#strong enough to carry all the women on her shoulders
badasserywomen · 2 years
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Time for some appreciating on my big bufflass rau in all her glorious shirtlessness
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nebulaafterdark · 2 months
The Blacks & The Greens
Summary: A marriage of convenience is not enough to bridge the gap between their warring houses. Y/N and Aegon pay the price for his crown. Based off this request.
Aegon Targaryen x Velaryon(Strong)!Reader
Roughish sex, Targcest, angst, depictions of stillbirth.
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Y/N and Aegon marry out of convenience. To keep peace, to mend a house broken long before they were born.
Aegon does not mind bedding her, she is pretty enough. He does not mind watching her swell with his heir, he enjoys it even, paying special attention to Y/N as she grows.
“Does it hurt?” He wonders, tracing a little hand or foot across the skin of her abdomen.
“No,” Y/N smiles, passing a hand over his hair.
Aegon kisses her bump, bidding her and his child a good night before making his way down to the pleasure house.
Their first child, a son named Laenor, is Aegon’s pride and joy. His heart swells with something close to love for his wife, the first time he sees bits of her in their son’s features.
Y/N loves Laenor, carrying him about, showing him the Red Keep and all her favorite places in it. Aegon joins them, on occasion, sharing quiet moments with his little family.
Outside of Laenor, they exchange few words. Refusing to share apartments, but Aegon sneaks into her room more often than not, after nights spent in the company of other women.
“I could never fuck you like that.” He tells his wife, words slurred from his cups.
“I would let you.” Y/N assures him.
“You make my heart ache.” Aegon admits, “I hate when you do that.”
“I do not mean to,” Y/N sighs.
Aegon rests a hand over her beating heart. “I know.”
When asked for another heir, they are more than happy to provide. Exchanging sloppy kisses and sweet words, but never love, it couldn’t be love. Not with the twisted, possessive way of it.
“Beg,” Aegon demands, fucking her roughly enough that air is punched from her lungs with each snap of his hips.
“Please,” Y/N wails, clinging to him desperately.
“Please what?”
“Fill me with your heir, I wish to bear you a hundred children.”
Aegon grins, brushing sweat damp hair from her forehead. “I adore you, you know?”
Her eyes shoot open, meeting his.
“My pretty, bastard wife.”
The princess’s breath hitches, her cunt clenching around him.
“Enjoyed that, did you?”
There is no point in denying it, she likes the way he says it. The way he acknowledges it without insulting her. “Yes.”
“I do not care who sired you. You are mine now, bastard. Mine to fuck and breed. Mine to love, until we are both cold in our graves.”
Love? “Aegon?”
“You heard me well and clear.”
“I love-”
Aegon seals his mouth over hers, swallowing the words. “Don’t you dare say it.”
“Why?” Y/N asks, with big fat tears welling up in her eyes.
“You hold it inside until you burst or pour it over my cock as you milk me, but you do not say it.” Aegon sneers. He couldn’t be loved, he wouldn’t be, by her least of all.
The princess nods, allowing him to cradle her head against his shoulder. Whispering those forbidden words over and over, while she is never allowed to speak them. Her heart aches.
Like every other aspect of their marriage, this too is complicated.
Y/N’s term is nearing its end when her grandsire passes and Aegon is forced to usurp her mother’s throne. With blood running down her legs before Aegon is crowned in the dragon pit, she is rushed swiftly away to labor in her chambers.
Now that Aegon is king, he is allowed at her side without contest. Watching as their second child is brought into the world. The babe does not cry, something inside him knows….
The grand Maester is called to work on the child, a sweet little girl with silver hair.
Y/N begins pushing with the second, her tear stained face pleading for him.
Aegon goes to her, because that is all he knows how to do. He goes to her and holds her hand.
“Aegon,” she cries.
“Shhhh,” he hushes her.
“Will the babe live?”
He presses a kiss to her forehead, “I need you to calm yourself, dearest.”
“I can’t.”
“We must focus on this babe,” Aegon brushes a hand over her belly. “They need their mother to provide them safe passage into the world.”
“I want to see her.” Y/N cries, searching for her child.
“I am so sorry, sweetheart.” Aegon says, “so terribly sorry.”
Y/N bares down, sobbing as she does. The child is safe within her, the same cannot be said after it enters this cruel world. “I do not want to lose my child.”
“I will give you another,” Aegon promises, knowing that a thousand children can never make up for the one they’ve lost. “As many as you wish. Please, allow me to get you through this. You must live, our son needs you, I need you.”
“You must keep pushing my queen.”
Y/N brings her third child into the world, expecting the worst. But the little girl cries.
“Thank the gods,” Aegon lets his head fall against his wife’s chest. “Thank the gods.”
The child is laid against her.
“Kicking like a goat, my Queen.”
Aegon looks to his wife, their perfect babe in her arms. “I love you.”
Y/N nods, choking on her grief and joy and love for him.
“Say it, my heart.” Aegon feels it on the tip of her tongue, “it’s alright.”
“I love you,” Y/N laments, “I love you and I’m sorry.”
“You’ve nothing to apologize for.”
“Our babe-”
“None of this is your fault. Please know that.”
Y/N nods, not entirely convinced.
The King and Queen spend days in that bed, mourning their loss, unaware of Rhaenyra’s similar suffering across the sea.
There is no war so hateful as a war between kin, they will all pay the price for it; the Blacks and the Greens.
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meazalykov · 7 days
the critic
lena oberdorf x commentator!reader
summary: when lena gets tagged in a video clip, she approaches you
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before the cameras, before the viral clips, before the edits, before your voice became synonymous with women’s soccer commentary, there was your games itself.
you used to play, back in the day. soccer was your life—practices in the morning, matches on weekends, hours spent refining your craft, the feel of the ball at your feet something almost sacred. 
you had dreams, big ones, of playing at the highest level, maybe even for the national team. but that all came crashing down when a spinal injury took you out of the game. 
one bad fall, a rough tackle by three players at once in a crucial match, and suddenly, everything you had worked for was gone. 
the doctors said you were lucky to be walking and running again, but for a long time, it didn’t feel like luck. 
it felt like a curse, like soccer was ripped away from you when you were just starting to get your footing in the world of professional sports. 
lyon was close to signing you from your childhood club. however, that changed. the deal had to fail and so did your dream.
so you had to shift gears. you couldn’t play anymore, but you could talk about the game, share your insights, your passion, your love for it with the world. 
and, as it turned out, people loved listening to you. your analysis was sharp, your delivery honest, your humor was sweet, and soon enough, you became a well-known voice in women’s soccer commentary. 
you poured everything you couldn’t put on the pitch into your work, and it paid off.
now, here you are—2023, world cup, germany vs colombia. the stadium is electric, fans buzzing with anticipation. 
it’s your job to capture all of it, to bring the game to life for those watching at home. 
alongside you in the commentator’s booth is tyrell, your close friend and co-host for one of the biggest sports streaming sites in the world. 
you adjust your headset, eyes scanning the field as the camera pans over the players. 
"alright, tyrell, we’ve got quite the matchup today," you say, your voice carrying across the broadcast. 
"germany is looking to bounce back after their last game, and colombia has been on fire in their latest matches with caicedo. it’s anyone’s game today."
"no doubt," tyrell agrees. 
“but you know i’ve got my eye on germany’s midfield. lena oberdorf, she’s got a lot of weight on her shoulders in this one. one of the best defensive midfielders in the world is on the pitch tonight." he finishes. 
you nod, your gaze locking onto oberdorf as she moves across the pitch. 
she’s been a standout for years—strong, composed, a true force in the midfield. 
you’ve always admired the way she plays, the way she commands respect on the field as she will roughly stop any opponent attack. 
but today, something feels off. you’ve been watching her closely during the first half, and you can’t help but feel like she’s holding back.
"honestly," you start, pausing to gather your thoughts, "i expected more from oberdorf during that first half."
there’s a brief silence as tyrell turns to look at you, his eyebrows raised in surprise. 
it’s not often that you call out a player like that, especially someone as highly regarded as oberdorf. 
"really?" he asks, curious. "what do you think’s going on with her?"
you lean forward slightly, watching as the replay of germany’s midfield play rolls across your monitor. 
"she’s not playing with her usual aggression. oberdorf is known for her ability to dominate the midfield, to break up play and transition quickly. but today, she’s been hesitant. this can’t continue if they don’t want someone like caicedo to get in their box. oberdorf needs to press harder, get more involved in the attack. if she steps it up in the second half, she can make the difference that germany needs."
your words hang in the air for a moment before tyrell responds, and the conversation shifts back to the overall match. 
but you can’t shake the feeling that your comment will stir something up. 
sure enough, by the time the game is over—colombia managing to scrape by with a fantastic win—your phone is buzzing nonstop. 
social media is ablaze with the clip of you critiquing oberdorf, the internet having latched onto the rare moment where you offered up something negative about a player you so clearly admired.
fans of both you and lena are eating it up, dissecting your analysis, making memes, and some even suggesting you had ulterior motives. 
it doesn’t help that you’ve been vocal in the past about your respect for oberdorf’s game. 
and maybe, if you’re being totally honest, there’s more to it than just respect. 
you’ve followed her career closely, always a little more interested in her games than others. not that you’d ever admit to having a bit of a crush on her—not publicly, anyway.
across the city, at the team hotel, lena oberdorf is stretched out on her bed, headphones in, trying to decompress after the match. 
her body is exhausted, germany didn’t get the result they needed. her phone buzzes with notifications, but she ignores it for now, lost in her thoughts.
that is, until laura freigang walks in, a mischievous grin on her face and her phone in hand. 
"lena," she says, her voice sings, "it looks like someone’s got their eye on you."
lena sits up, raising an eyebrow. "what are you talking about?"
laura tosses her phone onto the bed, and lena catches it, her eyes narrowing as she watches the video that’s already queued up. 
it’s you, sitting in the commentator’s booth, talking about her. her. 
"honestly, i expected more from oberdorf during that first half."
lena blinks, her mind processing the words. she’s used to hearing praise, especially from someone like you, who’s usually more positive in your analysis. 
but this? it feels different. not harsh, but… honest. like you know she could do better, and that, in a weird way, feels almost flattering.
"see?" laura says, flopping onto the bed next to her. 
"she noticed you. she expects more from you, lena."
lena rolls her eyes, but she can’t hide the faint smile tugging at her lips. 
it’s no secret, at least among her teammates, that she’s always found you attractive. she’s mentioned it once or twice—half-joking, half-serious—how she watches your broadcasts not just for the analysis but because, well, you’re easy on the eyes. 
but she never thought it would go beyond that. you were based in new york city, worlds away from her, and probably didn’t even know she existed outside of your job.
but now? maybe things have changed.
"i don’t want to get your hopes up because it could’ve been a simple analysis but maybe this is your shot," laura adds, nudging lena with her elbow. 
"go for it. what’s the worst that could happen?"
lena hesitates, the idea forming in her mind. it’s bold, sure, but she’s never been one to shy away from taking risks. "yeah… maybe i will."
later that night, you’re sitting in the hotel bar, winding down after a long day of commentary in australia. 
the buzz from the viral clip still lingers in the back of your mind, and you’re half-expecting to get some flak for it. but instead, it seems like people are more entertained by the whole thing than anything else. 
you take a sip of your drink, eyes scanning the room, when you hear a voice behind you.
"hey y/n-- I'm sorry, uh I hope i’m not interrupting."
you turn, and your breath catches in your throat for just a second. it’s lena oberdorf, standing right in front of you, looking a little nervous but still carrying that air of confidence she always has on the pitch.
how did she find you? maybe the german national team stayed nearby? i mean, you were told this was a popular bar in sydney.
however, why would lena go to a bar if she has to prepare for the important match against south korea?
"not at all," you manage, trying to keep your cool despite the sudden rush of nerves.
"what’s up?"
"i, uh, saw the clip," she says, rubbing the back of her neck. "the one where you talked about me."
you chuckle softly, feeling a slight flush in your cheeks. "yeah… i didn’t mean to come off too harsh. just being honest, you know?"
you didn’t know how to react, so you smile. no player has confronted you about your comments before. this is a first.
"no, i get it," she smiles, her eyes locking onto yours. 
"honesty’s good. i just… wanted to ask if you’d like to grab dinner sometime. maybe when you’re in germany next? i’d love to take you out." lena speaks in perfect english. 
you blink, surprised by the offer. of all the things you expected tonight, this wasn’t one of them. but looking at her now, her smile genuine and her eyes soft with hope, you can’t help but smile back.
"yeah," you say, heart racing just a little. "i’d like that."
you were a little older than her, older by two years, but she carried herself in a way that pulled you to her.
the world feels a little smaller, the distance between you and lena shrinking with a single conversation. 
you think that maybe you should critic her more often, kidding— of course.
my masterlist is here if you want to read more fics <3
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 2 months
AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: King Aegon ii Targaryen x Niece! Targ! ( Strong ) Reader suggest song to listen to whilst reading: Like Real People Do by Hozier or Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives prompt : would you be open to writing a part3 for like real people do where they both find out that y/n's pregnant so aegon genuinely wants to be a better person for her and their kid, and wants to prove it to her. she still hasn't forgiven him and she's pregnant and moody so one day they have a similar fight like in part 1 but this time its her who's telling him to stay away from her. they stop talking to each other and during that time aegon realizes how he made her feel when he said all those things. her pregnancy gets harder for her and one day she faints and is put on bed rest so aegon slowly starts befriending her and falls for her but on the other hand she's still cautious of him. he's by her side when she gives birth and through raising their child together they finally start having a normal relationship and on a feast held for their baby they finally patch up and make love afterwards??? ty ❤️❤️❤️ word count: 1, 000+ words
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It was now Aegon that looked for you when he entered a room. It was now Aegon was patient. It was now Aegon that was met with sneers and glares. It was now Aegon would dote on you, no matter how many times you snapped at him to leave you be. A bitter twist of fate. It killed him. It was worse than dagger or dragonfire. You, the one person who had treated him with so much kindness, had finally run up. But, it was a faith he had created himself. 
