#stu bru
cluedoenthusiast · 4 months
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The little alien in Al's body fighting to escape + I spilt me beer on the radio (it looks like a little island) [X]
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ellenya · 2 years
Bruce (@rabbruad1) wrote:
‘Sweetie, business must be good. Stu, the baker, drives a Studebaker.’
Stu the baker knew the maker of the Studebaker, a real move & shaker in the industry- but it wasn’t always that way. I heard he once glued the nacre to a watchmaker at his school, and it took the new caretaker ages to break it off. You never know who’ll succeed, right Bru?
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Jon talking to Stu Bru about "WE PRAY" during the band's first visit to Dublin!
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pt78195 · 1 year
just saw this one bki artist that i had a feeling was slightly odd AND THEY AREEE BRUH . i just was scrolling thru their account and their OP ships SUCK SO MUCH BOOTYHOLE and not in the good way likeee . they ship FRANKY and ICEBURG (adoptive brothers pretty much !)
STU IF YOU SEE THIS don’t click the read more
AND THEY ALSO SHIP . kid and killer and at first glance and interpretation you’d be like oh cute and their ages are fine ! but oda mentioned they are childhood friends and they also have a four year gap soooo . they knew each other at 14 and 18 ! freshman and a senior type gap like BROOOOOOOO . i need those shippers to explode like it’s so over . like 4 and 8 is so diff , 8 and 12 is still crazily diff . people genuinely say “i only ship them as adults” like if they MET as adults sure ! but they DIDN’T BRU H . IT’S GROSS N NASTY .
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meminefu · 3 years
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Bru vlh stu HB Solo 4 Seconds gif Hot 🔥🥵😳
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froy · 5 years
Editors - Live & Acoustic at Studio Brussel Showcase
Editors – Live & Acoustic at Studio Brussel Showcase
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Naar jaarlijkse gewoonte vond afgelopen december de Warmste Week plaats en zoals ook ieder jaar hadden de Editors een actie klaar ten voordele van Oxfam. Vorig jaar speelden ze een akoestische showcase voor Studio Brussel in de Academiezaal in Sint-Truiden, en dat concert werd nu integraal op vinyl geperst en verkocht via Bilbo Records. Van de persing zijn er maar 500 stuks en de opnames worden…
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slasherscream · 5 years
you really did the lord's work by making that billy x black fem!reader x stu fic! love you 💕
A/N: this was not a request and yet the sheer kindness of popping in just for a compliment like this?? i'm soft with love.
     billy loomis x black fem!reader x stu macher        ft. that's it .... that's the whole concept           ( but this time meeting your family )
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You think you've lost your damn mind. No, actually you're sure         you're sure you've finally cracked because what other explanation is there for this?
The boys are the first ones to bring it up. Specifically, "I have trust, mommy, and abandonment issues" Loomis. He's a triple threat. The whole package. You've all been together for a long while now and he wants to know why they haven't met your family yet.
You've met his father (who his relationship with is a little tense at times but ...still)? You've met Stu's parents? Stu's Mom loves you! Y'all even have lunch together sometimes and gossip. When are they gonna meet your family? 
Before he can put anymore base and accusation in his voice that will get him #Got ... Stu steps in (angel he is). They just wanna meet the people who made you so amazing, babe! C'mon, it'll go great!
God help you, you must be going crazy because you actually agree to it. 
You tell your family that you're going to be bringing home your partners. Yes, you've told them they're white and yes you've told them there's ... two of them. You wanted to tell them over the phone so they wouldn't be able to flip on you but you decided to not do that in the end. They don't freak out as much as you thought they would. Which is a plus.
You give it a month though where you slowly begin to talk about them more. Mentioning them in how your day was. Dropping references to them. It's all a slow warming up exercise. 
All the while you can tell Billy is still annoyed and feeling insecure because he's been extra bitchy lately and there have been more murders. 
He's just coming back from one, stomping around your damn house and slamming doors. You'd ask him what bills he pays to be acting like that but then he'd only get pissy at Stu too, who is the one who is paying most of the rent (or his parents are anyways ...details).
