. Stella searches through Rosémary’s notes to find a way to awaken Yoel after the incident and uncovers clues about why Levi’s been shedding tears of blood. Are any of Rosémary's “children” really capable of love? Rosen Blood is currently publishing . It is also Known as: Rosen Blood ~背徳の冥館~, Rosen Blood: Haitoku no Meikan 17. The Ex Love is a war. An unattractive girl was cheated by her boyfriend and received a mysterious call. Strangely, the other person on the line claimed that she was 35 years old and that she is her from the future. To change her, she plans to teach her the law and practice of love. She wants her to see her beauty and take revenge against her ex-husband. The Ex is currently publishing . 18. Jijo nanoni... Seiken wo Nuite Shimatta! The handsome prince was there when I took out the holy sword.! Eleanor is a maid at the royal castle. She pulls out a holy sword of the legendary goddess from her job and gives it to the hero who protects the nation from the demon-king. The sword was impossible to find for thousands of years. But, this peaceful age does not need heroes to succeed. You will lose your job if you become a hero! I am going to assume that I didn’t gently place the holy sword back. However, I was found by an unfriendly prince... I'm a Lady’s Maid, but I've pulled out the Holy Sword! is currently publishing . It is also Known as: 侍女なのに…聖剣を抜いてしまった!, I'm a Lady's Maid I've Pulled Out the Holy Sword!, I'm a maid, but I pulled out the holy sword! 19. Inso's Law “I just want to live a normal life, why is this happening to me!” Your average student Ham Dan, whose hobby was reading “Law of Insomnia” wakes up to a beautiful novel like heroine. She is the same role even in fantasy novels. As the childhood friend of her heroine, her ordinary life is disrupted by her strong personality. My Life as an Internet Novel is currently publishing . It is also Known as: Net Shousetsu no Housoku, ネット小説の法則, La Ley Del Inso, Les Lois de la Web-romance, Net Shousetsu no Housoku, The Law of Webnovels, Võng Lạc Tiểu Thuyết Đích Pháp Tắc 20. Ouran Koukou Hostclub Haruhi is a bright, intelligent girl. She was born in poverty and got into Ouran High School through talent. She is mistakenly invited to the club's meeting room and accidentally breaks a vase. Haruhi, realistic and sarcastic is not used to being with crazy people like the princely Tamaki. Haruhi was mistaken for being a boy when she thought the club was for girls. This book contains chapters from the story "Romantic Egoist", which appears in several volumes. It stars a pair of twins, who play matchmaker against their teachers, classmates, and the like. Notice: The bonus chapter in the final volume features group travels to Spain. Ouran High School Host club is finished and has 18 Volumes and 87 Chapters. It is also Known as: 桜蘭高校ホスト部, OHSHC, Romantic Egoist 21. Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... After being hit by a rock on my head, I was able to recall all of my past memories. Katarina Claes (the eight-year old daughter of a duke) is me. In a feverish nightmare, in which the prince’s fiancee was determined, I have realized that this is the otome game from the previous life. Also, I have turned into the villainess that interfered with the romance of the capture targets… If the heroine got a happy end, I would be exiled, while if she got a bad end, I would be killed by the capture target… I have no happy end!? Is it bad? I can avoid the destruction end and still reach my old age peacefully.! I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags… is currently publishing . It is also Known as: 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…, Destruction Flag Noble Girl Villainess, Destruction Flag Otome, I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags… 22. The Villainess Loves I’ve transmigrated into the body of the terminally ill, villainous princess of a novel. It’s okay, though, I can cure this illness and live a life where I can do whatever I want! First, I would love to meet my favorite characters from the book in person. But, because I am a villainess, people around me tend to be wary… “You will die soon, and yet… how can you laugh like that?” Well, it’s ‘cus I’m super hot. The Villainess Loves is currently publishing . It is also known as "When the Evil Girl Loves". 23. The Bride of a Monster Ohae Na is dirt poor and my father is an irresponsible jackass. To make matters worse, different men are coming up to me asking to be their wife–wait what?! But, it turns out that they are holding a great secret… What are they exactly? The Bride of a Monster is currently publishing . It's also known as: Bride of a Monster (Monster Bride), Bride's Monster Read the full article
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