He gave you your time. He slept in separate bed chambers. He ate alone in his chambers. He avoided small council meetings when you sat in. He was just alone. His Mother was livid at him for his treatment towards you. His Grandsire was even more livid, condemning him for ruining years of planning and plotting with his foolishness. His siblings had been distant, Aemond purposely bumping shoulders with him or tripping him when they passed by each other. 
Then a Maester came to him. Four simple words that made him want to fling himself from Maegor’s Holdfast. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child. She is with child.  She is with child. 
You were with child. His child. Exactly two moons, not long enough for anything to show. It all made sense. It all made fucking sense now, on why were you so keen on tending to him. On why you attempted to mend the distance. On why you tried so hard with him. It was all for the sake of the babe that was growing in your belly. It killed him. You were trying so hard to not repeat history. And he had gone out, fucking it all up. 
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Tucking his hand behind his back, he stares at the door of your bedchambers, attempting to muster up some courage. You were four moons along now in your pregnancy. He could only imagine what you looked like now. Would you have a tiny bump now? Would you have that glow that many pregnant women had? Would you be miserable? Would you detest him and the babe? Would you damn him to the seven hells for having to carry a babe made from hate and duty? 
“Come on, come on, stop being a coward.” He murmurs, attempting to hype myself up.
You ruined her. You fucking ruined her. It was all your doing, the voice in his head says.
“Come on, come on..” He fusses with his hair and doublet, attempting to fix his appearance.
She hates you. She hates you just as everyone else does. Just leave her be. Leave her alone. You’ll only just worsen things. You’ll break her just as you do to everyone else, the voice taunts.
Flattening out the wrinkles in his doublet, he fidgets with the gold livery collar chain, fixing the gold and emerald dragon pendant. Looking over at a polished mirror on the wall, he looks at his reflection with wide eyes, sharply turning around to face it. Swallowing the thick lump in his throat, he anxiously smoothes out his hair, the strands of white hair all greasy and a mess. Gods, damn it! 
Why did no one tell him how bad his hair looked?! Had he been walking around the Red Keep like this the whole damn time?! Desperately attempting to tame his hair, the loud creaking of a door opening fills the air, making him freeze. Looking towards the door in dread, there you stood, eyes racking him up and down like a provoked dragon. 
“Why are you standing at my door like a fool?” You ask, only keeping the door open a crack.
“Um, I…I missed you?” He blubbers out, sounding like a complete and utter fool. 
“You. Missed. Me?” You ask agonizingly slow. 
“Yes..?” He sheepishly smiles, the words coming out as more of a question. 
Watching you open the door just a inch more, he can see the soft periwinkle of your maternity gown, soft silk with gold embroidery on the neckline and hem. It was the same one that your Mother had worn a few years ago after giving birth to your youngest brother Joffrey.
Gods, that shade of blue looked beautiful on you. Slowly taking in the parts of you he could see, he chews on his bottom lip, fiddling with his wedding ring. You were beautiful, strong willed, stubborn, and as fierce as a dragon. He felt like the wee lamb that had been given to you to eat. 
“I..Um, why would I not? You are my wife and I..”
“Oh, really? Now, I am your wife? I thought I was just the burden, the thing you crawled to when you needed your cock wet..” You mock, repeating the same insults he had sneered at you over the years. 
“It was a mistake, me saying all of that to you.” He looks down shamefully, “I am, truly, sorry for what I have done.” 
“I take it the Maester’s have told you already. Tis’ quite pathetic that only now you wish to rekindle, all because I am with child. You would still be gorging yourself fat on wine if it was not for that.” You snip back, unimpressed.
Opening his mouth to argue back, he stops himself at the last second, a cruel insult on the tip of his tongue that threatened to come out. No. No. No. He would not do that. He would just sit there and take it. It took weeks to get you to even look at him, he would not ruin this now. He could not allow it. Gulping as his heart skips a beat, his hands grow clammy, watching as you open the door a little more to reveal the tiny baby bump. It was small, just noticeable. 
A clear sign you were still in your early months of pregnancy. But, it was all he could see. You were with his child. His heir. A tiny part of him wanted to reach out and touch it, to see if he could feel the tiniest of kicks yet. He had seen so many couples in Court doing things like that, touching the baby bump and then giggling at the feeling of kicks. He wanted to do that. He wanted to do that with you. 
“No, I..I, um, have been wanting to give you your time.”
“Then, why did you come here today?” You ask, face softening even so slightly.
“I..I suppose I had hoped that we could speak, and I could ask you how you fared so far. If there is anything, absolutely anything, that I can do to ease any pain you feel. I can even have a raven sent to your Mother if that would please you⎯” He rambles on, the words spilling out like vomit. 
“Stop talking. Just, stop talking, Aegon.” 
“I can stop talking. I can stop talking for the rest of my life is that is what you⎯” He rambles on, unable to stop the words from spilling out. 
“Aegon!” You repeat, a little louder. 
Watching your nose softly wrinkle up in irritation, you reach out for him, covering his mouth with your hand. The words instantly die on his tongue. His heart skips a beat, his breathing growing ragged. You were touching him. For the first time in weeks, or was it months, you were touching him. Finding himself melting into your touch, he stares up at you like an obedient dog.
“If not for my sake, then for the babe, let us..” You look like you were dreading saying it aloud, “Let us try again. No more fighting. No more silence.” 
“I..I would love that.” He stutters, cheek heating up. 
“I do not wish for this babe to grow up with the same tension we had⎯”
“It won’t, you have my word. I will do as you ask of me.” He vows, a dead serious expression on his face.
He meant it. He meant every word. Watching you shake your head with a sigh, you open the door a little more, sauntering inside of your bedchambers. He resists the urge to frown. What happened? You two were on seemingly good terms. Standing in the doorway like a kicked puppy, you turn to look at him, hand resting atop of your tiny pregnant belly. Had he done something wrong?
“Stop standing there like a fool and come inside.” You crack the tiniest of smiles, “My feet are aching from standing for so long.”
“Coming, coming.” 
“Now, what dull names did you come up with for the babe? Or are you going to name him 'boy' just as you do all of your squires?” You ask, a flicker of your old self returning back.
"Oi! It was one time!"
this little series is done done, no more, and i love it soooooo much..
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groundzerosgirlfriend · 6 months
A/n: Just binge watched all three seasons of Dr. Stone and Senku and Tsukasa can do whatever they want to me! Bark Bakrk woof Awooga!
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Soft boyfriend Tsukasa: That revived you in this new stone world with the 'miracle fluid' after gathering a strong enough army, to ensure your safety at all times.
Soft boyfriend Tsukasa: That barely wants his right-hand man Hyoga to be around you unless it's absolutely necessary going out of way to forage, fish, and hunt with you.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: That sits beside you for quality time as you sew and talk his ear off about everything that runs his mind and although he could spend his time elsewhere, where else would he want to be.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: That is still as sweet as he was 3,700 years ago instead of carrying your books to school, he carries any prey you caught, any basket of mushrooms, and any firewood (He doesn't want his gorgeous girl working hard, what type of boyfriend would he be).
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: That ignores all the other attractive women (much to the disappointment of Minami) in his empire throwing themselves at him much preferring to keep his sights set on you. His one and only.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Whose heart breaks as you finally see him firsthand destroy a statue of an older gentleman the crumbled rock around his feet and his gut twisting as your eyes prick the slightest tears.
Soft boyfriend Tsukasa: Who doesn't follow after you when your quick leave his vicinity not wanting to pressure you into talking to him, knowing how empathetic you are about a lot of things (It's one of the things he loves about you, but right now it's biting him in the ass).
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Whose heart beats harder than it ever has when comparing it to any of his grueling wrestling matches after a week of silence on your end you sit next to him at the campfire site just leaning your head on his shoulder.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who's about to apologize for slaughtering those statues in front of you and explain his reasoning behind his uncouth action is surprised when you tell him 'You don't mind.'
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who stays quiet with ears open as you express that although you don't like what he's doing, you condone killing innocent people statues or not, but you won't question it or force him to stop knowing it has to be for good reason.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who places his huge hands-on top of yours just giving a gentle squeeze of acknowledgement and thankfulness, because in this moment no words need to be said as the fire crackles in front of you two.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who is now happier than he thinks he's ever been having both you and his newly revived sister free from her dreaded comatose (with the help of Senku) at his side.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who smiles the slightest bit and chuckles softly as he watches from the sidelines you entertain and play with his younger sister grateful that the two of you get along so well and even wondering if one day you would want a family with him. A blend of both of your genes.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: That sacrifices his life with a spear piercing through his lung at the river side when Hyoga attempts to attack you and Miria. The last thing he sees before he falls into the river is you and Senku reaching out for him in a desperate attempt to catch him.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: After his epic battle with Senku at his side he spends his last minutes alive breathing ragged and hoarse with you and the renowned scientist. His head in your lap and holding each other hands as he chuckles at Senku's attempt at small talk.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: That whispers out a barely heard "I love you" but before you can even comprehend it and much less respond his eyes softly close, and his breathing comes to a permanent stop.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who unknowingly has you and his sister by his side the entire time he is in cold sleep. Barely leaving the makeshift refrigerator as you tell him stories and talk his ear off knowing that you won't get a response.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who when he's finally revived and healed from what were once permanent wounds hugs his teary-eyed little sister and looks around the cave space for you inconspicuously knowing you couldn't be far.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who finally spots you in the very back of the group your lip quivering as he cracks the softest of smiles and hold his arms open for you to rush into as you cry and snot all over his bare chest comforting you with the fact that he was alive and well now.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who even though was dead for months on end in that cold refrigerator somehow knew that you were by his side the entire time thanking you for never giving up on him.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who sits with you on the cave floor simply murmuring low sweet nothings in your ear as you cling onto him as if to make sure he's really alive and well, your head pressed against his chest to hear his heart beating once more.
Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who says "Let me say it properly this time, my dear. I love you."
Extra: Soft Boyfriend Tsukasa: Who could most definitely manhandle you like a little ragdoll but refrains from it since you've never expressed interest in such rough treatment. But after he tosses you over his shoulder to carry you out the cave without asking in the heat of the moment and hears your delighted giggle, he'll be sure to bring that up with you.
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Rick/reader/Daryl are a throuple and the Alexandria residents don’t know how to react.
.⋆。Her Poor Cat。⋆.
Daryl x plus size reader x Rick
Obviously the Alexandrians were pretty vanilla
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and smut, bit of a crack fic, humour, fluff
WC: 900
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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The welcome party was an interesting touch to the new-comers. It was so weirdly reminiscent of the old world with the nice clothes and good food and alcohol but at the same time, many in the room carried that haunted look in their eyes from the hell just outside the walls. But the food was fresh and the company was pleasant enough.
Carl had scrambled off a couple minutes ago, presumably to try and sneak some whiskey behind his father’s back, leaving you alone with a sleepy Judith perched on your wide hip. Her chunky hand tightly clutched at your shirt as her big blue eyes fluttered.
“Mama.” She muttered, nuzzling further into your hold. You gently cupped the back of her head and began to sway softly. 
“We’ll leave soon, just need to find your dads and make sure they don’t get into any trouble.” Your eyes skipped over the crowd but you were quickly stopped by someone coming up beside you.
“It’s so good to see healthy children during these times.” Deanna seemed less focused on you and more on the now half-asleep child in your arms, which you were incredibly grateful for considering that your poker face wasn’t as good as it used to be and she legitimately freaked you out.
Judith grumbled as you hitched her higher on your hip. “Judy is an easy baby, pretty much eats anything that gets put in front of her.” You chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“You and Rick must be very proud of your kids.” 
Your eyes widened. “Oh, it’s not-“
A strong arm was suddenly wrapped around your thick waist and you were tugged back into their hard stomach. The scent of cigarettes and motor oil filled your senses as Daryl’s lips brushed against your earlobe. You watched as Deanna went pale, obviously coming to her own conclusion about your relationship with the archer.
“I-I didn’t realise, given how affectionate you are with the kids, I thought Rick was your partner.” You could feel Daryl’s broad chest rumble with discontent.
“So what if he is?” The noise from the party faded away to a faint whisper as all eyes turned to you. Internally, you groaned, vowing to get some sort of revenge on your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry?” Deanna seemed genuinely confused but you knew that whatever was about to come out of Daryl’s mouth would not serve to lessen that feeling.
With your free hand, you dug your fingers into his hip, urging him to shut the hell up but like always, Daryl refused to listen. “So what if we’re both fucking her?”
And there it was. Your body sagged with embarrassment as heat raced up your neck, blooming across your cheeks. “You fucking asshole.” Your group all seemed to be holding back their laughter as the Alexandrians were suddenly incredibly uncomfortable. You heard Carl groan loudly from somewhere behind you. “Not again.”
“Both of them?” Spencer materialised beside his mother, jaw practically on the floor. “At the same time?”
Just as Daryl’s mouth opened once more to very rudely answer the mayor’s son, Rick’s hand on his shoulder stopped him. His grip was light enough to appear friendly but the way his fingers curled into his collarbone kept the other man silent. “What Daryl meant to say is that we are all in a relationship together.”
You then made the mistake of making eye contact with Maggie and Carol who both seemed to be on the edge of suffocation as they desperately tried to stop giggling. You glared at the women and got back a rather rude gesture from Carol that restarted their laughter anew.
“I think I need to get Judy to bed.” You tried to pull away from Daryl’s grip but the stubborn man he was, he just held you tighter.
“How does that work?” The question came from a woman towards the back. You could practically feel Rick’s smirk as he cleared his throat but very quickly, another woman decided to answer for him.
“Obviously they take turns.” A murmur of agreement filled the room followed by- “Oh her poor vagina.” This makes Glenn snort into his drink.
With a horrified look on her face, Deanna spoke again. “This is highly inappropriate.” Yet no one seemed to hear her because someone else piped up.
“I can’t believe that she isn’t pregnant all the time.”
“I think that’s enough of that! Thank you all for the wonderful party, but we really should be going now.” Your voice boomed, starling Judith awake but that was the least of your concerns at the moment. Daryl went easily enough as your fingers clamped down on his wrist and you pulled him along, although there was a prideful smile on his lips.