He stops when he hears that you're on the phone with your Mom. Not out of common courtesy or politeness, you know that much. He stops because he's a nosy ass and wants to eavesdrop and he can't do that if he's banging cabinets. But you just keeping doing what you're doing and ignoring him.
"Yeah, Mama I'm alright        school's got me bugging but       My boys? Oh they're fine! Thanks for asking. Billy's been a little grouchy lately but we both love him plenty so he'll get over himself soon." 
Oh well now he feels bad. Stu drifts by him laughing and comes to join you on the couch, "Hey Mrs. L/N!"
"Stu? Is that you? What have you been up to, young man?" because Stu wasn't being such a baby and lowkey ignoring you he's actually been talking with your Mother over the phone too. 
Billy comes to join you both on the couch ten minutes later. With a smile you cover your speaker, "Wanna talk to her? She's been wanting to talk to you but you've been ignoring me and shit so-"
"Just uncover the phone." He snaps and yet he's leaning on and across Stu so he can hold your hand. That's about as much apology as you're gonna get probably. Although you'll probably be getting some of your favorite candy and snacks from the store later, totally unrelated to this incident. 
Billy can be charming when he wants and he really wants to charm your Mother. By the end of the call you guys have all been ordered to dinner this weekend. Don't you guys skip out on her!
You know your Mother so you physically scream when you hang up and cover the two in kisses. She likes them! She actually likes them! What were you so worried about again? 
Billy is now playing it cool like he knew he'd be able to win over your family and wasn't getting very upset at the mere thought of alternatives. 
That fake confidence dies Friday night and you all have an actual conversation like adults (gasp) where you talk about your feelings (gag). You weren't hiding them from your family? Nothing will change if they don't like us?
It's actually really nice and you all wind up having make-up sex tbh. 
Stu is the calmest person day of. Has already purchased a nice wine to bring. You made a dish to bring so that your Mom doesn't have to cook too much and you're gonna say Billy helped you with it (you'd never, in reality, let him touch your food).
Billy has to be the one to drive even though he's so nervous that y'all definitely do not #Want Him To Do That. But he needs to feel in control so-
When you get there you all sit in the car for ten minutes and Stu takes the initiative to get Billy calm by making him make a plan like they do before their murders. You join in because shit! If it works it works. 
It works. Billy gets through the in-person introductions flawlessly. You thought his hands had been shaking in the car but apparently not. 
Your dad is very wary of them tbh and doesn't quite know what to do with himself.
You start helping your Mom in the kitchen and she proceeds to shoo the boys out insisting y'all don't need help and should be "guy bonding". 
You did not want them to do that. Never heard a worse suggestion in your fucking life. You wanted them in eyesight where you could watch them at all times. You and Billy exchange a look behind your Mom's back like.
Seems you were both depending on the idea of being together the whole night. Panic! Stu       again, is the one to be chill. Kisses your cheek and sweeps into the living room to join your Dad with Billy being dragged under his arm. 
Your Mother thinks it's important that if anything is gonna happen, it might as well happen early in the night! She says it so cheerfully you think you'll pass out.
Your boys walk into the room and find you Father flicking through channels endlessly. He tries to smile at them but it looks like a grimace. They grimace back. They sit in silence. Just the sound of the channel changing. This is fine.
When he settles on something they kinda assumed it would be sports or something. He turns on a horror movie. They both sigh in relief, "you like scary movies?"
You were trying to listen into the living room waiting for sounds of shouting and fighting but they never come. Eventually (don't hover honey it'll be fine) your Mother let's you bring them drinks. Your voice is high pitched with stress like a step-ford wife about to snap when you walk into the room carrying the tray, "how are my favorite men in the world doing in here?"
Lowkey that's you asking them if they need a rescue? But they're all in here laughing and shit while Billy and your Dad are passionately discussing the horror movie on screen that looks very b-rated. Your Dad is insisting it's one of the classics. Billy is clearly disgusted at the opinion but loves debating and arguing so (he fits right into the family) he's having fun. Stu is just watching the two go at it. 