But Rick had other ideas. “It’s not like we don’t try every chance we get.” Faster than you thought you were capable of, you dropped Daryl’s hand and your arm darted out, grabbing Rick’s ear with a force that made him visibly flinch.
“I said that’s enough.” You snarled and tugged him towards the front door, Daryl trailing close behind you. “Goodnight.” The door slammed shut behind you, leaving behind a room full of stunned Alexandrians and your friends who were all laughing loudly.
“Well, I guess that cleared that up.” Deanna murmured and took a long pull of her drink.
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billiedeansbitch · 6 months
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐞 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑)
(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
Summary: The one where in Larissa sex life is no longer boring or Larissa took chance on a young shapeshifter who had a massive crush on her.
(AO3 link in the title)
A/n: after what it feels like a year of depression (lol) part three is finally done. (It's the longest chapter by far so buckle up)
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It had been two weeks since she found out that she might be, as ridiculous as it sounded, carrying your child in her womb though she was still in the shadows of disbelief and that the results were something of an error because how? Just how…could this all make sense? Even with the results she paid hefty for wasn’t at all convincing. Were there some lessons she missed in the anatomy class that could somehow explain this phenomenon? 
It felt cruel and sad, being played like this, it was her body yet it felt like it wasn’t her own. She was supposed to feel it, right? She should know like all the women who were able to predict their pregnancy by trusting their instinct—maybe her instinct wasn’t that strong enough to feel the changes going on or if there were any to begin with but her period was late. She missed it and that was enough for her to worry.
But alas, Larissa gave her mind a rest, choosing to not dwell on the matter; her days went as normal, nobody suspected anything, not even you. The sex continued, and it was great. She was living her best life…supposedly.
When morning came and the sunlight swept across the walls through the gaps of the curtains at seven in the morning on a wednesday, Larissa was up and about managing through her routine that she had so religiously been doing ever since she could remember.
The coffee was left brewing in the kitchen for later while she took her time in the bedroom, picking her clothes, the accessories she’d wear for the day, her perfume, what kind of wrist watch she was in the mood for and so on. Again, everything was normal like it should be.
Sated with the outcome of her makeup, she gave herself a once over through the mirror. She then slipped her kitten heels over her stocking clad feet, feeling them in since they were new and fresh out of the box.
Looking past her shoulders, she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander to her already made bed. Only three days ago you were lying there on your stomach, clad in nothing but her shirt that was obviously too big, swallowing your form until the tops of your thighs as you “innocently” read a book from her shelf.
It could have fooled her by the way the space between your brows creased but upon seeing the cover was turned upside down she knew you were only doing it for show or maybe you were bored out of your mind that your last resort to ease yourself was by doing something remotely childish.
Larissa made it a point to tell you that you were “reading” it wrong as she crossed her bedroom to grab a set of underwear from her drawer to which you told her that it was on purpose, that you were testing out how far you could read them upside down. She hummed, a smile unfurling on her lips. The woman was inexplicably drawn to you that even this did nothing to change her mind about you.
She let you be, hearing your soft murmurs in the background as she slid some clothes on. It was funny to think that only half an hour ago you were rearranging her insides and whispering filthy things into her ear making her own cum spill down the bedsheets. God, she was missing you already and there was no way she was able to deny it by the way she felt her chest squeezed.
The kitchen smelled like coffee when she entered the space, its aroma was so rich it nearly made her salivate. She needed it to start with her day knowing well that her body required it to function and stay alert, yet in the midst of pouring herself a cup, Larissa halted feeling a strange turn in her stomach and put the pot down. What little she had poured was wasted away in the sink.
Instead, she grabbed something to snack on: a mix of nuts that she had been liking as of late. She then left the house early and opted for a concoction of fresh blended fruit juice as well as two medium sized blueberry muffins from the roadside cafe on her way to Nevermore, she also ordered a loaf of their special banana bread with the intention to share it with the Nevermore staff and a slice for her, too, just incase she got hungry in the middle of work which she often did these past few days.
“Good morning, Principal Weems.” Enid, ever the sweet girl she was, greeted Larissa in the hallway on her way to the teacher’s lounge holding the goodies in one hand as the other held her drink.
The bounce in Enid’s step was enough for the woman to feel sort of amused. She reciprocated the smile and she greeted her, too.
“You look glowing, Principal Weems.” The younger woman chirped, still smiling. Larissa felt blush creeped to her cheeks. It wasn’t odd for Enid to rain people with compliments, it was actually her brand, and Larissa wasn’t a stranger to it as she, herself, had received it plenty of times yet she found herself dumbfounded particularly by this one. Her, glowing? Of course, she kept her appearance as sophisticated as one could muster while running an entire school of outcasts but glowing? No amount of makeup or creams or moisturisers she lathered her skin with could make her glow unless Enid was lying. Or buttering her up for something she wanted to ask as a favour from her later.
Before the woman could react, Enid was saying goodbye and breezed past her to catch up with her friends in the end of the hallway.
She brushed it off and headed to the teacher’s lounge.
This time it was the new professor who complimented her whilst taking a slice of banana bread for herself. Larissa could only stand right there and smile.
One by one they all had their piece, the last one to grab was Professor Vladimir, moaning when he took a bite. Larissa felt pleased by everyone's reactions, it was as if she baked it herself.
The little nudge on her arm pried her mind off of her thoughts, it was Professor Vladimir eyeing her, it was something that let Larissa know that she should leave now or she’d have to put up with his teasing.
“What’s the special occasion?” He had this irritating habit of wiggling his eyebrows up and down while he gave her smile that was just as ridiculous. “Had a good lay, Rissy?” She knew that nickname was coming and yet she had the audacity to be shocked and eyed him dirty.
“Do me a favour and shut your mouth, Vlad.” It was spoken discreetly low that only he could hear it. Looking around, Larissa felt eased seeing everyone was busy conversing amongst themselves.
Alexander Vladimir was her friend, a gay guy that had this exceptionally good facial harmony even with the moustache that made Larissa want to shave it off herself. They had been friends since their own time at Nevermore, and now, here they were, still friends though Larissa doubted it wouldn’t be for long if he kept pestering her with his comments about you. (Oh yes, he knew about you.)
It all started when he caught you one afternoon creeping out in the hallway, Larissa’s lipstick smeared on your skin and hair was a little bit tousled. It wasn’t rocket science to figure that you were both fucking, he could never judge one’s happiness. He had taken so much pride knowing something else not many were privy to. It made him lose his goddamn mind and since then he never stopped harassing her with questions and teasing.
And although Larissa wasn’t ready to spill her secrets out, it oddly felt good to finally talk about you, to have someone listen to her as she gushed over and over how amazing you were as a person but of course it didn’t all happen in one seating during tea time. He coaxed her out of it and in return, he divulged his recent rendezvous with the groundskeeper. To this day, Larissa felt traumatized from all the information her friend should have kept all to himself.
“Tell me, love, have you done anal? Or sixty-nine ‘cause girl, you are fucking glowing. You aren’t keeping her hostage under your desk or tied to your bed posts, are you?”
Larissa nearly did a spit take, though she quickly recovered and schooled her expression. She did a quick sweep around before jabbing her elbow to his side earning her a yelp.
“Girl, you can deny it in ten different ways and I ain’t gonna believe you. Who cares if you do? I don’t. You can keep her all year long over or under any surface of your office and I wouldn’t dare say a thing.”
Okay, that was it. Larissa’s nostrils flared, eyeing down the man. If he could casually talk like that with all these people in the room, no doubt Larissa could casually wring his neck as well but the thought soon vanished when another teacher joined their space leaving Larissa fuming underneath a calm expression.
She put a practiced smile on her, looking sweet and all as if in her mind she wasn’t thinking about murdering her friend.
It was Mrs Bowen, the music teacher, rubbing her very swollen pregnant belly in front of Larissa. A belly that Larissa could swear wasn’t as prominent as it was now when she last saw the woman, she couldn’t even recall if she sent a congratulatory note or anything.
Subconsciously, she placed a hand flat on her stomach, mimicking the other woman.
“Mrs Bowen! It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages. How far along are you again? It looks like you’re ready to pop!” It was Vlad who broke the ice first. Larissa stayed silent, pensively rubbing her thumb on the soft spot of her belly.
“Almost eight months. I’m carrying triplets.” She made a show by pushing her belly outward.
“Damn that’s a horde! How many positions did you do with your husband to conceive not just one but three?”
The high pitch chuckle broke Larissa out of her trance, removing her hand and letting it fall on her side to appear as if she was smoothing her dress. Thankfully everyone was well occupied to notice the gesture.
“Just one. It runs in the family you know. My husband is a quadruplet.”
“Wow…okay, wow. Really wow.”
“Congratulations on the babies again, Mrs Bowen. ” Larissa said finally.
“Thank you, Principal Weems. I kinda want to ask you, well, I was gonna drop an invitation at your office but I can’t climb two flights of stairs like I used to anymore so I’m just gonna say it. It’s my baby shower this upcoming holiday break. I know it’s quite early but my husband and I decided it’s for the best.”
It was plain as day that the impromptu invitation had caught her off guard, she blinked a few times, she didn’t even realize her jaw was clenched and her brows were raised, as her breath was suspended.
She looked at Mrs Bowen’s face, then down her engorged belly, then back up to her face again. She had no qualms with the pregnant woman, hell, Mrs Bowen was the sweetest, most down to earth living person she encountered in this godforsaken town, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be in a…celebratory mood?
“That’s—” it felt like her voice was caught up in her throat “—that’s wonderful. I, um, I have to check if my schedule is clear but I’ll keep it in mind.” she said, putting a practiced smile on her face. She wanted to leave.
“Excuse me, I have to go. Have a lovely day for both of you and see you around.”
Larissa sat in front of her desk, the drink she had was forgotten on the table letting the condensation from the melted ice drip.
Seeing Mrs Bowen in her state made Larissa think about herself. It made her heart beat faster, the image of herself with a big protruding belly was unnerving enough as it was and it was made worse by the thought of how, just fucking how, was she going to go through all stages of pregnancy. Not that anything was confirmed yet, but she just couldn’t help herself.
And it terrified her. The future terrified her. If only she could just pull out the test kits she had hiding in her drawer and piss on it, wait for some goddamn five minutes, and be done. She would at least get a grip of what was really going on, though it felt like it wasn’t that easy.
Maybe a part of her was already hoping no matter how much she denied it while the rest was just scared of the disappointing truth but wouldn’t it be better? You were young, free spirited, you often gush about how you’d want to travel the world and explore. You had a full life right ahead of you and she was not selfish to ask anything of you but she knew you were not a terrible person, you wouldn’t just leave.
Thinking about it made me nauseous. It wasn’t supposed to get this serious. None of these were supposed to happen.
She was fucking turning forty-four in a few months, and this kind of dilema was absolutely not she was expecting at this age.
That day she decided she was too overwhelmed and unwell to properly function so she gave into her whims and she went home and spent the rest of the day in her bed wishing you were there to hold her.
Eventually it was the end of the week with a long weekend ahead, Professors were gathering their belongings to spend weekends with their families for those who live far away, and students were getting ready for whatever plans they had for the weekend.
She watched from the balcony how the thick crowd dispersed until few of the staff were left roaming the grounds, only then did she summon herself to collect her things, deeming herself ready to go home.
In the middle of applying a fresh coat of lipstick, she couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the silence, the hollowed feeling that lingered in her chest. She didn't know how the thought got to her but she imagined a gummy smile welcoming her home with a tiny pair of hands opening and closing, too eager to grab a fistful of her clothes. The smell of baby powder and cologne as she buries her face on the crook of a little one’s neck and then you…
She thought about you kissing her and helping take her coat off. She thought about spending her Saturdays in her backyard, lounging on a massive picnic blanket under the tree, indulging the day with books and some wine, and then you’d be both surprised because your daughter just took her first step, and her heart was clenching, a proud smile displayed on her face while you were absolutely freaking out because what if she fell flat on her face?
(Okay. Fuck. Goddamnit)
The sound of the drawer slamming closed harder than it was necessary reverberated in the room. She was hot on her heels, ushering herself into the bathroom, leaving the door open, she held two pregnancy tests with a firm grip.
With bated breath, she sat on the toilet and used the first stick.
When you arrived on a Saturday morning, Larissa had just come out of her bedroom. You were still in the hallway, your overnight bag hanging on your shoulder, two paper bags occupying your arms. On your way, you took it upon yourself to buy groceries not wanting Larissa to think you were freeloading off of her or abusing her kindness, plus you thought about cooking for her instead of feeding her take outs.
Your eyes lingered to the way the flimsy straps of her baby blue nightgown that hung loosely on her shoulders, it made you feel things, and when they went south noticing how it was cut mid her thighs, giving you enough skin to ogle at. You couldn’t possibly contain your hunger for her. Her skin looked supple, rosy around the cheeks and freckles around her shoulders going down the length of her arms.
Her nipples peaked from the chill of the morning, and the sunlight casted on her skin gave an ethereal kind of glow. You couldn’t ponder how this was real. How she was real.
Before taking the groceries to the kitchen, you dropped the bag in the hallway, mentally noting to pick it up for later, “I let myself in again thinking you were still probably asleep.”
You walked up to her and she met you halfway. There were bags under her eyes denoting the lack of sleep, and her eyes, they look tired and conflicted.
The groceries almost fell when she surged forward, hands cupping your face, pressing a kiss on your lips and knocking out your breath. You wanted to grab the back of her neck, pull her deeper and kiss her harder. You wanted to reciprocate her obvious longing but you couldn’t unless you wanted spilt milk and raw eggs all over the floor.
“Mhmm, later. I need to put this away first.” So with that, you reluctantly pulled away, sauntering over to the kitchen to put the bags on the counter where she followed you, not letting herself be away from you and it made your heart clench.
Larissa kept the distance between you within an arm’s length, leaning her back on the counter behind you, watching you take the fresh produce out of the bag one by one but there was a lot packed in one bag and you didn’t think you had the patience to put them away, not if she was looking at you like that, not when something felt wrong.
The eggs were the last thing you pulled out and set on the counter. When you faced her, she had her lower lip worried in between her teeth, “Baby, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
She shook her head, stepping closer. The instant you opened your arms, your bodies collided. She rested her forehead against yours, “Sorry.”
You brush a strand away from her face, letting your fingertips linger around her jawbone, “It’s okay. I missed this, too.” you told her, getting a sense that it was the reason that made Larissa emotional, and to think that missing you had this effect on her made you want to wrap her in your arms more; to never let her go.
You offered her a wink, hoping to enlighten her and kissed the tip of her nose, it usually earned you a chuckle or a kiss in response but right now, Larissa only sighed.
Your mind circled back to how you thought her eyes looked very tired, and they still were, missing its shine. You could barely see yourself reflecting in them.
“How about you steal a couple more hours of sleep, hm? As soon as I’m finished putting the groceries away, I will lie with you and then after you have your rest we’ll have breakfast. I’ll make waffles, you like that, right?”
It took her a moment to reply, her eyes watching you closely like she had many times before after sharing an intimate moment that left you both emotionally vulnerable.
“I missed you.” she said, cupping your face. The pad of her left thumb grazed the corner of your lips, stroking the skin tenderly.
“And I missed you a whole lot more. So, so much. I have been thinking about you day and night. Most of my dreams were about you which is embarrassing because even in my sleep, I was obsessed about you.” That, thankfully, made her smile even just a tiny bit, barely perceptible if you hadn’t been this close to see it.
“Do you mean it?” She asked and you gave her a reassuring nod.
“Yes, I do. Now, let’s get you in bed.”
In between the conversation, you felt yourself closer to slipping from what you really wanted to tell her, though you held back and managed. It still felt early to say it and you were afraid of how she’d react. There were too many what ifs and none of them were doing you good. So, as long as you didn’t say it, you still had a chance of still being with her and protecting both of your peace.
Looking away, to shake the thoughts off, something caught your attention interestingly enough. On the bench at the end of the bed, you recognized the neatly folded clothes. They were your pyjamas. She must have been expecting you last night, you knew she had this habit of preparing both of your clothes whenever you were staying so it wasn’t completely random to find them there.
In that moment, from where you stood, you were struck with just how much Larissa deeply cared for you. It was palpable from the things she did for you, for what she had sacrificed by far. Because you knew a woman in her twenties being seen in public with another woman twice her age would have had people to turn their heads, and it was sad because it would only take a second for them to judge you, but mostly her. In their eyes she was a predator that preyed on the young. It would do less damage on you even if you were the one who pushed yourself to be with her.
She had a reputable image that she was putting at risk for you so if that didn’t speak volume of how much she was willing to do to be with you, you would be a goddamn idiot to still think that this woman didn’t feel the same way as you do if not more.
“Darling?” Her voice reeled you back at the present moment, she was already in bed, laying on her side with her head propped on her hand.
If your heart could grow every time you think you love her, it would have been massive, uncontainable even. Yes, yes you love her.
“Just give me a second,” You shed your pants, followed by the shirt you have on, then you reached behind you to unclasped your bra which soon fell on top of the messy pile. At this point, your body was on autopilot, acting according to what felt necessary.
You needed her to know that her effort hadn’t gone to waste. You took the simple white tee from the bench, sniffing it briefly. It smelled like her. In fact, the whole room smelled just like her, and you basked in its scent, in its comfort that it gave you knowing that as long as you were in this room you were hers and she was yours, the rest of the world didn’t matter.
You joined her after, sliding into the warm soft sheets and into her awaiting arms. You throbbed to be this close to her all week long, nothing could make up for it, not the facetime calls or the voice messages, or pictures. They all did manage to fill in at least an inch of your longing but nothing could quite beat having her next to you and breathing onto her skin, feeling her pulse beneath your touch and her lips against yours.
She was the pleasure you couldn’t deny yourself from. Every single bit of you was latching like vines around her unwilling to release itself. You craved for the sweet taste of the mornings where her smile ended up on your lips, before you were lapping up the coats of her essence around your fingers and swallowing it.
The silence stretched for a while, the words you wanted to relieve your chest from stayed caged; guarded within your ribs. You wanted her so much you wanted to do this right and you would…just not right now.
Everything was in motion when you blinked, your breath coming in deep, expanding your lungs with the sickening burn. Her scent filled your brain with a high level of dopamine making you feel fuzzy all over.
“What happened to putting away the groceries first?” She asked, a mild tone of amusement apparent in her voice, shifting herself so you could lay your head on her arm.
You snuggled forward, hiding your face on the crook of her neck, “Change of plans.” You breathed out. You then sling an arm around her waist, bridging whatever gap was left until you were all flushed against her with your legs slotted in between her thighs. “Would you rather I do them now?”
“No. I want you exactly where you are right now.” And to prove her words, Larissa wrapped her other arm around you, trapping you into her hold then she hummed, threading her fingers along your hair.
You smirked against her skin, feeling the light satisfaction her answer gave. “That’s what I thought.” And for sure she must have felt it or something because she playfully pinched your arm.
Repeating the process of combing through your hair, you grew silent, your breaths were evened and relaxed, even the tension she noticed the moment she held you disappeared. For a second there she thought you had fallen asleep, which made it kind of funny because you were the one who insisted she was the one who needed some sleep, but she wasn’t going to tease you now. Perhaps, you were just as tired as her, she couldn’t ponder how you could get up at the ungodly hours of the morning and drive two hours to get here.
That was until her skin was met with the warm wet feeling of your mouth. The sensations she adored had rendered her eyes closed. “Darling,” Her hips bucked in the slightest way. It felt like encouragement on your part, as well as the way her back arched causing her breasts to thrust forward. And you couldn’t keep it in yourself anymore, you detached your mouth from her clavicle, continuing your exploration to her mouth and kissed her while you palmed her breast over the silk.
She paused in the middle of the kiss, brows knitting together. You felt her hand cupped the back of yours stilling your movement, “Be gentle,”
“But I’m being gentle?”
“Extra gentle, honey.” You nodded, leaning forward to kiss her again, and your hand resumed working on her breast, “This okay?”
It took her a minute to answer a simple “yes...” it was breathy, almost sounding unsure, but she pushed herself, nibbling on your lip before you had the chance to overthink her tone and you kissed her back with feral need.
The pleasure was slowly building instead of pain, and it went on, until eventually you were yearning to have it in your mouth. With a simple yank on the neckline of her nightgown, her breasts were freed and exposed.
The sight of her nipples hard and rosy sent blush all over your face, it was like seeing them the first time again. But what really tipped you over the edge was the way they looked fuller, more supple and round with new veins visibly showing.
Her fingers in your hair grew slack before they found purchase on your shoulder when your lips suddenly took one nipple in, and it was chased by a muffled cry.
Pushing your shoulder back, she looked down, surprised by just how sensitive and sore she was and it hadn’t been a minute since having them in your mouth.
Wide eyed, you asked, “Sorry, did I hurt you again?”
“No, they’re just quite sensitive.” she was rubbing the nipple with her thumb to alleviate the tingling.
“I’m really sorry.” The fear of hurting her again extinguished your desire, even if it was unintentional you couldn’t erase the pained expression she had.
“I told you it’s okay.”
“Maybe we should stop? Or are you hungry? I can–” Larissa grabbed your wrist before you could get out of bed.
“No, no, not hungry, though a few hours of sleep sounds appealing now.”
You returned back to your previous position, “I’m sorry to cut your fun, sweetheart.” She dropped a kiss on your forehead, her thumb rubbing your brow to soothe the frown on your face, “I’ll make it up to you later, is that alright?”
“We don’t have to do anything later if that’s what you’re hinting at. I’m content to just lay here with you and spend the rest of the day rotting in this bed.”
“Oh, is that right?” Larissa chuckled at your choice of words, pressing a kiss onto your hairline.
“Ahuh, I’m okay. Now, will you turn your back on me please, and let me spoon you?” your voice was muffled by the soft skin of her chest when you murmured.
“Did I hear you right? My baby wants to spoon me?”
My baby. Your chest tightened at that. “Please?”
You both exchanged a look with smiles invading both your lips. Without another word Larissa turned her back on you and you gladly offered your arm for her to rest her head, while the other hugged her waist from behind.
Quickly, you were both engulfed by the blissful comfort of silence, hushing the pestering thoughts that loomed. It settled your heart at the right pace. You ever wondered if it ever felt the same way for her.
And as if she could read your mind, she held your hand and brought it to her chest letting you feel her heart thudding softly on your palm. You took that as the answer and smiled.
“Good night, my love.” You nuzzled your nose on the side of her neck like a cat, smelling traces of her body wash and perfume, some of her shampoo as well. Your brain was so fuzzy it didn’t question the last two words.
Meanwhile, Larissa’s heart leapt to her throat.
The last time Larissa had locked herself in her office’s private restroom, pacing back and forth with her head pulsing, was outreach day. She was barefooted, she had an unlit cigarette in between her fingers thumbing the filter, too tempted to lit the stick.
And yesterday, she found herself in the same situation. She paced along the black and white tiles with her arms hugging her middle. She had an impending headache so she stopped and pressed her back against the wall. She closed her eyes for a minute, feeling the coolness seeping to her back. She would probably regret this right after but she was far too emotionally stressed to care. She then dramatically slid down until she was sitting, the length of her legs stretched out, one ankle over the other.
The beating of her heart was too damn fast, her tears welling up the corners of her eyes until her vision was a blur and it all came leaking down her face.
On the counter, near the sink, two white test kits laid parallel to one another showing identical results.
Larissa laughed when she picked it up again, staring at the two visible pink lines.
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envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
Hello Poly! The short stories you're putting out are absolutely making me feral. Thank you for all the anons and their creative minds and thank you for writing and expanding on it beautifully. You inspire me to write my own 😭😭 I've been thinking of an older reader Empress Consort and a much younger Commander Gojo and him continuously getting all the wrong conclusions and falling hard despite the Empress only using him for her own pleasure (he knows this but he can't stop his feelings anyway). Im gonna stop before I get carried away
You cant just leave me with this 10/10 take and leave gET BACK HERE-
you are the brains of the operation, not your idiot husband. He's the Emperor only in name; all the advisors and officials know who's pulling the true strings. While he's off in brothels, you maintain and ensure the kingdom prospers. He may have been born into royalty, but you fought to rule. You don't mind his sleazy behavior. His preoccupations leave the kingdom running smoothly, and its not like you've ever missed his touches. 
Satoru is a stupid child when he catches your eye. Apart from his clan name and excellent swordsmanship, he has nothing going for him. He has no tact, often talks his head off, and is just 20 years old. Everyone tells you he's barely fit enough for a squire's post, but you don't listen to them. You've been needing to get rid of the current commander: A drunk that's only there due to nepotism. You choose Satoru because he looks easy to control. He's a child, eager to please, despite his brash nature. Smart, but his lack of aspirations leaves him open. You know with enough gold and women, you can tame him. He reminds you of a dog: treat-motivated, all bark; no bite, loyal. He's barely a dog, more like a yipping puppy.
For Satoru, it starts off as innocent admiration. You're strong. You keep your head held high. But you're also kind and generous. You're more than a decade older than him but he's never found someone so beautiful before. 
The emperor doesn't deserve you. 
It devolves into there. You're clearly trapped in your marriage. A beautiful, lonely, empress, locked in an ivory tower, silently begging for help. It doesn't help that you're practically teasing him with every interaction. You laugh at his jokes. Brief touches on his shoulder. Once you reached up to pluck a fallen flower out of his hair. You're in love with him, but you can't do anything about it because of your current marriage and your status. 
Only he can save you. 
Soon, Satoru realizes that once he puts his mind to it, he can do anything. It takes less than a decade for tensions to rise between the crown and the people. The secret of what the king's been doing is out. Using the people's money for whores while children are starving. The revolution bloomed underneath Satoru's fingertips. 
He takes the throne with little difficulty. It helps that the Gojo clan also had a claim to the throne, which only furthered his rule. The day he is crowned, your miserable husband is stripped and hung. 
You're technically a traitor to the throne, but Satoru would rather die than let you see the inside of a dungeon, much less the gallows. You're kept high up in an ivory tower, locked away for only his eyes to see. 
You're a pampered prisoner, but still a prisoner. You aren't allowed to leave, you can't do anything but rot in your silk bedsheets. Such obstruction of freedom is enough to drive anyone to extremes. You're strong, but Satoru is stronger. A month and a half after your husband's death, you finally agree to marry him. 
Even the most loyal dogs bite if their owners starve them enough. 
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plumelume · 1 month
. ݁₊ a fool 4 a fool . >3<
tw : slight suggestive? rotting stuff mentioned . (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
˙ . ꒷. words count: 2978
ft : subspace / scythe x stupid goober reckless reader hcs
requested: @razzle-0dazzle
! note : im sorry i sucked hard at replicating their characters, which means itll be ooc . . ALSO I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED TJE ASK WHILE PANICKED IM SO SORRY —. (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
subspace ⊹
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Foremost, he thought you guys would make a compatible pair with how you act and your mentality. Just perfect to match the scientist’s chaotic energy. He adores you utmost to the brim, you were.. A little stupid, but he can let that slide. Though delving deeper into your relationship..
On SFOTH deities.. You were INSUFFERABLE.
In which, you’d frequently cause mischief in his lab without a notice. Affect yourself with unsafe chemistry.
“Wha-!!” Baffled Subspace stood there at the sight of here and there spill, not to mention it has gotten onto you as well. “BABE!!” You greeted cheerfully, concerningly oblivious to all the substances that weren’t defined whether it's safe or not. “[NAME].” He panicked, rushing over to your spot to inspect the liquid.
Has he stumbled upon the deity of the daredevils..? Even if that's the case, he'd still worship you anyway.
Subspace program two Biografts just to restrain your impulsive self. And keeping you away from things you should not touch directly inexperienced. That shows how deep in love he is with you to take hours working on robots that aren’t made to be a killing machine.