When you leave for the night they're already calling your Mother by her first name and your Dad nods them goodbye while smiling. Plans have been made to meet up again sometime this month. 
Billy gets kissed silly by you and Stu once your parents have walked in the house (and stopped peaking out the window). You don't know what you two were expecting of him but it wasn't for him to suddenly be a professional at getting parents to like him. 
You catch the two on your phone next month after you come out the shower talking to your Mother like they all just chill on the weekends and internally begin to scream. 
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jackfrostsander · 2 years
DS will be on the radio (Stu Bru) in 1 hour (21:00)!
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chowtrolls · 5 years
I can't believe Bru is a Gayry Stu :\
He can't be gayry if he isnt gay.......................
Ur right tho he's a fokken Gary sue
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jilatburitemak-blog · 6 years
#CUtI SekoLaH Akhir TaHun,BuLan 11/2001 Darjah 3 Sek.Keb.Pokok.tai.Berkhatan beramai²..{Hamidah bt awang}Emak Kndg Aku.
*Assalamualaikum.. Maaf klau Ada Yg XPham Dgn TulisaN Aku,OrAng Utaqa sja YaNg Bleh Pham !!Aku Nk share Rahsia Terbesar Dlm Hdup !!Pertama Kali Aku berasa GairaH/Stim..Aku rsa Aku Org Pling bertuah skli dlm DuNia ni..Emak Aku satu Dlm Sejuta ,Sekli aku Xpernah Tinggikan Suara /Ckp Kasaq DgN Emak..Apa Emak Sruh/mintk Mesti aku buat/ikut..Budak² lain Pkat Keluaq Bermain rmai² aku Duduk rumah tlong Emak,semua bermula Hari ke-3 berkhatan Abah kna Hantar Brg Jauh kl,jhor,kelantan,Lama Jugak La ..Selalu tiap² pg abh yg cuci,Spu cream,Minyak,dkt Btg Aku,Dh abh Kna Kerja Emak yg Kena Buat semua..Hari pertama Pkat² segaN,Emak malu Nk pegang Btg Aku Malu bogeL dpn Emak .Hari kedua KuraNg skit,Hari ke 3 xrsa malu dh .msuk bilik Ayaq Emak Kunci pintu sruh aku Londeh Kai Duduk Ats Bangku Kecik depan Emak,Emak jirus ayaq suam sluruh Btg cuci tmpt luka Buang Benang smpai Hbis.Smbil gengam Btg Emak Jirus Ayq sabun smbil Gosok Dri Kpala smpai bwh telur..Aku duk xsenang Thn Geli tba² btg berdenyut Mengeras Dlm gengaman Emak.apa lg terkejut La Org tua tu Tba² keras Mcm Besi .Emak tnya knpa tba² ja Keras??Gatai Ni Luka Xlega Lg Dh keras Mcm besi ..Bleh Jd Laki Org Dh Ni..Bnyk hri Emak Pegang Awat bru hari ni Jd ??Aku xtau Nk jwb apa diam ja la..Emak Kocak tgn Atas Bwh Làju² picit kpla Smpai Terpancut.Emak Tnya Syok Dk ??Aku Angguk Segan Tgk Emak..Emak Tnya Lps ni Nk Lgi Dk??Klau nak Aku Kna Dgq Ckp Emak,Jgn MelawaN Klau Emak Sruh. boleh??Aku jWb PElan Boleh....STU lg Jgn Habaq Katsapa² pun Psai Ni..Klau Ada Org taU EmaK xmau Buat Dh..Janji Ok..Mulai Haritu Setiap Hari Emak Kocak Btg Aku Smpai Pancut . Xkira Masa Janji line clear hentam..
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cluedoenthusiast · 10 months
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ellenya · 2 years
Bruce (@rabbruad1) wrote:
‘Sweetie, Hu wrote the Book of Love. ‘Who Bru?’ Sweetie, I just told you - Hu.’