You’d dash at him for a big smooch on a daily basis, though at times..
“SUBBB!!!!!!” Your screams echoed the whole room, he knew what was to come. Instead of taking it like a good boy(/jk), “WAIT-!!” Subspace yelled out in a hopeless attempt yet he’s not fast enough to stop your approach. Your lips planted on his whilst your arms find it spot around his shoulders instinctively, the texture.. Is oddly different this time. He didn’t reciprocate the affectionate kiss, as if time had stopped. You leaned back, met with the still decaying mouth of his, those meats are obviously outdated. Some smeared on your own lips due to the crashing contact, you were bewildered likewise. “NOT AGAIN [NAME]!!” He scolded you, grabbing the nearby cloth to clean off those nasty stuff.
“INPHERNO!! WHY DO I LOVE YOU?? YOU’RE PHUCKING STUPID.” He screams in despair./ref
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Scythe . ∅
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Ngl, she sometimes jokes about you being a feral dog, in a loving way of course.
Unlike Subspace, she’s more willing to let you legit jump at her for a kiss, the advantage of not having a rotten mouth I guess.
As foolish as you are, she tolerates it all. But a remark afterwards is a must.
You fucking love strong women. You were seated in her lap, curling up like the goober you are as you enjoy the warmth emitting from her embrace and the tenderly-hard hands of hers fondling your hair. Gosh, you look nothing different from a loving puppy getting caressed. You’re truly adorable when you’re at peace, “Lovin’ it, sugar?” Ah yes, it wouldn’t be Scythe if she doesn’t say a thing. You hummed in response, and continued being giddy.
If you managed to get on her nerves by being a little devil. She’d bring you along her side as some sort of way to discipline you, still noisy? A few light yet playful smacks apply to your ass and successfully silent your banter.
She’d carry you by an arm, but if it is in need. Scythe will hold you up by the tail instead, which is frequently portrayed by the fandom, a rattlesnake tail.
If boredom is too much for you to bear, she'd humor you overtime with the rattle of her snake. Wiggle it to keep you entertained. If not, she'll just have some talks with you either way.
Loves giving you piggyback or just carrying you in general. Probably fake tripping sometimes to see you panic for a brief moment, it really does fuel her amusement.
“Well ain't ya too innocent for yer’ own good? Might just up and swallow you whole, darlin’.” Scythe cooed at you in an affectionate manner, she's sure a keeper of her vows.
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this sucked hard im sorry (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠) . .
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cursedvida · 4 months
It's really crazy to me to see the hate Mae gets, like I was reading some reviews and I can understand not liking a character but as soon as they start with the name calling their opinion is invalid to me because they have no reason to be calling her a bitch, among other things, like it just reeks of mysogyny, (it's like they just want an excuse to call women names) and seeing it coming from other girls makes it worse like..
"Oh the girl was such a bitch why did she do that 🙄" ..is it really that hard to think for a moment about the circumstances in which mae was raised?? Do they need it spell it out for them?? Like, c'mon guys do you really think that the people trapped in a bunker for generations have anything nice to teach/say about the apes?? Wes Ball please give us Mae's backstory in the sequel!! Your audience needs it bc they are out there calling Mae the real villain and saying Proximus was right 💀 (when he was literally everything Caesar hated in an ape)
Look, I'm usually a polite person when expressing my opinions, but I'm fed up with the hate towards Mae, basically because the arguments people give seem incredibly basic to me, typical of people with little to no understanding. Sometimes I doubt if these people have watched the same movie as me or maybe they have some sort of cognitive dissonance, but seriously, I find them ridiculous. Either that, or they are basically the typical comments from misogynistic guys or women with internalized misogyny who can't stand morally gray and questionable female characters.
And well, having said that, I'm going to present my doctoral thesis on this topic:
One of the things I've seen the most is people saying that Mae is evil, the true villain, or an ungrateful traitor to Noa. This argument seems quite incomprehensible to me because, even though we don't have much data about her, I believe there's something very important that explains why she acts as she does: the Proximus apes killed the people in her group, including her mother. I mean: her damn mother. If we add to that the UNDERSTANDING (I mean, you have to be very short-minded not to assume something so obvious) that she has been raised in an environment where they've probably told her all her life that the apes are the reason for all the evils of humanity and the main reason why humans live in shitty conditions, I think anyone with half a brain has enough information to understand why she does what she does.
Yes, Noa is a good guy, but he's not helping her. Noa and Mae have a common goal and decide to ally themselves momentarily to achieve that goal, which is to reach Proximus. As much as they've formed a bond throughout the story, it's not yet strong enough for Mae to set aside what she has worked for so hard. Mae not only bears the weight of humanity on her shoulders but also emotionally carries the idea that she, as the sole survivor of her group, must complete the mission at all costs. Are those who criticize her telling me that if they truly thought that with certain actions they could not only save their species but also honor their loved ones who have been killed infront their eyes, they wouldn't do them? And that they wouldn't do them for someone they've just met, no matter how much they like them? That's just not realistic, it makes no sense. We would all do the same as Mae in her situation. I mean, I have no doubts.
Another thing I love is when they say she's the "true villain" as if it weren't clear enough that she feels bad every time since she forms a bond with Raka and Noa when she does something that she knows may harm them. She feels pain for Raka's death and clearly, you can also see the conflict and remorse when she detonates the bomb. It's not something she enjoys doing, but she HAS to do it. In the final scene, even though she's carrying a gun, you can also clearly see her in conflict with herself. Clearly, she doesn't want to kill him. Clearly, she has nothing against Noa, and this is evident when she finally accepts the necklace and they even shake hands. You can't tell me that's the attitude of a villain, narratively it's not presented as such, and seeing it that way is to have understood nothing.
Mae is a complex character whose life is based on survival, she's no different from the characters we're used to loving and idolizing in other post-apocalyptic series, the difference here for me is that she's human and humans have to be bad by default and also that she's a woman. Because female characters always have to be the support, the romantic interest, or the unconditional friends of heroic male characters, and Mae is none of that. Mae is a character with her own story and ambitions that go beyond Noa's plot. Mae has her own plot, and it seems that's something that bothers people a lot.
I'm sorry, but the hate towards Mae seems very similar to the one people had for Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, which basically stemmed from people being misogynistic and hating complex and imperfect female characters, combined with how much they hate seeing protagonist characters with such human and real characteristics that they can't bear the idea of seeing themselves reflected in them.
But hey, for Sansa Stark, I would have killed, and now for Mae too. Mae haters basically DNI
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redvelvetcupcakes21 · 10 days
Santa Monica is cool and stuff, but have you ever gone to the beaches in Ventura? Zen AF.
Here's some beach fluff.
Buck and Tommy were all too thrilled to be up at 7 am on their day off.
Only because they had plans for today.
Amazing and, hopefully, fun plans.
"You guys are amazing to agree to watch them." Hen told them sincerely as she and Maddie watched as Mara and Jee excitedly hugged Tommy and Buck.
"Yeah, we can't thank you enough." Maddie added, hands over her heart as she watched Tommy pick up Jee.
"Thank us for watching our favorite nieces? Please. " Tommy playfully scoffed. "This has been the one thing we've been looking forward to all week." Tommy admitted, patting Jees back in comfort as the little girl rested her head onto Tommy's shoulder.
Buck looked at his sister who was trying to not coo at the sight. He was fighting the same issue, watching his neice and his boyfriend snuggle was making his heart skip beats.
"Tommy's right," Buck added, smiling softly at Jee and Mara, who was holding onto Buck's arm and dozing off since it was still so early for them both. "We’ve been excited to babysit the girls, we've got everything we need." He pointed towards his sister, "including snacks!"
Both women rolled their eyes at him, but Buck shrugged it off. "What about Denny? He really didn't want to come?"
Hen gave them an apologetic smile, "As much as he actually did want to come along, his school is taking part in a robotics competition and Denny wanted to go since apparently robot fighting is rumored to be expected." Hen explained, rolling her eyes at Buck's excited look.
"Robot fighting versus beach day. Totally get it." He joked.
"Karen and Chim should be able to get the girls by tomorrow morning, that still works?"
Tommy gave them a thumbs up, while Buck nodded with an excited grin. "Works perfectly."
Maddie and Hen gave both men a "Thank you" before kissing both girls goodbye, reminding them to be nice to their uncles before leaving.
"Okay!" Buck clapped his hands together excited, "Who's up for some strawberry Frenchtoast before we hit the road?"
"Meeeeeee!"Jee popping right awake had Tommy laughing as he followed Buck and Mara into the kitchen.
After breakfast, the four of them got into Buck's jeep and started the drive up north.
Fortunately, driving up from Tommy's house is easier since they avoided all the traffic coming into LA.
The first spot was a small beach by Harbor Village, Tommy and Buck were able to set up a spot close to the water with Mara and Jee's help.
(Jee, ever the little helper, got upset that she couldn't carry the beach chairs to show she was just as strong as her uncle Buck and uncle Tommy)
Buck helped Mara get her swim cap on as Tommy laid out a blanket and got the toys they had bought for the girls specifically. Both men were also adamant about sun block for both girls, spraying a liberal amount on both their nieces (and themselves).
Both men took turns sitting on the beach and watching over their things as they took the girls out into the water. With Buck getting each girl to paddle board with him and Tommy showing them how to surf. Both girls ended up playing in the water for a long while, squealing happily as the water splashed around them. They made sand castles, played around with a volley ball, and took lot of pictures to send to Karen, Hen, Chimney, and Maddie.
Before long it was nearing one and all of the snacks were gone. "Who's up for some burgers?" Tommy asked the crew as he and Buck helped the girls into some shorts and hoodies. They had managed to get their stuff back into the jeep (and collected half of the beaches sand too).
"Me!" "Me, I'm really hungry!"
Buck picked up Jee and pointed towards the small gathering of restaurants that were walking distance. "Theres a old school burger shop that has milkshakes." He told them in a sing a long voice. "Does that work?"
Mara nodded excitedly at that, "Yes! Can I have a strawberry milkshake?" She asked politely.
Tommy felt his heart lurch out, he had seen how comfortable Mara was getting with not only the team but with them specifically. She had taken a while to open up to Buck and himself, understandably, but now? He would refuse to admit to anyone but Buck about how it almost had him tearing up at how Mara felt safe and comfortable with them now.
"Of course you can, Mara." He told her gently, holding out his hand for her to take, leading them towards the restaurant.
After lunch they headed over to main street, letting the girls burn their energy off as they walked down the street and into shops that interested them.
(Did Tommy and Buck buy each girl a new coloring set, stickers, and their own individual ukulele? Yep!)
They drove further up till they made it to Santa Barbara. The girls loved the water, again asking both men to take them paddle boarding and surfing.
Buck felt more relaxed as ever as he watched Tommy play with the girls, laughing as the girls tried to tackle Tommy into the water.
Buck felt his heart skip a beat again, he rubbed his chest. He could feel his eyes sting as he thought about Tommy and him having kids, giving Mara, Denny, Jee, and Christopher a few new cousins to play with.
He hadn’t spoken to Tommy much about them having kids, but he knew Tommy wanted kids. He knew how much Tommy adored all the kids from the 118 and his own nephew and niece (Buck had met Theo, age 3, and Harley, age 6 via zoom and saw how much they meant to Tommy).
It was something they both wanted, Buck was only a little bit doubtful about it being something that Tommy wanted with him.
After enjoying tacos for dinner, the group made their way to the ice cream parlor, Buck knowing how crowded the town got crowded in the evening opted to hold a table in the courtyard for them. He took Jee with him and left Mara and Tommy to order their ice cream.
Ten minutes later, a very smiley Mara and a red faced Tommy came towards them, each carrying a cup of ice-cream in their hands.
"Hey uncle Buck, guess what!"
"What?" Buck quickly gave Jees ice-cream to her since his little niece was making grabby hands towards the dessert and looking annoyed.
"The cashier at the ice-cream shop thought you and uncle Tommy were my dads. It was cute, they told uncle Tommy that we're a cute family."
That explained Tommy's red face.
"That was sweet of them." Buck smiled, he looked up at Tommy again, giving his boyfriend a hopeful smile as the four sat to eat their dessert.
By the time they got back to Tommy's place, it was late and both girls were passed out asleep.
"You think about one day doing this with our own kids?" Tommy asked, almost hesitantly as he carried a sleepy Mara while Buck carried Jee into the house.
Buck was sure this time that his heart melted at that, he took a moment to catch his voice. "Every day." He answered softly.
Morning came way too fast for everyone in the house, Tommy and Buck were still dealing with two very tired girls.
"I can drink a little coffee, can't I uncle Tommy?" Mara asked, eyeing the steaming cup that Buck had placed for Tommy and himself.
"Nooo." Tommy stressed, moving the cup away from Mara. "You get some non caffeine drinks, I've got juice, milk, chocolate milk, or I can make you smoothie."
Mara pouted at that but answered "Smoothie please."
"You too Jee?"
Jee shook her head no, "I want juice please!"
They were in the middle of eating when the doorbell rang, "I know who that is." Tommy got up, "Take your time eating, I'm sure Chim and Karen could use some breakfast."
"Is that why we cooked enough to feed an army?" Buck joked. He smiled at the two girls before noticing their downtrodden expressions. "You two okay? What's up?"
"Do we have to go?" Mara asked, "Can't we stay one more day?"
"Pleeeease!" Jee added, "I want to have more fun."
Buck pressed his lips together momentarily, one to keep from smiling so hard and two, to keep from crying at how much his nieces adored them.
"You guys are always welcome here, yknow that." He reminded them, "What if I talk to your parents about having an uncles' day once a week? That way you guys can spend some time with us?"
Jee clapper her hands together and Mara nodded, all smiles as Chim and Karen came into the kitchen.
"Hey mom, uncle Buck said we could do a uncles day every week!" Mara said excitedly, running up to Karen and the Chimney for a hug hello.
"Did he now?" Karen looked almost smug at that, she knew how much of a softie Buck was. "I think that's a wonderful idea, right Chim?"
Chim picked up Jee, tickling her side, "Hey, if Buck and Tommy are up for it, you won't find me complaining."