It’s truly a great debut for a breakthrough author, with rave reviews. I also heard it was Hu who, with his sons Stu and Dru, hoovered the straw strewn on the floor by the rare hoopoo bird. I guess the language of love is shared housework, Bru.
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444names · 2 years
(short and excluding Y) american, german and roman emperor forenames
Aario Adelie Adia Adra Agan Alda Alene Ales Alie Alin Alinus Aliza Aller Alphil Alvid Alvina Amelor Amilie Ammaus Ance Anda Andise Angene Ania Anie Aniva Annio Annu Apritz Ardosa Arie Aritus Arlan Arlaus Arrie Arta Ashard Audin Avelf Bale Bard Basie Bealus Becca Belian Bell Belma Bena Beret Beri Berik Beron Bertia Betrud Bobenz Bobia Bona Brace Bral Bram Braude Bredra Brice Brie Brus Brutz Calber Cale Caris Carlia Caroth Carred Carta Cate Chan Checto Chel Chelia Chelie Chen Cheraf Cherha Cheros Choch Chri Chrid Cian Claina Cleodo Clia Clian Clice Cline Cobel Cold Cona Coram Cord Corick Dagort Daran Darin Darmer Deber Derd Deria Deris Dick Died Dius Dold Dose Duarst Eathen Edger Edra Eida Ekkene Elin Ellarl Ellie Ellind Ellius Elois Elsopa Elvin Emald Emard Emie Emieth Emilte Emine Enjan Erida Erta Eteda Eteph Eugen Eulah Evite Fana Fanth Ferd Fered Ferise Flon Frada Frakie Freen Fren Frenn Frice Frie Fris Gaben Gabros Ganne Gari Gelse Gena Genna Genuel Genus Genz Gerti Gete Getth Ginata Glane Glanne Gradeb Grades Grald Greenz Gren Guin Gwes Günt Günth Güntie Hand Hane Hanger Haren Hean Heid Heigh Heila Hein Heinah Heine Heite Heitus Helf Hemirl Heon Hera Hereg Hernd Herri Hert Herta Hola Hold Huann Hunda Hundre Hune Hunth Hured Illie Inrius Inusta Ista Iste Iveria Ivin Ivirge Jacan Jacla Jacrie Janda Jannes Jasie Jear Jeffor Jenian Jenus Jert Jesle Jestan Jimil Jimodo Joelm Joha Johan Johawn Jora Josea Josius Joss Jula Julra Julria Julris Kath Kato Katrah Katri Keina Kella Kena Kene Keph Kios Klius Kria Krie Krina Lane Lankar Leild Lene Lenie Lenus Leret Levet Lexan Lian Liase Libia Lice Lifto Like Linne Llen Lorel Louge Lulria Lulusa Mabric Majon Mand Mange Manne Mareal Mared Mari Marl Marlor Marna Marra Marsus Mart Masius Mato Maxio Medned Megh Mela Melipp Melli Melsig Micard Mich Mickio Mild Mine Minne Mirk Mith Mitus Mius Monias Moth Neta Nian Nicher Niel Niette Niste Notte Nuelle Olline Ollott Ordick Orenn Orio Othero Pastin Patas Path Pathel Patheo Pather Paud Paurie Pegane Pegia Penie Perta Pete Pett Petta Phang Phia Phian Phiane Rach Rajoan Rale Rath Riko Robela Robus Roca Rodius Rold Roli Romaus Rona Ronann Ronie Ronine Rosios Rosth Rother Rucil Ruste Saard Sabal Salex Sanne Sarrie Seld Seve Sevia Shadel Shan Shard Sheina Shel Shelis Sher Shiana Shunt Sickie Siete Sight Silie Sonina Sons Sophil Stanna Stever Stha Stia Stie Stin Stus Susa Sveran Svetac Tace Talte Tanike Tedd Terith Tert Teva Thelde Tindsa Tomine Tona Tora Tran Tria Trie Ulado Uligus Vald Valina Verne Vesich Vich Vina Vine Vined Vios Vista Vona Waline Wara Warie Wartra Wene Wergus Whil Wigina Wilo Wola Wolius Xenda Zellex
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Another rant
I will keep coming back to tumblr when I have no one else to rant to
I had always feel inferior of my programming and coding skill, and I admit it that it’s because I lack practice and consistent exercise. So, this semester break .. aq dh pasang azam untuk bljr dan asah bbrapa language macam JAVA, python, webdev and CTF.
And oh my god, it was so time- consuming bhai, I feel tired of my own slowness to capture on a topic. Nak buat simple beginner project pon ambik masa, sedangkan aq dh ada pada tahun 2.
Rasa insecure teroks bila teringat dak2 pandai yg satu batch boleh code dalam msa bbrapa jam je dh siap stu project. I aspire to be like them. Tapi tula, dorng nak capai tahap tu pon bukan ambik masa yg sekejap ya, it take years of practice..sedangkan aq bru mula coding bila msuk degree. And dak2 pandai ni mostly dh mula sejak sekolah menengah and dpt pendedahan awal.
At first, I want to do many things at once but then I realise my own limit as a beginner..it takes a lot of time for me to understand a concept and applying it inside project. 
Semoga aq terus sabar dan konsisten untuk tuntut ilmu ni. and dpt ajak and spreadkan ilmu kpad kawan2 yg lain juga.
Allahu al musta’an ^.^
p/s: Lagi2 bila dh mula kerja ni, susah nk siapkan project pd tarikh tertentu
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rubicon3sailing · 6 years
Cuba calling
Hummingbirds latest crew members turned up sharp today, obviously all super keen to get going! After a light lunch and some chat to get to know each other we set to the task of learning some of the basics onboard including domestics and life below decks, lifejackets, deck work and the crew still found time to visit the on site bar before dinner was served, a home made prawn curry. The new crew came bearing gifts with some homemade cookies by Roberts partner, or was that Rod, or maybe Rab....this is going to be confusing! Dean is our other gent on board with Sarah, Michelle and Shirley completing our line up. A guitar shaped case also made it onboard and so I look forward to some live music onboard. The bonding is going great and there is some great story telling going on in the cockpit just now and no alcohol is involved. It’s amazing how friendly these Rubicon3 trips can be and no matter if you come as a couple, alone or as a group you will always leave with new friends.
Personally I have found a Jamaican replacement for irn bru so life onboard is great!
Skipper Stu
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hasanjuniors · 7 years
day 13 and 14 about fasting
pagi pagi pagi hohoho, iyapss pagi ini gw kembali nulis ne krna kmrin gw sibuk dan kyknya sok sibuk haha, gak gak emang bneran sibuk dah, bnyk tugas dan ngadep2 ke dosen pbmbing gitulah krena gw kbetulan taruna tingkat akhir yg tinggal mnghtung bulan udh kluar dri akademi ini hehe,
oke ditulisan kali ini gw sprti bysa crita sdkit tntang aktivitas gw dri hri ke 13 dan sampe hari ke 14 dibulan puasa ini, lanjutt dripda kbnykan omong lngsung sikatt ae lah haha,