After breakfast, Tommy and Buck hugged the girls goodbye while grappling with Karen and Chim bemoaning for buying them a jeep full of toys and books ("You try telling Mara and Jee no after they tell you that you're their favorite uncle!" Tommy complained after receiving the glare from Chim when he saw the ukulele).
The house became all too quiet too quickly. Tommy took Buck's hand and led him toward the living room, pulling the man onto the couch for cuddles.
"So, still want kids then?" Buck asked, rubbing his hand up and down Tommy's arm.
"With you? Of course I do."
Buck felt himself melt into Tommy's hold finally, content and safe about their future.
"I do have a question for you though, a pretty important one." Tommy admitted after a beat of silence.
He sounded serious and anxious enough for Buck to sit up and turn to look at him.
"O-okay." Buck stammered, his nerves fraying as he watched Tommy carefully for any signs of what the queation could entail. "What's the question?"
Tommy let out a happy and content sigh, taking a hold of Buck's hands, and then got down on one knee...
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forthechubbies · 8 months
Stowaway°One Piece Drabble I II
Zoro X Chubby!Reader
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Your words were stolen from your lips as you were forcefully lifted onto the man's shoulders, your heart pounding with fear as you were carried towards the captain.
Your pathetic attempt seems to have no effect on the wretched creature. "Release me this instant!" "Filthy scum, remove your repulsive hands off me!" His monstrous grip held your feeble legs captive, restricting any chance of escape.
"Captain!" He bellowed, causing everyone to freeze in terror. "Stop!" A fiery lash scorched your backside. "You kick me again, and I swear to God-"
"What's the matter?" Luffy mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep.
"Then what's that slab of meat stuck to your cheek." Usopp murmured out of suspicion from his Captain.
"Ooh, looks like we've got ourselves a little stowaway," He purred, a sly grin spreading across his face. Zoro pulled you close, his strong arms wrapping around your body. "She's an imperial, and she's got the power to bring the whole damn navy down on us." His voice was low and dangerous, sending shivers down your spine.
"Ouch..." you groaned, rolling your eyes at the agony shooting through your wrists from his death grip. "Oh, spare me the drama, darling. I swear, I have zero intentions of harming your precious little boat... or its oh-so-charming crew, especially the lovely brute who seems hell-bent on snapping my wrists like twigs." You emphasized the word "lovely" with a sarcastic smirk, even daring to wriggle free from his clutches.
It wasn't til two girls and a man appeared where things started to get interesting; Nami took the liberty of informing the uneducated of your bloodline...and your wealth.
Nami was the first person to realize the trouble their in. "Zoro, Let her go! Right now!"
"Yea!" Sanji added. " You heard,Nami Swan,Let her go, Block head." Sanji bellowed, unleashing a insult mocking his pathetic excuse for a love life and his habit of manhandling stunning women.
In response, Zoro shot back with a devilish grin, " They can barely catch their breath, let alone complain." His words oozed with a shocking confidence, leaving no doubt about his ability to satisfy any woman lucky enough to cross his path.
The flames of the dispute ignited swiftly, ensnaring you to be caught between two rugged men. They were nothing but wild beasts, you mused, as you pressed yourself closer against Zoro, feeling the intoxicating rush of danger coursing through your veins. The confrontation escalated, teetering on the edge of violence.
You skillfully maneuvered your way out of the treacherous territory, evading the watchful eyes of the two pirates. Just as you were about to catch your breath, a tantalizingly long rubber band coiled around your voluptuous waist, forcefully yanking you towards the captain's commanding presence.
A rapid realization hit you like a ton of bricks. It's his arm!
"Luffy, No!"
"Damn it, Luffy!"
You heard some stuff before bumping into the captain's arms. But Luffy didn't seem to care much - "Are you a real princess?" His eyes twinkled as he hugged your soft toy-like body.
You stood there, utterly astounded by his mind-boggling talent. A gasp escaped your lips, mingling with a sense of horror that coursed through your veins. "What on earth are you?" you whispered, your curiosity piqued to its very limits. And then, with an audacity that defied all reason, you reached out and pinched his cheeks, unraveling his skin stretched like mochi. "Oh my goodness... You're a rubber man?" It seemed utterly and completely... impossible.
Luffy giggled and pulled his arms back to his sides. "Hey, I asked you something first, so you gotta wait for my answer!"
You nervously cleared your trembling throat, a feeble attempt to steady your quivering voice. "Y-yes," you stammered, desperately trying to adjust your disheveled nightgown, hoping to salvage even a shred of regal composure that remained. "Tell me, do you truly bear the mark of a pirate?"
Fearlessly, He smiles. "I'm gonna be the pirate king."
Of course , you don't believe him but that light in his eyes showed his determination.
Pirates are real? The maids often would fill your brain with these nightmare inducing stories of cut throat pirates slaughtering anyone in their way.
Trembling with terror, you couldn't bear to stay put any longer. Without a second thought, you darted further into the ship, seeking refuge behind a sturdy, locked wooden door.
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Keep my Hands to Myself
Jey Uso x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Jey just can't seem to keep his hands off of you.
Warnings: typical wrestling violence, allusions to smut but no actual smut written, etc.
A/N: In my Jey mood again, can’t get enough of him. Hope you guys enjoy!
You sat in front of the mirror, your Smackdown Women’s Championship shining on top of your vanity as you put the finishing touches on your makeup. You were laser focused on getting ready for your match against Liv Morgan. The two of you have been in a heated feud for months, but tonight would be the night she’d challenge for your title. But after you humiliate and embarrass her, you were sure it would be the last time.
You were so into your thoughts, you didn’t even notice Jey come into your locker room until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you from behind. You turned your head to see him giving you a soft smile, your heart melting at the look he was giving you; like just being around you was all he ever wanted to do. And it couldn't be closer to the truth. He could never stay away from you, the way you carried yourself, your beauty, the sexy ass confidence radiating from you - it was magnetic.
"You look amazing, champ," he whispered into your ear, voice as soft as honey as he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, making you giggle and lean into his touch. No matter how touchy Jey was, and he was very touchy, you could never get enough of him no matter how many times you were wrapped up in his arms.
"You like my new gear?" His eyes lingering on the shimmering blue design and how it showed off your form already gave you your answer.
He pulled you closer, his fingers tracing the patterns on your gear. "It looks too good on you. Makes me wanna take it off." You shivered at his husky tone as he pressed a soft kiss to the side of your neck, turning around when his hands skimmed a little lower.
"Hands to yourself, lover boy." You tried to move away from his arms, laughing when he pouted and refused to let you go.
"Can't we have fun before your match, baby?" His lips met yours, and you couldn't help but melt into him, his hand gripping your waist and pulling you flush against him. The kiss was soft and slow, like you had all the time in the world to worship each other. He teased your bottom lip with his tongue before slipping it inside your mouth, and you let out a small moan before pulling away from him and escaping his grip before you could fall under his spell.
"Not now, Jey. I won't be long baby, I promise." You rolled your eyes playfully when he yanked you back into his arms again, your arms on his shoulders as he began to kiss your neck.
"Can you just stay a little bit longer, baby?" He begged, giving you those cute puppy dog eyes and laying soft kisses on your neck. You giggle at his neediness, teasingly poking his chest. " Baby, Liv is light work, you know that. I'll be quick, and I promise I'll make it up to you, okay?"
He sighed dramatically, giving you a cute pout. "Alright, alright. Just one more," he pleaded, capturing your lips in a lingering kiss.
When you finally broke away, you chuckled. "You're lucky I love your clingy ass."
He grinned, trailing a finger down your arm. "That's all I need, sweetheart." He finally let you go, waiting for you grab your title and giving you an annoyingly charming smile as he opened the door for you. "You better come back to me in one piece, or I'm gonna have some words with Liv."
You rolled your eyes, playfully pushing at his chest. "I'll be fine, you big baby. You worry too much." You kissed his cheek and dragged him out of the room before he could make you reconsider giving him an attitude. He accompanied you to the ring, heart fluttering at the soft smile you gave him when he held open the ropes for you.
Liv soon made her away to the ring, her eyes glaring daggers at you as you held your title up with a cocky smirk. Jey gave you a quick hug and kiss before getting out of the ring and making his way to the commentary table, joining Michael Cole and Pat McAfee.
The match was intense, the crowd on their feet and the both of you pulling anything and everything out of your arsenal. You were tired out, but she was as well and that thought kept you going. At one point, Liv tried to hit a codebreaker on you but you caught her midair and power bombed her onto the steel steps, much to Jey's delight.
"You see that, Michael? That's my girl out there, the champ," Jey boasted, pointing towards you dragging a lifeless Liv Morgan into the ring. "She's bout to show Liv what real competition looks like. Ain't nobody steps up to my girl and walks away a champ."
Liv put up a great fight, but you fought even harder, you were the top women in WWE for a reason. Before you knew it, you were hitting your finisher on her, leaving Liv sprawled out in the ring. You quickly went in for the pin, the referee's hand slapping the mat three times.
"1... 2... 3!" The bell rang, and the crowd erupted. You pushed away from Liv, a cocky smirk on your face as you watched her retreat. You were still catching your breath when Jey slid into the ring, your title in hand and a triumphant grin on his face as he pushed the ref aside, sweeping you off your feet and lifting you up into his strong arms.
“That’s what I’m talking bout, baby!” He shouted excitedly, holding you to his side as you tightened your grip around his neck, laughing at his enthusiasm. Your man was too adorable.
"Told you she would be light work, babe." You grinned up at him, the lights shining down from the arena were nothing in comparison to the glimmer in his eyes as he smiled down at you with pride. He set you down and handed you your title, watching you stand on the turnbuckle and raise it up high, letting you have your moment.
Once the two of you made your way up the ramp and back to your locker room, you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a searing kiss, Jey's warm and soft lips against yours, his hands finding their way to your cheeks, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss.
Eventually, the need for air overpowered your need for each other, and you pulled away from him, He rested his forehead against yours, the both of you panting and out of breath. “What was that for, babe?”
“Didn’t I tell you I’d make it up to you?” You gave him a devilish smile that made his knees weak as you walked in the locker room, dropping your title on the couch and making a beeline for the bathroom.
“The valet is gonna be here in 15 minutes, and I’ma shower. We could have some fun before it’s here.”
You winked at him, going inside the bathroom and beginning to strip off your gear. You chuckled when you heard him running behind you. “You better cancel that valet! Cause ain’t no way we gon’ be done in just 15 minutes, baby.” Jey opened the door, seeing your back turned to him, ass fully on display as you were still taking off your clothes. You turned to him and smirked at the way his hungry gaze; he wanted to just eat you up.
“You mind helping me?” You asked him, a cheeky grin on his face as he shed off his clothes, and you forced yourself look in his eyes instead of his body that had your mouth watering as he made his way toward you, leaning down until you could feel his hot breath against your ear. “As long as you don’t mind not being able to walk for the next few days." He nibbled your ear, making you groan and lean into him, feeling his lips turn into a smug grin on your neck as be clasping your gear and tugging it off of you.
You yelped when he suddenly picked you up, lifting you up by your ass and bringing the both of you in the shower. Your back hit the wall as he brought himself closer to you, your heart rate picking up as his lips hovered dangerously over your own, his eyes dark with the thoughts of what he was going to do to you.
He crashed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss, internally smug as you moaned against him, every touch he gave you and every kiss he left leaving your skin burning and your mind turning into radio static and the only thing you could think about was Jey, Jey Jey. You didn’t know what he was planning, but you did know one thing.
Tonight was going to be a long night.
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sinful-lanterns · 9 months
Okay but what if Reader that doesn't know how to swim but wants to be able to play in the water with everyone.
So Zoya carries you on her shoulders and/or piggyback because she's big and strong, much to the envy of all the other sinners. But reader's face is red as a stop sign because she's all too aware of Zoya's hands on her thighs, and just how strong Zoya is.
Like you knew she was muscular, she likes tops that show off her abs after all, but seeing her in a swimsuit? and feeling her in a swimsuit??? Total hot woman overload that is made even better/worse by the deliberately provocative swimsuits the other sinners are wearing.
Also for the drunk reader, I imagine her sitting in zoya's lap, it looks kinda ridiculous since she's so tall, but she outright refuses to move for a while which causes all of the other sinners to try and persuade you that their lap is better, all while youre wrapping zoya's muscular arms over yourself
(i might have a favourite)
Guys I think…I think this anon’s favorite sinner is Zoya 😨
But anyways, imagine Zoya letting you cling to her as the women all play in the more deeper waters. You can’t swim, but you wanna join in on all the fun, so Zoya let’s you cling onto her and treat you like a big backpack 💕 Luckily Zoya is very tall, so you don’t have to worry about getting too close to the water when you’re in the deeper end, but the feel of Zoya’s muscular back and arms against your body is surely distracting enough for you to almost fall in…
Oh also, the drunk Reader tidbit is so funny to think about. All the women are just patting their laps and cooing at you like you’re some pet who is being called to sit on their laps…only for all of them to be refused because you’re too busy getting comfortable in Zoya’s sturdy thighs…
Just imagining the women being like “pspspsps, here girl…” while patting their laps is just too ridiculous to think about 💘
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mintmatcha · 7 months
Heat blisters across the ocean in waves. Summer is at its peak, rippling the air.
The others in your party have decided to dip down the beach's scorching sands and into the ocean foam, but you've decided to stay put. Marcille's griping partially carries over the break of waves, only the overtones of her voice and Falin's giggles reaching you, a distant siren's song that beckons you closer.
Instead, you pop the last crumbling bit of your popsicle into your mouth and close your eyes. The flavor spills across your tongue, flashes of citrus and blossoms of berry, and you hum in appreciation. When only the wooden taste of the stick is left, you open your eyes and catch how Laios has been watching you.
His lips are slightly parted, blush pink and gently moist, still wet with the same seawater that hangs from his dirty blonde hair. Those golden eyes are wide and just as bright as the sun.