pagi waktu sahur, oke gw gak tau knp stelah mkan sahur gw serasa bingung dgn sgala tingkah laku doi akhir2 ini hmm lagi lagi dan lagi, tiba tiba dy jlan breng gw dan brkata “kalo ngasih traffic ke orang jgn smpe ketauan aku lah, klo gitu km mnding bilang ke aku jgn aku dnger dri org lain” oke gw gk ngrti knp tiba tiba dy ngmong sperti itu, dan kata2 itu sperti tuduhan yg tidak bsa dibenarkan sma skali, gw juga bingung knp dy bisa ngmong sperti itu okelah cinta ini mmbnuhku, gw lagi lagi harus mncari tau pda diri gw sndri sbnernya ap yg salah dri diri gw, ap gra2 gw ambil latgab baris ber baris kelas junior gw, ato apa, yg pdhal gw kgak sma skali ngrespon apapun dri wanita lain hmm gw heran serasa gw pngn tusuk org yg menfitnah gw sprti itu yaps karna doi bilang dy dksih tau sseorang, oke lah smua jdi membingungkan, waktu berselang dan gw pun mncoba mnjelaskan dan meyakinkan doi lwat bbrpa tulisan di chat dan goresan tinta di bbrpa surat yg aku krim ke doi, but i’ts so hard men, smua gk smudah yg km byangkan, terkutuk lah org yg meracuni doi dgn tuduhan sprti itu gak tau gw hrus ngpain lg selain gw brdoa smoga wktu scpatnya mnjwab smua tduhan yg salah itu, *sedikit curhat boleh lah haha,
oke lnjut di hari ke 13 gw tiba tiba dipangill ke prodi dgn alsan yg tidak jelas *hmm lagi lagi hrus tidak jelas. . oke sgera gw ke prodi dan mnghdap ke orang yg manggil gw siapa lg klo bukan kaprodi dan bbrpa staf, seett gw msuk dan #selamat pagi lapor taruna hasan bla bla bla, *sorry pnjang bngt soalnya haha, oke prokk gitulah lngkah prtama yg aku hentakan, oke gw pun dduk dan suasana mnjadi tegang sprti otot leher yg salat urat dan gk bsa nengok haha, lanjutt gw pun brtnya #ijin ad apa y pak, beliau pun mengambil selembar kertas dan mmberikan kpadaku, #ini san, jdwal km untuk 3 bulan kdepan smpai dgn klulusan nnti, tlong smua dikondisikan dan ingtkan tmen2 mu untk mmprsiapkannya dgn sbaik baiknya, begitulah suara dan kalimat yg kluar dri mulut seorang kaprodi gw, gw pun melotot smbil ngliatin kertas itu dan mmbca smua jdwal dan kterangan yg terlampir, *buseeett. . . dlam hati gw berkata, cpt bngt tong smua berasa sprti mnum es kelapa muda yg manis dgn es batu yg bgtu segar dmnum di siang hari hahaha *jdi aus ne gw. . siap siap pak sya kndisikan, bgtulah jwban gw, oke gw pun bangkit dri duduk dan sgera mnju pntu untk kluar, #mnghdap tlah dlksnakan bla bla bla *hehe lagi lagi sorry ya pnjang bngt soalnya . . stelah kluar dri ruangan pun gw segera mnuju kelas dgn lngkah kaki yg smakin cpt krna gw gk sbar liat ekspresi mimik muka tmen2 gw ktika gw ksih tau pngmuman ini haha, kreeett begtulah suara pntu kelas gw brbunyi, gw pun msuk dan ambil spidol lngsung gw tulis dipapan, oke tmen2 pun tak ada yg menghiraukan ap yg sdang aku lakukan, dan akhirnya stelah tulisan smua slesei, gw pun ksih arah ke tmen2 dan jleebbbb. . . bruaak. .krik krik krik, seketika hening dan gw ktwa dlam ati ngliat ekspresi tmen2 gw ngliat tulisan gw di papan, mreka kaku dan brrusha mnghakimi diri mreka sndri haha, oke prtnjukan  gw punn brakhir dgn smpurna, oke gw pun chat si doi ksih dy kbar klo gw mau off segera krna gw hrus ngadep ke dosen pbmbing sore itu, oke doi msih ad materi jdi gw kgak bsa mksain buat bareng, dan gw pun pncing dy untk ke msjid sore nnti krna gw brhrap yaa sdkit lah prckapan mngkin bsa ngobatin kangen gw sma dy, okelah gw pun brngkt ke ruangan dosen gw sembari gw tenteng tas lptop dan bbrpa lmbar lporan dan jurnal bmbingan hrian gw, stibanya druangan dgn hati was was krna takut akn ad tntangan aplg dri beliau ini gw pun mmberanikan diri mmbukan prckapan, oke prckapan dan debat pun trjadi bbrpa argumen dan sanggahan gw lontarkan ke dosen gw, bbrpa menit bhkan jam pun brlalu dan akhirnya #oke hasan, km nnti tmbahin wiring aj untk prubahan alat km di bab3, dan nnti di bab 4 km ksih analisa sja, dan sdkit prmslahan yg km tmukan di alatmu, untk alat udh gk ush km rubah sprti konsep itu aja, hufff. . alhamdulillah dlam ati gw, lega bngt rsanya, itulah kalimat indah yg trdengar dri dosen pbmbiing gw, oke tapi gw msih ad bbrpa project untk mmbuat wiring dong brrti mntap lah kalau gitu itu sngatlah mudah hehe *tapi inget km jgn trlalu ngntengin, haha itu lah kalimat pngingat dri si doi yg gw inget ktika gw berasa tinggi,., lanjutt lah gw pun kluar dri ruangan dosen pbmbing gw dan bergegas kemsjid untk shlt ashar dan sdkit ngaji *okelah udhlah, lu tau dosa gw bnyk jdi gw prlu mnghapusnya, mngkin ini slah stu cranya, haha . . gw tengok ke atas blm dtang juga si doi ini, bee lama amat ya, emang si dy ngmong kgak ush dtngguin, tpi cow mna gitu yg gk mau ktemu sma cew nya, hmm gw pun mmlih untk mnunggu diteras msjid sore itu, smbil gw gmbar gmbar gk jelas gw pun ngbrol sma marbot di msjid itu, oke sdkit obrolan sntai slesei, bbrpa menit kmudian gw rasa doi bkal off sore bngt, gw ptusin untk balik dan kbetulan ad tmen gw yg juga sdang di msjid, *oke ded, balik bareng yuk. ., gw mlontarkan kalimat ajakan, #oke ayokk. . dan dy melontarkan jwban hehe, . spatu trpsang dan gw pun brgegas balik, eeeh yg gw tnggu bru aj mncul ya siapa lg klo bukan mlaikat tk brsyap gw haha, syang bngt dah gw juga kgak enak sma tmen gw udh nngguin gw, dgn hati psrah gw pun mmilih balik akhirnya, smpai dibrak gw brgegas gnti bju olhrga dan sgera mnju ruang gym brhrap bsa ktemu doi lah djlan, dan trnyta semu boss, sepi yg ada cmn bbrpa mtor pegwai yg lalu lalang, bbrpa jam gw olhrga pun slesei, diiringi suara adzan mgrhib gw pun balik ke asrma, dan sgera gw btalin puasa gw hri itu, oke jam mkan mlam brbunyi itu tndanya wktu gw ngliatin si doi hehe, trsenyum gw kpadanya dan lirikan jail pun trjadi hehe, kdang gw ngerasa smngat lg klo ngeliat dy sprti tu hehe, oke lnjut slesei mkan gw hrus breng sma tmen2 gw krna y psen dri pngasuh gw selaku tk 3 akhir gw dan tmen2 hrus ksih cntoh yg baik buat adik2 gw biar mreka sdar bhwa kita adlah snior yg bsa mmberi cntoh baik buat mreka, okelah dmsjid gw pun duduk sma tmen2 dan ngbrol sana sini ngebahas bbrpa planning kdepan khidupan kita nnti, sembari gw lirik sana sini gw cari2 mna si doi ya kok gk ad, eh tiba tiba mncul tu ddpan tmpt wdhu dy brcnda dan dgn manisnya mainan sma adek2 kcil hehe trsnyum lah hati ini, dan serasa pngn lbih dkat dngan doi hehe, *sholat san ingeett. . oke mlaikat pun brbisik dtelinga gw haha, dan slsesei shlat trawih gw pun mnju lpangan apel untk sgera mlakukan apel mlam, bbrpa arah dan instruksi dri pngasuh pun dilontarkan didpan lpngan apel mlam ini, slesei smuanya gw pun kmbali ke asrma dan kmbali mnulis bbrpa surat untk doi esok pagi, oke gw