The attention makes you glimmer; Laios is... different than other men you've liked, but he's certainly the most attractive. Wide shoulders and a thick frame, you can see how his muscles move through his sweat soaked undershirt, coiled and strong. It makes you act differently; you curl your spine and stick out your chest, pointing your toes to make your legs seem longer and more alluring-- all of the things women do when they want a man to want them.
Then, you remember who you're dealing with.
"Oh, sorry." You gesture with the empty wooden stick. "Did you want some?"
Laios blinks. Then, blinks again.
"Oh, uh-" he laughs, cheeks red. "Yeah."
The excitement inside you slumps. Yeah, he just wanted your snack.
"You should have asked." You roll your head to your shoulder and shiver at the bead of sweat the dips across the open curve of your neck. He does the same, rubbing the back of his neck with the flat of his palm. "I didn't know you liked sweets. It was really good."
Laios swallows and you watch his throat bob.
"I just didn't think you'd want my spit all over it."
"Spit doesn't bother me."
He doesn't say anything back. The silence unsettles you; Laios isn't one to ever stop talking. He's filled with tidbits and tangents that are seemingly never-ending. Shuro and Chilchuck hate it, but there's a certain charm to the joy he has when he's dumping information on your lap.
"Do you think there's any monsters in the water around here?" You try to spark that joy in him.
"No, they don't come in this close to shore; it's too overfished." Laios rattles off with ease, no passion behind it. "Do you really not mind spit?"
"I guess not?"
"Cool." Laios leans back again, watching the shore where everyone else relaxes as if searching for something. When he seems to find it, he turns back to you and swallows again before quickly diving into you. Before you can process what's happening, his lips find your cheek. They're somehow warmer than the air, but not as warm as the wet flash of tongue that creeps out from between them. It's nothing more than a quick swipe, but it's enough to rip a gasp from your lungs before he pulls away.
"You're right." The sticky orange juice of your dessert is stuck to his lips. "It was good. A little salty."
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bluecookies02 · 7 months
When words fail me, kiss the secrets off my lips-[trans!levi x reader]
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"Can you promise me something then?”. “When you do leave. You will not tell a soul.”
Levi kisses you, similarly to how he did the first time. Clumsily and stiff. And then he melts against you.
He doesn't regret kissing you. He refuses to regret it.
He will not regret it once you rip yourself away from him in disgust, fumbling for your things and slamming his door shut. He will not regret it once he has to transfer you to a different squad and after that, he won't regret never speaking to you again.
Levi's mother had to do whatever she thought was best for his survival underground. He's 34 now and he has been keeping a secret for as long he can remember.
Can he let himself trust someone to keep it? Just this once.
cw: Angst with a Happy Ending, Scissoring, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Virgin Levi
word count: 5.5k
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Roughly thirty years ago, Kuchel, an underground prostitute had a child. In the secrecy of her run-down hotel room, she gave birth all alone.
Bringing a child into this world and surrounding it with filth and violence was not something she wished for.
She grieved the life her child could've had, if only she was born somewhere else.
If only this beautiful kid in her bloody arms was blessed enough to be born by someone else, someone who could give this child the life where it would not know hunger, fear, and desperation of the underground city from the moment it opened its eyes.
The child was tiny, awfully malnourished, yet its hands gripped tightly onto her pinky finger as she carried them both to the bathroom. She vowed to sacrifice everything for it the moment its beautiful eyes sparked up at her and its cries of life reached her ears. She promised to love this child, even if its conception came from anything but.
Levi’s earliest memories of his mother consist of gentle touches and soft and shaky lullabies she would sing after a client would leave the hotel, throwing a pathetic amount of cash on the floor for her to gather up on her knees.
Kuchel Ackerman had a daughter. Levi was raised as a boy.
Today, there is only one living person that carries this secret.
It was the first thing Kuchel would have to do in order to protect her kid. Not only to keep it safer while it grew up but for the fear that her daughter would end up following in her footsteps, meeting the same hell she was soon to endure.
It served Levi well in the great scheme of things.
He had to adapt to being alone, putting on a cold facade so that nobody came close enough to uncover what his mother gave her life to keep hidden.
Repulsed by touch due to his upbringing made it easier, the desire to be close to people buried deep under years of cries and screams of horror he had to listen to in his earliest years of life. Some came from his own mother, others from women alike. They were everywhere, no matter what corner of the underground you hid in, someone, somewhere was desperately trying to get prying hands off of them.
Adapting to life in the scouts took years.
Not reacting violently to a friendly pat on the back required hard work on his end. Those who hadn't seen him in his first days outside still think he's a savage when he brushes hands off his shoulders or creates space between himself and cheering groups after an expedition.
There were a handful of moments when the desire to hug someone was almost unbearable, an impulse that made him sick to his stomach and his knees weak.
His friends, comrades, the man who raised him. All of which happened when the life inside their eyes seemed to completely fade and they were too weak or too far gone to hug him back.
‘Living a life with no regrets’ is a drive people with too many of them under their belt choose as a last resort.
A human mind is not strong enough to hold onto all of them and stay sane, so naturally at one point, either you let your regrets pull you down into pits of insanity, or you create a delusion to follow in order to keep the weight on your soul that much lighter.
“‘Vi? Are you alright?” your voice snaps Levi out of his thoughts. The bottom of his teacup comes into view as he regains his focus.
He hums, looking up at you, spread out on his couch, peeking over your book with a concerned look on your face.
It's been roughly a year and a half since Levi fell in love for the first time in his life, at the late age of 33. A year of which he spent trying to crush that feeling any way he possibly could.
You sitting there, freely and unafraid like you own the space he lives in, proves that his efforts were futile.
Seven months ago, after an expedition, Levi hugged you hard enough to knock the air out of your lungs, almost landing both of you on the ground. It progressed slowly from there.
Not only was the progress agonizingly slow, but it was also terribly rocky. Screaming matches, cold shoulders, silent treatments, venomous words flying off of both of your tongues before one of you inevitably admits defeat and knocks on the other's door in the middle of the night.
Levi's ego won't let him admit that 80% of the time it was him crawling to you. He felt like he couldn't breathe if he was not on good terms with you. It would eat him out during his naturally sleepless nights until he went mad with the desire to fix it. Bless his soul he never knew how to.
He would often show up at your door, both words and actions failing him the second you let him into your room.
You understood though.
His intentions were always clear as day to you. You often said how you could easily figure out what he was thinking from his eyes alone.
“I'm fine, read your stupid romance junk” his response earned him a huff and a smile. Then there's silence.
Silence compels him to fill the space with words.
It would be much easier if you were to try and force him to talk, then he could quickly get you both on his familiar ground.
You know better by now.
“I'm sorry about this morning” he speaks up, looking back down at his paperwork.
He's met with silence again. He knows that it's not for your lack of forgiveness, you being here is obvious proof of that.
It's you, creating more space for him to talk.
You close your book, sitting up, patiently waiting.
Levi fell in love a year and a half ago.
Levi hugged you for the first time seven months ago.
Levi let you hold his hand for the first time four months ago.
Levi kissed you for the first time a month ago.
Thirty-four years ago, Kuchel Ackerman had a daughter.
Levi is still the only living person to know this.
The first kiss you shared was terrible. It was still the best thing Levi felt up until that point in his life.
You weren't stupid. He didn't need to tell you that he had no idea what he was doing, it was more than obvious with the way he moved against your mouth, equally clumsy and stiff at the same time. Judging by that, it was also not a secret that he never slept with anyone either.
Kissing you sends shivers down his spine and makes his fingers itch to touch you, mind going fuzzy whenever you deepen the kiss with gentle hands on his cheek or around his neck.
Everything was moving too fast. He dreaded the moment when he would have to confront this.
There were admittedly a few options.
Lie, be truthful, or simply… push you away and cherish what little he had with you in these few months, and then continue loving you from afar.
Levi did neither.
He felt terrible at this point. He was selfish, cruel, and fucking terrified. Because for some reason, when he has you within reach, he can’t stop himself from wanting you. His words contradict his actions, time and time again.
His hands are always eager to hold you, seek out and touch every part that they can grip onto. Especially when the kisses grow hotter, needier, and more bold.
His fingers slip under your shirt, at first only to feel the soft skin of your hips against his rough hands…and then they want more. Desperately.
So how can he explain himself?
After walking out on you for the nth time? Abruptly stopping you from reciprocating and bolting out of the room, leaving you all alone to figure out what you did wrong. Letting him do whatever he wanted also didn't work, because, at some point, he would stop on his own, hands snapping to his sides as if he got burned.
You took the rejections with grace, nodding and smiling at him. “Of course”, “That's alright”, “‘Vi, we don't have to, you know that right?”. You were getting exhausted though.
So this time, when he pulled you into his lap, both of your lips swollen and red from kissing for so long, your hands gripped his the moment you felt them reach around your back and down your long skirt.
“I think that we need to stop doing this.”
Your words startled him, even if your voice was tiny, barely audible. He was stopped dead in his tracks, a gasp leaving his glossy lips as he heaved for air.
“We can just stick to holding hands or something, is that okay?”
He was speechless for a moment, yet your eyes were insisting on a reply, holding his gaze, your legs gripping him tighter to stop him from going away before giving any form of an answer. Frustration was evident on your face, and looking at you like that made him nauseous.
“Okay.” he had to will himself to talk, mumbling it out with great effort.
“Okay” you repeated, a little quieter, standing up on your feet, already on your way to the door.
“Will you come by for tea tonight?” your face softened at his panicked expression, and you knew the question was anything but a simple invitation.
Will you come back?
Is it too far gone?
Did he irredeemably fuck it up?
“Of course ‘Vi, I'll keep you company while you do your paperwork too”
“And for all the other times…” you nodded, making space on the couch. An invitation.
Levi took it, making his way to you before sitting down again. Usually, he wouldn't be so quick with it.
Today, he needed to ease the ache in his chest.
Fears of you not showing up tonight, the hard grip on his wrists that he can still feel if he thinks about it a little harder. The general tension was suffocating.
“I'm not trying to mess with you either.”
“I know.”
“I've never done it before”
“I know that too”
There's a pause, your hand slowly inching to his.
He selfishly takes it.
“I don't know what I want.”
“I don't really believe that, you always know.”
“You're right.”
You're chewing at your lip, still not looking at him. He might run off if you stare at him too much during a serious conversation.
He hates himself for teaching you that.
“I want to”
“I'm terrified of it”
You hum.
You knew about his mother.
“Not because of what my mother was, I think that's not the main problem anymore”
“Oh…” you nod again, squeezing his hand once in encouragement.
“I can't give you what you need”
“You don't need to give me anything.”
“I want to. I can't.”
He's sweating, his hand turning clammy and slippery in your own.
“You have everything I need though…I'm really trying to understand Lev-”
“I don't.”
“What do you mean…” you're searching through answers in your head.
“Does it not work anymore?” it would be offensive if anyone else said it, but the way you ask is timid, gentle, and already full of understanding.
He shakes his head no.
“Not that”
“Are you concerned about the…size?”
“No!” he doesn't even have one, why does the insinuation that it's small offend him for a moment, he isn't sure.
“What if I was?”
It's close to it, isn't it?
“I mean usually guys think that they-”
“Unusable. What if it's unusable.”
“Can you… not feel good?” bless your heart for always thinking about him before everything.
“I can. What if it was unusable?” he repeats the question, gripping your hand tight in his, his other fisting the cushion of his couch.
“As long as you're willing to touch me in other ways? I already know that you're good with your hands, with practically anything you try. I doubt it would be much different? We could also practice.” your tone is serious, and now you're looking at him, curiously gauging his reaction. Did you say the right thing? He's gonna bolt away any second now.
Levi takes his time to think for a moment. Being delusional, that's what he's doing.
He hums.
“It's not that.”
“Okay” he can sense that you don't believe him now. That's alright. It doesn't change anything.
“You'll run away.”
“I promise I won't!”
“You will.”
“Will not!”
It's futile.
Levi sighs. His heart feels like it's gonna beat out of his chest. Late at night, he would imagine a similar scenario to this. Over and over again.
He would think of ways to drop the conversation. A billion excuses carefully thought through, memorized to perfection.
But it's vastly different in reality.
With you, now propped on your knees on his couch, a hand strongly pulling on his collar to make him look back at you. When did he look away? When did the adoration in your eyes become repulsive enough for him to not be able to bear looking at it? He didn't even notice.
He swallows, throat bobbing as spit and bile struggle to pass the gigantic lump.
His teeth are clenched as well, rubbing uncomfortably against one another. If he doesn't relax his jaw soon, he might even chip them away from how hard they are gritted together.
“Can you promise me something then?”
That's what he always is when it comes to you.
He knows that you would give him anything. Promise him everything if only he demands it.
So he takes it.
Greedily. Pathetically. Miserably.
“When you do leave. You will not tell a soul.” in your head this was too silly. Levi never seemed like he cared for what people talked about behind his back. No matter how awful a rumor would be, he would let people talk. His dick was also a topic of conversation in the scouts more than once. Soldiers need to pass the time somehow.
‘Must be small, he's so short, it would make sense!’
‘Maybe that's where all the height went!!’
If you do leave, he will deal with the heartbreak. What he can't deal with is his secret flowing around at the same time. He simply doesn't know how he would handle both. He actually doesn't know how he would handle the first one either, but he tells himself that he'll manage.
Threatening would also work on anyone but you. You can't threaten someone who doesn't feel a speck of fear towards you.
So he grips at the forced promise.
“Okay ‘Vi. I promise I won't tell a soul. It won't happen though!” your stubbornness parallels his sometimes, and now he relents, finally looking at you.
He pulls you into his lap, like how you were this morning. His hands are shaking, but you're smiling at him, one hand already on his cheek.
‘Living a life with no regrets’ is a drive people with too many of them under their belt choose as a last resort.
Levi's mind is not strong enough to hold onto all of them and stay sane, so naturally at one point, either he lets his regrets pull him down into pits of insanity, or he creates a delusion to follow in order to keep the weight on his soul that much lighter.
Levi kisses you, similarly to how he did the first time. Clumsily and stiff. And then he melts against you.
He doesn't regret kissing you. He refuses to regret it.