ksih tau bhwa bsok gw ad prktek ke bndara jdi gw brhrap dy kgak ksepian dan ttep smngat untk bljar, hehe, slsei knjungan dri bndara gw pun balik ke asrma dgn suasana letih lemes dan rsanya pngn mnum gw pun mmlih tdur lah hehe, bngung dri tdur tiba2 pngmuman trdengar bhwa akn diadakan buka puasa bareng atasan dri akademi gw, oke gw pun brgegas mndi dan mmprsiapakn diri serapi mngkin krna tau sndri ini adlah moment gw bsa ngliat doi ake krudung hehe, ya siapa tau lah sdkit bsa fto breng dy *ngarepp lu tong. . . oke bbrpa ceramah dan acra slesei lanjut untk shlt mgrhib dmsjid, sepulang dri shlat dmsjid gw kget trnyta dpan brisan gw itu adlah si doi yg lg pake krudung, tnpa pkir pnjang gw hampirin lah dy, tpi eh dy mlah lari tu dan gw gk tau knp okelah gw hrap dy baik baik sja, *cemas sbnernya gw. . lnjut acra mkan dmulai di dlam gdung, slesei smua kgiatan gw pun nimbrung breng tmen2 ngbrol kgak jelas ksna kemari y krna emang itu yg kita selingin untk nghibur diri kita yg sibuk dgn kgiatan taruna tk akhir hehe, selsei smua shlt trawih dmulai sprti bysa, dan apel mlam pun kmbali dlksnakan dan sdkit crita gw tbtb kget wktu brisan sbelah gw tbtb bsikin klo ad yg manggil eh trnyta si doi hehe jdi salting kan gw, oke smua baik baik sja lega rsanya, balik ke kmar dan gw siap untk mmulai esok hri yg lbih baik, kriiinng alarm gw pun bunyi tnda mkan sahur dmulai gw pun brgegas bngun dan mnjun kmar mndi untk cuci muka dan gsok gigi gw yg mulai tua haha, druang mkan gw pun kode kode ke doi untk ktemu stelah ini di ruang duty karna y gw kangen sma dy kpan lg klo gk pagi ini, slesei kgiatan mkan gw brgegas gnti bju krna skalian nnti gw ajakin doi shlt sbuh dmsjid, dan ktika gw jlan tbtb dpan gw doi lg jlan sndrian oke mngkin dy ngira gw bkal lngsung keruang duty dan gw kira dy udh nungguin gw, brgegas gw cpetin lngkah kaki gw, dan seet tbtb dy bilang *aku mau balik, nnti aj ngbrol wktu apel pagi, sontak gw pun kaget gk bysanya dy kgak giini, oke dan gw bjuk dy, dan lagi lagi dy bilang *awas nnti dliatin adik2 lo, nnti dliatin sma trafficmu, jleeb hati gw pun terasa tersayat prah boss, brusha sbar gw bjuk dy pngn gw ngbrol dan bcara sma dy, but smua sia sia dy sprti tdk mau dan mmksa untk balik, okelahdripda gw makin emosi gw pun mmlih untk lngsung kmsjid, gw bsuh muka gw dgn air wdhu dan gw ucpin istighfar sdalam dlam hati gw, gw brdoa smoga dy sdar dgn ap yg dy omongin, dy gw coba untk ikhlas mnerima tduhan itu, smoga smua sgera terlihat siapa yg sbetulnya mmberikan traffic kpda org lain, oke dan akhirnya gw kgak bsa tdur gw luapin emosi gw smua untk bca ayat alquran dan serasa gw mlas dan gk smbgat lg untk ngpa2 in, gw plih untk tulis smua dsni, oke smoga ap yg gw rsain ini sgera slesei dan gw pngn smngat lg krna msa depan gw kurang 3 bulan lg, gw gk mau smua brantakan dan gw pngn menang dgn org yg pntas untk gw ajak menang dmsa depan gw nnti, oke thanks guys smua yg udh bca tumblr gw mskpun pda gk ad yg ksih like krna kgak punya akun tumblr kali ya hehe, but no problem kok haha, oke see yaa. . .
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