He will not regret it once you rip yourself away from him in disgust, fumbling for your things and slamming his door shut.
He will not regret it once he has to transfer you to a different squad and after that, he won't regret never speaking to you again..
As his mind is trying to catch up with everything, your shirt is already off.
He took it off your shoulders himself, hungry for the warm skin of your stomach, your back, and your chest.
He won't regret never having it under his fingertips again. He would regret never doing it when he had the chance.
Your voice is angelic as his lips trail across your shoulders and collar, leaving a sloppy mess in their wake. When your hands grip at the hem of his shirt, he wills his arms to keep still against your hip bones.
You won't notice anything ‘wrong’ there.
It still makes him anxious.
He's flatter than an average man, maybe because of genetics, maybe the piss-poor diet underground, or the lack of sun. Fuck if he knows.
What little could have been noticed would easily be attributed to his workout nowadays.
So he feels your hands on him for the first time.
It’s pleasant. Feeling you grip onto him wherever you can reach as he slips his tongue past your lips. Your cheeks are flushed and warm, eyes closed as you let him lead your kiss.
Despite the nervousness of the impending doom that he's been bracing himself for this whole time, he feels wetness between his legs, soaking through his boxers.
Your long skirt ends up being hiked up and you shyly guide his hands to your thighs.
He watches mesmerized as you find friction on top of his pants, his palms following the gentle sway of your hips.
Maybe if he could get you off like this, he could die a happy man. He'd engrave the image into his brain and replay it for decades probably.
You part for air, gasping and filling your lungs before you press your forehead to his, opening your pretty eyes to look at him again.
“I promised.”
“You did.”
You can feel the anticipation building in your tummy, warm and fuzzy as you readjust on his lap so that you're kneeling with one leg between both of his and the other at his side.
He gives a curt nod, and your fingers easily unbuckle his pants, unbuttoning them and then tugging the zipper down slowly.
He helps you take them to his ankles where he kicks them off the rest of the way.
Levi wants to crawl out of his own skin.
He will regret everything soon enough.
Your fingers slip past the waistband of his underwear, and you ignore the bruising grip on your shoulder. First, you're met with a tuff of thick hair, and then your fingers glide lower. Your lips are inches from his, and you refuse to look down, no matter how curious, you feel like not looking would make him feel a tiny bit more comfortable.
You pass over a tiny bump and Levi's breath hitches as you experimentally fiddle it between your middle and pointer fingers.
An inch or so lower, your digits slip between something warm and slick. Pressing with a little more force, your lips form into a little ‘oh’.
There are plenty of things you want to say, and then a few you want to ask out of pure curiosity. But you have to swallow it down, keep it for later, because Levi's glossy eyes pull at your heart with urgency, begging for a response.
“This is fine.”
“Is it?”
“You can leave.”
“I know”
“Are you going to?”
“Not planning to, no.”
Your hand doesn't stop moving, only slows down considerably as you wait for the barrage of questions and possible accusations.
“Is it not gross?”
Was he referring to a pussy in general?
“I've been with women before.”
“I'm not a woman though”
“I know that too.”
“You don't have to lie.”
“I'm not lying.”
“It's weird.”
“I don't think so. Just different.”
“Just different?”
He puts a little space between you two, releasing the death grip on your shoulder.
“Don't lie for my sake”
“I'm not lying” you don't mind repeating it.
“I'm serious. I will despise you if you're lying.”
“Good thing I'm not then.”
There's something in him that wants him to fight you more. He wants a different reaction. The one he practiced for, so that he could know what to do.
You keep your distance, but you place your hand closer to him, inches from his own, which is balled up in a tight fist with his nails leaving dull, moon-like crests in his palm.
Minutes drag out, feeling like hours.
When his breath comes out in a shudder, it's a sign that he let himself fall, trusting your words.
You grin when he looks your way again, and he takes your hand in his.
He's pulling you off the couch, stumbling across the room as he drags you behind him. At the door of his bedroom, you feel like you need to kiss him in order to breathe.
Your back ends up pressed to the wooden door then, strong arms picking you up.
Your legs find home around his hips, your arms secured tightly around his neck as he devours your mouth. He pulls your plump lips between his teeth, groaning lowly once your naked chest presses against his.
One of his hands snakes up your side and to the back of your neck, fingers lodging into your hair to keep your head from hitting against the door as you hungrily lick into his mouth.
You fumble for the handle, pushing the door open with your elbow. You feel hot all over, skin burning and shining in sweet sweat that Levi licks off your throat, baring his teeth to the junction of your neck and shoulders to stifle the moans that threaten to surge out when you rack your nails down his back.
He lowers you on the bed slowly, watching as you clumsily get your skirt and underwear off.
He towers over you within seconds, finding a place between your legs that spread out for him eagerly.
He's eating you with his eyes alone, and it sends goosebumps through your spine.
“You're…” his pale skin turns unrecognizably red, and you can see him struggling to come up with any more words.
“Just do whatever, I don't care ‘Vi, just touch me, c'mon…”  
He nods, faltering for a moment before he smooths his finger across your heat experimentally. He massages the fat beside your folds with his thumb, the hairs there wet, sticking together due to your arousal.
Being touched by someone feels very much different than it does with your own fingers, you knew that already. But being slowly explored by someone who is desperately trying to learn everything about your body must take the cake.
Levi watches you, every breath you take, and every movement of your hips that buck off the bed. He takes in every gasp and moan rushing past your gorgeous lips as he presses and dips with his fingers.
He spreads your wetness around, coating your clit to make the flicks of his thumb against it smooth. He's not as helpless as he feared he would be, on the contrary, it turns out that it comes relatively easy to excel in something if you already know how to do it to yourself.
And as you mentioned earlier, he does have a way with his hands with everything he picks up. He feels a sense of pride when you start rutting against his hand, hungry for his touch while also being wildly unashamed to show it to him.
“Fuck me, ‘Vi, please for the love of God” you mewl as he takes your hood between two boney fingers, tugging and massaging there.
“Yeah…okay” his voice is raspy, sounding like a purr as he comes close to your face, propping himself on his elbow.
His fingers slowly dip inside you, and he's there to catch your moan as he sinks into you with ease, all the way to his knuckles.
“You're so gorgeous…” he whispers it like it's a secret. You know that saying things like that takes effort from him, not for the lack of meaning behind them.
You see the words at the tip of his tongue often, but hearing them out loud was a rarity.
“You're breathtaking” and now you're being truly spoiled, his fingers rocking into you…slow at first.
“It feels like I'd die without you.”
“Me too” 
The confessions hang in the air, and they're deeper than ‘I love you’s’. They express the uncontainable need of two people, drunk on the feeling of each other to the point where they feel like their hearts would simply stop if something ripped them away.
“I'm close, it's embarrassing” 
The tempo of his thrusts is now steady, and he watches as you snake your hand between your bodies, touching yourself to his pace.
He holds his breath, mesmerized by your movements. You're everything, and he can't keep his eyes off of you. Your cunt hugging his fingers, leaking into his open palm as you grind your hips to meet him, your fingers flicking at your gorgeous bud with urgency.
All the while, you scramble to moan his name, to beg him not to stop, to plea for him to fuck you just like this until you fucking pass out.
You cum with a loud cry, all over his hand, all over his perfectly made bed and clean sheets, and he already wants you to do it again and you haven't even stopped shaking from the first wave of your orgasm.
Your legs close around his arm, tightly locking him in place where he can only curl his fingers into your soft walls to help you ride out your high. 
He stares with wide eyes as you slump back against the mattress, chest heaving, blissed out of your mind. And you don’t hate him. And you didn’t run. And he will never let you go now.
You release his hand soon enough, collecting yourself. 
Feeling strength come back to your legs, you prop yourself up, pushing Levi under you with ease only explained by his utter willingness to let you take whatever you want from him.
Sweet surrender. Your hands are back on his skin, lips tickling their way between his chest and to his stomach, kissing your way above the hem of his underwear. He finds the part of his brain that yells at him to be careful, and he crushes it.
You strip him fully bare now, anticipation building up once again.
You want to eat him alive, hooking his leg over your shoulder and biting the inside of his thighs, soaking in his shivers and the frantic rush of his hand to cover his mouth.
Your eyes are purely dark, and you're still smiling at him. In a way that makes Levi’s heart race. Adrenaline courses through him, it feels similar to how it is when he's out on missions, focused, on edge and patiently waiting for the creatures to launch at him at any moment.
Is comparing you to a titan truly what his brain is doing right now?
No…not in that sense. He feels like he's being hunted, looked at like he's just a piece of meat hanging on a stick, being circled around for the sole amusement of the beasts.
You nibble at his skin again, jerking his attention down at you.
“This okay?”  
Levi wants to crawl in a hole and die out of embarrassment, your face inches away from his pussy.
He hasn't been this turned on in his life. 
“‘Vi?” you lean your cheek on his thigh, nuzzling against it.
And then you're wrapping your arms around his muscley legs, flatting your tongue against him and swiping in one well swoop before he hears you humming approvingly.
“Must you be so shameless” You nose at his clit, ignoring his comment. He smells divine. The taste that lingers on your tongue compels you to dive in again for more. 
At first, it doesn't feel like much, barely there friction that only tickled him ever so often. You take your time with him, peering up occasionally as you proudly swallow him down. Your chin and nose were a mess already. 
Once you made sure that every part of him was licked clean, you finally closed your lips over his engorged clit. It laid heavy on your tongue, and as you sucked your cheeks in, Levi found your hands and pulled them over his stomach so that he could hold them to ground himself. 
“Fuck…hng. Listen I-” You swirl him inside your mouth, pulling off with a pop so that you can tongue at his slit where fresh arousal seeps into your tastebuds. His eyes roll to the back of his skull and the vibrations of your humms drive him even more insane.
“My Walls, wait a second!” it feels amazing. He hates being greedy like this. He doesn’t want to ruin anything. But he needs to feel you.
He has no idea how. He needs more and closer. 
How did he live without your touch before this?
“Come up.”
You listen, crawling up to him.
“Need more baby?” 
“Shut up.”
“What is it then?” 
You’re so mean. You should give mercy for his poor, old man's heart.
“Here…follow what I do.” Ordering him around is an ego boost. Finally, there’s something you’re better at than him(future will show that that won’t last long).
You push one of your legs under his, lifting your other one so that he can position himself. As he’s doing that, you take his other leg and you place it on your shoulder swiftly, hugging it to your chest before you let your full weight press against him. 
“This better?” you rock your hips languidly, waiting for his reaction. 
“Fuck, okay…yeah…it's. Yeah.” He props himself up on his elbows, angling himself a little better.
You watch mesmerized between your bodies, the slow glides of your drooling folds, the shy bumps of your clits against one another.
It takes a while for the friction to build up, a few minutes until your movements sync up, the up and down motion of your hips timing perfectly with each other. 
Levi’s hair is damp with sweat, sticking to his forehead, eyelashes fluttering while he struggles to keep his eyes open. He wants to learn, wants to lead the pace next time, make you feel good and spoil you. He needs to remember every little thing about you, what makes you tick, what drives you insane.
He balances on one arm, his other supporting the fluent rolls of your hips with firm pressure on your thigh. 
The dim lighting accentuates his build. The pale, jagged scars scattered across his body make him all the more beautiful to look at. They show his strength, endurance, and ferocity…and this same body that has been fighting to survive for most of its life is writhing under you, trusting you to handle it with care.
The hand he holds you with has many small cuts, they're impossible to count, whereas the pads of his fingers are rough, toughened up from holding the blades so often.
When you pay closer attention to his legs, there are strips of skin where hair doesn't grow anymore. You recognize the placement of the gear straps easily. Many soldiers share the same markings, but his are especially attractive. 
Is that even a thing that can be considered particularly attractive? Lack of hair in weird places?
Doesn't really matter because apparently, if it’s on Levi, it's sinfully hot.
You shift your attention back to his face. His eyes are dimmed and dark, the blueish hue barely there. His mouth is slacked open, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
You can feel hot blood rushing through your body, tips of your fingers tingly. You hold your breath and you flex the muscles of your stomach, the coil in your gut threatening to snap oh so so soon.
“A little more, please… fuck I'm right there ‘Vi. You with me?” 
“Hmhm…yeah. I think so. yeah? Shit.” 
He overthinks it for a second.
Will he look weird? Will his face be pleasant to look at? Nobody ever saw him like this, he doubts anyone else ever will. If he could stuff a pillow into his face he would.
“ ‘Vi, gonna make me cum again, holy shit.”  
That's what matters the most.
You feeling good. Because of him. With him?
“I've got you, yeah, c’mon, cum for me gorgeous…” he blushes at his own words, heisting the pace to help you both get there.
Soon everything goes still, gasps and grunts bouncing off the walls as you both release, one following after the other. Before you squeeze your eyes shut, you latch onto the image of him, captivated and awestruck by his expression.
Your second orgasm is mindnumbing, leaving your brain a mush.
You clutch at his leg and he squeezes yours as you both slow down to a stop. The sheets beneath you are soaked through, slightly uncomfortable as you both scramble and stretch your sore limbs.
You lay onto Levi's chest and he wraps you in his arms, tucking his chin at the top of your head. His heartbeat slowly becomes regular, and your breath evens out.
He feels like he needs to say something. Is he supposed to say anything after? 
He decides that he won't ruin the silence, no matter how badly he wants to sabotage the tender moment.
You stroke his side with your thumb, going in tiny circles, and he replies by lightly scratching your back, falling into a steady rhythm.
Thirty-four years ago, Kuchel Ackerman had a daughter. 
One more person knows and the world didn't end.
Levi sleeps through the whole night and in the morning, he doesn't run.
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Phew, I wrote this in one sitting and even now I have 20 more ideas for this plot. Old man pussy is a prison.
I would just like to clarify that reader isn't 'oblivious' to the existence of trans people by choice. It was mainly because I tried to keep to the canon timeframe, and in like 800's I don't know if such a thing would exist in the first place? It's definitely a very peculiar and specific situation that I had in mind aswell.
All in all, thank you for making it this far! Mwah💕
tip-yar : Ko-Fi 💕
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